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BIDENomics (aka: BiDUMBnomics) and the bideneCONomy (part 2)

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Whoa boy… the #DeepState and especially the #JoeBiDUMB admin hacks not going to be happy with this one…
PART 2 of #BIDENomics and the #bideneCONomy – you gonna be #SWIFTed or believe your own vanishing Bank balance (tune-in to the podcast for the exclusive “SWIFTed” (#GASlighting) discussion – as Taylor Swift and other Rich Celebrities doing just fine support their fellow BiDUMB Ruling Elite Class folks to take to social-media and CALL YOU CRAZY for believing your own eyes/ears and vanishing Bank account over the Admin lying, fudging stats/data, to PRETEND everything it great “Happy Days” are here again, we’re living in the Land Of Milk and Honey; you’re too stupid to know it nonsense)?? – 

Also dropped yesterday “It’s A Wonderful Life … and the Politics of Potterville… Christmas in August (rather than July)…” /movies/2023/08/its-a-wonderful-life-and-the-politics-of-potterville-christmas-in-august-rather-than-july-2440410.html

#BIDENomics (aka: #BiDUMBnomics) and the #bideneCONomy (part 2)…
[cross-posted from, from the raw Word files for submission to TLB (with video embed reference points), plus LOOK BACK at "#BIDENomics (part 1)" from The Liberty Beacon Sat. August 5th 2023 (as well as to ChristiTutionalist TM Politics podcast (S1E7 and S1E9))]

related The Liberty Beacon and ChristiTutionalist TM Politics items…

FIRST… BIDENomics, “working” (Alinsky and Cloward & Piven planned USA destruction)
(part 1, from August 5th, 2023)

[cross-posted from, from the raw Word files for submission to TLB (with video embed reference points), plus now dropping  "#BIDENomics (part 2)" from The Liberty Beacon today (Sat. August 19th 2023, as well as to ChristiTutionalist TM Politics podcast (S1E7 and S1E9))]

[Prefer to Listen rather than read? S1E7 is available via Buzzsprout (will be on other platforms in 24-48 hours): and share the Show with others.]

Have you heard the Left all giddy about BIDENomics of FAILURE?!?!? Yes, sorry, I know I am a bit behind-the-curve on this having been in the News for more than a month now/already and I’m actually able to get-around to dealing with it now (hey, “better late than never?” going with that, that’s my story/excuse and I’m sticking to it, LOL) – as other things were already in the pipeline/works for The Liberty Beacon placements (my usual every Saturday drops) that took precedence.

Trump on REAGANomics (pro-growth, less Government meddling regulations, lower Taxes, etc.,)  principles turned #obaMAO downturn and supposed (“new norm,” they claimed as no/slow growth “couldn’t” have been about their moronic #EpicFail policies (but was), but you the stupid peoples’ own fault and just the way it was always now going to be going forward) that became Trump Economic-boom until the Wuhan Virus hysteria lockdowns put us in SLOW DOWN, not GOP (or as I would contend, more-so, sound ChristiTutionalistTM, as certainly not all Republicans are on-board with sound) Policy, and bumbling #JoeBiDUMB Leftist-loon Socialist-Unicornfart-pipedream policy (especially his destroying the USA Energy Independence we gained during the POTUS45 years, and for-the-record moron Leftists the #BIDENflation started long before the Putin re-invasion (already had, Crimea, under Obama years) of Ukraine, which moron Left tries blame) took what was RECOVERING from slow down Economy and with FASCICRATS idiocy created a #BIDENrecession.

No matter how much they may wish to twist/warp words and definitions, we entered a #BIDENrecession due to #BIDENflation (they now Orwellian-style try to claim as fantastic #BIDENomics) and bad Energy policy we hit 2 Quarters of no/zero/negative growth and recession (by the definition used ever since the Great Depression) – and #JoeBiDUMB and his moron ilk (just like full 8 years of #obaMAO) will never see a recovery until we toss them out of the White-House, keep U. S. House GOP controlled (but, yes, we need more real Platform Republican Conservatives (or as I call myself #ChristiTutionalistTM(and I hope you’ll consider joining in with me in that movement (my new/latest book on that coming soon (hopefully by end of Sept. 2023 if not sooner))) in Office not more RINOs (CINOs/RINOs and FASCICRATS as part of the #DeepState that covers for and cooperates to enrich each other and keep Leftist control of #DeepState alphabet Federal agencies no matter who is POTUS)), and take back the U. S. Senate. All the Left can do is spin, twist/warp the terms to pretend things are better than are (see my related twisting/warping language TLB pieces (part 1 / part 2)).

#BIDENomics, what an absolute JOKE (and it is NOT FUNNY kind of Joke)!

VIDEO (1m 30s): What is ‘BIDENomics’? President Joe Biden explains his economics during Chicago speech (NBC Chicago):  

#JoeBiDUMB and crew say… “#BIDENomics is WORKING!”


The FASCICRATS (normal Josef Goebbels lie, Lie, LIE, some more ‘til people believe the Gas-lighting, style) speaking TRUTH (don’t get upset, hang in with me here…) for a change. However, in usual Leftist fashion depends what the meaning of “IS” is (in this case “working” based upon what plans/standards?) again (twisting/warping language). Just because Useful-Idiots keep falling for the bait-and-switch, dealing in distractions, distortions, denials, and deflections, believing what they prefer to believe (because “it is ‘their truth’” (anyone uses phrase of “my truth” = “Leftist spin” – always) style and “that’s how I feel” bullshit WOKE preferences and propaganda) rather than the facts, does not change the reality we all have to deal with as a result.

Welp, actually, YES, it is “working” (in the sense as was/is designed to work, NOT the bullshit pretzel-logic, provided padded stats or attempts to distort them (via the old “Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics” adage perspective of Gas-lighting)) exactly as designed/planned – DESTROYING USA.


It is all about stealing more from you (via Taxes (why they need those 87k new IRS Agents to Audit lower and middle income peoples, as “the Rich” have high-powered Accountants and Lawyers to hide monies and LEGALLY use the Tax Code loopholes and ARE, despite Leftist rhetoric, paying the Taxes they are REQUIRED to pay within/under Law) or earning Power losses via #BIDENflation in this #BIDENrecession) and re-distributing to themselves, their #Friends, their #Family, their #Donors, etc. through more FASCICRATS Money-laundering.

Brain-Dead Left engaging in Saul Alinsky and Cloward and Piven, even though they are too stupid to understand they are. Despite their cries for “fairness” (and, again, of course, redefining and warping what that term is/means). While preaching about “For The Greater Good” also twisting that to/for obaMAO-ist purposes, and Biden is just a puppet for Soros and Obama with his Administration jam-packed with Obama-brand-Leftist buffoon hold-overs) not its actual intent.



Lies, damn Lies, and Statistics – as the saying goes:


[image source: (Goebbels would be so proud of the modern FASCICRATS)]

Yes, Gas prices down by about $1 from Biden highs, but still 50% (about $1) MORE than what it was when Trump left office (when POTUS45 policy allowed U. S. Energy Independence and actually U. S. taking in Billions through Exports, now we spend Billions again in Imports, for dirtier Heavy Crude when we could be refining cleaner Sweat Crude from our own soil, not shipping it across oceans to get here (also, obviously, a price-hiking factor in itself) as well as being a profit-making, and MORE SECURE WESTERN Alliances not having to depend upon Middle-East nations for it all) and highs we hadn’t seen since the obaMAO years that also was all about destroying real domestic Energy to FORCE more Climate-hoax alternatives that cost everyone more but line the pockets of those on the inside.


Yes, #BIDENflation is down, but only in comparison to record #BIDENflation highs we had not seen for over the last five Presidents, since it took Reagan his whole first term to put in policy to counter the failed Jimmy Carter years “hyper-inflation” and newly created “misery-index” that demonstrated peoples’ total strain of Joblessness, High Interest Rates, and Runaway Inflation! Yes, way, Way, WAY, higher current #BIDENflation rate than if you combine the last three POTUS’ “average Inflation rates” COMBINED!

And on and on and on, the twisting, warping, and redefining “terms” to pretend things are NOT what they are under definitions we’d previously used for a Century. Continued attempts to present “hand-picked” only partial data to paint false-narratives of how atrocious FASCICRATS created mess is. FEEWINGS over substance – you gonna believe the Gas-lighting distortions or your own eyes? What everyone knows damn well is happening with: How everyone’s Retirement/IRA’s dropping Your general Bank Account dropping, etc.

Your and everyone’s Credit Card debt soaring (because you/they don’t  have the Cash for necessities anymore, let-alone to purchase “luxury items,” your Checking Account balance evaporating due to soaring costs of the necessities like (Gasoline to get back-and-forth to Work to earn a living, IF you have a Job to go to, as NO NEW JOBS are created “under proper definitions” but Jobs abandoned during Lockdowns now being RE-FILLED as well as people CHANGING JOBS (that is a “different Job” not really a NEW JOB, and don’t get me started on how they’re fudging the unemployment stats and all that matters is the unchanged definition and recording of LABOR PARTICIPATION RATE (Work-force rate) at record lows under #JoeBiDUMB (that after Trump-boom-economy recovered them from the previous record lows under Obama/Biden administration)).


The costs of Natural Gas, to heat your Home, for those with traditional Furnaces until BiDUMB and Fools regulate them out of existence too (like already doing to Natural-Gas Stoves, and now coming after your Hot-water-tank too). IF you’re lucky enough to not have the Bank take your Home for being behind in payments or the City/County from confiscating it for Taxes you couldn’t pay. Electricity soaring (as more Energy efficient sources of Power are forced offline by BiDUMB and the FASCICRATS regulations) and the Left’s “preferred alternatives” cost far more to implement and work less than 50% of the time, costs of anything and everything at the Grocery Stores (so more and more forced to visit McDonald’s and survive off the $1 menu).



Now even Hollyweird/Pedowood FASCICRATS donors are whining and moaning. The very people that told real Blue-Collar-Workers Biden kicked to the curb minimizing Coal, shutting down the Keystone-XL Pipeline, etc., that were then told to “Learn to Code” when their paychecks are threated feign how “different” it is. Well, as discussed in “Movies, Snacks, and Politics (part 2) guess it’s time THEY shut-up, knuckle-under to their FAILED Leftism, and learn to Code instead to find a different Job!!!!


Since we are all looking to pinch pennies – I use, and you should download and use the UPSIDE App in order to save on Food, Gas, and more! I do not have a ton of Apps loaded on my Smart-Phone, I stick with the key ones like Waze for navigation (to avoid Tickets as it lets us know where LEOs are hiding), Calls Blacklist Pro (for blocking the known attempted SPAM callers), Camera, SMS text App, Browser (for quick internet use while away from laptop), Gmail and Yahoo Mail, but none of the Social-Media (I reserve those for use online from my laptop (unlike the Kids that spend 100% of their time while out staring at their phones) as yes I’m an “Old dude” now LOL), with the one App I use the most being UPSIDE. Be sure to use promo-code MNTYU when you sign-up with Upside App in order to get additional signup bonuses (currently an extra $0.15/gal off on your first fill-up using the Upside App). Shop around and SAVE with Upside. Forget the American Express Card, don’t leave Home without Upside.


Check out this article’s corresponding ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast episode S1E7.


S1E7 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 5 2023 and thereafter) at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E7) “#BIDENomics (#BIDENflation & #BIDENrecession – #bideneCONomy)”
Topic “#BIDENomics, “working” (Alinsky and ClowardAndPiven planned USA destruction)” piece! 
All the games/gimmicks, wordplay, twisting terms, Left employs (no “EMPLOYment pun intended) to paint Unicorn delusional picture of current disaster BideneCONomy. Also, Michael Gardner of Savaged Unfiltered joins to talk about podcasting and #BIDENomics (runaway #BIDENflation) and everyone pinching pennies to get by.
#BIDENomics = #GASlighting — Warping terms, fudging numbers/stats, and misrepresenting Reality.
Discussion with Michael Gardner (ThePatriotAngle, Savaged Unfiltered)

Episode related pieces…
- deflections:  
- distractions:  
- save on Food/Gas:   
- Become a Discover Cardmember and get a $100 Statement Credit when you make your first purchase within three months. Then, earn rewards with every purchase after that:  
- Michael/Joseph (Savaged Unfiltered E314) Movies throughout the Ages:  
- Joseph w/ Chris Hood discussing “Consumer behavior”   
- My Kmart (now worthless) Stock:  

“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP)  
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- TLB articles:  
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout podcasts:   
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Joseph M Lenard –  ( /      
(S1E7 Audio: 30m 48s, Sat Aug 5th 2023)
TRANSCRIPT BONUS – “The NAZI label gets tossed about, let’s examine the claim” 
see the S1E7 via Buzzsprout at: Transcript tab

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in.  



Goodreads Book Giveaway

ChristiTutionalist Politics

by Joseph M. Lenard

Giveaway ends September 15, 2023.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.


Enter Giveaway





BIDENomics part 2

[Prefer to Listen rather than read? S1E9 is available via Buzzsprout (will be on other platforms in 24-48 hours): and share the Show with others.]

Have you heard the Left all giddy about BIDENomics of FAILURE?!?!? Yes, sorry, I know we discussed this two-weeks back, but seems there was/is a whole lot more spin-off and related issues to go. So, #BIDENomics part deux.

Yes, as discussed on August 5th 2023 — Gas prices down by about $1 from Biden highs, but still 50% (about $1) MORE than what it was when Trump left office. Yes, #BIDENflation is down, but only in comparison to record #BIDENflation highs we had not seen for over the last five Presidents, still WAY UP comparatively again to Trump years! And on and on and on, the twisting, warping, and redefining “terms” to pretend things are NOT what they are under definitions we’d previously used for a Century. Continued attempts to present “hand-picked” only partial data to paint false-narratives of how atrocious FASCICRATS created mess is. FEEWINGS over substance – you gonna believe the Gas-lighting distortions or your own eyes? Your and everyone’s Credit Card debt soaring (because you/they don’t  have the Cash for necessities anymore, let-alone to purchase “luxury items,” your Checking Account balance evaporating due to soaring costs of the necessities. Etc… See BIDENomics part 1 for complete full run-down on all this and more.


I was also recently on the Chris Hood Digital Show with Ann Laffin and we discussed Consumer habits with Chris. These days there are some people who will avoid buying certain things out of ‘Analysis Paralysis,’ with so many options and so much information about those product choices, they land up not deciding to buy out of FOBWI (Fear Of Buying Wrong Item) versus FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) use something they would have otherwise enjoyed owning.


Since we are all looking to pinch pennies – I use, and you should download and use the UPSIDE App in order to save on Food, Gas, and more! I do not have a ton of Apps loaded on my Smart-Phone, with the one App I use the most being UPSIDE. Be sure to use promo-code MNTYU when you sign-up with Upside App in order to get additional signup bonuses (currently an extra $0.15/gal off on your first fill-up using the Upside App). Shop around and SAVE with Upside. Forget the American Express Card, don’t leave Home without Upside.



VIDEO (1m 30s): What is ‘BIDENomics’? President Joe Biden explains his economics during Chicago speech (NBC Chicago): 


Speaking of us “pinching pennies” on the other side of the equation, the WOKE Business Boardrooms appear far more interested in chasing ESG (Economics, Social, Governance, score motivated investing) pennies, while dollars flood down their drains. From our Consumer side, we need to not just keep up our boycott of companies pandering to WOKEism, but be sure to see and use MAMMOTH NATION, ALIGN US, PublicSq, and other new Marketplaces for Conservatives to BUYcott)….


Welcome to Leftist world insanity!!!  #BetterDeadThanWoke (for those who get the #BetterDeadThanRed play and better actually/physically DEAD than be UnDead Zombie noBrain Sheeple spewing WOKE nonsense and senseless clueless WOKE celebrations to MUTILATE CHILDREN (do what you want at Home, STOP with the #GAYtivist engaging in #GAYtivism, that is not tolerance/acceptance that is RECRUITMENT and GROOMING))!!!


From Budweiser, to Target, to ADIDAS, Calvin Klein, North Face, and so many more…. Learning the hard way…. (Um… no… no sexual reference pun intended, but LOL anyway)… Yep, the original TOLERANCE and ACCEPTANCE days (long gone now) had ZERO “PRIDE” (in the Hubris, and boisterous, and other senses of the terms) but today it is all #GAYtivists engaging in #GAYtivism (yep, I coined those terms ages ago) for #GROOMing Children (recruitment, NOT ACCEPTANCE)….

Seems that Miller Lite now has controversy too, this one not so black and white

“Miller trying to ‘toe’ the WOKE-line ‘want it both ways?’”

As they say ‘No Press, is Bad Press’ well Bud-Light can/will tell you otherwise. HOWEVER, dancing along the lines of controversy hoping not to fall over it into the Jaws of Death for Publicity will always remain a Marketing strategy. And, indeed, Miller Beer got Savaged Unfiltered (for better or worse? remains to be seen) to talk about them and get them FREE PR value (again for: better? worse? – you decide).


NOTICE how the “Miller trying to ‘toe’ the WOKE-line ‘want it both ways?’” is denoted AS A QUESTION, for good reason…


My Rumble comment for that Savaged Unfiltered podcast episode in which we discussed such:


My Social-Media posting from a few days ago: As you will hear during Show, I am a bit “conflicted” and “confused” myself on/with this one! I am somewhat “keeping my powder dry” as the saying goes to avoid praise or condemnation til I learn more myself as we get further along as the News around this unfolds. Logic, Reason, Common-Sense, NOT knee-jerk Emotional Hysterics jump-to-conclusions potential over-reaction…. Miller Beer “Women’s History Month” Ad… I am going to be a bit GENEROUS and “understanding” here and say… I do honestly believe that Miller wanted to try and be CUTE, CLEVER, MOCK THEMSELVES (their entire Industry and even recent controversy their competition got into), be TONGUE-IN-CHEEK over where things were and the hyper-sensitive times today, and to be “gentle” say: THEY MISSED THE MARK. They mis-read and mis-gauged, with the hyper-sensitivity following the whole BUD-LIGHT fiasco, that people would react the way they did and “MISS” (if indeed I’m reading their intent correctly, I could be wrong) what they were aiming for. Sometimes things do NOT GO AS PLANNED OR INTENDED – just ask Budweiser!!!


Clearly the Miller ad was NOT RECEIVED WELL (and obviously they hoped for better reception of/with it). Many I know indeed did LAUGH AT THE AD as attempts to be over-the-top and self-deprecating humor. Given the current climate, no-one is in ANY MOOD to give a break or “benefit of doubt” right now so WHY would you even take the chance at something that MIGHT NOT COME ACROSS WELL when you could PLAY IT SAFE, avoid anything new/different and ANY CHANCE at failure (when your competition is in free fall for their “attempt at ‘different’”). They seemed to have done a good job at trying to just scrub it, than explain it, hope it goes away – which is not a bad Marketing strategy as there is a saying “if you’re explaining, you’re losing!”


This article’s corresponding ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast episode S1E9.


VIDEO (4m 08s): Saturday (Rebecca Black):   


You’ve been #RebeccaRolled! Yes, a bit of Funning with that equally annoying as her “Friday” song here, but seriously as previously discussed “Occasional breaks and distractions not just OK, but healthy” (if anyone can afford “luxury” entertainment spending right now with #BIDENflation pricing running amuck) and from a #BIDENomics sense it’s time for her to remake/reboot and cover Loverboy’s “Everbody’s Working for the Weekend” tune as her Royalties from her 2 teen-cringe tunes are probably not cutting it for her to survive the #BIDENrecession and in need of new Revenue. Time for, like Tiffany tried later in Life and failed, attempted comeback?!?!

[image source: TheLibertyBeacon  
“BIDENomics part 1 (Alinsky and Cloward and Piven are proud)” article]
[note: after 1 year time B4IN Archives articles and images get stripped to save Server space on/with the Archive Servers]



Excerpt from “It’s A Wonderful Life … and the Politics of Potterville… Christmas in August (rather than July)…” piece at: /movies/2023/08/its-a-wonderful-life-and-the-politics-of-potterville-christmas-in-august-rather-than-july-2440410.html

“I have previously discussed via TLB pieces the Fasci-Federalists of today vs original intent Federalists, let-alone the “concerns” the anti-Federalists had/argued about normal Human-nature and an eventual lurch Leftward toward Communism, Fascism, Socialism, Whatever-ism, all complete-Governmental-control schemes/systems on/of THE LEFT side of the overall Political Spectrum as discussed in “A Republic If You Can Keep It” and “Overblown Right-wing Extremism Narrative” and “Twisting/Warping language (part 2)” and “Democrats Always Ignore (Unintended Consequences) Natural Laws of Human Nature” TLB pieces.”

As if there is a wit of difference between Communism-Fascism-Socialism; this isn’t the 1930’s where the German NAZI-SOCIES (unlike today’s FASCICRATS and American Communist Parties are basically one/same*) were fighting the Moscow-backed-Marxist-Communists. There are now only minor quibbles between them all on how to exert power/control over all and everything – direct ownership or illusion of private-ownership but dictatorial control via government regulation (all means, to same end). It is all now just which set of Ruling Elites under the temporary banners they fly get to Lord over the imperfection. As said in several of my movies related pieces over time about Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 line: “He promised perfection, but he only really hated things as the were.” Which is the battle-cry of every would-be tyrant promise “utopia” (perfection, but no such thing as “perfect” and while America isn’t perfect it is far better for more (The Greater Good the Left pretends to care about, but too just another warping of a concept they destroy out-of-context)) and all about their “small group of Elites” gaining the power/control over the imperfection.

* As Norman Mattoon Thomas (The Socialist Party candidate for President of US) said in 1944 speech: “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened… I no longer need to run as a Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform.” And he was 100% correct, as I point out all the time the DNC adopted 28 planks of the NSDAP (Nazi-Socies) in their platform (albeit, more carefully crafted, deceptive, verbiage).



S1E9 SHOW NOTES  ( listen (Sat Aug 19 2023 and thereafter) at: )… 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E9)  ”BIDENomics part 2″
Today’s topic “BIDENomics part 2″ piece! 
Deeper dive into destruction caused by #BIDENflation, #BIDENrecession, and other disastrous FASCICRATS #EpicFail policies. What is ESG and are you involved (“invested”) without your knowledge, permission, will (looking for the Investor Group’s elites “Political interests” rather than your Bank Account’s best Financial interest (yes, “interest,” double meaning word-play intended))? We cannot just #BOYcott, but too #BUYcott “friendly” (or at least, NOT HOSTILE) to our principles/values and various “Conservative” Marketplaces (like MammothNation, AlignUs App, PublicSq, and more). I discuss #BIDENrecession destroyed my Budget even before my Furnace (thankfully during Summer, not Winter) decided to bite-the-dust and need replacement. How UPSIDE App can save in belt-tightening times!
Discussion with Roger Landry (TheLibertyBeacon)

Episode related pieces…
- save on Food/Gas:  
- FOBWI (Fear Of Buying Wrong Item):   
- Become a Discover Cardmember and get a $100 Statement Credit when you make your first purchase within three months. Then, earn rewards with every purchase after that:    
- ROAR:  

“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP) 
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- TLB articles:  
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout podcasts:   
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Joseph M Lenard –  
( /  
(S1E9 Audio: 33m 06s, Sat Aug 19th 2023)

TRANSCRIPT BONUS – Red Pill Strategy!   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in.  



Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You
Yes, about terrorism, but NOT book about death but live and living!
Life, over Death. Hope, over Fear. Faith, over Despair. Love, over Hate. Good, over Evil. Individualism, over Collectivism. Freedom, over Tyranny. Family, and Friends.


How to Write a Book and Get It Published: Hints, Tips & Techniques
NOT looking to write/publish a book? Well, think instead then of this as a “tell-all” (without name-dropping) LOL. A behind-the-scenes look into just what does your favorite authors go through so you can put their book on your bookshelf?



ChristiTutionalist Politics (Christian based U. S. Constitutionalism)

Voting Biblically through a Christian based U. S. Constitutionalism lens – ChristiTutionalist Politics!

The Jefferson letter about “Separation of Church and State” was/is just about that the United States Federal Government shall never officially adopt a particular Church over others. PERIOD! It does not mean “Freedom From Religion” as some want a “Separation From Church To State” and indeed that as John Adams said “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” and therefore U. S. Christian need be involved in Government and Politics in general or as Reagan said “Freedom is but one generation from extinction” and we must remain “The Shining City on a Hill.” Voting Biblically through a Christian based U. S. Constitutionalism lens – ChristiTutionalist Politics! Join the ChristiTutionalist movement (listen to the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast weekly on Saturdays).






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Before It’s News® is a community of individuals who report on what’s going on around them, from all around the world. Anyone can join. Anyone can contribute. Anyone can become informed about their world. "United We Stand" Click Here To Create Your Personal Citizen Journalist Account Today, Be Sure To Invite Your Friends.


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    • JLenardDetroit

      And morons wonder why Senator Tommy Tuberville is BLOCKING more Leftist Moron Political appointments/promotions IN THE MILITARY! This is NOT a GOP issue, this is a FASCICRATS ISSUE as Schumer REFUSES to allow up/down Votes for EACH BASED UPON THEIR OWN MERITS – cuz they know damn well many of the worst POS people they want to sneak up the Chain of Military Command ARE NOT QUALIFIED and not able to achieve an UP VOTE on their own Merit!

      The “missing” F-35 is EXACTLY THE DAMN POINT/REASON why Tuberville BLOCKS more moron Political QUOTA PROMOTIONS vs Qualified people…

      Now where the Hell did we Park that F-35???
      Now I GET the Fun people are having poking about the Military asking for PUBLIC HELP in locating a DOWNED F-35.
      Sadly, though, many show their own ignorance in doing so.
      Point of the F-35 tests are indeed to TURN OFF transponders and check STEALTH CAPABILITY to NOT TRACK IT.
      HOWEVER, having dealt with the “REQUIRED SHOW OF UNDERSTANDING AND ISSUE” let me indeed proceed to CALL OUT THE STUPID beyond that.

      The Pilot Ejected, THEY KNOW where he came down, so about where he Ejected, and therefore should ALSO KNOW (based upon PILOT TESTIMONY) the at least “BASIC” direction he may or may not have been traveling when having to Eject, and therefore (do the damn math) about how far a “hobbled” F-35 could still go from about the height it was at when Pilot Ejected, THEN SEND UP DRONES to search that Radius. THIS IS BASIC SEARCH AND RESCUE SHIT (do the…

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