Legacy: Wisdom of African Traditions and the Bible
“Legacy: Wisdom of African Traditions and the Bible” with Chris Morehouse…

Hello again all. This is going to be another quasi B4IN CHEAT (JLenardDetroit / Joseph M Lenard) article, taking a bit of a short-cut. CTP Show dropped officially today (Wed. Jul. 10, 2024) that I spoke with Christopher Morehouse (less of a Castle, More of a House – yes, lame pun included there-in LOL) - therefore, “cheating” rather than writing a piece completely from scratch I will include the Show Video and the Show Transcript (and FYI, I use a FREE online Transcription Service (you get what you pay for, right?) therefore the Transcript is likely to have potentially bad sentence structure, some wrong words, mis-spellings, etc.; as AI is pretty good, I know well as a former IT guy that I am, but not perfect at grasping overall Context in order to interpret the correct verbiage vocalized translated (plus we sometimes are not “clear” in our speaking and pronunciation of terms/words for the Machinery to distinguish it) to text; but it is GREAT at being able to share a Conversation in print and therefore sharing (as is, well, not entirely true, I do indeed make some changes, additions, etc.) below…
CTP S2EJulSpecial2 NOTES ( listen (Wed Jul 10 2024 and thereafter) at:
https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/15392115-christitutionalist-politics-s2ejulspecial2-legacy-wisdom-of-african-traditions-and-the-bible-with-chris-morehouse )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2EJulSpecial2) “Legacy: Wisdom of African Traditions and the Bible” with Chris Morehouse
See buzzsprout Transcript for full Show Notes and Transcript Bonus
“Legacy: Wisdom of African Traditions and the Bible” with Chris Morehouse. Chris’ book compares around 300 proverbs from all over the African continent with Bible verses, organized into 46 broad themes, with reflections on each theme. Discover African expressions of The Golden Rule, Loving one’s Enemies, Welcoming a Stranger, more… Deep dive into not just African, but other, Cultures and ties to Biblical proverbs.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links)
Transcript Bonus: No Transcript Bonus this episode
Episode related pieces…
- No related corresponding TLB piece this Sat. July 13th for this Show/episode (will be corresponding July 13 “Basic Economics” piece for CTP S1E56 Show)
- https://www.kirkusreviews.com/author/christopher-morehou/
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP) recurring links…
- CTP: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- CTP long-form description: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast
- TLB articles: thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: tinyurl.com/SubscribeToCTP
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- CTP Official Coffee: tinyurl.com/BlackOutCoffees (promocode: JOSEL20)
- CTP Official playlist: tinyurl.com/CTPMusicPlaylist
- Transcription Services by: Converter.App
- Joseph M Lenard – linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit
(JosephMLenard.us / TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1EJunSpecial4 Audio: 32m 37s, Wed Jun 26 2024)
SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from May 11th) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
May 11 – S1E47: Continued Left-wing Violence
May 18 – S1E48: Let Left Keep Pushing, Generational Shift Occurring
May 25 – S1E49: Mother’s Day retrospective (Ex Post Facto piece, just as last year’s Memorial Day and 4th-Of-July pieces were)
June 1 – S1E50: Slaves To State
June 8 – S1E51: Is Prayer Alone Enough?
June 15 – S1E52: Rising Tides Lift All Boats
June 22 – S2E53: TLB-Talk relaunch
June 29 – S2E54: Speculations and What Ifs
July 6 – S2E55: In The News
July 13 – S2E56: Hard and Fast Economic Facts
July 20 – S2E57: USA, then, now, future
July 27 – S2E58: Self-Sufficiency?
Aug. 3 – S2E59: Who is Baby-Sitting Whom?
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via…
YouTube: youtube.com/@jlenarddetroit1082/videos
Rumble: rumble.com/user/JLenardDetroit
JLenardDetroit channel also on BitChute and Brighteon
In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout (tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist)) for addl bonus material there-in.
IF you have a Show and looking for Guests, or an “expert” or “Speaker” on a given or set of subjects, you too can likely make use of Podcast Guests List like I do, though some that I have on CTP may have connected via another Service called MatchMaker.FM, PGL is where I connect with majority of my CTP Show Guests and make arrangements for their appearing on my/the ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics Show – see (my Profile there, by way of example): https://podcastguests.com/expert/jlenarddetroit/
Also FYI for those who do not know Joseph M Lenard is #JokesterJoe on #SavagedUnfiltered podcast.
Transcription Services below from: https://converter.app/ (Converter.app is a FREE online Transcribing service; and indeed the old saying “you get what you pay for” so yes there will be some “errors” but presented “as-is” from the service (with some minor updates/revisions for/to the intro/outro sections)
[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]
Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with TheLibertyBeacon.com and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that’s L E N A R D CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let’s get on with the show
[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1]
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Welcome everybody. Let’s start with the obvious who are you and your background. Hi, so thrilled to be on today.
CHRIS MOREHOUSE: My name is Chris Morehouse. My background is I studied African development that is specifically economic and social development with every course where I took every opportunity to focus on Africa for my master’s. It’s a master of public and international affairs. Quite a long time ago in Pittsburgh, on University of Pittsburgh. My life took a different turn and I’m grateful for it and that’s fine but that’s always stayed with me because during my time there I met folks from Mali and Kenya and Tanzania and Nigeria and I started collecting books of African Proverbs at that time and those books always stayed with me and I go and occasionally pick them up and peruse them and put them back. Even before that though as a kid I was that weird kid who would reach for African kingdoms, the time life volume, my parents bookshelf or I ordered teach yourselves one healy on records. Remember LPs? I can still read an elder. I don’t know. I can’t explain why I was drawn to this but I was. I thought it was fascinating and I found the culture is fascinating. So about 70 years ago I came across this series of books called The Parallel Singings of Jesus and Moses and Muhammad and Krishna Buddha of Lao Tzu and comparing across the great traditions versus from the sacred writings of both on topics like compassion and forgiveness and they’re really eye-opening and really exciting to read them. I think they’re out of print now but you can still find them. But I wondered where’s the African version? Why isn’t there an African version? They really ought to be and so I with some holy boldness or perhaps foolishness. I jumped in and I thought well I guess I’ll do it. The closest I could find was Archbishop Desmond Tutu in the early 90s issued a book called An African Prayer Book with parables and liturgies and prayers and some proverbs but not paired with verses for the Bible. And that’s as far as I could tell that’s the only thing that was comparable that was out there. So I got started and in the process of putting it together it slowly dawned on me. I’m using all my my African Proverbs compilations and I saw it out more. I saw it out other books and online resources but it occurred to me I’m an outsider to these traditions. I don’t speak up languages so it behooved me to sort of get a perspective. So I wound up with over 30 African collaborators not from every culture represented in the book but from some major ones the Yoruba, Zulu, Swahili, Mali, Senegal and others to ask is this really a problem in your culture? It’s a couple of dropped out that when they told me no they’re not. Even though they appeared in these compilations I’d gotten earlier. So is this really a problem in your culture? How is it used? You know is it used with children for example and how can that help us understand and then are there translation issues that we should be aware of that would enhance our understanding of English because translation is as you know is always a tricky you know problematic challenging and kind of a fair so and it turned out there were some enriched understandings related in the language but what is really striking about these Proverbs is they’re so vivid and they’re so concise and they’re they offer deep insights in a small package. Proverbs in predominantly oral cultures not all African cultures were only oral you know Ethiopia is a written tradition but Proverbs you know are designed to be memorable. They’re vivid they may have certain rhymes or they may have certain you know of their alliteration. There’s a certain rhythm sometimes because that’s how the knowledge is passed down but which also reminds among my 30 collaborators to whom I’m so indebted and so grateful. You know some of them said I you know I bring certain specialized knowledge oh okay tell me and a couple said well I have access to a national library okay you can help. Another said he had access to a royal family and another said she had access to rural women. It’s oh you’re in definitely because all of these are keepers of the knowledge right so I really wanted to to for them to corroborate the knowledge that that that I recognized in these diverse Proverbs so I wound up with about 300 African Proverbs that rhyme with or resonate with Bible verses and that’s how the book came together it
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): was issued last August and it’s available on Amazon. I think you kind of oh I wanted to say almost forgot like so biblically we have one eternal spiritual soul but the Bible itself doesn’t really preclude reincarnation per se like other cultures say there is reincarnation so maybe that little young you was tapping into a previous life from that continent right?
CHRIS MOREHOUSE: Joseph I don’t know about that I’m not giving it much thought but perhaps reincarnation doesn’t typically figure in African traditions but what surprised me was that one of them it’s been explained Zulu culture in particular said the Africans believe in karma which I thought I mean that’s a Hindu concept that’s really really strange but what you’ll find is that a lot of the a lot of Proverbs refer back to the the you know the person there’s a for the reverses from the Bible that give us some context to understand this this kind of thing when there’s wisdom that are emerging organically in Proverbs 8 you may or may not know we encounter a personified feminine spirit of wisdom sometimes called lady wisdom and I think I got that right in Hebrew and she says I have I have words of truth on ellipse and I stand at the city gate and she it’s a it’s a long passage in the end she says those who find me find life and those who fail to find me will harm themselves if you don’t find her if you don’t find wisdom you can learn the hard way and that bear right and that very truth is embodied in so many of the Proverbs I came across so perhaps that’s a way of thinking about karma
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): now you kind of already covered this but I see you are Christopher technically but on your book and indeed is listed as Chris Moore house yeah I’m sure yeah less of a castle more of a house but I’m bum yeah I knew there’d be a pun in there somewhere I can never never pass on the lame jokes but obviously then I was gonna ask you which do you prefer but obviously Chris you prefer Chris because indeed that’s what is listed on the book it’s listed as Chris Moore house and I’m sensitive to names because my last name looks French it’s not it looks like a lenard it’s Leonard without an o so I always oh by try to make a big deal about we get your name right you know thank you and there is also a Joseph lonard out of North Carolina that’s an author so I have to make that distinction but I don’t remember if you did or did not give actually the specific title what is the title of the book
CHRIS MOREHOUSE: it’s legacy wisdom of African traditions and the Bible and here’s what it looks like
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): those who can see on the behind the video but most people will be saying oh great another guy holding up a book that I can’t see because it’s an audio only show but so repeat the title again it’s sure it’s legacy wisdom on
CHRIS MOREHOUSE: African traditions and the Bible and it’s a paperback and you can also order an ebook on Amazon and
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): an audio book is forthcoming ah yeah I just did an audio version for my christmas politics book a lot of people asked but you’re never assured that they’re going to sell so you got to watch your input costs so that there is some ROI you’re not eating up all the profits of your hard covers doing an audiobook that doesn’t sell but I would think given the Proverbs are a lot like you said our oral tradition in a way that lends itself to an audiobook I hadn’t really thought about that point till now so hopefully that helps sell an audio version and obviously we don’t want to give away the whole book one favorite of mine is I’ll give an example ah there is if you know what hurts yourself you know what hurts others which apparently relates to other cultures oh man what you do not like do not do to your fellows that’ll sell very familiar to two one two others right yeah thank you I’m so glad you mentioned that um
CHRIS MOREHOUSE: have you ever seen those posters comparing the golden rule in different traditions I thought
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): you were gonna mention the hanging cat hanging there baby no I’m sorry again I can never ever pass on the stupid lame jokes I’m sorry it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay the posters say what
CHRIS MOREHOUSE: the the there are versions of do into others in all the great faith traditions um the Jewish tradition for example um according to hillow says that which is hateful to you do not do until your neighbor that is the whole of the Torah the rest is commentary ghost study love that last part ghost study so there are there by one count there are like 21 versions of the golden rule in all the great faith traditions you look up that footnote and and that goes authors omitted the African traditions as well I don’t know why but if you ever find like one of those posters comparing the golden rule and in the different faith traditions look for the African versions odds are you will not find one and I I don’t know why that is but perhaps there’s you know oral tradition it might be devalued it’s only proverbs I don’t I don’t know what what to how to explain it but um I’m sure I missed a few yeah but as you noted you read two of them and they’re I found at least seven versions of the the golden rule in in in African proverbs yeah and the first one um if you know what hurts yourself you know what hurts others that’s from Madagascar and my collaborators said oh um two things that the word the word that means hurt gets translated as it’s hurt in English actually means pinch in our language in malagasy you know if you you know and the other part is yes this is used with children so put those two things together I don’t know about you but that sounds like a mother’s voice has the firmness of a mother’s voice don’t pinch someone you know what a pinch feels like right this is the firmness of a mother’s voice and the tenderness of a mother’s voice so you know again my african collaborative is really enriched my understanding of how these these
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): proverbs are used and and passed down yeah and the other that I did give was from the Congo and the other two that I see listed are from Ghana which is pretty straightforward a longer sentence than the other ones what you do not find acceptable if it were done to you by another do not do to him or her which of course is just indeed a longer way of saying uh that don’t do one to others and and then the Yerba you mentioned Yerba earlier in Nigeria what you can’t take do not do one to others so yeah I really liked that out of the book but again we want people to buy the book we don’t want to give them all away so that’s the only that’s the only one I’m going to be free only one I’m going to bother to pull out of the book but instead kind of pivot to what’s not in the book like everyday phrases like one thing that immediately came to my mind was I think of going to the biblical ties or how they write you know everyday phrases people use nowadays but we don’t think of them as biblically tied in any way like I’m a fan of Rick Springfield yeah I wish I had Jesse’s no that oh my god I think that’s his worst song but you know without that kind of without that kind of cute clever catchy song he wouldn’t have gone on to be to do all his other bar better stuff in my opinion as he did and one song he’s got is called written in rock well right there obviously a biblical reference to the Ten Commandments and I’m leaning over to unplug my phone because I forgot to unplug it I don’t know if you heard it ring but in written in rock he says a line about we may as well have missed by a mile as missed by the skin of our teeth which of course refers to Job 1920 but yeah you know a lot of people use the skin of our teeth and they’ve got no real understanding of the origin and that’s true of a lot of things I think like what you’re saying others may not have the biblical reference but may have occasionally or casually heard it of the African or of their proverb and it’s there in the Bible also whether the one which one predated which it you know isn’t necessarily the argument here and like the love of money is the root of all evil right well people often say money is the root of all well that’s not what actually the Bible says it says the love of the money is where the problem the greed the sin is one Timothy six ten now speaking of music fight the good fight one another favorite Canadian band of mine is Triumph which has a song literally called fight the good fight right now we all talk about warming that if if you have a labor of love then you’re not really working for a living right well one cesalonians one three three is a refers to and labor of love and you know I’ve got oh man does not live by by the loan you don’t have to be Jewish or Christian to understand right sense in that and a lot of people use it without having any clue about deuteronomy right two Samuel 14 three I put your house in order uh two kings 20 Isaiah told his akaya who was ill that he should put your house in order because you are going to die so I mean on and on and on we’ve had all these different things we still have now some of which that originated before the Bible some directly taken out of the Bible right just Joseph just as you said you don’t have to be
CHRIS MOREHOUSE: Christian or Jewish or Muslim or or from an African traditional religion to recognize the wisdom in these proverbs and they they can speak to people in any from any background or tradition the thing about the proverbs is just like the Bible verses they dig down deep into your soul and they they help sort of give you perspective and a mindset to navigate life to orient yourself and and to to find your place you know in respect to God yourself and others and it’s just regarding the the the teachings about greed for example that you you started off with there’s a great Yorba proverb um the wealth that enslaves is not wealth you know I mean that’s yeah that’s it that’s it right there yeah that’s great
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): your trap yeah in biblical terms that you’re uh beholden or trapped by the wealth in that greed right at the judgment of your soul now I wrote out this question people on the behind the scenes could see me waving the paper so let me read this specifically because I although we I think alluded a bit to it uh but to ask it direct uh is it your contention that some many most were created knowing the biblical roots but not wanting to directly quote the Bible or some many most
CHRIS MOREHOUSE: just happenstance to being similar uh that is such a great question and I don’t know I mean I do you’ll find in the book in a couple places I know where you know um there may be there may be uh some Christian background to this there may be some Christian influence to this for example there’s a proverb from Ethiopia that is just beautiful um singing Hallelujah everywhere does not prove piety amen which right yeah which is the same idea is about like you know keeping your private and don’t don’t want to be seen in the marketplace conspicuously you know front of others uh you know don’t show off don’t show off right don’t see hella everywhere let’s love that now you know um Christianity um uh had a cradle of in a sense in Ethiopia there’s the Ethiopian in in at and kingizana of of of of oxum which is now located in modern Ethiopia converted to christianity in the eighty six hundred there is a long christian tradition in Ethiopia so that that proverb probably reflects that context but but it instructor it is just so different from um the way Jesus expressed it it’s hard to know you know but there’s you know it might just be reflective popular understanding based on the christian teaching it’s philologists and language experts might be able to to date these but dating oral traditions is really really tricky you know there’s another there’s a proverb from Namibia that’s just that’s northwest of south Africa uh the uh of Ambo saying um eyes see me too which is all about seeing the beam in your own eye not focusing see me too not on the moat in someone else’s it’s just a different idiom it’s a different way of saying that very same thought so you know that now maybe is pretty pretty far away from the holy land pretty far separated culturally and this structure an imperative to your to a body part to your eyes it’s it’s just it’s it’s structured differently from moat the moats and beings language that that Jesus uses it’s the same idea so that one maybe not but um so i i do mark you know in two or three places look this could reflect a christian christian influence but it’s it’s really hard to say there um you know you be the judge but but also you come down to is is that is where it’s how old is it what are the influences is that beside the point there’s still there’s still wisdom in it you know um there are there are several african versions of eureka juso right um worldwide too in all cultures that idea just emerges naturally and and um some of the african versions reference um crops that are are you know you can’t you can’t plant okra and expect the cow you know chocolate is a new world crop so that that had to have emerged later but there are other versions without the new world crop so you know it’s it’s just really hard to say yeah now i i give you as much information you need the judge or the reader be the judge right i
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): i asked that question to lead to something else i wanted to set up but yes sir mentioned something that uh a new rabbit hole a different direction so i want to go down now like i used to wear across but i landed a blues in it so you know i i got a cross tattoo now where is that line is the question right like you’re saying about we want to be open about our faith and demonstrate our faith but uh we want to lead and demonstrate our faith by our life and that people know we’re christian and uh us as an example of it versus we’re indeed the saying hallelujah everywhere all the time is that really real professing of faith or is it putting on air right it’s right it’s about boasting it’s about i’m a holier than all you but i’m going to be sure to let you know it right that’s it that’s where the issue or the problem can come in with that right right and it’s interesting
CHRIS MOREHOUSE: because there’s a there’s a version of that proverb um in swahili culture now the uh swahili there are today there are christians swahili speaking people but um and from all faith but traditionally it was a traditionally muslim society they were under the salt in it of oman for about 100 years so this some of the swahili proverb is definitely evoke sort of a muslim context and there’s one um the fear of god is not wearing a white turban it’s the same idea don’t show off right it’s not about what you wear it’s it’s about what’s inside
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): yeah it’s right yeah we hear you professing or we see you we see you by dressing a certain way but are you really when it comes down to it living the faith rather than just trying to present yourself as living the faith right yeah these are can be touchy issues can be very touchy but indeed uh right it’s not just professing it is you shall be known by your fruits also actions do matter and indeed like the saying a lot of times speak louder than words that’s it for another turn of phrase and since we’re dealing in terminology and phrases and problems and that but i brought up that question because i saw a 2002 movie the other day and here’s where we’ll really tie into the christitutalist part of this show called high called time changer and here’s where then i i question the proverbs like i have said over and over you can be moral and you can profess morality and good things without quoting the bible like pen of pen and tailor is a well-known devout atheist and he says over and over he’s got no problem though with judo christianism because due on to others is social being a good human it’s right yes i don’t murder you you don’t murder me you have no right to steal my stuff nor are yours these can be common sense being a good social human but that removes god from it which is the point of the time changer movie is it dangerous to people’s souls because as christians we are concerned about their eternal souls to push things without the the attachment to you god and or jesus as the source of it for your salvation that important link i saw that in the movie i thought oh wow yeah that’s important yeah teaching the morality without the why uh could lose someone’s soul i just thought i’d get your thoughts on that
CHRIS MOREHOUSE: i totally respect those who are seeking god in their own way and i don’t i’m not trying to but you can you can um you can do that you can embrace you know jesus the jesus of the gospels and these proverbs at the same time because they are essentially what he he taught as well um you can you can certainly um acknowledge god and follow god in your own way and yet we perhaps startling me recognize god in some way in in these proverbs that going back to lady wisdom in the bible she says she the verses say she was present at the beginning with god so if she’s present from the beginning is she also present in all cultures and speaking through all cultures and yet you can you can sort of discern you can you can run that by uh christ is the as the touchstone of the filter right and and decide for yourself um but um so you know let people come to their own conclusions you know yeah this is why i give
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): the penn example in all this always is that you know anyone any way shape or form deciding to live a more moral life and a good life on this planet is a good thing but at the same time as a christian i like the guy i am indeed concerned and care about his eternal soul i hope he will find jesus and the issue is if we focus on all the other things and indeed completely sever and keep it separate from the bible and jesus and god then again we risk uh their souls and i had written down another one i forgot like two birds with one stone right well that’s obviously a david and goliath uh reference and message that people often use but probably have no real thought beyond that why it may have originated but at any rate and i did you know we said that one time this show that’s my verbal crutch you know a lot of people do ahs and umbs and you know wather verbal tics to when their brains you know stalls or to segue and i’ve developed this bad habit of saying at any rate to segue between things you know if if i can just jump in um
CHRIS MOREHOUSE: looking generalizations is really really hard about from out africa it’s where all the all the great faith traditions meet you know christianity for a long for centuries nubia was a medieval you know uh you know hotbed of christianity now there are ruins of churches that are still visible uh islam of course there and the jus of africa the philasha among others jusick of yuganda you know and all the traditional religions too that the um uh the yoraba have a polytheistic pantheon you know comparable to other polytheistic traditions so you know it’s it’s really and the modern movements in which christianity has played a role the messianic movements of the 1960s the the force for justice and and uh good in in south africa um in in in modern christianity in in south africa there there it’s just really hard to summarize but in a lot of african culture is not all but in a lot you’ll find something called panentheism i don’t i don’t know if you’ve heard about that idea that god is in everything and everything is in god and so with that mindset um finding god in these proverbs shouldn’t be that surprising or threatening one thing right uh we find discovering these proverbs and and thinking about them um led me to really think about um uh you can’t you can’t avoid you can’t get around you know the certain defenses of of slavery based on the bible right uh which is called you know slave holder theology and among others this sort of you know one one k piece of that was um the moral uplift defense that you know oh oh you know at least they were exposed to to to god um i think we need a little bit more humility about that idea you know confronting all this traditional wisdom if if if the meeting of the civilizations had been based on something other than human trafficking yes there was language there was all these differences but if if the meeting the civilizations had been premised on something uh you know on a mutual encounter they might have been able to discover how similar they are you know at least in certain respects i’m not saying everything’s identical not not everything’s the same but as one uh uh i think elodion writes once you you know are able to say the something to find something and not the tradition that reminds you something in your own you’ve begun to build a bridge and there was a systematic refusal to build that bridge from the start and like my my um the gracious lovely lady who wrote my forward to reach Taylor’s since she’s a Presbyterian elder um she she said she experienced the book as an active reconciliation which was very meaningful to me personally but she also added that you know for African Americans there was no consolation in the first place so that is a that is the thought worth sitting with a lot of people
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): it for whatever reason again look down or put down like the African continent in the traditions because of uh but Rome had before Constantine found God’s Jesus and monotheism had the multiple god system Greece all the great gods multiple god system and people like to leave out and forget in Egypt Akhenaten bringing monotheism yes who true the ethic can kick out and but that would say long before they were ready for it and while a lot of his statues are defaced they rejected it after he died before then now a day becomes a Christian going back to what Akhenaten was talking about but let’s go ahead and wrap it up give the book title again legacy wisdom of African traditions and the Bible and again you are Chris Morehouse do you have an author website or where do people reach out to get to you
CHRIS MOREHOUSE: you can find on Amazon if you want to reach out to me personally i can share with you my email and they can contact you and if you hear from anyone they can reach me that way it’s a personal email okay yeah if you want to go ahead
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): and give that out fine if you don’t that’s fine too
CHRIS MOREHOUSE: i’ll just i’ll take a minute if you can hang on after i’ll share it with you and your listeners can reach out to you okay if i have to do it yeah i’d be delighted to hear from folks
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): just just watch no hate mail please yeah hey well you know what i’m a public figure i get death threats here you know you like you know i wrote i never especially because terror strikes coming soon to a city near you talk to Don Williams of the research show who is a black female Muslim but yet you know she gets where i’m going at it back it’s not just about Islamic terror it’s about all terrorism but yes currently the biggest concern is what i call global Islamic ji-haddis interim army soldier geezus kind of like we call the national socialist Nazis geezus for sure but it’s about all terrorism but of course people make the assumption and throw out the label all i must be islamaphobic or this or that right so i get the death threats from people who have no clue certainly haven’t read the book certainly never have talked to me or yeah you know people
CHRIS MOREHOUSE: make a lot of assumptions and get crazy certainly like religiosity of of whatever flavor right whatever tradition can be a mask for violence read you know other bad stuff so it’s something to be aware but it’s it’s part of the human condition you know the line between good and evil running
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): through every human being that’s right that’s right all right well thank you for coming on Chris i appreciate it and you have yourself a great day
CHRIS MOREHOUSE: you was well i think great time thank you so much
[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]
Thank you for having tuned into ChristiTutionalist Politics show. Please be sure to check out more about today’s discussion at TheLibertyBeacon.com where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like buzzsprout at tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless
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BONUS MATERIAL: No Transcript Bonus This Episode
Transcription Services above from: https://converter.app/ (Converter.app is a FREE online Transcribing service; and indeed the old saying “you get what you pay for” so yes there will be some “errors” but presented “as-is” from the service (with some minor updates/revisions for/to the intro/outro sections)
LOOK BACK and SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows (planned going forward from May 11th – August 3rd) already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
- May 11 – S1E47: Continued Left-wing Violence
- May 18 – S1E48: Let Them Keep Pushing, Generational Shift Occurring
- May 25 – S1E49: Mother’s Day retrospective (Ex Post Facto piece, just as last year’s Memorial Day and 4th-Of-July pieces were)
- June 1 – S1E50: Slaves To State
- June 8 – S1E51: Is Prayer Alone Enough? [also note: CTP2 dropped]
- June 15 – S1E52: Rising Tides Lift All Boats
- June 22 – S2E53: TLB-Talk relaunch
- June 29 – S2E54: Speculations and What Ifs
- July 6 – S2E55: In The News
- July 13 – S2E56: Hard and Fast Economic Facts
- July 20 – S2E57: USA, then, now, future
- July 27 – S2E58: Self-Sufficiency? [previously shared on BeforeItsNews]
- Aug. 3 – S2E59: Who is Baby-Sitting Whom?
JLD B4IN pieces: https://tinyurl.com/JLDArticles
JLD TLB pieces: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
Joseph M Lenard books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Joseph-M-Lenard/author/B09WFSY5KN
How am I bringing back the LITTLE WILLIE JOHN “FEVER” Song?
see: /sports/2024/06/will-wnba-actually-put-female-pro-sports-really-on-the-map-or-die-to-dei-correctness-hate-2785791.html
Going further back….
A response I made to someone (SMS Texts, back and forth) in regard to their saying a recent CTP Show “BrainDead (well that’s a harsh title LOL) part 1″ (https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/14431880-christitutionalist-politics-s1e33-brain-dead-folks-part-1-well-this-is-a-harsh-show-title-lol) was/is “thoughtful”…
Thx for the feedback on BrainDead1 episode (he will be on my Show soon for an already “Listener Feedback” mini-episode in next several weeks (end of February or early March 2024) when he wanted to react and talk about S1E13 “Censorship” Show) I indeed go for “thoughtful” (always, logic and reason and facts) though I have addressed that sometimes I may indeed get HOT/ANIMATED and sound more like raving lunatic (Leftist) at times (while “spirited” in “tone” and action – still using logic/reason/strategy but just a bit more “passionately” delivered (see related https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bc5yiLorRF0 1m YouTube Short on that))! LOL Thankfully those number of Shows are the exceptions and not the Rule. I am always going for “not the same ole talking-point takes of the usual suspect talking-head parrots” (there is Hannity and a million others for the same-ole bs parrot responses (though, not to say, sometimes a particular talking-point oft heard is not worth repeating too, but parroting cannot be one’s ONE TRICK (and sadly too many are just parrots (or One-Trick-Pony, if you prefer) with never any originality — AT ALL, EVER (at least if delivering the same basic “topics” have some reasonable different approach or other “angle” of delivery than same mono-tone talking-head resting face and voice))).
Rick Walker joined me on my Show awhile back – see:
2023 in review…
[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...
"(CTP S1E28) SneakPeek/BTS "Can One 'Generalize' About Women Voters?" (Audio Show drops 20231230)"
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6mb9cu63HA
or Rumble: https://rumble.com/v43n19c-ctp-s1e28-sneakpeekbts-can-one-generalize-about-women-voters-audio-show-dro.html
"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfn0ZRqO2Ro
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v3z8mij-ctp-btssp-s1edecspecial-midweek-12623-drop-dating-in-this-woke-day-and-age.html
"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC3UBv1FFhU
"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeDqy-vIL8A
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v3zxj5a-ctp-s1e25-btssp-video-year-in-review-part-1-20231209-audio-podcast-drop.html
"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_meLOD8yKg
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v40yiix-ctp-btssp-video-s1e26-year-in-review-part-2.html
These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see: https://vimeo.com/jlenardwyandotte
Take these, and of course ANY of the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episodes on the Road (or whatever/where-ever) with you via Buzzsprout or any of the 14 other podcast platforms it is available. ]
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CTP S2EOctSpecial2 NOTES ( listen (Tue Oct 8 2024 and thereafter) at:
https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/ )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2EOctSpecial2) All Life Matters w/ Kevin McGary
See buzzsprout Transcript for full Show Notes and Transcript Bonus
CTP adheres to ALL LIVES MATTER and Every Life Has Value/Meaning (whether we see it now or not, will matter in some way at times (Life has Ups and Downs))… Joining today is Kevin McGary of EveryBlackLifeMatters organization which is NOT a replacement for or diminishment of AllLivesMatter but a (matter too/also) statement but indeed a definite rebuke of #BlackLyingMarxists / #BurnLootMurder (that engaged/engages in Anti-Americanism, Marxism, and Theft/Fraud (alleged, but sure IMO) of Donations/Funds entrusted to them to Help others but seemingly (having funneled funds to buying Mansions for themselves or “The BLM” which Helps only the Leaders not those in need and IMO out-for and) only interested the Leaders at top of such. Kevin, Neil, others, of/in/at EBLM are ProUSA, ProLife (ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER, including Unborn that Planned Slaughterhood was formed by Margaret Sanger to Murder), etc (Recorded in Sept. 2024, also Recorded in Sept.2024 will be another follow-up episode slated for Jan. 2025) … Please look for a related S2EOctSpecial3 episode (planned to Record Tue. Oct. 8th, barring unforeseen circumstances and therefore will be) dropping Thu. Oct. 10th w/ Koshy of EBLM about his run-in…