We Are Being Manipulated In Ways Most People Can't Imagine- Trump - "They’ve broken the veil and now I’m allowed to do what I have to do."
When I get into a discussion on brainwashing and mind control many always ask, “Well, who is to say you’re not being reprogrammed and brainwashed?” – and I respond with, “I absolutely agree, however, I would suggest we are being deprogrammed from being a mute, to start to ask questions, critically think, use discernment and do our own research.” But what if everything is a psyop based on lies about our history and how they have manipulated us for generations and the real war is on our minds?
WARNING: I’ll be reading an article about psyops and mind control that might trigger further awakening. I’m going back to the theory we are all on a mother ship plugged in manifesting all of this. I mean we know everything is fake and a psyop but listen up.
Who Are We? Our Limited Vision Keeps Us On This Physical World – Is this all there is?
Most people don’t know who they are.
I understand many of my messages may come across as ‘harsh’ to the peeps that have never heard this version of events. Don’t shoot the messenger – no one has all the answers, that is the entire point, we are simply delivering a message that is up for debate. The entire point is to get humanity communicating again without being ‘triggered’. Let’s talk again, without censorship. Where does all this fear come from? #WE$KNQW$
Did the X-Files Try to Warn Us?
We Are Being Manipulated In Ways Most People Can’t Imagine by Mark Dice
Hold On I’m Coming – Trump Report Card By Dan Scavino! Power Of The People #PrayForTrump
Trump – “They’ve broken the veil and now I’m allowed to do what I have to do.” #SetThePrecedent
“Hillary is sort of gone now.” President Trump – Hillary Clinton Getting Arrested – Fox News Announced Her Death Years Ago
Scavino Shares old Trump Campaign Ad with JFK Jr in it AGAIN – MJ Truth says, “this is going to stir the pot again.” JFK Jr Is Alive Review #SheepNoMore #BestIsYetToCome
DAN Scavino IS ON A ROLL!!! Post TRUMP AND CHRISTMAS song!!! Listen to the Lyrics
“But then…one day…everything changed…”
Zionism The Evil Ideology Supported By Both Republicans and Democrats #CarefulWhoYouFollow
Hunt For Red October – The Event – Mass Immigration of Military Men Managed By Trump And Military? Scare Event Necessary? Dr. Jan Halper
Genocidal Justin Loves A Jihad Is Out Of Control As Usual Accidentally Calls For a Cease Fire in Israel, Without Biden’s or Obama’s Approval
Elon Musk Calls Out Soros For Being The Top Democratic Donor To The Demonrat Party
IPOT Quoting Adolf Hitler #HomeRun – Roseanne Calls Most Jews Horrible People And Apologizes To White People – IPOT’s latest – POP (SEX, SATAN, AND BABYLON’S BOULE) – Episode VI – Communists, Contras & Cold War9
Anti German Deception – Getting America Into War Has Been Going On Since 1913 – Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust
“This six-minute video, made in 2016, is what ignited the fire that changed my life and ultimately led to my imprisonment in Germany.” ~ Monika Schaefer.
Adobe Caught Selling AI-Generated Images of Israel-Palestine Violence – Note the child and the teddy bear… are you kidding me?
General Mike Flynn “Disinformation is necessary”
The Left Is All About Control But So Is The Right
Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week 11/05 By Vigilant Fox
Simpsons On Releasing A Deadly Virus and Depraved nurse allegedly confessed to trying to kill 19 nursing home patients
Trump Signing Bill On The Presidential Primary Ballot In Florida
BRAINWASHED: A Historical Examination of Cultural Conditioning, Programming, and Mass Media Mind Control.
Jay Myers Documentaries Trauma-Based MK Ultra Mind Control – Why Do You Worship Celebrities?
We are all under trauma based mind control. John Lennon? TAVISTOCK – THE BEST KEPT SECRET IN AMERCA Nothing happens unless the CIA wants it to happen.
Dali Lama Is A 33 Degree Freemason Satanist Pedophile Connected To NXIVM, World Leaders, Pop Stars and Child Trafficking
#TrannyGate #ToldYouSo #WishItWasNotSo
Never mind disgraced lunatic Engoron of NYC – check out Sheriff Patrick Labat Responsible For The Mugshots Like You’ve Never Seen Him Before – - Stared In Soft Gay Porn Video
They fear love because it’s a world they cannot control. ~George Orwell
Enjoy the show!!
Did the X-Files Try to Warn Us?
Listen closely to what they say – many of us have seen this clip – good reminder. #RevelationOfTheMethod – for full breakdown of video by MJTRUTHULTRA is here:
I will review a few headline news because I can’t help myself, then I will read the article. I keep going back to none of us have all the answers, and frankly this truth seeking and learning about all the controlled opposition and the controlled narratives it becomes a bit disheartening. I knew this journey of awakening would be difficult with peaks and vallies. Buckle up folks it’s going to get tough. We’re ready for this, we’ve prepared for this… #LetsGo
We Are Being Manipulated In Ways Most People Can’t Imagine
Hold On I’m Coming – Trump Report Card By Dan Scavino!
Trump Has The Power Of The People #PrayForTrump
“Hillary is sort of gone now” President Trump
Hillary Clinton Getting Arrested
So I cleared my cache and browsing history, was able to access Twitter/X again, logged on using my old credentials and have another new account. This is getting ridiculous. I abhor the censorship, probably won’t last long, in the meantime, talk about timing, just when I think I can’t get pulled back into more psyops, first post I see, Dan Scavino reshares the Trump Campaign Video With JFK Jr In The First 4 Seconds. 11:11 – sigh, and MJ Truth says, “this is going to stir the pot again.”
Scavino Shares Trump Campaign Ad With JFK Jr In It Again
JFK Jr and Carolynn R Alive Review
SRC: @EstherSpeaksTruth
Q drop 74 – Q = Alice = 122 – #JFKJrLives = 122
You’ll soon understand the meaning behind = 406
God rules the world with Truth & Grace = 406 Alice and Wonderland = 159 – John F Kennedy Jr = 159 Alice Wonderland = 140 – CB and J Kennedy Jr = 140 Everything thing has meaning = 224 – The Two witnesses = 224
The return of the King = 224 – Decode Judgement is coming = 224
Q drop 47 – TIME = 47 – JOHN = 47 – LEGEND = 47
I own a copy of George Magazine with Kate Moss as Eve on the cover, notice the flat back. It also includes Jr.’s article about temptation – Don’t Sit Under The Apple Tree with the famous photo where he appears naked, he had boy shorts on rumour has it.
Speaking of temptation… lol I can’t even – view him as a brother, a hot brother, same as Trump more like a dad. God Love them.
#SheepNoMore #BestIsYetToCome
DAN Scavino IS ON A ROLL!!! Post TRUMP AND CHRISTMAS song!!! Listen to the Lyrics
“But then…one day…everything changed…”
Death to Zionism
Zionism The Evil Ideology Supported By Both Republicans and Democrats #CarefulWhoYouFollow
They are systematically destroying both parties which is the Deep State. I believe there will be one party – MAGA – no need for division – we all want the same things.
Hunt For Red October – The Event
Comment By: Ariel @Prolotario1 “The US sent a Nuclear Submarine (The Most Powerful) to the Middle East. “The Hunt For Red October” was in November. The Event? Israel is no longer protected as a sovereign state. Barrack Obama (2.0) has shown no support for Israel. It is being isolated.
Turkey is now preparing to send their military to Gaza. Erdogan is the one capable of destroying Israel. Remember, Bibi Netanyahu has already pulled diplomats out of Turkey. They are not on good terms. Why? Because Erdogan & Putin have been doing trade talks. Turkey is already preparing to report Netanyahu to the ICC.
Even Ana from “The Young Turks” is opposing what Israel is doing. You need to keep in mind. Donald Trump offered Bibi Netanyahu the opportunity for peace talks. Guess what? Netanyahu declined.
People, look at your current environment. Banks are collapsing, countries are dumping the USD, the Middle East no longer accepts it in oil contracts and subpoenas are going out to the Biden family and Nancy Pelosi.
Do you understand how desperate the Cabal is right now? Do you actually think we will make it out of this month without something drastically happening that will change the course of this country?
Think about what Donald Trump said prior to his statements about November being historical. He said back in late September that he planned on taking the country back in less than five months. Before the primaries. Then he stated a week ago how November will have a big event that will save the country.
So no, he is not talking about next year. The environment we are in right now will not allow it. Remember, “Israel For Last”? ~Think” ~@Prolotario
Mass Immigration of Military Men Managed By Trump And Military? Scare Event Necessary?
Genocidal Justin Loves A Jihad Is Out Of Control As Usual Accidentally Calls For a Cease Fire in Israel, Without Biden’s Approval
OMG listen to Genocidal Justin loves a Jihad sputter absolute nonsense – accidentally calls for a cease fire in Israel. Get this moron off the stage, such a disgrace. #TrudeauHasToGo #NoMoreWar
Elon Musk Calls Out Soros For Being The Top Democratic Donor To The Demonrat Party
I wonder how many lefty losers even know this?
Israel = Hamas = ISIS = Taliban
IPOT Quoting Adolf Hitler #HomeRun
Roseanne Calls Most Jews Horrible People And Apologizes To White People
POP (SEX, SATAN, AND BABYLON’S BOULE) – Episode VI – Communists, Contras & Cold War
Anti German Deception – Getting America Into War Has Been Going On Since 1913
Israel is a terrorist state. #ISIS #Hamas #Taliban
Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust
This six-minute video, made in 2016, is what ignited the fire that changed my life and ultimately led to my imprisonment in Germany ~ Monika Schaefer.
The Green Party no longer looked so green. In fact, Monika sees that party as the worst, calling it the Watermelon party, green on the outside and red on the inside.
In June of 2016, while visiting her brother Alfred Schaefer in Germany, Monika made a 6-minute video entitled, “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the holocaust”. That video triggered a surreal odyssey which included ritual defamation as well as time spent in a high-security prison in Germany. Her brother Alfred is currently in prison again, also for telling the truth about the hidden hand that owns and controls and pulls the strings in our various institutions
Up coming interview with Monika Schaefer Nov 7 2023 – live on Facebook link below – time -Tuesday November 7th, 2023 at 3 pm Pacific Time, or 6 PM ET
Adobe Caught Selling AI-Generated Images of Israel-Palestine Violence – Note the child and the teddy bear… are you kidding me?
The misinformation is coming from inside the tech industry.
Software giant Adobe has been caught selling AI-generated images of the Israel-Hamas war, as first spotted by Australian news outlet Crikey, a shocking and morally reprehensible instance of a company directly profiting from the spread of misinformation online.
A quick search on the company’s Adobe Stock website — a service that offers subscription customers access to a library of generic stock images and now AI-shots as well — for “conflict between Israel and Palestine” comes up with photorealistic images of explosions in high-density urban environments that closely resemble the real-life carnage currently unfolding in Gaza.
General Mike Flynn “Disinformation is necessary”
Have we learned nothing? Disinformation is real. Distractions are necessary. Disinformation exists and is necessary. #WWG1WGA#NCSWIC
The Left Is All About Control But So Is The Right
The Left Is Worse And Has Zero Common sense
Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (11/05/23) By Vigilant Fox
#10 – Matthew Perry is not the only actor to die unexpectedly this year. There are at least 33 more.
#9 – Historian unveils the real story behind the Hamas terror attack on Israel.
#8 – Elon Musk reveals to Joe Rogan that ventilators, not COVID, destroyed lungs.
#7 – Senator Rand Paul calls on U.S. Senate to audit the Fed.
#6 – Dr. Peter McCullough reveals more bad news about the COVID shots.
#5 – Border patrol agents caught illegal immigrants carrying explosives.
#4 – Nearly 1 in 3 COVID vaccine recipients suffered neurological side effects.
#3 – Oncologist who has diagnosed 20,000 cancer patients says he’s never seen cancers this deadly before.
#2 – Judge overturns Democrat primary election, calling evidence of fraud “shocking.”
#1 – Ivermectin, the drug once labeled “horse de-wormer,” is not only effective against COVID-19 but flu and RSV, too. And it has profound anti-cancer properties.
BONUS #1 – First-ever published spike detox protocol details how you can get better after the COVID shots.
BONUS #2 – Detox heavy metals in less than 30 seconds a day: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny explains how.
BONUS #3 – As hard-hitting inflation cripples families and erodes life savings away, many are turning to gold as a hedge against the weakening U.S. dollar.
Simpsons On Releasing A Deadly Virus
Depraved nurse allegedly confessed to trying to kill 19 nursing home patients
Pennsylvania prosecutors say 17 patients died in Heather Pressdee’s care. I would suggest there are plenty of psychopaths that chose the medical field to intentionally hurt people and get off on it. Think any dentist or surgeon. So disgusting. Trust in the medical industrial complex is at an all time low, they are a bunch of lunatics programmed and brainwashed with greed to protect their license and boss people around. #GIT We are no longer buying the lies
“Make America Great Again” President Trump
Trump Signing Bill On The Presidential Primary Ballot In Florida
Look at the body language of the children. They love him.
Trump Announcing He Is On The Presidential Primary Ballot In FL
BRAINWASHED: A Historical Examination of Cultural Conditioning, Programming, and Mass Media Mind Control.
A fascinating 2 hour documentary on how our society has been slowly manipulated through radio frequencies, TV and media, to accept a controlled narrative. FULL DOCUMENTARY – screen shots below from documentary – demonstrating how the bloodlines, oligarchs, banking families, foundations and are all connected and running the show.
Jay Myers Documentaries Trauma-Based MK Ultra Mind Control – Why Do You Worship Celebrities?
Monarch Mind Control, Manchurian candidates, graphic images. At 13:09 Jay discusses John Lennon murder and MK Ultra mind controlled assassin Mark Chapman. I review more on this in the article.
The following is an interesting article sent to my inbox on mind control and psyops that resonated with me. Once you learn about the #HOLOHOAX and that they actually lied about that, creating victimhood mentality for generations of traumatized mind controlled people worldwide, you realize they must control all of it, keep an open mind, at this point anything is possible. The author is Constitutional Convention. Great work! email: [email protected]
OK here is where things get trippy – it’s not like any of us did not suspect this and we have reviewed these topics in the past, however this article resonated with me. Always open minded, let’s see what happens.
It is quite ironic that the man who penned the words “Give peace a chance” and made it a mantra for the sixties generation should have come to such a violent and untimely death. It was, indeed, an assassination and not a murder.
But why? What made this man so important, gave him such influence, and, in the end, made him so dangerous to those who, ultimately, created him? There are direct links which tie many pop music groups together in an ongoing project designed to control the development of human society in the most fundamental ways. It’s not talent that allows our stars to rise to the top — it’s how they play the game. Scientific projects were taking place of an extremely advanced, esoteric nature that were exploring the possibility of the manipulation of consciousness, time, thought and, indeed, reality that were part of the Phoenix/Montaulk Project. What is more powerful or influential than the music we listen to today? It’s everywhere, it’s all around us, in the car, in the elevator, at home, and even in the movies and television programs we watch. Our founding fathers would be incredulous at the music we take so for granted, it’s availability, and its diversity. But it is the “Top 40 Hits” we are primarily concerning ourselves with here, for it is with “Top 40″ radio that much of our advertising and thought creation is linked. The Beatles weren’t the first musicians to create the phenomenon of hysterical, screaming crowds, but they certainly were the most proficient. The first musician that I am aware of that caused crowds of fans to cry hysterically, scream and faint was Frank Sinatra — whose roots in organized crime are no mystery today. Another historical figure who was able to create such crowd hysteria was, of course, Adolf Hitler. A better tool for mind control than Top 40 radio doesn’t exist. The words haunt us sometimes even when we don’t want them to. We find ourselves humming little ditties in the shower, it surrounds us in the grocery store, at the mall, and everywhere else we go. People with portable “Walkmen” on their heads move through the streets ingesting all kinds of thoughts most don’t take any responsibility for. We do have choices. Most of us don’t make them in a conscious and responsible way, not when it comes to what we put into our heads. When the Beatles came into power, the kind of choices we have today didn’t even exist. They were created with the wave of popularity that was created around the Beatles — four young men like anyone else with a fair amount of talent and a tremendous amount of support. The groundwork had been laid with the growth of television. Ed Sullivan and American Bandstand made it possible to create the audience that would create the groundswell that would change history. They got the support they needed. The Beatles were part of the mass experimentation that contemporary society was being subjected to by the CIA, Britain’s MI6 and the Tavistock Institute utilizing extraordinarily powerful mind-altering psychedelic/psychotropic drugs. The plan. The Beatles came into America at the height of the organized Civil Rights movement.
Protest music was in the air (Eve of Destruction; Abraham, Martin and John; Joe Hill; Cruel War; Society’s Child, etc. were all created by the Globalists and even the Martin Luther King, ) In spite of the fact that so many had been slaughtered during the the orchestrated WW 2 and the reign of Eugenics worldwide, allowing for the Baby Boom of the 1950s, what no one had anticipated was that increasing the number of white middle class children would result in a backlash against an establishment that considered them nothing more than cannon fodder for the next power move. Something had to be done. John Lennon was one of the “big guns” in the CIA/Tavistock/MI6 arsenal. It was the Beatles who first started alluding to the “Magical Mystery Tour” that led our generation down the CIA created yellow-brick-road of LSD and marijuana, and no one even challenged the imagery. That in and of itself should smell suspicious, that the middle-class, straight-laced establishment didn’t have them booted out of the country right then and there for being a danger to the American way of life. But of course not. They were doing exactly what they were supposed to be doing. It was the CIA, after all, that brought LSD into this country with the idea that it would enable those in power to more efficiently control the rest of us. It did exactly work out the way they wanted it to. The Civil Rights movement came to a screeching halt as people began to heed the words, “Turn on, tune in, drop out.” Mind control experiments were at their height. It seemed the perfect solution for the “hippie” problem. Not only did LSD grab hold of America’s children, but the “Manson murders” and the Patty Hearst trial and the Jeffrey MacDonald trial took all the “peace, love and freedom” color out of the flower power movement as blood and violence was plastered across every newspaper and television screen in America and blamed on the hippies , “looked like Tarzan, walked like Jane, and smelled like Cheetah.”
The Tate Murders – The Psyop That Stifled a Generation I will go into this in a further Article Children did not trust parents who considered it their patriotic duty to send their children to Vietnam to die in a war that made no sense. Parents became afraid of their children who could become drug-crazed mind-controlled zombies and unpredictably come home and slaughter everyone. The breakdown of the family began in earnest, which benefits none so much as Corporate Amerika, who encourages their wage-slaves to prioritize nothing, but nothing, over showing up to work every morning and producing profit for their stockholders. It is interesting to note that the controlling stockholders of the world’s second-largest multi-media corporation (Hachette Industries, Paris) are family members of Sadaam Hussein. Sadaam Hussein was also a CIA psyop The daughter of privileged aristocracy, as a child in 1945 Yoko Ono huddled with her mother and father and two tiny siblings in an underground bunker while the largest number of American B29′s to attack a single Japanese city rained incendiary bombs on Tokyo by the thousands. Eighty-three thousand people died; a quarter of the city burned. Yoko’s mother and the three children joined many of their neighbors in a headlong flight away from the burning city, out into open country. Yoko’s father was missing and feared dead in Hanoi. The Onos were reduced to foraging from farm to farm for food which they pulled along, with their few belongings, in an ancient-styled wheeled cart. “I had a young brother and sister I had to find food for. I couldn’t sleep, we were always evacuated. … When the bombs dropped, I was living in this country town where the farmers didn’t like city people, so they threw stones at you and wouldn’t give you food. I went through a period when I was really skin and bones, going around begging. It’s a long story, too long to tell.” Yoko’s father survived, and when she was 19 she joined her family in Scarsdale, New York where she was tutored in classical piano and attended Sarah Lawrence College. Soon after meeting Lennon, she was ordered back to Japan by her parents and institutionalized for a short time, prior to returning to New York, where she and Lennon reunited to become history’s most enigmatic couple. Lennon was interviewed by Playboy magazine, where he blatantly asserted, “We must always remember to thank the CIA and the Army for LSD. They invented LSD to control people and what they did was give us freedom. …look at the Government reports on acid…” He also indicated his awareness that the Beatles themselves had literally been subjected to mind experimentation with respect to certain drugs they were induced to use; and further conveyed that he knew the Beatles and the entire “Beatlemania” phenomenon were to some extent at least just another aspect of some very wide-scale, globalist “social engineering and experimentation. More than any of the other boys in the band, John Lennon had become increasingly aware of the extent of corruption, co-opting and infiltration of the counterculture — including the rock music scene — by the covert government intelligence elements. Shortly after that interview, New World Order head honcho and Satanist, globalist, CIA director, Tavistock underling and then vice-president George Bush Sr. had Lennon slaughtered on the streets of New York utilizing yet another mind-controlled Delta slave Mark David Chapman. Mark Chapman is the victim of an artificially induced model psychosis. Documents released under the Freedom of Information Act state and testify that various Federal Agencies of the US government had a several decade-long covert research project to develop a technique or method by which an involuntary, unwitting innocent individual could be covertly manipulated to hallucinate that he or she must carry out the assassination of a pre-selected target. I question all these psy-ops the CIA created and with research I doubt Kennedy, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Charles Manson were all staged by HOLLYWOOD for Fear and including trauma-focused, psychodynamic to acheive their Goals. Here are two huge trauma-focused, psychodynamic CIA PSY-OPS : the 6 million Jew hollacaust which has been debunked! and the Residential Shools System being used by the United Nations to Push their UNDRIP Agenda. The other is the Residential School system psy-op being used in the same manner! Do not get me wrong horrific, UNIMAGINABLE: incredible, incredulous, inconceivable, unthinkable, unbelievable, things did happen! Hundreds of million of men and women were murdered for the DEPOPULATION PROGRAM ! Victim Mentality: is the Purpose of these PSY-OPS Who benefited from that, even all these years later? The spirit of rebellion was kicked out of the Sixties Movement. If JFK’s Staged Hollywood Crisis actors of the so called assassination created mass emotional world wide, as Malcolm X’s assassination did , then Martin Luther King’s assassination was another huge Trauma based CIA operation. The CIA-created nightmare of Charles Manson another, if Jonestown another, John Lennon’s assassination nailed the coffin closed on the Spirit of America for a long time. THE so -called freedom/ Liberty /Justuice fighters were silenced. Same as today HOPIM is created by the CIA controlled OPS Today in every Protest to control the mechanism! the leaders were gone. Millions of Protesters/activisits soul was broken. We knew Evil had taken over North America. We didn’t know what to do. It hurt too much to move forward. Millions spent our adult years in drug addiction, depression, grieving and denial. We bought the Reagan-created empty vision of the “Yuppie,” those of us who could, while the rest of us became “welfare whores,” driving those imaginary Cadillacs. But we’re still here. The primary red flag in this story is the fact that because Mark David Chapman, accused killer of John Lennon, pled guilty, there was no trial. This is the persistent link to so many of the cases that should raise questions immediately. No trial, no way for any of us to know what really happened … ever. Case closed. John Lennon, the most politically active rock star of his generation and militantly left-wing politically active at that, was shot down outside his own home by a killer who was merely a tool, a human gun used and controlled by others to destroy a uniquely powerful and radical figure who was likely to prove a rallying point for mass opposition to the policies soon to be implemented, both at home and abroad, by the new United States government headed by Ronald Reagan. Ronald Regan, Trump and the rest of these politicians INcluding Trudeau, Biden,Pierre Poilievre, Volodymyr Zelensky ect are all Actors Playing their Roles. It is said that Mark David Chapman did it for publicity. An actual “syndrome” has been invented to explain the killers of high profile figures who are deemed to be “lone nut” characters with no tie to the victim other than their own need for acknowledgement due to “low self esteem.” Convenient myth number one.
Inconveniently, Mark David Chapman turns down thirty to forty interviews a year. He has not interest in publicity. The roots of even this story go back to the OSS/CIA connection. The OSS, sold to the public as restricted solely to activity outside the USA, in fact was prohibited, in its charter, written by Congress, from exercising “police, subpoena, or law-enforcement powers or internal security functions.” It simply would not operate at home: any domestic work that needed to be done would be handled by the FBI.
But, from the very beginning, the OSS/CIA began to stretch the envelope. According to Admiral Stansfield Turner, appointed by President Carter as CIA director in the hope of cleaning up the organization during the four years of his administration (1977 to 1981), “Some 300,000 Americans considered to be potentially ‘dangerous’ to the Globalists national security were indexed in a CIA computer, and separate files were created on approximately 7,200″ — including John Lennon. Former President Bush was such a popular CIA director in his time because he pretty much gave them carte blanche to do whatever they wanted. I suspect those policies are currently in place once again. In fact, its pretty obvious that they are, as their budget increases and their staff and power have ballooned to unimaginable proportions since the “Attack on America.” Just who attacked America and why remain debatable, but there is absolutely no doubt that “National Security” has always been a top priority budget item like never before — and never before have we been more insecure as a nation. Was the CIA and FBI so all fired up about Lennon was the idea for a “revolutionary road show,” starring Lennon and Yoko or was it planned by the CIA. This combination of rock music and radical politics was to barnstorm its way across America in the early summer and end up in a giant protest rally outside the Republican National Convention at San Diego, where President Nixon was almost certain to be nominated for re-election at the presidential elections that November. The aim was a huge “political Woodstock” that would successfully accomplish at San Diego in 1972 what Jerry Rubin and his colleagues had failed to achieve at Chicago in 1968: the disruption of a major party’s national convention. An organization originally named the Allamuchy Tribe, and then the Election Year Strategy Information Committee, was set up with headquarters in the basement of Lennon and Yoko’s apartment in Greenwich Village. No federal law was being broken in this, but it concerned a president of the United States, and was enough to get the FBI and the CIA crucially involved. A little over three months after Lennon was so called assassinated or murdered, newly inaugurated President Ronald Reagan was shot and nearly killed by John Hinckley, in New York City, again. Hinckley’s father, a Denver, Colorado resident, is a close personal friend of George Bush Sr. and sons. For several weeks before attempting to assassinate Reagan, Hinckley prowled the streets of New York. Hinckley followed as exactly as he possibly could every single move that Mark David Chapman had made, in the days before Chapman supposedly murdered John Lennon. At the time of their respective arrests following both shooting incidents, John Hinckley and Mark David Chapman were each carrying on their person a paperback copy of the JD Salinger novel, Catcher in the Rye.
Author JD Salinger had substantial and enduring ties to the US intelligence community, in particular, the CIA. Hinckley first came to New York well before his attempt to assassinate Reagan, in order to prepare himself for his assigned role by imitating Chapman’s moves and actions of a few months before. Reagan was wounded, but survived. His leadership ability, questionable at best, became even less credible as time wore on and the ability of the people to trust their leadership and believe their representation was being respected and honored withered away, particularly in the face of the Iran-Contra scandal. Ronald Regan, John Lennon were the push of Gun Control Who was really pulling the strings? And who continues to benefit, even today? And it’s time to take it back from these criminals Nothing happens unless the CIA wants it to happen.
Dali Lama Is A 33 Degree Freemason Satanist Pedophile Connected To NXIVM, World Leaders and Child Trafficking
#TrannyGate #ToldYouSo
Engoron Likes To Take Naked Selfies In The Mirror At His Gym And Post To Wheatley School Alumni Newsletter
Never mind disgraced lunatic Engoron of NYC – check out Sheriff Patrick Labat Responsible For The Mugshots Like You’ve Never Seen Him Before – - Stared In Soft Gay Porn Video
They fear love because it’s a world they cannot control. ~George Orwell, 1984 = 22 = 1111
Source: www.marzlovesfreedom.com
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