Will REAL CHRISTIANS Save America? Why Left wants REAL Christianity destroyed (ChristiTutionalist folks vs fake/twisted Bible version of Biden, Pelosi, et al)! REAL Christians helped found America, help destroy Soviets,...
[Book from Joseph M. Lenard TERROR STRIKES: TerrorStrikes.info/reviews
w/ section on 1ST AMENDMENT assaults & advocacy & about assault on Christianity in America!
see too: TerrorStrikes.info/quotes <ISBN: 978-1-955043-66-3>
Plus, my latest book (about writing and publishing) -- see too: https://JosephMLenard.us
See related Merch:
ROAR - Restore Our American Republic
Enemies of the Left/State
and Principles Not Personalities ]
Will REAL #CHRISTIANS (ChristiTutionalist folks) Save North #America? It is why The Left wants REAL #Christianity destroyed (preserving the Left’s Biden, Pelosi, et al twisted/warped Bible version, and yes too Save Canada from Leftists like Premier BlackFace Justin and his ilk) – as REAL Christianity helped found America, help destroy the #Soviets, etc…
[as heard/referenced on EPI (Eradicating Programed Ignorance) Town Crier Show, Savaged Unfiltered Podcast (also sub-related item discussed/heard on SUp/EPI: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/latest-wokeism-cries-of-racism-white-supremacy-cultural-appropriation/) and WAAMradio -- FIRST, let me say while the title demonstrates this article IS MAINLY (NOT SOLELY) ADDRESSED TO FELLOW CHRISTIANS it is also about/to/for my Atheist Friends!!! One does NOT have to be Religious/Faithful to be MORAL (as we all "mostly" (aside from ultra-Leftist bastardization of that like virtually any/every term (see: https://tinyurl.com/LeftTwistsLanguage) understand it. For example famous example being Penn of Penn and Teller fame. He continues to profess his Atheism BUT that Moral precepts often attributed to Religion/Faith as COMMON SENSE that I shall not Murder you nor you me, I have NO Right to your stuff nor you mine, and on and on, basis's in our Laws.... (related CANADA FREEDOM TRUCKERS) AND ONLY PART CONTEXT OF/IN https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistBook also from Bestselling Author Joseph M Lenard.]
The only thing required for Evil prevail, good peoples do nothing!!
And as Reagan said: WE MUST REMAIN THAT SHINING CITY ON A HILL (with all its proper Biblically appropriate implications):
Will REAL CHRISTIANS Save America (and by extension The World (and FREEDOM as Reagan said only One Generation away of being Lost Forever))? Why Left wants REAL Christianity destroyed (preserving fake/twisted Bible version of Biden, Pelosi, et al)! REAL Christians helped found America, help destroy Soviets, etc… [includes important Tue. Oct. 3rd 2023 update at bottom of article]
As @abcccc on ReTalk in “Propaganda” Post ( https://retalk.com/c/us-politics/progaganda ) says…
“The reason our leftist FBI were targeting Catholic Churches, is because the Black churches were used to spread Marxist propaganda. They figure Traditional Americans will do the same to spread Pro-American info.”
MORE (my @JLenardDetroit response and MUCH MORE)….
BINGO @abcccc, this is all very calculated…
Yes, think The Black Robe Brigades (and exactly what some Christian Churches are attempting to bring back, minus the Shooting Revolution part (at least for now, as some warn a new Revolution / Civil War may be just around the corner to Restore the Republic)) that helped launch our Revolution and our unique Republic!!!
Plus, remember too Pope John Paul II and the Russian Churches were a big part of bringing down the Soviet Union (which is why Putin is a fake Christian now, he learned from History that others didn’t, and now turned the Russian Church into his stooges so they don’t thwart his plans to restore the Soviet Empire.
So, YES, they fear REAL CHRISTIAN CHURCHES (not the fake, co-opted by Leftism rather than Preaching the whole Word, twisting of the Bible versions (related: https://tinyurl.com/SomeTwistJesusWords)) would repeat History and defeat the Communists again and their allies agenda here in USA and their attempt to destroy Western Culture and bring back Soviet Culture).
They don’t want Catholics (despite the #nincomPOPE Francis, being more like Biden and Pelosi more interested in COMMUNISM than CATHOLICISM) to slow let alone potentially STOP (and hopefully begin to REVERSE) the spread of it here.
Anything and everything they can SPIN for https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/the-overblown-right-wing-extremist-terrorism-narrative/
AND WHY MY BOOK (that I know people are tired of hearing about) needs to get into more hands AS ALL THESE THINGS ARE PARTIAL LESSONS (some directly dealt with, some implied, as part of the HISTORICAL part of the Historical-Fiction aspects, to get people thinking and recalling all the History of our Nation and RELEVANT World History (especially the ATROCITY chapter) of the last 300 years) of in it. Also, my “AL ALDIEAYA” (English pronunciation for Arabic word for propaganda) chapter (sneak-peek of AL ALDIEAYA and other chapters in/at https://TerrorStrikes.info/quotes.
Joseph M. Lenard (aka: JLenardDetroit)
Author, blogger, cancer survivor, GoldAffiliate, podcaster, political activist, speaker, social-media influencer, writer.
“Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You” (Historical Fiction)
#1 Amazon Political-Thriller ( https://TerrorStrikes.info/bestseller ).
Yes, about Terrorism, but NOT book about Death but Life & Living!
Life, over Death. Hope, over Fear. Faith, over Despair. Love, over Hate. Good/GOD, over Evil. Individualism, over Collectivism. Freedom, over Tyranny. Friends, and Family. Pro-Life!
addl. links: https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit
* NOT HYPERBOLE – see: https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS
[image (above) source: fineartamerica, see fineartamerica for further information]
[NOTE, BeforeItsNews moves articles to Archive after 1 years time, and images are stripped to save Archive Server space, after such time the "Stand For The Flag, Kneel For The Cross" image will no longer be visible in this article]
Goodreads Book Giveaway
ChristiTutionalist Politics by Joseph M. Lenard
Giveaway ends September 15, 2023. – See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
ALSO RELATED, by way of a response to discussion on Voting over on GAB (8/5/2023) #SocialMedia platform…
@Slyfox @Pcribbin what disenfranchises, is those STUPID enough to NOT VOTE at all* disenfranchising themself (and, too, #VoterFraud, which cancels (disenfranchises) someones legit #Vote). Ranked Choice, when done right, gets us better and more viable General Election Candidates.
* as I discuss in:
Will REAL #CHRISTIANS (ChristiTutionalist folks) Save North #America? It is why The Left wants REAL #Christianity destroyed (preserving the Left’s Biden, Pelosi, et al twisted/warped Bible version, and yes too Save Canada from Leftists like Premier BlackFace Justin and his ilk) – as REAL Christianity helped found America, help destroy the #Soviets, etc…
Also, because MORONS spew the #UniParty bullshit…
#CINOs, #RINOs, #FASCICRATS, comprise the #DeepState, no doubt and protect one another HOWEVER the #UniParty bullshit spewers are THE LAZY BASTARDS THAT DO NOTHING and just #VirtueSignal using the #UniParty bullshit AS EXCUSE to be lazy. IF all the lazy fuckers screaming at the Players, Coaches, Referees, Cheerleaders, and even the WaterBoy, from the cheap seats, would GET OFF THEIR ASSES (suit up, get on the Field where one can actually affect outcomes) and be a #GOP #Delegate, in States where we need do so we could/would get the #Republican Party back to its GREAT PLATFORM and we’d have better Primary Candidates to choose from to as they could be ON the Local Republican Committee that either helps or hinders Candidates getting into the Primary!!!
more on that at: https://12cdrc.wixsite.com/archive/micd12gop-take-action-as-a-delegate
As well as see:
Occasional Breaks & Distractions Not Just OK, But Healthy… BUT NOT FALLING FOR #BREADANDCIRCUS routines keeping you distracted and uninvolved all the time…
related GAB (follow me there: https://gab.com/JLenardDetroit) items:
the above reply on GAB: https://gab.com/JLenardDetroit/posts/110837879761800400
the parts that lead to that particular reply…
An aside: I AM A #ChristiTutionalistTM (A Real CHRISTIAN CONSTITUTIONALIST (Trademark pending)). Someone that actually studied History and understands our Judeo/Christian Foundations!!!
SEE TOO: https://TerrorStrikes.info/xtras-christian-references
Yes, Terror Strikes is a CHRISTIAN book. A very NON-TRADITIONAL one, not your normal/average “fluffy” kind of Christian book; but indeed a Christian book none-the-less.
“Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You” (Historical Fiction)
#1 Amazon Political-Thriller ( https://TerrorStrikes.info/bestseller ).
Yes, about Terrorism, but NOT book about Death but Life & Living!
Life, over Death. Hope, over Fear. Faith, over Despair. Love, over Hate. Good/GOD, over Evil. Individualism, over Collectivism. Freedom, over Tyranny. Friends, and Family. Pro-Life!
We must start http://TakingTheRainbowBack from the #RainbowAlphabetMafia
[as will be talked about in my next book, 3rd international book, coming later 2023 (Aug or Sep) to be called "ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics" to correspond with my podcast by same name - and setting up "ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics 2" planned for 2024 to try and influence Christians to get off their ass and help #ROAR (#RestoreOurAmericanRepublic).]
Thank you for checking out this B4IN piece, also please see recent #BeforeItsNews (B4IN “Christian News” articles/section) exclusive (for now, may get a TheLibertyBeacon reprint with TLB exclusive updates in coming months) about latest LEFT DELUSION RESPONSES to the absolutely correct #RuleOfLaw and #Constitution sound decisions (they cannot argue their case on merits but instead, as always, try to stoke EMOTIONAL HYSTERICS response).
The “#ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast is now on the air!!! Finally get your News from a purely Christian U. S. Constitutional perspective…. Plus recent SCOTUS Rulings discussion...
Also, please consider listening to WAAMradio.com shows MOMENT OF CLARITY (Archives at: https://tinyurl.com/MOCArchives) and YOUR AMERICAN HERITAGE (Archives at: https://tinyurl.com/YAHArchives). Those Shows are back-to-back on Saturdays 1pET and 2pET) which deals in these type of topics!!!
Yes, you can hear me/Joe as part of Savaged Unfiltered Podcast via Audible, iHeartRadio, Spotify, and many other places Podcasts can be found - but you can see me/Joe as part of Savaged Unfiltered Podcast via Rumble as we begin to build our #SavagedArmy visual audience (and get #SavagedArmy gear (including https://www.savagedarmy.com/listing/the-man-the-myth-t-june-2023?product=2)).
See too the ROAR – Restore Our American Republic (Savaged Army exclusive, SavagedUnfiltered co-host JLenardDetroit inspired) Merchandise.
I, Joseph M Lenard, am NOT going to relinquish co-host duties with Savaged Unfiltered, but too branching out and trying my Hands (or Mouth) with my own, new, very low-key (not alot of fluff or flash to start), the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast!!!
It is OFFICIAL, my new ” #ChristiTutionalist #Politics ” #Podcast is NOW #LIVE.
Yes, will take time for it to migrate to the #SearchEngines and other #Streaming sources like #ApplePodcasts and #Spotify. YOU get the FIRST SHOT at listening to S1E1.
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” S1-E1 “Welcome to the new Show – Introductions”
This S1E1 will be an “introductory” episode and a little about me and this likely to be “Seinfeld-esque” (one Sat. about something serious, the next Sat. (yes, weekly to start slowly, dropping Saturdays (originally as announced Monthly)) maybe about nothing important at all. I’m open to hearing from you (via JosephMLenard.us CONTACT tab) w/ comments/suggestions. Many times I’ll be going over my TheLibertyBeacon or BeforeItsNews artciles topics, “Savaged Unfiltered” podcast I co-host (“the BIG SHOW” to this little “humble-beginnings” show/start), my books, or whatever! Let us grow together.
Sun Apr 16th 17:30ET update, yet another response to someone on ReTalk (their post is at: https://retalk.com/c/us-politics/little-savages-among-us )
I hear ya @Bebebarb (was talking/posting about uncontrolled mobs roaming the Streets), but in some respects HOW CAN ONE BLAME THEM (and, yes, where are their Parents, equally scum people too most likely and sadly) when moron DUMBocrats in charge not only allow but actually incentivize BAD BEHAVIOR?!?!
All part of the Left Alinsky and Cloward and Piven plan to rip-apart America. Just rile up useful-idiots to do the damage.
Yes, raised with zero morals as you point out, ZERO RESPECT, all hyped on the Indoctrination Factories STYLE OVER SUBSTANCE (don’t do work, “you’re Special” as you are, you’re A VICTIM, you are “owed,” etc WOKE manure) and all about ME, ME, ME, and what can I get NOW – especially if knowing ZERO CONSEQUENCES to/for it (Zero PERSONAL RESPONSIBIITY that is one of the pilars of our Nation’s Foundation (as said: Our Constitution and Republic is dependent upon a MORAL PEOPLES to care about doing what is Right and Just, versus what is always convenient for Self any given moment – I was paraphrasing of course)!
Sadly we keep repeating these things and until some VERY LAZY BASTARDS (as there are “supposed Christians” to the tune of 30-50M not even Registered to Vote let-alone (another 10-30M Registered that don’t even Vote or) get off their asses in any way to do a damn thing to change our downhill slide (related: https://tinyurl.com/2Chronicles714For2020 and https://tinyurl.com/2Chr714part2))… Sadly they are as bad as the scum as they just sit around and whine about, just coasting EXPECTING and ENTITLED in a different sense; and don’t expect (as “KNOWN BY THEIR FRUITS” (Your Fruits, actions you take to Sow and grow something — “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice” certainly RUSH Rock Group not Bible Prophets, but that line prophetic none-the-less and INACTION IS AN ACTION unto itself too)) to ever be held accountable for their IDLENESS (https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/only-thing-required-for-evil-to-prevail/).
also related too: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/crime-criminals-the-lefts-strained-lacking-credulity/
ALSO, in the News of late – WUHAN HYSTERIA MANDATES STILL? This time again at a Private School in NY (I think that is where it is, sure it is happening lots of places just not covered due to some finally giving them backlash)?!?!?
MY GOD, how much longer is the ANTI-SCIENCE morons going to get away with this Shit before people finally GET OFF THEIR ASSES and show up in such numbers they cannot be ignored to tell these CONTROL FREAKS – STOP THE STUPID.
It was one thing for them to GET AWAY WITH (and that is what it was, they GOT AWAY WITH perpetrating FRAUD and SPIN/LIES, for their Personal agenda rather than ANY CONCERN FOR OTHERS (like obaMAOcare, not about Health, about POWER/CONTROL)) spinning and lying about REAL SCIENCE of Masks and the Wuhan Virus FACTS. There is NO LONGER ANY EXCUSE except for being really STUPID AND/OR TOO LAZY to do any own Research to continue to allow this crap.
[KEEP READING THIS ARTICLE BELOW THIS UPCOMING IMAGES SUB-SECTION (NOTE: After 1 year BeforeItsNews Archives articles/blogs and images are stripped to save Server space and will no longer be visible) and see too embeded (more) Videos sub-section at bottom]
See related Merch:
ROAR – Restore Our American Republic
Enemies of the Left/State
and Principles Not Personalities
Please see too my Friend Ed Temple’s THE LAST TERRORISTS book. About exactly what ABCCCC on ReTalk was talking about – the Left Deep State trying to label Christians as Terrorists.
Please see too my Friend Bruce Fleury’s THE NEGRO PROJECT book. About Margaret Sanger’s ability to recruit Black Preachers to not only peddle Marxism but to as she said “The Negro Race is like Human Weeds and needs to be exterminated” plan.
IF YOU DECIDE TO BUY THESE BOOKS IN ADDITION TO MINE ON AMAZON, PLEASE DO SO TOGETHER IN THE SAME SHOPPING SESSION/CART WITH MY BOOK(s). THIS NOT ONLY HELPS US AS AUTHORS (All of us above Christian Constitutionalists Conservatives) SPREAD THIS MUCH NEEDED INFORMATION ABOVE, BUT TOO HELPS LINK THESE BOOKS TOGETHER (FOR FUTURE CROSS-RECOMENDATION/SALES) IN THE AMAZON SYSTEM (very important cross-promotional linking of us like-minded/like-goaled writers) as you know Bezo’s and Amazon is run by Leftists and really are working against us.
And, yes, still more…
My Friend Michael Gardner’s (whom very graciously allows me to cohost his SAVAGED UNFILTERED Podcast (https://rumble.com/user/SavagedUnfiltered) a couple times a week) AMERICA’S POLITICAL WARFARE | OUR MODERN CIVIL WAR book.
Can’t call KAMAL SALEEM a “friend” but I have met and spoken with him several times and I highly recommend his THE BLOOD OF LAMBS (A Former Terrorist’s Memoir of Death and Redemption) book.
Seriously a very important book and perspective – Kamal having been born into, raised around/with/under the TERRORISTS mindset, became one himself, FOUND JESUS AND REPENTED, and now tells the important tale and warning about continued GIJIA indoctrination of so many Muslims around the Globe — being kept from truth, facts, reality, only taught TO HATE and want to destroy (rather than Build anything).
See related GIJIA information (know the difference).
BUY ALL THESE BOOKS AS GIFTS FOR THE “SUPPOSED INDEPENDENTS” (or “Classical Liberal” (yes there is a difference as Dennis Prager ** of PragerU points out (https://youtu.be/-nTMYEsomvc)) that may still be reached as Candace Owens (Founder of BLEXIT (tinyurl.com/BLEXIT2020)) and Brandon Straka (Founder of WALK AWAY from Democrats movement (tinyurl.com/WalkAway2020)) were versus a modern Leftist)YOU KNOW WHO REFUSED TO HAVE PICKED A SIDE UNTIL NOW. NO LONGER CAN THEY REMAIN IN THE SQUISHY MIDDLE BEING USEFUL IDIOTS TO/FOR AMERICAN FASCICRATS WHO ARE DESTROYING OUR REPUBLIC (see: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/a-republic-if-you-can-keep-it-2/ and https://tinyurl.com/OriginalistFederalists vs today’s Fasci-Federalists).
Appreciate THIS and other Joseph M. Lenard pieces?
Joseph M Lenard is on @buymeacoffee!
You can support by buying a coffee here —
I do swear I will work to #RestoreTheRepublic
or die trying as #BetterDeadThanWoke
Do not IF you don’t REALLY intend to DO EVERYTHING, ANYTHING, NECESSARY; actual actions and not just whining (virtue-signaling) online; to fulfill it…
GOD BLESS any/all willing to take the Pledge, and next steps!
Welcome to the “#RestoreTheRepublic crew”
Listen in to @SavagedUnfiltered Podcast for more instructions!!!
THE LEFT is NOT PROGRESSIVE, they are REGRESSIVE. They have NOT learned anything from History. PERIOD! You don’t have to learn from the FAILURE of Communism, Fascism, Socialism, via Marx, Lenin, Mao, Castro, et al (it has, and always will, FAIL anywhere and everywhere it is done, cuz of Human Nature)…. LEARN FROM AMERICA!!! We tried COMMUNISM (“CommonWealth”) here in USA long before them all AND OF COURSE IT FAILED THEN TOO. The Bradford Colony tried (remember THE MAYFLOWER [communist] COMPACT?!?!) which promised they would all have EQUITY (the bullshit the Left peddles today rather than EQUAL RIGHTS and EQUAL OPPORTUNITY) that all would have “Equal Stakes” and “Equal Shares” of everything DESPITE their level of WORK PUT IN. And, of course, guess what, ATLAS SHRUGGED ((likely where Ayn Rand got the idea, and) which is why the Left BANNED that Classic book from being Read in Schools) as more and more (cuz it is HUMAN NATURE that some would be LAZY) decided to do NOTHING and RIDE IN THE CART and the Cart had less and less people to pull the Cart. AND THEY ALMOST ALL STARVED TO DEATH!!! UNTIL, Bradford recognized THE FAILURE OF THE MAYFLOWER COMPACT AND THEIR SETTLEMENT and instituted FREE MARKETS, PRIVATE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP, and all the GREAT CONCEPTS AMERICA THEN WENT ON TO FOSTER and as the saying goes THE REST IS HISTORY (that people fail to learn from). And as Paul Harvey used to say “Now you know #TheRestOfTheStory!”
WAKE UP!! And DO NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR IT! As Reagan said “TRUST BUT VERIFY” and LOOK UP THESE FACTS FOR YOURSELF and NOT using Google, CNN, Mother Jones, Huffngton PooPooPost, Leftist SPIN/Propganda peddling sites but use GIBIRU, DuckDuckGo, FreeSpoke, legit information aggregator sources, to find THE FACTS over the Leftist (George Orwell (“1984″ book warned us about) style (and I mention Orwell’s “Animal Farm” book in my book)) attempts to peddle a REWRITE OF HISTORY to distort it and fool/trick you into FAILING COMMUNISM AGAIN.
And like I say, did so again on WAAMradio today (this is a Sat Apr 15 update, and I was on with Bruce Fleury (cohost, Phil is out Sick (keep him in your Prayers)) on ABOLITIONISTS ROUNDTABLE Show (Sat’s 9aET)), COMPARE AND CONTRAST the FASCICRATS Party Platform. Use DuckDuckGo to bring up a HISTORICALLY ACCURATE COPY OF “The Communist Manifesto,” The “NSDAP” (the 1930′s Nazi-Socies) Platform, and today’s Democrat Party Platform — AND SEE FOR YOURSELF THEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME!!! Oh, sure, today’s FASCICRATS (see too: Originalist Federalists vs today’s Fasci-Federalists) use more Flowery, often VAGUE or TWISTED language/words because they have to hide their intent; BUT IT IS ALL ONE AND THE SAME. Then bring up the MAGNA-CARTA, THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE of USA, THE US CONSTITUTION, and the GOP PLATFORM, and see how they are the same (which is NOT to say all Republicans are great and about PRESERVING OUR GREAT AND MOST UNIQUE REPUBLIC there are CINOs and RINOs as bad as FASCICRATS but the direction of the Parties COULD NOT BE CLEARER – so spare me the UniParty shit (yes, CINOs, RINOs, FASCICRATS, just all at different pace, are destroying the USA but SPARE ME the THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE bullshit and GET OFF YOUR ASS AND BECOME A DELEGATE AND MAKE THE GOP GREAT AGAIN)).
Like normalization of depravity/pedophilia in Schools, Libraries, etc…!!
More and more Classic literature (including Seuss and AEsops fables (can’t have “morals” and “good lessons” taught)) replaced in Kids sections of Libraries REPLACED WITH PORN AND LEFTIST INDOCTRINATION MANURE.
Yup, see related RETALK discussion about Libraries: https://retalk.com/c/books/jlenarddetroit-1672676498
I responded (in-part, see the thread link for entire conversation):
It, of course, matters on who is in charge at any given Library* just like the Schools*.
if you got the purple-hair-brigade in charge, they pull books with factual content for those they favor peddling left-wing narratives (including the PORN BOOKs (you hear so many Parents at School Board meetings railing against targeting Grade-School age Children)) in the Kids section rather than Seuss, AEsops Fables, etc…
I’ve had trouble getting my book (Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You), historical-fiction (or as I call it FACTion) into some because it just doesn’t call out foreign terrorists but US FASCICRATS destroying Western Culture from within — that, of course, despite the evidence/facts, triggers them and they try to Cancel Culture (cuz they cannot refute their fascist tactics ( related: https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS ) and must try to censor/silence).
Joseph M. Lenard (aka: JLenardDetroit)
Author “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”
and “How to Write a Book and Get It Published: Hints, Tips & Techniques”
addl. links: https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit
—- further, about the Left “choice of BOOKS to peddle to Children”….
response to a post ( https://retalk.com/c/general/white-slavery-the-scottish-slaves-of-england-and-americas-there-were-hundreds-of-thousands-of-scots-sold-into-slavery-during-colonial-america ) over on ReTalk…
You said it.
Seriously, sadly Education is so da** poor in the Western World these days, people know no History…
In the USA the Indoctrination factories (and other supposed FREE SOCIETY systems) are peddling Radicalism, Raunch/peRversion (trans, pedophilia), Racism (cRt), and anti-ameRicanism – the new “R’s” – to our Entitled/lazy, participation tRophy overblown self-esteem buffoons, know nothing brats; meanwhile China is teaching their Children the traditional “R’s” of Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic, histoRy, scRience (see what I did there, cuz our kids are so dumb they wouldn’t know the R doesn’t belong there), biRology (not fake genderism), honoR, Respect, woRk-ethic, etc…
Yep, they aren’t “FIXING” anything, they are just making people DUMBER, as Leftists/Marxists always want to do. The PATHETICAL CORRUPTNESS (as I call it) is NOT about “tolerance” and “understanding” it is about trying to make a Nation HATE ITSELF rather than LEARN FROM IT’S HISTORY (as any and every Nation has blemishes) and we should be TEACHING THINGS AS THEY WERE and have HONEST DISCUSSIONS of how or if things could/should be better. You don’t have those HONEST DISCUSSIONS by just rewriting/destroying the Past (this is the whole DESTROYING STATUES bullshit all over again)!
And ask a FAT person if they think “ENORMOUS” is somehow “a better phrase for them?!?!” LOL So that part, actually, is the LEAST OFFENSIVE CHANGE they are making as they are not white-washing the whole IF YOU ARE OVERWEIGHT IT IS UNHEALTHY and you’re likely to Live a shorter lifespan; unlike all the UNNATURAL AND UNHEALTHY FAT NORMALIZATION/GLORIFICATION going on so many other places.
YOU WANNA MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE THEN LOOK AT YOURSELF (in the Mirror) AND MAKE THE CHANGE (Michael Jackson, Man In The Mirror (as this doesn’t all have to be Religious, plenty of COMMON SENSE SECULAR examples (like great role model PENN of PENN AND TELLER a well known Atheist who understand SHALL NOT MURDER (therefore not be Murdered), or TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WANT TO BE TREATED, GREATER GOOD is when MORE ACTUALLY HAVE IT GOOD (not Leftist twisted notion of it (https://tinyurl.com/forgreatergood)), as COMMON SENSE EXAMPLES of how the World is Better when practiced; rather than Me, only me, selfishness)) — Be the Change, Make the Change happen, it isn’t going to on its own! We are to be our Brothers Keeper, that does NOT mean FASCIST REDISTRIBUTIVE GOVT STEALING FROM ONE TO GIVE TO ANOTHER. We must get back to SMALL GOVT and PERSONAL CHARITY/RESPONSIBILITY! You must SOW TO REAP, You must ACT to stop the US decline into Fascism – ACT, not just complain!!
“I send a Prayer to Heaven, to be a better Man than the Man I see” (Rick Springfield, Prayer) — WE COULD ALL DO MORE! We cannot be as LAZY AND ENTITLED as the Left!! You cannot just sit by and EXPECT OTHERS TO ACT ON YOUR BEHALF and share in those Fruits without participating in creating a Harvest (like a lazy Commie Entitled brat). NO DIFFERENCE then Leftist Entitlement to just complain while others actually do, and you expect to benefit. FREEDOM ISN’T FREE, YOU (yes, YOU too) must be willing to Fight for it!!!
I could go on and on, I could almost literally FILL UP THE DAMN SERVER with more Words and more examples/analogies/etc., and cut/paste into here all the cross-referenced materials linked (that the lazy will ignore), but if someone REFUSES TO GET IT by now, they never will. They are LAZY, WORTHLESS, POS, ENTITLED, DO EVERYTHING FOR ME, BASTARDS! And learned NOTHING from 1984, Animal Farm, Atlas Shrugged, if they ever even bothered to read those, or learn from World History (like the misplaced Mayflower compact I discussed above), or THE WHOLE BIBLE IN CONTEXT, not just picking and choosing part of this Scripture and that one OUT OF CONTEXT ala carte in order to WARP THE WORD to/for their World View and allow them to be lazy rather than their Faith actually shape their Politics ( https://tinyurl.com/SomeTwistJesusWords )!
ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast now available
News/Opinion-cast (weekly/weekend) from a Christian U.S.Constitution perspective
Thank you for checking out this B4IN piece, also please see recent #BeforeItsNews (B4IN “Christian News” articles/section) exclusive (for now, may get a TheLibertyBeacon reprint with TLB exclusive updates in coming months) about latest LEFT DELUSION RESPONSES to the absolutely correct #RuleOfLaw and #Constitution sound decisions (they cannot argue their case on merits but instead, as always, try to stoke EMOTIONAL HYSTERICS response).
The “#ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast is now on the air!!! Finally get your News from a purely Christian U. S. Constitutional perspective…. Plus recent SCOTUS Rulings discussion...
SOME of the following is STILL IN THE WORKS so not all information available at time of this (Sat Jul 15th) update about my new CHRISTITUTIONALIST POLITICS podcast show/episodes…
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” (S1E1) “Welcome to the new Show – Introductions”
This S1E1 will be an “introductory” episode and a little about me and this likely to be “Seinfeld-esque” (one Sat. about something serious, the next Sat. (yes, weekly to start slowly, dropping Saturdays (originally as announced Monthly)) maybe about nothing important at all. I’m open to hearing from you (via JosephMLenard.us CONTACT tab) w/ comments/suggestions. Many times I’ll be going over my TheLibertyBeacon or BeforeItsNews artciles topics, “Savaged Unfiltered” podcast I co-host (“the BIG SHOW” to this little “humble-beginnings” show/start), my books, or whatever! Let us grow together.
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
S1E2 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 1 2023 on) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E2) “Already a correction?” and “Ranked Choice Voting! (Good, Bad, Ugly – #TheRestOfTheStory, then you reach your own conclusions)”
Thank You for considering listening to this Show, as ListenNotes Reports you have about 168.9 Million+ PreRecorded Podcast Show episodes (and growing daily) to choose from. In S1E1 “Introductions” Show was mentioned “ChristiTutionalist Politics” would air monthly – and now, only few days later, time to announce pivot/change already (a correction, good/positive thing) now airing weekly (dropping a new Show each weekend) which will coincide with new article dropping each Saturday at TheLibertyBeacon and there-by primary topic of week with “other surprises” added in! This week’s TLB piece “Ranked Choice: Great, except way AK RINOs did it.”
Episode related pieces…
also discussed: WAAM ART Sat 6/24: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/phil-stargell/episodes/Abolitionist-Round-Table-6-24-2023-e265lut
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E2 Audio: 29m 55s, Sat Jul 1st 2023)
S1E3 before edit 38m10s…
S1E3 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 8 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E3) “Remembering Freedom and our Rights beyond 4thOfJuly”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Remembering Freedoms & Rights beyond #4thOfJuly Holiday” piece!
Plus, first Guest appearance from/with Pastor Robert Thibodeau, about his background, his PodcastersForChrist organization, as well as his latest FaithCasters podcasters project and discussion of TakingTheRainbowBack project to reclaim the (full 7 color) Rainbow back for God from the (fake 6 color) Rainbow Alphabet Mafia crowd (and, yes, difference between “tolerance” Gays and “Rainbow Alphabet Mafia” #GAYtivists engaging in #GAYtivism and recruitment as well as trying to legitimize and legalize Pedophilia.
Episode related pieces…
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/remembering-freedoms-rights-beyond-the-4th-of-july/
- https://TerrorStrikes.info/ThePolkaKings (tribute)
- https://TerrorStrikes.info/shop (promocode: 4thOfJuly2023 for 20.23% off)
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/a-republic-if-you-can-keep-it-2/
- https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS
- Originalists vs today’s FASCI-Federalists: https://tinyurl.com/OriginalistFederalists
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
- https://tinyurl.com/SCOTUS2023Rulings
(S1E3 Audio: 35m 14s, Sat Jul 8th 2023)
In addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist) for additional bonus material there-in.
S1E4 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 15 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E4) “Remembering Freedom and our Rights (part 2)”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Remembering Freedoms & Rights beyond #4thOfJuly Holiday (part 2)” piece!
No-one I know wants total Anarchy, most agree we need some “limited” Government since Human-nature is such that Rules are necessary to maintain a degree of peace and allow for us to exercise our GOD given Rights to Pursue Happiness (but not infringe upon others to do same). Founders along those lines gave us the “Articles Of Confederation” but not long after it was determined a slightly more encompassing “Federal Union” and the “United States Constitution” was born that would still (but over time been weakened) Sovereign States’ Rights and reserving all else to “We The People” within States or Constitutional Amendment – and we will discuss the full/proper Political Spectrum and “Overton Window” USA lurch Leftward towards FASCICRATS-ism. US / Western “Republic” limits Govt affords, demands it protects, “We The People” Sovereign God given Rights, unlike Republics in East (China, Iran, N. Korea, Russia) whose “Republic Constitution” grant the Ruling Party and Government Power to give or take Rights to/from their Peoples.
Episode related pieces…
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/remembering-freedoms-rights-part-2/
- https://TerrorStrikes.info/shop (promocode: 4thOfJuly2023 for 20.23% off)
- https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS
- Originalists vs today’s FASCI-Federalists: https://tinyurl.com/OriginalistFederalists
- I discussed some of this with Bruce and Phil, Freedom isn’t free and we must work to keep it; as Reagan said: “Freedom is never more than one Generation away from extinction” as quoted during WAAM ART Sat July 1st conversation – listen at: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/phil-stargell/episodes/Abolitionist-Round-Table-7-1-2023-e26eda9/a-aa2ublb
And I am ALL FOR those who want to Legally Immigrate and assimilate, NOT those looking to infiltrate and undermine our Culture!
- https://TerrorStrikes.info/xtras-christian-references
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/will-real-christians-be-able-to-save-america/
- /alternative/2023/01/google-taking-their-fascicrats-censorship-to-whole-new-levels-the-left-thought-police-trying-to-block-facts-that-harm-their-false-narratives-3787057.html
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E4 Audio: 33m 30s, Sat Jul 15th 2023)
TRANSCRIPT BONUS – NEXTDOOR text from TLB RemFreedomPt2 piece AND SCOSTUS Rulings B4IN piece
In addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist) for additional bonus material there-in.
S1E5 before edit 33m31s w/ Mary 48m 45s
S1E5 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 22 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E5) “Theater Lobby for Snacks & Politics”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Let’s go to Lobby & get ourselves some Snacks, & Politics” piece!
We all been seeing the trend of WOKE encroaching into most of the Films that hit the Movie Theaters of late. We will discuss Movies and Politics in this episode – some current, as well as some from the past (mainly my love of “The Thirteenth Floor” (A Matrix Film, before the Reeves version) from great visionary Roland Emmerich (who brought Blockbusters like: Stargate, The Day After Tomorrow, Independence Day, Moonfall, and many others)), and what about the future including planned reboot of Logan’s Run the forerunner (pun intended, for those who will get it) to all the modern dystopian-nightmare movies of today. Plus a brief discussion with Mary Vaughan of TRC-MI.
Episode related pieces…
- Beyond The Mask: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2433040/
- Joseph M Lenard “Terror Strikes” StoryRocket movie project: https://storyrocket.com/terror-strikes-coming-soon-to-a-city-near-you
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/occasional-breaks-distractions-not-just-ok-but-healthy/
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/the-enemy-of-my-enemy-notion/
- https://tinyurl.com/RecruitConservatives
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/free-speech-yelling-fire-in-a-theater/
- https://tinyurl.com/SCOTUS2023Rulings
- https://tinyurl.com/HollywoodHatefest
- https://tinyurl.com/Maleficent2Review
- https://tinyurl.com/LastChristmasReview
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/the-need-to-keep-a-sense-of-humor/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20230315045552/https://www.12cdrc.org/micd12gop-take-action-as-a-delegate
- https://www.dropbox.com/s/j362qem1gi04az4/WAAM-ART-08142021-You%20must%20become%20a%20Delegate%20to%20effect%20real%20change%20and%20take%20back%20the%20GOP.mp3?dl=0
- https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewk7wd4lxn58997/WAAM-YAH-Sat09252021-YOUMUSTBEADELEGATE.mp3?dl=0
- https://tinyurl.com/TRCMI
- https://web.archive.org/web/20230315045552/https://www.12cdrc.org/clubs
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E5 Audio: 43m 23s, Sat Jul 22nd 2023)
In addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist) for additional bonus material there-in.
S1E6 before edit 38m30s
S1E6 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 29 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E6) “Movies, Snacks, and Politics (part 2)”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Movies, Snacks, and Politics (part 2)” piece!
We all been seeing the trend of WOKE encroaching into most of the Films that hit the Movie Theaters of late. We will discuss Movies and Politics in this episode – some additional current (Sound of Freedom, Oppenheimer), as well as some from the past (They Live 35th Anniversary, An American Carol, The Patriot), and what about the future (The Domino Revival)?
Episode related pieces…
- https://savagedarmy.com/listing/restore-our-american-republic?product=2
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/are-there-aliens-not-the-open-border-the-et-kind/
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/occasional-breaks-distractions-not-just-ok-but-healthy/
- Michael/Joseph (Savaged Unfiltered E314) talk: Movies throughout the Ages: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1cVqDEuEtszwUFd9YZuBaa
- Joseph M Lenard “Terror Strikes” StoryRocket movie project: https://storyrocket.com/terror-strikes-coming-soon-to-a-city-near-you
- https://tinyurl.com/HollywoodHatefest
- https://tinyurl.com/Maleficent2Review
- https://tinyurl.com/LastChristmasReview
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/the-need-to-keep-a-sense-of-humor/
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E6 Audio: 34m 03s, Sat Jul 29th 2023)
In addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist) for additional bonus material there-in.
S1E7 before edit 33m10s
S1E7 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 5 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E7) “#BIDENomics (#BIDNEflation & #BIDENrecession)”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “#BIDENomics, “working” (Alinsky and ClowardAndPiven planned USA destruction)” piece!
All the games and gimmicks, wordplay and twisting of terms, the Left employs (no “EMPLOYment pun intended) to paint a Unicorn delusional picture of the current disaster Biden Economy. Also, Michael Gardner of Savaged Unfiltered joins the show to talk about podcasting and #BIDENomics (runaway #BIDENflation) and everyone pinching pennies to get by (even High-end Movie Production Sets he’s been on as an Actor or Tech).
#BIDENomics = #GASlighting — Warping terms, fudging numbers/stats, and misrepresenting Reality for complete Unicorn dellusions.
Episode related pieces…
- < ADD TLB BIDENflation LINK >
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/why-i-a-christitutionalist-oppose-proposed-fair-tax-scheme/
- https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS
- https://tinyurl.com/RecruitConservatives
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/the-need-to-keep-a-sense-of-humor/
- deflections: https://thelibertybeacon.com/latest-wokeism-cries-of-racism-white-supremacy-cultural-appropriation/
- distractions: https://thelibertybeacon.com/occasional-breaks-distractions-not-just-ok-but-healthy/
- https://iheart.com/podcast/269-savaged-unfiltered-with-mi-102268347/
- save on Food/Gas: https://upside.app.link/MNTYU
- Michael/Joseph (Savaged Unfiltered E314) talk: Movies throughout the Ages: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1cVqDEuEtszwUFd9YZuBaa
- Joseph on Chris Hood show discussing “Consumer behavior” changes: https://chr.rs/3n7sa7w5
- My Kmart (now worthless) Stock: https://dropbox.com/s/pvd8f5rhijabmqr/Kmart%20Stock.jpg?dl=0
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E7 Audio: 30m 48s, Sat Aug 5th 2023)
TRANSCRIPT BONUS – “The NAZI label gets tossed about, let’s examine the claim”
In addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist) for additional bonus material there-in.
S1E8 before edit 43m03s
S1E8 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 12 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E8) “Norton v Shelby County TN Case”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Norton v Shelby, and Government over-reach / usurpation” piece!
An old Case many are trying to bring back to the fore and attach as part of supportive arguments of “Government overreach (usurpation)” challenge of Alphabet Agencies acting far outside their purview (designed, and legitimately “authorized” by Congress scope) case to the SCOTUS. An “in the weeds” discussion for advanced Patriots looking to Restore Our American Republic. Not a topic for “casual coversation” and to broach “strangers at the local Supermarket!” Often, those able to be awakened from their woke stupor, need to be taken in baby-steps and at their “digestable” own pace (often slowly) and therefore this topic is one that can/may overwhelm someone early on in their “new Political awakening journey!”
Episode related pieces…
- < **** ADD TLB NVSC LINK **** >
- https://tinyurl.com/RedPillStrategy
- https://dropbox.com/scl/fi/x6q5sx5hf6avkqvfqojvz/Norton-v-Shelby-Ct-9-Most-Important-Points-regarding.doc?rlkey=nebly1lr3cnklwoue3s4wh8vt&dl=0
- https://dropbox.com/scl/fi/v27fdwbufghu1jsw39shc/Norton-V-Shelby-County.doc?rlkey=t0plekzgp3rrsoeu89ld5rgz2&dl=0
- Savaged Unfiltered full Video LIVESTREAM: https://rumble.com/v2xeo1y-savaged-unfiltered-livestream-saturday-norton-vs-shelvy.html
- https://savagedarmy.com/listing/restore-our-american-republic?product=2
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/a-republic-if-you-can-keep-it-2/
- /christian-news/2023/04/will-real-christians-save-america-it-is-why-the-left-wants-christianity-destroyed-it-helped-found-america-help-destroy-the-soviets-etc-2614952.html
- Klaus Schwabb and Agenda21/2030/whatever: https://anchor.fm/moment-of-clarity/episodes/Moment-of-Clarity-11-14-2020-emfvav
- EPA and other AlphabetAgenices overreach: https://rumble.com/v2xi7e6-joseph-talks-to-sadia-on-the-epa.html
- DOEd must go: Norton v Shelby: https://rumble.com/v2xeo1y-savaged-unfiltered-livestream-saturday-norton-vs-shelvy.html
- https://tinyurl.com/SomeTwistJesusWords
- Clearly William Wagner (Constitutional Scholar) discusses related issues during WAAM “Your American Heritage” Show (Sat. 7/8/2023)
listen at: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6QUmsCSPcQsCUsGeUo3n6p?si=34531b1fbdfd4982
as our Founders INSISTED there must be checks-and-balance, today’s Fasci-Federalists do everything to avoid them
- Our Little Polish Genie: https://TerrorStrikes.info/ThePolkaKings
- /alternative/2023/01/google-taking-their-fascicrats-censorship-to-whole-new-levels-the-left-thought-police-trying-to-block-facts-that-harm-their-false-narratives-3787057.html
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E8 Audio: 37m 53s, Sat Aug 12th 2023)
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics podcasts can be found via my @JLenardDetroit Rumble/YouTube channels
S1E9 before edit XXmXXs
S1E9 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 19 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E9) ”BIDENomics part 2″
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “BIDENomics part 2″ piece!
Deeper dive into the destruction caused by #BIDENflation, #BIDENrecession, and other disasterous FASCICRATS #EpicFail policies. What is ESG and are you involved and “invested” without your knowledge, permission, will (looking for the Investor Group’s elites “Political interests” rather than your Bank Account’s best Financial best-interest (yes, “interest,” double meaning word-play intended))? We cannot just #BOYcott, but too should engage in #BUYcott of “friendly” (or at least, NOT HOSTILE) to our principles and values and various “Conservative” Marketplaces are popping up all over to aid in doing just that – like MammothNation, AlignUs App, PublicSq, and more. As I discuss how the #BIDENrecession has destroyed my Budget when/as my Furnace (thankfully during Summer, not Winter) decided to bite-the-dust and need replacement. How the UPSIDE App can save you in this belt-tightening times!
Episode related pieces…
- https://joseph-m-lenard-media.myshopify.com/
- https://alignusapp.com/listing/joseph-m-lenard-media
- https://mammothnation.com/partners/terror-strikes-by-joseph-m-lenard
- https://app.publicsq.com/marketplace
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/why-i-a-christitutionalist-oppose-proposed-fair-tax-scheme/
- /financial-markets/2022/12/massive-inflation-unsteady-cryptostock-markets-gold-your-ira-to-protect-your-retirement-4351201.html
- /tea-party/2022/07/michigan-taxes-and-our-migop-migov-candidates-in-this-2022-election-cycle-2710485.html
- time to strengthen the STOCK Act: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/brace-yourself-im-about-to-agree-with-a-democrat-sort-of/
- https://redstate.com/diary/jlenarddetroit/2017/01/04/entitlement-reform-back-table-n236045
- https://redstate.com/diary/jlenarddetroit/2009/09/21/mandates-n187141
- https://redstate.com/diary/jlenarddetroit/2011/09/22/freedom-to-work-mi-n187200
- https://tinyurl.com/ForGreaterGood
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E9 Audio: XXm XXs, Sat Aug 19th 2023)
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics podcasts can be found via…
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@jlenarddetroit1082/videos
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/JLenardDetroit
In addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist) for additional bonus material there-in.
& what my #book (Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You) about, not just #Foreign #Terrorists but #USA #Leftist #Terrorism within & destruction of #WesternCulture (as whole, not just #US)
#JasonAldean #BoycottCMT
The Speakership situation…. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly…. THE WHOLE STORY, not just my Conservative side (that agrees with the call to Vacate, but does not mean being realistic/pragmatic as situation sadly too often calls for but not always immediate SELL OUT to/for Left) opinion but TOO the CINO/RINO arguments (sadly includes sellouts like Crenshaw and MTG of late)… #TheRestOfTheStory as Paul Harvey would say…
From/in: /opinion-conservative/2023/01/its-called-leverage-and-about-damn-time-real-conservatives-use-it-over-the-quickearly-sellouts-cinosrinos-yet-again-3651476.html and https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/time-for-new-gop-leadership/
TUE. OCT. 3rd 2023 UPDATE….. SPEAKERSHIP (at least temporarily? Vacated)….
Whether McCarthy was ousted (and while vacated, could be put right back in) but this is important!
unlike Impeachment of BiDUMB going nowhere, the #ENEMEdia Spins it to FASCICRATS favor as just same-ole same-ole tit-for-tat and if House Impeaches Senate IS NOT removing BiDumb PERIOD!
THIS HOWEVER, whether McCarthy is fully ousted and replaced or just temporarily removed and reinstated is an important message to (first and foremost, to McCarthy YOU WILL NEED KEEP PROMISES MADE but to also) the GOP Base that this is NOT the same-ole GOP top to bottom and promises made will be expected to be kept GOING FORWARD or the next attempt to VACATE SPEAKERSHIP MAY BE FOR REAL!!!
We barely have control of USHouse, things we pass will go NOWHERE in USSenate, HOWEVER the promises made by McCarthy MUST BE KEPT (even knowing they go nowhere in USSenate) to signal the Overton Window of the GOP is indeed moving RIGHTWARD, more Conservative (which is NOT to say we are forever hardened, unable to be pragmatic and realistic on what is do-able vs what we want, not inflexible always but #PrinciplesNotPersonalities and NOT a SELL-OUT EVERY F****** TIME AND IMMEDIATELY never pushing things Rightward always RINO sellout to/for FASCICRATS agenda), more back toward Constitution and our GOP Platform, MORE CHRISTITUTIONALIST (TM), rather than just LEFT but slower – as yes indeed McCarthy has not kept every promise but indeed is far better than Paul Ryan (NOT GOOD ENOUGH, but we are moving the RIGHT DIRECTION at least – but not fast/far enough to/for most our liking).
AT LEAST PRETEND TO CARE about the “Conservative” words you speak to get Elected, by VOTING UP/DOWN things like Balanced Budget Amendment Bill – even if it would FAIL —- put all (Left, Right, Center) ON RECORD vs the EXCUSES TO NOT BOTHER TO TRY accepting defeat before even engaging in Battle; this way we know both the FASCICRATS and RINOs to oust (STOP the bullshit ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY of/for RINOs)!
Sadly many in our Nation NEED THIS LESSON! They have ZERO REAL CLUE how Congress works. We must PASS A STRONG AGENDA IN THE USHOUSE and make a big deal about the Bills we pass that then DIE IN USSENATE to better position us to garner more GOP Voters that have sat things out in past and we need return to Voting FOR US TO WIN plus signal to the inDUHpendents (cuz neither Party Wins Elections with just their own Base, ever, anywhere, PERIOD, that is FACT) – if you are not with us opposing FASCICRATS and FASCISM, then you are with them and are FASCICRATS useful-idiots! https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS (not hyperbole, not projection, irrefutable Facts laid out)
So, again, this likely going nowhere, BUT AN IMPORTANT SIGNAL THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME-OLE SAME-OLE (despite the moronic Impeachment same-ole same-ole that instead we should HAVE IMAGINATION and Impeach Mayrokas, Garland, Granholm, more, IN THE CABINET, that is clear new imaginative direction (IF the GOP is to really SEND THE MESSAGE TIMES HAVE CHANGED)!!!!
One does NOT have to be in Congress, to be Speaker. How about we bring back Newt Gingrich??? Hell, how about naming BO SNERDLEY (James Golden, Rush Limbaugh’s protege’) be GOP Caucus Speaker?!?!?
also see my LIVE POSTING from the Nights it took for McCarthy to get the Speakership – he was always going to be Speaker, but we FORCED SOME PROMISES – and that is the point, McCarthy would NOT be in this place today IF HE HAD KEPT THE PROMISES even while knowing most things would go nowhere in USSenate controlled by FASCICRATS…
more in (this article): /opinion-conservative/2023/01/its-called-leverage-and-about-damn-time-real-conservatives-use-it-over-the-quickearly-sellouts-cinosrinos-yet-again-3651476.html
Also related: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/the-party-of-know/
also, THE WHOLE STORY you don’t get from Charlie Kirk on RANKED CHOICE VOTING (Yes, AK was a shame, but that was not pure RANKED CHOICE VOTING)…
image: Kevin McCarthy – source – AP News [note, images stripped from B4IN pieces when archived after 1 year]
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America is the great end-times nation of Babylon.
The nation cannot be saved. We are under judgment from the Lord for rank apostasy and rebellion.
Be sure you are saved and not just think you are.
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1Thess 5:21)
Some serious Questions about The Bible, NOT for the “easily upset” discussion on: Old Testament, intact, replaced, partially ‘modified?’ What does Bible say (or not say) on Life elsewhere? Can one have the One Spiritual Life of Soul but multiple physical/earthly reincarnations? CAN WE FOCUS ON THINGS WE AGREE, rather than OBSESSING over other “differences” and the “uncertainties?” Bring your Brain, your Faith, and understand the difference between Biblical things Answered and that which remains OPEN, and join only if you are capable of keeping your Emotional Hysterics at bay! We are all frail Humans, with faults.
Where does actual Biblical Truth begin and end (no additions, no deletions) vs our sometimes Human Emotions Hysterics (sometimes delusion) THINK or FEEL we know about The Word because we allowed The World to distort our memories. Can we handle an honest exploration of such? Those strong and firmly properly rooted in the Bible will even further strengthened (the weak in Faith, time for inner reflections) in their Walk (as we are Human, AND GOD DOES NOT OWE US ALL THE ANSWERS (to expect he does, is our own Hubris (Sin)) in this Life and we will have all Eternity to get those “uncertainties” clarified in Heaven (not, again, not owed it all on Earth, and we should stop trying to put GOD in a Box for our own “neat and tidy” definitions – we are still CHILDREN and Children are not necessarily taught everything in their/our (and as a Being, we are still…
#SPECIAL #VIDEO ONLY #ChristiTutionalist (TM) #Politics #podcast #episode…
CTP S1EJun2024VideoOnlySpecial 43m 41s
CTP S1EJun2024VideoOnlySpecial SHOW NOTES ( watch (Thu Jun 13 2024 and thereafter) at Bitchute, Brighteon, Rumble, YouTube, @JLenardDetroit channels only
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EJun2024VideoOnlySpecial) The Bible – What it says, What it doesn’t say, and is Old Testament still valid? The Bible, in full context, not twisting/warping trying to add things to make ourselves feel better about things in the World today. Not allowing Atheist attempts at “Separation FROM Church TO State” and Fascistic tyrannical governance replacing our God given Rights and FREEDOM. Separating you from BIBLE being your Guide, to Government edicts of who, what, you will be and can say/do.
[" Only the true animals, animal:lat. Spirit;Soul=God, in us can do that, which means, to become the Sovereign again, as King, and asking consequently for the truth, which is even here not 100% available. The entire given History, is a given and educated brainwashed History by the satanic FREEMASONS since thousands of years, in private commercial cooperation with the evil catholic CHURCH CORP. of the BLACK NOBILITY; represented by the JESUITS, TEMPLER, MALTESIANS and the 322SKULL&BONES a.s.o since foundation in the ROMAN EMPIRE, which JURISTDICTION, the ROMAN CANON LAW ist still valid and oppressing us with the BLACK CROSS : if you do not do what WEEEE ( pluralis majestatis) wants from you.... the BLACK CROSS= private commercial BALANCE CROSS, to sacrifice us, as their SERVI=GOJIMS, to clean up their DEBTS because we(pluralis modestiae) are their CAPITAL and GOJIMS....so we have to turn around the BIBLE, and asking for the real books, hidden in their private libraries, incl. all the other books, about the hidden History of Energy and Technologies, the FREEMASONS and their BIG FAMILIES do not want, that they loose control and power over us all. So even the real History of Northamerica is different to that what s sold, and the UNITED STATE INCORPORATION, registered in LONDON, is a dirty satanic Freemasons NGO and making their dirty private commercial BUSINESSES, praying all day long and night, that the are a democratic sovereign state and Nation...still believed in and not...
..still believed in and not questioning everything. And do not forget, the i of the word ZiON is the one and only Mountain in North Germany, where the real Christains where living, Henry the Lionking says Hellooo… the Dot on the I is the Head and this the ZiONIST can never ever take away..so, wake up and say no…all hands off their evils decks and no SERVI Energy anymore for these PIRATES of the High SEA… “]
Deu 4:6 Keep therefore and do them; (The 10 commandments) for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this GREAT NATION is a wise and understanding people.
Because the Church refuses to acknowledge SIN, rejecting the 10 Commandments, the Church FAILED! People only want a saviour who know that they are sinners.
The Democrats know what made America Great that is why they hate the phrase “Make America Great Again”!
WED SEP 27th 2023…
Will you fall for MTG’s duplicity?!?!?
@MTG #MTG is a #JOKE
she now Tweets #TRUMP MUST BE SPEAKER!!!
She Voted AGAINST motion to Vacate Speakership (aka: SUPPORTED MCCARTHY AGAIN)
[though motion to reconsider unopposed, she may try to CHANGE HER VOTE NOW]
Shall we show the videos of her shouting down those who opposed mccarthy and held out for promises (now broken)?!?!?
#HaveNotForgotten #TooLittleTooLate #BackPeddling
The Speakership situation….
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly… THE WHOLE STORY
[FINALLY, some using their LEVERAGE]
#TheRestOfTheStory as Paul Harvey would say…
@ByronDonalds (R MAGAguy FL) for Speaker – Win, Win, Win, all the way around…. NO MORE NEXT IN LINE BS… NO MORE SAME-OLE SAME-OLE DC/SWAMP POLITICS…. Think do not FEEL use BRAIN MATTER to engage in STRATEGIC THINKING…
I like @JimJordan, I LOVE @stevescalisefan
(and IF we gotta go with the NEXT IN LINE RICH WHITE GUY THE #ENEMEDIA WILL EASILY ATTACK, it need be Steve due to his backstory including nearly MURDERED by Leftist loon story to remind, BUT….) ENOUGH OF THE DC SWAMP – WHO IS NEXT IN LINE, RATHER THAN WHO IS BEST CHOICE FOR HERE AND NOW!
more in:
SCOTUS engaged in ANOTHER DODGE – PUNT issue.
Dismissed (9-0) on STANDING* “distortion” #Abortion #Pill Case. The Doctors in question had/have Standing in several senses as THEY ARE DIRECTLY EFFECTED as Law violates their 1A Free exercise of Religion and OBJECTIONS and THAT they then cannot be FORCED to engage in Baby Murder and even beyond that….
IF, when, where, someone KILLED in say Car Accident, others HAVE STANDING to STAND IN for DECEASED – same PRECEDENT. Murdered Children cannot STAND for selves, others can, others have been allowed before, SCOTUS again wanted to DODGE/PUNT on merits of Case actual arguments. We will be here again, with another Case, and STANDING will eventually be PROPERLY GRANTED.
Just as SCOTUS Cowardice punted on STANDING ISSUES (that completely turned STANDING GROUNDS PRECEDENCES on their Head) back with the TX V BATTLEGROUNDS Election issue knowing the evidence submitted then would clearly dictate PRECEDENCE RULE and New Elections ordered where LAWS VIOLATED (as Courts have many times before on lower Court and just lessor Election scale). They knew, they didn’t like WHAT KNEW WOULD BE OUTCOME so PUNTED on made up twisted convoluted STANDING excuse dismissal.
A very #SPECIAL #VIDEO ONLY #ChristiTutionalist (TM) #Politics #podcast #episode…
CTP S1EJun2024VideoOnlySpecial 43m 41s
CTP S1EJun2024VideoOnlySpecial SHOW NOTES ( watch (Thu Jun 13 2024 and thereafter) at Bitchute, Brighteon, Rumble, YouTube, @JLenardDetroit channels only
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EJun2024VideoOnlySpecial) The Bible – What it says, What it doesn’t say, and is Old Testament still valid? The Bible, in full context, not twisting/warping trying to add things to make ourselves feel better about things in the World today. Not allowing Atheist attempts at “Separation FROM Church TO State” and Fascistic tyrannical governance replacing our God given Rights and FREEDOM. Separating you from BIBLE being your Guide, to Government edicts of who, what, you will be and can say/do.
Serious Questions about The Bible, NOT for the “easily upset” discussion on: Old Testament, intact, replaced, partially ‘modified?’ What does Bible say (or not say) on Life elsewhere? Can one have the One Spiritual Life of Soul but multiple physical/earthly reincarnations? CAN WE FOCUS ON THINGS WE AGREE, rather than OBSESSING over other “differences” and the “uncertainties?” Bring your Brain, your Faith, and understand the difference between Biblical things Answered and that which remains OPEN, and join only if you are capable of keeping your Emotional Hysterics at bay! We are all frail Humans, with faults.
Where does actual Biblical Truth begin and end (no additions, no deletions) vs our sometimes Human Emotions Hysterics (sometimes delusion) THINK or FEEL we know about The Word because we allowed The World to distort our memories. Can we handle an honest exploration of such? Those strong and firmly properly rooted in the Bible will even further strengthened (the weak in Faith, time for inner reflections) in their Walk (as we are Human, AND GOD DOES NOT OWE US ALL THE ANSWERS (to expect he does, is our own Hubris (Sin)) in this Life and we will have all Eternity to get those “uncertainties” clarified in Heaven (not, again, not owed it all on Earth, and we should stop trying to put GOD in a Box for our own “neat and tidy” definitions – we are still CHILDREN and Children are not necessarily taught everything in their/our (and as a Being, we are still in)…