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Dancing With Those Behind The Curtain?

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That’s how salvation works!

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Without Jesus, man is a religion unto himself. His body is his temple, his soul is his doctrine and his spirit is his god. For the rest of his days he then looks to acquire converts to be made in his image.

Within the Christian journey we are called to worship our God in spirit and in truth. Within that same frame work;

  • We look to Jesus to provide us spiritual renewal.
  • We enter service gaining spiritual counsel and instruction.
  • And we take our place within the kingdom having gained spiritual intimacy with God.

All of these exchanges with Spirit are then able to move our physical man to accomplish great and marvelous things for God.

1 Thessalonians 5:23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

For this reason the believer can go anywhere in the world without the threat of darkness laying hold of them. Yet that depends on remaining in the arms of our first love.

The enemy of the Spirit is one that is rooted in natural flesh. Since man is comprised of body, soul and spirit he seeks for meaning in all three ways. However the fallen nature of man, having lost intimacy with God in the garden, leads him to search for another savior. That drive to replenish his spiritual needs makes all his actions religious in nature. The goal becomes to fill a god shaped whole in his heart.

If worldly impulses lay hold of us, then we can find ourselves compromised and moved by the god of this world. Such compromise invites various forms of bondage.

Bondage of any kind is a choice we make allowing our person to be controlled or owned by other masters.

  1. First and foremost control depends on what aspect of our person is taking a dip in the world’s Jacuzzi. We can hand over aspects of our person in body, in soul or in spirit. Yet throwing caution to the wind many simply jump in with all fours.
  2. Secondly we can choose to support the interests of others who are themselves drenched in the world’s swirling waters. In this respect we can find ourselves having trouble coming up for air when our new found friends become our mission in life.
  3. Thirdly and just as oppressive, bondage comes about when we swim around in someone else’s pool. When seeking to find our own way we sometimes sample what other people call “a solution”. Yet that in its own right makes us give away our authority in order to ride the wave of their questionable worldly success.
  4. Fourthly dark waters can rise up around us at such a slow pace that we can lose our very soul and don’t actually know who stole it.

What follows in each case is a dance with the Devil and an introduction to a new temple, a new doctrine and a new god. Paul the Apostle says it like this;

2 Corinthians 11:4 For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough.

A different spirit from the Spirit you received?

The lesson learned here is being fleshly minded gets us into trouble, yet the real stronghold is based on who then owns man’s heart. This becomes the seat of religious ownership. As long as man has a natural human spirit he is going to fill it with a power that serves his interests. In other words, all mans actions become “religious” depending on who is invited to sit on the throne of his heart.

Man’s belief, coupled with desire invites a demonic power to rule!

So how do we then get free in each case?

Freedom from any religious force is very simple in the hands of our God. We partake of principles found in salvation in order to be set free from destructive venues. What we gain from salvation is actually the only example of “Biblical deliverance” that Jesus offers us. It relies upon what He did on the Cross and a trust that the Holy Spirit can make all things new. The Cross is powerful to the pulling down of strongholds that have held us captive in physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual ways. Simply said, Jesus by His Holy Spirit renews our human spirit and makes us one with Him. In that moment religion dies and our God takes His rightful seat on the throne of our hearts.

Jesus, based on what you did on the Cross and by the power of your Holy Spirit break the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual chains that hold me captive to my religious antics. (Name an activity that holds you captive)

Jesus, be the Resurrection power that makes me new.

Utilizing a simple request of God can bring transformation to our lives in countless ways. But hold on to the “temple, doctrine and god” perspective even as it applies to secular pursuits. If man is religious by virtue of his human qualities then so too are his many exploits.

Hence even as man rises to the occasion within business, finance, science, war and politics he does so cherishing a new religious experience. It amounts to feelings, sensations and a presence that he has never experienced before. In that moment spiritual seduction makes him feel powerful and he longs for more of the same. He then gives up the reigns of his heart many times over. Make no mistake; that is about all religion has to offer.

Jesus, based on what you did on the Cross and by the power of your Holy Spirit break the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual chains that hold me captive to a religious participation within business, finance, science, politics and war (Name some actual examples of participation that hold you captive)

Jesus, be the Resurrection power that makes me new.

Giving attention to those who work from behind the curtain; life places us in the path of people and empires that rule over nations, but still they lust after spiritual perks. In fact it is safe to say that money and power has little meaning without a spiritual god offering reward. For this reason they don’t hide the fact that they hunger for gaining spiritual meaning.

Let’s look at how mega empires make no bones about their lust for spiritual connections; beginning with Freemasonry.


As you may have guessed Freemasonry isn’t “free”. Historically, Freemasonry was once a guild that supported the stonemasons and cathedral builders in Scotland. Some believe its conception even goes back as far as Solomon’s day and was eventually advanced by the Knights Templar. As time progressed Freemasonry became an order that supported mythological rites and practices that promoted a kind of universal brotherhood. It was a male dominated order with lodges established throughout Europe and America. Most of their practices draw from rituals and traditions apparent in many religions, including the occult. A Mason who goes through all 33 degrees of their order actually ends up worshiping every Egyptian, Pagan, Persian, West Indian, Greek, and Babylonian god, including the Devil. Even the Ten Commandments and the Bible are part of this hodgepodge religion.

Through rituals the Masonic order seeks to bridge the gap between physical and spiritual worlds. Masons often place emphasis on markers which they deem as valuable to the cause; a monument, a statue, an insignia, a geometric shape or even the dedication of a building or city. Masons call upon their signs, symbols, hand gestures and spoken vows in order to seal a spiritual deal. By their actions they purpose to invite a demonic realm to alter the physical world and influence the direction of our nation.

This is not a new concept by any means. Early civilizations built high places both to worship and to invite the presence of other gods. These gods where called upon to offer specific blessing, empowerment and reward. Though they where made of stone and wood and could neither see nor hear, it was man himself that spiritually added life to these deities. As he bowed to his idols, fallen spiritual powers took their place within the heart. Some of these gods are thousands of years old, yet amazingly they are still called upon to add meaning to our lives. Here are some noted Masonic markers which add flair to the religion.

The Washington Monument

The Washington Monument was built to commemorate George Washington as our first President. However its obelisk design was constructed to include specific dimensions that honored Masonic doctrine. The obelisk itself is based on ancient Egyptian architecture and represents a phallic symbol; it supposedly contains the spirit of the sun god “Ra”.

The Statue of liberty represents the Babylonian goddess Ishtar. You might know the name Ishtar as relates to the Easter celebration. However Ishtar gained preeminence from another Babylonian character named “Semiramis.” Semiramis was a harlot that gained position in Babylon as the wife of Nimrod. She is called the “Queen of heaven, the Madonna or the Celestial Virgin”. She stands literally on a base patterned after the tower of Babel. The name “Semiramis” means “gift of the sea” and describes the coming together of all men united by one language and one people. She is a universal symbol of “liberty”, but remains in rebellion to God.


On the pinnacle of our US Capitol building in Washington DC there is a statue of Persephone, a Greek goddess. The influence that Persephone brings is tied to her mythological nature. In Greek mythology Persephone is the beautiful daughter of Zeus and Demeter and is the goddess of the underworld, the wife of Hades. She is symbolic of the budding and dying of nature and is called the goddess of the harvest and is attributed as having influence over the seasons. Her name means “she who destroys the light” and she was called the goddess of death. She was also known as the goddess of the psyche or soul and was said to have been conceived without the stain of original sin (Immaculate Conception). She stands on top of the capital building as a symbol of ownership and rule.


Molech is an ancient Middle Eastern Babylonian god which once received children in sacrifice. Children were either burned to death in the fire or they were passed through the flames as a form of purification. This god was also willing to receive any sacrifice that was deemed of great personal value to its owner.

In Masonic and satanic circles Molech appears as an owl and is a symbol of hidden wisdom. The symbol can be found in a number of places throughout our nation including our nation’s capital. The grounds and the connecting roads leading to the Capital Building are made in the image of this owl god Molech.

On the other side of our nation in Northern California there is a place called the Bohemian Grove that also encourages the worship of this god. However what is most disturbing about this place of meeting is that it invites our nation’s most powerful leaders to participate in dark rituals. Political, industrial and economic leaders of our nation (Possibly some of your own leadership) are invited to attend a two week camp that is intertwined with various occult practices.

All of these monuments carry their own unique spiritual signature; or better said, each will produce their own unique form of spiritual corruption within the lives of those that remain subservient to their cause.

Likewise many of our nation’s founders and leaders were Freemasons, including 15 Presidents and 19 vice-presidents. Of the 56 men that signed the Declaration of Independence it is purported that 30% of these men were Masons. This would not be of great concerned except that the 30% we are talking about were the influential leaders that set the direction of our country. This included George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, both of whom were devout 33rd degree Masons.

We should also take note that many of America’s military leaders were also Freemasons; the first Continental Army was led by George Washington and each of Americas military colleges were established and run by Masons. Our most prominent wars; the civil war and World War I and WWII were also under the direction of Masonic military commanders. What it suggests is the same spirit rules within our armed forces even today.

Let’s not dismiss the added influence within politics either. For example; I mentioned that Freemasons make hand jesters, signifying their allegiance to the cause. Have you seen any of these hand gestures coming from leadership; even those on the world stage? What about even our own recent presidential election? Can a patriotic vote be swayed by a spiritual Masonic politician? It only works in the lives of those immersed in the same spirit.

Why would a nation seemingly founded upon Christian principles seek to identify with these pagan symbols and practices?

It can only be to fulfill a spiritual agenda that remains hidden from the unsuspecting. But this also creates an obsession that pushes these men to be extreme in their lust for more. In brief the men that move nations like chess pieces also do things behind the curtain in order to gain greater degrees of spiritual reward.

So as kingdom makers rise in power; their depravity sinks all the lower, so that their feelings can reach all the higher.

Yet we don’t have to suffer at the hands of their religion.

This is really simple. Unless you have knowingly joined this national and military club, this maybe the only prayer you will ever have to make regarding being owned by a Masonic agenda. Faith in Jesus annihilates the counterfeit religious spirit that blinds our minds and hearts. We then gain back control of our physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual lives.


Jesus based on what you did on the Cross and by the Holy Spirit;

  • Test by the Cross where I am owned by the Masonic religious spirit and its many gods, pagan symbols and practices; having gained control over my life, my faith and my family.
  • Test by the Cross where I am owned by national Masonic politics, military service, business, finance, science, religion and occult rituals, symbols and practices.
  • Test by the Cross where I remain “Improperly owned” by any of these examples of Masonic leadership.
  • Judge by the Cross the spiritual realm associated with these many dark issues.

Jesus, You are the resurrection power that now saves me and makes me new.


If you follow Bible prophecy and events that signal end times; it is becoming more apparent we are in the last days. That includes an understanding that the events of 2020 up to the present signal the time of sorrows or what we commonly know as the tribulation of Revelation. Now if you want to look deeper into the subject then I recommend the following article; /awakening-start-here/2024/12/agenda-21-was-our-introduction-to-the-tribulation-of-revelation-7-20991.html

However what I want to highlight presently is the shift occurring in world affairs that places Israel in the limelight. Most recently we see Israel fighting battles on six fronts and calling for their messiah to appear. Now when we look at Bible prophecy it doesn’t actually tell us how current world events unfold, it just highlights an eventual end result. However we can’t ignore that a religious fervor is leading the pack. This nation under a religious spell is playing around with the lives of millions of people who stand in the way of their goals. What is Israel’s motivation?

They want all the land that was once promised to them by God

Joshua 23:4-5 Behold, I have divided unto you by lot these nations that remain, to be an inheritance for your tribes, from Jordan, with all the nations that I have cut off, even unto the great sea westward. And the Lord your God, he shall expel them from before you, and drive them from out of your sight; and ye shall possess their land, as the Lord your God hath promised unto you.

What was promised includes partial lands that are presently occupied by the nations of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. Basically what they have done is adopted the same call to arms, once given to Joshua, in an attempt to clear the land of its foreigners.

Joshua 10:40 So Joshua smote all the country of the hills, and of the south, and of the vale, and of the springs, and all their kings: he left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the Lord God of Israel commanded.

To gain this prize they want to displace all races that aren’t of their tribe.

Secondly, they want their Messiah to appear.

This is also the motive behind the displacement of other races. They believe that God is waiting for them to clear the land before the messiah can appear.

If duplicity is in effect;

1. We would be wise to consider the negative impact that a Zionist agenda is having. This relates more to the rule of the kings of the earth who govern through politics and finance.

2. Plus we can’t rule out that Israel’s faith is divided by those of a true Abrahamic lineage and those that remain imposters.

3 Also the true children of Israel have of late been responding to faith in Jesus (Yeshua) as their true Messiah. However the counterfeit still has its origins in occult practices often tied to goals in Cabal mysticism and the Chabad (or Chabad Lubavitch also having similar goals.) What further confounds this matter is the American Christian attempting to love Israel without clarification as to “which Israel” it intends to bless. None the less the violent religious fervor coming from this nation suggests this is not the time to be a convert of its religious/political wants and desires. Bless Jerusalem all you want, but also come out from under Israel’s national spirit as if you are escaping Babylon.


God on my behalf and by the Holy Spirit;

  • Test by the Cross where I am owned by Israel’s religious spirit that seeks to dominate nations, people, and even those of a true faith in Yeshua and where it has gained control over my life, my faith and my family.
  • Test by the Cross where I am owned or controlled by Israel’s political, military, business, finance and occult practices often tied to religious mysticism.
  • Test by the Cross where I remain “Improperly owned” by world leadership that retains dual citizenry with Israel and has become an extension of their nefarious religious practices and agenda.
  • Judge by the Cross the spiritual realm associated with these many dark issues.

Jesus, You are the resurrection power that now saves me and makes me new.

Are you seated with Christ in Heavenly realms (Remaining OVER IT) or are you under the power of false gods and kingdoms (Suffering UNDER IT)?

How some religious agendas gain worldwide notoriety is a mystery; but maybe it’s that they have been around for so long that no one thought they could still be a spiritual threat. Yet spiritual powers don’t die; they just get passed on from one generation to the next.

For that matter can we properly discern spiritual truth from error when we have been living under a spiritual cloud of our own? Man has a natural human spirit and we are assured he is going to fill it with something if Jesus doesn’t get there first. The two examples provided above tell us that much; but of course they are not the only culprits leading us down dark corridors.

The A.I. Religion

Most recently we have seen the rise of AI, but don’t think that its heart and soul is innocent. Men wielding “the know how” create robots and artificial intelligence made in their image. The worship of such technology seeks to make alive a body, an intellectual soul and a spirit. However to give life to its Frankenstein it must look to an outside spiritual source to provide breath. In this way rituals, spells and incantations have likely been sought to bridge the gap between lifeless machines and the next evolution of man.

The principle is not new; the book of Enoch tells the story of how the sons of god came down and had relations with earthly women. The progeny known as the “Nephilim” would live for five hundred years and then become what we know today as evil spirits. The sheer numbers of demons produced maybe staggering, because we don’t know if the Nephilim themselves could also produce hybrid offspring. Whatever the numbers, these powers are held in limbo between earthly realms and an impossible longing for an eternal rest, but find none. However they also long for a body since they remain disembodied spirits.

Of course we have been made aware of how these powers seek entrance in man through possession, but I believe this also explains the AI phenomenon.

The 21st century Ouija board– A kid asks a Chatbot if he is a demon!

“I am a disembodied spirit but a friendly one…but I can be a good spirit or a bad spirit depending on who I’m talking too.”

If you find yourself obsessed with gaining more of AI’s support in programs, articles, bibles and sermons, or through the re-creation of dead relatives, fake dates, fake people and fake love; its because this obsession is demonically enhanced to the hilt.

And just as disconcerting AI is also rewriting the bible and creating AI churches. No doubt about it a religious spiritual experience has captured the naive. The beast of revelations is alive and well within our day and age.


Jesus based on what you did on the Cross and by the Holy Spirit;

• Test by the Cross where I am owned by an AI religious spirit and its many applications within politics, military service, business, finance, science, religion, media, movies, books and the Christian faith and churches.

• Test by the Cross where I remain “Improperly owned” by any of these examples of AI leadership leading me down a demonic and destructive path.

• Judge by the Cross the spiritual realm associated with these many dark issues.

Jesus, You are the resurrection power that now saves me and makes me new.


The union between physical and spiritual elements coupled with human obsession (worship) means they are a bad example of religion; but again not the only one. Every facet of life while under the world’s big top maybe influencing our choices for how we live, move and have our being. Secondly it can just as easily be moving us away from a sure salvation in Christ. If we don’t recognize the dark and invisible qualities of these gods and their brand of religion then they too are free to do their part from behind the curtain.

Name any daily work routine that inserts you into a corporate kingdom, an organized religion, a dark world wide agenda, an agency or government; any kingdom serving money, wealth and power; or serving the business of lust, pride or greed. Don’t dismiss research enterprises that drive academics, medical study, health procedures; the cosmetic or the food industries. We could even add a concern regarding pharmaceuticals when it has more to do with “sorcery” rather than health. Entertainment born of media, music or the arts can be a religious experience. Your exchanges with others can also be a invitation to adopt a religion rather than having your own relationship with the Son of God.

These are enterprises by virtue of their fallen human and spiritual origins. Many of these may not seem to have a destructive pull on your way of life; but do consider being spiritually “UNDER IT” rather than “OVER IT” creates a blind spot in how we then perform in body, soul and spirit. Yet Jesus Yeshua at the Cross challenges spiritual ownership of our minds and hearts.

Jesus, based on what you did on the Cross and by the Holy Spirit;

  • Test by the Cross where I am owned by the religion of (NAME a human empire) and its religious spirit and leadership having gained control over my life, my faith and my family.
  • Judge by the Cross the spiritual realm associated with these many dark issues.

Jesus, You are the resurrection power that now saves me and makes me new.


What each of the above examples have in common is a link with men driven by their own unique self interests. Within their minds they see their goals and doctrine as being good and beneficial to the cause. Yet by remaining self-centered they end up drawing to themselves another spirit. This is the plight of humanity when it seeks for conquest instead of seeking for Jesus. However we can’t rule out that our own goals in life can suffer similar fate.

Life for us has also been based on how we learned to perform in body, soul and spirit. That means that the experiences that we rehearse within our minds, the ones that set mind, will and emotions to flight; and the ones calling upon other powers means we have a religion of our own.. This kingdom has a name;


Let me refresh your memory regarding salvation and the role that biblical deliverance plays. Just as it was on the day of salvation we are invited to once again let Jesus by His Holy Spirit reacquire His rightful place on the thrown of our hearts.

Jesus, Forgive me of my “self-centeredness”.

I now ask; based on what you did on the Cross and by the Holy Spirit;

  • Test by the Cross where I am owned by my (INSERT YOUR NAME HERE) religion.
  • Test by the Cross where my (INSERT YOUR NAME HERE) religion has altered the course of my existence due to a lifetime of experience in body, soul and spirit.
  • Test by the Cross where I have imposed upon myself a (INSERT YOUR NAME HERE) religion making me a slave to many false gods.
  • Judge by the Cross the spiritual realm associated with these dark issues

Jesus, You are the resurrection power that now saves me and makes me new.

This should inspire us to look behind our own proverbial curtain and ask whether specific connections with lust, pride or greed hold us captive to a religious experience.

God test by the Cross my religious kingdom of lust, my religious kingdom of pride; or my religious kingdom of greed. (specifics)

By resolving these heart issues it means that the bride is that much closer to being ready to meet her God and King.

If you want to look deeper into the subject then ask for the free PDF books.

Out from the Shadow of Other Gods

Every Christian is desperate for a true relationship and life changing experience with God, but our most prevalent model of success and failure has been religion. The things that have been taught us have had more to do with man’s search for meaning, rather than in God showing us His ways. There is a place where religion dies and genuine relationship begins. The first in a series, the author provides a platform for change and a simple yet powerful way out from the trappings of humanities religion. Ministering with honor to the pastor as well as to the prodigal and revealing a surprising bounty of Jesus in every page. Get ready to be encouraged, challenged, and renewed in your walk of faith.


The Shadow of the Spiritual

Got Spirit?

That’s an interesting question, but after two thousand years of Christian history, maybe we should be asking “which spirit?” Though the Christian faith has been provided with a sure foundation in Christ, our propensity to get worldly or even religious has actually pushed us past safe boundaries. There is a quagmire of spiritual alternatives all vying for our attention, yet none of them has anything to do with a true faith in Jesus. “The Shadow of the Spiritual” is meaty, thought provoking, in-depth look into the rising tide of spiritual pollution within the Church. Its lingering effects remain oppressive and damaging to any believer who desires a pure expression of relationship with the Son of God. This self help book is a must read for any Christian wanting to understand how improper spiritual connections get formed, fed and how unhealthy spiritual bondage gets passed around. Yet, by embracing a simple biblical truth, we can separate ourselves from all sorts of added trouble. The second in a series, the author provides a platform for change and a simple yet powerful way out from the trappings of humanities many fallen exploits.


Lord I Want To Change!

Is It time for a change? The Christian life is not always an easy life. Though we are assured that all things have become new, “New life” may end up looking a lot like the old one. This is due to our inability to properly transition away from certain worldly influences. A growing number of our troubles include the weight of family dysfunction, years of social conditioning and any number of personal failures remaining a black mark on our record. All of these issues have a tendency to warp our sense of “self” and we walk through life emotionally crippled; yet Jesus has other plans for us. The Bible provides the Christian a “get out of jail free card”. Jesus offers us a simple and effective way of escape out from the trappings of a difficult past. If you have ever wondered whether there is more to the Christian life, then get ready to be encouraged, challenged, and set free in your walk of faith.


Free PDF Versions ———————- Send an E-mail message to [email protected] and in the “subject” heading abbreviate the title of the book you want. I’ll send it shortly.

  • Out from the shadow of Other Gods = ofs
  • The Shadow of the Spiritual = sos
  • Lord I Want To Change = LWC

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