Is This Why Pope Francis Met With Obama On Yom Kippur?
THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today.
9/23/15 is the Temporal Gateway into a New Era,
The Birth Pangs Commence on this Day of Atonement
by Revisionist Historians for World Peace
Yom Kippur is One of the Three Remaining Unfulfilled Prophecies of the MOEDIM
September 23rd Prophecy Context:
The predicted events of September 23rd have been represented in more ways than any other day in modern history. Many of these predictions are obviously imaginary in nature; others are meritless and without any foundation whatsoever. However, there is very good reason why so many modern-day visionaries are seeing today — the Day of Atonement — as a defining moment. The understanding of the MOEDIM has been hardwired into the Judeo-Christian consciousness over many centuries. Both ancient Judaism and Roman Catholicism have taught from the Torah and have therefore unceasingly telegraphed the 7 prophetic pillars of the MOEDIM. Even though most are unaware of this religious programming, it has transpired mostly under the radar for two millennia. The Day of Atonement is the pivotal pillar in this biblical narrative of which many modern-day prophets have become intuitively aware. In their zeal to share their prophetic vision they have conflated the gravity of the MOEDIM’s Yom Kippur with so many other portents and omens. While their flashes of prophetic insight may be totally valid, many are not relevant for today, September 23rd, or even for the yearlong period known as the Biblical Shemitah Jubilee. The bottom line here is that everyone, even the uninitiated and unbelievers, understand the universal law of KARMA. Ergo, you don’t have to be a prophet to comprehend the inherent power and paradigm-shattering potential of the Super Shemitah.
“What goes around comes around.”
“You reap what you sow.”
“You cannot escape the consequences of your actions. What you do comes back to you.”
Who hasn’t heard these pearls of wisdom? The Holy Bible quite emphatically lays down the law in this particular regard. The following famous verse is from GALATIANS 6: 7-9 (KJV):
Be not deceived; God is not mocked:
for whatsoever a man soweth,
that shall he also reap.
As much as any other nation on Earth, the United States of America grew up as a Christian nation over the course of her nearly 240 year history. That’s not to say every citizen belonged to a Christian denomination, or even read the Holy Bible. The key point is that the USA sprang from Christian roots.
Many of the original Pilgrims and Puritans fled Europe to escape religious persecution in their homeland. In the New World they could practice their faith freely and without fear. Because of these beginnings, a diversity of religious groups emerged which were devout and pious both in spirit and in practice. This sincere approach to matters of faith, which was quite widespread throughout society, contributed to a very similar national temperament of religious fervor.
With each successive wave of immigrants the American Republic evolved into a decidedly Judeo-Christian culture. Catholics and Protestants, Orthodox and Reform Jews came to dominate the leadership within every sphere of life. Always they brought their religion, they studied their scriptures, they sought to follow the teachings of their Master.
With this understanding the meaning and power of today’s Day of Atonement can be much better understood. Whenever a nation or society aspires to high religious principles and morality they are held to that higher standard by the Almighty. However, when the same nation tries to impose those very same values and principles on other nations, but doesn’t really practice them, it is setting itself up for a fall.
Welcome to the Super Shemitah! Which begins with the critical prophetic pillar of the MOEDIM — Yom Kippur. Also known the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur is the most sacred day of the Hebrew calendar. It was the only day that the High Priest was permitted to enter the inner chamber of the Jewish Temple of Jerusalem where the Holy of Holies was kept behind the veil. Hence, “Atonement” is loaded with meaning both ancient and present-day.
Atonement = At — One — Ment
Simply put, the USA has not properly atoned for its transgressions against God and mankind. Quite conspicuously, this nation is not at one with its predominant belief system. America does not walk its talk. And, when you do not walk your talk, and still do a lot of talking, it is only a matter of time before you receive your comeuppance.
There’s a great story about Mahatma Gandhi which drives this crucial point home. As follows:
A mother was desperate.
Her son ate too much sugar — to the point that the mother was worried about his health.
She had to do something. She tried everything. Nothing worked.
She was out of ideas, save for one: maybe the boy’s beloved idol could help.
One day the mother and the young boy set out on foot to go see the boy’s idol. They walked for three hours, with a scorching hot sun bearing down upon them the entire way.
Sweaty and exhausted, the mother and the boy finally reach their destination: the ashram of the boy’s idol: Mahatma Gandhi.
“Bapu,” the mother said, “Please help me convince my son to stop eating so much sugar. Please tell him how unhealthy it is for him.”
Gandhi looked at the mother, then at the boy. He took a moment to consider.
“Come back in three days,” Gandhi said. “I will talk to your son then.”
As she wiped sweat from her brow, the mother nodded. She took the boy by the hand and they walked home.
Three days later, the mother and the boy made the same arduous trek back to see Gandhi. When they arrived, Gandhi was ready with his response.
He looked at the boy.
“Stop eating so much sugar,” Gandhi said. “It is bad for your health.”
The boy agreed. How could he not? One thousand requests from his mother could not equal this one from his idol.
The mother was ecstatic. Her objective had been achieved. But she was perplexed nonetheless.
“Bapu, thank you, but why could you not have said that three days ago?”
“I was not qualified to advise the boy. At that time, I too was eating lots of sugar.”
When a Christian nation — like the USA — tells the rest of the world how to live, what to believe, and what kind of government to have, and yet neither the government nor the citizens walk their own talk, there will always be a proverbial bust upside the head with a four by four.
What do we mean?
Under the ‘leadership’ of a Nobel Peace Prize winner, the USA — including both major political parties — have condoned and voted for wars which have turned the entire Middle East into a dystopian, post-apocalyptic wasteland. The same president has succeeded in restarting the Cold War with Russia after the CIA coordinated a coup d’état in Kiev in order to instigate a civil war in the Ukraine. This has occurred after U.S. attempts to overthrow a number of South American governments including Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina.
While it is always the mission of the CIA to coordinate these various revolutions and civil wars, they only take place with of the blessing of the U.S. Federal Government. Who empowers the government? The American people do.
For being a traditionally Christian nation, the USA has conducted way too many unrighteous wars. This incessant warring on mostly powerless and defenseless countries makes these heinous crimes against humanity all the more horrible and, ultimately, actionable offenses against the universal order. In other words, karma can be a real
B L O C K B U S T E R when payback time comes. After all, isn’t that what the Super Shemitah is all about?
The deliberate arming of ISIS in order to create so much chaos throughout the Mideast so that the ever-evolving Greater Israel can be established is such a profound violation of Judeo-Christian principles that divine retribution is inescapable. No one — no nation or state, no corporation or other entity under the sun — has the right to lay waste to God’s creation as the USA and Israel have in the Mideast. As the military arm of the New World Order, America has been used and misused and abused to create a fear-based, war-mongering juggernaut that crushes everything in its path.
While the USA has been exporting its brand of extremely violent democracy and predatory capitalism, the whole world waits in trepidation and fear. How did such a devout Christian nation get labeled the Great Satan by so many victimized countries. It’s important to bear in mind that most of them do not dare call the USA the global bully that it truly is out of fear of retaliation.
The fake War on Terror alone has done so much damage to the planetary civilization since 9/11 that it will never be the same. The ongoing mass exodus from the Mideast to Europe is a perfect example of karmic blowback. The EU nations, some (UK and France) of which both instigated and/or supported those wars of unprovoked aggression, are now feeling the pain. So is the USA as it is confronted with an illegal immigration mess. Because of its never-ending phony War on Drugs throughout Central and South America, the U.S. will quite possibly suffer a terminal case of illegal alien blowback.
Believe it or not, these vast and profound transgressions against international law only scratch the surface of the many wrongdoings of U.S. foreign policy. An honest and objective 100-year retrospective of history would reveal an unparalleled crime wave conducted by every U.S. Administration, as well as by many of the most powerful U.S. corporations. However, it is on the domestic front that successive U.S. governments, in collusion with Corporate America, have truly flouted Judeo-Christian morality or ethics.
American Society has degenerated into a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah
Septrember 23, 2015: The Day of Atonement Inaugurates The SUPER SHEMITAH
Herein lies the real problem for America. And, yes, as usual, this sermon is preaching directly to the choir. However, the choir REALLY doesn’t get how serious their part has been in the conduct of this planetary tragedy. Of course, everyone probably agrees with every word of this social commentary; nonetheless, each and every U.S. citizen bears responsibility for the current devolving state of affairs. How so?
When a drone ranger like Barack Obama is permitted to conduct unlawful drone assassinations, sometimes against innocent women, children and elderly men, something is VERY wrong.
When Cindy Sheehan and a few courageous women from Code Pink are the only ones protesting the illicit and terrible Mideast wars, something has gone awry with society in general.
However, the very reason why these odious wars are even prosecuted is because the soul of America has been systematically destroyed. It’s been said that once the USA so casually legalized abortion as an acceptable practice, the floodgates would be opened to all manner of state-sponsored corruption and evil. Just in case the reader is unaware, methodically killing the unborn is a stain on America’s soul that will never be washed away … … … except by a cleansing that only the Super Shemitah can perform.
Upwards of 58 million lives have been snuffed out since 1973 in the abortion factories which span across America. Now the whole world is a witness to the institutionalized criminality of Planned Parenthood. This patently criminal enterprise should have been shut down the very day the truth came out, via several damning videos which bore literal testimony to their multi-decade serial crime spree. The most grave development of this extremely sad saga is that the Congressional leadership does everything to maintain the status quo. Truly, if ever there was a societal failure, this lack of a meaningful response to the mass murder of America’s unborn is it.
On top of this sure sign of moral decay the world has also witnessed the recent unconstitutional SCOTUS ruling that made gay marriage the law of the land. This particular abomination in the sight of the Lord has essentially sealed America’s fate. Because that illicit and immoral high court decision profoundly violates both natural and scriptural law, the USA has set itself up for a quite serious “Day of Reckoning”.
There are many other offensive practices and unethical behaviors throughout America which have become socially acceptable. The popular TV programming, motion picture productions and internet content reflect this rapid coarsening of American culture. As a result an overly permissive society has emerged that seriously threatens the republic. It is well known that empires always die initially when the culture becomes gratuitously crass, crude, and coarse. Eventually the empire devolves into cruelty for the sake of cruelty.
When the very blueprint that undergirds the nuclear family is under profound assault, how much longer can the country survive. Especially in view of American destiny and its overwhelming influence on the rest of the world, it is clear that the USA will see a “great shaking”. America has now demonstrated that it is incapable of reining itself in; hence, divine intervention is the only remedy. The intractable hubris and arrogance will only respond to a leveling which only the Super Shemitah can deliver.
The Day of Atonement is just a day, Super Shemitah is an entire year
The title of this post refers to the reality that Yom Kippur is merely the doorway through which the observant Jewish community walked through in September of each year. How the Day of Atonement was observed had the power to dictate how the new year would unfold. This practice takes on much more meaning during the year of the Shemitah, because of the very nature and purpose of the Shemitah.
More significantly, the Day of Atonement takes on even more meaning during the Year of Jubilee, especially when it is the 70th or 120th Jubilee as some Hebrew calendar researchers have determined. What is often misunderstood is the truth that the Jubilee accentuates many of the prevailing energies associated with the financial shortcomings of society, especially where it concerns debt. When those matters regarding debt are not properly handled from within, they will be dealt with from without.
All of Western society has shirked this responsibility toward debt — to the extreme — over many years. The $19 trillion of U.S. national debt is a perfect example of this habitual shirking. Because the USA sits at the hub of the Global Economic & Financial System (GE&FS), many other nations have been likewise indebted. Therefore, when the U.S. dollar collapses, those currencies connected to it will suffer accordingly. As follows:
To tell the actual story is to repeat a tale of utterly insatiable greed that was continually fed by institutionalized thievery and perpetual war which has all but defined much of the history of Western Civilization. Though it was told, and retold, using many different narratives, most never imbibed the moral of the story whose most recent and primary character was not a person, but an abstract illusion known as the “Almighty Dollar”. This Almighty Dollar seemed to possess an invincible power, and so it became the object of great worship and deference by the vast majority of people on Earth….
This hapless majority chose to give up their power to this illusory King of Commerce by hitching their wagons to the Almighty Dollar’s wagon train. Now that all the wagons in front have gone over the cliff, those faithfully following are guaranteed the same fateful destiny.[1]
While quite unfortunate for the American people, the demise of the U.S. dollar will liberate many countries from the global penitentiary which is maintained by it. Only because the American people were incapable of restraining the rapacious appetite of the current Anglo-American version of predatory capitalism have they been implicated. Every time they voted for the lesser of the two evils, at every level of government, they contributed to their future fate. That fate will now appear in the form of the yearlong Super Shemitah.
A Telling Cautionary Tale About Giving Consent
The moral of this story is that the citizen can never abdicate his of her civic duty without great consequence. When a certain percentage of the electorate consistently votes only to support their narrow self-interest without looking out for the whole, what else can be expected. The ever-swinging pendulum of American politics reflects this extremely selfish form of democracy that now predominates. Nobody really wins, everyone always loses … each and every election cycle.
The essential lesson here is that when the voter votes for any candidate, they receive the fruits of their vote via the candidate’s performance. In other words if one votes for a warmonger, they, too, will suffer the karma of the warmonger. As an example, those who voted for the drone ranger Obama knew that he would continue his illicit droning during his second term. And so he has, even expanding on that extrajudicial program of cold-blooded murder of CIA ‘suspects’. Some of these illegal assassinations have even seen the killing of American citizens without trial or conviction.
The critical point here is that the voter has given his/her consent to this state-sponsored criminal conduct. By giving their consent through the election process voters are participating in the actions of their representatives … to varying degrees of course. By not impeaching or recalling those who commit high crimes and misdemeanors in broad daylight while performing their official duties, the electorate stands to suffer greatly from their collective electoral improprieties.
Really, how have whole voting demographics been sucked into such a shady scheme? Compromise! Every year brings new compromises of their values and principles, ethics and morality. The voter is promised this and that, knowing that they must give implicit consent for various political actions THAT DO GREAT HARM. Only because they, themselves, are not on the receiving end of those harmful actions, do they provide their consent to highly inferior representatives.
This slippery slope of political gamesmanship has brought the American Republic to a point of no return. Even today, the average U.S. citizen is clueless about the onrushing Super Shemitah. The nation as a whole has now crossed so many thresholds that there can be only one outcome. Which is exactly why the Super Shemitah takes place over a year’s time; not a day, or a week, or a month.
The American people, along with all the other nations which constitute the Anglo-American Axis (AAA), have allowed themselves to be deceived. In fact the powers of deception and falsehood are now much stronger than those of honesty and truth. So many generations have passed like this that the vast majority of people of those AAA nations are literally addicted to deception.
There is no more serious an addiction than the addiction to deception. There is no more serious predicament for a human being than being hopelessly addicted to deception. Whenever this becomes the plight of whole nations, there is only one way out. The Western powers have all seen their citizens give away their power to the state. In this way the AAA nations have each unlawfully arrogated power unto themselves. Through this painstaking process of self-aggrandizement, these countries have become drunk with power.
This dire situation has become so serious that mass migrations now threaten the world order. The entire European Union is now vulnerable to complete disintegration. The bankruptcy of Greece is merely the product of the pervasive moral bankruptcy throughout the Eurozone. Likewise, Puerto Rico has gone bankrupt which also threaten the United States, as do secessionist movements like the one brewing in Texas.
Where the Shemitah ended in a manner that did not manifest as expected, the Super Shemitah will not disappoint. For those from whom common sense has not yet fled, the immediate future ought to be crystal clear. Likewise, those who still possess the human faculty of reason understand that there is now mathematical certainty that the Global Economic & Financial System will soon self-destruct. And, they ought to understand that the world will be a much better place when it does.
With so much income inequality and class warfare, it is only a matter of time before the present system collapses. The currency and commodity manipulations have become too obvious for all to see. The ever-expanding derivative bubble and fast-growing carbon scam are deeply troublesome and problematic. Both stock and bond valuations are now so disconnected from reality that even the common man recognizes it. In effect the whole confidence game has been outed.
However, it is the lack of economic justice and the pervasiveness of financial hardship worldwide that spell disaster for the current GE&FS. It is to ‘fix’ this worsening state of affairs that the Super Shemitah comes. It is also why Pope Francis comes to visit President Obama on Yom Kippur. There are no coincidences, especially where it concerns the Super Shemitah.
by Revisionist Historians for World Peace
Submitted: September 22, 2015
[1] All Four Wheels Come Off The Anglo-American Juggernaut
The USA: Military Arm Of The New World Order
HUGE Changes Coming To Planet Earth
Video Reference — The MOEDIM Explained
Anglo-American Axis:
The Anglo-American Axis is represented, first and foremost, by the major English-speaking countries of the world: USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. The European member nations of NATO, such as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands are also closely aligned with the AAA as are all the Scandinavian countries. So are the Asian Pacific Rim nations of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar also owe their allegiance to the AAA but some of these may be changing. The World Shadow Government is an ultra-secret, supranational organization which completely controls the Anglo-American Axis, as well as the European Union, NATO, among many other institutional entities which constitute the Global Control Matrix.
(Source: Vladimir Putin’s Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World ‘Order’)
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the Synagogoue rules the world!
Super Shemitah – A whole year of predictions…..
Seriously? So anything that happens in the next year, is become of super shemitah? So all your predictions about this will be right?
Is it how far gone and desperate to be right you guys are going?
It’s like predicting that a football team will win the Super Bowl.
Well I guarantee you that one of the NFL teams will win the super bowl. That is the same kind of prediction- for the dumb.
Of course America must EVENTUALLY fall and be punished for sins and transgressions, but when?
In Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate I suggest that the Bible’s end times evil empire of Mystery Babylon is Postwar America:
“Let’s look at Daniel 7:24 another way “As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings will arise; and another will arise after them, and he will be different from the previous ones.” What if this is a reference to Western Civilization – The West – The First World – NATO – and the powerful kingdom at its head is Postwar America? What if this is the global American empire that came about as a result of victory in Europe and the Pacific in WWII?
Before WWII, The United States was in economic depression and had a pitiful army. America was unquestionably considered weaker than Germany, Great Britain, France, The Soviet Union, or Japan. After WWII American armies occupied half the world, from Germany and Italy to Japan and South Korea. The American economy had an industrial output and economic wealth equal to the rest of the world combined, because other major powers had largely destroyed each other. America was the only nation with the atomic bomb. No nation had ever dominated the world like postwar America, nor has any other nation used its power so often. Jeremiah 25:11-12 may have a very interesting parallel for this: “nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years. Then it will be when seventy years are completed I will punish the king of Babylon and that nation.”
The Jews were exiled in ancient Babylon for seventy years 2,600 years ago. This prophecy was fulfilled already. But many prophecies experience multiple fulfillments, and this one may see a second fulfillment in America. Postwar America has occupied the defeated enemies of WWII. Germany and Japan in particular have been economic powerhouses, producing high-quality merchandise for American consumers. World War II ended with the American occupation of these countries in 1945. Will American economic dominance and the economic servitude of former enemies end about 70 years later, around 2015?
Dinesh D’Souza opens his latest book on Obama with the words: “The American Era, 1945-2016.” Germany is shifting into Russia’s sphere of influence; Japan is shifting into alignment with China… Andrew Simmons suggests that with the end of the Holocaust and World War II, “1946 saw the branch of national Israel become tender and put forth leaves. But of even more significance, America began her 70-year reign as Babylon.”
— R.A. Coombes wrote a book pointing out about 100 specific references to New York and America as the city and empire of Mystery Babylon. I also conclude in my book that America is Mystery Babylon and Obama is the King of Babylon in Bible prophecy. WWII ended in September 1945. 70 years later it’s September 2015. Will America’s economic crash and collapse happen soon?
Consider reading Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate
“Of course America must EVENTUALLY fall and be punished for sins and transgressions”
Who do you think you are to put out such a statement? Who are you to judge your fellow man?
Who died and put you in charge?
Get your retarded face out of here, and shove that book up your butt
Yes. David should take his book and firmly wedge it into his turds hole and then die to death of bleeding from his butt.
Excellent work boys.
Any man that impersonates Corky for clix should be served a “steamy hot carl”
Go to hell you too for your evil evil mind
YOUR mind is a filthy cesspool and You ARE a HORRIBLE PERSON so get ready for hell and stop abusing the people here with your dirty filthy virulent ignorant anger without valid cause.
You need help. You need to be thrown down a crevasse in the next huge earthquake and made to be no more, because you will not submit to an exorcism if there were any good authentic exorcists available they would not want to touch you. Lays out the end times according to prophecy. It does a good job connecting scripture to prophecy and current events. According to this, bath house barry is the last pResident. The end will happen before the traitor in thief finishes out his term of office. I just noticed something that I missed in your reply earier. Have you ever noticed that every 70 years there is a damning, devastating bankruptcy of the US? This is by design. Every 70 years the US goes utterly bankrupt and devastation ensues. Think about what I just said and think about it, think back and look at history. I have never put this into context until just now by reading your comment about the US ending it’s 70 reign as Babylon and now it all makes perfect sense as to why there will be an economic collapse in biblical proportions now unfolding before our eyes.
A Dog is only as smart as its master, so the American People will be judged, not the Satanic Jew World Order that controls Americans and pulls the strings. Punish the Dog, never the Master! Once the Dog (the American people ) is put down, the Master (Jew World Order ) will just go and find another Dog, and the hole thing will repeat over and over. How many Dogs have been put down over the last few centuries, that had the same Master (Jew World Order ) hanging on to their leash???
No one can answer me why David, the King of Jews, collected foreskins to marry the daughter of a pagan king.
She was the daughter of the king of Isreal, not a pagan king. And the king told David to get 100 foreskins of his enemy the philistines, hoping they would kill David in the process. Now you know and can move on to your next vital unanswered bible question.
Thank you, Anonymous. Insanity rules here, so that was refreshing
CHRISTIANS, you follow a freaking JEW PHARISEE.
The Jew Pharisees started the church altar, the Eucharist (Pharisees Mark and Luke) – the SEIZURE PROPHECY (Matthew 21:33-46). The Son of God said the Pharisees would seize on his inheritance, and with respect to Gentiles, the Son of God is to be their Light (Isaiah 42:6), but Pharisees made Paul the Light to the Gentiles.
Rip a Christian from Paul? IMPOSSIBLE, they LOVE Paul (at least most of them do, Rev. 18:4). They cannot imagine the Son of God is not in Paul’s word, BUT HE IS NOT! Fool Christians, the Son of God SPEAKS FOR HIMSELF, but you dog Christians love a liar instead (Romans 3:7, Rev 22:15). The jerk Christians who mock the Jews as turning over their Lord in favor of a murderer, but you Gentile Christians turn over the Lord in favor of a liar, a murderer and that is the false apostle and anti-Christ Pharisee Paul (Rev. 2:2, 2 Timothy 1:15, 1 John 2:18).
Christ says Pharisees seize on his inheritance (Matthew 21:33-46), and there is Pharisee Paul the master of Christendom; and Jacob said Benjamin is as a wolf in the last days, conquering his prey and dividing the spoils (Genesis 49:1, 49:27), and there is Pharisee Paul from THE TRIBE OF BENJAMIN and he with fellow Benjamite wolf Pharisees conquered the sucker Gentiles with their false light PAUL (Philippians 3:5, Romans 11:13), Paul made the hero, the converted Pharisee becomes an apostle to the Gentiles for the Lord, so says Christendom. DOGS OF CHRISTENDOM IGNORE THE FOLLOWING: Matthew 10:18 You shall present my gospel before governors, kings and Gentiles as testimony against them. So throw on the trash heap that LIE of Christendom that the Son of God did not appoint Peter, Matthew and John and their fellow apostle believers in the Son to preach the Son’s testimony to the Gentiles!!
The Jews of Satan own the Bank for International Settlements in Swissy Knight Templars’ Switzerland, they own the Bank of England, the European Central bank, the Federal Reserve and they timed SCOTUS gay marriage to be in Shemitah year. These guys got the Gentile clown Christians by the neck on a chain and whip them any which way they want and their control is via CHRISTENDOM, of the Roman Catholic variety. The woman is limited in power to 25% of the earth, and the harlots keep her in check – the Orthodox church, the Ethiopian church, the Protestant church (Rev. 17:5, 6:1-8). The rider on the white horse is Christendom, claiming to be of God, they bring death and Hell, war, faminine, disease (Rev. 6:1-8). And for the moron Christians who think Rev. 6:1-8 is of God’s judgment, go read Rev. 6:9-11 – HOW LONG LORD BEFORE YOU JUDGE THOSE ON EARTH FOR KILLING US … rest a while longer until the complete number of your brethren and fellow servants have been so killed …. If Rev. 6:1-8 was of God’s judgment, then in Rev. 6:9-11, the souls would not be asking God, how long before you judge …. !
The judgment of God begins for one reason only, as stated in Rev. 6:9-11, awaiting completion of a number, those who are killed by the world for no reason other than they gave the Lord’s testimony. Once that number is completed, then the Lord begins his wrath unto victory.
CHURCH IS ALWAYS RENEWED THROUGH BLOOD SHED, Fulda Germany 1980, dead pope Karol Wojtyla aka pope John Paul ii. When the Jew Pharisees begin to whip Protestant USA around, the moron Protestants will be saying yeah it is God’s wrath for gay marriage and whatever other reasons they want to believe it is God’s wrath. They are dogs, not believers in the Son of God, only claiming to believe him: Rev. 22:11 LET HIM THAT IS FILTHY BE FILTHY STILL and LET HIM THAT IS UNJUST BE UNJUST STILL ….
But the children of Hell Christians will have NONE of that, no way, GOD’S WRATH, GOD’S WRATH they cry, and where the Lord says, LET BOTH GROW UNTIL HARVEST (Matthew 13:30), the dog lovers of lies Christians REFUSE to obey. They are always preaching as their master Pharisee Paul teaches them ALL OUTSIDE THE CHURCH ARE CHILDREN OF WRATH, REVENGE ALL DISOBEDIENCE (Ephesians 2:2-3, 2 Cor. 10:6). Hell the children of Hell are instructed by their master Pharisee Paul to bring the wrath of God themselves.
You are a gay loser. Don’t fret. Even gay losers can one day achieve their goals with hard work and determination.
Kindly help yourself to a Cyanide enema. Idiot.
WICKED CHRISTIANS, you cannot hear the Lord because you are not of him (save the few good but deceived, Rev. 18:4): THE PHARISEES SEIZE ON THE LORD’S INHERITANCE AND REMAIN IN POSSESSION THEREOF UNTIL THE LORD RETURNS TO DESTROY THEM (Matthew 21:33-46).
THE LORD HAS NOT YET RETURNED, therefore the Pharisees remain IN POSSESSION of what belongs to the Lord.
TO THE JEWS, THE LORD IS FULFILLMENT OF THE COVENANT (Jeremiah Ch. 31, Isaiah 42:6). When the Lord returns, he DESTROYS THE PHARISEES and establishes his elect whom the angels gather from all over the world to be with him in what the Lord shall give as land to the Jews (Matthew 24:31). The 1948 founding of the state of Israel IS OF THE PHARISEES.
“Karma”???? really??? You must not read The Bible. There is a lot of fear-mongering writers on this website. FOocus on preaching Chris and Him Crucified, not setting dates and false info.
Pope Francis in the USA- Welcome ceremony and visit to the President
jdp…USA citizens did not condone building up ISIS this was Obama’s alone deal. The US is out of money because of Obama, so he needs to create war to keep business working, cash flowing, citing all is well economically gov’t the biggest employer,mil and civil service all do the bidding of the commander in chief. Forget the shovel ready jobs, that was just a sound bite for elections, you can keep your insurance etc..these kind of lies got Nixon fired, Why not fire Obama who has done much worse, actually broke US laws.
Duh, cause he is a half-black muslim. If he was not muslim- he would not have done 99.9% of the things that he has done and his head would be half- way up Benjamin Netanyahoo’s ass!
I didn’t elect the usurper I was very vocal against him from the start. BLAME someone else.
We must be getting close to WWIII since he’s hanging around the dictator usurper the same way the pope hung around hitler during WWII.
Oh you didn’t know?? Ever since the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1990′s, ALL American Politicians and US Military “decision makers” were all under the Rothchilds Israel payroll. EVERYTHING in America are controlled by Israel Rothcilds – the media, entertainment, schooling, food new regulations, even they clearly admit it with confidence and immunity.
This “Shemitah” you speak of only applies to the fake Israel now since “their” game is starting to unravel… that super red blood moon clearly only visible in Israel is an indicator and sign that the game is up for them so in return those fake Jews in todays Israel are going to do whatever it takes to take the rest of humanity out since they assume that they are going down….well seems more of a desperation act.
We have more Jews in America compared to the fake Jews in Todays Israel Rothcilds territory.
Those Jews in Israel that claim they are Jews, are not. Also those very same inhabitants of todays Israel only self proclaim themselves to be “Gods Chosen People” that is a lie too and they spread that propaganda mind washing in US Media for the past 50 years or so.
The Jews love numbers, and thats what that Kabbala Hollywood cult thing is also all into that cult crap as well.
Eat More GMO
Great Satan was a term given by the Muslims Or Ishmael . The vatican is Esau . Israel ( 10 lost tribes ) is America and Europe . Judea is living in The land of Israel . The land is being destroyed as GOD said it would before HE brought Israel back home to The land of Israel , everything is still working as the bible said it would . This is what is upsetting Ishmael and Esau .
Your “Ishmael” used America.
America wants nothing to do with “Ishmael” anymore and its own people of America are starting to see it.
Eat More GMO
A Cosmo-info:
Pope Francis is, as well as Obama, one of shapeshifters of reptilian-humanoids of the Lizard being the invaders-rulers of the Eath since ancient times.
In USA New civil war occurs soon and New American People’s Revolution wins
The Creators gave all things for Earthians gratuitously, but Earthians turned the Earth to the evil and corrupt plutocratical hell.
Therefore, at the case when American peoples don’t follow the Destiny by the Creators for transition to the new Earthly society of everything gratuitous services in all areas of human social life, according to a notice from the Creators of the Cosmo-blocks control world, the East of USA, including NY and Washington DC, and CA State of the West sink into the sea together with Israel.
At the same time God gave Israel to the Jews, we have no right to split it either and that is when we will see God angry.
You at that crack-pipe again Nancy
YOU FILTHY-MOUTHED TROLL…YOU WILL PAY, in time to come, FOR YOUR REBELLION AND MOCKING OF GOD’S PEOPLE…Guaranteed, pal…rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, says Scripture…I would suggest that you ‘repent’…age old word for change your evil ways…L.
Layna, you should be up there with 69 and the punk under him, for filthy people, they are the ones who need to be taken off this site that is heavy abuse,
this was just a little funny comment
That is kind of (very) funny I think!
when you see what Nancy said, and especially how she said it… I mean… funny
funny thing that, Nancy…I upvoted you…and it never showed up here…at least, from my side, it didn’t…
First, today (9/23/15) is NOT Yom Kippur! At sunset is the autumnal equinox, the first of two days when the sun sets due west (270 degrees) and rises due east 90 degrees. See and Second, Yom Kippur does not commence until the 10th of the seventh month; see Third, the Masoretic calendar is NOT of the Most High; that’s because the fourth month is named after the Babylonian deity Tammuz, which is an abomination! See[email protected]/msg00674.html. PLEASE get your facts straight!
The time is now,
It’s time to smite,
Those thieving,
Hooked nosed Edomites
No more wars for Religion.
Oh, but the babies are human. That is why they are coveted as sacrifices. Human babies are the best sacrifice.
Innocent, pure, strength of the spirit.
and btw, Yom Kippur was thought to have been today, but it is not. It begins on Sept 24 evening time, that is later, because the moon was not sighted until the 15th, I think. That puts it back, it is connected to the 10-day count from then, and hence, you cannot have Yom Kippur begin on this date, 23rd.
However, the point is not lost on us. Today the Pope (an abominable head of the Babylonian Mysteries) visits the USA (part of Israel) and is fawned over and adored by all the media, it is sickening to hear and watch, it is a magical phenomenon essential to the Old Religion’s power over people. Black magic works. It has worked on the whole world. It has even worked on you. I know it has worked on me, so don’t think I am an outsider just condemning… I am not. I am just stating the facts. Accept them or reject them out of hand without serious observation and research if you ‘want’ to disagree because you don’t want to face the truth that you all have been the victimes of black magic by people in highest places. And spirits, it is uncomfortable for yu to face this, but you have to because it is the truth.
And only if you face the uncomfortable, disgusting, disturbing facts, can anyone help the situation.
Are you big enough as a human being to do this? We will see by your reaction. You are being watched. By all of heaven.
So tonight not being Yom Kippur, it doesn’t matter, it is even a stronger testament to us, to Israel’s countries (people descended from the tribes) that this abomination is happening today, talking with our President the Muslim (who are believers in and followers in the Quran and do not disagree with any of those words or they cannot remain Muslim per definition of that religion of that religion), a stated, avowed enemy -
2 enemies talking, one leader of the world’s most powerful institution (Catholic Church) in the New Atlantis. (USA)
Tomorrow is the time after this is done, today, when we shall have accepted this abomination being done and all the other abominations that we have allowed to be committed in this land. Then Yom Kippur starts. Tomorrow, in the evening, at sundown.
that is in my mind, anyway, far more a powerful testament and a far stronger sequence than today being Yom Kippur and the Pope’s visit to us taking place on it. Tomorr is the time when it is the most sobering, somber, remorseful, sin-acknowledging time as commanded to all to participate in and face. Face our own sinfulness. Humble ourselves and repent of the iniquties. Yet, most will not. Most will not even recognise that this is a sin…. what the hell can yu do with that?
Most people however, know eating babies is sinful. Murdering them for their body parts. However it was alright with most people that they were just murdered. How far have we gone past the pale? Only a miracle can turn us around now. That is supposed to be available to yu on Kippur. Just observe this day, and do what is required. then maybe IAUE will notice your (our) repentance and help us.
If not, then, hell to pay. I rather think that’s the way it’s gonna go.
IT is as if IAUE is saying to us, “Watch all this that is being done. Think deeply about it as it is being done, today (and the other days, but the Pope today…the pompous arrogance being enjoined by even the multitudes of Americans, who have history and didn’t read it, have bibles and don’t care what they say to them about this kind of thing, the pomp and circumstance and the evil in her skirts of the blood of innocents and dead men’s bones, lies and murders, sorceries and abominations, this is the head guy….today) Then, after watching this take place today, tomorrow all day, you can think about the implications all during the day, all day, UNTIL sundown, then, the serious repentance and remorse personally and nationally are supposed to be cleansing and reconciling us to our Creators.
All day tomorrow you think of these deeds being done in our names. By these perverted evil people who we wanted to run our policies and lives and be our authority. Then is the time commanded, Yom Kippur, at sundown TOMORROW NIGHT, begins Yom Kippur. That, to me, THAT is the best sequence you can ever have for this whole damed situation of Israel, … to whom much is given, much is required. What have we all done,.. I repeat, what have we allowed to be DONE
on our behalf? We are going to have hell to pay, if we don’t take this commanded appointed time of introspection and remorse seriously tomorrow night.
That is why the moon was not sighted on the 14th.
Dude chill out. Try decaf, that might help. The American people do not empower the government here. The US government is it’s own animal. And it is a beast beyond any control. The visible power structure is simply the illusion. The real power is hidden from view. They are not elected and wield power without equal…..