SRC: The Following Is Copied From a Friend From RAVEN on Facebook - This Is an Excellent Overview of the Transagenda
Elton John Says Members of the Transgender Community Are His Heroes: ‘They Are the Bravest People in the World’
“They are the bravest people in the world,” John said. “And the fact that they are being murdered, the fact that they are being treated as non-existent and not important…These people are heroes to me…To take away their rights, to make them feel less than is an absolute disgrace to humanity.”
Elite Gender Inversion: The Documentary (Jon Humanity)
Do not miss and please share with your normie friends and family.
Exploiting Transgenders Part 1: Manufacturing an Industry (Corey’s Digs)
• Exploiting Transgenders Part 1: Manufacturing an Industry
• Exploiting Transgenders Part 2: Medical Engineering Origins
•Exploiting Transgenders Part 3: The Funders & Profiteers
• Exploiting Transgenders Part 4: Manufacturing a Reality $$
Still Got it: Child Celebrities Who Just Got Better With Age
By Liz Turner – ARG
Shakira Tranny Hips Don’t Lie
SRC: The following is copied from a friend from RAVEN on Facebook This is an excellent overview of the transagenda.
Not only do and did MEN have ribs removed to give them a smaller waist, the corset was developed in order to give MEN the feminine curves of the classic hourglass figure.
Clothing that used high necklines, tall collars, ties, ornamental scarves and chokers were designed to hide the male Adams apple while seeding the idea that a long, wide or slender neck in a woman is lovely. Women do NOT have Adams apples though some may have fuller tracheas but woman have thinner, shorter necks than men since the female head and cranium are far smaller.
Wigs were designed for MEN to wear for two reasons. The first reason was because men rarely washed their hair in the colder months so wigs were to hide their greasy euro filth and the other reason was to feminize their masculine hairline, brow bones and other more prominent features like their jawlines.
The brassiere was developed in order for MEN to stuff making their chests appear feminized until the female horse urine, filled with extremely high levels of estrogen, grew buds and breasts in both young boys and men.
Large, prominent hats were quite beneficial in bringing the unsuspecting eyes upward away from the face to help cleverly disguise the heavy brow bone of the MALE cranium and the colder eyes that men tend to have.
Makeup was not designed for the ladies but for the MEN to create rosier cheeks, redder, fuller lips, to bring forth their cooler eyes hiding their deep brow bones and foundation (pancake makeup) and powder to cover their facial shadows (hair growth).
Makeup helps to feminize the MALE face beautifully (as does the modern day electrolysis), softening strong masculine features as we can see in MTF transbaphers like Sandra “Bullocks”, Angelina “Joel-ee”, “Glenn” Close, Marilyn “Monroe” and Julia “Roberts” to name a few. Selling makeup to women perpetuated the myth that WOMEN wore makeup and not men but makeup was original created for the male to female transbapher, transvestite and those who were inclined to feminize their features.
Earrings were developed to hide the larger ears of the MALE by making the lobe appear smaller with jewelry and draw the eye down towards the shoulder and the long neck.
High heels were designed first for MEN to lengthen their leg muscles and add a sway to their more rigid, vertical male backside, helping to arch their straight backs along with the corsets and rib removal surgery. Women wore flat shoes ordinarily or slight heels for themselves.
Perfume (per the bodies odorous fumes) were created to hide the stench of the unbathed body that were layered in loads of silk brocade and velvet, sweating beneath volumes of fabric, using only a bowl to defecate in behind a screen, bound up by corsets, bloomers and stockings and other bizarre paraphernalia. Perfumes and talcs were used to cover the odorous fumes pouring from the unclean flesh that was more fake and distorted than anything attractive .
Shaving was for MEN to remain clean of face and of body in their feminized male bodies. Besides their face, their chests, legs, arms, backs, et al, were shaved to mimic women who have minimal overall body hair due to low amounts of testosterone.
Wide shoulders cut into the clothing showing a male V so shoulder pads were designed to “hide” the broader shoulders of MEN and their larger upper arms under fabric and styling. In the 1900s, shoulder pads made it into womens clothing hiding the male shoulders and widening womens to hide the fact that we were being duped into believing actresses were actually women when, in fact, they are all men.
Men’s shoulders are wider than their slim, straight hips while women’s shoulders are as wide as their hips in either an hour glass shape or that of a pear shape. These fashion designers made it look like women had broad shoulders and slimmer hips like in MTF beauties Katherine Hepburn and Linda “Evans” who had and have wide shoulders with no hips at all.
The pencil skirt worn with shoulder padded blazers were also designed to slim the hips while broadening the shoulders. These garments were generally worn with hats that had lace veils to hide the MALE brow bones, contouring the heavy eyebrows of the male, followed by the female who copied such practices, throughout the early to mid 20th century.
Long and short gloves were made for the MALE hand to hide the size of their hands, wrists and to slim down the forearms of their masculine arms.
Belts were made to draw in the waist on MEN aaaand
true male attire for actual MEN like button down shirts with collars, ties, belts and cufflinks were all developed to symbolize the male white collared worker, going to his office daily, “chained” to a desk, the system, choking on his obedience as the worker drone slave humans they’d become.
The “blue blood lines” that consider themselves as royalty…
kings and queens, lords and ladies….
who are also the A list actors holding all the “star” positions in Hollywood from movies to reality TV;
top global politicians, top CEOs of multi-billion dollar corporations and various others;
high freemasons, high-level satanists like Aleister Crowley who was, in fact, a FTM transbaph, sacrificing his son, Barbara Bush, to the transbaph disreality system along with ALL of first ladies of the now 46 masonic US presidents, ALL bluebloods, freemasons, illuminati lineage, were and are transbaphers.
It is unwise to judge me as a bigot of “poor, conflicted” people like so many have before. I am not but I am a conveyor of truth when it comes to the SATANIC and LUCIFERIAN practice of torture, abuse, and sacrificing of children in order to give homage to their black occult psychopathy they perpetrate on the innocent worldwide.