"Its for Your Safety" - Elderly Couple in Their Home in Canada Forcibly Cuffed and Taken to Hospital by Police for Their Own Safety!
About Patrick Henry and our Red Pill projects: Fascist-book: https://www.facebook.com/pauljamesCET/ More Articles: tinyurl.com/qno5k6e
LivingLawSociety.org +++ more links here 1776reloaded.org internallydisplacedpeople.org Several important articles have been uploaded to BIN on the ongoing CCP. Demon-rat.Socialist party of DC and their Coup of America. All available at this link: /v3/contributor/bio/?uid=713008 Video channel: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/1776reloaded
The focus of our work over the last 15 years has been to investigate the Legal and Governance system operating in America at Federal, State, County, City etc.. Conclusion: the entire legal system in America is illegally operated by Constitutionally-banned foreign agents that run America for foreign interests. This means Constitutionally-banned foreign agents run nearly every now Occupied counterfeit government Office in the nation. It is further concluded these Constitutional banned foreign agents have literally been engaged in a Mixed War against the American people, relying on lawfare while farming Americans to pfofit the International Bankers (aka Human Trafficking) and the CROWN / VATICAN system in a silent war with America since the War of Indepence.
See LivingLawSociety.org for more and proof that the original organic United States Constitution post 1819 was modified and orchestrated to bring America under a foreign Corporate Democracy [Socialistic Mob-rule] as a path to destroy the Republic and the peoples guarantee of a Republican form of Government to advance the Luciferian Roman Cults Talmudic New World Order Agenda.
The following letter was sent to Trump via US Military alerting those loyal to the American people to this state of affairs with certified government proofs of claim. /new-world-order/2020/12/letter-to-trump-and-us-military-on-lawfare-mixed-war-color-of-lawauthorityoffice-constitutionally-banned-foreign-agents-fake-weaponized-courts-etc-time-to-take-back-america-from-the-parasites-9526.html
Please listen carefully to the comments of the Crown Foreign Government Corporation Policy Men!
Before we get to the video some commentary:
Remember this as you read on:
Have you ever heard such convoluted Bullsh-t in all of your life! Please, if you ever should encounter armed men masquerading as Government at your door DO NOT LET THEM IN! Remember in America, POLICY MEN are private contractors of a Crispy Cream style FOREIGN Corporations (under foreign Municipal Corps) pretending to be We the people Government!
Most do not know it! They work for the Bankers that Usurped our lawful Governance in the 1860′s and the states between 1934 – 1954! THEY ARE NOT GOVERNMENT of the people, by the people or for the people operating pursuant to Organic laws that founded the nation / fifty states.
Anna Von Reitz touches on this here: http://annavonreitz.com/sheriffsandsheriffs.pdf
Once you have seen the actions of these Canadian POLICY MEN please compare their words to the words of the Police Man in the Second Video! Some do get it and they realize they and their families are also Boiling Frogs!
Please note that the ORDER followers in the first video are citing Orders of a “JUDGE” as reasoning for kidnapping the elderly couple. Where is the due process in this situation! Make no mistake this was an armed kidnapping under color of office, color of law and color of authority. In the states this would be a blatant Title 18 section 241/242 crime.
This should further educate people on why you should never volunteer anything to the system! DO NOT COMPLY at any level for this is the desired outcome for the Tyrants! This is the kind of stuff they get off on!
Note, there are no Lawful Judges operating out of our courts in office in Canada or the States. [Why Trump has not got this yet suggests he is being lied to by useful idiots. The entire legal system is a private Legal Guild of the Crown / Corp. of London! They are foreign agents here to theive and steal rights/property for the Crown and its Rothschilds controlled Luciferian Cabal Bankers].
In the case in the Video, the so called ORDER being waived around by the PLOICY MAN is signed by an actor calling himself a Judge! Its really a Simulated legal Process masquerading as an Order from a BAR Attorney issued out of a fake court pretending to be a judge! That so called Judge is not under proper Oath or working for lawful Government which does not exist since the Bankers took it all over!
This is more obvious in America due to the Titles of Nobility Act of 1810 Covered in the final video below and at 1776Reloaded.org extensively – Look at the left Margin Menu – Unlearn – TONA and NWO Achilles Heel Menu items.
For example on Simulated Legal Process in California - all Writs, Warrants and Summons must include a valid court seal under California Government Code 68076! NONE are impressed with the Valiud Seal because they are de facto Private BAR guild businesses Occupying our Court buildings pretending to be We the people state courts – which they are no such thing! See InternallyDisplacedPeople.org for more on this topic – right margin – Court Seals!
People need to start to realize we are being ruled by actors using Simulkated Legal Process! This includes all the so called Governors and the De facto US Corporation! More on that here: AnnaVonReitz.com
It does not look to me that the couple at any time consented to be kidnapped by armed thugs trying to keep the couple SAFE!
In criminal law, kidnapping is the unlawful transportation, asportation and confinement of a person against their will. Thus, it is a composite crime. It can also be defined as false imprisonment by means of abduction, both of which are separate crimes that when committed simultaneously upon the same person merge as the single crime of kidnapping
Main Video:https://www.brighteon.com/4613731b-8182-48a3-b822-ed46eb4f5863
Policemen #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztmFkK0jkRc
Whats this really about, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030: https://www.brighteon.com/n-dashboard/videos/334496a1-1eeb-40ae-8ef4-66bff60b558e
The truth about Attorneys! If all Attorneys are foreign agents then so are all so called JUDGES!
Some words of wisdom here from Brian at High Impact Flix: https://www.brighteon.com/ed52de45-c176-4c38-9f37-4b4bffc93a66
More on Government Fear Porn at the Bottom of this page: http://www.bluegrasspundit.com/2020/05/here-is-real-reason-you-are-being.html
More here:
Excerpt from 1776Reloaded.org:
About 1776Reloaded.org:
1776Reloaded.org was created to expose the millennia long Luciferian Cabal, New World Order conspiracy against Humanity
There are some 500 articles on the site exposing key aspects of the NWO plot. Core information / topics can be found at the left margin menu. I would encourage researchers to to familiarize yourself with topics at the menu. You will find a list topics below that all awaking Americans should be familiar with.
To safeguard America from the Luciferian cabal – we must all get active in awaking up others. Everyone should also become informed about the states Assembly Movement: https://theamericanstatesassembly.net/ & AnnaVonReitz.com
Projects and resources by the author can be found at these links:
InternallyDisplacedPeople.org - legal expose of the totally Corrupt legal system, with an emphasis on Commiefornia
Video Education Channel and my video uploads: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/1776reloaded
Bio: /v3/contributor/bio/?uid=713008
Articles uploaded to BeforeItsNews.com: /v3/contributor/stories/?uid=713008
FascistBook: https://www.facebook.com/pauljamesCET
Twitter (Suspended as of this posting): https://twitter.com/@1776Reloadedorg
Cloud, General Folder with emphasis on TONA references:
Letters to President Trump Re Title 10 Section 253 and to the Army Provost Marshall plus other cases exposing Despotism, Tyranny in California under BAR Attorney Actors pretending to by Government (Banned foreign agents per TONA): http://www.mediafire.com/folder/1trjxkxu8dqba/Title10Section253Cases
Update: Twitter – Fascistbook Book Burning and Disregard of 1st Amendment Continues – Twitter Triggered by My BIN Article “We Have Temporarily Limited Some of Your Account Features, What do They Not Want You to Know?: Connecting the Overthrow of America in the 1860′s to the COV ID-19 “84″ Plandemi70
To New World Order on Wednesday May 20 2020 15:45
Medical Mafia and the biggest Conspiracy in the history of the World! Koby & Miss V ~ Connecting the Dots104
To New World Order on Wednesday May 20 2020 06:04
What did you do when the New World Order Luciferian Roman Cult attempted to enslave humanity, take over the World and Democide the people in 2020?460
To New World Order on Tuesday May 19 2020 12:47
Will Americans, the British etc… listen to the Whistleblowers now? COV “ID” 1984 NWO End Game, Judus Goats, Black Nobility / Rothschilds (UN) Agenda 21 / 2030 and the farming of Americans since the 1860′s.464
To New World Order on Monday May 18 2020 19:10
The Problem With Wall Street24
To New World Order on Sunday May 17 2020 05:49
May 15th update: 5G Circuit Board labelled COV-19, Coincidence… this is a reminder that we have good reason to look harder at 5G and how it could be used by those that just took the World down on FAKE Media, lies, crooked science and quite literally caused Genocide that may end up getting worse if1098
To Healthcare on Thursday May 14 2020 08:12
Doctors Standing up: Riverside California Dr. Addresses Crowd: Dr. Jeff Barkey, slams Handling of COVID Plandemic; Yvette Lozano from Dallas, talks to crowd at Get Back to Work rally about MEDIA FEAR PORN, MEDICAL SYSTEM FRAUD, FAKE PLANDEMIC NUMBERS and HCQ Experiences!160
To Healthcare on Thursday May 14 2020 07:17
Doctors Standing up: Riverside California Dr. Addresses Crowd: Dr. Jeff Barkey, slams Handling of COVID Plandemic; Yvette Lozano from Dallas, talks to crowd at Get Back to Work rally about MEDIA FEAR PORN, MEDICAL SYSTEM FRAUD, FAKE PLANDEMIC NUMBERS and HCQ Experiences!113
To Healthcare on Wednesday May 13 2020 19:32
UK Column Whistleblower reveals British Government is engaged in an ongoing Psychological Warfare Program against 65M Brits417
To New World Order on Tuesday May 12 2020 19:19
COV “ID” 1984, a Worldwide Staged Luciferian Roman Cabal Controlled De Facto Gov. Co. – Shadow Government False Flag. Exposing the Luciferian Talmudic Roman Cabal attempt to take over the World, c. 1302 – 2020!1453
To New World Order on Saturday May 09 2020 08:12
YOU TUBE REMOVED PLADEMIC-MOVIE, find it here: https://plandemicmovie.com/ – Judy Mikovits rightly burns Fauci and the New World Order Medical Cabal219
To Healthcare on Wednesday May 06 2020 10:49
Pastor Exposes New World Order Luciferian Cabal Take Over, please share with those still sleeping!215
To New World Order on Tuesday May 05 2020 08:11
Breaking News (updated): Busted – Documents Exposing that COVID-19’84′ Plandemic is a World Economic Forum, Rothschild’s UN/CIA/Mockingbird Media, Crown – Vatican – US Corporation De Facto Government Production Amounting to a Declaration of War on 7.8 Billion people… Message to Prime Minister John12723
To New World Order on Tuesday Apr 28 2020 19:57
Breaking News – Vaccine Update!3377
To Health on Saturday Apr 25 2020 04:26
Coronavirus… What If?349
To New World Order on Friday Apr 24 2020 18:59
NWO COV “ID” 1984 – 911 International Luciferian Cabal Psyop / A Global 911 Style False Flag.525
To U. S. Politics on Thursday Apr 23 2020 11:11
Red Alert Update – Apr. 14. 3.0: Gathering Evidence Suggests the New World Order Luciferian Roman Criminal Cabal have made their move to replace their Vatican / Crown Banking and Governance Slavery System for their Long Threatened Demonic One World Government Slavery System… What Are You Going to21162
To New World Order on Friday Apr 10 2020 22:31
Domain Name Coronavirus.com Registered in 2002: Used by WHO! Everything You Have Been Told by Government, CIA Crown-Zio-Corp. Mockingbird Media Is a Lie! Connecting 1860′s Coup of America, the Enslavement of the American People to the WHO-5G-Corona-Virus / Election-Cycle-Virus! This Revelation Begs4704
To New World Order on Saturday Feb 29 2020 02:58
UPDATED: WARNING: 5G Human Command & Control, THE TRUTH IS >>> The Coronavirus PlayBook Is already Written. Are we being subjected to fear- porn by the usual Military Psyop Professionals! See my earlier articles on this linked below1030
To New World Order on Thursday Feb 27 2020 22:47
Updated April 18th 2020: Warning – 5G & Hive Mind: Breaking: Q Is for the Queen’s Qinetiq? – NWO Global PSYOP – Coronavirus Patent; Unraveling the Talmudic Global Fascist Conspiracy: Who Is Behind the Coronavirus Patent? Connections Between Rothschild/Crown – Pirbright Institute; Queen’s Qinet4208
To New World Order on Thursday Feb 27 2020 13:51
Major Update: Do you get it yet? Exposing CROWN Corp. running Global Intelligence and weaponization of everything to control Humanity: Banned foreign agents have been running America since the 1860′s… The Swamp is the UNITED STATES Corp. and its fifty STATE OF STATES Sub. Corps. !1525
To New World Order on Wednesday Feb 26 2020 20:53
(Update from AVR. See end) America unlawfully under Military Government / Military Authority of the Crown / Vatican Old World Order Roman cult, 1863 – 2020: Are 300 Million+ Americans living under the spell of the Stockholm Syndrome [...& Billions of others]? What if the UNITED STATES had you l3865
To Power Elite on Saturday Feb 22 2020 01:51
Dear Mr. President, how to clean the Swamp out over night! Titles of Nobility Act (aka TONA) and Title 10 Section 253, Obstruction of State and Federal Law! Enforce already organic law / De Facto Law and take back the de jure Office!3309
To Banksters on Friday Jan 17 2020 20:07
Walter Burien, introduction to the Federal Reserve’s Annual Z.1.Report raw data table and the looting of the American people147
To U. S. Politics on Sunday Jan 12 2020 13:29
A 2.3 Trillion Lawsuit unveiled against Big Tech Giants like Google, FB, Deep Mind Inc, Tesla, Alphabet Inc, Zuckerberg, EMusk.are using AI that endangers the entire human race working along side China.447
To New World Order on Monday Dec 23 2019 23:58
Trump Signed Executive Order Showing Loyalties are to Rothschild created Israel and not America or American Foundational Principles Like Free Speech!11727
To New World Order on Saturday Dec 14 2019 19:49
Update with Video by AVR and RDS: Dear President Donald John Trump, our Nation Was Overthrown in the 1860′s by the Vatican/Crown! What are We Doing About It?5193
To Awakening? Start Here on Monday Nov 25 2019 05:49
Here is the real reason you are being forced to wear a cloth mask…
Friday, May 22, 2020 14:17
It isn’t to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Based on the particle size, cloth masks won’t stop COVID virus particles. They will stop macro droplets from sneezes or coughs, but so will using a handkerchief or or your elbow as were have been trained for years.
The reason is a poll a month ago found up to 80% fear going back to their normal lives. That hasn’t changed much in the last month. Most people still won’t travel, got to a restaurant, gym, use public transit or even go to a church service.
The reason for this is obvious. Americans have been fed a steady diet of fear porn by our leaders and the news media. We know know the death rate isn’t 3% to 10% as we were told earlier. Based on antibody testing, results may indicate the deadly COVID-19 pandemic – has mortality rates under 1% – may be no deadlier than the seasonal flu. Of course our leaders could be honest and admit they over-hyped the danger, but based on the damage to our econom, that would likely be political suicide.
Instead, they have to come up with a way to make the cowering masses come back out or the economy will be stuck in a deep depression for years. Masks are a very obvious sign of governmental action to allegedly protect the trembling masses. If the masks really worked, they would demand we wear them at home. How can the government tell us we could be a asymptomatic carrier and have to wear a mask in public to prevent killing someone by infecting them, but it’s okay to not wear a mask at home and endanger our dearest loved ones. If they really believed masks were effective and the COVID danger was great, they would wear them at their homes to prevent the death of their family members, but they don’t. They know better than to believe their own fear-mongering and hype. Widespread testing is just another example of a panacea. It’s all theater to convince people, that they terrified with misinformation, to come out and start working and spending so the tax revenues can return.
Source: http://www.bluegrasspundit.com/2020/05/here-is-real-reason-you-are-being.html
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Police and politicians should be warned they are not arresting people but kidnaping them and to think it’s for their own good is NOT law. You were not elected to be nannies you nincompoops.
Be carefool because the most High consideres kidnapping a crime punishable by death.
For your own safety …could also apply to the radical n w o members—-they can be arrested by citizens to protect them from themselves.
Can’t the enforcers of this new w o see that they are NEXT to be enslaved and executed once they fulfilled their evil mission?
This ‘law’ stuff, at all levels, is BS cover for the ONLY reality that exists… might is right.
That is all that there has ever been. There’s no ‘remedies’, there’s no ‘real law’ there is only can you stop them?
That is why we must unite.
at the beaches all over the usa people are showing up and cops went home(at most beaches)–i like the beach in Holland where the kids chased the cops and told them “this is OUR beach!!”
Outrageous. Jew judge orders anyone who dissents as “mentally ill” and jailable offence. PURE BOLSHEVISM.
This is the time for 2nd Amendment use.
Anyone who doesnt think this will become the norm, is crazy.