GeoPolitics Poem - Ilias Bafas
To Have Morals & Common Sence Is Like A Magic-Power In Today’s Modern Society!
First they sent a SWAT team to New Zealand to capture Kim Dotcom, a German national, for something that’s legal in both New Zealand and Germany, and I did not speak out — because I was not in the IT business…
Then, they conducted drone strikes and assassinations around the world, and I did not speak out — because I was not a swarthy foreigner…
Then, they invaded countries, from Panama, to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria and I did not speak out — because I believed we were always on the side of good nations built on truth and justice…
Then, they manipulated the global economy and I did not speak out — because I did not trade in shares on the stock market…
Then, they created the largest debt bubble in the history of the world and hijacked every nations government and I did not speak out — because I did not have a credit card and or any bank loans….
I wonder and ponder on How this poem will end?
Humanity’s moral compass is switched off, nobody even cares on the absurdity of all this, much less is outraged!!!
This is all just in relative terms, a smelly tempest in a public toilet bowl… Get Ready, much more bigger, & real serious things are brewing worldwide!!!
Ilias Bafas