"The Eternal Chronicles" Discussion With Author Zachary Hagen via My CTP Podcast
“‘The Eternal Chronicles’ discussion with Author Zachary Hagen via my CTP podcast…
Hello again all. This is going to be another quasi B4IN CHEAT (JLenardDetroit / Joseph M Lenard) article, taking a bit of a short-cut. CTP Show dropping Wed. Jul. 17, 2024 that I spoke with Zachary Hagen (Author of “The Eternal Chronicles” series/books) therefore, “cheating” rather than writing a piece completely from scratch I will include the Show Video and the Show Transcript (and FYI, I use a FREE online Transcription Service (you get what you pay for, right?) therefore the Transcript is likely to have potentially bad sentence structure, some wrong words, mis-spellings, etc.; as AI is pretty good, I know well as a former IT guy that I am, but not perfect at grasping overall Context in order to interpret the correct verbiage vocalized translated (plus we sometimes are not “clear” in our speaking and pronunciation of terms/words for the Machinery to distinguish it) to text; but it is GREAT at being able to share a Conversation in print and therefore sharing (as is, well, not entirely true, I do indeed make some changes, additions, etc.) below…
CTP (S2EJulSpecial3, 20240717) “The Eternal Chronicles” Zachary Hagen joins CTP (BTS/SP Video) (35m 24s)
CTP S2EJulSpecial3 NOTES ( listen (Wed Jul 17 2024 and thereafter) at:
https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2EJulSpecial3) “Eternal Chronicles” with Zachary Hagen
See buzzsprout Transcript for full Show Notes and Transcript Bonus
Zachary is a Christian fantasy author and editor. His “The Eternal Chronicles” books discussion with Zachary Hagen. Zachary’s books are Fantasy (much in C. S. Lewis likeness).
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links)
Transcript Bonus: No Transcript Bonus this episode
Episode related pieces…
- No related corresponding TLB piece this Sat. July 20th for this Show/episode (will be corresponding July 20 “USA: Past, Present, Future” piece for CTP S1E57 Show)
- /books/2024/07/the-eternal-chronicles-discussion-with-author-zachary-hagen-via-my-ctp-podcast-2557588.html
- https://ZacharyHagenWrites.com
- Social-Media: @ZacharyHagen_Writes
- /christian-news/2024/06/did-jesus-ever-contradict-himself-of-course-not-humankind-in-frailty-can-and-sometimes-and-does-get-things-wrong-2622143.html
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP) recurring links…
- CTP: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- CTP long-form description: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast
- TLB articles: thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: tinyurl.com/SubscribeToCTP
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter: tinyurl.com/FaithCasterNewsletterSignup
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest): tinyurl.com/FaithCasterConnections
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout: tinyurl.com/BuzzsproutSignup
- CTP Official Coffee: tinyurl.com/BlackOutCoffees (promocode: JOSEL20)
- CTP Official playlist: tinyurl.com/CTPMusicPlaylist
- Transcription Services by: Converter.App
- Joseph M Lenard – linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit
(JosephMLenard.us / TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1EJunSpecial4 Audio: 32m 37s, Wed Jun 26 2024)
SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from May 11th) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
May 11 – S1E47: Continued Left-wing Violence
May 18 – S1E48: Let Left Keep Pushing, Generational Shift Occurring
May 25 – S1E49: Mother’s Day retrospective (Ex Post Facto piece, just as last year’s Memorial Day and 4th-Of-July pieces were)
June 1 – S1E50: Slaves To State
June 8 – S1E51: Is Prayer Alone Enough?
June 15 – S1E52: Rising Tides Lift All Boats
June 22 – S2E53: TLB-Talk relaunch
June 29 – S2E54: Speculations and What Ifs
July 6 – S2E55: In The News
July 13 – S2E56: Hard and Fast Economic Facts
July 20 – S2E57: USA, then, now, future
July 27 – S2E58: Self-Sufficiency?
Aug. 3 – S2E59: Who is Baby-Sitting Whom?
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via…
YouTube: youtube.com/@jlenarddetroit1082/videos
Rumble: rumble.com/user/JLenardDetroit
JLenardDetroit channel also on BitChute and Brighteon
In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout (tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist)) for addl bonus material there-in.
IF you have a Show and looking for Guests, or an “expert” or “Speaker” on a given or set of subjects, you too can likely make use of Podcast Guests List like I do, though some that I have on CTP may have connected via another Service called MatchMaker.FM, PGL is where I connect with majority of my CTP Show Guests and make arrangements for their appearing on my/the ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics Show – see (my Profile there, by way of example): https://podcastguests.com/expert/jlenarddetroit/
Also FYI for those who do not know Joseph M Lenard is #JokesterJoe on #SavagedUnfiltered podcast.
Transcription Services below from: https://converter.app/ (Converter.app is a FREE online Transcribing service; and indeed the old saying “you get what you pay for” so yes there will be some “errors” but presented “as-is” from the service (with some minor updates/revisions for/to the intro/outro sections)
[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]
Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with TheLibertyBeacon.com and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that’s L E N A R D CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let’s get on with the show
[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1]
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Hello everybody. Welcome to the show Zachary Hagen. We don’t know each other IRL but we both appear together as guests on Bill Hatch is not quite after midnight show. So when his name popped up as a potential guest for my show I said absolutely that’s great I love the time we had together on with Bill so I kind of know who we are but I better better read the little bit of bio for everybody else right Zachary Hagen is a Christian fantasy author and editor. Why an editor and not a Tometer or Georgia or I don’t yet my lame you know. I’ll try an editor. He lives with his wife Claudia who I caught slightly out of the corner of my eye earlier when you were moving the laptop and their dog Slent who I heard bark when he isn’t busy writing his next book or working on an editing client you could often finally walking around his neighborhood or hiking. So welcome to the show Zachary I’m glad you’re here. Yeah I’m glad to be here thank you so much for having me. Yeah again when I saw your name pop up of it I know that name. We were on when I was talking about my book Terror Strikes Coming Soon to a City Near You and how it’s a very non-sluffy non-traditional Christian book but a Christian book nonetheless. We were talking about your series The Eternal Chronicles which it’s been a while now but I think I’ve read two of the three I don’t know that I have a red to serve one I don’t think it was out at the time that we were talking about then.
ZACHARY HAGEN: The third one was actually one that was talking about on the show with Bill’s and since then I’ve had a fourth one come out Maternity’s Edge and Maternity’s End is slated to release this October
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): October 22nd of this year. Like I said I’m not quite after midnight. Fantasy is not my preferred genre but I did like I said read the first two of the Eternal series and I liked them but you know you fit in with the show obviously so I know there’s a lot of fantasy readers out there and indeed a lot of fantasy book fantasy writers like Tolkien and C.S. Lewis you know have that Christian biblical thread through the books which I know you do too so don’t give us any spoilers but give the audience a bit of a taste of that.
ZACHARY HAGEN: Well sure I think that many Christians are very familiar with loss and suffering and I think that my books really delve into the strength of leaning on faith and leaning on an understanding beyond our own to guide us through that and it’s it’s taught that theme is addressed with a fantasy world in which readers could find this on the back cover of the first book the three main characters Elior loses his brother in sort of a disappearance from this Magitec explosion in the middle of their city. Opal a dwarf princess becomes a queen during the untimely death of her father and Nix is a merman who’s cursed to live on land and loses his best friend and his father in a very short span of time and through that first book they address those losses with the help of Michael who is a representation of Jesus and they get to know each other and get to know him while they search for the well of eternity in that jump starts their adventures throughout the rest of the series.
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Well I kind of we kind of jumped ahead jumped right in. Let’s back up. Don’t do the usual where were you born and raised and all that other background stuff that we haven’t covered which usually is the first question.
ZACHARY HAGEN: So I was born in Colorado Springs Colorado. Oh great I’m going to have Colorado Rocky Mountain
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): high in my head the rest of the night. Sorry go on just away my brain works.
ZACHARY HAGEN: Of course connections are important that I’m a teacher too so we call that schema we like to connect things. Background knowledge helps us to understand new information better so that’s
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): awesome. The whole orange general just a memory association. Yeah yeah. So I was raised all over
ZACHARY HAGEN: because my dad is a pastor used to say was because I actually back into it now and he we moved around a lot because of that when I was a kid because he’d get called to different churches for a year here a couple years there and then the same kind of thing happened during his stint away from church ministries and my mom was a teacher because she worked for the the church that we’re members of as well and we moved around her different schools for her. So sorry about the noise we’ve got guests coming back. Yeah I’m getting a little bit of an echo
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): from you. If you got echo cancellation on in your settings. Double check. It could be just an internet thing too who knows. Zoom isn’t perfect every time and yes behind the scenes I cheat I use
ZACHARY HAGEN: Zoom to record these. Right. It might just be the room that I’m in because we don’t have anything up on the walls yet. We just moved into a apartment last week. So not last week last month so we and it’s been you know hit the ground running but yeah so I grew up all over. Like I said I’m also a teacher in addition to an editor and a writer so did that cover the introductory questions?
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): I guess I kind of threw us off. But yeah the gist of it it’s like so you are where now though. Now we are in Florida central Florida winter haven. Oh okay all right well good thing that Hurricane went over towards Texas all right not your way thankfully too because it was an early one. It’s downgraded to a category one now that it’s hitting you a mainline anyway but you know all these things are cyclical sometimes they start early sometimes they start late sometimes they’re fewer sometimes they’re more you know it yes there is climate change it’s called climate cycles. It’s been happening on this planet forever going to happen on this planet long after we’re all gone. But at any rate I didn’t mean to go down that road. So something that I did see in the notes for those looking on behind the scenes sneak peek bitchute brighteon on rumble and youtube you could see me rustling the papers like Limbaugh used to do. Blue bedtime story books okay well I know what doing blue and comedy is but I’m curious why your parents then would
ZACHARY HAGEN: you risk a children’s story? Oh I had more idea about that kind of connection. No there are the series of 11 blue bible story books that um or maybe it’s 12 it might be 12. Anyway I have a set of them now that I’m saving for when we have children but they were sort of a staple in any seventh day advantist home and so that’s why it’s kind of an insight thing because not a whole lot of other people have them. I don’t know why it’s such an Adventist specific thing but they are and those
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): were the bible story books that I was raised on. Yeah I was dying to when I after I read that I was dying to get that story because it goes on to say read to him from his blue bedtime story books if you know you know in parentheses and I’m like I don’t know I gotta ask. The other joke I could have made was does it have anything to do with Harold and his purple
ZACHARY HAGEN: crayon you know those. Yeah it’s a very niche thing and um I my thought was I didn’t want to alienate any readers that were um that didn’t like sentheadvinist because we get confused with Mormons a lot or people have a problem with us keeping the Sabbath rather than worshiping on Sunday which
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): oh I go into I haven’t really specifically gone into that on the show and so I’m glad you brought it up because Christitutionalists it’s about Christianity as an overall umbrella. I was born and raised Catholic this is not however a Catholic show or a Methodist or a Baptist or a Presbyterian or Adventist or Mormon or whatever brand or blend or flavor right I try to keep it based on all the things all of our different human messed up that we did Jesus didn’t create this mess we as frail humans did so focus on those things we can agree in in Christ so I am so glad you brought that up because that conversation come up the other day and that is not what he’s bothered me because I I mean let’s look at our calendar right your Gregorian calendar Sunday is the first day Saturday is actually the Sabbath seventh day of rest so you’re doing it right in my opinion as a Catholic of course we went to church on Sunday it’s become this quasi Saturday Sunday both melted into one continual day of worship and try to rest on both hence our weekends why we have pushed for and have the five day work weekend traditionally for most Saturday and Sunday off both as a recognized day of rest so I am so glad you brought that up Jesus nowhere said at any time any place move the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday he never said
ZACHARY HAGEN: that it’s true and you know I don’t personally I don’t know if it’s a test of faith but I know that I don’t know what I would do without my Sabbath because we’re not as strict as the Jews and there’s different levels of observance even within Adventism but I love and I encourage people if they don’t do this to have that day set aside where you’re not doing any work you’re not checking your email you’re not attending to anything else and just setting the time aside to be with God and be with your family I think that is the biggest gift that God has given us in the business of this world is to command us to set aside a day where it’s about rest and worship and communion with family and with friends and service to others and it’s I appreciate it more in my adulthood than I ever
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): did as a kid but I’m also a lot busier isn’t it yeah oh that very well put and again I am so glad you more or less almost kind of accidentally brought that up and I am so glad you did it again either pick the Saturday or the Sunday I don’t think God is going to be too harsh on us about it because again with Sunday being the day Jesus rose to a lot of people that indeed then make sense but again Christ nowhere said changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday we wouldn’t did that on ourself but I think that’s a fairly harmless thing if we are indeed at least holding it as a day and as you said sadly and I’m guilty of this doing a lot of other things on the Saturday or the Sunday that we should like you said you you stated it very articulately we need to set aside that day especially in our modern era with all the noise and everything that the phones and the social media bombardment if like you said turn it all off and set that aside not just for the Lord but
ZACHARY HAGEN: family I’m so glad you said that yeah and I like what you said earlier about us focusing on what brings us together which is why I didn’t want to specifically mention the denomination that I happened to work with and worship under because I wrote the books for everyone specifically with a Christian focus but of course and I hope that Christians read it and appreciate it in the same way that we got to appreciate C.S. Lewis and his work with the Chronicles of Narnia and I hope that it brings other people into a church who might not have otherwise come if they hadn’t read a book where they saw you know true suffering and hardship through a Christian lens and how those create stronger more accomplished characters and where good wins out in the end I’m excited right the ending of the series and to write that the ending that is so well deserved after it they’ve been thrown in and it’s what we have to look forward to as well which is a good reminder for me on our days which this one happens to be one but yeah we talked before off air and
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): I certainly don’t want to go into that on air thoughts and prayers how to you and your wife and
ZACHARY HAGEN: I wasn’t going to go deep into that but I do think that the reminder that you know God is watching out and there’s an ending to the story that is good yeah well now you mentioned the
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Chronicles of Narnia and like I said the fantasy realm is not my preferred genre I don’t delve into it much but for the very reason you’ve kind of somewhat just implied kind of danced around implicitly let me say it indeed implicitly anything that can introduce someone to Christianity is a good thing if it’s indirectly that’s great because we cannot just preach to the choir as the sand goes right we are to bring our faith and Christ to others and you have to reach them where they are if you take I don’t have the Bible here I’d pick it up and start waving picking up a Bible you know the the old uh the trope the Bible thumper and beat people over the head with the Bible it isn’t going to work you have to bring them in suddenly they’ve got to want to open their heart and why terror strikes coming soon new city or you yes about terrorism but it’s not about death it’s about life and living it’s a very non-traditional non-fluffy terrorism that’s definitely not fluffy topic right but it’s a way to bring people from outside to Christ and hopefully makes them want to learn more about Christ and maybe pick up a Bible so I have always appreciated the genre even though I’m not really much of a fan of it you know what I mean
ZACHARY HAGEN: yeah absolutely and I think that the apostle paul wrote I become all things to all people that I might buy some mean save some is that I don’t think I quoted that exactly perfectly but the idea of
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): phrase is good enough right as long as we get the meaning it’s a spirit right not as I’ve talked on this show before some fake Christians who are purposely willfully malice of forethought twisting yes warping to take out of context I say it all the time Jesus was not a socialist to be our brothers keeper is a personal commandment it’s not a government edict community which is voluntary and charitable yes is what we want not communism which they try to derive from community which is forced which is theft and redistribution we are commanded oh I forget the scripture I shared all the time as a meme about God loves a cheerful giver right and render unto Caesar does not mean render your brother’s keeper commandment unto Caesar also that’s not what it said that’s out of context that’s twisting and warping you agree absolutely I mean and I was
ZACHARY HAGEN: thinking of that same verse God loves a cheerful giver but how can you be cheerful about something that you’re forced to do you can be joyful yeah you can only have joy out of something that you freely do it’s why Jesus was willing to go to the cross because it was a gift that he freely gave not something he was being pulled and forced to do well kind of was kind of wasn’t but yeah no we all know what you mean absolutely amen by his love he was compelled to but it was completely he did it out of love out of being desire for us to be redeemed to him it wasn’t because
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): some power over God forced God to sacrifice right he the Romans and some Jews at the time now this kills me this bothers me the anti-Semitism people blaming all Jews for Jesus’s death people today’s Jews have no connection with those Jews and even it wasn’t even all Jews then and those Jews were part of God’s plan and a pawn it was required to fulfill scripture and by him freely right he could have chose to flee he could have went somewhere else fled and lived in hiding no he was there to fulfill the scriptures not preamp not that that preamp just not the word i want not to displace them he came in fulfillment of the Torah he didn’t replace it yes the new testament talks about right turn the other cheek as opposed to i for an i that doesn’t make i for an i completely invalid it just means Jesus says that isn’t our first reaction to be anymore we have grown right we but you have two cheeks so you turn the other cheek you can forgive but you don’t forget to be a useful idiot to someone abusing you all the time and the bible genesis Leviticus and numbers on the death penalty still holds true you can turn the other cheek you try to see if someone can be reformed but if they are going to continually be evil death is a remedy it’s biblical yes there i think what a lot of people get wrong about
ZACHARY HAGEN: sort of the the trajectory is that they separate Christianity and Judaism to completely separate religions and so view their reactions to things or how we should behave as to entirely separate things as if the old testament doesn’t exist for Christians you wouldn’t have any question without the old testament and realistically i mean Christianity grew out of a sect of Judaism so it’s still very much the same faith but we recognize that the savior actually came
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): yeah and again there are a few things like you don’t jump to i for an i you try to turn the other cheek first right so Jesus didn’t supplant that was the word because i had this argument with somebody the other day i said oh really so can commandments are invalid now if the old testament doesn’t mean anything if Jesus replaced it to 10 commandments are irrelevant obviously not and it wasn’t replaced that’s why they are both in our bible right but sadly some don’t get that technically we are messianic Jews yeah Jesus was there Jesus was a Jew king of the Jews he came and fulfillment of the Jewish scriptures he was a Jew when he was crucified we only created the Christianity then out of that so really again i know some people get upset because they’ve got an anti-Semitic thread in them but indeed we really are messianic Jews but we call ourselves Christian
ZACHARY HAGEN: right and i think that you know in some ways it’s very convenient and it helps us to i think it helps some people to put you know there’s the bad guy because they killed Jesus but it it’s the blame game because realistically anyone who’s guilty of a single sin nailed into that cross it’s just as much my fault as it is the next person’s the moment i did something wrong in this life was the moment that i needed to save here yeah amen amen and again another
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): one of the things obviously that changed that Jesus did indeed change and command us to do differently than the Old Testament Jesus himself was the final blood sacrifice we don’t sacrifice animals and we’re certainly not supposed to sacrifice babies though some fake Christians do as i feel through this voice yeah Jesus was the ultimate blood sacrifice that eliminated the animal sacrifice so yeah some things changed but not all things and that’s why both are part of our Bible today and you’ve got to read it all like i say on the show over and over and over the whole Bible in full context with one another it’s true i hear a lot of people saying oh what
ZACHARY HAGEN: changed with God between the Old and the New Testament nothing his wrath was satisfied that’s what was different we went from a a distant relationship to the completion of adoption through the blood of Christ and it’s interesting i can’t remember the exact Greek word but when he says it’s finished i think it’s it’s karaoy or something like that i saw something about it i would have to look it up but the Greek word it is foolish was related to like a military campaign a legal document and a couple other things where that word was used to symbolize a total and complete finality so the battle was won there on the cross and now we’re the job of Christians is not to go through rituals and try to win God’s favor it’s declaring that the favor has been won that we are redeemed and that all someone has to do to get that gift is to accept it and that that’s a great
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): privilege i think to get to share that with others well i i’ve completely lost track of time now because i don’t know where we actually officially begun because we got started late so uh how long we’ve actually been recording i’m not quite sure but i do like to try to keep my show shorter i call it today’s water speaking of social media attention span right everybody wants give me the short version well you know to really go into things you gotta deal in the details it’s more than a five minute video soundbite right so thank you for joining me today zakri hagan and tell us the where to find your books do you have a website you know people want to reach out to you where
ZACHARY HAGEN: that sort of thing absolutely so all of my books are available on amazon um they can go to my author page there zakri hagan they can also visit my website zachary hagen writes dot com and my social media handle is uh pretty consistently zachryhagan_writes so usually that’ll turn something
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): up on all of the major stuff all right that sounds yeah i i try to stay consistent across to at jlunner detroit but a few places like well they banned that account so i’ve got to be something else but like twatter that’s why i call them twatter i was actually banned after elan took over oh interesting yeah two accounts now jenarddetroit and jlenardauthor both banned under elan not the 15 plus whatever years i was there before him so i do a show on that that’s obviously a whole other rabbit hole to go down but so i i’m done with x for now i guess we’ll see what happens and also vimeo one of the video sites that’s why i mentioned bit chute briday on rumble and youtube it at jlendarddetroit channel but vimeo i’m at jlenardwyandotte because jlendarddetroit was banned there but on vimeo i usually only put the show sound points there to tease people to listen to the show at any rate which is an ongoing running joke here yeah i try to avoid the podcast no no of the a’s and the a’s and i’m pretty good at that but somewhere over the course of doing the show i picked up the verbal tick of saying at any rate so now i do it every show at least once as a joke laughing at myself at how pathetic i’ve become and i’ve got that kick at any rate so indeed at any rate thank you Zachary hagen for joining today take care and god bless brother
ZACHARY HAGEN: thank you
[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]
Thank you for having tuned into ChristiTutionalist Politics show. Please be sure to check out more about today’s discussion at TheLibertyBeacon.com where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like buzzsprout at tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless
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Transcription Services above from: https://converter.app/
BONUS MATERIAL: No Transcript Bonus this episode
Transcription Services above from: https://converter.app/ (Converter.app is a FREE online Transcribing service; and indeed the old saying “you get what you pay for” so yes there will be some “errors” but presented “as-is” from the service (with some minor updates/revisions for/to the intro/outro sections)
LOOK BACK and SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows (planned going forward from May 11th – August 3rd) already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
- May 11 – S1E47: Continued Left-wing Violence
- May 18 – S1E48: Let Them Keep Pushing, Generational Shift Occurring
- May 25 – S1E49: Mother’s Day retrospective (Ex Post Facto piece, just as last year’s Memorial Day and 4th-Of-July pieces were)
- June 1 – S1E50: Slaves To State
- June 8 – S1E51: Is Prayer Alone Enough? [also note: CTP2 dropped]
- June 15 – S1E52: Rising Tides Lift All Boats
- June 22 – S2E53: TLB-Talk relaunch
- June 29 – S2E54: Speculations and What Ifs
- July 6 – S2E55: In The News
- July 13 – S2E56: Hard and Fast Economic Facts
- July 20 – S2E57: USA, then, now, future
- July 27 – S2E58: Self-Sufficiency? [previously shared on BeforeItsNews]
- Aug. 3 – S2E59: Who is Baby-Sitting Whom?
JLD B4IN pieces: https://tinyurl.com/JLDArticles
JLD TLB pieces: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
Joseph M Lenard books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Joseph-M-Lenard/author/B09WFSY5KN
How am I bringing back the LITTLE WILLIE JOHN “FEVER” Song?
see: /sports/2024/06/will-wnba-actually-put-female-pro-sports-really-on-the-map-or-die-to-dei-correctness-hate-2785791.html
Going further back….
A response I made to someone (SMS Texts, back and forth) in regard to their saying a recent CTP Show “BrainDead (well that’s a harsh title LOL) part 1″ (https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/14431880-christitutionalist-politics-s1e33-brain-dead-folks-part-1-well-this-is-a-harsh-show-title-lol) was/is “thoughtful”…
Thx for the feedback on BrainDead1 episode (he will be on my Show soon for an already “Listener Feedback” mini-episode in next several weeks (end of February or early March 2024) when he wanted to react and talk about S1E13 “Censorship” Show) I indeed go for “thoughtful” (always, logic and reason and facts) though I have addressed that sometimes I may indeed get HOT/ANIMATED and sound more like raving lunatic (Leftist) at times (while “spirited” in “tone” and action – still using logic/reason/strategy but just a bit more “passionately” delivered (see related https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bc5yiLorRF0 1m YouTube Short on that))! LOL Thankfully those number of Shows are the exceptions and not the Rule. I am always going for “not the same ole talking-point takes of the usual suspect talking-head parrots” (there is Hannity and a million others for the same-ole bs parrot responses (though, not to say, sometimes a particular talking-point oft heard is not worth repeating too, but parroting cannot be one’s ONE TRICK (and sadly too many are just parrots (or One-Trick-Pony, if you prefer) with never any originality — AT ALL, EVER (at least if delivering the same basic “topics” have some reasonable different approach or other “angle” of delivery than same mono-tone talking-head resting face and voice))).
Rick Walker joined me on my Show awhile back – see:
2023 in review…
[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...
"(CTP S1E28) SneakPeek/BTS "Can One 'Generalize' About Women Voters?" (Audio Show drops 20231230)"
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6mb9cu63HA
or Rumble: https://rumble.com/v43n19c-ctp-s1e28-sneakpeekbts-can-one-generalize-about-women-voters-audio-show-dro.html
"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfn0ZRqO2Ro
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v3z8mij-ctp-btssp-s1edecspecial-midweek-12623-drop-dating-in-this-woke-day-and-age.html
"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC3UBv1FFhU
"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeDqy-vIL8A
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v3zxj5a-ctp-s1e25-btssp-video-year-in-review-part-1-20231209-audio-podcast-drop.html
"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_meLOD8yKg
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v40yiix-ctp-btssp-video-s1e26-year-in-review-part-2.html
These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see: https://vimeo.com/jlenardwyandotte
Take these, and of course ANY of the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episodes on the Road (or whatever/where-ever) with you via Buzzsprout or any of the 14 other podcast platforms it is available. ]
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