These court rulings have set a Legal Precedent for at least a dozen nations including, but not limited to: the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, South Korea, Philippines, Thailand, China, Russia, and Vietnam.
Any nation that had troops in Vietnam – any nation – must now legally follow these rulings for their veterans.
These court rulings have been absolutely ignored by both the Main Steam Media and the Internet Media yet set up such a stir that they should be reported across the globe.
The two rulings involved US veterans who served on Okinawa during the Vietnam War.
The judges were very careful to limit their rulings to the specific cases to avoid a flood of other veterans asking for help yet the evidence presented set up such a precedence as to effect Veterans across the globe.
A little Back Round:
The US used huge amounts of Herbicides in the Korean and Vietnam Wars as to defoliate these nations several times over – and these compounds do not break down in the soil very quickly. In fact – there are areas today in Vietnam today that are effected by these compounds.
Further – there are other even more toxic compounds found in 2-4-5-T that we will not be discussed here. Thank you Dupont.
A Government Ruling by the US Department of Defense during the Vietnam War allowed the manufacturing of the Defoliant 2-4-5-T (Agent Orange) without removing the Dioxin from the mix and Dioxin is one of the most carcinogenic compounds found on Earth today.
Agent Orange is still used by most counties across the nation for weed control and it still contains high levels of Dioxin.
Agent Orange refers to only 2,4,5,T and the steele barrels containing this herbicide was banded by Orange Band.
Other steel barrels contained other Herbicides, Rat Poisons, Cockroach Killing agents, etc.
What we also found in the world of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical warfare is that these barrels contained who knows what – compounds we could not even identify and many were radioactive.
When these chemicals were used over 50 years ago they remained in huge amounts in the soil even today.
When these chemicals were transported they were sent in Steel Barrels and they leaked – they went from a factory at 70 Degrees and traveled to an area that was over 100 degrees and sat in the hot sun – barrels painted Black – they expanded and leaked into the soils and onto all those soldiers and sailors that handled these steel drums.
In addition, since Dioxin – found in all 2-4-5-T is one of the stickiest elements on the planet it did not wash away and has remained in the top layer of the soil for all these years.
If you watch the video THE CURE FOR TREE DISEASES you will find a formula that will get rid of these nasty compounds like Dioxin.
When the Russians, Chinese and North Vietnamese repopulated the US Military bases they got sick And died.
When the US bases are returned to Japan TODAY and people move back onto their land they get sick, many get cancer and die and these facts above have all been exposed during these court Hearings – which means these facts can be used world wide in other nations to help their veterans.
If you think War is moral and clean – think again. It is all about the money.
So here is the sequence for our soldiers here in the United States
A) In 1990 due to some Affirmative Action Hiree who was moved into to run a US Forest Service Fire Camp one of our soldiers was brought back in a box. At the Funeral I promised him I would fight for our Veterans and make it better.
I still remember the Platoon Sergeant’s face and his family – destroyed by this idiot US Forest Service Hiree.
A) In 1994 we presented the Army Herbicide Manual (TM610-1972) to Senator Patty Murray and she gave it to President Clinton and he walked it over to the US Supreme Court ruled that Agent Orange, White (PCP), Blue add Purple do exist.
Yes – at the time we had huge inventories of PCP – Angel Dust – and we sprayed our weeds nation wide with this stuff while our soldiers were training.
B) In 1997 – We won a case allowing soldiers to be disabled due to exposure to Lyme’s Disease
C) 2001 – We won a case allowing National Guard and Reserves to collect Social Security for injuries incurred on the Gulf Wars – including from Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons.
D) 2007 We stopped the US/Iran Nuclear War and pulled 356 Nukes out of Iran built under the Atoms for Peace Program and then sent too our Allie – Iran. If we had invaded Iran a Nuclear War would have followed.
Alas – the US needs an enemy to keep making weapons – so Evil Iran was chosen.
F) After returning from Russia and regaining my house from the FBI I began a Media Campaign to stop these Planned Wars and Assassinations of Presidents that would have led to a Nuclear War.
IE- “Do not kill my president’s and do not crack my planet in half”
G) About every other year we win a major battle for a Veterans.
So what is so significant about these last two cases???
All of the evidence was presented indicating that these were millions of gallons of US Army Herbicide that was not only used in Vietnam but on US bases as well and the barrels all leaked all over the bases.
Photographic evidence was presented clearly showing tens of thousands of drums of chemicals leaking all over the bases.
Contaminated Soil Data was presented clearly stating the areas were so contaminated that they were un inhabitable.
Medical Evidence was presented by locals indicating they too are getting sick and getting cancer after they move onto these old US Bases.
As a matter of fact – the US Army Forestry Department still uses Agent Orange, Blue, Purple and White. I worked for them in 1996 and we were still using these compounds.
The two legal cases that have set up these precedences are as follows
1) In October 2015 an unnamed Aircraft Crew Chief was awarded Disability for exposure to Agent Orange on Okinawa. In the Court Notices Presented were News Paper Articles, Pictures, Personal Testimony, etc.
2) An Unnamed Army Veteran was part of the 412th Transportation Company and was exposed to Angent Orange at the NAHA Military Port.
Soldiers who served with him provided personal testimony of how these barrels containing US Army Herbicides leaked continually.
Further evidence from this case come form the leaking Army Waste Dumps where countless barrels were burried along the coast lines.
The article goes on to discuss clean ups allover US bases and what did the army do with these toxic chemical was to burry them in large holes and declare the areas safe.
Here on Fort Lewis, for example, across from Ketron Island sits an old US Army Dump I saw filled with all sorts of Toxic Waste I watched being placed there and it was then buried.
When I went fishing below the dump ever single fish I caught was deformed and had canker sores on it.
So unless we get new leadership this sad saga will continue for the next thousand years.
What is sad is that despite all of these efforts to expose these things we continue to dump toxic materials all over this planet and those in charge continue on their efforts to start a Nuclear War to destroy Planet Earth.
As for the man who hopped the fence 4 days ago at the White House here is what really happened:
First – the White House Secret service caught the two snipers on the night of the 9th of March. They were hired by a contractor for NATO to kill President Trump and had just found a location where they could kill him with a weird looking 30 Caliber Rifle Sniper Rifle.
Second – President Trump ordered a test of the White House Security
Third – Scalar waves were sued to Immobilized the Secret Service.
Fourth – A man hired by a Defense Contractor to jump the fence. He made it all the way up to the Front Door of the White House while the President slept. He actually ran right into a Secret Service Agent – test over.
The intruder (Jonathan Tuan Tran) worked for International Rectifiers – a company termed the MARK OF THE BEAST by Russian intelligence.
The test showed the vulnerability of the White House Security and measures will be taken to increase it’s effectiveness – maybe.
One thing I did learn this weekend is that President Trump is not concerned about being attacked and killed…he could care less….and that those who protect him are the LITTLE PEOPLE.
So if I decide to continue to Protect the President the Secret Service will NEVER come to say thanks or assist me to improve my ability to protect President Trump.
How sad they are so Snobby and Arrogant.
Be careful with the anti-aging tests.
The Initial studies stated that they had a hard time driving the Resveratrol into the cells.
We initially began with large amounts of Resveratrol just like the initial studies did.
What we did not realize is that Immusit combined with Citricare drove the Resveratrol right into the cells so effectively that we were hardly able to move.
We have reduced the amount of products we eat by 80% – so now we eat only one Eighth Element or Grape Seed Extract from “Get The Tea” per day along with the Immusist and Citricare.
The target here is now only about .1gram to .2 Grams (200 MG) per day, not 2 Grams per day.
Please pray that those effected by agent Orange buy Sea Weed, Immusist, Citricare, Life Change Tea form Get The Tea and watch our THE CURE FOR CANCER….. Videos.
Please pray that the Department of Defense builds large metal Lightning Towers to attract lightning to these dump sites that will neutralize these compounds.
I do not know what to pray about President Trump and President Putin except that they are humbled…
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
2 Vets Win Agent Orange Exposure Cases from Okinawa | Military.com
2 vets win Agent Orange exposure cases from Okinawa – News – Stripes
okinawa military bases vietnam war – Google Search
File:Agent Orange at Johnston Atoll 1976.jpg – Wikimedia Commons
“Mark Of The Beast” White House Intruder Linked To Mysterious CIA Recruiter