Victimhood -- Expecting victimhood, no surprise one finds it…
Expecting victimhood, no surprise one finds it…
If one expects to be a Victim, not surprising to find victimhood around every corner…
I have been sitting on this Story since late August, cannot hold my RAGE from it any longer…
I was at the Wyandotte Michigan Big-Boy, I’m a regular there, had an Oreo Shake – but that is not important, what is important is the POS Race-baiting BITCH that wandered in while I was there. The staff suggested THE WHITE COUPLE a minute before that came in “might want to sit around the corner and the back area of the building!” I know, I was there, I saw/heard for myself, as I whenever possible sit in the booth by the door…. Now, WHY – cuz they were SPREADING OUT THE CROWD as yes there are people PARANOID AGAIN as the #ENEMEdia ramps up peddling #WuhanVirus HYSTERIA (the MASkS hysteria started again already in August) already to try and prepare the Nation for LOCKDOWNS again in time for the Election and more MAIL-IN BALLOT CHEATING OPPORTUNITY excuses. Period!
But, of course, when the same young white hostess said THE EXACT SAME THING to the “BLACK WOMAN” (and, yes, my “Black friends” call themselves Black, NOT African-American as Charlize Theron and Elon Musk are more “African-American” (actually from Africa recently) than they) who just happened to come in next OF COURSE IT MUST BE #RACISM, right?!?!? How bleeping pathetic. The dumb Bitch then made clear WHO the problem was/is (HER) by claiming to have had #Racist comments made to her some other place for Breakfast, that same day (somehow she is a magnet for Racists anywhere within a 50 mile radius of her). Guess what the common denominator is – her! Not others, HER! NO, cannot possibly be you are over-sensitive and twist everything you hear to assure yourself of your victimhood, has to be all those other people you encounter every day!!! #moron #racist
I really wanted to say: “WANNA SEE A RACIST? Go home and look in your mirror!” I did not say it though, not because I was afraid to but because the idiot would have probably welcomed the chance to make an even bigger spectacle of herself and it probably best just to let the idiot get her order and get her ass out of there quicker than create a bigger scene. Hindsight being 20/20, as the saying goes – I am disappointed that I did not say that as this is the same thing with the Rainbow Alphabet Mafia, Black Lying Marxist, and other crowds, they never stop spewing their manure and we let them Win if/when we allow ourselves to just get so damn tired of it all, just roll our eyes and ignore the nonsense, we then just LET IT PASS and don’t speak-up/out/back. This manure must be challenged, and this young girl needed me to defend her – and I failed her; I owe her, and she will get, an apology from me for failing her.
The idiot completely self-unaware went on not long thereafter to further protest how clearly she didn’t get her order fast enough, zero to do with all those who came in before her – HAD TO BE because she is Black! All the while, the Hostess was in the Bathroom crying having been ridiculously, and without merit, DEVOID of any basis or other evidence, WAS CALLED A RACIST. DEVOID of acknowledgement to the OTHER BLACK FOLK also in this “clearly Racist” (according to that idiot, who of course didn’t leave but insisted on sitting around proclaiming her victimhood loudly to/for all to hear) establishment (owned/operated by (darker skinned) Arab-Americans, not Racist southern demoKKKrats). Yep, sure. I left before she did, but care to put any bet that she didn’t bother to leave the staff any tip?!?!? #MORON #SelfCentered #Diva #Racist
Same goes for #AntiSemites I run into. Moaning, complaining, some conspiratorial JEW under every rock, around every corner, IT CANNOT BE THEM RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WORTHLESSNESS OF THEIR LIFE but anyone, everyone, else — EVERYONE IS OUT TO GET THEM.
VIDEO (17m 12s): The Intellectual Roots of ‘WOKEness’ (Ryan Chapman):
What about diversity/inclusion? Leftist trolls may be reading this…
We in Michigan have been calling it “DIE” (NOT “DEI” – cuz it is about KILLING our Culture)… Often repeated during our (listen live on weekends 9a, 1p, 2p, Eastern-Time-Zone, shows)…
DIVERSITY (we already have that in THE GREAT AMERICAN MELTING POT (we BLEND, it’s NOT “Cultural Appropriation” you morons, U. S. A. is the most Diverse Nation on the Planet (E Pluribus Unum – from many one – we blend many Cultures into our own unique INCLUSIVE Culture)), INCLUSION (ditto), EQUITY (NO THANKS, keep your bullshit Commie/Marxist/WOKE/#PathecticalCorruptness equity term, we have EQUAL OPPORTUNITY and EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW here in U. S. A. already)!
So, as I just put forth, THEY DON’T BELIEVE THE “DI” PART in their bogus talking-points, cuz they are trying to DESTROY THE “DI” with Black only Dorms, Black only (Segregation) Ceremonies, etc…
And like I often say during interviews discussing my book – if Orwell were alive today about Animal Farm (which I mention in my book, to bolster the additional points to Orwell) writing a sequel – the line would likely be: “Some Animals get more EQUITY (Special Rights, Special Privileges, rather than EQUAL) Rights than other Animals!”
The other issue necessary to discuss too is The Left’s incessant use of “Identity Politics.” If anyone and everyone can “identify” as whatever the hell they want at any given moment, there is no such thing as “Racism” as we can “identify” as whatever, whenever, and therefore physical appearance (M. L. K. Jr desire for such aside, he didn’t mean it like this) and one’s external “Color” (actual skin-tone) as something that is completely irrelevant.
VIDEO (35s): Born A Poor Black Boy (The Jerk):
Not an aside, but something I’ve shared on Social-Media over the years about #IdentityPolitics…
Some of the #PatheticallyCorrupt and #IdentityPolitics games/nonsense….
While YOU, ME, WE, may dislike #IdentityPolitics (idiot Left “Intersectionalism”), sometimes an Enemy dictates the Battlefield that you must Fight on. Failure to Fight any particular Battle, means Surrender (automatic LOSS).
Sometimes you can pick the time and location of a Battle taking it to the Enemy, other times you must Defend (more-so, Fight back) upon the Battlefield the Enemy dictates.
Running away and pretending this is not happening is not a useful strategy. Trying to claim you are too good to bother to Fight and get your hands dirty is (again, lame excuse for) SURRENDER!
Lincoln did not get to just say – you know, I’d rather not bother to confront Confederate Troops amassed at Gettysburg (let’s ignore the situation and pretend it isn’t happening). To do so would have then allowed them to March on next to anywhere they damn well pleased location northward. Unless you are completely outnumbered and have no real way to Fight back, you must engage!
Sadly, a whole lot of MORONS would never, ever, consider voting for a WHITE MALE REPUBLICAN, but potentially could/would others… It is RACIST, and bullshit, but sad REALITY OF OUR IDIOTIC TIMES… And you cannot Govern, if you do not Win…
Below from my “’#ChristiTutionalist Politics’ podcast on air! Finally News purely Christian U. S. Constitutional perspective…. Plus recent SCOTUS Rulings discussion” BeforeItsNews piece from June 30th 2023:
… Same with the AFFIRMATIVE ACTION case from yesterday, that the SCOTUS failed to make clear any determination or consideration on Race is violation of 14A in the UofM AA policy having been challenged years ago — and MORON ROBERTS in his comments did it again, instead of saying we should have gone further in that previous case and this one would not have been necessary the moron made mumblings and hints they could rework the programs and still discriminate…
So, of course, and I was just on w/ Rick Walker and MAVERICK NEWS last night discussing, the Left will get the University Deans, some Prof’s, the Lawyers, Leftwing pandering Politicians; as they all profit off the division scam/con/game; and decide what do we call the new scam/con that will be exactly the same as the old scam/con but with a different name — and will be put in place and last for decades as new court challenges made all the way to SCOTUS (AGAIN) because moron Roberts “moderates” the Court and wants “limited scope” Rulings THAT DO NOT FULLY / REALLY / ACTUALLY RESOLVE the Constitutional aspect forever AS THEY SHOULD AND IS THEIR JOB to do so.
[image source: JlenardDetroit GAB account screen-shot - NOTE: 1 year after posting B4IN archives articles and images are stripped]
MLK Jr. is finally able to look down from Heaven and Smile as his Dream of indeed ABSOLUTE EQUALITY (not bullshit Marxist “Special Privileges” for some over others, and end to Racist Laws/policy) and “content of character” indeed be the Mark of all Men/Women (both, and the only two, Sexes/Genders) rather than the prism of their Skin-Tone finally achieved. Meanwhile the newest Justice, idiot appointed by #JoeBiDUMB (Liberal/FASCICRATS Activist, NOT Rule-Of-Law and Constitution Judge) Jackass… er… I mean… “Jackson” in her rants and raves demand she get Special Rights and Privileges (like I will be discussing with Phil Stargell of ART WAAM Sat’s 9a on ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast S1E10 Show (how the Civil Rights Act went off the Rails)) for her Skin-Tone and others (NOT everyone’s own Merits). The stupidity of the Left Marxist Pathetical Corruptness WOKEist manure to divide and destroy USA from within.
Yep, we in Michigan have been calling it “DIE” (NOT “DEI” – because it is about killing our Culture)… Often repeated during our (listen live on Saturday’s (ART) 9a, (MOC) 1p, (YAH) 2p, shows (coined by my Friend Ed Bonderenka on his YAH 2p Sat Show (Show archives/podcast)))…
DIVERSITY (we already have that in THE GREAT AMERICAN MELTING POT (we BLEND, it’s NOT “Cultural Appropriation” you morons, USA is the most Diverse Nation on the Planet (E Pluribus Unum – from many one – we blend many Cultures into our own unique INCLUSIVE Culture)), INCLUSION (ditto), EQUITY (NO THANKS, keep your bullshit Commie Equity term, we have EQUAL OPPORTUNITY and EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW here in USA already)!
So, as I just put forth, they don’t believe the “DI” part in their bullshit talking-points, because they are trying to destroy the “DI” with Black only Dorms, Black only (Segregation) Ceremonies, etc.…
And like I often say during interviews discussing my book: if ORWELL were alive today about ANIMAL FARM (which I mention in my book, to bolster the additional points to Orwell) writing a sequel – the line would be: “Some Animals get more EQUITY (Special Rights, Special Privileges, rather than EQUAL) Rights than other Animals!”
Plus, of course, thinking people know, regarding College admission disparities; which has to do with Urban vs Rural Educated people (regardless of Black, White, Pink, Purple, or Transparent). Want to fix that? Simple fix the damn failing K-12 Urban Education indoctrination factories but the Left does NOT want Educated people, they want dumbed down more easily manipulated people, and also, they do not want to fix K-12.
The Left OPPOSES all efforts to fix K-12. They only care about funneling more money to Teacher’s Unions the protect failures (and FASCICRATS Party kick-backs via donations) in the classroom and miseducation of Children – they refuse “School Choice” even though majority of DUMBocrats Voters support them to be able to use their own money (otherwise confiscated from them via Property Taxes) to send (via Vouchers, NOT Tax Credits, as “Credits” means you have to have it and spend it in order to recover it via Tax Return) Children to Schools of our own choosing — to force Public failures to compete for the dollars. That is the only fix as all they know or care about is that they would lose money (and cause many of the Administrators and failing Teachers to be fired)!!
This is basic common sense, want those unable to “qualify” due to lack of Education (and if/when you give those without sufficient and proper Education to be ready and capable to succeed in College, a pass into College they cannot handle, they drop out (that is why there is a high drop-out rate)). Want to fix both the don’t qualify and high-dropout rate??? fix K-12. And most, even DUMBocrat Voters, agree as Poll after Poll after Poll shows (and, yes, in these cases the Polling is correct, it is usually/mainly POTUS and CONGRESSIONAL polling they FUDGE to shape Candidate opinion rather than Report on Electorate thoughts).
[More/continued in my “’#ChristiTutionalist Politics’ podcast on air! Finally News purely Christian U. S. Constitutional perspective.... Plus recent SCOTUS Rulings discussion” BeforeItsNews piece from June 30th 2023]
VIDEO (4m 13s): “‘The Word Asian Does Not Appear One Time In Your Brief’: Alito Grills Lawyer On Affirmative Action” (Forbes):
Just like with the New York State Gun Laws that the SCOTUS struck-down, they just passed another Law, with a new Title, basically just re-enacting the same policy with a few words changed (twisting/warping language) and pretend “it is different” under the “depends on what the definition of ‘is’ is” dodge that it is somehow not synonymous. Or, in Musical parlance, as the Who sang: “Meet the new Boss, same as the old Boss” (same guy, different Suit, and as usual actually Emperor has “no Clothes”)! They will then enforce the same UnConstitutional policy under the “supposed new/different Law” until such time as the SCOTUS then has to strike it down again.
We will be here again, as Chief idiot… er… I mean… “Chief JustASS” (yes, I often use that as a #hashtag on Social-Media for) Roberts who hinted at loophole around the very Ruling the SCOTUS just handed-down. To end the need for any of these garbage games and “Special Rights” for a Race or Class as stated (and Vivek Ramaswamy spoke on too (like I’ve been for decades) in the ABCNL Prime interview (embedded down-thread)) FIX K-12 for poor Blacks and Whites and all shades of skin-tone between (as this is NOT a Race issue, but a Class issue, but zero is discussed about poor Whites getting stiffed in College admissions – as that does NOT fit the Race-baiting and pandering for Votes narratives) in our Urban failed Education centers.
From Chronicles Magizine “Roberts Left a Loophole in the Affirmative Action Decision”
July 1, 2023 piece by Stephen B. Presser.
Unfortunately, the Court’s opinion left a gigantic loophole that allows college admissions officers to continue to do precisely what Roberts’s opinion expressly condemned. In language that was immediately seized upon by the very Harvard administrators the Court had ostensibly ruled against, Roberts wrote,
Nothing in this opinion should be construed as prohibiting universities from considering an applicant’s discussion of how race affected his or her life, be it through discrimination, inspiration, or otherwise.
Above “Fair-Use” sample with more (full-article) at: Chronicles Magizine “Roberts Left a Loophole in the Affirmative Action Decision”
The Left is always pretending to care about “root causes” but they refuse to address that obvious one pointed out above and the studies showing the failings of Liberal policy that has caused the loss of two-Parent Family homes (as the lack there-of is the greater indicator of a Child not succeeding – ROOT CAUSE (LBJ’s “Great Society” UnConstitutional “Welfare State” (individual Federal Checks is “Personal Welfare” and zero to do with “Promote the GENERAL WELFARE” our Founders talked about) put into motion)) – again whether Black or White, this is a Class thing not a Race thing! And these “root causes” (if you’ll pardon the bad joke and word-play) have zero to do with the things laid-out in the Movie “Roots” or the “1619 Project” attempts to distort History farce; as yes I will repeat one more time: this is a Class (often Geographic) thing not a Race thing.
VIDEO (6m 00s): “Ban on college affirmative action ‘good for America’: Vivek Ramaswamy” (ABCNL Prime):
Seems we needed to span several weeks covering this issue/topic as we did a few others of late (but hopefully this 2-parters trend ends here), and if you missed last week be sure to check-out August 26th 2023 “BiDUMB tries to flip-off the SCOTUS (Student Debt transfer edition)…” all laid out at TheLibertyBeacon and on the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics podcast (S1E10) works.
And please check out the corresponding ChristiTutionalist TM Politics podcast (meant to compliment the article): ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast (S1E11).
VIDEO (19m 15s): RawSkypeVideo w/ Bruce and Phil (WAAM Radio “Abolitionists RoundTable” hosts) part of CTP S1E11 (drops Sat. Sep. 2nd 2023) episode regarding SCOTUS “Affirmative Action” Ruling, Civil Rights, more:
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Something like ‘and the love of many will wane cold’.
h/t @FARMBOY over on ReTalk…. He posted…
Another Minority Hoax Claim Of Discrimination
Oh No! Say It Ain’t So!!! I’m certain no minority would falsely claim discrimination for political and personal gain.
@Farmboy68 –
CTP S2EOctSpecial2 NOTES ( listen (Tue Oct 8 2024 and thereafter) at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2EOctSpecial2) All Life Matters w/ Kevin McGary
See buzzsprout Transcript for full Show Notes and Transcript Bonus
CTP adheres to ALL LIVES MATTER and Every Life Has Value/Meaning (whether we see it now or not, will matter in some way at times (Life has Ups and Downs))… Joining today is Kevin McGary of EveryBlackLifeMatters organization which is NOT a replacement for or diminishment of AllLivesMatter but a (matter too/also) statement but indeed a definite rebuke of #BlackLyingMarxists / #BurnLootMurder (that engaged/engages in Anti-Americanism, Marxism, and Theft/Fraud (alleged, but sure IMO) of Donations/Funds entrusted to them to Help others but seemingly (having funneled funds to buying Mansions for themselves or “The BLM” which Helps only the Leaders not those in need and IMO out-for and) only interested the Leaders at top of such. Kevin, Neil, others, of/in/at EBLM are ProUSA, ProLife (ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER, including Unborn that Planned Slaughterhood was formed by Margaret Sanger to Murder), etc (Recorded in Sept. 2024, also Recorded in Sept.2024 will be another follow-up episode slated for Jan. 2025) … Please look for a related S2EOctSpecial3 episode (planned to Record Tue. Oct. 8th, barring unforeseen circumstances and therefore will be) dropping Thu. Oct. 10th w/ Koshy of EBLM about his run-in…