Pelosi Withholding Articles of Impeachment; Democratic Rep. Announces He’s Joining the GOP | NTDTV
NTD Evening News- 12/19/2019
1. Pelosi Withholding Articles of Impeachment
2. Dem. Rep. Announces He’s Joining the GOP
3. House Approves Trump’s USMCA Deal
4. Rep. Mark Meadows Not Seeking Reelection
5. Fewer Candidates in Final 2019 Dem Debate
6. Obamacare Individual Mandate Invalid
7. Moscow Shooting Leaves Several Wounded
8. Food Standard Concerns in Us-UK Trade Deal
9. Students Protest at Top China University
10. TSA Expects 42 Million Holiday Passengers
11. Holiday Shipping Deadlines
12. Police: Drunk Driver Wrecks Helicopter
13. MTA Provides Update on Subway System Accessibility
14. Truck Crashes Through Wall at Airport
15. New Machine Sorts Large Mail
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