Nicole Kidman's Father Dies Amid Pedophile, Child Murder ring allegations (video)
Dr. Antony Kidman died Friday after fleeing Australia when accused of the sexual abuse and murder of children in an elite Sydney pedophile ring. A month prior Fiona Barnett had filed a complaint with the Australian NSW police and Child Abuse Royal Commission alleging Kidman’s sexual and physical assaults on her throughout childhood. When the Commission opened an investigation the clinical psychologist suddenly left his 43 years with the Sydney University of Technology and Royal North Shore Hospital to stay in Singapore until he died. The family has refused to comment and Singapore police opened an investigation on what they termed as an unnatural death.
Yesterday Barnett released her own theory about Kidman’s death,” The main perpetrator of my child sexual abuse, Antony Kidman, is dead after I filed formal complaints accusing him of the rape, torture and murder of children in an exclusive Sydney pedophile ring. As a child victim of mind control I feel he’s been sacrificed for failing to adequately program me.”
“Kidman was responsible for ensuring that I never disclosed pedophile ring activities that I witnessed as a child,” she continued. “He failed. News of Kidman’s death impacted me, someone who has undergone intense treatment. I know that there are other victims of Kidman’s crimes out there who are perhaps not as far along the healing path as I am. I anticipate that news of Kidman’s death may have a serious impact on these victims. A perpetrator’s death can even trigger suicidal ideation.
“My complaints last month to the Australian Child Abuse Royal Commission detailed two incidents in which Kidman subjected me to horrific physical and sexual assault” Barnett said. “But there are even more serious crimes against children that I witnessed Kidman commit as a member of the elite Sydney pedophile ring. Those complaints have gone to the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.”
Barnett spoke out the day of Kidman’s death – White Balloon Day 2014 – an event aimed at raising awareness for Australian children affected by sexual assault. She stated, “My contribution to White Balloon Day 2014 is to urge my fellow victims of crime to fight the filth that this monster deposited in their minds and if they can muster the strength, join me in my effort to give a voice to victims who are no longer with us.”
The ICLCJ Court has been looking into Barnett’s allegations against Kidman in relation to their investigation of the global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult. Over sixty eyewitnesses such as Barnett have testified of Ninth Circle child sacrifice and pedophile activities that spanned the globe, including criminal activities against children in the Americas, Netherlands and UK commonwealth countries such as Australia.
The Ninth Circle was also said to have well organized and secretive human hunting parties that included pedophilia. Privately owned forest groves were believed used in the US, Canada, France and Holland. It appeared children and teens were obtained by the criminal drug syndicate Octopus, which was believed connected to the Vatican. The kidnapped children and teens were said to be stripped naked, raped, hunted down and killed.
Since the tender age of three Barnett had been trapped inside Australia’s vast pedophile network where children were sex trafficked, hunted down for sport and murdered. “In the late afternoon of Oct. 28 1975 I was taken to my sixth birthday party in the Kiama rainforest,” Barnett said. “The cordial was spiked with drugs. I fell asleep. When I awoke it was dark and I was lying naked face-up spread-eagle on a picnic table with my hands and legs tied. Perpetrators took turns sneaking up on me. A large group of men arrived in pick up trucks. They carried rifles and had a pack of starving Doberman dogs. I was told that the group of naked children huddled nearby were my responsibility. I was to run and hide them. Every child I failed to hide would be killed and fed to the dogs. They painted something on my back and chest, and then released us. I pushed the children up over the first steep hill. It was about the second or third hill that the hunting party reached us. Shots were fired and children began dropping all around me. With all hope lost of my saving the other children, I took off and ran for my life.”
Dutch therapist Toos Nijenhuis testified at the ICLCJ Court that as a child and like Barnett, she was badly abused and forced to witness child murders that involved global elites, claimed childhood torture at Barnett’s same Australian Holsworthy Army Base and like Barnett, was a victim of Human Hunting Parties. Nijenhuis’ perpetrators included former Pope Joseph Ratzinger, Dutch Catholic Cardinal Alfrink and Bilderberger founder Prince Bernhard. Nijenhuis explained to International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State Secretary Reverend Kevin Annett, her witness to child sacrifices as late as 2010.
The Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult could easily hide crimes of their global elite members. They were well trained by Hitler’s mind control experts from Nazi Germany. Barnett’s Nazi grandfather’s pedophile network was said to include clinical psychologists Kidman and John W. Gittinger who developed a popular test among psychiatric professionals known as the Personality Assessment System. In the Independent Australia News Barnett stated that as a young child, “Gittinger abused and raped me.”
In another article of the Independent Australia News it was reported that Barnett’s dramatic testimony put members in tears when she went before the Australian Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse. Barnett had named as her perpetrators her grandfather, Kidman, two former Australian prime ministers, a Parliament House governor general and a state police commissioner. As with child pedophile rings in the Netherlands, Europe, Canada and the US, the Australian pedophile network was said to include police officers, psychiatrists, biochemists, psychologists, actors, writers, politicians, university lecturers and medical doctors.
“The Commission was in the process of investigating my complaint when Kidman was found to have left the country,” Barnett said. “Now one month following my notification against Kidman, he is dead. Kidman’s death comes as no surprise. In the past week alone, two people predicted his imminent demise.”
This article is dedicated to victims of the Vatican and mafia-run global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult, and to the memory of over 50,800 missing children, some of whom rest in 34 mainly Catholic-owned unmarked mass grave sites – that have been refused excavation – across Canada, Ireland and Spain. The child perpetrators continue to live lives free of responsibility for their ongoing crimes. Our prayers are with these innocents, and should be for ourselves if we allow this Child Holocaust by our global leaders to continue.
About the Author
Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, retired, author of “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities” ( is a retired therapist, Public Speaker, Activist and investigative journalist whose articles on international child exploitation rings have been cited on hundreds of blogs and websites. The ex-Supervisor, Alberta Mental Health and Director Provo Family Counseling Center is the CEO of Child Abuse Recovery and Speakers Bureau (
If you have news tips about child abuse issues that may connect to international child exploitation rings, please email Judy
You are invited to sign our petition to Congress for an investigation of the CIA mind control of children by clicking here:
Keep up the good work judy! Loved your last work on that evil queen beatrix.
Lowest possible level of human existence.
Get educated/be aware on how these monsters dysfunction.
So Queen Beatrix is also a paedophile according to Ms Byington? Ok so we have Queen Elizabeth and the Pope killing babies and drinking their blood. The Rotschilds and Prince Philip being Luciferians sacrificing kids. Dr Kidman abusing them. Members of the CIA as former Nazis brainwashing them. And British and Australian prime ministers torturing babies. Okayyyy…
Do you guys actually believe everything that crazy Ms Byington says? My question would be : WHY?
Loius…. I was waiting fer ya ta show up with yer absolutely disgusting shill comments…go crawl back to yer Satanist masters…
Byington is a liar. The Vatican doesn’t run or participate in any Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult.
It’s quite common among deranged people (such a Byington) to project their own insane lusts on totally innocent parties, just as the Pharisees projected their own heinous sinfulness upon innocent Christ.
Byington — with BIN’s assistance and approval — is libeling the Vatican. There’s a big difference between free speech and libel.
you’re sick.
Can you back your statements with thousands of witness testimonies, multitudes of mass grave sites, well-connected whistle blowers, centuries of documented history including wars, murder, torture, rape, theft, and modern cases regarding thousands of “priests” convicted of pedophilia, or “paying” for victim silence (see; Catholic Church, Roman)??
Thought so. Talk is cheap. You’re shiillarious.
For those of YOU still in doubt, or uninformed, I BEG you to set aside an hour to listen to the MOST compelling history and witness testimony straight from Sister Charlotte’s mouth. Promised to change everything you thought you knew of the Catholic Church.
Sister Charlotte Entire Testimony – Confessions of a Roman Catholic Nun
I do.
Yes I do believe this. Satan has infiltrated all of the highest levels of humanity’s systems of control and Satan has ALWAYS targeted the children through his surrogates. Now WHY does he do that? I have come to the conclusion that the answer exists in the Bible.
People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them. Mark 10:13-16
JESUS and God the Father LOVE the little children. It is their innocence that makes them so cherished by our Creator. If you were Satan and your goal was to do EVERYTHING the exact opposite of what God has established as the ultimate form of rebellion AND If your were Satan and wanted to hurt God by committing an atrocity that would hurt him most, what do you do? YOU deceive, corrupt, molest, torture and MURDER children. Period. The reason the “Elites” are consistently accused of doing this is that they are all party to helping Lucifer establish his kingdom on earth. They swear their allegiance to him by committing acts of perversion and atrocity against the most innocent members of society BECAUSE it is the ultimate act of hurtfulness waged against the Creator of the Universe. How better to swear your allegiance to His sworn enemy?
That is why. If you don’t believe in this spiritual battle going on behind the scenes, then of course you’re not going to find logic why independent, free humans supposedly involve themselves in such horrible acts.
Yes the Queen of England apparently kidnapped a dozen children while on a tour of Canada and despite the often 300 or so reporters & photographers & 100s of police officers, agents that accompany a royal tour not noticing a thing.
Says a lot about the Royal Mounties that would have been surrounding her as well.
Honestly this stuff would be hilllarious if the claims were not so nasty. The people they make these absurd and horrible claims about have families & children but I guess they don;t count.
ugggh I hate hearing about this. My sister was sexual abused along with many of my friends. Its awful. All these people need to be brought to justice then killed.
I agree it’s horribly sad, but at least they’re getting whacked publicly and it’ll make the second generation of would be perps think twice about getting into organized pedo rings.
Wow. Explains much about Nicole’s personal history, and her nude/sexual scenes in half of her movies — particularly her disturbing 2009 movie “Birth”. She had a child lover, which included nude scenes with the young boy while naked in a bathtub together.
Odds are she’s been heavily programmed since birth, and deeply involved in the Ninth Circles grotesque activities.
Nicole Kidman is an actress. That’s what they do.They act. They are not the people they play in movies. Maybe you believe Morgan Freeman or George Burns are actually God because they played him in movies.
Stop defaming her and implying that she is somehow in cahoots with the claims about her dad.
I accurately predicted last night on here that the false claims would soon extend to her family and Fiona Barnett is legally responsible for that.
I have no doubt she may eventually face libel actions in Australia .
I think the point here is missed, Eric. Two things:
I think thats why Nicole became famous – not from her talent, but from her connections (because daddy was part of this “elite” group). These people in high places are the same group of people who make and break actors/politicians/etc. There are so many talented people, but does one get selected over another? They need to do as they are told, toe the line, etc. Nicole’s a very good work horse..
Second, Hollywood has an agenda besides profit. That is, programming. Instilling ideas that go towards the break down of society and the degradation of social and family values. Nicole is just part of this holistic process.
The red cheeks and bad skin also indicate alcoholism – which is probably how he ‘forgets’ his ‘mistakes’.
The red cheeks and ‘bad’ skin are because he was 75 years old (not 80 as I incorrectly said previously).
Now people are claiming because he may have yellow teeth (he didn’t) or wore a toupee (he didn’t) that’s it sign he is a Devil Worshipper.
There must be something in the water. Madness is on the loose.
How much evil can exist ? Who can we trust?!!
I pray that Justice will prevail. Let is all support and bring hope back to humanity.
exactly, Puffin…
Your true faith and true adherence comes from a deeper place, from the very soul, the very heart of you, the center of your Being. It all comes from the Mystery, the Power and Presence of God in the world.
This represents the true nature of goodness in the world. God has placed Knowledge within each person, to guide and to redeem them. But when they step away from the Knowledge of God within themselves, goodness in them disappears. That why they behave this way.
More to read at As revealed to God’s Messenger
Marshall Vian Summers
Justice was created by the Evil, that is why he is never punished. Only way to defeat the evil is to realize how incredibly powerful you are….
This Evil is growing stronger everyday as we keep on seeking justice…We need to dig deeper into ourselves and know our true worth…
If this is all true, PLEASE come NOW, Lord Jesus. Reading this was more than I could bear. Had to stop, wait and go back, and read, til I finished it. So, SO BAD
Praying to Jesus Christ is Idolarty..Jesus was a Man..the Christ.. God
You should only be Praying or Speaking with God the Father, our connection with God is through our Soul/Spirit and no one else..keep your Faith and never lose Hope, get your Strength through God the Father.
Don’t Fear these Luciferian Creatures, their time is at an End.
Let a person pray according to his own conscience. We are on the same side. Jesus is Lord.
John 3:16
John 14:12
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. John 14:28
Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.
John 14:6King James Version (KJV)
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
By the way, it has already been proven that Antony Kidman wasn’t fleeing Australia, he was visiting his daughter Antonia who lives in Singapore with her husband. The hotel he was staying at is owned by his son-in-law. He died in the restaurant of the hotel from a heart attack.
So you are saying Fiona Barnett did NOT file a complaint with the Australian NSW police and Child Abuse Royal Commission alleging ntony Kidman’s sexual and physical assaults on her throughout childhood? Maybe you could tell us who you are…..
Who are you talking to?
Your story is all over Twitter. Dr Kidman’s wife, his daughters and sons-in-law will want to defend his memory. So prepare yourself for a big defamation lawsuit. You can’t make serious allegations like that about someone without proof. Filing a complaint is easy, proving someone is guilty is far more difficult. By the way, if what you are saying here really happened during that woman’s childhood, why didn’t she file a complaint earlier? What about her parents? Where were they? How did she met Dr Kidman? So many questions…And I can already spot three big lies in your story, imagine what a good lawyer will do.
@ Louis
It is only deformation if ‘not’ true, unfortunately as in the UK with its now unravelling Child Sex abuse culture, such things can only be covered up if the victims are silenced. By going public becuse the Police did not follow up and investigate, sending your file to an independent body, because it was a crime comitted on a huge scale on multitudes you ensure other witnesses come to light which though normally criminal charges cannot be brought against the person, means unlimited civil charges will be brought against both him and his co perp’s who definately do not want the light of publicity shone on their acts.
Having judges create gag orders means you draw publicity to why there were gag orders, also bringing other witnesses to light, NGO’s and volunteers then then to step in with funding to challenge human rights violations, the world is now connecting the victims together as well as their victimisers.
Here is Fiona Barnett’s tweet:
Fiona Barnett @FionaRaeBarnett
The psychologist & head of Sydney’s elite pedo ring I reported to police, AHPRA & the RC for abusing me as a child – ANTONY KIDMAN – is dead
3:54 AM – 12 Sep 2014
Dead people can’t sue for defamation. Family hasn’t been defamed. Troll.
Of course the family can sue and they will. How would you feel if, on the same day one of your loved ones died, someone accused him/her of being a pedophile? As I said, I hope “Fiona Barnett” and the person who wrote this article have proof of what they say, otherwise they will have big problems.
Barnett filed suite with the NSW Police and Child Abuse Commission in early August 2014 a month prior to his Singapore visit (
Her tweet was after his death came to light.
However personal feelings of familiy members are not lawful unless under sharia law where they can help pick the punishments. US and UK law is set by precident.
Crazy Judy is using Nicole Kidman’s name to sell her story. Nicole is very much alive.
Yes dead people cannot sue so you can say anything about them can’t you ? True or False.
Fiona Branett has been accusing dead people for years (never dares accuse a living person) and has made endless reports to police and they all run the other way when they see her coming. Not one of her so-called exposures has ever had evidence or ever resulted in an investigation.
Yes the family has been defamed on this website in the comments section. People are now alleging that somehow Nicole’s lifestyle and acting is a result.
That is clearly defamation under UK & Australia law but not the US.
Actually Louis, apparently one can get away with saying whatever they want about the dead in Australia.
You see here, we have a clause or loophole in the law commonly referred to as ‘dead men can’t sue’ (Google the expendable project and Schapelle Corby’s deceased father and you should find exactly what I am talking about).
I am not saying that these accusations are true and I’m not saying that they are not, but loopholes apparently exist here that do not exist abroad.
Ms Byington is defaming Nicole Kidman by using her name in the title of her article and in the article itself. Nicole’s place of residence is Nashville TN. You might get away with telling lies about the dead in Australia but you don’t get away with defaming a living person in the US.
he didnt get away………
You Got That Right..They were Decieved by the Great Deciever.
Some should look at the Founder of the Church of Satan on his Deathbed, Cried and Begged for Forgivenness, claiming something was very wrong.
Sorry all out of Forgiveness and Mercy Today..
You can not live a Life of Evil and expect Salvation in the End, it does not work this are Judged by your Works in this Life.
There’s no wonder she married just a weirdo like Tom Cruise.
Tom Cruise is mild in comparison, a brainwashed alien origins believer fits in well on BIN and is probably a ghost writer on here.
Further proof that Scientology and Thelema are two sides of the same coin.
Something non human infiltrated the elite.
Here is the proof from RIP Anonymous Nasa scientist.
Faked his own death? Possibility?
What a Disgrace this is ,I am sure the Anzacs would be rolling in their graves knowing that not only did they unknowingly fight the war for the bankers ,but also is=ra=el and were sacrificed for that illegal state. I know of t great work Done By Kevin Annett by the ICLCJ overseas and here in Australia by Cameron Mottus , and also how Pope Francis Aldolfo Pachon Head of the jewsuits and Justin Welby Archbishop of Canterbury ,all being found Guilty of Murder Rape and or Crimes against Humanity .The whole world is waking up fast to he fact not only has our whole lives been a lie but that we have been Ruled by Satanic Networks of Paedophiles Criminals Fools and Thieves WAKE UP AUSTRALIA SUPPORT THE ICLCJ AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION AND NOT PART OF THE PROBLEM .
I believe the story. I’d question anyone who doubts it. You might wanna keep yours kids away from them.
So you are ready to believe anything without real proof? That is scary. By the way, Judy Byington also wrote that the Pope and Queen Elizabeth kill babies. Do you believe that too?
QE left a Native American reservation with 10 children who were never seen again during a period where 50,000 Native wards of state were experimented on with drugs and therapies leading to their death in care, dissapeared and/or were used as sex slaves all of whom either died in childhood while in care and all reports suppressed by Government.
While this was done the head of state HM QE did nothing to police said Government and agencies to care for what are in fact her subjects, her wards and deal with the situation where ‘her’ Government in Canada and Qubec was responsible for the deaths and exploitation of wards of state and allowed to erase the events therefore: “Qui tacet consentit” -also in the UK – very much so.
The role of the head of state: “His or her role generally includes personifying the continuity and legitimacy of the state and exercising the political powers, functions and duties granted to the head of state in the country’s constitution and laws”.Princeton University
A little bit of research on your part may open your eyes, kiddie fiddlers being knighted, young children disappearing whilst being “visited”, young girls found dead on “royal” estates etc etc.
Wake up you tool.
Louis Where are your thoughts for the children ? who are you working for ? yes the Queen and Prince phillip are involved no doubt at all , perhaps you could go to the ICLCJ site and check the facts that have been put before the lawful courts , and yes the pope is guilty and he is a paedophile a murderer and he perverted se of justice ,oh an sorry for your ignorance, but he also drank babies blood and consumed their flesh ,Do you live in a cave or what your comments are in my mind an absolute disgrace ,so remember Condemnation Without Investigation is the Height of Ignorance .
It’s not a matter of belief, it is a fact. You have some catching up to do.
This story reminds me of…
It sounds like some really mentally ill souls getting together to try and “heal” “tarnish” and get some money…. Pope drinking babies blood? Seriously?
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour” is the ninth (respectively the eighth according to the Catholic and Lutheran count[1]) of the Ten Commandments,[2] which are widely understood as moral imperatives by legal scholars, Jewish scholars, Catholic scholars, and Post-Reformation scholars.[3] The book of Exodus describes the Ten Commandments as being spoken by God,[4] inscribed on two stone tablets by the finger of God,[5] broken by Moses, and rewritten on replacements stones by the LORD.[6]
…believe anything without proof? I’m just not stupid. Proof? Yeah…the nuts doing these things leave proof everywhere. Sure….duh.
They just count on those who talk being not believed…..they count on people like you. We live in a world where child and sex trafficking is bigger than the drug world anymore. Known fact. Child porn…etc. I’d like to think grown men don’t molest little children…but it happens. It’s not a far reach to believe this woman’s story.
Anyone who believes anything they read on the internet should be kept away from children.
Keep bringing the Darkness into the Light, Judy.
Some are starting to see the Truth, Great Work Once Again.
Still waiting for the Rothschilds to be Brought before the Commons Courts, when we start to see the Likes of These Luciferians being Thrown in Prison/or, then it will be a House of Cards and all will Fall as it Should.
There was a very interesting telemovie which starred the Australian actress Sigrid Thornton. It was about an elite paedophile ring in Sydney, judges, lawyers. DR’s all involved in the raping and murdering of children….I think it was called ‘Whipping Boy’. I believe this story to be true and he was probably murdered. Strange co-incidence that he departed on the day they were celebrating “White Balloon Day”, there is probably a clue in that. If it is true, then good riddance to another of the scum of the earth.
…………Wow what a shock. Nicole Kidmans dad!!
Mind you this evil satanic stuff is widespread throughout the globe.
(What’s going on with her lips in that photo??)
amazing here how many Sherlock Holmes there are HERE a person is innocent until proven guilty
but yet you all make the decision that he is GUITY you are the same nutcases that say the Queen is a vampire or child killer just listen to you all ,am sure you lot are the first ones to Go when WW3 Starts
all because you think potassium iodide is the only pill to take and Vit C
And Im sure you’ll look great walking around looking like a sheet of paper
You have got to look at this against the present system. The present system has been set up in the past by the Vatican, Royalty, Private Bankers etc not for the benefit of justice for you and everyone else but for their benefit. It is all part of their banking scam to suck all of the money up to them and the courts are just there to make sure that this happens with fines etc.
There is no justice in this system because it is all based on fraud – legalise – so that you do not know what is going on. ALL cases in court should be under Common Law and as most people on here are aware the courts run under the Admiralty Law scam. Anyone can set up a Common Law court system of the people as it is based on Common Law and that is what these people have done. The Vatican, Queen etc were invited to attend their hearings with evidence and did not attend to defend themselves and were found guilty in their absence. Of course these people still control the UNLAWFUL system that we still have so nothing will change until everyone realises that the Vatican, Queen etc are hiding and avoiding justice under this unlawful system.
The good news is that this unlawful system has been FORECLOSED along with the Banks and Governments etc by the OPPT, One People’s Public Trust at the end of 2012 – again nothing is going to change until all of the people realise the significance of this as well as the power has been stripped from these Elite Bankers, Royalty and Vatican etc who have been enslaving everyone with the corrupt and fraudulent banking and legal systems. The people can set up their own legal and banking systems after all that is what the governments are supposed to be there for only they are working for these elites and not us.
” Billy Carlin
The answer really is in his comment
These sick perverted you know what’s need to be tortured over and over then starve them to death. What they deserve for harming innocence.
And that makes you better than them, does it Old Lady?
My name is Amanda – I am a friend of Fiona Barnett. I am also a Child Abuse Whistleblower. My Child Abuse Whistleblower journey commenced in 2011. I have travelled the hard road and had my life destroyed – on every level just as many other Whistleblowers – it is a recognisable pattern now.
With regards to the comments from Louis – once a person is deceased they cannot sue. The family are not being defamed. I would like to pose these questions to you; do you know the family of the deceased personally? Do you have access to all the evidence that has been presented? Do you know how many victims survived? Do you know how many victims have come forward?
I would like to suggest that – on the off chance the family commence legal proceedings – all because some documents were published on the internet – it would be to their disadvantage. ALL the evidence would become public – ALL the survivors would be given the opportunity to have their voices heard in a public arena and ALL the ensuing mainstream media publicity would be way way way worse than the publication of some of the evidence in a few forums on the worldwideweb.
Comment for Paul Gilbert – people who are brain washed act like you – you just go with the flow and do not ask questions or think critically. Other people who are awake and aware and who are spiritually enlightened use their cognition – particularly their cognitive dissonance as well as their instinct. These are the people who ascertain the facts for themselves.
In the next few days I will be publishing some documents that Fiona has given me permission to publish. I will be publishing them on a facebook page I manage titled Child Abuse Whistleblowers Community page. I can publish there far more safely than elsewhere.
As an example I recently published the details of a Mandatory Report I made in 2011 and did not get arrested. I am a former operational NSW Police officer and have retrained as a Teacher.
As a note to all trolls, shills and disinformation agents – I have gathered an enormous underground following and they watch every post I make. The Child Abuse Whistleblowers Community page on facebook – should you choose to visit is a safe haven – not a place to argue about child abuse – it is a site for victims and Child Abuse Whistleblowers and like minded people to come forward and share information.
Much Peace – Amanda.
well Amanda do you judge people before there is a court case well seems you do as for brain washed you have that Whistle stuck up your ARSE,
Once the court case comes and he is found GUITTY THEN YES …..
But you don’t see that do you …..
are you one of them people that look at another person and say he is one then go online and tell others and a mob goes round kills him ONLY to find he was innocent ARE YOU Seems that way
so how many innocent people have you killed
I lived in Holsworthy for at least 10 years and am truly shocked I have to say. I knew nothing of the goings on, mind you I was living in la la land until a year ago………..
Thanks Amanda, have joined your FB page. We have got to make this public!!!
Cat – thank you for your support – I have never asked for anything other than we all stand shoulder to shoulder. When you support me – you are actually supporting the Children – I am merely providing them with a voice until they find their own.
Much Peace – Amanda
Amanda my heart goes out to you love and light to you sister.. You are so awesome keep fighting girl… I love IT note to ALL TROLLS GO BACK TO YOUR HOLES STINKING ABANDONED DEROS WE SEE YOU WE ARE WATCHING YOUR EVERY MOVE YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED..
criss2002r1 – thank you – you are now standing shoulder to shoulder with the rest of us – that is all I have asked for and we must be in the millions by now. The underground following would have to be enormous and with the visible community who actually post – well – we are winning this battle.
Thank you for caring about the Children. You have no idea how many people have contacted me – via several websites and facebook – stating that it is people like us who give them the strength to live through their abuse.
Just goes to show that kind words can have a huge impact when a victim is reading them. The trolls, shills and disinformation agents don’t stand a chance anymore – they are so easy to spot. On this site – as newcomer – they were so easy to identify.
Much Peace – Amanda
writing “Much Peace” sounds very passive / aggressive is a bit weird when you accuse anyone with a differing view of being “trolls” “shills” and “disinformation agents” and is outrageous and a form of bullying and is a tactic Fiona Barnett often uses when anyone dare question her claims.
You also posted the exact same info on the Icke website and you falsely claimed the badge Dr Antony Kidman is wearing is a “pedo medal” and they all get it as did Rolf Harris .
It is his Order of Australia merit medal :AO: which he received for exceptional services to charity. Dr Kidman’s reputation is being slandered by you and you have no idea of the life he led and the great works he did in Sydney.
So I look forward to Barnett’s detailed claims so we can pick them apart and show how false they are.
So Much Peace to you too.
For all I know there is some truth to this story but it has all the earmarks of a Scientology smear campaign complete with smutty gory details, the way the clams like to deliver it.
Ipretty darn sure this story is 100% true….
What proof do you have?
Why are you Louis, a catholic, defending Dr Kidman against paedophilia charges? The man didn’t help his cause by fleeing to Singapore after suddenly resigning from a prestigious university position, did he?
Keep in mind that the victims evidence was given before a Royal Commission of Enquiry and that’s not some crackpot made up court, don’t you know?
I didn’t want to accept that Rolf Harris was like that either but there came a point where my opinion needed adjusting to stay in alignment with the Truth.
@Mayhem – What are you talking about? I’m not a Catholic, I’m an atheist. And I only believe what can be proven. There’s no proof against Dr Kidman. Ms Byington and Ms Barnett are just very weird, troubled women who accuse everybody of paedophilia and satanism, from Queen Elizabeth II and the Pope to people like me who call her on her insanity. You say that Dr Kidman was fleeing to Singapore? That’s not true, he was visiting his daughter Antonia who lives in Singapore with her husband. You say that, before he left, he resigned from a prestigious university position? Huh? Again not true. He didn’t resign from anything, when he died, he was still the very respected director of the Health Psychology Unit at the University of Technology, Sydney (just go to their website). And his death was investigated by the Police because he collapsed in a hotel restaurant. That’s the normal procedure in a case like this.
You are a LIAR, Mayhem. Just like Ms Byington and Ms Barnett. My question is : why are you lying? Why are you defaming a dead person and his entire family?
Note to LOUIS:
I agree with everything you say — however I also post under the name “Louis” and I’m very much Catholic. That’s probably who Mayhem was referring to. My objection to Byington is her unproved slander against the Vatican, which of course is not involved in any satanic cult.
Anyone who thinks the Vatican drinks child blood is insane or possessed — which are basically the same. Or perhaps they’re simply stupid.
If you continue to post under the name “Louis,” then everyone will think you’re Catholic. If you don’t change your web name, then I’ll be forced to because we can’t post under the same name. Too much confusion.
Argh my head hurts
at least it’s now obvious whom I intended to offend. Glad that’s cleared up
@DK What you say is ridiculous. It means that a person can accuse anyone of anything without proof. How would you feel if I accused you of being a pedophile? I can file a complaint, that doesn’t make you guilty of anything. What are the concrete proof against Dr Kidman?
And his family can definitely sue for defamation. That woman and the author of this piece are tarnishing their husband, father, father-in-law, grandfather’s name.
And I’m sorry but people here sound totally insane and paranoid. I mean, Queen Elizabeth and the Pope kill babies and drink their blood? Are you guys serious? Prince Philipp and the Rotschilds are “Luciferians”? And the CIA? Former nazis? Australian prime ministers?
Cite the relevant Australian defamation legislation, Troll.
@ “Victim” : Just look at the title of the article, you idiot. It says “Nicole Kidman’s father” and it’s all over Twitter. Dear Judy Byington is using Nicole’s name. So Nicole could very well file a complaint for defamation in Australia, in Nashville (her place of residence), in Los Angeles, or in New York. Look at some of the comments here, people are attacking Nicole (HER character, HER behaviour, HER previous marriage, HER father, and even *gasp* HER lips). She is the main target for that ridiculous, nonsensical story. Right here, Ms Byington is defaming A-list movie star and Academy Award winner Nicole Kidman. Ms Byington and Ms Barnett should prepare themselves for a big lawsuit.
just seems they believe people are Guilty because they heard it from another person that heard from another person
maybe one day it will happen to them and they are the ones that shout where is my fair trial
Fiona Barnett had her license to practise psychology cancelled because she is considered danger to sane people. Same as Judy Byington.
@ Louis:
Incorrect, laws are very clear that you can say anything about anyone provided it is true, if that person objects they will have to under criminal law and disprove the allegation, defense being Justification(Truth), Fair Comment – this article is an amalgamation of others – without the requisite URL to the originals, and Priviliege. In law the article is assumed false unless the accused (Author) can prove the turth, in this case we can absolutely prove that Bennet has accused Dr Kidman of being member of a Paedofile ring which abused her and where she witnessed such sexual acts performed on other minors by members of government, to which she has reported the abuses last month to relevant bodies.
Reporting on Fiona Bennets Tweet, witness statements to the authorities and what goes for MSM reporting comes under Fair Comment and Justification. However since you have falsely accused the Author Judy Byington of breaking the same laws MSM have proven applied to her article every day I am listing your comments as spam.
There’s an important logical element that should be emphasized here. It’s not about satanism or anything like that. It’s about control.
Child abuse and such things are used to control those in their system. It’s used so that they can’t leave and to get them to do things that they should not and not do the things that they should. They’re controlled by threatening them with the revealing of the child abuse, child murder…etc.
The objective is control and it’s the logic of that which reveals why these people would have it on them.
I read that… the Pope drinking babies blood…. rather insane. Really insane. What is scarey is that these peeps believe it.
Sadly Louis the Kidman family cannot sue in Australia unless- and I predict this will happen- Barnett goes too far and infers as she has done before that somehow the Kidmans “knew” about his alleged activities.
And believe me I would not want to be on the end of a lawsuit from Nicole & her family. I believe however they will find some legal way of nipping this insanity in the bud.
Fiona Barnett has accused so many people it is just bizarre. A few months ago she claimed the late Kim Beazly Snr a highly respected politician was the ring leader of the ‘Satanic ring” she says it’s Kidman.
Doesn’t even keep her story straight. Clearly a disturbed woman. It frightens me that Barnett is involved with Hetty Johnson Bravehearts foundation for adult survivors. God only knows what mischief they put into people’s minds. And they talk about Mind Control !
Can you imagine the children & grandchildren of Beazley Snr or the Kidman family coming across this garbage on the internet ? Cruel, insensitive and what a low way of trying to get attention before the poor man is in his grave and the family are suffering badly at his loss.
Boycott holywoid!
This seems like another in a long line of abuse scandals that has benefited from the comfort of big money.
We have written about the celebrity club in London, The Groucho Club and the cover up of a child abuse network, rape and sexual abuse. It demonstrates how and why such child abuse has not been addressed by the Police.
We recently attended a demonstration outside this media club, remember this is the largest media club in the world and in a location were many of the UK media work.
Not one newspaper, magazine or media outlet has cover this story
Read the story and you may understand how the rich celebrities are pandered to by such organizations
The story is in the Universal Film Magazine, the only magazine worldwide who has covered this in a number of issues –
This is the flip page version
This is the PDF
Read that article thanks…quite clearly, the Groucho Club are above the law. If the police are told to do nothing about it, then those in charge are usually in positions of power. The media won’t cover most paedophilia/satanic ritual abuse cases. Why, I wonder, did they finally pounce on the Jimmy Saville horrors? Look what that’s led to, a whole string of well known individuals/celebrities thinking they too, were above the law. Oh, I relish the day they get their just desserts.
People – just remember that ALL of the mainstream media is owned and controlled by a very few people. That means what is beamed out of the television and written in the newspapers and magazines is tightly controlled.
I have two threads on another forum that have regular viewers and already someone has noticed Louis and commented on his troll behaviour.
I have received information that there will be a complete article published after the funeral. I intend to publish two documents within the next few days.
Trolls, shills and disinformation agents are often paid to disrupt the flow of a thread. They often comment early in the thread that is a psychological tactic that is used often.
The Child Abuse that is being uncovered at elite levels is happening all over the globe. The truth always fizzes up to the surface – always. The truth can often be overwhelming and hard to believe and many people deny it because they don’t want to believe they have been lied to and deluded.
Antony Kidman was one of many and the evidence was in place and active before he died so no one can say it is a smear campaign against him now he is dead.
Much Peace – while we work through this chaos and pain – Amanda
Paul Gilbert – I have not killed anyone and your post could be tendered in evidence as defamatory. Read up on the legislation for defamation.
As for your comments – you do not even know me – you have judged me – seems your comments are more a reflection of who you are and you have put in writing for the world to see.
Please learn more about the people you defame in public. You could end up in court and be found guilty. I could print off your comments and you would have to defend yourself. Just something for you to consider.
Much Peace – in this chaotic and pain filled world – Amanda
I could print off what you said about me your post could be tendered in evidence as defamatory
so I think its better if you GROW UP what an idiot you are just like a school bully and once a school bully get hit they cry or in your case be an idiot
lets put it this way you are inciting that some one is guilty before it goes to court which is a crime
next time please do not use blackmail as this is a crime get your facts right
and telling people he is guilty is defamatory ,now where did I put that kettle ho look its black …..
The author kinda looks like Orly Taitz, and sounds just as crazy.
1 Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! 2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
Luke 17 King James Bible
10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 18 King James Bible
20 Moreover thou hast taken thy sons and thy daughters, whom thou hast borne unto me, and these hast thou sacrificed unto them to be devoured. Is this of thy whoredoms a small matter, 21 That thou hast slain my children, and delivered them to cause them to pass through the fire for them? 22 And in all thine abominations and thy whoredoms thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth, when thou wast naked and bare, and wast polluted in thy blood. 35 Wherefore, O harlot, hear the word of the LORD: 36 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thy filthiness was poured out, and thy nakedness discovered through thy whoredoms with thy lovers, and with all the idols of thy abominations, and by the blood of thy children, which thou didst give unto them; 37 Behold, therefore I will gather all thy lovers, with whom thou hast taken pleasure, and all them that thou hast loved, with all them that thou hast hated; I will even gather them round about against thee, and will discover thy nakedness unto them, that they may see all thy nakedness. 38 And I will judge thee, as women that break wedlock and shed blood are judged; and I will give thee blood in fury and jealousy. 39 And I will also give thee into their hand, and they shall throw down thine eminent place, and shall break down thy high places: they shall strip thee also of thy clothes, and shall take thy fair jewels, and leave thee naked and bare. 40 They shall also bring up a company against thee, and they shall stone thee with stones, and thrust thee through with their swords. 41 And they shall burn thine houses with fire, and execute judgments upon thee in the sight of many women: and I will cause thee to cease from playing the harlot, and thou also shalt give no hire any more. 42 So will I make my fury toward thee to rest, and my jealousy shall depart from thee, and I will be quiet, and will be no more angry. 43 Because thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth, but hast fretted me in all these things; behold, therefore I also will recompense thy way upon thine head, saith the Lord GOD: and thou shalt not commit this lewdness above all thine abominations.
Ezekiel 16 King James Bible
Pedophilia runs rampant among the elites of the world as a result of the demands of their “god”.
Hopefully more victims come forward. Maybe somehow or someway there is a light at the end of this satanic tunnel. I hope all the best for the poor souls that had to endure such madness.
Thank you for your comment – you have opened up the critical thinking processes for those who have not had direct access to the evidence.
Other victims? How many are there? Do any of the trolls and shills and disinformation agents know anything about the other victims? Just putting it out there….
I have access to much evidence and information – and – it is held in trust by many people – all over the world as a security measure. There is much the trolls and shills and disinformation agents do not know about me – or – my enormous underground following. Thank God for people that have joined this battle that is all I can say right now.
Thank you again Mother Mary. Much Peace – while we work through this chaos and pain with dignity and in a calm manner – Amanda
@ Paul Gilbert and Louis you are a Disgrace ,who cares about the kidmans ? not me you are obviously being pad to troll this site or a part of the satanic 9th circle ,or just really sick people who can not handle the truth .
I say you have never viewed any of the evidence and facts have you ????? because you are not interested in facts are you ??? Liars fools and paedophiles will be judged harshly very soon so be ready . I do not care about the criminal royals or pedopope I just care about exposing the filthy scum that abuse children , and I care about JUSTICE that’s why the ICLCJ was set up ,, To anyone who doubts these claims before you make ignorant claims check the facts CHECK THE FACTS and finally PAUL you are an asswipe for speaking to Amanda like you did , are you a paedophile or enabler ??? FOOLS …….. Stop the child rape now or else is-ra-el gets it the Zionist lying illegal state . exposed haven’t found a truther yet who supports them and yes they are connected . peace to all Goyim Gods chosen Peoples
Thank you. You are one of a global community who are standing with me – that is all I have asked for – when we stand shoulder to shoulder – we can win this battle.
Thank you for defending my honour and when you do that – you are actually defending the Children. Thank you again.
Much Peace – Amanda
NB On the phone with Fiona now – the author of the article above has managed to have one of the trolls , who delivered a death threat online, banned for a year. How about that for quick action.
I have a lot more options than you
Also one last thing , Thankyou to Before It’s News for being the only one , seemingly… to cover this story ,and I am sure glad you did , just as I am glad to be a Subscriber Thankyou !….
“These wicked people’s souls are dead and the occult world of ‘the thrill of the kill’ and ‘feed them to the lions’ is their drug of choice. Unfortunately, we now live in a world where the tools and weapons of war, torture, and death are far more hideous than those of the Roman emperors or the most cruel Popes of the dark ages and the practice of witchcraft, rituals, sorcery and cruelty are the only things that register with their overindulged senses and emotions.
They have experienced every form of luxury, entertainment, pleasure, and practice and now they are left only with the most vile, heinous, and indulgent forms of sensual gratification originating straight from the pit of hell under the inspiration and tutelage of Satan the murderer and destroyer.” — elijah1757 (
say everyone… don’t even bother arguing with this “LOUIS” idiot…. he works for the child-rapist/murderers and you can find him following ALL Judy’s articles with these stoopid idiotic comments….his purpose is to sow doubt and discredit the victims of his perverse, psychopathic bosses…. obviously he is incapable of compassion…. gotta feel sorry for such a lost soul… really….
Were these people MUSLIM MONSTERS?
Huh… just in time for your new book Byington’s upcoming book, “Saints, Sinners and Satan” encompases a first-person account of her own experiences with multiple personality survivors and satanic crime.
Been reading the comments and reviews on your book at Amazon… really…
Check out this link
Excerpt from a review on Amazon…
I think this review and the author’s post should be evaluated in light of the fact that UT AG’s office has issued the following statement regarding the author’s claim to have worked for them:
“The Utah AG has not had any consultants on satanic crime since 2006 or any time, and certainly has not used Byington in any capacity including as a consultant, ever.”
And the subject of the book’s son has written about this author.
“After the show, local law enforcement, Adult Protective Services, and the State Licensing board were contacted anonymously (and not by me), and each initiated an investigation. One of the revelations of these investigations has been my Mom’s assertion that Judy withheld her medication during the weekend they were out there for taping the DP show. Given my mom’s mental health status, this would constitute a felony in Utah, as withholding medication from someone in need is an egregious form of abuse.”
You can view the Dr. Phil episode here.
You can view my documentary here.
You can follow me on Twitter here.
Or you can email me here (rob AT robsteffen DOT com) for anything else.
All right. Here are the links to what I have to say about this situation:
nappinglady…What you say here is grounds for a lawsuit by myself against you, though you hide behind a pseudoname.
The Utah AG office has issued no statement about me. I did work for years with the Utah Attorney General Satanic Ritual Abuse investigators on the 8 Satanic Covens in Utah. I did work for more years directly with Utah Attorney General Special Investigations Chief Charles Haussler.
If anyone has a question about Jenny Hilll’s (the subject of my book Twenty-Two Faces) and my relationship they can read our Open Letters to Dr. Phil found on the 22faces dot com website.
There have been no charges filed against me. Jenny and I have been dear friends for over 25 years, remain so and will forever. Jenny Hill is an exceptionally bright and wonderful person who, like Fionna Barnett in the above article, has risked her life to expose these evil people who abuse and kill children for their own sick pleasures.
I question the motivation of anyone who would try to discredit that.
This will be the last reply I make to you. It is my opinion… in my opinion…taking advantage of vulnerable people is parasitic in my opinion. I looked up your articles… The Pope and Queen Elizabeth killing babies and drinking blood? In my opinion… lunacy. This will be the last time I respond to you.
nappinglady-1931 you need to change your avatar to walkigdeadwoman-2016 or sleepwalkingfemale- You have not witnessed these horrible crimes and you do not believe they have occurred. You ignore Proof and testimonies from innocent victims and deny the TRUTH. You are aligning yourself with the wrong side of life. Here is testimony from a child victim who was raised in the house of the devil whose accusations have never been rebuffed.
Maybe you should read this Judy.
All your lies in one convenient, easily readable place.
You offer no help to victims, you only take advantage of them to push your conspiracy theories.
Oh Douglas Misicko, and their followers of the Satanic Temple. Don’t you ever get tired of trying to discredit me and other supporters of Satanic Ritually Abuse survivors? Get a life.
I have no idea who you are talking about Ms. bitchington.
I just googled your name and that came up. Along with the UAG claim that you have never consulted for them.
Your lies take away the attention from the victims, whom people will discredit based on their association with you.
These people deserve real help, which they will never get from you.
Byington — your accusations against the Vatican are delusional. The Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ and the Vicars of Christ are perpetually guided by the Holy Spirit. By libeling them with false charges of child sacrifice you have committed a sin against the Holy Spirit. Sins against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven. Whatever mad agenda you are pursuing has cost you your soul. Nobody with even one iota of intelligence believes anything you say about the Catholic Church. Anyone foolish enough to campaign against Catholic truth will destroy themselves in the process — just as you have.
The infiltration of the Catholic priesthood by a small number of sexual miscreants has been dealt with. The vast majority of Catholic priests have never engaged in such activity. Sexual misconduct among Protestant clergy and Jewish rabbis is much more widespread. No church, especially a large world wide church, is entirely free from scandal, because human beings are not perfect. These are valid facts that should be discussed and corrected. But lying about the Vicar of Christ and accusing him of committing heinous acts is an unforgivable act of satanic malice — of which you are guilty.
Delusional !! The Catholic Church practices Idolatry with Mother Mary worship (The Whore of Heaven) Among other PAGAN rituals and practices !! WAKE UP BROTHER !! Apostasy in the Church and The Anatomy of a Church You are Decieved and are following and praying to the Anti-Christ !! The Roman Catholics/Vatican changed the Sabbath. No,Man cannot do that,not even the “Vicar of Christ” (666) ! So the Papal title of VICAR OF CHRIST which in Latin is VICARIUS CHRISTI, means a SUBSTITUTE FOR CHRIST, which is synonymous with Antichrist, i.e., assuming the power of God on earth! This blasphemous claim is made repeatedly by various Popes and is the very foundation of Roman Catholicism and it’s Papacy. In the Bible, new moons are the beginnings of months and have reference to calendar time keeping. Months are critical time dividers in agrarian societies. The first day of every month is set apart as a sabbath and there is no work.
Louis…If you have read this article you will find it is about Antony Kidman, not the Catholic Church. I don’t believe that Heavenly Father is upset with how I have exposed the ritual abuse of children in my articles.
Never the less the following website documents that as of November 12 2013, there have been 10,077,574 Catholic Priest Abuse cases investigated or processed through the courts. Research shows that only 10% of victims speak out and of those cases, only 10% make it to the court room. Thus, these over ten million Catholic Priest Abuse cases appear to represent a mere fraction of the crimes committed.
why do make childish claims about Kevin Arnett’s basement high fallutin sounding “courts”? You know they do not exist except in his imagination.
There is no such organisations (he has about 6 of them) and they exist only in cyberspace, have no office, no phones, no employees and not even proper websites, jsut freebie blogs set up by Arnett begging for donations.
How can we take anything you say seriously when you perpetuate nonsense like that?
Yeah like the Master Masons in Franklin caught sacrificing children. In the book by Senator De CAmp. Also, Over 3000 deaths of teenagers and young adults in Oaxaca Mexico for Stem Cell research connected to Indiana Master Masons in my 14 year documentary. That was in 2007, and they reopened for years. Still trying to break that across Indianas richest county the Master Masons, judges and prosecutors have been killing clients and stealing tens of millions from estates and bank accounts. No secret they all have been caught but all agencies refuse to process state, federal code.
In the past couple months the very same prosecuting office in LaPorte County has been caught listening into private conversations of clients and attorneys. Two murderers will walk, and now about 3500 cases need to be reviewed. It looks like they wanted to get caught as many of these criminals are probably on the Masonic payroll. Story soon to break after second Supreme Court submission in another state other than Indiana whereNO ONE IS SAFE>
He was also in his 80′s!
In 2010 the FBI busted Master Masons in Indiana, The Shriners of Shriners Hospitals for using 70% of donations to run the largest underage sex slavery ring expressly for master masons. Using over 192 locations nationwide of all rites. lodges and shrines of the highest levels the Shriners supplied underage sex slaves for only the highest ranking Master Masons nationwide. Convicted of the Mann Act and stripped of their non-profit status an estimated 80 million in fraud to run the HOBBY of master masons nationwide. At that time estimates of 800 million were collected by charities from the public for the Shriners. Even though they have been stripped of their non profit status they continue to collect donations and use about 50% for their remaining hospitals, many of tthat have closed due to the scandal. BUT they now have a value of 1.8 billion they have kept for their own use!!!! These very same Master Masons nationwide run multiple charities in every state and in major stores and restaurants nationwide. All these lodges, shrines should be declared sexual predator locations, all members should be federally registered. This however is blocked because these people compose of most judicial, prosecutors, law enforcement hospital and business investors. Self labeled ELITE are nothing more than the sickest, sociopathic fraternity that has corrupted our entire government. Scotland Yard also admits that Freemasons and other Masons have corrupted every level of government in the U.K. and Scotland Yard itself where the corruption has derailed investigation of terrorist activity which Masonry is very well likely to be the very highest participants of worldwide. U.S. DEA recognizes the MAsons of all levels and the union with the Mexican Zeta Cartel to be Americas Largest Most VIolent Drug Cartel in the U.S. These are the people that the constitution was developed to stop and whom Kennedy spoke of just before his death. These people are in your courthouse, law enforcement and political position across the U.S. Its time to tag these monsters that make the Mafia look like boy scouts. The Scottish Rite is most active and now composes of all the terrorists, IRA, others that laid down their arms and went underground with the Master MAsons. No conspiracy but documented the most corrupt and ruthless private union of organized crime in existence.
drug trafficking
My personal opinion… after doing a wee bit of digging…. just a wee bit… she is a parasite that preys on vulnerable souls… and this will catch up with her someday. Maybe she needs to get some help… maybe she is just truly ill and not a parasitic evil soul.
nappinglady – 1931 Maybe you need to do a lot of digging – lots of information on the internet and lots of disinformation. You really need to be completely gifted with ESP if you can only do a wee bit of digging and be so sure of the facts.
Did your wee bit of digging include moving away from the computer? Did you look up electoral rolls, birth certificates, criminal histories, educational history – speak with any of her family or friends or school friends or professional associates….
Perhaps you need to read through the defamation Act/s that apply to your country. And calling someone a parasite and writing that on a public forum – could just get you into trouble.
I can speak a little more freely – because I have access to actual evidence that is directly connected to the above story – I use my real name on the internet – I use my real photo in the profile – I have cited several times on several threads on a few forums my former Police registration number and my current Teacher registration number and I know that some site owners and moderators are very happy to have me posting on their site.
Now this wee bit of digging you did ….care to elaborate on that please?
Much Peace – while we protect the Children from the abuse of paedophiles and predators and also while we protect the victims who are brave enough to come forward and face the public – Amanda
Just thought I would mention that I have had cause to study the Defamation Act 2005 – that is in Australia. I am a former university educated operational police officer.
When I started the Child Abuse Whistleblowers Community page I needed to known about the defamation aspect of publishing online.
There are some interesting sections – for those who care to expand their intellect;
Section 24 Scope of defences under general law and other law not limited
Section 25 Defence of justification
Section 26 Defence of contextual truth
Loads of options for defence – as a recognised Child Abuse Whistleblower I have a lot more options than the shills, trolls and disinformation agents.
Just sharing some facts about the law that people might be interested in – facts about the law that can be applied to the above article and the people commenting.
Much Peace – Amanda
Greetings Amanda, I am extremely pleased that all of this tragic, deplorable and evil behaviour of the elite, deceitful so-called “leaders” in our society is coming into the public domain.
I have tried unsuccessfully to access your Face Book page and would love to follow the postings. I’ll keep an eye open to see if there are any other sites that are getting information out into the public arena. Congrats to all abused folk, who are now able to make a stand against the evil perpetrators. Having been in a situation where someone well known to colleagues and myself was accused of sexual abuse, I know first-hand how many folk just cannot come to terms with the fact that someone they “admire/respect” could be so low, so deceitful and so evil. They cannot come to grips with it, and prefer to refuse to accept the authenticity until faced with undeniable proof.
Anon – as long as you join facebook you can access the Child Abuse Whistleblowers Community page – it is for the public. I only block the trolls and shills etc who want to argue the topic.
Please try again – would love to have you aligned.
Much Peace – Amanda
How quickly people are to condemn this man with no evidence…amazingly we have a nsw police officer here ***cough*** spitting out section this and section that and yet nothing was on the news on channel 7 9 10 2 or sbs….funny how its only on these whacko sites…and its a good job that they do NOT allow coppers to be judge….they are not even well versed on the law otherwise they would be lawyers and not lowly coppers
That being said glory be to LORD ADAR and his workers whom some are my very dear kids and spirits to have laid to death this foul filth.
The second of Jesus need no filth as such in this world.
The second coming is what I meant.
Anyone who attacks the”"”" Person “”"” who is exposing this “”insane”” ” Ritual ” Rape , of Children is Attacking the ”’ Spirit ”’ and the Heart of Child Protection , Especially the Victim < oh how sorry I feel for them to not be 100% Human , one that has no Heart nor Compassion , and one who Never speaks about or seems to Mention the Children Come on world What about the Children ? What about the Age of Enlightenment ? What about thinking for yourself , surely the first time you hear of these Accusations ,…… and indeed anyone with compassion would …. Check it out Visit the Site Of Kevin Annett , Visit the site of the ICLCJ , then just take a couple more minutes out of ""YOUR """ precious life and Check out the Victims and the Circumstances surrounding that .
Just a couple of Hours to examine the Facts , what's at stake , from one side ,…………….Then Go see what the people who are calling them Liars have to say about why it is false why Kevin Annett is this ,and why they say he is a Whatever ,or has done this like ……….he is a defrocked priest ect, or he runs Common Law courts off a word press site ,or this or that ……… Now Clearly they are attacking the Informer, with no thought of the victims , remember this is still a big Psy-op for them and they think we still have not been able to join the dots , but with a passion for Truth Justice Freedom Rule of Law a Basic belief Morality and for the Good of humanity I did some serious study this is what I Found ………….Continued next episode .
Further ………….So now we begin to understand ……. has there ever been a FROCKED Priest disclose such Shocking Crimes against children ??? of course not , He Got defrocked because he wouldn’t shut up about child abuse , they said we will sack and defrock you if you continue this path …..Talking about mass Satanic Murder and Rape of Children He Bravely Continued some 50,000 children over a long period { pretty Busy Church None the less } / orphanages , and I say he continued because he knew e could not Morally { big word these days } walk away ,especially after listening to what the victims said and indeed being the pastor of their church who was for the first time after his employment finding out why the ultimate victims the true original peoples were never seen at his ”Church ‘ he was told they stay away from us and we stay away from them ect …….as for the wordpress site absolutely ,…you ””Must ”” / Or ””May ”’ ””’ UNDERSTAND ””’ That Common Law is the only True Law It was the Presidents Set From early crimes of the people worldwide and they were judged by the People .
Right now there is little justice but Horrific crimes and there is Statute Law Admiralty Law Civil Law ,…..and on …. and on …. all the time trying to do away with true law which equals No Justice , and Administered by Private Companies and not by the “”People”" again No Justice >>> When there is No Justice any Freeman can Commence and Form a Common Law Court based on many facts about Law Traditions of Law And the true meaning of Justice ,,……..Especially when you get Tyranny and NO JUSTICE , eg Kevin Reports abuse to Bosses of Churches , and they sack him , he reports it to the Courts or try’s to get some truth and justice , but again is denied , But he bravely continued , because he also started getting death threats and verbal abuse ,….. bit unjust if you ask me ,…it was shut up Kevin or else basically , by the way Read Wiki Spooks Kevin Annett and see a chronology of Documents of what’s happened so far some very Disturbing things there . but in context exactly the same things that are going on now in REAL LIFE elsewhere many times over Tyranny Satanic Rituals , Rape Murder Theft of Resources Destruction of Nature and the Painful Deaths of millions of people all innocent.
I have suffered Injustices and they have had many impacts on my life and my family , 5 years ago for the first time in my now 52 years I felt a need to find out why the world was so unkind immoral and unjust ,why people were saying …..””ah there has always been wars ”’ or there is nothing you can do ??? your just one of millions ect what can you do ??? I started researching everything for the first time ever , I came from a broken Home ,and left school when they told me they were going to expel me if I didn’t , in hindsight it was the best thing I ever did , study to me was , …no thanks just tell me how to do it or what to do and I will achieve it and I did I became a tradesman and Flourished all the time carrying those early burdens of Abuse Mental and Physical ,,within 2 days I was studying 8 hrs a day which quickly become15 hrs a day I could not believe or understand what I was finding out ,but in my heart knew something was really wrong .
I have had times when I looked myself in the mirror and said ”””’Why are you here ””’???? what is your purpose in this life ?? what do you believe in and what do you stand for ??………I kept studying ….thinking what is my purpose??? all my life just accepting everything I was told and followed the others in the world views ect ,but this was changing fast , study jumped to 24 hrs a few times , I felt so embarrassed I did not know any of what I was learning , thinking well should have stayed at school mate ,surely other smart people must know all this , on weekends I got Down to a basic 1o hrs a day on average while I had my Building Maintenance business going ,sadly it took up too much of my time so I quit ,Because by this time I was finding out about Corporations et and I Contracted to some of the worlds biggest ……..Criminals …. Next I will outlay the results of my Studies of the last 5 years ……in the Context of who is behind al of these injustices in this world and why ,because after a certain time you realise who it is time and again but you have to keep researching to catch up on lost time , because by this time I was seeing some really disturbing patterns and I was really angry at that .
who …
I have many reasons for standing up for Humanity Freedom Rule of Law and Justice so before I say who I know is behind the worlds problems and why from my perspectives studies and truths ,with some 15,000 hrs plus now over 5 years I have more than a fair idea what is going on here .and I am certainly willing to risk my life to be able to be able to do what I can not walk away from and that is expose evil .
My first reason is the children ,who the hell is looking out for the children ??? who is standing up for the children ?? who cares enough to find out who is doing this to the children ? Kevin Annett is the International Common Law court of Justice is ! are they Not ? He has definitely put his life and welfare on the line and tonight I am going to join him , because he needs all the support he can get right now ,but so do the children ! see comes a time when you have a spiritual happening in your life , it would be profound ,and it would change your life ,the way you live and how you exist forever .
Second reason is although I have had a tough life as such by Australian Standards , by world Standards I have lived a great life ,but I have always had a bit of a guilty feeling about existing as I have ,especially compared to Palestinian Children and many others such as Ethiopians and may more as well starving in the 21st century what a disgrace ! Here in Australia I grew up knowing our forefathers or at least some of them committed some nasty crimes against the Originals and their children , I actually felt shamed to be an Australian .
The third Reason is my Father died when I was nine ,my Grandfather died when I was 20 or so ,I inherited some war items of his Brother Wilfred Ernest McDonald Service No 4858 Some letters now nearly 100 years old ,a watch that incredibly found it’s way home from Bullecourt 50 mts from the Hindenburg Line on a sunken rd 3rd May 1917 Second Battle of Bullecourt 9 thousand lives lost for a town that meant nothing , I learned that he joined after after the first Anzac Landing ,because so many thousands lost their lives through that SET UP first Landing ,the Army called for more troops but no one put their Hand up ,after a time it was 2 Tradesman A plumber and a Butcher the Kitchner Brothers who were sitting on their veranda after work one day thinking how can we help ??? we have to help save Australia of all those nasty People you Know ??
They Decided to walk from their Town in Gilgandra NSW to Sydney ,and along the way call out Cooee to attract others shouting wont you come join us it took them 28 days to reach Sydney ,but along the way they were welcomed like Heroes in each town having many people making a fuss over them including many young Aussie Girls by the time they reached Sydney numbers had grown and it snowballed throughout Australia eventually attracting some 1200 men ,one of those Men was my Uncle ,and getting his possessions made me reflect ,I applied for his war records ,and was shocked when they said they are sensitive and cant supply them ,but I persisted ,and he eventually gave them to me for free .
Worrying about why I waited for the records ,thinking Traitor ? Deserter ? what ? turns out he had a bit of attitude ,and after spending 6 weeks without a bath or change of clothes upon returning he was ordered by his superior to ‘Pick up that Bomb and carry it over there He said no Sir I wont do it ,he again asked him 5 minutes later he again refused they court marshalled Him and sentenced Him to six years Penal Servitude ,he also was suffering from eye ulcers , I have the court Marshall transcript , but they remitted the sentence and sent him back out to kill other people , He was actually sentenced on my Birthday 15th Feb but in 1917 . So I feel morally obligated to do something especially having the letter I have from his comrade telling a different story to what took place in HISTORY and I mean if he can walk all that way and fight for his country surely I can stand up and tell the truth after finding it ????…….surely this is not to much to ask ???? No it’s not that is why I am here .
4th reason is Total Tyranny Mass Corruption Treason Rape Murder and all those others bad things that are going on right now By the way this is my real name I am easy to find and I am not afraid to die in fact I look forward to going home for I am an O negative Aquarian And it’s thanks to Santos Bonacci I truly found out for the first time in my life who I really was KNOW THYSELF but I had many big moments before I got there to Santos .
Will be back for the last chapter of this after I have a break been 4 hrs now but I just need to finish this I am so sick of what is happening nothing is more important than Justice for Humanity .
And Thanks again To Before its news for Putting many many good stories up I have been here every day for a long time now I have seen the cheap shots the abuse and mocking but you still come up with great Journalism for mine I am not sure who owns you but I don’t care anymore this is a MASSIVE story that should wake people up ,and Before its news has Put it up so ill take it at face value because I know this story is all true .
Ok just to clarify I didn’t say it was the Gilgandra Cooees that My Uncle Joined and they left our shores National Heroes according to the published stories .Secondly for anyone commenting well im not saying this is lies but im not saying this is true ,or similar things please look yourself in the mirror ,because one day soon this WILL be your Children . you must investigate you must be able to think critically you must decide and state the facts ,if you cant decide you must study more , this is not Bullshit ,un like Louis and his slimy friends .
This could be the most difficult part because it is oh so complex especially for people like me who thought I was dumb because I didn’t know anything of what was going on ,remember I only had minimal time at school ,so if you’re one of those ones who thinks gee his writing is bad he has no punctuation skills and so far he has made some spelling mistakes he must be a liar ,well go join Louis and become an enemy of Humanity or wake up and study ,get real .
Your whole Life has been a lie the whole of History has been a huge Distortion to say the least you will find ,left is right , and right is left the truth is lies and lies are the truth , you may think you are free but you are completely enslaved and it happened at birth ,via fraud and deception your right to travel has been denied ,and you have a bond in your name worth millions .God is Satan and Satan is God according to those that are running the fast sinking ship, that ship of fools .
Remember Condemnation without investigation is the height of Ignorance ,and Tyranny exists when good people do nothing , here is a quick few things I believe are a complete lie in History you must examine these because many world wide are finding the exact same things as me .
The Titanic was sunk to install the Federal reserve the 3 richest men in the US were on that boat and so was to be the owner JP MORGAN until he cancelled at the last minute .it was purposely sunk for insurance =@ boats nearly identical ,and so they could install the Federal Reserve which they did a year later in 1913 /? there are so many but one or two more really stand out ,that is you will find this hard but Hitler was one of the Good Guys absolutely no doubt ,because all we have ever learned about him is through school and news ect ,the truth is a lot different you must listen to some of his speeches . Or Go to DIGGER FOR TRUTH 10 reasons why Hitler was one of the good guys .
Then we have the Holohoax Deprogramming course to examine the official figures are 1.5 million now it has been down graded 2 times but the Six million remains ,plus just see Digger for truth and start there great site the study of this will set you free . dam run out of space ,one to go and I am out of here .
So to quickly finish off this disgusting rant by an obvious lunatic thanks for the down vote Louis and friends ,really I could sum it up and say the Freemasons are the so called illuminati they are evil they are False ?jews they worship Satan and No jews?? are not gods chosen people they are of the devil like their father and they are Liars like he was from the start . Sodom And Gomorrah Cabal Kabbalah they are the worlds biggest liars and criminals .
And of course as jews they stand for IS – Ra -el Google isis Ra and el ohim Israel is a lying illegal state and has no right to exist like it does and certainly has no right to slaughter Palestinians like they do with their trillion dollar funded war machine as opposed to rocks .
The Catholic church is run by the masons jews / Jesuit founders are cryptic jews all media jewish Australia jewish founded jewish government all f….jewish world wide jewish see what they say in their Bible the Talmud against all non jews eg animals Cattle ect must see this inspiring book quotes dumb Goy ! anyway I am sick of this now but Israel Zionism and Freemasons are the problem and this all relates to the victims right here on this blog and I want justice , I have backing now form people with spare cash they have all my evidence some 7,000 documents and instructions if I have a car crash or accident or suddenly get suicided lol so bring it on thanks again to the victims here if I have upset anyone I am not sorry my truth is my truth and it has set me free and I am though concerned about my future I am no longer worried . perhaps I should have just kept working for the Zionist Criminal Corporations like BAE Systems , Carlyle , Commonwealth Bank ,Westpac, United , Trans-grid ,Catholic church NSW Dept Aged Care , the Attorney Generals Dept ,the NSW Police , And many more enjoy whats left of your lives people next year it may well be very different .
Please study the PINEAL GLAND the Third Eye and what stops it from working ,the recent Vaccine Whistleblowers stories about MMR vaccines 340 times more likely to cause Autism ,or just do what maybe I should have done shut the f…. up and died a coward to gutless to stand up for anything and live a I’m Ok life it doesn’t affect me lol this is Bob McDonald from Tamworth NSW Australia signing off for the last time possibly the dogs are barking I can hear noises hey who’s there lol if you want to contact me do it I am easy to find I am ready to back up what I say and I don’t care what anyone thinks of Me or what I have said .Peace love and Good will to all Peoples except Zionists And Communist Traitors the Australian Government .F…ing pigs ….
If you want to post such an insane, unrelated bunch of crap, put it in an article, as opposed to the comments section.
Also, you make no sense whatsoever.
He is a nutcase
@MileHiLife – Could you give us actual proof that what Ms Byington and “Fiona Barnett” are saying about Dr Kidman is true? Words are words, anybody can say anything about anyone. I want PROOF. And I also want proof about Queen Elizabeth. Have you actually seen videos and images of the Queen sacrificing babies and drinking their blood? Because that’s what Ms Byington is saying on this weird website. Do you believe everything she says? If so, why?
@Louis: The allegations which are a month old are part of an ongoing investigation in Australia which has had the criminal aspect removed because the named defendant has died in Singapore, this is unfortunate because it stops his day in court, proof will be decided by the investigating authorites in Australia under their legal remit, the case is under investigation and if it meets the criteria for historical child abuse it will be prosecuted.
No person here has to prove anything to you, unless of course you become a juror in Australia at the time the case comes to court. In fact none of this seems to be anything to do with you, other than you have thrown a wobbler over a sexed up article title.
If this story is true I have just two bizarre thoughts (which was before I knew of these allegations).
One, is the guy has YELLOW TEETH. Which surprised me as someone with a lot of money and a very rich daughter. He also has bizarre toupe of sorts.
Second, he died young and of the wrong way for the above same reasons. Rich well-off moral people don’t die like that. And it was a bizarre heart attack of all things.
To those who are genuinely interested – I have received a copy of the press release relevant to this thread. I am busy today but the press release will be posted on the facebook Child Abuse Whistleblowers Community page today at some stage.
Thank you to the author of the above article – Judy Byington – the publicity and attention now being directed towards Child Abuse is amazing and resulting in knowledge and information being shared and that is to be commended.
The response on the facebook page has been overwhelming – for the trolls & shills & disinformation agents – I am referring to private messages in particular.
Much Peace – while we work through this chaos and pain together with dignity – Amanda
Paul Gilbert What a gutless Coward you are Posting on my Channel that BOB MCDONALD IS A PAEDOPHILE , thanks Paul Coward ,you made me laugh when I saw that ,you see I welcome it because I know gutless cowards like you a Mason And your gutless lying mates are worried ,your plan is falling apart worldwide and you hate it ,Coward why don’t you come and visit me and say that to my face ,I love spitting on Paedophiles and or their enablers , but no you scum get other people to do your dirty work because you are cowards .
I will continue to street protest and I will continue to expose evil because it is my new Job , I have had my car smashed re signs on it and again I love that it’s like a big pat on the back for me I know scum like you Hate the truth ,but its too late the whole world has almost awoken , and Me a Paedophile Lol what a laugh Paul Coward I know I am not and that’s all that matters , So do the world a favour Drop dead coward scum , I have contacted the Freemason Police about your disgraceful post ,justice is being Done . good riddens Coward .
He looks a bit like the diabolical ‘Pennywise’ from Stephen King’s ‘It’ in that first pic…
Oh for God’s sake, he was 80 years old. Why don’t you post pics of yourself so we can pass judgement on your looks ?
Update – for those of you who are interested – as promised I have published two documents that support Fiona with regards to the above news article. The documents have been posted on the Child Abuse Whistleblowers Community page on facebook – with permission from Fiona.
Much Peace – as we support Fiona and work through this painful situation – Amanda
those “documents” are just a typed piece of paper making the same absurd claims and signed. They don’t prove anything and there is nothing on that page that can be construed in any manner as evidence of proof.
I know you are a former NSW cop and it says a lot about the state of that police force. You well know that is NOT evidence.
Just so you know – the documents are all typed – yes they are and to add to that observation they are all official and recorded in the files of the appropriate professional authorities.
This article is over the quarter of a million mark because people are interested in learning the truth. Please don’t be offended when you learn the truth – that probably only a handful of people actually read your posts and even less probably believe you and even less still probably support you.
Stay strong though – you many have one or two people left who will hang in there with you.
Much Peace – especially for those who need it – Amanda
Amanda…you are an absolute delight. Thank you for your support of Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors.
What a nasty piece of goods this Fiona Branett woman is and so is Byington for publishing this garbage. Barnett was previously blaming a dead noted politician as head of her imaginary “satanic pedo ring” now she says it was Kidman.
Anyone can make a submission as she has done but the neither the police or the current Royal Commission have taken her vile claims seriously over the years and Kidman did not “flee” to Singapore, he went to visit his grand kids.
All you people promoting these tawdry and evil claims obviously don’t give a stuff about the Kidman family and Dr Anthony’s grandchildren- this is like mentally abusing them just as the late Lord McAlpine’s famiy suffered over false allegations.
And these so-called institutions – the “International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.”is run out of Canadian con-man Kevin Arnett’s state housing apartment Montreal basement and is an attempt by him to con people into giving him donations. Grow up you fools
No, Beazley Snr headed the Bathurst event, and was primarily based in Canberra.
Kidman was in charge of the inner Sydney city sector.
You don’t give a stuff about the child abuse victims.
You are mentally torturing the living victims.
Fiona is speaking for the dead victims.
I know the evidence – do you?
Has anyone noticed the Irony that an accused paedophile’s last name is Kid – Man? So perfect. Apparently he really was a kid man in terms of “preference”.
He is dead because he was 80 years old and people of that age tend to die of heart attacks.
I’ve never heard or read such nonsense in all my life.
People who make these false claims on the internet were the ones who sent out Poison pen Letters in the old days. Look at Amanda above there- she seems excited that maybe a million people have read this stuff.
Well tens of millions of people go to the movies every week to watch fantasy on the big screen without believing the Hobbits are real people.
keep up the good work Eric. it is up to the courts that decide if guilty or not and if the courts find him Guilty then all means yes tell the world but not before
salem witch trials… someone accuses doesn’t mean it is true
Maybe not. However, quitting such a prestigious job and fleeing the country certainly doesn’t make him look innocent.
Oh, and Nappinglady, I just happen to agree with you……I believe that the accusations are likely fantasy and false. However, the trip out of the country was horribly timed.
I didn’t quit his job (WTF?) and he didn’t flee the country. He was visiting his daughter Antonia who lives in Singapore. You sound so gullible, it’s ridiculous.
well I am in Sydney nsw and never heard anything on the news here so I cant believe it sorry…
This is all extremely disturbing…and how ironic his last name is ‘Kid’ ‘Man’
I’ll concede that the reports of Dr Kidman “quitting and fleeing” are ambiguous to say the least. If not, more accurately, bogus. I had accepted the idea without checking, my bad. Perhaps it’ll all come out in the wash.