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Frank Words wonders: Did Jesus survive but the believers died on the cross, n is the anti-Christ one of the most successfull conspiracy theories ever conceived

Frank Words wonders: Did Jesus survive but the believers died on the cross, n is the anti-Christ one of the most successfull conspiracy theories ever conceived

These Disturbing Videos Exposed Something Massive!..

Frank Words wonders: Did a Before The Creation People exist 3 million yrs ago called Jains have a culture with these concepts: That the universe just IS, that...

Time Russia levels Israel to Dust=Trump Takes U-Turn, Allows Israel To Use 2000-Pound Heavy Bomb - Calls Netanyahu His 'Best Friend'

What happens when you treat evil as good.

NOLA, Vegas, attacks - day 2 of both Facts and evidence as well as continuing Questions (Speculations and What If's)...

WTPN Situation Update 12/17/24 Military Transition Complete

As White Hats Stall, Trump Fills His Cabinet With Swamp Dwelers- It's Over They've Won


The Korean Problem.

Welcome To The Greatest Behind The Scenes Military Inteligence Sting Operation Of All Time!

Ukraine-North Korea Starting World War 3 With Nukes (Video)

Ukrainians Retreat From Toretsk⚔️Breakthrough At Siversk🔥IDF Advance🎖Military Summary For 2024.10.09

FBI "claims" foiled an upcoming Terror Plot for Election 2024 day... Can, could, should, we believe them?!?!?

Any attacks from Israel will be met with an “unconventional response,” Tehran has said

Breaking: Houthis Hit Israel With Hypersonic Missle (Video)

Frank Words wonders: Is planet an abreviation for a planned net...

Frank Words wonders: Do u know or do u believe...

A great people deserve a great government

Russia is at war with the entire West.

Disinformation Uber Driver Juan O Savin and Q R TARDS-[KHAZARS NOT 'JEWS' & ZIONISM] THE CONVERSATION _ ''QUOTE BY SOURCE'' [K_H 202]

The Price (Video)

It's Happening! Mass Arrests- EBS on Stand By- Buckle Up

The Great Setup With Dr. David Martin

Ukraine on the Verge of Complete Collapse | Scott Ritter

Trump Authorized A $10 Billion Military Operation To Poison Americans

Are We Under Attack? It's Connected! 911 Now Down in 8 States, Bridge Hit, Planes Grounded, Cells Out

Baltimore -The bridge, oh not the bridge!

US, Britain, Ukraine behind Crocus City Hall attack

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