“The Lost Knowledge and Forgotten Wisdom of The Heart” — ( Update 2013 ) — Spiritual … Chinese
Proving scientifically, Love never dies & is the most powerful force in the Universe
This Science has been – Known – for thousands of years
Hiding in plain sight
. http://www.mayanmajix.com/heart_g.pdf .
July 27, 2011 … Updated Dec. 2013
by Gerald Hernesmaa
Using the simplest form science we have today, it is easy to prove the truth of what Jesus said over 2,000 years ago. Way back then, they used words the best they could to record what Jesus was saying, simply because, at that time, that is all they had to use back then. Today, we have the science and technology to “verify and prove” that what Jesus was saying is true, word for word, and that is what this essay has done, given the proof. People today say that – if it is not in the Bible, then it is not true. But it has been there all along, hiding in plain sight. It is like we have been blind, color blind, now we need not be color blind any longer. It is no longer a secret any more. Now there can be no denying or ignoring what Jesus said. From this moment on, there is no going back !!.
This essay shows just how easy it really is to follow Jesus teaching, why ??, because that is the way God made us, neurologically and physically, as you will see from reading the essay. Following Jesus teaching is really far more natural than anyone has ever imagined. After all, it is the thought that counts.
Click on this link . http://www.mayanmajix.com/heart_g.pdf . to understand and learn the message of Jesus teachings that have been hiding in plain sight for all this time.
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