There's Something Strange About The Case Of James Bulger: - Mum Ignored Call Saying "We've Got Your Boy" - The Bulger Books Revisited
James Bulger: Denise Fergus Shocker!
James Bulger’s story gripped the nation from the moment news broke that the toddler had gone missing from Bootle New Strand shopping center in Liverpool.
Searches were made for James Bulger who had reportedly been taken by two young boys.
One strange thing happened that weekend that seems to have been totally overlooked at the time James was snatched.
Denise Fergus (then Bulger) had done all she can do to assist police investigations on the Saturday after James had been taken on Friday, February 12, 1993.
She went to her mother’s house (James’s grandmother) after leaving the police station.
When she was at her mum’s the telephone rang. This was a landline as mobile phones were not a part of everyday life in 1993.
It was Denise who answered the call to hear a voice calmly saying “We’ve got your little boy” over and over again.
Denise Fergus writes in her latest book titled, “I Let Him Go” how she then confronts the caller by asking who it is as they continue to stay calm and say that they had James in their possession.
Denise then claims how she thought nothing of it and put the phone down when she “realised it was a crank”.
Given this was just 24 hours after James had allegedly been snatched and she begged the nation to help her son return home safely, Denise Fergus did not think there was much to the odd call.
Denise’s quotes are taken from an article that was made up of extracts from her book, “I Let Him Go”.
Denise then writes how after ending the call, she never contacted the police straight away but instead, she sat on the floor looking at her mum’s fireplace when the pattern changed into the shape of an angel with wings and that she took it as a sign that James had died.
It is a bit odd that the area near the place where James was allegedly found is in fact in the shape of an angel with wings is it not?
I am not sure if this is book writers amplification of the reader’s emotion or if Denise is being serious here but the time she is talking about is 32 hours after James is alleged to have been taken by the two boys, Denise released this book in 2019.
In 2019 everyone knows that James is alleged to have been taken from Bootle Strand at around 15:30 on Friday, February 12, 1993. He was then taken to the railway lines behind Walton Lane police station. We are told he was subjected to a brutal and sexual assault that killed him as well as being dumped on train tracks to make it look like a train had done the damage.
This poses the question of why is Denise putting it in her book that maybe the moment James died was after she received a call on the Saturday, to say somebody had James? Again, I must point out this was over a day and a half after his probable time of death.
In another piece of book writer’s fiction or outright strange circumstances, Denise tells the reader how she forgot James was missing as news broke that a body of a two-year-old boy had been found on Merseyside.
A lot of the things that are said in these books are very unnerving, but Denise and Ralph also say a lot of things on camera that do not sit right. I want to go back to the moments James was taken and the hours leading up to the incident.
In the video below, Denise talks about how she still does not know if the boys had been in school at 9am and ran out, or if they were both off all-day. She then states how she does not know if the blame should fall on the school and truancy services. If you watch the video then carry on reading I will make a huge point about this statement and a few more as we carry on.
In her book, Denise writes how when James was very first snatched, she ran out of the butcher shop and turns left. She tells us how she ran to the security terminal which was the most logical thing to do and I agree with that statement (we will come back to this point shortly). Denise tells us how the security team put a message over the tannoy instantly. This means the whole shopping center staff were all alerted, all security instantly aware. It takes seconds to reach the security area. Readers of “I Let Him Go” are then taken on a frantic search with James Bulger’s mum running into shops screaming that her boy is missing and asking if anyone had seen him. It is alleged that a shop assistant came towards Denise and said: “Don’t worry love, we have found him, he is on the second floor in such and such a shop”. Denise then claims she ran to the shop shouting “have you got my little boy”. We are told how the shop assistant said: “no but I think they have him two shops down”. This was two people who spoke of knowledge of the whereabouts of James instantly. Staff in Bootle New Strand were allegedly giving her information. Where did these people get this from?
During her panic, Denise speaks to a third person, a security guard who tells her: “Don’t worry love, he will be in Woolworths playing with toys, we’ve never had one go missing yet”. This was now three conversations (excluding the conversation at the security booth that triggered a tannoy call) with two different shop assistants and a security guard within the first frantic seconds of her search for James.
This is where I make my next massive point. Keeping in mind how in the video above, Denise does not mention Bootle Strand being held accountable in any way whatsoever but hear me out.
We are told that in the trail how the court found out how a lady had to save her little boy from being taken by the two killers after they were seen trying to lure her son away as he played outside another shop with his sister. Denise has told us in her book, how she spoke to various staff within the shopping complex in the moments after James was taken.
Let us add human nature to this. The mother of the first boy to ALLEGEDLY be approached by the two killers would have seen them try to take her boy and said:
“What are you doing you little tw*ts? Get the f**k away from my kid! What are you playing at? Pack it in”
She would have then looked for a security guard and told him how two boys, who should be in school, have just tried to snatch her little boy. Remember this was before James was taken obviously. This raises the next question. If what Denise says about how she spoke to various members of staff and security is true and it is also true that a little boy was also stopped from being taken by the killers. Then is it not plausible that the security guards should have known about the earlier incident and already been on alert and not said stupid things like James would be playing with toys in Woolworths? Or “don’t worry love, we have got him, he is in such a shop?”. The staff should have known and kicked them out or called the police.
This is in Denise Fergus’ book, it is not me making it up but I am not sure if Denise is not making it up.
The first alleged attempt to take a little boy in Bootle New Strand was at 12:30 in the day, so when James was taken at around half 3. What were the kids doing in the Strand walking around for 3 hours trying to snatch kids? What was going on with security? Has anyone ever shown all the 3 hours worth of footage of them in the Strand trying to take other kids? If this was a claim I want solid video footage proof of that incident too and it is not there I bet it never was. Denise states that she did the logical thing and ran straight to security when James vanished, it is the logical thing and I agreed with that earlier. So I beg the question. Did the mother of the first boy who was almost snatched not do the logical thing and alert security? Was this a factor in how the boys were allowed to roam around a generally small shopping center for three hours stealing batteries and paint as well as sweets and other objects without being apprehended, or noticed by any senior staff or security within the whole shopping center? Two boys who you would have expected to be seen over a three hour period went totally under the radar even after trying to lure another boy from his mother. How old was that boy and who was the mother? The memory will have never left that mum and she will still remember it today. Very clearly too. Has anyone in Liverpool ever known anyone to tell them that story? Does that woman exist? Did the staff really make those comments?
Who was the child that the staff in the shopping center said they had found? Why were they saying they had found a child who was astray from his parents? One child was actually taken, one was almost taken, and one was allegedly safe with store staff? This was adults saying they had confirmed they had found a kid who was being looked after by another adult in two other shops giving the impression that people had spoken to a toddler who had lost his mum and he was safe. Who was that kid and why did the people say that?
If you listen to what she said in the video that we started this section with, you will be shocked to find out how Denise mentions a third snatch attempt involving the boys, two weeks earlier, when they allegedly tried to lure a small girl out of a school. What on earth is going on with this story and the things not only Denise says in her books and tv interviews but Ralph too in his? Pretty soon you are going to see how Ralph speaks about his personal fears that a pedo ring was using the boys as a decoy to hide the fact it was them behind it all. We also have Ralph saying how his uncle became known as the PC assassin and they feared they were being watched by not the police but SECRET SERVICES after Uncle Jimmy’s PCs blew up several times with hard drives totally wiped after he visited sensitive issues when researching James Bulger’s killers. Staff in PC world asked Jimmy if he was visiting websites that he shouldn’t. What type of websites were they getting at? We will get on to Ralph’s book shortly.
A big thing to look out for in cases like this are patterns and the next screenshot from Denise Fergus’ book shows a theme that has carried on throughout may cases involving children, No Stone Left Unturned.
No Stone Left Unturned is a phrase that has been coined by many grieving parents and sometimes dubious ones but all involving high-profile cases.
Here is one example when Madeleine McCann’s parents set up a charity for Madeleine less than two weeks after she allegedly went missing, the charity is called Leaving No Stone Unturned.
This seems to be a phrase attached to many tragic cases involving kids and it also points into the direction of paedophiles as we can see with both the Madelien case and that of James Bulger too but this is not mentioned much.
Here is David Cameron also declaring he will leave no stone unturned after accusations of child abuse from within Westminister.
Here we see how Denise also says the phrase in her book “I Let Him Go”, this is worth noting as we see it connected to so many cases and all cases pose serious questions that mainstream media do not highlight at all. Is leaving no stone left unturned a codeword for secret services etc? Is it a warning to paedophile rings?
We now switch from Denise Fergus book to Ralph Bulger’s, the father of James and things get very weird if they are not already.
We see how Ralph says he had initial thoughts about James being taken by a paedophile ring who had used the two boys, Thompson and Venables to entice James away from his mother without any suspicion falling on a child abuse network.
I would now ask any reader of this article who can remember the time James went missing and was allegedly murdered if they can relate to Ralph’s line of thinking that the boys had been used by a paedophile ring?
I doubt many people will have even had this thought enter their head so why did it enter Ralph’s?
The very odd claims come in Ralph’s book that was released in 2013, the book was called My James.
Ralph’s book then tells us how James uncle Jimmy had 5 computers disabled in 6 months and he had to take them all back to PC World who then dubbed him the PC assassin as well as asking if he had been trying to access sites he should not be after he alleges he was looking into sensitive information regarding Thompson and Venables.
Ralph goes on to say that to this day he and Jimmy suspected they were being watched by Secret Services and how Jimmy thought his phone was tapped.
Very strange indeed for a man who suspected he was being watched by secret services to also say he fears his child was taken by a paedophile ring who used Thompson and Venables as decoys. What did Ralph know? Is this suggestive of an international paedophile ring for such high-level surveillance. These books all seem highly cryptic. Is this embedded in disclosure? The incident with James was in 1993, mainstream use of the internet in the United Kingdom did not arrive until after the millennium, so at what stage did uncle Jimmy get the internet and ruin 6 PCs over a course of 6 months? Why would the Secret Services be monitoring Ralph and his family at least 8 or 9 years later?
We are told many horrors of the case and most of the brutal ins and outs but for some reason, some evidence was held back from the trial and put under lock and key for decades as it is just too bad for the public to hear.
But again we have already been told how James was identified and that held many horrible points in the case as well as the alleged sexual abuse the two murderers are said to have inflicted on James also.
What is it about this case that could not be aired to the public that was worse than we already know?
The two boys who took James are alleged to have sexually abused him so where did they learn how to sexually abuse a child?
Were the boy’s abuse victims themselves? We do know at least one of the families had major dealings with social services in the past.
The case all seems to have political agendas to it and huge underlying (not so obvious at first glance) paedophile tones to it that must be highlighted.
Next, we look at how Merseyside police stated they would investigate claims from a man saying he is James Bulger and he is alive and wants to speak to Ralph and Denise. This was reported on by Enchanted LifePath News & Media in June 2019.
James Patrick Bulger Twitter and YouTube accounts found as Denise Fergus is confronted by man claiming to be James who then requested Jeremy Kyle involvement over his story.
James Bulger accounts continue making wild claims that James is not dead, Denise is not his mother and she is called Lisa.
Stalker states video of James is him at Sarah’s.
Police are believed to be monitoring the social media accounts of a man who is claiming to be murdered two-year-old James Bulger.
A Twitter account in the name of James Patrick Bulger contacted Denise Fergus in March claiming he is ready to meet Ralph Bulger and Denise on morning television shows in the United Kingdom to talk about what happened to James Bulger who he speaks of in first-person.
Denise Fergus responded to the creepy Tweet by telling the account owner to “go away you deluded fool”.
Members of the public reacted in anger as they responded to the Tweet by saying they would be willing to meet the person behind the profile.
The James Patrick Bulger Twitter account was reported by people in support of Denise Fergus but the account remains active.
Tweets that were reported include one sent to Good Morning Britain saying “I’m alive can we meet”, another sent to Jeremy Kyle reads: “Is it ok to meet Ralph on a morning show to talk about what happened to me”.
The account also asks someone called Valerie to send a baby photograph to brother.
Merseyside Police were alerted to the Tweet and they swiftly addressed people’s concerns by saying they are aware of the incident and enquiries were being made.
The husband of Denise Fergus, Stuart, could also be seen asking Merseyside Police to follow him and keep the family updated.
Since Tweeting Denise Fergus in March, the person behind the profile has since made a series of Tweets as late as May and June where he is believed to be talking to Ralph Bulger who he calls dad and says he is waiting to talk to him.
The profile which has its location set to Edinburgh says “I’m here I’m alive”.
The person behind the account also appears to run a channel on YouTube that is also used to reference murdered toddler James Bulger.
The YouTube channel has the same name and profile as the Twitter account, both called James Patrick Bulger and it has no subscribers.
Videos on the channel include a theme of paedophilia with all three on the channel showing the owner of the account to have views about James Bulger, child killers, and paedophiles.
The video below is called James Patrick Bulger Hated it and it is about a case of a 12-year-old boy who is alleged to have killed his younger sister.
The further two videos also carry a disturbing theme that highlights the dangers around children.
The James Patrick Bulger account on YouTube is not the only one that has been targeting Denise Fergus in the past twelve months with another one also making startling claims regarding the James Bulger story.
A video that contains an interview with Denise was targeted by a man who also claims to be James called Steven Allen who states Denise Fergus is not his Mother and her name is Lisa.
You will notice this is from two accounts, one is steven allan the other is SteVen Allan
The video with the comments can be seen below.
22 Years later… Interview with Mother of James Bulger, Denise Fergus | Bay TV Liverpool
Steven Allan can be seen calling Denise, Lisa in the comments is a Daily mail video from March 2018 titled: James Bulger family reject apology from son’s killer Jon Venables – Daily Mail
The person behind the Allan accounts then tells Denise that he finds the video to be a bit much and that he is James and he is not dead.
Steven Allen’s YouTube channel About Page contains a reference to when Denise says that a ghost of James tugged on her nightgown when she was alone upstairs.
You can see Denise Fergus say this in the 22 years later video.
The channel called steven allan does not have any content uploaded to it but the one named SteVen Allan does and it did contain some of the comments that will be a concern to Denise and Stuart Fergus.
It is not known if all these accounts are run by the same person.
The channel has four videos and one of them alleges to be Steven known as James at Sarah’s house in footage that is owned and was released by AP news.
He has changed the title from, UK: HOME VIDEO OF JAMES BULGER RELEASED, to Me at Sarah’s house.
The next video on the channel is a 5-second clip strangely called: Robert Thompson Robert Ford I Mean Set Me Up And John Stephens And Lesley Venables Isn’t Denise And Nor Is Lisa
The video has no comments.
The next video titled Video Playback 2 shows the person behind the account naming more names and saying he was set up. It is not known who he is talking about here as the video is about Robert Thompson.
This next screenshot is from the video description and one comment left on it by Steven Allan.
He again seems to say he is not related to Denise.
All videos from the Steven Allan channel can be seen in this playlist.
The incidents are similar to a story Enchanted LifePath covered in 2018 when a Wirral based actor set up Facebook accounts claiming to be missing toddler Katrice Lee and began to troll her father and sister online.
Heidi Robinson, then 39, was caught in the eye of a storm involving missing person Katrice Lee who was taken from a supermarket at a German army barracks in 1981, aged two.
The Lee family was left shaken and upset after a Facebook account in the name of Katrice which also used photographs sent a friend request to Natasha Lee, the sister of Katrice.
Natasha took a screenshot before showing members of the group Search For Katrice Lee who responded in disbelief.
Royal Military Police asked Heidi Robinson, 39, for DNA sample after a Facebook account in her name was changed to the identity of the toddler who has not been seen for 37 years.
The father of Katrice Lee was left angry and frustrated by Heidi Robinson’s refusal to engage in dialogue with authorities, give a DNA sample, attempt to clear her name, or apologise to the family if it was her who impersonated his missing daughter.
Enchanted LifePath Alternative News & Media spoke with Richard Lee, the father of Katrice during reports on the wanna be miss universe contestant.
Tina Malone is heard saying how she regrets sharing Jon Venables Facebook post but there is more to this interview than meets the eye.
She tells us how she was so skint that the local priest gave her money via an envelope at Christmas that year. She then goes on to say how she had felt suicidal and had written a note. Her daughter Flame Chase was why she never harmed herself. This is also where she first mentions not being able to go to Disneyland in Paris because she had received a £10k fine and 8 months suspended sentence, for as papers claim, “Identifying Jon Venables”. She avoided jail in 2019.
In 2011, a Robert Thompson lookalike known as, Spencer Payne, (just like Sara Payne) was given a 12 week suspended sentence and fined £0 (as reported) for “Falsely Identifying” Robert Thompson, saying he lived above his flat in Essex leaving his innocent neighbour fearing for his life after the accusations.
Robert Thompson’s Future Lookalike Was In Court For Falsely Claiming Robert Thompson Was His Neighbour Putting Him In Danger
Madeleine McCann, Sara Payne, James Bulger Similarities (center image is Maddy age progression pic release)
Keywords here are ‘false identification’ and ‘identification’. Did Tina actually identify Venables? Or was she acting? She is an actor and those crocodile tears did not kid anyone.
In the next interview when Tina mentions Disneyland, in an interview about how she got over a year of hell which including being arrested for possession of cocaine when starring in a snow-white pantomime in Barrow-in-Furness. Tina tells us how she had been given a free holiday to Disneyland by a travel agent who had seen her previous interview crying about not being able to take her kids Flame Chase (Chasing Flames). The thing is she also states how when she was there, that they had to leave the hotel but had missed a flight something but they had no money to get home. Her husband Paul Chase, Tina and Flame Chase. She tells us how she had to scramble to get family and friends to send her money so they could book another room and all she had for food was one packet of crisp that she found in her bag. All she had to offer her daughter, aged five, for days was her share in a packet of bashed-up six-day-old.
It is also in the second video where she mentions a list of 24 people who have made her life hell and she will pass the names on one day.
She gave her interview fee from a newspaper to James Bulger House charity but this came after she had been to court over the Venables identification case.
I still have Tina Malone’s Facebook posts from the day that Denise and Stuart Fergus appeared on GMTV and Tina posted how she had been “watching them on television and guess who is taking her to court?” Was it Denise and Stuart? Why did she say this?
Remember her interview fee for a newspaper was given to Bulger House and she had a £10k fine to pay for her court case. Was this £10k compensation for Venables in his new identity as by law he was eligible for it no matter what he has done the courts will have compensated him. So we have a situation where he will have been compensation just like Levy Bellfield who killed Milly Dowler and was awarded £4500 in damages after being beaten up in prison.
So not only did Tina do well to line the pockets of Venables, but she also has helped line the pockets of Denise Fergus, who was seen as a friend especially after her appearances with/for her at events. We have this list of 24 names Tina says she will release one day. People who made her life hell. Was Denise Fergus one of the 24 names?
The people had driven her to the brink of killing herself regardless of her 5-year-old daughter. This shows how she was skint after a £10.000 fine for allegedly identifying Jon Venables. She told us she was watching GMTV with Denise and Stuart Fergus when she posted about them to say she has been summoned to the high court and she said: “guess who is taking me to court”. Was it Denise? Was Denise one of the 24 people named on the Tina Malone suicide list?
We have seen the interviews of how skint Tina is and I beg the question of why did she give her interview fee to James Bulger House after crying poverty and how she can’t take her kid to Disneyland. Was Tina caught between a rock and a hard place where she is claiming benefits, unable to be paid for media work? Is it Denise Fergus who has been making her life hard and making her do interviews where she can make money but have it donated to James Bulger House? Not only that, but she also asked fans to donate to Bulger House instead of paying her legal fees. Her fee, or fine was £10.000, have they found ways to embezzle money into James House, of which Tina is an ambassador? What is Tina’s agent’s role in all of this if so?
Tina has since split up from her husband Paul Chase, otherwise known as Paul Chevy Malone, who is the alleged biological father of their daughter Flame but Tina is not the biological mother meaning Paul has more rights to Flame than Tina.
Tina Malone with daughter Flame and husband Paul (Image: Roland Leon/Sunday Mirror)
Did he split up with Tina after supporting her through as she said heavy drinking, financially wiping her mum out, inciting hatred online by sharing information about Venables resulting in a £10.000 fine and suspended prison sentence? Did Paul find it unbearable to watch Tina covertly hustling for a free holiday to Disneyland which they then went on with not enough money to feed themselves or their daughter Flame? Did he think she was involved in something bigger than what it seems at face value? Other reasons may be that was Tina abusing drink and drugs In her days of hell and Paul was really in love with her? Could he no longer be seen to be supporting such a trainwreck celebrity in such a public way. Did he want to get his daughter away from a toxic personality? Was Paul an undercover police asset stringing Tina along all the time? A systematic jigelow?
Paul has a military background. Between them all, we are left with a lot of connections and money being funneled into Denise Fergus who set up her James House caravan site with Esther Rantzen who supported Jimmy Savile.
Denise Fergus says she can’t stand Venables and when he has court cases about having indecent child images Denise seems to forget how she places vulnerable children in a caravan that is part of her charity that was co-founded and thought up by Esther Rantzen who has faced allegations in public before that she took certain child actors to sex parties and gave them drink and drugs as she groomed them for paedophiles.
In response to her child being taken by an alleged pedo boy Jon Venables, Denise Fergus spends her time saying how vile Venables is and how his repeat paedoaphile crimes mean he should never be able to remain anonymous. And I fully agree. But can Denise tell me why out of all the things she can do in the world did to remember James by, why did she have to set up a caravan where she can send vulnerable children (who are usually systematically abused) in a venture that was a bright idea from Ester Rantzen who is an alleged female version of Jimmy Savile?
In 1994, the following story appeared in the UK press:
A GRANDFATHER who repeatedly molested a five-year-old girl in a swimming pool at Esther Rantzen’s country home was convicted of indecent assault yesterday.
Robert Gillings, 63, who was granted bail pending sentencing, was a guest at the television personality’s holiday home in the New Forest, Hampshire, when he assaulted the girl as she played in the pool, Guildford Crown Court was told. Ms. Rantzen was not at the house at the time.
The victim told the jury that the defendant had also assaulted her before the trip to the New Forest. ‘He had said if I told mummy he would kill her,’ she said.
Gillings denied the allegations and claimed that Ms. Rantzen’s television work on behalf of abused children must have put ideas into the girl’s head.
He said of the swimming pool incident: ‘We were playing tag at the time, swimming backwards and forwards. My fingers caught hold of her bikini just at the bottom or the side somewhere. It was just a bit of fun – it was such an insignificant thing.’
However, the jury of seven women and five men returned a majority verdict after six hours, convicting the defendant of two charges of indecent assault, one of which took place at Ms. Rantzen’s house. But they cleared him of two other charges of indecent assault, one in which the girl claimed he had molested her in Ms Rantzen’s changing room.
After the case, Ms. Rantzen, best known for the long-running television series That’s Life, said her holiday home had been tainted by the incident.”
According to the Mail:
”Esther Rantzen has spoken of her revulsion after learning that a former lover has been linked to the child abuse scandal threatening to engulf Westminster.
The broadcaster and Childline founder had an affair with politician Sir Nicholas Fairbairn after they met at a BBC studio in 1966.
But Ms. Rantzen has now distanced herself from the late Conservative MP and Solicitor General for Scotland – who died in 1995, aged 61.
Evidence has come to light suggesting he may have visited a London guest house where children from care homes were allegedly assaulted by high-profile visitors.”
So Denise shacked up with Ranzten to send vulnerable kids to a caravan park idea after a meeting with childline founder who also said her help was irrelevant after she had heard “office gossip” only when speaking about Savile. Fabulous. It gets worse! She then sets up an annual festival for kids in Stanley Park which is near to where James was allegedly murdered.
The festival is called Kids Fest and it invites 1000s of children to a park where paedpeohiles could have a field day. So in the name of a snatched child they put 1000s of kids in a park and increase the chances of one of them being snatched. Amazing work Denise amazing work everyone involved in Kids Fest, all seen to be doing good when really it is all about the brand James Bulger now in my opinion.
Just when you thought it could not get any worse, the next part takes us to a story of a poem sent all the way from Neverland to Bootle Strand as we learn how Michael Jackson wanted to hug James Bulger’s killers. He also sent Denise Fergus gifts including a rare poem that must be worth priceless.
But seriously though Michael Jackson allegedly wanted to visit Venables and Thompson in prison and hold them (and spoon them) and look them in the eye and say I love you as reported in a Mirror article about Denise Fergus defending Michael Jackson’s name against accusations of child abuse.
I can not believe my eyeballs still. What planet are we living on? We are told he argued with his wife Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of Elvis about the killers’ jail sentence and then sent Denise a basket of flowers along with a rare poem about James called Child Of Innocence? I’m going to be sick all over myself.
Is this article a coded attack on Denise Fergus? I think so, let me explain why.
Just read how the report is structured and all becomes clear. The first third focuses on Denise Fergus defending Michael Jackson after taking to Twitter to express her views on the Leaving Neverland documentary that made more child abuse claims against Jackson. The article picked up on how Denise branded the claims of potential child sex victims “crap” and stated how the mother of James Bulger thought they were liars.
The article then switches to the story of how one of the biggest superstars in the history of the music industry sent Denise a poem that as far as rare unpublished MJ creativity goes must be worth a fortune. This also subliminally highlights how Denise Fergus and Ralph Bulger have accepted gifts from Michael that one of which may be of significant value.
Denise is then quoted talking about the poem she received from the under-fire Michael Jackson.
she told Liverpool Echo in 2009 after Jackson’s death: “There was a brown envelope and inside was a letter on A4 paper from Michael. He wrote a poem for James and he named it Child Of Innocence. It touched my heart.”
The article then ends in the final third with what seems to be an irony alert to Denise as it then states how Michael told Rabbi Shmuley Boteach that he wanted to visit the prison of the city (Liverpool) if not country’s most despised child killers to look them in the eye before giving them a hug and declaring his love for the pair.
It is almost as if to say well Denise would you be saying this in defence of Michael if he visited Venables (the soon to be known paedophile) to give him a hug and tell him he loves him with all the press attention that stunt would have generated?
This is all cleverly done and the points raised here are exactly what the reporter, Emmeline Saunders is doing. (click image)
We must now ask why are mainstream media outlets playing games with Denise Fergus? First, we had the channel 5 documentary which critics say, tried to de-sensitise public emotions towards the killers and generated huge outcry just days before Denise appeared on ITV with Trevor MacDonald. These two shows were both timed to be aired in the same week.
That week brought the first wave of attention to the short movie detainment which also normalised the emotions of Venables and Thompson creating calls for the production to be pulled. Denise then appeared to not have an easy time when she was interviewed by hosts Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield on This Morning as she told how she feels filmmakers should obtain permission from living family members of people who have been killed in a hurtful way.
We also have one of the biggest news organisations in Britain telling us how Michael Jackson had sympathetic views towards the two boys dubbed Little Monsters by Denise in a phrase that was also turned into the title of an award-winning American movie based on the story of James that reflected how the killers lived their lives after leaving prison. It is badly acted out and if you did not know the true horrors that took place in 1993 you would have no idea this trashy film was based on true horror, not the usual fictional horror that its American director, David Schmoeller is known to work on. Wikipedia tells us David is an American film director, producer, and screenwriter. He is notable for directing several full-length theatrical horror films including Tourist Trap, The Seduction, Puppet Master, Catacombs, Netherworld and Crawlspace starring Klaus Kinski.
The promotional images surrounding the movie are totally shocking and uncalled for. Did Denise Fergus give permission for this movie and front cover to be published as well as awarded around eight years ago? Did Denise call for the 2 Little Monsters movie to be banned and for the director to be stripped of his award? No. This horrible movie remains in the public domain and has done since 2012. What on earth is going on?
In 2019, Denise Fergus was in the news as she called for a film, titled Detainment, to be banned after she was not spoken to by its writer Vincent Lambe. The short movie was about the murder of James Bulger and it focused on the time the killers spent at the police station whilst under questioning.
Denise and Stuart Fergus appeared on This Morning in January 2019. Denise stated that she was not contacted over it as were none of her family. The production was said to be a potential winner at the Oscars. Denise also said in this interview she knows the film can not be stopped so I do not get why they let her go on television to call for it to be banned. This, as well as the Mirror article regarding Michael Jackson wanting to hug Jon Venables and Robert Thompson, are a big reason why I started to wonder if media bosses are playing a game with Denise.
The murder of James Bulger has been in the public domain non-stop for decades now and it is Denise who has kept it that way. There have been various television appearances, documentaries, books, we have an annual festival (Kids Fest), numerous tie and tiara occasions, as well as non-stop fundraising. For Denise to state people should get permission from her to do media work on a matter of public concern is very outlandish, even given the circumstances. I published an article about the 2 little monsters movie when Denise was battling against Detainment because although I had found the 2012 movie, I could not find one quote from Denise or any family member slamming the production. This meant I found the way Detainmnet was approached to be highly strange. I was then told by Stuart Fergus to delete my article and not to “bring that up again”. Although people were aware of the movie it was far from widespread public knowledge or campaigned against as we saw with the Irish film in 2019.
The front cover of the 2 little monsters movie reminds me of this news article… Remember Stuart said: “don’t bring that up again”. Is this what he was talking about?
This again is something to ponder, we are told a family member of Robert Thompson posted a picture of a child on train tracks to mock either Robert Thompson directly in a family feud, or it was aimed at another family member, possibly a close relative of Thompson, such as his parents or siblings. None of the articles about this incident show the alleged Facebook post but when we look at the description of what the image is said to have looked like it appears to describe the 2 Little Monsters front cover. If we think about it, what other picture on earth features a kid on a train track? Truth be told, the image that was shared on Facebook was staged. Keep reading…
Another strange thing about the article stating the Thompson family were fighting between themselves whilst bringing James Bulger into it, was how it seemed to covertly identify possible whereabouts of Robert Thompson and members of his family who were also given new identities and moved as police felt the family would be in danger from vigilante attacks.
If the Thompson family have new Identities that nobody is aware of then, by the media highlighting the ALLEGED Facebook post, (no screenshots available on any articles) They may have triggered a new identity being given to Robert Thompson and his family as they could well have had their cover blown as jig-saw identification can not be ruled out.
It is said (if we are to believe reports from proven fake news outlets) that each new identity given to the killers can have a cost of up to £250.000. We are also told that Venables has had 4 of these new identities costing the British taxpayer £1million.
So I now ask if when the Thompson family were having arguments on Facebook that may have been seen by people who lived close to them, is it logical to suggest the confirmation from press outlets that it was the actual Thompson family, mean Robert had to be relocated and given another new persona over this incident? I think so based on what I have just said about Jigsaw Identification.
Was this the first time Thompson may have been given a new identity? No, and it is possibly not the first time the people of Britain have had to pay for him to be whisked off somewhere else with a new disguise and possible compensation each time someone identifies him.
The killers have injunctions on them meaning they can not approach the Bulger or Fergus family, and this will work both ways too, meaning Ralph or Denise will not be allowed to confront either the child-killers by law or they would themselves be in contempt of court. I now ask did Denise Fergus trigger the need to have a new identity set up by the government after she admitted in news articles that she was yards away from the Robert Thompson but could not say anything out of sheer rage.
Did Denise locating Thompson mean he then needed a new identity and was Denise questioned by police after making this admission in national newspapers? Did Thompson get compensation from Denise’s actions? Probably, and f he did this is more madness.
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