Amid the recent political shift within Chinesepolitics, the effort
at modernizing and advancing its military hasremained
Minnie Chan of the South China Morning Postreports that to
demonstrate this unwavering effort, China todayconfirmed the first
successful carrier landings of its J-15 fighteraboard its first
aircraft carrier the Liaoning.
The landings are the culmination of ayears-long effort at refitting
the Soviet-era carrier, originallychristened the Varyag, and are
perhaps the most difficult technicalcarrier maneuvers to
Testing on land-based, carrier shaped decks,has been going on for
months, so this recent achievement is causinga bit of celebration.
While not the culmination of China’s entryinto a functioning
carrier military power, the successful landingsput it on track to
enter that club with gusto when it addsadditional carriers to the
The Liaoning will no doubt serve as China’straining carrier, where
it cuts its teeth on the technical andtactical challenges facing
flattop operations. Rumors havepersisted for some time that Beijing
was building two indigenouscarriers as well, but proof of that has
yet to be seen.
Reports by Chinese media say the first pilotto make an arrested
landing on board aircraft carrier Liaoning isDai Mingmeng.
those rumors turn out to be groundless, itlikely won’t be long
before China is producing carriers onits own asChinese shipbuilders
are already clamoring for thechance.
The jet that performed the arrested landing,the J-15, is believed
to be a near clone of Russia’s Su-33carrier-based fighter and was
seen sporting Russian AL-31 turbofanengines in 2009. While Russian
military officials have played downthe J-15′s achievement and said
China will no doubt continueseeking to purchase Su-33s, it’s not
likely to get any, and theJ-15 may prove they don’t need them
China and Russia are at a long-standingimpasse over military deals
after China ripped the Russian Su-27SKdesign and cloned it into the
Shenyang J-11B, violating all sortsof intellectual property
Finally, these developments come as the U.S.announces the USS
Nimitz is so dysfunctional it cannot be deployedand is pulling the
USS Eisenhower from the Persian Gulf for a quickref-fit before
sending it back to cover for the Nimitz.
The Nimitz is about 40 years old anddiscovered a major problem with
its propulsion system duringpre-deployment maneuvers. No word on
how long it may be out ofrotation, but the Eisenhower will be
picking up the slack, at leastin the near future.
1.Anton Olff on Nov 23, 7:26 AM
Carriers are still viable, but for how long? Without other ships
and countermeasures to protect the carrier, it is vulnerable to
cheap missile technology. The addition of carriers and other naval
configurations into China’s navy,means that China will play a far
more important role in the future….just as the U.S. and the West
shrink their military capabilities.
2.Tmac on Nov 23, 7:29 AM said:
@AntonOlff: “…just as the U.S. and the West shrink their military
capabilities.” I’m sorry, but I thought the US was still spending
$1 trillion a year on useless hardware to fight people who live in
caves.Did something change?
3.AntonOlff onNov 23, 7:33 AMsaid: @Tmac:I am just pointing out the
change, not advocating a position. You are correct about useless
hardware. The military budget is bloated and wasteful and much
needs to be cut. This does not mean degrading capabilities.
4.earlgray1787on Nov 23, 8:54 AM said: @Tmac:Well Said … ha, ha,
ha’ … and funny’.
青春就应该这样绽放 游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!! 你不得不信的星座秘密
2012-11-26 05:46:24
Source: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_50b65e040102e2nb.html