Base-line Budgeting for Dummies
reproduced from: Rattle With Us – Michigan Tea Party (JLenardDetroit)
For starters, one must understand the premise/concept and basic math of: $40 (forty dollars) is MORE, not less, than $20 (twenty dollars). If you can handle this simple concept and figures, you too can follow (the Democrat LIES of) Base-line Budgeting! So, read on (as well as, share this with the countless people you know that don’t grasp the concept. From the hard working; well-intentioned but honestly; yet ill-informed folks to the out-right Brain-Dead fools. If you are one of those honest folks who just haven’t learned the process yet, I apologize for the tone that is intended-at/targeting Lazy Liberals/Progressives – we are ALL ignorant of some subject matter until we take the time to educate our-self. Liberals often know, but LIE about it and treat you like, pretend you are, an idiot)…
Some think the best way through to a lazy persons brain is through their stomach, so let’s go that route… This is the story of a hungry person and Dinner options. With me so far?
The Big-Bad-Wolfer comes to/for the Burger, the Sirloin steak, and the Fillet Mignon (wolfer… hungry… eating… ah never-mind…) on his/her menu at their favorite Steak place. (Pick your audience’s favorite Steak place to customize the lesson to get the taste-buds involved, and their full attention; and this Three Little Pigs type analogy might sink into the Child-like brain.)
$20 (twenty dollars): Every day for the last year our hungry, hungry, hypocrite (read: Liberal/Progressive; and yes, another pun… visit Toys-R-Us if you don’t get it) has been ordering: a Burger, Fries, a Soda-Pop, and a piece of Cake. This, with SALES-TAX (can’t forget that) and TIP (assuming our Lib isn’t the usual cheap-skate), comes to $20 (that’s twenty dollars, pick Pesos, Euros, Loonies (see: Canada), or whatever else if you think it will help).
$50 (fifty dollars): Craving something upscale, our friend decides that the next time he/she will go for the Fillet Mignon selection; and an upgrade to Wine over Soda-Pop. The PROJECTED BUDGET final cost: $50 (fifty dollars).
$40 (forty dollars): Once seated, with the chair ever stressing and straining to hold, our Liberal “agrees” with their spouse to order the Sirloin steak, and a Beer, instead. The NEW PROJECTED final cost: $40 (forty dollars).
The simple Math equation [link tag #math]:
Both $50 (fifty dollars) and $40 (forty dollars) are more than $20 (twenty dollars). Yes?
20 (twenty) less 40 (forty) equals 20- (negative twenty).
20 (twenty) MORE than our original 20 (twenty); or our 20- (negative twenty), 20 (twenty) additional dollars lightening of our wallet; is a 100% (one-hundred percent) increase, growth, it’s a bigger number, etc.
For crying-out-loud, my neighborhood’s pre-school kids can understand this, why can’t Liberals/Progressives?!?! Heck, I think my Pets grasp this better than Democrats.
$15 (fifteen dollars): The only way to get a Budget CUT would be to just order: a Burger, Fries, glass of Water, and Vanilla Pudding, for $15 (fifteen dollars). That, Liberals, get out your calculator (or Laptop Excel spreadsheet), would be a CUT in spending of a REAL/ACTUAL $5 (five dollars) or 25% (twenty-five percent).
It is no simpler than that! Liberals/Progressives/Democrats use the $50 (fifty) to $40 (forty) example; for their percentile “cuts” their MSM quote/report them, rather than call them, on; for FALSE/FICTICIOUS/PHONY/PRETEND “cuts” (re-defining terms, lying about “What the definition of ‘is’ is”) rather than the ACTUAL/REAL cuts of going from our current $20 (twenty) to actual/real future $15 (fifteen) basic mathematics example. A Liberals/Progressives 100% (one-hundred percent) increase (PROJECTED Budget reduction) is magically reported, falsely, as a 20% (twenty percent) “CUT“/decrease. The numbers are only ?slightly? different, in Trillions of dollars, as a matter of fact, and reported in percentages over a projected 10 (ten) year period. Over that time, the Liberals/Progressives will just ‘conveniently’ forget their promises (read: lies) and increase spending even well beyond the proposed reduced projected amounts and inflating the Deficit and Debt; at an every increasing rate and scope (those percentages “compound” – you Lib’s can look that one up yourself – over time).
Even if you followed the LOGIC and Common-sense; not Liberal feel-good, warm-fuzzies, twisted re-definition of terms, etc; read through the recap and beyond.
RECAP: [link tag #recap] If Mr. Wolf has been spending $20 for Dinner everyday for the last month. Wolf decides to splurge and plans to spend $50 the next time out to Dinner. However, Wolf changes his mind and spends only $40. Wolf did NOT just CUT 20% (or $10) from Spending! He Reduced the Budgeted, Projected Spending, by 20% ($10) – He did NOT CUT Spending. It increased by 100% ($20). This is NOT an Obamao-nomics fuzzy-math, depends on what the definition of “is” is, 20% CUT. If we were further play the Democrats’ game of ‘over X years time-frame’ this would be reducing his Dinner by a penny a day for the next 2 years [no, that is not the actual math, save your energy rather than complaining] – again, it would all be empty promises, smoke-and-mirrors, LYING, etc…
Again, briefly: Was spending $20, considered/planned/wanted spending $50, but (reduced projected spending from $50 to) $40 was final next time spending. That is 100% ($20) MORE (Growth/Increase) in spending, NOT an actual CUT!
Likewise: [link tag #likewise] If you have $20 (twenty dollars) in your Left pocket and a Credit-card in the other. What time did the train leave Toledo (er… wait, not that kind of question lol)… If your Bill is $20 (twenty dollars) but you take out and put back the $20 (twenty dollars) from your Left pocket in order to use your Credit-card — Did you save $20 (twenty dollars)?
NO DUMMY, you didn’t… you just spent more like $22 (twenty-two dollars) for Dinner – you have to pay that eventually – by the time your fees and interest are piled (compounded, that word again) on top of the cost. That, again, is more Liberal/Progressive pretzel-logic to somehow believe they just saved 20 (twenty) bucks. This is, of course, what we’re doing in DC (charging every $0.40 (forty cents) of every dollar we spend on our CHINESE CREDIT-CARD).
I could go on about more Obamao-nomics (really, lack of true Economics of any Liberal/Progressive policies) and how MATH works in the real world (outside of Washington DC), but Liberal/Progressive brains are (no doubt) about ready to explode just trying to condense this to usable information.
NOTE: [link tag #note] For Veggies or snooty Liberals, re-read the article but substitute Broccoli for the Burger, Ciche for the Sirloin, and Escargot for the Fillet; then maybe you can follow it.
The bottom line, Fact is, that even the Paul Ryan (R) plan increases spending over the next projected 10 (ten) years – it just does so at a lower rate of growth, which eventually (over time) lowers the Federal Budget as a percentage of GDP. Actual/Real cuts are needed in many Departments, especially those that have been so grossly artificially inflated (the other aspect of Baselining, the MSM won’t tell you about, and of future increases) by Obama’s first Budget (when the Liberals/Progressives/Democrats controlled the POTUS, House, and a Super-majority Senate) and the (for those paying attention and willing to look, the not so HIDDEN agenda of the) Stimulus (Government expansion, less than 8% (eight percent) of that 800 Billion went to Infrastructure) funding! (see: (RWU) STOP TALKING, START LEGISLATING! for my suggested Budget cuts)
GLOSSARY OF TERMS [link tag #glossary]:
Increase (and/or Growth): MORE (NOT less) than before.
Reduction (Budget): Less than you’d like to spend, but MORE than you were.
Freeze (Budget): Spending EXACTLY what you were spending.
Spending Cuts: means you actually spend LESS (NOT more, nor the same) than you were.
As always, Regards from JLenardDetroit from “NoMoTown (The MOTORless CITY)”
“Remember, Liberals – looking to do for America, what they’ve done to Detroit. – Destroy it!”
“I think, therefore I am Conservative”
“Conservative by choice, Republican by necessity”
“The more things ‘hope and change’ the more they stay the same”
closing quotes attributable to (me) JLenardDetroit
cross-posted: “Rattle With Us” Tea Party and RedState
(RS) some Budget numbers (fiscal 2011) courtesy of dhorowitz
(BIN) Politically BRAIN-DEAD
(RWU) More MSM Lies, Distortions, and Spin
(RWU) Political Extortion and Psychological Projection, as usual!
(RWU) STOP TALKING, START LEGISLATING! (“Contrast for America”) Republicans have/are!
(BIN) Warning: Children Will Die!!
(RWU) Hey Progressives – Here’s Your Sign!
KISS = Keep It Simple STUPIDS / Kill Insane Spending STUPIDS
(RWU) the Party of kNOw
(RWU) New “Contract” = “Contrast for America”
(RS) unintended consequences (Democrats always ignore)
First rule of deepening holes: STOP digging.
(Rattle With Us) SEE ORIGINAL: Base-line Budgeting For Dummies
Obama (Preacher-In-Chief) says Jesus wants YOU to pay more in Taxes
(Rattle With Us) SEE MORE: BLOGS
(Rattle With Us) SEE MORE: FORUM
SEE MORE “RATTLE WITH US” here at (BIN) Before Its News
What do real spending cuts look like?
Meet Dave. He’s a fictional American who works long hours, lots of overtime, and is in serious financial trouble. Dave can take two approaches to getting his finances back on track. One is the way real people who lead real, normal lives do it. The other is the way government does it. (Action items below!!)
Monthly spending: $3,820
Monthly salary: $2,170
Monthly deficit: $1,650
Dave realizes this is unsustainable and he must cut back. He sits down and takes a serious look at his expenses. He finds a couple of big-ticket items to cut out – it’s difficult, but he does it. He also cuts out a lot of the unnecessary items he’s grown accustomed to in his lifestyle. It’s time to pare down. He manages to cut $1,000 of spending the next month, and will work on cutting even more until he pulls even with his salary, or comes in below so he can pay off his debt and start a savings account. Here are the numbers.
This month’s spending: $3,820
**Cuts his current level of spending**
Next month’s spending: $2,820
And so on. He’s cutting spending and paying off his debt. Look at numbers. They are decreasing, right? They go from the three thousands to the two thousands. That is a real cut. When overall spending actually decreases, there has been a real cut.
Monthly spending: $3,820
Monthly salary: $2,170
Monthly deficit: $1,650
Unlike real life, in government, every year there is an automatic spending increase. Let’s apply this concept to Dave and pretend his spending automatically increases by $300 every month, regardless of how much money he makes, or how much he spent the previous month, or even if the spending is worth it. Here are the numbers.
This month’s spending: $3,820
**Automatic spending increase of $300**
Projected spending next month: $4,120
Hmmmm. Dave is getting a lot of pressure from the people who care about him to get his spending under control. Every month he spends more and more. His family is worried. He looks at the projected spending for next month and decides to be responsible by cutting some of that automatic spending increase. Here are the numbers again.
This month’s spending: $3,820
**Cuts to spending increases**
Next month’s spending: $4, 080
But he didn’t cut anything. In fact, he spent MORE. He went from the three thousands to the four thousands! Ask yourself, how is increased spending considered a cut? These are fake cuts. This is also what is known as “baseline budgeting” in government-speak.
$2,820 is less than $3,820 $4,080 is more than $3,820
It’s as simple as that. So when the Super Committee (or any politician) comes out with a plan, look at the summary tables at the back of the plan, after it’s published. Look at the level of spending at the start of the timeline, and look at the level of spending at the end of the timeline (the timeline is usually ten years). If the number they end up with is smaller than the number they started with, that’s a REAL CUT. If the number they end up with is bigger than the number they started with, that’s a fake cut, a.k.a. business as usual.
Don’t allow the politicians to use gimmicks to lie to you. When you hear the inevitable outcry about Drastic Cuts® destroying the country, you first must look at the numbers and check to see if they increase or decrease. That’s it.
1.Educate your friends, family, and neighbors about what a real cut looks like, and about this gimmick that politicians use to trick the American people about spending cuts. If we are educated, they can’t lie to us. Or, at least we can catch them when they lie. Share this document and video with everyone you know, post it on Facebook and Twitter, and keep your eye open for specific action items over the next week and a half that will hold resources you can use to educate others.
2.Start planning for another DEAL IN THE DISTRICT on Thursday, November 17. The Local Coordinators voted to hold a nationwide Deal in the District to express our desire for real cuts. Did you know that even just bringing a small group of people to a member of Congress’ local office can have a huge impact? Watch for more materials over the next few days to help you with your Deal in the District, and start getting the word out today!!
Tea Party Patriots, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
Copyright © Tea Party Patriots, Inc. 2011
Tea Party Patriots
1025 Rose Creek Drive | Ste 620-322 | Woodstock, GA 30189
Support: 404-593-0877
#SocialSecurityReform…. Long overdue…. As always, I STAND ON #PRINCIPLES NOT PERSONALITIES of those involved… Been calling for #Entitlement (real #Entitlements, things we pay into, and #ENTITLED to receive back from) #Reform for Decades…
@JStudd1 posted about “#SocialSecurity Reform: First, Kill All the #RINOs!” in US-POLITICS Community ( ) over on RETALK #SocialMedia…. The discussion needs be here also.
#PrinciplesNotPersonalities, been calling for REFORM for Decades….
I am now, as always, consistent!!!!
Well, DEFINE “CUTS???”
Tired of the usual GOP WANTS TO CUT EVERYTHING bullshit narratives.
Reductions in Growth, are NOT CUTS. Hell, A FREEZE, is NOT A CUT, it is just not the usual bullshit Baseline-Budgeting* games/gimmicks/HORSESHIT.
If that means “Means testing” count me in!
Raising the Retirement age some, we’ve known for DECADES would have to happen (as long as it is done VERY SLOWLY OVER TIME (say add 1/mo a month for the next couple Decades gradually raising so people have plenty of ability to adjust COUNT ME IN))…
And anyone can check my 4 DECADES of Christian Constitutionalist Conservative Activism (I go on Record IN PRINT, not wobble verbally for current political expedience, been writing on my own websites, on/for RedState, now at TheLibertyBeacon and BeforeItsNews, don’t wobble/waffle for expedience of any given moment) am as ANTI-TAX…
am as ANTI-TAX INCREASE as they come ( check many of my recent writings calling for TAX CUTS ), this would be ONE EXCEPTION that I’d be willing to make BUT ONLY to raise both the SS and MediCare FICA portions by one-tenth of one-percent and for upping the CAP by a one-time 100k jump (then return to continued/normal adjustment levels going forward).
So, just cuz you drop Mitt RINOmney’s name
doesn’t mean I’m automatically going to FREAK OUT and say NO!!!
I will EXAMINE with LOGIC and REASONED THOUGHT, not have a knee-jerk Emotionally Hysterical reaction.
THEN, only THEN, will I take a FINAL POSITION!!
AND YES I HAVE BEEN FOR CHOICE – PARTIAL PRIVATIZATION, allowing PEOPLE TO CHOOSE if some (not all, and formulas would adjust based on such if they blow it their Safety-net virtually evaporates, as would their 401-K if idiotly invested, but portions of SS Tax would still need to feed in part the overall System via the current method) of their SS is Privately Invested!!!
more/related (been calling for adjustments for Decades, and idiot Snowflakes just want to let it CLOWARD AND PIVEN into Bankruptcy (Yep, that’s fu***** dumb)):
ALSO SEE MY “Mandated Health-Care coverage -How about some other Mandates? Welfare Warranty? College Coverage? [update: Unemployment Underwriting]” piece (back during the obaMAOcare debates)…
Welfare IS NOT an Entitlement, there is NO Welfare Tax we pay in like Social-Security or MediCare so YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO THEM, if we are going to have/continue A WELFARE STATE then it is time to OFFICIALLY MAKE THEM ENTITLEMENTS (you want them, YOU PAY INTO/FOR THEM)….