Nibiru, 2nd sun at sunset and a Galactic Cloud/Wave seen in the early morning hours, well before sunrise
Is there a wave coming from the galactic center? The person making the time-lapse film calls it an orb, but it looks more like a cloud or a wave. Red in colour, appearing at 2:30 in the morning. The other three videos are of double sunsets close together, almost overlapping.
0230 am
July 30th, 2018
The Netherlands
A red orb or galactic cloud/wave is in the direction of Ophiuchus, near the galactic center. The galactic center is just below the horizon in a southwest direction as seen from the Netherlands at that time of night. Ophiuchus is west southwest.
July 31st 2018
Western U.S.
Two suns at sunset The sun is in Cancer.
August 1st 2018
United States, looks to be northern U.S.A.
The second sun is with our Sun in Cancer.
August 2nd 2018
Canada, looks to be western Canada because overlooking water
The second sun with our sun are both in Cancer.
The second sun, if three times the size of Jupiter or 1/3 the size of our sun, as O.M. Aivanhov says, must be this side of the sun – and a fair way this side, to look that big.
O.M. Aivanhov
Sept. 25th 2010
msg 110, , the original is in French.
“It is visible but not with the retinal vision since this star called Hercobulus (it is a star all right, it is not a planet) which is larger than Jupiter, 3 times the size of Jupiter, it is visible in infra-red. It will become visible only when it passes to the other side of the Sun because it does not turn in the same sagittal plane as you, it is at 90º compared to the other planets. And the manifestations that you observe on Earth, it is the conjunction of the Sun, of course, which is your own Beingness which is liberated, it is the conjunction of the Galactic Wave that you have touched, it is the conjunction of Hercobulus whose gravitational attraction becomes clearer and it is, finally, the arrival of the Light of Orion.”
There is no nibiru, idiot….your first picture shows venus….
There is no Nibiru planet. The Nibiru story is a literary invention by author Zecharia Sitchin to sell books. Follow the money: he got wealthy selling this fiction. Sitchin was a journalist. He had no training in ancient Middle Eastern languages or religions. He could not read ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, or any of the others. Go to YouTube and do a search for MICHAEL HEISER ZECHARIA SITCHIN. This topic is well explored on YouTube. Or, go here:
Venus appears after sunset and is currently well away from the sun. So the “first picture” is not, and cannot be of Venus.
sitchen did not invent nibiru or any of his other theories, people have been talking about biblical end of days for thousands of years