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Frank Words wonders: R love n life the most precious intangile commodities in the universe that everybody wants more of but they can't be bought, manufactured or...

The aAwful Truth About Vladimir Putin's Mother | World War 2 Effect

Missing Students Found Dead in Mexico

Elon Reveals who is behind ATTACKS on X

Trump Will Never Come Clean About Epstein Because it Implicates Him and His Own Pedpphila!

Frank Words wonders: Did Jesus survive but the believers died on the cross, n is the anti-Christ one of the most successfull conspiracy theories ever conceived

Did Barbara Bracher-Olson return as Lady Booth-Olson?

Faked the Jab Trump FEMA Was Given All Power 4 Years Ago From Trump💔Nanobots Found in Unvaccinated Blood with Dr. Ana Mihalcea-Chris Sky and the State of Affairs

Frank Words wonders: Did a Before The Creation People exist 3 million yrs ago called Jains have a culture with these concepts: That the universe just IS, that...

Frank Words wonders:Is God ur invisible man! Has God's personality been shadow banned from ur inner sight by ur religion, ur education n abstract word concepts that transformed u into...

Frank Words wonders: Does IQ mean ur indoctrination quotient n not intelligence quotient. Does I Q mean ur smarter or that u r highly impressionable n easily...

Frank Words wonders: Is The Void Heaven, if so take me to The Void for everything I believe is a lie, n I have been deceived my entire life

Frank Words wonders: Is God's spirit ur personality, has there ever been a moment in ur life when ur personality wasn't present but u have u been bred ignorant so...

History of the "City of London" Banking Golden Square Mile

Deep State turns US democracy into fiction

Biden Regime behind massive child trafficking networks in Guatemala, hidden by NGOs that front as “humanitarian aid”  to “save” the kids of this sex slave trade

Frank Words wonders: Do u know ur personality is God's most treasured personal person his Glorious Son, if not then r u a parasite that is a spirit sucking...

Frank Words wonders: Is the soul n spirit one n the same or is that concept an assumption that u have persumed valid ur entire life...

Frank Words wonders: Is Jesus my brother or...

Trump Master Mason MAGA KING

Elites Infiltrate Commerce Dept. to Usher in Surveillance State and Global Digital Currency

The Art Of The Deal With The Devil

The 'HIDDEN HAND' operating in MAINstream Media

Detroit - another Millionaires and Billionaires Land and Money grab via empty promises they will deliver maybe 5% of...

Happening Now!! The End of America 2025

Frank Words wonders: To who am I talking when I'm talking to myself...

Frank Words wonders: Did u exist before The Creation

Frank words wonders: Is the Holy Trinity Me, Myself n I

Mike Adams: Trump's Picks - Drain The Swamp - Think Again

Why is Hitler the most reviled man in History?

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