Chenille - A Simple Prayer (and more Christmas Music talk)
Chenille – A Simple Prayer (and more Christmas Music talk)
The episode features an interview with Chenille, a singer-songwriter based in Nashville. She discusses her journey into music, starting with performing in Las Vegas after high school and eventually opening singing schools in Illinois for 16 years before feeling called to ministry full-time. Chenille talks about the inspiration behind her single ‘One Simple Prayer’ and how it encourages people to turn to God in difficult times. A significant portion of the conversation centers around the spiritual aspects of music and art, with Chenille sharing her perspective on being an instrument for God’s message. She emphasizes the importance of staying open to divine guidance while performing and allowing her voice to be a conduit. The host and Chenille also discuss the distinction between pride and hubris, as well as the need for gratitude amidst life’s blessings.
Towards the end, Chenille mentions her upcoming single ‘Oh Holy Night’ and her powerful vocal range. She also expresses her willingness to perform patriotic shows with her family, aiming to remind audiences of the importance of remembering the nation’s history and values. The episode blends discussions on faith, music, and gratitude, with both guests sharing personal insights and experiences.
Christmas (& other) Music with Chenille (as well as some Patriot stuff) BTS/SP Video (CTP S2EDecSpecial2 20241211)
In a powerful and wide-ranging conversation, ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast host Joseph M. Lenard sits down with singer-songwriter Chenille to discuss her poignant new single, ‘One Simple Prayer.’ This episode delves deep into the story behind the song’s creation, the inspiration that fueled it, and the broader implications of Chenille’s music within the contemporary Christian landscape.
Chenille shares the remarkable tale of how ‘One Simple Prayer’ came to be, recounting a chance encounter with a fellow songwriter who felt divinely compelled to collaborate with her. The two artists poured their personal testimonies and life experiences into the track, crafting a message of hope, faith, and the transformative power of even the most humble of petitions to the divine.
As the discussion unfolds, Chenille eloquently articulates the importance of approaching God with authenticity and simplicity, eschewing the notion that lengthy, dramatic pleas are necessary to reach the Almighty. She emphasizes the idea that even in our darkest moments, a heartfelt ‘one simple prayer’ can be the conduit for profound spiritual connection and healing.
Beyond the central focus on ‘One Simple Prayer,’ Chenille and Joseph engage in a thought-provoking dialogue about the state of contemporary Christian music. They lament the increasing polarization and divisiveness that has crept into the genre, with certain artists and subgenres embracing a more politicized or dogmatic agenda. Chenille, however, remains steadfast in her commitment to creating music that transcends partisan lines and speaks to the common human experience of struggle, redemption, and the search for meaning.
The conversation also delves into Chenille’s remarkable vocal abilities, with Joseph marveling at her four-and-a-half-octave range and the powerful, emotive quality of her voice. The singer shares her passion for honoring the rich legacy of artists like Sandi Patty, while also carving out her own unique sonic identity that blends elements of country, pop, and inspirational worship.
As the episode progresses, Chenille and Joseph engage in a thought-provoking discussion about the state of the music industry, particularly within the Christian genre. They lament the commercial pressures that have led some artists to compromise their artistic vision or shy away from tackling difficult, yet vital, societal issues. Chenille, however, remains steadfast in her commitment to using her platform to uplift, encourage, and challenge her listeners to live with greater purpose and conviction.
Towards the end of the conversation, Chenille teases an upcoming release of her rendition of the classic Christmas hymn ‘O Holy Night,’ which promises to showcase her extraordinary vocal prowess and emotional depth. The episode serves as a powerful testament to the transformative potential of music to inspire, comfort, and unite believers and non-believers alike during these turbulent times.
Listeners will undoubtedly be moved by Chenille’s authenticity, her unwavering faith, and her dedication to creating music that speaks to the universal human experience. Whether you’re a longtime fan of Christian music or simply seeking a message of hope and healing, this episode of the ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast is a must-listen, offering a refreshing and insightful exploration of the intersection between faith, art, and the human condition.
As the year draws to a close and the holiday season approaches, this conversation with Chenille serves as a timely reminder to approach the divine with humility, gratitude, and a renewed commitment to living with purpose and compassion. So tune in, open your heart, and be inspired by the power of ‘One Simple Prayer’ and the remarkable artistry of this rising talent in the Christian music landscape.
Don’t miss this episode of the ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast, as host Joseph M. Lenard and guest Chenille offer a thought-provoking and uplifting exploration of faith, music, and the human experience. With insightful commentary, personal anecdotes, and a shared passion for using their platforms to inspire and unite, this discussion is sure to leave a lasting impact on all who hear it.
“If I can take a moment and share my heart with you. It’s just. It’s me wanting to share just very simply, like if I’m singing this somewhere. I was just in Illinois performing, actually, and I sat down on the edge of the stage and I just got really real with the audience because I think all of us have been through things.” – Chenille
“I am most certainly open. And I’m saying to Heavenly Father, which I like to call him Heavenly Father, it’s a little more personal for me. I say, you know, use me. Please, please, please. You gave me this voice for a reason. I know you’re. I’m. I’m literally your instrument.” – Chenille
“We have a four letter word in our home that we don’t say anymore. I’ll let you in on the secret, but I don’t do snow.” – Chenille
“If you haven’t heard My Amazing Grace on YouTube and watched that video, go on. Amazing. Go on. Type in chenille. And then Amazing Grace and I. It’s actually recorded in southern Utah in Kolob Canyon. And it’s called God’s Fingers. And it is glorious.” – Chenille
“There are 13 plus other scriptures that tell us how to judge biblically. Righteously. Remove the log from our own eye, judge biblically, ourselves and others on the same biblical standard. Not condemn. Final judgment is for the Lord.” – Joseph M. Lenard
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