Vatican Child Sacrifice Disrupted, Children Rescued, Pope Francis Removed From Power
A Vatican’s child sacrifice ritual was disrupted and two young children were rescued by a police raid last Saturday according to sources at the Vatican and Italian police. The Satanic child sacrifice rite of the Jesuit Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult had been scheduled at the San Lorenzo Jesuit church in Rome for the purpose of removing Pope Francis from power.
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On Feb. 18 Vatican Cardinal Parolin received a diplomatic note regarding a certain country’s concern about physical evidence they had that proved Pope Francis and his long time lover Queen Maxime of the Netherlands had a baby whom they sacrificed in a Ninth Circle rite. According to a Vatican source the unwanted publicity prompted Parolin to organize his own Satanic ceremony, along with a Vatican showdown, for Francis’s removal from power.
Interpol and Italian police Polizia di Stato detained five individuals and two small children. More than two dozen people, including a special team of ITCCS Sheriffs, had converged on the Jesuit church after a source within the Vatican leaked of the planned Satanic ceremony.
Just as the Vatican removed Pope Benedict directly after his Feb. 11 2013 ICLCJ conviction for raping and murdering children in Satanic rites, evidently the Circle wanted a less conspicuous person wearing the papal crown.
Pope Francis’s child abuse conference this week with Cardinals and Bishops appeared to be a camouflage for the Vatican coup where he was stripped of authority by a trio of top Cardinals. To avoid adding to the child sexual abuse crisis within their church, Francis’ removal would be kept secret from the public. He would remain as a figurehead, though would exercise no authority.
As with his predecessor Pope Benedict, Francis was deposed just prior to the regular February 23-24 conclave of the elite Ninth Circle sacrificial cult at the San Lorenzo Piscibus church, just a block from Vatican City. Unlike six years ago, the Ninth Circle never held its grisly ceremony this past weekend, thanks to a diplomatic protest and a crowd of angry demonstrators.
Evidently evidence of Pope Francis’s involvement in Ninth Circle child rape and murder rituals was getting too much publicity. While Pope Francis was an Archbishop in Argentina he was known for not only participating in Ninth Circle child rape and murder ceremonies, but provided children for them – the offspring of over 30,000 political prisoners murdered by the Argentine Junta who were placed in Catholic orphanages.
Francis was also intimately connected to members of the Dutch Royal family involved in the Ninth Circle, including Queen Maxime Zorriega, with whom Francis was said to have maintained a romance for nearly twenty years.
Francis had already been convicted by an international court for conducting rape and child sacrifice rites in Argentina and across Europe in a July 19 2014 decision. Both Popes Benedict and Francis ran afoul of the Ninth Circle and its influential backers because of how their overt association with the cult’s ceremonies had brought too much attention to it.
Pope Francis Found Guilty Of Child Trafficking, Rape, Murder
Benedict presided openly at the Circle’s sacrificial rituals both as a Cardinal and as the pope, according to Ninth Circle eyewitnesses Toos Neijenhuis and Anne Marie van Blijenburgh. These survivor-witnesses of ritualized abuse, child rape and human sacrifices had grown up in the Ninth Circle and testified of such at the Brussels International Common Law Court of Justice trials. Both Popes Benedict and Francis were found guilty of child exploitation, rape, kidnapping and murder.
Therapist Toos Neijenhuis:
Anne Marie van Blijenburgh:
The ITCCS organized the ICLCJ Court and, along with unnamed government officials, contacted Interpol and the Italian government with concerns about child sacrifice rituals regularly held at the Jesuit San Lorenzo Piscibus church next to the Vatican. They asked that police intervene to investigate and halt the ceremony planned for Feb. 23. Previously the ITCCS Sheriffs disrupted Ninth Circle child sacrifice gatherings in Zwolle Holland and Montreal Canada:
While operating behind a widely-publicized conference, three senior Cardinals assumed the reins of power from Francis. According to a high level source within the Roman Curia, the removal of Pope Francis occurred last Friday morning when the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, met with Francis in the presence of two other senior Cardinals: Marc Ouellet of Canada and Gerhard Mueller of Germany. All three men were actively associated with the Ninth Circle.
According to the Vatican source Cardinal Ouellet informed Francis that he had lost the confidence of both the Bishops and the College of Cardinals. Secretary of State Parolin followed by stating that henceforth he, Ouellet and Mueller would operate as interim co-adjudators of the Holy See and the Papacy, thereby removing Francis from office.
The coup against Pope Jorge Bergoglio was instigated by these Jesuit leaders of the Ninth Circle -a four hundred year old child sacrificial cult within the Roman Catholic Church.
Vatican, European Royals Said To Schedule Child Sacrifices In London, Scotland, Montreal
The Ninth Circle has played a prominent role in induction of every new pope. The rites included pedophilia and child sacrifices according to victims who testified before the ICLCJ Court.
Organizer of the coup Cardinal Marc Ouellet of Canada was himself said to be at a Ninth Circle human sacrifice ritual at the Holy Rosary Cathedral in Vancouver at midnight on Dec. 21 2018 according to ITCCS sources. Ouellet had also been convicted by the international court of participating in child sacrifice and pedophilia rites. His ceremonies took place at the San Lorenzo church in Rome and Marie Reine du Monde Cathedral in Montreal in 2014 and 2015.
Ouellet was also a prominent member of the Circle’s Canadian west coast affiliate known as The Twelve Mile Club – a child sacrificial network that operated out of the elite Vancouver Club at 915 West Hastings Street and involved top judges, politicians, corporate directors and RCMP officers.
Global Elites Thought Kidnapping, Murdering Native Children, Throwing Their Bodies in Ocean
A European government – possibly the same state that sent the courier with evidence of the pope’s involvement with Maxime Zorriega – issued the diplomatic note of concern to Cardinal Parolin’s office after an extensive investigation and realization that it was normal for several children to be killed and cannibalized during regularly-held Ninth Circle ceremonies at the Jesuit Church by the Vatican.
“The fact that two successive popes have been suddenly forced from their offices just prior to the Ninth Circle February ceremonies, plus both had been publicly charged and convicted in common law court cases for Crimes against Humanity, should cause even the most doubtful observer to glimpse the depth of the institutional rot in the Vatican” an ITCCS news release stated.
“In the weeks ahead, our Sheriffs will be working with governments and police agencies to detain and bring to civil trial any Catholic official or clergyman, or their accomplices, who are engaged in the harming of children, or of protecting those who do. Our campaign will include a series of major direct actions during Easter week from April 14-21.
“We call upon the people of the world to join this campaign by boycotting the Roman Catholic Church, denying it funding and demanding that their governments stop aiding and abetting church crime by canceling all tax exemptions and privileges enjoyed by that church.”
Issued by the Central Office of the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) or
Guess that church has been evil since Jesus’s time on Earth.
Eactly. It’s NEVER been good. “By their fruits shall ye know them” holds as true for the church as anybody else, where if analysed objectively the impact on Europe (and the rest of the world) has been negative overall.
What about the last Pope? I bet he’s still at it, with the little boys I mean. 😎😎😎 Lol.
I love the flyer idea to get Catholics to STOP funding their church!
The Catholic Church has plenty of problems but the Pope being replaced by 3 cardinals is not one of them.
If the journalism was improved, the articles would have more credibility. For example,
All references are to articles written by the SAME AUTHOR.
There is no independent verification of anything mentioned in the article. It is all SELF REFERENTIAL.
The ITCCS is a one man organization with an obvious ax to grind against the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church has enough problems and this kind of stuff does not achieve the goal of denigrating the Church because it makes one not want to believe any bad news because it is so obviously biased.
It’s BEEN evil since day one! Same goes for all the other desert religions. The mere fact that it took over Europe by murder, violence, and coercion says everything. There was NO religious freedom for many centuries because speaking out against the church meant certain death. The artificial rise of Islam in Europe MAY BE (or might have been) an ill-conceived attempt at diminishing the church’s influence but that hasn’t exactly panned out too well either (Paris, Nice, Munich, the “Kuki Boy” incident, etc.).
While I have a major problem with Judaism as well, it’s important to note that ALL anti-Judaism (or “antisemitism”) is orchestrated by elements within the church. The Jews are just as deluded by their own violent and hateful religion as the Christians are, but that’s not to say that there isn’t a kernel of truth in the Jewish religion as well, specifically the prohibition against race-mixing. Same goes for the Christian religion, specifically the quote “by their fruits shall ye know them,” and “that which you do to the least of my brothers and sisters you do unto me.”
Ideally, all the former Christians should unite with the former Jews and dismantle the institution of ALL religion in Europe, and make the governments accountable to their own citizens ONLY, and if you live here, you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about.
“A Vatican’s child sacrifice ritual was disrupted and two young children were rescued by a police raid last Saturday according to sources at the Vatican and Italian police. The Satanic child sacrifice rite of the Jesuit Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult had been scheduled at the San Lorenzo Jesuit church in Rome for the purpose of removing Pope Francis from power.”
Couldn’t they have at least called it The SECRET Jesuit Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult?
Sorry, but I’m not buying it. These kind of false, vile accusations should be prosecutable under the law.
The Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church. The last true Pope was Pope Pius XII. The Vatican II sect is a free Masonic Protestant heresy that was prophetized by Marian apparitions, Holy Scripture various Saints, Popes, and Fathers of the Church. The Bride of Christ has been relegated to the catacombs awaiting Her triumph with Christ. The antipopes of the sect are Universalists, not Catholics. The Vat II sect will crumble just as Protestantism has in Europe and soon to be the Americas. All religions will be replaced by a Universalism. As it was in the Roman Empire as long as you supported the State and the state religion you were unmolested. in the end, all will follow this new religion that will encompass Islam the Vatican II sect Judaism etc. This has been the dream of Free Masonry since its inception. Since most religions had already excepted this Masonic new world order, it was only a matter of enlisting the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. with the invalid election of Roncalli (a know Free Mason and therefore an excommunicated Catholic) the plan was put in place with the death of Pope Pius XII. As the plan unfolded true Catholics have become Sedevacantists. St. Luke 18:8 “…But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?
Read THE MARK OF GOD at Amazon.
Australian Cardinal arch bishop George Pell has just been found Guilty yesterday and is now sitting in a Victorian Prison and the church still refuse to dis communicate him and so he is The Highest tier priest in Australia history currently in The assessment Prison in Melbourne yet he is STILL A REGISTERED CARDINAL OF THE VATICAN ! And this is all over the News worldwide. I’m sure this would be to… ?
This didn’t age well at all… poop loser.