The Research Paper of Reader's Guide To Cure Candidiasis
By Kyle J. Norton
What is Candida Albicans
Candida albicans are members of a large group of micro organism whose cells contain complex structures enclosed within the membranes, including yeast(2)(3), fungi(4)(5)(6), and mold(6) that live among the gut flora in the human mouth and gastrointestinal tract.
Non-albicans Candida (NAC) species cause 35-65% of all candidaemias in the general patient population(1).
According to joint study, in many cases, biofilm(microorganisms with cells stick to each other on a surface) formation(7) gene mutations(8) and overexpression of genes(9)(10) are often associated with increased Candida resistance toward antifungal agents.
Testing Candidiasis
1. Candida spit test(produced by a multi-million dollar corporation, Global Health Trax Inc.)
If your doctor suspects that you have Candida, he/she would ask for a Candida saliva or candida spit test.
With this test, you are asked to place a glass filled clear water by your bed at night.
When you wake in the morning, work up a bit of saliva and spit into it, then check the water every 15 minutes or so for up to one hour.
a) If you have Candida, you will see strings traveling down into the water with the saliva floating on the top, or cloudy saliva sinks to the bottom of the glass, or cloudy specks is suspended in the water.
b) If there is only saliva still floating after at one hour, you have Candida under control.
Unfortunately, according to Vaughter wellness, “One problem with the spit test is that a significant percentage of people who don’t have Candida test “positive”.
A much bigger problem is that a significant percentage of people who do have Candida test negative”(11).
2. Medical test
The medical Candida tests included immunological test of IgG, IgM, IgA, Candida antigen, and immune complexes.
The specimens will be sent to a lab and the results will sent to the doctor in 2- 3 days.
The doctor will recommend a treatment program, if you are tested positively.
a) Candida Immune Complexes test
It is a blood test to determine if you have had an immune response to Candida albicansa, large presence of these antibodies(15) would indicate a Candida overgrowth(12)(13)(14).
b) Combination of IgA, IgG and IgM tests
b.1. Immunoglobulin A (IgA)(15)(16)(17)
It is an antibody that plays a critical role in mucosal immunity, found in high concentrations in the mucous secretions, including tears, saliva, colostrum and particularly, in those lining the respiratory passages, gastrointestinal and genitourinary tract.
b.2. Immunoglobulin IgG(15)(16)(17)
It is antibody molecules which correspond to maturation of the antibody response in protecting our body against bacterial and viral infections, found in all body fluids.
b.3. Immunoglobulin IgM(18)(19)
It is a basic antibody that is produced by B cells. The first antibody to appear in response to initial exposure to antigen, found mainly in the blood and lymph fluid.
By analyzing the antibodies in the combination results of all 3 tests, your doctor can determine that you have Candidiasis or not.
Symptoms of Candidiasis
Depending to types and places of infection, you may experience some of the below symptoms.
1. Salivary changes included low hydration level, high saliva viscosity, below-average pH, reduced salivary flow and low saliva buffer capacity, according to “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy(20).
2. Persistence drowsiness
3. Lack of coordination
4. Headaches
5. Mood swing
6. Loss of balance
7. Rashes
8. Mucus in stool
9. Betching and wind
10. Bad breath
11. Dry mouth
12. Postnasal drop
13. Nasal itch and/or congestion
14. Nervous irritability
15. Dry mouth or throat
16. Ear sensitive or fluid in ear
17. Heartburn and indigestion
18. Symptoms worse in damp day
19. Etc.
Risk Factors of Candidiasis
1. Age
Human aging is a biological process. As we age, our immune system is no longer function properly(24)(25) in regulating the balance of microorganisms in the body(22) due to free radicals accumulated(23) over the year.
Through weakening the toll-like receptors which plays an important role in the innate immune system. and natural killer cell may induce the onset or progression of candidiasis(21).
2. Chronic illness
Chronic illness, such as immunodeficiency(29), chronic liver diseases(30), diabetes(31)(32)(34), obesity(33)(34) weakens the defense system that regulate the microorganism(26)(27) in the digestive track, leading to over growth of candida(28).
3. Use of catheters(34)
Catheters is a tube that can be inserted into a body cavity, duct, or vessel allowing drainage, administration of fluids or gases, or access by surgical instruments.
Use of catheter might sometimes provide the candida(35)(36)with a deeper, easy for organisms into the tissue for easy multiplying
4. Inhalant medicine
Repeated use of the steroid inhalant such as residual inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs) on the oral mucosa can result in the development of fungal overgrowth(37)(38) inducing candidiasis(39).
5. Radiotherapy
Candidiasis is also seen in people who have undergone radiotherapy treatment for cancer or as a side effect of certain types of medication(40)(41)(42).
6. Low level of stomach acids
Low level of stomach acids increases the presence of undigested food in the small intestine and colon, causing an overgrowth of harmful bacteria and microorganism, leading to candida(43)(44).
7. Pregnancy
Studies have shown that pregnant women are more susceptible to candida infections(45)(46) than any other time in their lives, due to weakened immune system and changes in hormonal status(47), especially in the second trimester(48).
8. Use of contraceptive pill or hormone replacement therapy
Use of contraceptive pill(49)(50) or hormone replacement therapy(53)(54) promotes the surge in hormones in contributing over growth of candida, resulting in unpleasant symptoms that come along with it.
9. Drug used for controlling intestinal flora
Antibiotic drugs induced antibiotic changes in the bacterial microbiome may lead to C. albicans colonization(55)and exhibit severely impairing digestion(56)(57) and assimilation of nutrients(58) that can elevate fatigue, aggression, depression and toxicity.
9. Women who have sex with women
According to Department of Primary Care and Population Sciences, University College, the odds of candidiasis are proportionally associated to with sexual activity between women(51), as bacterial vaginosis (BV) may be sexually transmitted between them(52).
Causes of Candida Albicans
1. Amalgam filling
Amalgam filling is the use of amalgam as a filling material containing mainly mercury to treat cavity of your teeth by dentist.
As a highly toxic chemical(59)(60), mercury causes damage to the kidneys(61) and central nervous system(62).
Chelation therapy can be effective in removing all forms of mercury from the body(63), but cannot reverse the damage of central nervous system.
As it weakens the immune system(64)(65), it can cause the over growth of bad microorganisms, candidiasis(66)(67).
2. Anti fungus drugs
Antifungal drug is a medication used to treat fungal infections and serious systemic infections(68) by exploiting differences between mammalian and fungal cells(69), to kill the fungal organism without dangerous effects on the host(70).
Unfortunately, people successfully treated with antifungal drugs, 5 to 15% develop another infection in the next year(71)(72).
The use of the medication may also cause serious side effects associated with their use, including liver damage(73), weakened immune system(74) and heart failure(75)(76).
3. Genetic due to blood types and secretors status
3.1. Genetic mutations
a. People with autosomal dominant hyper-IgE syndrome, due to mutations in signal transducer and activator of transcription1(STAT1)(78)(79), 3 (STAT3), a protein responded to cytokines and growth factors, are at increased risk of mucocutaneous candidiasis caused by percentage of STAT1, STAT3 mutant neutrophils migrating into blisters and in peripheral blood(77)(80).
b. Autoimmune regulator (AIRE) gene
Patient with Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 (APS-1) caused by mutations in the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) gene, may susceptible to risk of chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, due to increased IL-17A secretion, mediators of cellular inflammatory responses(81).
3.2. Blood types and secretors status
Secretors status and blood types are defined as a person who secretes their blood type antigens into body fluids and secretions such as the saliva, mucus, etc.
People with certain blood type and secretor status are susceptible to mold allergies and molds.
According to Rambam Medical Center, individuals with blood group O with non-secretors of antigens showed to have a higher carrier of frequency of Candida(82)(83).
In dispute of that result, the study by Seoul National University, Korea indicated that there is no significantly related to blood group or secretor status in oral Candida carriage(84)
4. Steroid in foods
Steroid has been used for commercial profits in order to produce larger food stock both in animals(85) and vegetation(86).
Steroid in foods suppresses the immune response such as medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) in inhibition of innate and adaptive immune mechanisms(87), thereby increasing colonization and promoting the spread of candida(88)(89).
5. Blood sugar imbalance
Blood sugar imbalance caused fluctuation of glucose in the blood stream in patients with diabetes, may lead to Candida albicans overgrowth, due to increased extracellular enzyme activity(90) and production of hydrolytic enzymes(91), as yeast organisms craving for sugar, their natural diet substance..
6. Immune system deficiency
Immune system deficiency allows candida over growth(92)(93) as it is not longer perform its function that regulates the balance of all microorganism(94) in the intestine track(95)(97).
7. Biochemical and metabolic individually
Slow metabolizers’ bodies chemistry, often more alkaline due to lower production of lactic acid and low levels of gastric hydrochloric acid, that can lead to constipation(96).
The combination of these factors can result in candida overgrowth(97).
8. Drugs due to suppress immune system during transplant
Drugs suppressing immune system disrupt function of immune system in rpoduction of T cells and phagocytic cells, and the cytokines that mediate the interactions with fungal pathogen(98) and regulation the balance of microorganism in the body(99)(100).
9. Stress
Stress can cause insulin imbalance(101)(102) and weaken the liver(103) and immune function(104), that allow unchecked of over growth candida albicans(105)(106).
10. Deficiency of nutrient
Deficiency of nutrient weakens the body systems in performing their function properly, including the immune system in regulating the balance of microorganism(107)(108).
11. Chronic use of antibiotics
Antibiotic therapy use are known to increase the tendency for chronic infection due its effect in killing bacteria indiscriminately, that can lead to bad microorganism over growth(109)(110).
12. The pill
The use of the pill can suppress the hormonal balance(111), causing fluctuation of sugar levels(112) and significantly increased risk for candida yeast overgrowth(113).
14. Sexual transmitting diseases
Sex with several partners without precautions increases the risk of candida, if your partner happens to have a candida infection at the time you have sex then you could get it too(114).
15. Acidity
Gastric hydrochloric acid deficiency is widespread and allows yeast to survive passage through the stomach, causing over growth of candidiasis(115)(116).
Candida albicans consequences
1. What happen if candida become fungus
When Candida growth becomes uncontrolled and become fungus, its metabolites and/or toxins(117)(118) interfere with the functioning of nutrient-uptake(107)(108) and penetrate into the bloodstream, causing
a) Neuro effects
Candida produces toxins (acetaldehyde and ethanol)(112)(113) in large quantity that affect our brain and interfere with our biochemical processes, leading to upset levels of hormones and many key chemicals(109), resulting in symptoms of fatigue, aggression, depression and toxicity and schizophrenia(110)(111).
b) Permeability
As the innermost membrane of the four coats of the intestinal wall becomes permeable due to fungus(114)(115), partially digested foods, toxins produced by fungus and chemical molecules can enter the bloodstream and reach organs that suppress their normal functions, causing immune dysfunction(116)(117) in a long run and many kinds of chronic illness(118)(119).
c) Reproductive dysfunction
Overgrowth candida can cause the reproductive tract infection(120). For female, it leads to infections of the upper reproductive tract (fallopian tubes, ovary and uterus)(123), and/or the lower reproductive tract(124) (vagina, cervix and vulva)(121)(122). For male, it is at the penis(127), testicles, urethra(128) or the sperm tube(125), causing reproductive dysfunction, including infertility(126).
d) Premenstrual syndrome
As over growth candida binding to hormones(130), it alters the pathways and their shapes by preventing them entering the target receptor sites, that make certain hormones inactive, leading to estrogen and progesterone effected cell growth, morphology and virulence(131), that regulate blood sugar(132) and endocrine disruptor causes of premenstrual syndrome(129).
e) Autoimmune disorders
e.1. After entering blood stream, it causes allergies reaction of the immune system(133)(134), but some of antigens’ molecules are similar to molecules of human tissue(135), that cause immune system attacking both the antigens and the body’s healthy tissues, leading to autoimmune disorders(136).
e. 2. The main target of candida target
The main target of candida is to evade the body’s immune system for their forever survival in the host body by targeting the immune system response in fighting against invading organism(137) as they change the receptors of foreign organism or theirs’ form which are displaying(138), making them difficult for the body’s immune cells to react appropriately(19)(140).
e.3. Digestive track colonization
The main purpose of candida is trying to invade the intestinal wall by suppressing immune system response(142) with inflammation(141), leading to prolong inflammation, (the prolonged inflammation is called ulceration colitis if it occurs in the large intestine(143)(144) and called Crohn’s disease if it occurs in the small intestine(145)(146)(147)) that can cause digestive track being colonized in the host body.
e.4. The mind and emotion
If candida overgrowth, it produces toxins (canditoxin and ethanol) to affect our brain in released metabolites that interfere with our biochemical processes in hormone production(109), leading to fatigue, aggression, depression and toxicity(110)(111).
Some life threatening implication of candida overgrowth
1. Toxic shock syndrome(TSS)
Candida overgrowth can cause toxic shock syndrome (TSS)(157), a potentially fatal illness by producing toxins to suppress the immune system(158)(159), leading to infectious cause of high fever, accompanied by confusion, extreme fatigue and weakness, headache, severe diarrhea, sore throat, vomiting, widespread red rash, coma(161), and multiple organ failure(160).
2. Scalded skin syndrome (SSS)
Scalded skin syndrome is a condition of skin infection inducing damage to the skin with marked shedding due to toxins(162) released by candida in suppressing the immune system(162).
Depending on severity, it can causes blood infection(163) and electrolyte imbalance, involved in regulate myocardial and neurological function(164), fluid balance(165), oxygen delivery, etc., resulting in high morbidity and mortality(166).
3. Candida and chronic diseases
a. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)(167)(168)
As the condition worsen, candida takes advantage of weakness immune system and imbalances in the digestive system, allowing fungus to overrun the digestive tracts(169), that lead to gases, irritating the intestinal and stomach linings(171) and initiating pain(170)(172).
b. Chronic Sinusitis(173)
As candida growth occurs in the sinus cavities(173), it causes fungal serious infections, with symptoms of nasal congestion, facial pain, pressure, congestion, or fullness, reduced or absent sense of smell. Both chronic and acute fungal sinusitis require immediate treatment(174).
c. Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia syndrome is a chronic condition that causes intense pain in various places around the body, including muscles, connective tissues and joints, as well as a host of other symptoms, as a result of production of mycotoxins by overgrowth candida(175), causing autoimmune diseases(143)(144)(136) by triggering inflammation in the intestinal tract(151).
Fibromyalgia syndrome affects more than 6 million people in the United States.
d. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is defined as a health condition of persistent fatigue unrelated to exertion, it interferes with the patient daily activity, causing trouble staying on top of their responsibilities at home and on the job, etc.(176) due to production of mycotoxins by overgrowth candida(177)(178), triggering inflammation(179) in the intestinal tract.
Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome include headache, tender lymph nodes, fatigue, weakness, muscle, joint aches, inability to concentrate,(180) etc.
e. Thrush
Thrush is condition of infection of the mouth caused by over growth candida fungus(181)(182).
f. Eczema, or Atopic Dermatitis
Eczema is a general term for many types of skin inflammation (dermatitis). The most common form of eczema is atopic dermatitis, in some cases caused by over growth of candida(183)(184) as a result of immune suppressible factors(185).
What to avoid
1. Fruits and artificial ingredients
The high sugar content in fruit feeds Candida except green apples, citrus, berries and avocado(186)
and artificial ingredients can depress immune system(187).
2. Aged cheese(188)
Candida famata found in aged cheese may induce invasive candidiasis(188).
3. Additive and preservation
Men made chemicals can disrupt the digestive track friendly bacteria and allow candida over growth(189)(190) such as citric acid. Non-organic food like meat or eggs can also contain antibiotics and steroids for faster growth(191).
4. Alcohol(192)
Alcohol can depress the liver(193) and immune system(194)(195), causing over growth candida.
5. Caffeine, sugar and sweetener
Caffeine(196)(197), sugar and sweetener(198) are all harmful to the body and feed candida
6. Glutens
Gluten is a protein composite that appears in foods processed from wheat and related species
that can cause immune suppression(199)(200)(201).
7. Mushrooms
Mushroom which is the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus, typically produced above ground on soil or on its food source can promote fungus overgrowth(202).
8. Condiments(203)
Condiment which is a sauce or seasoning added to food to impact a particular flavor can depress the immune system(204), causing candida.
9. Vinegar but not apple cider vinegar
Vinegar is an acidic liquid produced from the fermentation of ethanol in a process that yields its key ingredient, acetic acid which can deplete the stomach of acids and cause inflammation(205)(206) in the digestive track, including acetic acid ulcer(205)
Treatments and controlling
A. Diet
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar is a type of vinegar made from crushing apples and squeezing out the liquid and has a pale to medium amber color.
Beside it is known for treating obesity(208)(209), the vinegar is rich in natural enzymes which aid in digestion,
Apple cider vinegar balances your body’s pH level. Its high amount of antioxidants restore the natural balance of healthy bacteria in the gut by creating a perfect environment for those healthy bacteria to grow, while keeping candida in check(207) by enhancing the immune function(210) in regulating the microorganism in the body.
2. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is extracted from the kernel or meat of matured coconut harvested from the coconut palm tree, native to the tropical world.
Coconut oil, is one of most effective antibacterial(including Candida)(211)(213), antioxidant(214), antiviral(215) agents, used in traditional medicinal remedies for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia(216) and inflammation(217). Caprylic acid, a minor constituent of coconut oil has demonstrated activity in inhibited fungal growth(212)(218), both topically and internally.
3. Garlic
Garlic is species of Allium sativum, belongings to the family Alliaceae, used as both food and medicine in many cultures for thousands of years.
Garlic cloves are used as a remedy for infections(219)(220), digestive disorders(221), and fungal infections, including candida(222), due to large number of anti-fungal properties of sulphur, allicin, alliin, alliinase and S-allylcysteine.
4. Ginger
Ginger is a species of Zingiber officinale, belongings to the family Zingiberaceae, used as a delicacy, medicine, or spice in many cultures.
The gingerrols in ginger increase the motility of the gastrointestinal tract(223) and act as analgesic(224)(226), sedative(225), antipyretic(226), antibacterial(227) and anti- inflammatory(228) properties.
Researcher (Am. J. Applied Sci., 6 (6): 1067-1069, 2009) found that ginger extract containing gingerol inhibits the growth of many bacteria and fungi, including candida ablicans(229).
B. Vitamins
1. Vitamin B2
Vitamin B2 required for a wide variety of cellular processes, plays a key role in energy metabolism and enhances the digestive system in absorbing nutrients and supports the immune system(230)(231) in fighting against bacteria causes of inflammatory disease, including candida(232).
2. Vitamin C
Vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin and an antioxidant found in high concentrations in immune cells, is not only important in aiding the digestive system in absorbing nutrients, but also enhances the production of white blood cell(233)(234) of the immune system(235) in protection of the body by binding to the harmful bacteria(236) and ingesting them.
3. Vitamin A
Retinoic acid, appears to maintain normal skin health by switching on genes and differentiating keratinocytes (immature skin cells)(237) into mature epidermal cells and helps to detoxify liver(238), and enhances the immune system(239)(240) in protecting our body through its antimicrobial functions, including candida albicans(241).
4. Vitamin E
Vitamin E is fat-soluble compounds included both tocopherols and tocotrienols. It not only is an polyphenol antioxidants(242)(246) in scavenging free radicals, but also promotes the immune system in enhanced functions of B-cells(244)(245), the immune cells(245)(247) in production of antibodies to destroy microorganisms.
C. Minerals and mineral compounds
1. Coral Calcium
One of the richest sources of calcium not only is an important mineral in building stronger, denser bones early in life and keeping bones strong(248) and healthy later in life and preventing the risk of osterporosis(249), but also alkalizes the body that eliminate the favor environment for candida overgrowth(250).
2. Magnesium Citrate
Magnesium citrate is a magnesium salt of citric acid, a chemical agent used medicinally as a saline laxative(251). Besides it is important to maintain proper level of pH(252) for the body’s organs to enhance their biochemical pathways for detoxification(253), that limits or reduces the over growth of candida, it also acts as a defecation in stimulating naturally bowel movement.
The mineral, magnesium plays a key role in the immune response, by acting as a co-factor for immunoglobulin synthesis(254) that significantly increases for both IgA and IgG, the antibody molecules that protect our body against bacterial and viral infections(255) and the lining of the respiratory passages, gastrointestinal and genitourinary tract(255).
3. Lithium chloride
Lithium chloride is a chemical compound with the formula LiCl. The salt is a typical ionic compound.
While maintaining the proper PH levels(257), lithium also suppresses the yeast phosphoglucomutase activity(256) and inhibits the candida albicans filamentation and hyphal outgrowth(258).
4. Sodium bicarbonate
Used as an alkaline treatment(259), sodium bicarbonate is important to balance the levels of PH by taking away the acidity environment for candida overgrowth(260)(261). Researchers found that 5% sodium bicarbonate on the adherence of candida albicans to thermally activated acrylic resin is proved to be a viable alternative in the reduction of candida albicans(262).
5. Phosphonium salts
Phosphonium salts with long alkyl chains (C18) showed high levels of antimicrobial activity(263). In the alkyltrimethylphosphonium salts(263), in the bactericidal activity against S. aureus and Escherichia coli increased with increasing alkyl chain length(263), probably through its antimicrobial polymers(264), according to the joint study by University of New Brunswick, Southwest Petroleum University, and North China Electric Power University
6. Zinc
Zinc is an important mineral in boosting immune system activity(265)(266). Its nano-structure zinc(II) coordination compounds, has been used in zinc therapy to treat candida overgrowth(267) by promoting metallothionein (MT)(found in high concentration in intestinal mucosa)synthesis(268) through its anti inflammatory activity(269).
The Herbs
1. Berberis
Berberis is a genus of about 450-500 species of deciduous and evergreen shrubs from 1-5 m tall with thorny shoots, belongings to the family Berberidaceae, native to the temperate and subtropical regions of Europe, Asia, Africa, North America and South America. Europe has a few species, and North America only two. The stem, root bark, and fruit of barberry containing alkaloids and berberine have been used in traditional medicine or dietary supplement, to treat fungal infections(270), candida albicans(270), yeast(271), parasites, and bacterial/viral infections(270).
Berberine may also enhance the immune system through its antioxidant activity(272) by preventing candida yeasts from producing lipase(273)(274), an enzyme used by candida in colonization(274) and induced infection(274).
2. Clover(Trifolium)
Clover used as a spice in cuisines all over the world, is the aromatic dried flower buds of a tree in the Syzygium, belongings to the family Myrtaceae, native to Indonesia. Tellimagrandin II, in clover oil exhibited significantly anti-herpesvirus(275) and anti-oxidant(275)(276) properties and antiseptic property through phytochemical eugenol(277) used in dentistry to relieve pain(277), prevent bacterial infection(278) and boost immune system(279).
3. Goldenseal((Hydrastis Canadensis)
Goldenseal is a perennial herb in the species of Hydrastis canadensis, belongings to the family Ranunculaceae, native to southeastern Canada and northeastern United States, used widely in traditional medicine to treat functional disorders of gastrointestine(280), including atonic dyspepsia, chronic constipation, liver toxicity(281), etc.
Berberine, a compound found in goldenseal has demonstrated significant anti-fungal activity(282)(283)(284) by preventing candida yeasts from producing lipase, an enzyme involved in colonization.
4. Oregano(Origanum vulgare) Oil
Oregano is a common species of Origanum, belongings to the family Lamiaceae, native to warm-temperate western and southwestern Eurasia and the Mediterranean region.
Carvacrol, a monoterpenoid phenol phytochemical found in oregano oil inhibited the growth of several bacteria strains(285), including candida albicans due to its antimicrobial properties that disrupt the bacteria membrane(286).
5. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of trees from the genus Cinnamomum, belongings to the family Lauraceae, used in traditional medicine to treat digestive system disorder(287)(289), insulin sensitive(288)(290) and enhance the immune system in regulated cells growth due to its antioxidant activity(290).
The cinnamon essential oil has antimicrobial properties(291)(292), which can prevent, limit or destroy the fungal overgrowth(293).
6. Allspice
Allspice also called Jamaica pepper is a spice of dried unripe fruit of Pimenta dioica, belongings to the family Myrtaceae, native to the southern Mexico and Central America. The herb has been used in folk medicine in relieving indigestion and gas(294) and as a deodorant.
Phenylpropene found in allspice volatile oils has shown to exhibit an antimicrobial property(295), including candida albicans(296)
7. Lavender(Lavandula angustifolia)
The lavender is a genus Lavandula of flowering plants in the mint family Lamiaceae, originated in Asia, used in herbal medicine to treat microbial infection(297) for the skin and reduced inflammation(298)(299).
Its essential oil components linalool and linalyl acetate showed both fungistatic and fungicidal activity(300)(301) against C. albicans strains in reducing fungal progression and the spread of infection in host tissue(301).
8. Chamomile
Chamomile is a common name for several daisy-like plants, genus Matricaria belongings to the family Asteraceae, native to Europe and western Asia used in traditional medicine to aid sleep(302), treat diarrhea(303) and reduce oxidative stress(304). Chamomile containing high amount of flavonoids is best known for its antioxidant(303), such as anti septic and anti biotic properties against virus bacteria invasion(305)(306(307)) including candida ablicans(308).
Anti fungal products
1. Manuka Honey
Manuka honey has been known to benefit humans in healing wounds and injuries(309) without inducing damage to cells. The product also contains hydrogen peroxide claimed to have antimicrobial property(310), including candida albicans(311).
2. Undecylenic acid
Undecylenic acid is the common name of the 10-undecenoic acid, an organic unsaturated fatty acid derived from castor oil, It is a natural antimicrobial property(312)against fungal skin infections(313)(314) and Candida albicans(315).
3. Caprylic acid
Caprylic acid is the common name for the eight-carbon saturated fatty acid found naturally in coconuts and breast milk, used in treatments for a variety of conditions, including Candida(316)(317).
4. Echinacea angustifolia
Echinacea angustifolia is a herbaceous plant species of Echinacea angustifolia, belongings to the family Asteraceae native to Northern America. Echinacea angustifolia besides enhances the immune system function(318)(319) against invasion of bacteria and viral through its antioxidant effects, it is also used to treat bacterial infections(320) and candida(318) in herb medicine.
5. Horopeito
Horopeit is a genus Pseudowintera, part of family Winteraceae. The herb contains polygodial, a chemical compound used to suppress the growth of candida(321)(322) by damaging the permeable cell membrane of yeast(322).
6. Oregano
Oregano is a genus of the mint family Lamiaceae, native to southwestern Eurasia and the Mediterranean region. The herb not only promotes digestive health(323), clear skin and healthy immune system(324), but also dehydrates candida(325) by reacting with the water in the bloodstream, through its phytochemicals Carvacrol and Thymol(326).
7. Aloe vera
Aloe vera is a genus Aloe belongings to the family Asphodelaceae, originated in the Sudan. Besides containing significant amounts of amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which help to enhance the immune function(327) in fighting against virus and bacteria infection and inflammation(328), it also maintains a proper PH levels that inhibit the growth of candida(329) and repairs and seals the intestinal wall, which stops candida from actually penetrating through the intestinal into your blood stream(330).
8. Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is a pale yellow color, an essential oil extracted from the leaves of the Narrow-leaved Tea-tree, native to the northeast coast of New South Wales, Australia. In Fluconazole-resistant candida albicans strains, dose-depend manner, tea tree oil strongly exhibited fluconazole activity against fluconazole-resistant C. albicans strains, through its anti fungal activity(331).
Terpinen-4-ol, the main bioactive component found in teat tree oil, also showed to accelerate clearance all candida strains from the vagina , including the azole-resistant forms in rat vaginal infection model(332)
9. Tannate plant extracts
Tannate is the salt or ester of tannic acid. Tannate plant extract exertes powerful anti fungal agent(333)(334) by destroying candida selectively without harming the good flora in the body(335). It is said that tannate plant extract is effective in treating bacteria, viruses, fungal infections due to its antifungal(333)(334), anti-inflammatory properties(336).
10. Biotin
Biotin or vitamin B7, a coenzyme in the metabolism of fatty acids and leucine, plays an important role in gluconeogenesis(337). According to Università degli Studi di Torino, patients with biotin deficiency are at high risk of candida albicans overgrowth(338).
Biotin prevents yeast to change into its fungal form(339), thus reducing risk of candida albicans overgrowth.
11. Probiotics (friendly bacteria)
Probiotic is live microorganisms which benefits the host. Intake of probiotics enhances the production of hydrogen peroxide(340) which plays an important role in preventing candida overgrowth and through self-multiple mechanisms(341).
Healing the intestinal membrane
1. L-glutamine
L-glutamine is one of the 20 amino acids encoded by the standard genetic code and used to treat certain gastrointestinal disorders(342)(343) by serving as a source of fuel for the cells that line the gastrointestinal tract.
According to Ankara University, L-glutamine inhibited the over growth of candida through its antimutagenic and antimicrobial activities(344).
2. N-acetyl-glucosamine
N-acetyl-glucosamine is a monosaccharide derivative of glucose that supports the digestive track function and maintains healthy intestinal lining by stimulating cell growth in the intestinal track(345).
According to National Institute of Plant Genome Research, GIG2 (GlcNAc-induced gene 2) involved in the metabolism of N-acetylneuraminate (sialic acid), effectively decreased fungal burden in mouse model(346).
3. Rice-bran oil
Rice-bran oil, extracted from the germ and inner husk of rice, containing a compound gamma-oryzanol(347) showed to reduce the risk of gastric ulcers caused by stress while at the same time maintaining gastrointestinal motility(348).
According to Manipal Academy of Higher Education (Deemed University, rice bran oil immobilized lipase from candida, a potential pathway for fungal overgrowth(349).
4. Pancreatic enzymes products
Pancreatic enzymes, found as supplements and in certain foods allow more bacteria to grow in the intestine by enabling the food to be digested a lot easier(350). Insufficient pancreatic enzymes can quickly encourage candida overgrowth in the digestive tracts(351).
5. Butyric acid
Butyric acid, a fatty acid, occurring in the form of esters in animal fats and plant oils, was effective in inhibited pathogenic organisms(352) through improved digestion and promoted intestinal health(353) by producing bacteria to feed on lactic acid, then multiplying and revving up their production(354) .
Butyric acid also consists anti-inflammatory property(355) and strengthens the intestinal mucosal barrier.(356).
5. Fructo-oligosaccharides(FOS)
Fructo-oligosaccharides(FOS) is a class of oligosaccharides used as an artificial or alternative sweetener(357), extracted from fruits and vegetables such as bananas, onions, chicory root, garlic, asparagus, barley, wheat, tomatoes, and leeks(358). It is inulin-type prebiotics(359), stimulated the growth of friendly bacteria in the intestine track to counter react to other bad bacteria(360)(362) such as candida. Oligosaccharides also induce gas formation, through increasing faecal biomass and water content of the stools, for improvement of bowel habits(361),
Reducing intestinal dysbiosis (A condition with microbial imbalances within the body)
1. Probiotics
Probiotics are live micro-organisms conferred a health benefit on the host and found to be benefits the digestive system(363), including inflammatory bowel disease(364).
According to Dalian Medical University, there are many causes of dysbbiosis, such as prolonged period intake of antibiotic used widely in conventional medicine for treatment of bacterial infection(365).
Dr. McFarland LV at the University of Washington suggested that the use of probiotics to restore the balance of undisturbed microbiota in healthy individual is most effectively than patients with postdisruptive event and probiotic therapy and pre-existing disrupted microbiota and then postprobiotic therapy(366).
2. Prebiotics
Prebiotic, the non-digestible food ingredients and the most prevalent forms of prebiotic is nutritionally classed soluble fiber(367), including Galactooligosaccharide, stimulated the production of number and/or activity of bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria(368) and/or activity in the digestive system(369) in ways claimed to be beneficial to health of the host, by counteracting to the overgrowth of bad bacteria(371)(372), including candida albicans.
3. Foods rich in FOS
(See above)
4. High fiber foods
Fiber is the indigestible portion of plant foods having two main components soluble and insoluble fiber, consisted non-starch polysaccharides such as arabinoxylans(woods and cereal grains), cellulose(a linear chain of several hundred to many thousands of linked D-glucose unit) and many other plant component.
While it is beneficial for alleviating symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome(373), such as diarrhea and/or constipation and abdominal discomfort, it is also a prebiotic(374) which is beneficial to health of the host by enhancing the production of good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract(375) and counteracting to the overgrowth of bad bacteria, including candida albcans.
4. Avoid allergic foods
Eating allergic foods often cause symptoms of digestive disorders(376), including gas, stomach pains, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, etc. as allergen-producing L. lactis strains(377) induced imbalance of bacteria in digestive systems, that can lead to overgrowth of bad bacteria quickly.
5. Regular intake of Allium satvum (garlic)
Allium satvum is a species in the onion family Alliaceae, native to Central Asia.
Garlic beside is best known for its effectiveness in treating hypertension(378), hyper cholesterol(379), blood thinner(380) and cancer(381), it also contains high amount of phytoncides that inhibits the growth of microorganisms(382) and phytoalexin called allicin which processes anti-oxidative(383)(384) and anti-microbial effects(385).
The herb would be helpful to keep a healthy digestive system and prevent the growth out of control of bad bacteria.
6. Enhances immune system
Living healthy and eating healthy foods such as whole grain, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, beans and legumes provide your body with necessary nutrients, including antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, that not only optimizes the digestive absorption but also enhances the immune system(386)(387)in fighting against inflammation(389) and infection(388) caused by virus and bacteria.
7. UVC therapy
Light therapy is considered as a type of treatment of exposing to daylight or to specific wavelengths of light, used to accelerate wound healing(390), hair growth, and improved blood properties(391).
Statistical analysis found that in vitro, candida strains were sensitive to UVC(392) and photodynamic therapy with malachite green(393).
8. Exercise
Exercise is important in enhancing the immune system(394) to reduce the likelihood of getting yeast infections(385) but also puts your body in a better position to fight off the candida.
9. Reduce stress
Signs of stress may be cognitive, emotional, physical or behavioral, poor judgment, a general negative outlook, can depress the immune system(395) and impair the digestive system(396), causing psoriasis(397), a chronic autoimmune disease and gastrointestinal tract infection(396), leading to more favorable conditions for unhealthy candida to multiple.
10. Specific sexual practices and sexual behavior
A study in USA revealed that a 75% percentage of women have had candida yeast overgrowth at some points in their lives in comparison to only 45% of men. Sexual practices such as receptive anal and oral sex and douching increase the risk of infectious candida(398).
Risk of vulvovaginal candidiasis also increases in women who have sex with several women partners(399)(400). If you noticed changes in your body such as thick, cheese-like discharges, pain during sex and an itchy burning sensation, check with your doctor immediately.
Treatment In Traditional Chinese Medicine
In traditional Chinese medicine, candidiasis is defined as a malfunction of the Triple Burner-related condition due to spleen and stomach disorder(401), causing excess fluid or phlegm in the system(402), weakening immune system(403)(402), leading to damp heat accumulates in the Lower, Middle and Upper Burner that cause candidiasis(401).
1. Cleansing TCM Herbs
Overgrowth of candida in TCM is considered as the accumulation of waste, phlegm and damp heat, toxins due to inability of spleen and stomach to digest foods properly(401).
Chinese Herbs for Lower and Middle burner that cause Candida Albicans Overgrowth
1. Long Dan Cao (Gentianae Radix)
Long can cao is also known as Gentian is a genus of flowering plants (Gentiana L), belongings to the family Gentianaceae.
The bitter, cold and non toxic herb has been used in TCM as analgesic(407) and to treat inflammation(404)(406), stimulate the digestive system(407)(408), in regulation of production of bile(409)(411), hydrochloride acid(411)(413) and other digestive enzymes secretion from panceas(414) by clearing liver and gallbladder damp heat(419) as it enhances the functions of liver, gallbladder and stomach channels(410)(412).
According to study, the herb contains 5 active iridoids (loganic acid, 6′-O-beta-D-glucopyranosylgentiopicroside, swertiamarin, gentiopicroside, sweroside)(405), that are responsible for some of pharmaceutical activities, including cardiovascular, antihepatotoxic, choleretic, hypoglycemic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory,….. activities(406).
According to The University of Hong Kong, long gan cao showed effectively in inhibition of Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus sanguis, Streptococcus mutans and Porphyromonas gingivalis, through its anti microbial activities(418)
2. Huang Qin (Skullcap)
Huang qin is also known as skullcap, a genus of Scutellaria, belongings to the family Lamiaceae.
The bitter and cold herb has been used in TCM as antihistamine(415), anti edema(415) and anti-toxin(415) agents and to promote bowel movements(416), treat hepatitis B(417) by clearing heat(419), drying fire, draining dampness(419) as it promotes the functions of gallbladder, large intestine, lung, stomach channels.
According to Integrating Complementary Medicine into Veterinary Practice By Paula Jo Broadfoot, Richard E. Palmquist, Karen Johnston, Jiu Jia Wen, Barbara Fougere, skullcap exhibited anti inflammatory, anti allergic, anti microorganisms effects(419), probably through its antioxidant and stimulated immune activities(420).
3. Zhi Zi (Gardenia)
Zhi zi is also known as gardenia fruit, a genus of Gardenia, belongings to the family Rubiaceae, native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, southern Asia, Australasia and Oceania.
The bitter, cold and toxic herb has been used in TCM as anti toxic and antimalarial(421) antibiotic, antibacterial (424) antithrombotic(423), including resistant bacteria carrying blaNDM-1 and Candida albicans(426) and anti-inflammatory(421) effects and to treat digestive disorder(425) by dispersing fire, clearing heat, draining dampness, expelling toxins as it enhances the functions of heart, liver, lung, stomach, triple warmer channels.
4. Mu Tong (Akebia caulis)
Mu Tong is also known as Akebia caulis, a genus of akebia, belongings to the family Lardizabalaceae.
The bitter and cool herb has been used in TCM as antibiotic, (Including inhibition of a variety of pathogenic fungi, including candida albicans(428)) anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory(429), a diuretic(430) and a pain reliever agent(427)(429) and to calm pain on urination(428)(429) and clearing heat as it promotes the functions of bladder, heart, small intestine channels(428).
5. Che Qian Cao (Plaintain)
Che qian cao is also known as Plaintain, the common name for herbaceous plants of the genus Musa, native to Southeast Asia and Oceania.
The sweet and cold herb has been used in TCM as antimicrobial agent(431)(432) and to promote intestinal health, by blocking adhesion of intestinal pathogens(433), probably through its antioxidant(436) and Immunomodulatory(437) effects, treat damp heat in the lower burner channel(439) due to infection(431)(434)and sexual dysfunction(435), stop diarrhea(438) by clearing the liver and lungs and transforming phlegm as it promotes the functions of bladder, kidney, liver, lung channels(439).
6. Ze Xie (Alismatis Rhizoma)
Ze xie is also known as Alisma, a genus of flowering plants in the family Alismataceae, found in a variety of still water habitats all over the world.
The sweet and cold herb has been used in TCM as antioxidant(450) agent and to treat painful and difficult urination, edema, atopic dermatitis(445), nephropathy, hypoglycemica(446), diabetes(449), inflammation(441)(444), diarrhea(442), leukorrhagia(443), caused by damp heat in the lower burner(440), by eliminating water(441), clearing heat and damp heat as its enhances the functions of kidney and bladder channels(440).
According to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, herbal formula Jianpi Huoxue Decoction, containing ze xie, effectively improved intestinal permeability by allowing nutrients to pass through the gut, while blocking potentially toxins from entering(448).
7. Chai Hu (Radix Bupleuri)
Chai hu is also known as Buplerum, a genus Buplerum of plants of the Apiaceae family.
The bitter and cold herd has been used in TCM as anthelmintic(453)(456), anti proliferative(456), antimicrobial(459) and anti stress(455) agent and to treat fever, cold, hepatitis(451), diabetes(452), irregular menses(59), prolapse of uterus(459), and prolapse of rectum(459) by clearing heat and resolving depression(457) and liver stagnation(458) as it promotes the functions of the liver, gallbladder, pericardium, triple burner channels.
According to studies, the herb also process a very strong antioxidant contents through its total phenolic compounds including B. falcatum, B. falcatum ‘Mishima’ and B. latissimum, via radical scavenging activity(454).
Cleansing TCM Herbs
Overgrowth of candida in TCM is considered as the accumulation of waste, phlegm and damp heat, toxins due to inability of spleen and stomach in digesting foods properly(401).
Chinese herbs for Upper and Middle burner disorder that cause Candida albicans overgrowth
1. Huang Lian (Rhizoma Coptidis)
Huang lian is aslo known as Canker roots, a genus of Coptis in the family Ranunculaceae, native to Asia and North America.
The bitter and cool herb has been used in TCM as anti microbial(462)(463)(464)Including candica albicans(465)(466), anti inflammatory(467)(468), anti diabetic(469)(470), anti palette coagulative(461) agents and to treat irritable bowel syndrome(471), inflammation of intestine and diarrhea(460) caused by bacterial infection by clearing heat(460)(461), drying damp(460)(461), dispersing fire and expelling toxins(460) as it promotes the functions of heart, large intestine, liver, and stomach channels(461).
2. Da Huang (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei)
Da Huang is also known as Ruhbarb, is a genus Rheum, belongings the family Polygonaceae.
The bitter and cold herb has been used in TCM to treat diarrhoea(472), bowel movement(473), aging induced dementia(474), tumor(475), abdominal-distention and/or pain(476), hemorrhoidal bleeding(476) and urination burning sensation(476), bacterial infection(477) and improve blood circulation(477), by clearing damp heat(477), expelling toxins(478)(480) and invigorating blood(477) as it promotes the functions of heart, large intestine, liver, stomach channels(476).
According to Advances in Viridans Streptococci Research and Treatment: 2011 Edition, da huang exhibited antimicrobial activity against many strains of bacterias(479), including candida albicans(480).
3. Huang Bai (Cortex Phellodendri)
Huang Bai is also known as Cork-tree, a genus of Phellodendra, belongings to the family Rutaceae, native to east and northeast Asia.
The bitter and cold herb has been used in TCM as anti microbial(481)(482)(483), including candida albicans(484)(485), anti inflammatory(486)(487) and anti trichomoniasis(488), to lower blood pressure(489) and blood sugar(490) by clearing damp heat(481) in the lower burner due to bacterial infection(480), dispersing fire(480) and expelling toxins(480) as it promotes the functions of kidney and bladder channels(488).
4. Shi Gao (Herba Achilleae alpinae)
Shi Gao is also known as Gypsum, a very soft mineral composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate.
The bitter, very cod and acrid herb has been used in TCM as antipyretics(492), antimicrobial(496)(497) including candida albicans(498) and to treat asthma(492), relieve pain(493)(494) and diabetes(495) by clearing and fire(499), as it promotes the functions of lung, kidney channels(500).
5. Lian Qiao (Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae)
Lian Qiao is also known as Forsythia fruit, is a genus of Forsythia, belongings to the family Oleaceae, native to Eastern Asia.
The bitter, cold and slightly acrid herb has been used as spectrum antibiotic(501)(502)(503), antioxidant(502)(503), inflammatory(504)(505) agents and to treat asthma(506), lower fever(507), cholesterol(509) and to protect liver(510) by clearing heat and toxins, and resolving abscesses as it promotes the functions of heart, liver and gallbladder channels(508).
6. Ju Hua (Flos Chrysanthemi Morifolii)
Ju Hua also known as chrysanthemum flower, is a genus of chrysanthemum, belongings to the family Asteraceae, native to Asia and northeastern Europe.
The sweet, bitter and slightly cold herb has been used in TCM as anti-inflammatory(511)(512)(513), antibiotic(514)(515), including andida albicans(519), analgesic(516) and antipyretic(517) agents and to benefit diabetes(518) by expelling wind, clearing heat and toxins as it promotes the functions of lung and liver channels(517).
7. Bo He (Herba Menthae Haplocalycis)
Bo he is also known as Mint, a genus of Mentha, belongings to the family Lamiaceae, native to the through the world.
The acrid and cold herb has been used in TCM as anti-pyretic(520), antinociceptive(520)(521), antimicrobial(522)(523) including candida albicans(524)(525), antioxidant(522)(523) anti-inflammatory(526)(527) agents and to treat wind-heat(528) cause of infection(522)(523) by dispersing wind-heat(528) and clearing fire(528) as it promotes the functions of liver and lung channels(529).
8. Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis)
Gan Cao is also known as Licorice, a genus of Glycyrrhiza, belongings to the family Fabaceae, native to southern Europe and parts of Asia.
The sweeten herb has been used in TCM as anti microbial(530)(531)(532), including candida akbicans(533)(534), antioxidant(530)(531), inflammatory(536)(537), and anti allergic(538)(539)(540) agents by tonifying spleen, benefiting qi, moistening lung as it promotes all 12 channels(535).
Tonifying herbs
After cleansing the body with the above herbs, repairing the damage and restoring the balance are vital to prevent the reoccurred of pathological factors, according to TCM.
1. Ren Shen (Radix Ginseng)
Ren shen is aslo best known as Ginseng, a slow-growing plant, belongings to the Panax genus in the family Araliaceae.
The smells aromatic, tastes sweet and slightly warm herb(541) has been used in TCM as anti cancer(542)(543), anti aging(544)(545) medicine and to enhance central nervous (546)(547), immune(548)(549), and circulatory system(549)(551) as it tonifies original qi, spleen, lungs and enhances the generation of body fluids by promoting the function of lung and spleen channels(541).
According to China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences formula ginseng-sanqi extract (GSE) showed to tonify qi and activated blood circulation in promoting endothelial proliferation(an increase in vascular endothelial cells needed for the growth of new or existing blood vessels) and angiogenesis( a process of growing new blood vessels form from pre-existing vessel), through enhancing the expression of angiogenesis signaling proteins (VEGFR-2, Ras, MAPK)(552).
2. Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae)
Bai zhu is also known as Bighead atractylodis rhizome, a genus Atractylodis, belongings to the family Asteraceae.
The aromatic, acrid, and sweet herb(553) has been used in TCM as antioxidant(554)(555), to treat liver diseases(556), liver cancer(558)(559), Meniere’s disease(560), intestinal diseases(561), chronic back pain(562), acute infection of intestine(563) as it regulates the functions of liver and spleen, benefiting qi, and nourishing blood(557) by enhancing the functions of spleen and stomach channels(553).
3. Fu Ling (Sclerotium Poriae Cocos)
Fu ling is also known as Poria or china root, is a fungus in the genus Wolfiporia, belongings to family Polyporaceae.
The sweet and neutral herb has been used in TCM as inflammatory(566)(567), diuretics(569)(570), anticancer(572)(573), antioxidant(573)(574) and anti-fungal and anti-bacterial(575)(571) agents, and to treat headache(568), cardiovascular diseases(576), neuro disorders(577) insomnia(578), loss of appetite(564) as it strengthens spleen and calms the mind by clearing away the stomach-heat, purging the heart fire, and tonifies the kidney(565) through enhancing the function of heart, spleen, lung, kidney channels(564).
4. Chen Pi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae)
Chen Pi, also known as Tangerine Peel, is the skin of is an orange-coloured citrus fruit, belongings to the genus Citrus in the family Rutaceae.
The bitter, acrid, warm herb has been used in TCM as antioxidant(580)(582), antimicrobial(579)(580)(581) and cytotoxic(580)(583) agents and to improve digestive functions(584), stop bleeding(585), increase blood pressure(585) and stimulate blood vessels(585) as it regulates qi and the middle burner, dry dampness and transform phlegm(586) by promoting the functions of lung and spleen channels(585).
5. Ban Xia (Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae)
Ban xia is also known as Pinellia Tuber, a genus of Pinellia, belongings to the family Araceae and native to China.
The acrid, warm, toxic herb(587) has been used in TCM as anti nephritis(587)(592), anti cancer(589)(590), anti diabetic(591), anti hypercholesterol(592(598)), expectorant(593) and anti convulsant(594) agents and to facilitate gastric disorders(588), get rid of phlegm(597) and induce calming(596) as it dries dampness(587), and tonifies middle burner that aids digestion(595) by enhancing the functions of lung, spleen and stomach channels(587).
According to Nanjing University, banxia also exhibited anti microbial activities, including candida albicans, through its phytochemicial Pinelloside(596). crude extracts of 7 spcies, including sha ren
6. Sha Ren (Adenophora verticillata, Fisch)
Sha Ren is also known as cardamom seeds, the tree is belongings to the genus Elettaria and Amomum in the family Zingiberaceae, native to in Asia and Australia.
The acrid, warm and nontoxic(599) herb has been used in TCM to treat digestive tract disorders(600)(601), such as bloating, stomach ache, nausea, vomiting and lack of appetite and gastric ulcer, as it transforms dampness(604), stimulate movement of qi and warms the middle burner(603) by promoting the functions of kidney, spleen and stomach channels(599).
According to University of Medical Sciences, sha ren showed a 100% inhibition of the pathogen mycelial growth, through it s anti fungal effects(602), in vitro.
7. Mu Xiang (Radix Aucklandiae)
Mu Xiang is also known as costus root, a genus is a genus Saussurea in the family Asteraceae, native to cool temperate and arctic regions of Asia, Europe, and North America.
The acrid, bitter and warm herb(605) has been used in TCM as anti microbial(606), anti diabetic(607) and, anti gastric ulcer(611) anti cancer(608)(609) agents and to treat digestive disorders(612), such as pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, vomiting caused by weak digestion, digestive tract infection(606) and yeast infection(606) as it enhances movement of qi, regulates the middle burner(612), dissolves damp-heat(610) by promoting the functions of gallbladder, large intestine, spleen, stomach channels(603).
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(76) FDA: Popular antibiotic can cause fatal heart rhythms By CNN Staff Updated 12:54 PM ET, Wed March 13, 2013
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(78) Use of ruxolitinib to successfully treat chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis caused by gain-of-function signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) mutation by Higgins E1, Al Shehri T2, McAleer MA3, Conlon N4, Feighery C4, Lilic D5, Irvine AD6.(PubMed)
(79) Gain-of-function mutations in signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1): chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis accompanied by enamel defects and delayed dental shedding by Frans G1, Moens L1, Schaballie H2, Van Eyck L3, Borgers H1, Wuyts M1, Dillaerts D1, Vermeulen E4, Dooley J5, Grimbacher B6, Cant A7, Declerck D8, Peumans M8, Renard M9, De Boeck K9, Hoffman I9, François I9, Liston A5, Claessens F10, Bossuyt X1, Meyts I11.(PubMed)
(80) Recurrent Skin and Lung Infections in Autosomal Dominant Hyper IgE Syndrome with Transactivation Domain STAT3 Mutationby Cooper CJ1, Said S1, Hernandez GT1.(PubMed)
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(82) Oral Candida carriage and blood group antigen secretor status.
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(88)Effects of amphotericin B gargles on oral colonization of Candidaalbicans in asthmatic patients on steroid inhalation therapy.Fukushima C1, Shimoda T, Kawano T, Tomari S, Mitsuta K, Obase Y, Matsuo N, Matsuse H, Kohno S.(PubMed)
(89)Oral candidiasis associated with inhaled corticosteroid use: comparison of fluticasone and beclomethasone.Fukushima C1, Matsuse H, Tomari S, Obase Y, Miyazaki Y, Shimoda T, Kohno S.(PubMed)
(90)Phospholipase, proteinase and haemolytic activities of Candida albicans isolated from oral cavities of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Tsang CS1, Chu FC, Leung WK, Jin LJ, Samaranayake LP, Siu SC.(PubMed)
(91) Hydrolytic enzyme production is associated with Candida albicansbiofilm formation from patients with type 1 diabetes.
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(92)Role of neutrophils in IL-17-dependent immunity to mucosal candidiasis.
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(93)Interleukin-17-induced protein lipocalin 2 is dispensable for immunity to oral candidiasis.
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(95) The diagnosis of esophageal candidiasis in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome: is endoscopy always necessary? Bianchi Porro G1, Parente F, Cernuschi M.(PubMed)
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(102) Stress responsive biochemical anabolic/catabolic ratio and telomere length in older adults.Vasunilashorn S1, Cohen AA.(PubMed)
(103) Antioxidant supplements reduced oxidative stress and stabilized liverfunction tests but did not reduce inflammation in a randomized controlled trial in obese children and adolescents.
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(106) Signs of chronic stress in women with recurrent candida vulvovaginitis. Ehrström SM1, Kornfeld D, Thuresson J, Rylander E.(PubMed)
(107) Oral candidiasis and nutritional deficiencies in elderly hospitalised patients. Paillaud E1, Merlier I, Dupeyron C, Scherman E, Poupon J, Bories PN.(PubMed)
(108) Nutritional factors and oral candidosis. Samaranayake LP (PubMed)
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(115)Risk factors for Salmonella infection. Loss of gastric acid linked to candidiasis. Larner AJ.(PubMed)
(116)Influence of gastric colonization with Candida albicans on ulcer healing in rats: effect of ranitidine, aspirin and probiotic therapy. Brzozowski T1, Zwolinska-Wcislo M, Konturek PC, Kwiecien S, Drozdowicz D, Konturek SJ, Stachura J, Budak A, Bogdal J, Pawlik WW, Hahn EG.(PubMed)
(117) Growth limitation in Candida lipolytica cultures and supersynthesis of metabolites]. [Article in Russian] Lozinov AB, Finogenova TV, Glazunova LM, Illarionova VI.(PubMed)
(118) Enterococcus faecalis inhibits superantigen toxic shock syndrome toxin-1-induced interleukin-8 from human vaginal epithelial cells through tetramic acids. Brosnahan AJ1, Merriman JA, Salgado-Pabón W, Ford B, Schlievert PM.(PubMed)
(119) The Toxic Effects of Yeast OvergrowthPosted by SoundHealth, in Disease
(110) Mercury Poisoning, Candida Yeast, Or Is It Both?
(111) Relation of blood acetaldehyde level to clinical symptoms in the disulfiram-alcohol reaction. RABY K.(PubMed)(112)Biofuels. Engineering alcohol tolerance in yeast. Lam FH1, Ghaderi A2, Fink GR3, Stephanopoulos G4.(PubMed)
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(114) Effect of corilagin on membrane permeability of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. Li N1, Luo M, Fu YJ, Zu YG, Wang W, Zhang L, Yao LP, Zhao CJ, Sun Y.(PubMed)
(115)A new look at the antibiotic amphotericin B effect on Candidaalbicans plasma membrane permeability and cell viability functions. Chudzik B1, Koselski M, Czuryło A, Trębacz K, Gagoś M.(PubMed)
(116) New insights into innate immune control of systemic candidiasis. Lionakis MS(PubMed)
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(118) Enterococcus faecalis inhibits superantigen toxic shock syndrome toxin-1-induced interleukin-8 from human vaginal epithelial cells through tetramic acids. Brosnahan AJ1, Merriman JA, Salgado-Pabón W, Ford B, Schlievert PM.(PubMed)
(119) The Toxic Effects of Yeast OvergrowthPosted by SoundHealth, in Disease
(120) Mercury Poisoning, Candida Yeast, Or Is It Both?
(121) Relation of blood acetaldehyde level to clinical symptoms in the disulfiram-alcohol reaction.
RABY K.(PubMed)
(122) Biofuels. Engineering alcohol tolerance in yeast. Lam FH1, Ghaderi A2, Fink GR3, Stephanopoulos G4.(PubMed)
(123 Cytotoxicity and metabolic stress induced by acetaldehyde in human intestinal LS174T goblet-like cells. Elamin E1, Masclee A2, Troost F2, Dekker J3, Jonkers D2.(PubMed)
(124) Effect of corilagin on membrane permeability of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. Li N1, Luo M, Fu YJ, Zu YG, Wang W, Zhang L, Yao LP, Zhao CJ, Sun Y.(PubMed)
(125)A new look at the antibiotic amphotericin B effect on Candidaalbicans plasma membrane permeability and cell viability functions. Chudzik B1, Koselski M, Czuryło A, Trębacz K, Gagoś M.(PubMed)
(126) New insights into innate immune control of systemic candidiasis. Lionakis MS(PubMed)
(127 )Immunogenetics of type 1 diabetes mellitus. Morran MP1, Vonberg A1, Khadra A2, Pietropaolo M3.(PubMed)
(128) Burden of Fungal Disease – Ireland. Dorgan E1, Denning DW2, McMullan R3.(PubMed)
(129) Burden of serious fungal infections in Spain.
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(130) Prevalence study of genital tract infections in pregnant women referred to health centers in Iran.Mobasheri M, Saeedi Varnamkhast N, Karimi A, Banaeiyan S.(PubMed)
(131)Vaginal infections among pregnant women at Omdurman Maternity Hospital in Khartoum, Sudan Abdelaziz ZA1, Ibrahim ME, Bilal NE, Hamid ME.(PubMed)
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(133) Characterization of low molecular weight antimicrobial peptide from human female reproductive tract. Sharma S1, Sethi S, Prasad R, Samanta P, Rajwanshi A, Malhotra S, Sharma M.(PubMed)
(134) Lower genital tract infections in infertile Nigerian women compared with controls.Okonofua FE1, Ako-Nai KA, Dighitoghi MD.(PubMed)
(135) ion of oocyte fertilization by assisted reproductive techniques and increased sperm DNA fragmentation in the presence of Candida albicans: a case report. Burrello N1, Calogero AE, Perdichizzi A, Salmeri M, D’Agata R, Vicari E.(PubMed)
(136) Studies on the significance of positive bacterial semen cultures in male fertility in Nigeria.Onemu SO1, Ibeh IN.(PubMed)
(137) Mycetomatoid infection of the penis by Candida albicans. Mastrolorenzo A1, Giomi B, Cipollini EM, Tammaro R, Decarli N, Cammelli D, Fabiani Tropeano F, Tiradritti L, Difonzo EM, Zuccati G.(PubMed)
(138) Candida albicans epididymo-orchitis and fungemia in a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia Mark Pimentel, MD, Lindsay E Nicolle, MD FRCPC, and Salman Qureshi, MD FRCPC(PubMed)
(139) Normocalcemic tetany and candidiasis. Galland L.(PubMed)
(140) Interaction of Candida albicans with genital mucosa: effect of sex hormones on adherence of yeasts in vitro. Kalo A1, Segal E.(PubMed)
(141) Response of pathogenic and non-pathogenic yeasts to steroids. Prasad R1, Devaux F, Dhamgaye S, Banerjee D.(PubMed)
(142)Evaluation of the influence of blood glucose level on oral candidal colonization in complete denture wearers with Type-II Diabetes Mellitus: An in vivo Study. Ganapathy DM1, Joseph S, Ariga P, Selvaraj A.(PubMed)
(143)Role of L3T4+ lymphocytes in protective immunity to systemic Candida albicans infection in mice. Cenci E1, Romani L, Vecchiarelli A, Puccetti P, Bistoni F.(PubMed)
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(146)Frequency of clinically isolated strains of oral Candida species at Kagoshima University Hospital, Japan, and their susceptibility to antifungal drugs in 2006-2007 and 2012-2013.Kamikawa Y1, Mori Y, Nagayama T, Fujisaki J, Hirabayashi D, Sakamoto R, Hamada T, Sugihara K.(PubMed)
(147)Oxidative and nitrosative stress on phagocytes’ function: from effective defense to immunity evasion mechanisms. Ferrari CK1, Souto PC, França EL, Honorio-França AC.(PubMed)
(148)IL-17 signaling in host defense against Candida albicans. Gaffen SL1, Hernández-Santos N, Peterson AC.(PubMed)
(149)Th17 cells in immunity to Candida albicans. Hernández-Santos N1, Gaffen SL.(PubMed)
(150)The adaptor CARD9 is required for adaptive but not innate immunity to oral mucosal Candida albicans infections. Bishu S1, Hernández-Santos N, Simpson-Abelson MR, Huppler AR, Conti HR, Ghilardi N, Mamo AJ, Gaffen SL(PubMed)
(151)Human intestinal epithelial cells respond to β-glucans via Dectin-1 and Syk. Cohen-Kedar S1, Baram L, Elad H, Brazowski E, Guzner-Gur H, Dotan I.(PubMed)
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(154)Effect of Candida colonization on human ulcerative colitis and the healing of inflammatory changes of the colon in the experimental model of colitis ulcerosa. Zwolinska-Wcislo M1, Brzozowski T, Budak A, Kwiecien S, Sliwowski Z, Drozdowicz D, Trojanowska D, Rudnicka-Sosin L, Mach T, Konturek SJ, Pawlik WW.(PubMed)
(155)Candida albicans is an immunogen for anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody markers of Crohn’s disease.Standaert-Vitse A1, Jouault T, Vandewalle P, Mille C, Seddik M, Sendid B, Mallet JM, Colombel JF, Poulain D.(PubMed)
(156)Candida albicans colonization and ASCA in familial Crohn’s disease. Standaert-Vitse A1, Sendid B, Joossens M, François N, Vandewalle-El Khoury P, Branche J, Van Kruiningen H, Jouault T, Rutgeerts P, Gower-Rousseau C, Libersa C, Neut C, Broly F, Chamaillard M, Vermeire S, Poulain D, Colombel JF.(PubMed)
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(158)Lesson of the month 2: toxic shock syndrome.
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(159)Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome: superantigen-mediated enhancement of endotoxin shock and adaptive immune suppression. Kulhankova K1, King J, Salgado-Pabón W.(PubMed)
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(168)The role of Candida albicans in the pathogenesis of food-intolerant irritable bowel syndrome. Shepherd C.(PubMed)
(169) Yeasts in the gut: from commensals to infectious agents. Schulze J1, Sonnenborn U.(PubMed)
(170) Treatment of abdominal pain in irritable bowel syndrome. Vanuytsel T1, Tack JF, Boeckxstaens GE.(PubMed)
(171) Current gut-directed therapies for irritable bowel syndrome. Chang HY1, Kelly EC, Lembo AJ.(PubMed)
(172) Abdominal pain in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: a review of putative psychological, neural and neuro-immune mechanisms.Elsenbruch S1.(PubMed)
(173) [Changes of etiology of chronic sinusitis].[Article in Chinese] Deng Q1, Peng P.(PubMed)
(174)Invasive fungal sinusitis of the sphenoid sinus. Lee DH1, Yoon TM1, Lee JK1, Joo YE2, Park KH3, Lim SC1.(PubMed)
(175) Occurrence of killer yeasts in isolates of clinical origin. Robledo-Leal E1, Villarreal-Treviño L, González GM.(PubMed)
(176)Experiences of daily activity in chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) and their implications for rehabilitation programmes. Pemberton S1, Cox DL.(PubMed)
(177) Chronic illness associated with mold and mycotoxins: is naso-sinus fungal biofilm the culprit? Brewer JH1, Thrasher JD, Hooper D.(PubMed)
(178) Detection of mycotoxins in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.Brewer JH1, Thrasher JD, Straus DC, Madison RA, Hooper D.(PubMed)
(179) Exposure to zearalenone mycotoxin alters in vitro porcine intestinal epithelial cells by differential gene expression.Taranu I1, Braicu C2, Marin DE3, Pistol GC3, Motiu M3, Balacescu L2, Beridan Neagoe I2, Burlacu R4.(PubMed)
(180)Therapeutic effects of oral NADH on the symptoms of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.
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(181) Identification of Candida albicans genes induced during thrush offers insight into pathogenesis. Cheng S1, Clancy CJ, Checkley MA, Handfield M, Hillman JD, Progulske-Fox A, Lewin AS, Fidel PL, Nguyen MH.(PubMed)
(182) Is endometrial infection with Candida albicans a cause of recurrent vaginal thrush?Smith JR1, Wells C, Jolly M, Shah P, Savage M, Reginald P, Kitchen VS.(PubMed)
(183) Candida albicans-specific lymphoproliferative and cytokine (IL-4 and IFN-gamma) responses in atopic eczema dermatitis syndrome. Evidence of CD4/CD8 and CD3/CD16+CD56 ratio elevations in vitro. Kosonen J1, Luhtala M, Viander M, Kalimo K, Terho EO, Savolainen J.(PubMed)
(184) Candida albicans mannan- and protein-induced humoral, cellular and cytokine responses in atopic dermatitis patients. Savolainen J1, Kosonen J, Lintu P, Viander M, Pène J, Kalimo K, Terho EO, Bousquet J.(PubMed)
(185) Guidelines for treatment of atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis) Part II.
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(189) Food Additives And Preservatives(All food business)
(190) Candida Albicans andFood Additives(Candida Albicans cure)(191) Antibiotics exposure, risk factors, and outcomes with Candidaalbicans and non-Candida albicans candidemia. Results from a multi-center study. Wang H1, Wu DW, Han H, Yue JF, Zhang F, Shan TC, Guo HP, Yin M.(PubMed)
(192) Candida and Alcohol Abuse (Holistic health talk)(193) Control of state 3 respiration in liver mitochondria from rats subjected to chronic ethanol consumption. Spach PI1, Cunningham CC.(PubMed)
(194) The associations of alcohol drinking and drinking cessation to measures of the immune system in middle-aged men. Mili F1, Flanders WD, Boring JR, Annest JL, DeStefano F.(PubMed)
(195) Acute immunomodulatory effects of binge alcohol ingestion. Afshar M1, Richards S2, Mann D3, Cross A4, Smith GB5, Netzer G6, Kovacs E7, Hasday J. (PubMed) (196) Recombinagenicity of caffeine for Candida albican . Sarachek A1, Henderson LA.(PubMed)
(197) Effects of growth temperature and caffeine on genetic responses of Candida albicans to ethyl methanesulfonate, nitrous acid and ultraviolet radiation. Sarachek A, Bish JT.(PubMed)
(198) Sugar, Dairy, Artificial Sweeteners and Candida albicans Infections(Candida Diet Foods)(199) Immunomodulatory strategies for celiac disease. Rossi M1, Maurano F, Luongo D.(PubMed)
(200) The effect of diet on systemic immune responses to wheat gliadin.
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(203) Condiments and the Candida Diet(Jiangsu, Shihuan bioengineer company)(204) Immunomodulation of mast cells by nutrients. Hagenlocher Y1, Lorentz A2.(PubMed)
(205) Effect of hypoxia on acetic acid ulcer of the stomach in rats with or without coenzyme Q10.
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(206)The role of cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway in acetic acid-induced colonic inflammation in the rat. Kolgazi M1, Uslu U, Yuksel M, Velioglu-Ogunc A, Ercan F, Alican I.(PubMed) (208) 7 Health Benefits of Apple Cider VinegarMichelle Schoffro CookSeptember 4, 20146:11 pm200 (Care 2)(209) Changes in anthropometric measurements, body composition, blood pressure, lipid profile, and testosterone in patients participating in a low-energy dietary intervention by Balliett M1, Burke JR.(PubMed)
(210) Apple Cider Vinegar Recipes(Immunology)
(211) Antimicrobial effects of virgin coconut oil and its medium-chain fatty acids on Clostridium difficile by Shilling M1, Matt L, Rubin E, Visitacion MP, Haller NA, Grey SF, Woolverton CJ.(PubMed)
(212) Short- and medium-chain fatty acids exhibit antimicrobial activity for oral microorganisms by Huang CB1, Alimova Y, Myers TM, Ebersole JL.(PubMed)
(213) Activity of virgin coconut oil, lauric acid or monolaurin in combination with lactic acid against Staphylococcus aureus by Tangwatcharin P1, Khopaibool P.(PubMed)
(214) Antioxidant capacity and phenolic acids of virgin coconut oil by Marina AM1, Man YB, Nazimah SA, Amin I.(PubMed)
(215) Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.: Arecaceae): in health promotion and disease prevention by DebMandal M1, Mandal S.(PubMed)
(216) Effects of coconut oil on testosterone-induced prostatic hyperplasiain Sprague-Dawley rats by de Lourdes Arruzazabala M1, Molina V, Más R, Carbajal D, Marrero D, González V, Rodríguez E.(PubMed)
(217) Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic activities of virgin coconut oil by Intahphuak S1, Khonsung P, Panthong A.(PubMed)
(218) Caprylic Acid and glyceryl trinitrate combination for eradication of biofilm by Rosenblatt J1, Reitzel RA2, Raad I2.(PubMed)
(219) Garlic blocks quorum sensing and promotes rapid clearing of pulmonary Pseudomonas aeruginosa infectionsby Bjarnsholt T1, Jensen PØ, Rasmussen TB, Christophersen L, Calum H, Hentzer M, Hougen HP, Rygaard J, Moser C, Eberl L, Høiby N, Givskov M.(PubMed)
(220) An in vitro assessment of the antibacterial effect of garlic (Allium sativum) on bacterial isolates from wound infectionsby Tessema B1, Mulu A, Kassu A, Yismaw G.(PubMed)
(221) Antileishmanial activity of a mixture of Tridax procumbens and Allium sativum in mice by Gamboa-Leon R1, Vera-Ku M1, Peraza-Sanchez SR2, Ku-Chulim C1, Horta-Baas A1, Rosado-Vallado M1.(PubMed)
(222) The effects of oral garlic on vaginal candida colony counts: a randomised placebo controlled double-blind trialby Watson CJ1, Grando D, Fairley CK, Chondros P, Garland SM, Myers SP, Pirotta M.(PubMed)
(223) Effects of ginger constituents on the gastrointestinal tract: role of cholinergic M3 and serotonergic 5-HT3 and 5-HT4 receptorsby Pertz HH1, Lehmann J, Roth-Ehrang R, Elz S.(PubMed)
(224) Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) prevents the development of morphine analgesic tolerance and physical dependence in ratsby Darvishzadeh-Mahani F1, Esmaeili-Mahani S, Komeili G, Sheibani V, Zare L.(PubMed)
(225) Stimulative and sedative effects of essential oils upon inhalation in Lim WC1, Seo JM, Lee CI, Pyo HB, Lee BC.(PubMed)
(226) Zingiber officinale Roscoe (ginger) as an adjuvant in cancer treatment: a reviewby Pereira MM1, Haniadka R, Chacko PP, Palatty PL, Baliga MS.(PubMed)
(227) Antibacterial activity of [10]-gingerol and [12]-gingerol isolated from ginger rhizome against periodontal bacteriaby Park M1, Bae J, Lee DS.(PubMed)
(228) Zerumbone enhances the Th1 response and ameliorates ovalbumin-induced Th2 responses and airway inflammation in miceby Shieh YH1, Huang HM2, Wang CC3, Lee CC4, Fan CK5, Lee YL6.(PubMed)
(229) Anti-Candida and radical scavenging activities of essential oils and oleoresins of Zingiber officinale Roscoe and essential oils of other plants belonging to the family Zingiberaceaeby Takahashi M1, Inouye S, Abe S.(PubMed)(230) Edible mushrooms: improving human health and promoting quality life by Valverde ME1, Hernández-Pérez T1, Paredes-López O1.(PubMed)
(231) [Effect of some vitamins on activity of immunocompetent cells].[Article in Russian]by Nezgovorov DV.(PubMed)
(232) Antioxidants keep the potentially probiotic but highly oxygen-sensitive human gut bacterium Faecalibacterium prausnitzii alive at ambient air by Khan MT1, van Dijl JM1, Harmsen HJ1.(PubMed)
(233) Storing red blood cells with vitamin C and N-acetylcysteine prevents oxidative stress-related lesions: a metabolomics overview by Pallotta V1, Gevi F1, D’alessandro A1, Zolla L1.(PubMed)
(234) Red blood cell metabolism under prolonged anaerobic storage by D’Alessandro A1, Gevi F, Zolla L.(PubMed)
(235) Alterations in antioxidant defense system of workers chronically exposed to arsenic, cadmium and mercury from coal flying ash by Zeneli L1, Sekovanić A, Ajvazi M, Kurti L, Daci N.(PubMed)(236) Indomethacin-induced translocation of bacteria across enteric epithelia is reactive oxygen species-dependent and reduced by vitamin C by Schoultz I1, McKay CM, Graepel R, Phan VC, Wang A, Söderholm J, McKay DM.(PubMed)
(237) Vitamin C derivative ascorbyl palmitate promotes ultraviolet-B-induced lipid peroxidation and cytotoxicity in keratinocytes by Meves A1, Stock SN, Beyerle A, Pittelkow MR, Peus D.(PubMed)
238. Effects of dried fish on antioxidant levels in rat liver by Anilakumar KR1, Khanum F, Krishna KR, Viswanathan KR.(PubMed)
(239) Vitamin A and retinoic acid in T cell-related immunity by Ross AC1.(PubMed)
(240) Vitamin A and immune regulation: role of retinoic acid in gut-associated dendritic cell education, immune protection and tolerance by Cassani B1, Villablanca EJ, De Calisto J, Wang S, Mora JR.(PubMed)(241) Modulatory role of vitamin A on the Candida albicans-induced immune response in human monocytes by Klassert TE1, Hanisch A, Bräuer J, Klaile E, Heyl KA, Mansour MK, Tam JM, Vyas JM, Slevogt H.(PubMed)
(242) [Toxicology of the synthetic antioxidants BHA and BHT in comparison with the natural antioxidant vitamin E].[Article in German]by Kahl R1, Kappus H.(PubMed)
(243) Effectiveness of antioxidants (vitamin C and E) with and without sunscreens as topical photoprotectants by Darr D1, Dunston S, Faust H, Pinnell S.(PubMed)
(244) Immune dysfunction and cytokine production in hemodialysis. Could they be lessened by vitamin E-coated dialyzer membrane by Senatore M, Cecere P, Colombo P, Costantini L, Filiberti O, Piccini G, Peona C, Buemi M, Nicoletti A, Rizzuto G.(PubMed)
(245) Prospective crossover trial of the influence of vitamin E-coated dialyzer membranes on T-cell activation and cytokine induction by Girndt M1, Lengler S, Kaul H, Sester U, Sester M, Köhler H.(PubMed)
(246) Vitamin E and immunity by Moriguchi S1, Muraga M.(PubMed)
(247) The role of vitamin E in T-cell differentiation and the decrease of cellular immunity with Moriguchi S1.(PubMed)(249) By the way, doctor. I recently saw a TV ad for a product called “coralcalcium,” which is supposed to prevent osteoporosis and other diseases. What do you know about it by Robb-Nicholson C.(PubMed)
(250) The effect of probiotic bacteria on transepithelial calcium transport and calcium uptake in human intestinal-like Caco-2 cells by Gilman J1, Cashman KD.(PubMed)
(251) Sodium Picosulfate with Magnesium Citrate (SPMC) Plus Laxative Is a Good Alternative to Conventional Large Volume Polyethylene Glycol in Bowel Preparation: A Multicenter Randomized Single-Blinded Trial by Kim HG1, Huh KC, Koo HS, Kim SE, Kim JO, Kim TI, Kim HS, Myung SJ, Park DI, Shin JE, Yang DH, Lee SH, Lee JS, Lee CK, Chang DK, Joo YE, Cha JM, Hong SP, Kim HJ.(PubMed)
(252) Effect of potassium magnesium citrate on thiazide-induced hypokalemia and magnesium loss.
Ruml LA1, Pak CY.(PubMed)
(253) Efficacy of magnesium citrate cathartic in pediatric toxic ingestions by Sue YJ1, Woolf A, Shannon M.(PubMed)
(254) Study of possible correlation between BLOOD IMMUNOGLOBULIN G INCREASED and MAGNESIUM CITRATE(Meds fact)
(255)In vitro antiviral and antibacterial activity of commercial intravenous immunoglobulin preparations–a potential role for adjuvant intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in infectious diseases by Krause I1, Wu R, Sherer Y, Patanik M, Peter JB, Shoenfeld Y.(PubMed)
(256)In-silico identification and characterization of organic and inorganic chemical stress responding genes in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) by Barozai MY1, Bashir F2, Muzaffar S2, Afzal S2, Behlil F2, Khan M2.(PubMed)
(257) Four pathogenic Candida species differ in salt tolerance. Krauke Y1, Sychrova H.(PubMed)
(259) A sodium carbonate-bicarbonate buffer for alkaline phosphatases by DELORY GE, KING EJ (PubMed))260) The relationship between the acid and alkaline phosphatase activity and the adherence of clinical isolates of Candida parapsilosis to human buccal epithelial cells by Fernanado PH1, Panagoda GJ, Samaranayake LP.(PubMed)
(260) Candida albicans Rim13p, a protease required for Rim101p processing at acidic and alkaline pHs by Li M1, Martin SJ, Bruno VM, Mitchell AP, Davis DA.(PubMed)
(261) Adaptation to environmental pH in Candida albicans and its relation to pathogenesis. Davis D1.(PubMed)
(262) Effect of sodium bicarbonate on Candida albicans adherence to thermally activated acrylic resin by Sousa FA1, Paradella TC, Koga-Ito CY, Jorge AO.(PubMed)
(263) Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of dimethyl- and trimethyl-substituted phosphonium salts with alkyl chains of various lengths by A Kanazawa, T Ikeda, and T Endo(PubMed)(264) Antimicrobial Polymeric Materials with Quaternary Ammonium and Phosphonium Salts by Xue Y1,2, Xiao H3, Zhang Y4.(PubMed)
(265) Zinc and the immune system by Rink L1, Gabriel P.(PubMed)
(266) The immune system and the impact of zinc during aging by Haase H1, Rink L.(PubMed)
(267) Some new nano-structure zinc(II) coordination compounds of an imidazolidine Schiff base: spectral, thermal, antimicrobial properties and DNA interaction. Montazerozohori M1, Musavi SA2, Naghiha A3, Zohour MM4.(PubMed)
(268) Candida article zinc and metallothionein(Cure zone)
(269) Metallothionein as an Anti-Inflammatory Mediator(Mediators of inflammation)(270) Antimicrobial activity of aqueous extracts and of berberine isolated from Berberis heterophylla by Freile ML1, Giannini F, Pucci G, Sturniolo A, Rodero L, Pucci O, Balzareti V, Enriz RD.(PubMed)
(271) Berberis aetnensis C. Presl. extracts: antimicrobial properties and interaction with ciprofloxacin. Musumeci R1, Speciale A, Costanzo R, Annino A, Ragusa S, Rapisarda A, Pappalardo MS, Iauk L.(PubMed)
(272) In vitro biological assessment of Berberis vulgaris and its active constituent, berberine: antioxidants, anti-acetylcholinesterase, anti-diabetic and anticancer effects. Abd El-Wahab AE, Ghareeb DA1, Sarhan EE, Abu-Serie MM, El Demellawy MA.(PubMed)
(273) Inhibition of biofilm formation and lipase in Candida albicans by culture filtrate of Staphylococcus epidermidis in vitro. Bhattacharyya S1, Gupta P2, Banerjee G2, Jain A2, Singh M2.(PubMed)
(274) Differential Candida albicans lipase gene expression during alimentary tract colonization and infection. Schofield DA1, Westwater C, Warner T, Balish E.(PubMed)
(275) Medicinal Plants in Australia Volume 4: An Antipodean Apothecary
(276) Ellagitannin(Wikipedia)
(2377) Oil of clover(Wikipedia)
(278) Anti-virulence potential of eugenyl acetate against pathogenic bacteria of medical importance by Musthafa KS1, Voravuthikunchai SP.(PubMed)
(279) Immunomodulatory activity of geranial, geranial acetate, gingerol, and eugenol essential oils: evidence for humoral and cell-mediated responses. Farhath S1, Vijaya P1, Vimal M2.(PubMed)
(280) Investigations into the antibacterial activities of phytotherapeutics against Helicobacter pylori and Campylobacter jejuni by Cwikla C1, Schmidt K, Matthias A, Bone KM, Lehmann R, Tiralongo E.(PubMed)
(281) Protective effects of goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis L.) on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity through inhibition of CYP2E1 in ratsby Yamaura K1, Shimada M, Nakayama N, Ueno K.(PubMed)
(282) In vitro antifungal activity of the berberine and its synergism with fluconazole by Iwazaki RS1, Endo EH, Ueda-Nakamura T, Nakamura CV, Garcia LB, Filho BP.(PubMed)
(283) Synthesis of 13-(substituted benzyl) berberine and berberrubine derivatives as antifungal agentsby Park KD1, Lee JH, Kim SH, Kang TH, Moon JS, Kim SU.(PubMed)
(284) Molecular mechanisms of action of herbal antifungal alkaloid berberine, in Candida albicansby Dhamgaye S1, Devaux F2, Vandeputte P3, Khandelwal NK4, Sanglard D3, Mukhopadhyay G5, Prasad R4.(PubMed)
(285) Effect of two monoterpene phenols on antioxidant defense system in Candida albicansby Khan A1, Ahmad A2, Ahmad Khan L3, Padoa CJ4, van Vuuren S5, Manzoor N6.(PubMed)
(286) Fungicidal activity of thymol and carvacrol by disrupting ergosterol biosynthesis and membrane integrity against Candidaby Ahmad A1, Khan A, Akhtar F, Yousuf S, Xess I, Khan LA, Manzoor N.(PubMed)
(287) Gastroprotective, cytoprotective and antioxidant effects of Oleum cinnamomi on ethanol induced damageby Ozbayer C1, Kurt H, Ozdemir Z, Tuncel T, Moheb Saadat S, Burukoglu D, Senturk H, Degirmenci I, Gunes HV.(PubMed)
(288) Cinnamon may have therapeutic benefits on lipid profile, liver enzymes, insulin resistance, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease patientsby Askari F1, Rashidkhani B2, Hekmatdoost A3.(PubMed)
(289) Regular ingestion of cinnamomi cortex pulveratus offers gastroprotective activity in miceby Tankam JM1, Sawada Y, Ito M.(PubMed)
(290) An overview on chemical composition, bioactivity and processing of leaves of Cinnamomum tamalaby Sharma V1, Rao LJ.(PubMed)
(291) Antimicrobial activities of commercial essential oils and their components against food-borne pathogens and food spoilage bacteriaby Mith H1, Duré R2, Delcenserie V2, Zhiri A3, Daube G2, Clinquart A2.(PubMed)
(292) The antibacterial and antifungal activity of essential oils extracted from Guatemalan medicinal plantsby Miller AB1, Cates RG, Lawrence M, Soria JA, Espinoza LV, Martinez JV, Arbizú DA.(PubMed)
(293) Anticandidal efficacy of cinnamon oil against planktonic and biofilm cultures of Candida parapsilosis and Candida orthopsilosisby Pires RH1, Montanari LB, Martins CH, Zaia JE, Almeida AM, Matsumoto MT, Mendes-Giannini MJ.(PubMed)
(294) Properties and Uses for Herbs and Spices
(295) Fumigant activity of (E)-anethole identified in Illicium verum fruit against Blattella germanica by Chang KS1, Ahn YJ.(PubMed)
(296) Antimicrobial activity of the essential oil from Lippia sidoides, carvacrol and thymol against oral pathogensby Botelho MA1, Nogueira NA, Bastos GM, Fonseca SG, Lemos TL, Matos FJ, Montenegro D, Heukelbach J, Rao VS, Brito GA.(PubMed)
(297) Hydrolates from lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) – their chemical composition as well as aromatic, antimicrobial and antioxidant propertiesby Prusinowska R1, Śmigielski K, Stobiecka A, Kunicka-Styczyńska A.(PubMed)
(298) Antioxidant capacity and total phenolic contents of oregano (Origanum vulgare), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) from Romaniaby Spiridon I1, Colceru S, Anghel N, Teaca CA, Bodirlau R, Armatu A.(PubMed)
(299) Lavender essential oil inhalation suppresses allergic airway inflammation and mucous cell hyperplasia in a murine model of asthmaby Ueno-Iio T1, Shibakura M2, Yokota K1, Aoe M1, Hyoda T1, Shinohata R1, Kanehiro A3, Tanimoto M3, Kataoka M1.(PubMed)
(300) Lavandula luisieri essential oil as a source of antifungal drugsby Zuzarte M1, Gonçalves MJ, Cruz MT, Cavaleiro C, Canhoto J, Vaz S, Pinto E, Salgueiro L.(PubMed)(301) Antifungal activity of phenolic-rich Lavandula multifida L. essential oilby Zuzarte M1, Vale-Silva L, Gonçalves MJ, Cavaleiro C, Vaz S, Canhoto J, Pinto E, Salgueiro L.(PubMed)
(302) Hypnotic activities of chamomile and passiflora extracts in sleep-disturbed ratsby Shinomiya K1, Inoue T, Utsu Y, Tokunaga S, Masuoka T, Ohmori A, Kamei C.(PubMed)
(303) Antidiarrheal and antioxidant activities of chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) decoction extract in ratsby Sebai H1, Jabri MA2, Souli A3, Rtibi K3, Selmi S3, Tebourbi O4, El-Benna J5, Sakly M4.
(304) Induction of heme oxygenase-1 by chamomile protects murine macrophages against oxidative stressby Bhaskaran N1, Shukla S, Kanwal R, Srivastava JK, Gupta S.(PubMed)
(305) Study of antimicrobial activity of chamomile oilby Aggag ME, Yousef RT.(PubMed)
(306) Phenolic acids profile, antioxidant and antibacterial activity of chamomile, common yarrow and immortelle (Asteraceae)by Mekinić IG, Skroza D, Ljubenkov I, Krstulović L, Možina SS, Katalinić V.(PubMed)
(307) A novel colorimetric broth microdilution method to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of antibiotics and essential oilsagainst Helicobacter pyloriby Weseler A1, Geiss HK, Saller R, Reichling J.(PubMed)
(308) All-natural composite wound dressing films of essential oilsencapsulated in sodium alginate with antimicrobial propertiesby Liakos I1, Rizzello L2, Scurr DJ3, Pompa PP2, Bayer IS4, Athanassiou A5.(PubMed)(309) Antibacterial activity of hydrogen peroxide and the lactoperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide-thiocyanate system against oral streptococciby Thomas EL1, Milligan TW, Joyner RE, Jefferson MM.
(310) Effect of hydrogen peroxide on antibacterial activities of Canadian honeysby Brudzynski K1.(PubMed)
(311) Streptomyces sp. JS520 produces exceptionally high quantities of undecylprodigiosin with antibacterial, antioxidative, and UV-protective propertiesby Stankovic N1, Radulovic V, Petkovic M, Vuckovic I, Jadranin M, Vasiljevic B, Nikodinovic-Runic J.(PubMed)
(312) Antimicrobial polyurethane thermosets based on undecylenic acid: synthesis and Lluch C1, Esteve-Zarzoso B, Bordons A, Lligadas G, Ronda JC, Galià M, Cádiz V.(PubMed)
(313) Allergic contact dermatitis from undecylenic acid in a commercial antifungal nail solution by Anguita JL1, Escutia B, Marí JI, Rodríguez M, De La Cuadra J, Aliaga A.(PubMed)
(314) Undecylenic acid and fungous infections by Landau JW.(PubMed)
(315) Undecylenic acid inhibits morphogenesis of Candida albicansby McLain N1, Ascanio R, Baker C, Strohaver RA, Dolan JW.(PubMed)
(316) [Inhibition of Candida mycelia growth by a medium chain fatty acids, capric acid in vitro and its therapeutic efficacy in murine oral candidiasis].[Article in Japanese]by Takahashi M1, Inoue S, Hayama K, Ninomiya K, Abe S.(PubMed)
(317) [Effects of inhibitory activity on mycelial growth of Candida albicans and therapy for murine oral candidiasis by the combined use of terpinen-4-ol and a middle-chain fatty acid, capric acid].[Article in Japanese]by Ninomiya K1, Hayama K, Ishijima S, Takahashi M, Kurihara J, Abe S.(PubMed)
(318) In vitro and in vivo immune stimulating effects of a new standardized Echinacea angustifolia root extract (Polinacea) by Morazzoni P1, Cristoni A, Di Pierro F, Avanzini C, Ravarino D, Stornello S, Zucca M, Musso T.(PubMed)
(319) Immune enhancing effects of Echinacea purpurea root extract by reducing regulatory T cell number and function by Kim HR, Oh SK, Lim W, Lee HK, Moon BI, Seoh JY.(PubMed)
(320) Applications of the phytomedicine Echinacea purpurea (Purple Coneflower) in infectious diseases. by Hudson JB1.(PubMed)
(321) Anethole, a potential antimicrobial synergist, converts a fungistatic dodecanol to a fungicidal agentby Fujita K1, Fujita T, Kubo I.(PubMed)
(322) Polygodial, an antifungal potentiator by Kubo I1, Taniguchi M.(PubMed)
(323) Enterococci from piglets–probiotic properties and responsiveness to natural antibacterial substances by Strompfová V1, Lauková A.(PubMed)
(324) Dietary supplementation with two Lamiaceae herbs-(oregano and sage) modulates innate immunity parameters in Lumbricus terrestris by Vattem DA1, Lester C, Deleon R, Jamison B, Maitin V.(PubMed)
(325) Oregano Oil for Candida(New health guide)(326) In vitro activity of origanum vulgare essential oil against candidaspecies by Cleff MB1, Meinerz AR, Xavier M, Schuch LF, Schuch LF, Araújo Meireles MC, Alves Rodrigues MR, de Mello JR.(PubMed)
(327) Augmented humoral immune response and decreased cell-mediated immunity by Aloe vera in rats. by Halder S1, Mehta AK, Mediratta PK.(PubMed)
(328) Antimicrobial activity of preparation Bioaron C by Gawron-Gzella A, Michalak A, Kędzia A.(PubMed)
(329) Antimicrobial activity of plant extracts on Candida albicans: an in vitro study by Doddanna SJ1, Patel S, Sundarrao MA, Veerabhadrappa RS.(PubMed)
(330) Antifungals: Aloe Vera(The candida diets)
(331) The Influence of Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) on Fluconazole Activity against Fluconazole-Resistant Candida albicans Strains by Mertas A1, Garbusińska A1, Szliszka E1, Jureczko A1, Kowalska M1, Król W1.(PubMed)
(332) In vivo activity of terpinen-4-ol, the main bioactive component of Melaleuca alternifolia Cheel (tea tree) oil against azole-susceptible and -resistant human pathogenic Candida species by Mondello F1, De Bernardis F, Girolamo A, Cassone A, Salvatore G.(PubMed)
(333) [The effect of tannic acid on colonization of Candida in tissue conditioning material].
[Article in Japanese]by Kubota K.(PubMed)(334) [The effect of tannic acid on attachment of Candida albicans to plate denture lining material].
[Article in Japanese]by Tanaka T.(PubMed)
(335) Who Gets Yeast Infections?(Things for ladies)(336) Evaluation of Phytochemical Screening and Anti Inflammatory Activity of Leaves and Stem of Mikania scandens (L.) Wild by Banerjee S1, Chanda A1, Adhikari A2, Das A2, Biswas S3.(PubMed)
(337) The effect of oxalate on gluconeogenesis by isolated chicken hepatocytes. Increased sensitivity to inhibition as a result of biotindeficiency by Bannister DW, O’Neill IE.(PubMed)
(338) Growth of Candida albicans in a minimal synthetic medium without biotin. by Vidotto V1, Pugliese A, Gioannini P.(PubMed)
(339) Candida Infestation and BiotinWritten by Sean Brookwood Published on September 22, 2013
(340) Improved growth and viability of lactobacilli in the presence of Bacillus subtilis (natto), catalase, or subtilisin by Hosoi T1, Ametani A, Kiuchi K, Kaminogawa S.(PubMed)
(Oxidative stress responses in the human fungal pathogen, Candidaalbicans by Dantas Ada S1, Day A2, Ikeh M3, Kos I4, Achan B5, Quinn J6.(PubMed)
(341) Candida Diets: Part II: Hydrogen Peroxide Written by Jeff McCombs(342) Glutamine supplementation for young infants with severe gastrointestinal disease. by Brown JV1, Moe-Byrne T, McGuire W.(PubMed)
(343) Glutamine and intestinal barrier function ,By Wang B1, Wu G, Zhou Z, Dai Z, Sun Y, Ji Y, Li W, Wang W, Liu C, Han F, Wu Z.(PubMed)
(344) Schiff bases attached L-glutamine and L-asparagine: first investigation on antimutagenic and antimicrobial analyses by Sakiyan I1, Anar M, Oğütcü H, Agar G, Sarı N.(PubMed)
(345)Explore The Truth On Cures For Yeast Infection(Thing for Ladies)
(346) and maintains healthy intestinal lining(Thing for Ladies)(347) Role of gamma-oryzanol in drought-tolerant and susceptible cultivars of rice (Oryza sativa L.) by Kumar MS, Dahuja A, Rai RD, Walia S, Tyagi A.(PubMed)
(348) [Effects of gamma-oryzanol on gastric lesions and small intestinal propulsive activity in mice].
[Article in Japanese] by Ichimaru Y, Moriyama M, Ichimaru M, Gomita Y.(PubMed)(349) Hydrolysis of rice bran oil using an immobilized lipase from Candidarugosa in isooctane by Murty VR1, Bhat J, Muniswaran PK.(PubMed)
(350) The use of dual-isotope imaging to compare the gastrointestinaltransit of food and pancreatic enzyme pellets in cystic fibrosis patients by Hillel PG1, Tindale WB, Taylor CJ, Frier M, Senior S, Ghosal S.(PubMed)
(351) The Best Digestive Enzymes For Candida(Digestive health Guide)
(352) Purification and characterization of antibacterial substances produced by a marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis strain by Hayashida-Soiza G1, Uchida A, Mori N, Kuwahara Y, Ishida Y.(PubMed)
(353) Induction of rhythmic transient depolarizations associated with waxing and waning of slow wave activity in intestinal smooth muscle by Pawelka AJ1, Huizinga JD2.(PubMed)
(354) Fermentation Analysis & Evaluation(daily one)
(355) Anti-inflammatory effects of sodium butyrate on human monocytes: potent inhibition of IL-12 and up-regulation of IL-10 production by Säemann MD1, Böhmig GA, Osterreicher CH, Burtscher H, Parolini O, Diakos C, Stöckl J, Hörl WH, Zlabinger GJ.(PubMed)
(356) Inhibition of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase attenuates butyrate-induced intestinal barrier impairment in a Caco-2 cell monolayer model by Huang XZ1, Li ZR, Zhu LB, Huang HY, Hou LL, Lin J.(PubMed)
(357) Functional characterization of sucrose phosphorylase and scrR, a regulator of sucrose metabolism in Lactobacillus reuteri by Teixeira JS1, Abdi R, Su MS, Schwab C, Gänzle MG.(PubMed)
(358) Fructo-oligosaccharides(FOS)(Wikipedia)
(359) [Synthesis of novel fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) by enzymatic reaction].[Article in French]by Grizard D1, Barthomeuf C.(PubMed)
(360) Inulin-type prebiotics–a review: part 1 by Kelly G.(PubMed)
(361) Introducing inulin-type fructans by Roberfroid MB1.(PubMed)
(362) Studies with Inulin-Type Fructans on Intestinal Infections, Permeability, and Inflammation,
by Francisco Guarner(The Journal of Nutrition)
(363) Review article: the use of biotherapeutic agents in the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal disease by Lewis SJ1, Freedman AR(PubMed)
(364) Review article: yeast as probiotics — Saccharomyces boulardii by Czerucka D1, Piche T, Rampal P.(PubMed)
(365) Determining the role of a probiotic in the restoration of intestinal microbial balance by molecular and cultural techniques by Shoaib A1, Dachang W1, Xin Y2.(PubMed)
(366) Use of probiotics to correct dysbiosis of normal microbiota following disease or disruptive events: a systematic review by McFarland LV1(PubMed)
(367) Fiber and prebiotics: mechanisms and health benefits by Slavin J1(PubMed)
(368) Isomer-specific consumption of galactooligosaccharides by bifidobacterial species by Peacock KS1, Ruhaak LR, Tsui MK, Mills DA, Lebrilla CB(PubMed)
(369) [Vegetable fiber (II). Diseases of the digestive system]. [Article in Spanish] Mur de Frenne L, Tosao Sánchez A, Fleta Zaragozano J.(PubMed)
(370) Fiber and prebiotics: mechanisms and health benefits by Slavin J1.(PubMed)
(371) Beneficial Bowel Bacteria – Our Neglected Friends (The Mcdougal newsletter)
(372) In vitro fermentation of lactulose by human gut bacteria by Mao B1, Li D, Zhao J, Liu X, Gu Z, Chen YQ, Zhang H, Chen W.(PubMed)
(373) The role of fiber in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: therapeutic recommendations by Zuckerman MJ1.(PubMed)
(374) Dietary roles of non-starch polysaccharides in human nutrition: a review by Kumar V1, Sinha AK, Makkar HP, de Boeck G, Becker K.(PubMed)
(375) Fermentable non-starch polysaccharides increases the abundance of Bacteroides-Prevotella-Porphyromonas in ileal microbial community of growing pigs by Ivarsson E1, Roos S2, Liu HY1, Lindberg JE1.(PubMed)
(376) Digestibility of fibre sources and molecular weight distribution of fibre fractions in ileal digesta of growing pigs by Ivarsson E1, Andersson R, Lindberg JE.(PubMed)
(376) Egg proteins as allergens and the effects of the food matrix and processing by Benedé S1, López-Expósito I, Molina E, López-Fandiño R.(PubMed)
(377) Modulation of peanut-induced allergic immune responses by oral lactic acid bacteria-based vaccines in mice by Ren C1, Zhang Q, Wang G, Ai C, Hu M, Liu X, Tian F, Zhao J, Chen Y, Wang M, Zhang H, Chen W.(PubMed)
*378) Effects of aged garlic extract on left ventricular diastolic function and fibrosis in a rat hypertension model by Hara Y1, Noda A, Miyata S, Minoshima M, Sugiura M, Kojima J, Otake M, Furukawa M, Cheng XW, Nagata K, Murohara T.(PubMed)
(379) Effects of garlic oil on interleukin-6 mediated cardiac hypertrophy in hypercholesterol-fed hamsters. Hsieh YL1, Pai P, Ho TJ, Chung LC, Cheng YC, Wu CH, Fan MJ, Day CH, Shen CY, Huang CY.(PubMed)
(380) Anticoagulant activity of select dietary supplements by Stanger MJ1, Thompson LA, Young AJ, Lieberman HR.(PubMed)
(381) Onion and garlic use and human cancer by Galeone C1, Pelucchi C, Levi F, Negri E, Franceschi S, Talamini R, Giacosa A, La Vecchia C.(PubMed)
(382) [Effect of phytoncides on the bacteria isolated from patients with respiratory pathology]. [Article in Russian] by Manastyrskiĭ RIa, Demkevich LI, Sibirnaia RI, Beliakova OI, Iukhimenko IE.(PubMed)
(383) Antioxidant health effects of aged garlic extract by Borek C1.(PubMed)
(384) Aged garlic extract and its constituents inhibit Cu(2+)-induced oxidative modification of low density lipoprotein by Ide N, Nelson AB, Lau BH.(PubMed)
(385) Allicin enhances host pro-inflammatory immune responses and protects against acute murine malaria infection by Feng Y1, Zhu X, Wang Q, Jiang Y, Shang H, Cui L, Cao Y.(PubMed)
(386) Effects of increased wholegrain consumption on immune and inflammatory markers in healthy low habitual wholegrain consumers by Ampatzoglou A1, Williams CL, Atwal KK, Maidens CM, Ross AB, Thielecke F, Jonnalagadda SS, Kennedy OB, Yaqoob P.(PubMed)
(387) Increased whole grain consumption does not affect blood biochemistry, body composition, or gut microbiology in healthy, low-habitual whole grain consumers. Ampatzoglou A1, Atwal KK1, Maidens CM1, Williams CL1, Ross AB2, Thielecke F3, Jonnalagadda SS4, Kennedy OB1, Yaqoob P5.(PubMed)
(388) Colonization and infection of the skin by S. aureus: immune system evasion and the response to cationic antimicrobial peptides by Ryu S1, Song PI2, Seo CH3, Cheong H4, Park Y5.(PubMed)
(389) Obesity, inflammation and the immune system by de Heredia FP1, Gómez-Martínez S, Marcos A.(PubMed)
(390) Ultraviolet Radiation in Wound Care: Sterilization and Stimulation by Gupta A1, Avci P2, Dai T3, Huang YY4, Hamblin MR5.(PubMed)
(391) In vitro and in vivo characterization of ultraviolet light C-irradiated human platelets in a 2 event mouse model of transfusion by Zhi L1, Chi X, Vostal JG.(PubMed)
(392) Ultraviolet-C light for treatment of Candida albicans burn infection in mice by Dai T1, Kharkwal GB, Zhao J, St Denis TG, Wu Q, Xia Y, Huang L, Sharma SK, d’Enfert C, Hamblin MR. (PubMed)
(393) Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy: photodynamic antimicrobial effects of malachite green on Staphylococcus, enterobacteriaceae, and Candida by Junqueira JC1, Ribeiro MA, Rossoni RD, Barbosa JO, Querido SM, Jorge AO.(PubMed)
(394) Position statement. Part one: Immune function and exercise by Walsh NP1, Gleeson M, Shephard RJ, Gleeson M, Woods JA, Bishop NC, Fleshner M, Green C, Pedersen BK, Hoffman-Goetz L, Rogers CJ, Northoff H, Abbasi A, Simon P.(PubMed)
(395) Psychoneuroimmunology. Fact or fiction? by Sali A1.(PubMed)
(396) Hypoxic macrophages impair autophagy in epithelial cells through Wnt1: relevance in IBD by Ortiz-Masiá D1, Cosín-Roger J1, Calatayud S1, Hernández C2, Alós R3, Hinojosa J3, Apostolova N4, Alvarez A1, Barrachina MD1.(PubMed)
(397) Chronic stress experience and burnout syndrome have appreciable influence on health-related quality of life in patients with psoriasis by Breuer K1, Göldner FM, Jäger B, Werfel T, Schmid-Ott G.(PubMed)
(398) Higher-risk behavioral practices associated with bacterial vaginosis compared with vaginal candidiasis by Bradshaw CS1, Morton AN, Garland SM, Morris MB, Moss LM, Fairley CK.(PubMed)
(399) Vulvovaginal candidiasis in women who have sex with women by Bailey JV1, Benato R, Owen C, Kavanagh J.(PubMed)
(400) Bacterial vaginosis in lesbians and bisexual women by Bailey JV1, Farquhar C, Owen C.(PubMed)(401) Traditional Chinese Medicine for Candidiasis(Traditional Chinese medicine information page)
(402) Spleen(Earth)(5 organs network of Chinese medicine)
(403) Digestive Disorders Health Center(WebMD)
(404) The anti-inflammatory secoiridoid glycosides from GentianaeScabrae Radix: the root and rhizome of Gentiana scabra by He YM1, Zhu S, Ge YW, Kazuma K, Zou K, Cai SQ, Komatsu K.(PubMed)
(405) [Simultaneous determination of five iridoids in gentianaemacrophyllae radix and their local variety by HPLC].[Article in Chinese] by Wu JR, Wu LH, Zhao ZL, Wang ZT.(PubMed)
(406) Iridoid(Wikipedia)
(407) Comparison of the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of Gentiana macrophylla Pall. and Gentiana straminea Maxim., and identification of their active constituents by Jia N1, Li Y, Wu Y, Xi M, Hur G, Zhang X, Cui J, Sun W, Wen A.(PubMed)
(408) Isolation of gentiopicroside from Gentianae Radix and its pharmacokinetics on liver ischemia/reperfusion rats by Chang-Liao WL1, Chien CF, Lin LC, Tsai TH.(PubMed)
(409) [Effect of a plant extract combination preparation on gastrointestinal transit time and bile acid excretion].[Article in German] by Matzkies F, Webs B.(PubMed)
(410) Liver diseases in traditional Chinese medicine by Dr. Mary Wu and Dr. Cindy Cheng(Toronto School of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
(411) Active constituents of Gentian.Radix Gentianae.Gentian root(MDidea)
(412) long dan cao(Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(413) Influence of d-galactosamine hydrochloride on lipids and their fatty acid composition in plasma and liver of guinea pigs by Gallenkamp H, Bartsch GG, Löhr JP, Brachtel D, Richter E.(PubMed)
(414) The endocrine secretion of mammalian digestive enzymes by exocrine glands by Isenman L1, Liebow C, Rothman S.(PubMed)
(415) Huang Qin (Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(416) Felter, H.W. The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Cincinnati, Ohio: John K. Scudder, 1922, p. 625.
(417) Skullcap(University of Maryland medical center)
(418) Antimicrobial activity of Chinese medicine herbs against common bacteria in oral biofilm. A pilot study by Wong RW1, Hägg U, Samaranayake L, Yuen MK, Seneviratne CJ, Kao R.(PubMed)
(418) Screening 20 Chinese herbs often used for clearing heat and dissipating toxin with nude mice model of hepatitis C viral infection]. [Article in Chinese] by Tang ZM1, Peng M, Zhan CJ.(PubMed)
(419) Integrating Complementary Medicine into Veterinary Practice By Paula Jo Broadfoot, Richard E. Palmquist, Karen Johnston, Jiu Jia Wen, Barbara Fougere, Page 684
(420) Botanical Medicine in Clinical Practice - Page 430
(422) Antiplasmodial and anti-inflammatory activities of Canthium henriquesianum (K. Schum), a plant used in traditional medicine in Burkina Faso by Ilboudo DP1, Basilico N, Parapini S, Corbett Y, D’Alessandro S, Dell’Agli M, Coghi P, Karou SD, Sawadogo R, Gnoula C, Simpore J, Nikiema JB, Monti D, Bosisio E, Taramelli D.(PubMed)
(423) Antithrombotic activities of aqueous extract from Gardenia jasminoides and its main constituent by Zhang HY1, Liu H, Yang M, Wei SF.(PubMed)
(424) [Antimicrobial effects of qingkailing injection extract and combination therapy of qingkailing injection and antibiotics on bacteria carrying blaNDM-1 resistance gene]. [Article in Chinese] by Shang W1, Wang XS, Zou DY, Zhang ZN, Liao XR, Yuan J.(PubMed)
(425) Healing Digestive Disorders: Natural Treatments for Gastrointestinal Conditions By Andrew Gaeddert. Page 76 – 77.
(426) Iridoids from Gardenia jasminoides by Ragasa CY1, Pimenta LE, Rideout JA.(PubMed)
(427) Akebia - Ask Dr. Mao
(428) Mu Tong (Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(429) Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of the saponin and sapogenins obtained from the stem of Akebia quinata by Choi J1, Jung HJ, Lee KT, Park H (PubMed)
(430) 1000 plants and remedies By Aaron Matas
(431) Soluble plantain nonstarch polysaccharides, although increasing caecal load, reduce systemic invasion of Salmonella Gallinarum in the chicken by Parsons BN1, Campbell BJ, Wigley P.(PubMed)
(432) Dietary supplementation with soluble plantain non-starch polysaccharides inhibits intestinal invasion of Salmonella Typhimurium in the chicken by Parsons BN1, Wigley P2, Simpson HL1, Williams J(PubMed)
(433) Soluble plantain fibre blocks adhesion and M-cell translocation of intestinal pathogens by Roberts CL1, Keita AV, Parsons BN, Prorok-Hamon M, Knight P, Winstanley C, O’ Kennedy N, Söderholm JD, Rhodes JM, Campbell BJ.(PubMed)
(434) Interactive effects between diet and genotypes of host and pathogen define the severity of infection. Zhang J1, Friman VP, Laakso J, Mappes J.(PubMed)
(435) Traditional herbal remedies used in the management of sexual impotence and erectile dysfunction in western Uganda by Maud Kamatenesi-Mugisha and Hannington Oryem-Origa(PubMed)
(436) Chemical characteristics and antioxidant activities of polysaccharide purified from the seeds of Plantago asiatica L” by Yin JY, Nie SP, Zhou C, Wan Y, Xie MY(PubMed)
(437) [Effects of phenylethanoid glycosides from seeds of Plantago asiatica on maturation of dendritic cells]. [rticle in Chinese]” by Huang D, Nie S, Tang Y, Wan Y, Chen Y, Xie M.(PubMed)
(438) [Oral rehydration with a plantain flour-based solution precooked with standardized electrolytes].[Article in Spanish] by Bernal C1, Alcaraz GM, Botero JE.(PubMed)
(439) Che Qian Cao (Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(440) Ze Xie (Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(441) Traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology and quality control of Alisma orientale (Sam.) Juzep: a review by Tian T1, Chen H1, Zhao YY2.(PubMed)
(442) 间明中药学 By Eric Brand, Nigel Wiseman. Page 509
(443) The Healing Power of Chinese Herbs and Medicinal RecipesBy Ethan B Russo, Joseph Hou. PAGE 463
(444) Ethanol extract of Alismatis Rhizoma reduces acute lung inflammation by suppressing NF-κB and activating Nrf2 by Han CW1, Kwun MJ, Kim KH, Choi JY, Oh SR, Ahn KS, Lee JH, Joo M.(PubMed)
(445) The rhizomes of Alisma orientale and alisol derivatives inhibit allergic response and experimental atopic dermatitis by Lee JH1, Kwon OS, Jin HG, Woo ER, Kim YS, Kim HP.(PubMed)
(446) Study on the hypoglycemic activities and metabolism of alcohol extract of Alismatis Rhizoma by Li Q1, Qu H.(PubMed)
(447) [Analysis of major herbs in Chinese herbal formula Jianpi Huoxue Decoction for improving intestinal permeability based on uniform design].[Article in Chinese by Fu QL1, Hu YY, Feng Q, Wang XN, Peng JH, Cui T.(PubMed)
(448) [Analysis of major herbs in Chinese herbal formula Jianpi Huoxue Decoction for improving intestinal permeability based on uniform design].[Article in Chinese by Fu QL1, Hu YY, Feng Q, Wang XN, Peng JH, Cui T.(PubMed)
(449) In vitro antidiabetic activities of five medicinal herbs used in Chinese medicinal formulae by Lau CH1, Chan CM, Chan YW, Lau KM, Lau TW, Lam FC, Che CT, Leung PC, Fung KP, Ho YY, Lau CB.(PubMed)
(450) Optimization of ultrasound extraction of Alisma orientalis polysaccharides by response surface methodology and their antioxidantactivities by Zhao ZY1, Zhang Q2, Li YF1, Dong LL3, Liu SL4.(PubMed)
(451) Saikosaponin a, an active compound of Radix Bupleuri, attenuates inflammation in hypertrophied 3T3-L1 adipocytes via ERK/NF-κB signaling pathways by Kim SO1, Park JY1, Jeon SY1, Yang CH2, Kim MR1.(PubMed)
(452) Inhibitory activities of selected Kampo formulations on human aldose reductase by Onoda T, Ishikawa C, Fukazawa T, Li W1, Obayashi M, Koike K.(PubMed)
(453) Anthelmintic activity of saikosaponins a and d from radix bupleuriagainst Dactylogyrus spp. infecting goldfish by Zhu S1, Ling F, Zhang Q, Liu G, Tu X, Jiang C, Wang G.(PubMed)
(454) Antioxidant activity and total phenolic contents of three Bupleurum taxa by Kim H, Kim SH, Yun KW.(PubMed)
(455) Yokukansan, a traditional Japanese herbal medicine, alleviates the emotional abnormality induced by maladaptation to stress in mice by Tsuji M1, Takeuchi T2, Miyagawa K2, Ishii D2, Imai T2, Takeda K2, Kitajima M3, Takeda H4.(PubMed)
(456)Antioxidant and Proliferative Activities of Bupleuri Radix Extract Against Serum Deprivation in SH-SY5Y Cells by Seo MK1, Cho HY, Lee CH, Koo KA, Park YK, Lee JG, Lee BJ, Park SW, Kim YH.(PubMed)
(457) [Observation on clinical efficacy of depression treated with the alliance of acupuncture and medication].[Article in Chinese] by Liu EJ1, Zhang WL, Bai YP.(PubMed)
(458)[Effects of resolving phlegm method on fibrinolytic status in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis patients of phlegm and blood-stasis syndrome].[Article in Chinese] by Chen L1, Jiang YK, Cai YB.(PubMed)
(459) Chai Hu(Complementary and Alternative Healing University) (460) Huang Lian(Rhizoma Coptidis)
(461) Huang Lian(Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(462) Study of the anti-MRSA activity of Rhizoma coptidis by chemical fingerprinting and broth microdilution methods by Luo JY1, Yan D2, Yang MH3.(PubMed)
(463) Comparative pharmacokinetics of active alkaloids after oral administration of Rhizoma Coptidis extract and Wuji Wan formulas in rat using a UPLC-MS/MS method by Chen Y1, Li Y, Wang Y, Yang Q, Dong Y, Weng X, Zhu X, Wang Y, Gong Z, Zhang R.(PubMed)
(464) Evaluation of antibacterial effect and mode of Coptidis rhizoma by microcalorimetry coupled with chemometric techniques by Kong W1, Wang J, Xiao X, Chen S, Yang M.(PubMed)
(465) Potent anti-microbial activity of traditional Chinese medicine herbs against Candida species by Seneviratne CJ1, Wong RW, Samaranayake LP.(PubMed)
(466) Effect of traditional Chinese medicinal herbs on Candida spp. from patients with HIV/AIDS by Liu X1, Han Y, Peng K, Liu Y, Li J, Liu H.(PubMed)
(467) Seasonal Variation of Alkaloid Contents and Anti-InflammatoryActivity of Rhizoma coptidis Based on Fingerprints Combined with Chemometrics Methods by Li JY1, Wang XB1, Luo JG1, Kong LY2.(PubMed)
(468)Anticachectic effects of Coptidis rhizoma, an anti-inflammatory herb, on esophageal cancer cells that produce interleukin 6 by Iizuka N1, Miyamoto K, Hazama S, Yoshino S, Yoshimura K, Okita K, Fukumoto T, Yamamoto S, Tangoku A, Oka M.(PubMed)
(469)The antihyperglycemic effects of Rhizoma Coptidis and mechanism of actions: a review of systematic reviews and pharmacological research by Wang H1, Mu W1, Shang H1, Lin J1, Lei X1.(PubMed)
(470) [Effects of alkaloids from coptidis rhizoma on blood lipid metabolism and low-denstity lipoprotein receptor mRNA in golden hamsters].[Article in Chinese] by Wu H, Wang YZ, Wang DZ, Pang J, Ye XL, Li XG.(PubMed)
(471) Pharmacokinetics of Two Alkaloids after Oral Administration of Rhizoma Coptidis Extract in Normal Rats and Irritable Bowel Syndrome Rats by Zipeng Gong,1 Ying Chen,1 Ruijie Zhang,1 Yinghan Wang,1,2 Qing Yang,1 Yan Guo,1 Xiaogang Weng,1 Shuangrong Gao,1 Hailin Wang,1 Xiaoxin Zhu,1 Yu Dong,3 Yujie Li,1 and Yajie Wang1(Hindawi Publishing Corporation)
(472) Rhubarb tannins extract inhibits the expression of aquaporins 2 and 3 in magnesium sulphate-induced diarrhoea model by Liu C1, Zheng Y2, Xu W2, Wang H2, Lin N1.(PubMed)
(473) [Effects of Na-FA on gastrointestinal movement and gastric ulcer in mice].[Article in Chinese] by Li YM1, Li BC, Li P, Liu JZ, Cui JL, Mei ZQ.(PubMed)
(474) A clinical study on compound da huang (radix et Rhizoma rhei) preparations for improvement of senile persons’ memory ability by Tian J1, Du H, Yang H, Liu X, Li Z.(PubMed)
(475) Inhibitory effect of Daesungki-Tang on the invasiveness potential of hepatocellular carcinoma through inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 activities by Ha KT1, Kim JK, Lee YC, Kim CH.(PubMed)
(476) Da Huang(Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(477) A study of Helicobacterium pylori and prevention and treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis by Zhang L1, Yang L, Zheng X.(PubMed)
(478) The Treatment of Modern Western Medical Diseases with Chinese Medicine: A …By Bob Flaws, Philippe Sionneau. Page 131
(479) Advances in Viridans Streptococci Research and Treatment: 2011 Edition
(480) A Handbook of TCM Pediatrics: A Practitioner’s Guide to the Care and …By Bob Flaws. Page 101
(481) Antimicrobial activity of berberine alone and in combination with ampicillin or oxacillin against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus by Yu HH1, Kim KJ, Cha JD, Kim HK, Lee YE, Choi NY, You YO.(PubMed)
(482) Antimicrobial activity of Chinese medicine herbs against common bacteria in oral biofilm. A pilot study by Wong RW1, Hägg U, Samaranayake L, Yuen MK, Seneviratne CJ, Kao R.(PubMed)
(483) [Study on the Chinese herbal formula for treatment of vaginitis and the antimicrobial activity in murine models].[Article in Chinese] by Fu TT1, Wu JY, Wang L, Ma Y, Wang Y, Liu Y, Ding H.(PubMed)
(484) Effect of traditional Chinese medicinal herbs on Candida spp. from patients with HIV/AIDS by Liu X1, Han Y, Peng K, Liu Y, Li J, Liu H.(PubMed)
(485) Potent anti-microbial activity of traditional Chinese medicine herbs against Candida species by Seneviratne CJ1, Wong RW, Samaranayake LP.(PubMed)
(486) Er-Miao-San, a traditional herbal formula containing Rhizoma Atractylodis and Cortex Phellodendri inhibits inflammatory mediators in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 macrophages through inhibition of NF-κB pathway and MAPKs activation by Chen G1, Li KK2, Fung CH2, Liu CL2, Wong HL2, Leung PC3, Ko CH4.(PubMed)
(487) The anti-inflammatory potential of Cortex Phellodendron in vivo and in vitro: down-regulation of NO and iNOS through suppression of NF-κB and MAPK activation by Choi YY1, Kim MH1, Han JM1, Hong J2, Lee TH3, Kim SH4, Yang WM5.(PubMed)
(488) Huang bai(Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(489) The principle and technique of using Chinese drugs in the treatment of hypertension by Zhou C1, Yu Z, Li R, Tian Z.(PubMed)
(490) Beneficial effects of Phellodendri Cortex extract on hyperglycemia and diabetic nephropathy in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats by Kim HJ1, Kong MK, Kim YC.(PubMed) (491) [Observation of the curative effect of qingchang huashi recipe for treating active ulcerative colitis of inner-accumulation of damp-heatsyndrome].[Article in Chinese] by He HH1, Shen H, Zheng K.(PubMed)
(492) Antipyretic and anti-asthmatic activities of traditional Chinese herb-pairs, Ephedra and Gypsum by Mei F1, Xing XF, Tang QF, Chen FL, Guo Y, Song S, Tan XM, Luo JB.(PubMed)
(493) Treatment of painful Modic type I changes by vertebral augmentation with bioactive resorbable bone cement by Masala S1, Anselmetti GC, Marcia S, Nano G, Taglieri A, Calabria E, Chiocchi M, Simonetti G.(PubMed)
(494) A comparative study with oral nifedipine, intravenous nimodipine, and magnesium sulfate in postoperative analgesia by Zarauza R1, Sáez-Fernández AN, Iribarren MJ, Carrascosa F, Adame M, Fidalgo I, Monedero P.(PubMed)
(495) Scorpion in Combination with Gypsum: Novel Antidiabetic Activities in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice by Up-Regulating Pancreatic PPARγ and PDX-1 Expressions by Xie W1, Zhao Y, Gu D, Du L, Cai G, Zhang Y.(PubMed)
(496) Antibiotic-loaded synthetic calcium sulfate beads for prevention of bacterial colonization and biofilm formation in periprosthetic infections by Howlin RP1, Brayford MJ2, Webb JS1, Cooper JJ2, Aiken SS2, Stoodley P3.(PubMed)
(497) Comparing PMMA and calcium sulfate as carriers for the local delivery of antibiotics to infected surgical sites by McConoughey SJ1, Howlin RP, Wiseman J, Stoodley P, Calhoun JH.(PubMed)
(498) In Vitro Activity of Calcium Sulfate and Hydroxyapatite Antifungal Disks Loaded with Amphotericin B or Voriconazole in Consideration for Adjunctive Osteomyelitis Management by Karr JC1, Lauretta J.(PubMed)
(499) Herbs that c;ear heat(Chapter 3)
(500) Shi Gao (Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(501) Chemical constituents from the fruits of Forsythia suspensa and their antimicrobial activity by Kuo PC1, Chen GF2, Yang ML3, Lin YH1, Peng CC1.(PubMed)
(502) Isoforsythiaside, an antioxidant and antibacterial phenylethanoid glycoside isolated from Forsythia suspensa by Qu H1, Zhang Y, Chai X, Sun W.(PubMed)
(503) Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of two compounds (forsythiaside and forsythin) isolated from Forsythia suspensa by Qu H1, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Li B, Sun W.(PubMed)
(504) Forsythin inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation by suppressing JAK-STAT and p38 MAPK signalings and ROS production by Pan X1, Cao X, Li N, Xu Y, Wu Q, Bai J, Yin Z, Luo L, Lan L.(PubMed)
(505) New alkaloids from Forsythia suspensa and their anti-inflammatory activities by Dai SJ1, Ren Y, Shen L, Zhang DW.(PubMed)
(506) Antiasthmatic action of dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans from fruits of Forsythia viridissima on asthmatic responses to ovalbumin challenge in conscious guinea-pigs by Lee JH1, Lee JY, Kim TD, Kim CJ.(PubMed)
(507) A strategy for evaluating antipyretic efficacy of Chinese herbal medicines based on UV spectra fingerprints by Ni LJ1, Zhang LG, Hou J, Shi WZ, Guo ML.(PubMed)
(508) Lian qiao (Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(509) Effects of forsythia fruit extracts and lignan on lipid metabolism by Cho SH1, Rhee SJ, Choi SW, Choi Y.(PubMed)
(510) Protective effects of Forsythia suspensa extract against oxidative stress induced by diquat in rats. Lu T1, Piao XL, Zhang Q, Wang D, Piao XS, Kim SW.(PubMed)
(511) Anti-inflammatory components of Chrysanthemum indicum flowers by Luyen BT1, Tai BH2, Thao NP2, Cha JY3, Lee HY3, Lee YM4, Kim YH5.(PubMed)
(512) Chrysanthemum indicum Linné extract inhibits the inflammatory response by suppressing NF-kappaB and MAPKs activation in lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW 264.7 macrophages by Cheon MS1, Yoon T, Lee do Y, Choi G, Moon BC, Lee AY, Choo BK, Kim HK.(PubMed)
(513) Suppression of inflammatory responses by handelin, a guaianolide dimer from Chrysanthemum boreale, via downregulation of NF-κB signaling and pro-inflammatory cytokine production by Pyee Y1, Chung HJ, Choi TJ, Park HJ, Hong JY, Kim JS, Kang SS, Lee SK.(PubMed)
(514) Rapid green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Chrysanthemum indicum L and its antibacterial and cytotoxic effects: an in vitro study by Arokiyaraj S1, Arasu MV2, Vincent S3, Prakash NU4, Choi SH5, Oh YK1, Choi KC2, Kim KH6.(PubMed)
(515) Composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils from leaf, stem and root of Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.) Bernh. from Iran by Shafaghat A1, Sadeghi H, Oji K.(PubMed)
(516) Analgesic activity of the aqueous fraction from the ethanolic extract of Chrysanthemum indicum in mice by Chen YF1, Zhao MH, Yan M, Shi GB, Hou GX, Huang Y, Wang X, Zhao QC.(PubMed)
(517) Ju hua (Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(518) Chrysanthemum Promotes Adipocyte Differentiation, Adiponectin Secretion and Glucose Uptake by Yamamoto J1, Yamane T, Oishi Y, Shimizu M, Tadaishi M, Kobayashi-Hattori K.(PubMed)
(519) The chemical constituents of endophytic fungus Trichoderma sp. MFF-1 by Li GH1, Wang XB, Liu FF, Dang LZ, Li L, Yang ZS, Xin X, Zhang KQ.(PubMed)
(520) Antipyretic and antinociceptive properties of Mentha longifolia Huds. (Lamiaceae) leaf aqueous extract in rats and mice by Amabeoku GJ1, Erasmus SJ, Ojewole JA, Mukinda JT.(PubMed)
(521) Antinociceptive activity of Mentha piperita leaf aqueous extract in mice by Taher YA1.(PubMed)
(522) Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of three Mentha species essential oils. Mimica-Dukić N1, Bozin B, Soković M, Mihajlović B, Matavulj M.(PubMed)
(523) Chemical composition and antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Mentha (longifolia L. and viridis) essential oils by Mkaddem M1, Bouajila J, Ennajar M, Lebrihi A, Mathieu F, Romdhane M.(PubMed)
(524) Effects of Mentha suaveolens Essential Oil Alone or in Combination with Other Drugs in Candida albicans by Stringaro A1, Vavala E2, Colone M1, Pepi F3, Mignogna G4, Garzoli S3, Cecchetti S5, Ragno R3, Angiolella L2.(PubMed)
(525) Anti-Candida activity of Mentha arvensis and Turnera ulmifolia by Santos KK1, Matias EF, Souza CE, Tintino SR, Braga MF, Guedes GM, Nogueira LF, Morais EC, Costa JG, Menezes IR, Coutinho HD.(PubMed)
(526) Chemical Composition and Anti-Inflammatory, Cytotoxic and Antioxidant Activities of Essential Oil from Leaves of Mentha piperita Grown in China by Sun Z1, Wang H2, Wang J3, Zhou L3, Yang P1.(PubMed)
(527) Anti-inflammatory effect of Mentha longifolia in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages: reduction of nitric oxide production through inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthas by Karimian P1, Kavoosi G, Amirghofran Z.(PubMed)
(528) Pocket Atlas of Chinese Medicine By Marnae C. Ergil, page 269
(529) Bo he(Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(530) Identification of antimicrobial and antioxidant constituents from licorice of Russian and Xinjiang origin by Okada K, Tamura Y, Yamamoto M, Inoue Y, Takagaki R, Takahashi K, Demizu S, Kajiyama K, Hiraga Y, Kinoshita T.(PubMed)
(531) Antioxidant and antimicrobial constituents of licorice: isolation and structure elucidation of a new benzofuran derivative by Demizu S, Kajiyama K, Takahashi K, Hiraga Y, Yamamoto S, Tamura Y, Okada K, Kinoshita T.(PubMed)
(532) Antimicrobial flavonoids from Glycyrrhiza glabra hairy root cultures by Li W, Asada Y, Yoshikawa T.(PubMed)
(533) 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid induces immunological adjuvant activity of Th1 against Candida albicans surface mannan extract by Kim J1, Joo I, Kim H, Han Y.(PubMed)
(534) Effect of licorice compounds licochalcone A, glabridin and glycyrrhizic acid on growth and virulence properties of Candida albicans by Messier C1, Grenier D.(PubMed)
(535) Gan cao(Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(536) Glabridin, An isoflavan from licorice root, down-regulates iNOS expression and activity under high glucose stress and inflammation by Yehuda I1, Madar Z, Leikin-Frenkel A, Tamir S.(PubMed)
(537) Anti-inflammatory effects of Huangqin tang extract in mice on ulcerative colitis by Chen P1, Zhou X2, Zhang L2, Shan M2, Bao B2, Cao Y2, Kang A2, Ding A2.(PubMed)
(538) Modulatory effects of several herbal extracts on avian peripheral blood cell immune responses by Dorhoi A1, Dobrean V, Zăhan M, Virag P.(PubMed)
(539) Attenuation of allergic airway inflammation in a murine model of asthma by Licochalcone A by Chu X1, Jiang L, Wei M, Yang X, Guan M, Xie X, Wei J, Liu D, Wang D.(PubMed)
(540) Interaction of gypsum and the rhizome of Anemarrhena asphodeloides plays an important role in anti-allergic effects of byakkokakeishito in mice by Makino T1, Shiraki Y, Mizukami H.(PubMed)
(541) Ren shen(Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(542) Anti-proliferative effect of ginseng saponins on human prostate cancer cell line by Liu WK1, Xu SX, Che CT.(PubMed)
(543) Stereoisomer-Specific Anticancer Activities of Ginsenoside Rg3 and Rh2 in HepG2 Cells: Disparity in Cytotoxicity and Autophagy-Inducing Effects Due to 20(S)-Epimers by Cheong JH1, Kim H, Hong MJ, Yang MH, Kim JW, Yoo H, Yang H, Park JH, Sung SH, Kim HP, Kim J.(PubMed)
(544) Ginsenoside Rg1 prevents cognitive impairment and hippocampus senescence in a rat model of D-galactose-induced aging by Zhu J1, Mu X1, Zeng J2, Xu C1, Liu J1, Zhang M1, Li C1, Chen J3, Li T3, Wang Y1.(PubMed)
(545) Fermenting red ginseng enhances its safety and efficacy as a novel skin care anti-aging ingredient: in vitro and animal study by Lee HS1, Kim MR, Park Y, Park HJ, Chang UJ, Kim SY, Suh HJ.(PubMed)
(546) Ginsenoside Rg1 prevents cognitive impairment and hippocampus senescence in a rat model of D-galactose-induced aging by Zhu J1, Mu X1, Zeng J2, Xu C1, Liu J1, Zhang M1, Li C1, Chen J3, Li T3, Wang Y1.(PubMed)
(547) Neuroprotective effect of water extract of Panax ginseng on corticosterone-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells and its underlying molecule mechanisms by Jiang Y1, Li Z1, Liu Y1, Liu X1, Chang Q1, Liao Y1, Pan R2.(PubMed)
(548) Immune system effects of echinacea, ginseng, and astragalus: a review by Block KI1, Mead MN.(PubMed)
(549) Ginseng, the ‘Immunity Boost’: The Effects of Panax ginseng on Immune System by Kang S1, Min H.(PubMed)
(550) A review on the medicinal potentials of ginseng and ginsenosides on cardiovascular diseases by Lee CH1, Kim JH2.(PubMed)
(551) Cardiovascular Diseases and Panax ginseng: A Review on Molecular Mechanisms and Medical Applications by Kim JH1.(PubMed)
(552) [Effect of ginseng-sanqi extract on the Ras associated signal proteins].[Article in Chinese] by Tian W1, Lei Y, Zhu LQ.(PubMed)
(553) Bai zhu(Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(554) Antioxidant activity of qizhu tang by Wang XJ1, Feng P.(PubMed)
(555) Antioxidant potential of qizhu tang, a chinese herbal medicine, and the effect on cerebral oxidative damage after ischemia reperfusion in rats by Xuejiang W1, Ichikawa H, Konishi T.(PubMed)
(556) Compositions for protecting liver, or for preventing or treating liver fibrosis or cirrhosis US 20080260870 A1
(557) Investigation of the Chemical Changes from Crude and Processed Paeoniae Radix Alba-Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma Herbal Pair Extracts by Using Q Exactive High-Performance Benchtop Quadrupole-Orbitrap LC-MS/MS by Cao G1, Li Q2, Cai H3, Tu S4, Cai B1.(PubMed)
(558) Atractylenolide II induces G1 cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis in B16 melanoma cells byYe Y1, Wang H, Chu JH, Chou GX, Chen SB, Mo H, Fong WF, Yu ZL.(PubMed)
(559) Atractylenolide I-mediated Notch pathway inhibition attenuates gastric cancer stem cell traits by Ma L1, Mao R1, Shen K1, Zheng Y1, Li Y1, Liu J2, Ni L3.(PubMed)
(560) The Treatment of Modern Western Medical Diseases with Chinese Medicine: A … By Bob Flaws, Philippe Sionneau, page 364
(561) Literature-based analysis on relationship of symptoms, drugs and therapies in treatment of intestinal diseases by Gao L, Wang J, Li F, Deng Y, Gao S.(PubMed)
(562) The Treatment of Modern Western Medical Diseases with Chinese Medicine: A … By Bob Flaws, Philippe Sionneau, page 346
(563) Fermented Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae alleviates high fat diet-induced obesity in association with regulation of intestinal permeability and microbiota in rats by Wang JH1, Bose S2, Kim HG3, Han KS3, Kim H3.(PubMed)
(564) Fu ling(Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(565) Treatment of incipient diabetic nephropathy by clearing away the stomach-heat, purging the heart fire, strengthening the spleen and tonifying the kidney by Wu S1, Han Y, Li J.(PubMed)
(566) Ethanol extract of Poria cocos reduces the production of inflammatory mediators by suppressing the NF-kappaB signaling pathway in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages by Jeong JW, Lee HH, Han MH, Kim GY, Hong SH, Park C, Choi YH1.(PubMed)
(567) Influence of traditional Chinese anti-inflammatory medicinal plants on leukocyte and platelet functions by Prieto JM1, Recio MC, Giner RM, Máñez S, Giner-Larza EM, Ríos JL.(PubMed)
(568) [Syndrome differentiation and treatment of Taiyang disease in Shanghan Lun].[Article in Chinese] by Yang X1, Peng WB, Yue XQ.(PubMed)
(569) Diuretic activity of some fractions of the epidermis of Poria cocos by Feng YL1, Lei P, Tian T, Yin L, Chen DQ, Chen H, Mei Q, Zhao YY, Lin RC.(PubMed)
(570) Diuretic activity of the ethanol and aqueous extracts of the surface layer of Poria cocos in rat by Zhao YY1, Feng YL, Du X, Xi ZH, Cheng XL, Wei F.(PubMed)
(571) Biological activities and potential health benefits of polysaccharides from Poria cocos and their derivatives by Sun Y1.(PubMed)
(572) Triterpenes from Poria cocos suppress growth and invasiveness of pancreatic cancer cells through the downregulation of MMP-7 by Cheng S1, Eliaz I, Lin J, Thyagarajan-Sahu A, Sliva D.(PubMed)
(573) Cytotoxic and anti-oxidant activities of lanostane-type triterpenes isolated from Poria cocos by Zhou L1, Zhang Y, Gapter LA, Ling H, Agarwal R, Ng KY.(PubMed)
(574) Antioxidant activity of carboxymethyl (1→3)-β-d-glucan (from the sclerotium of Poria cocos) sulfate (in vitro) by Wang Q1, Chen S2, Han L2, Lian M2, Wen Z2, Jiayinaguli T2, Liu L2, Sun R2, Cao Y3.(PubMed)
(575) Anti-fungal and anti-bacterial activities of ethanol extracts of selected traditional Chinese medicinal herbs by Zhang L1, Ravipati AS, Koyyalamudi SR, Jeong SC, Reddy N, Bartlett J, Smith PT, de la Cruz M, Monteiro MC, Melguizo A, Jiménez E, Vicente F.(PubMed)
(576) Bioactive proteins and peptides isolated from Chinese medicines with pharmaceutical potential. by Wong KL1, Wong RN2, Zhang L1, Liu WK3, Ng TB3, Shaw PC4, Kwok PC5, Lai YM6, Zhang ZJ1, Zhang Y1, Tong Y1, Cheung HP1, Lu J1, Sze SC1.(PubMed)
(577) A activitiesUse of Yokukansan (TJ-54) in the treatment of neurological disorders: a review by de Caires S1, Steenkamp V.(PubMed)
(578) Over-the-counter sleeping pills: a survey of use in Hong Kong and a review of their constituents by Chung KF1, Lee CK.(PubMed)
(579) Antimicrobial activity of acid-hydrolyzed Citrus unshiu peel extract in milk by Min KY1, Kim HJ2, Lee KA1, Kim KT3, Paik HD4.(PubMed)
(580) New depside from Citrus reticulata Blanco by Phetkul U1, Phongpaichit S, Watanapokasin R, Mahabusarakam W(PubMed)
(581) Anti-fungal activity of Citrus reticulata Blanco essential oil against Penicillium italicum and Penicillium digitatum by Tao N1, Jia L2, Zhou H2.(PubMed)
(582) Phenolic compositions and antioxidant capacities of Chinese wild mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) fruits by Zhang Y1, Sun Y, Xi W, Shen Y, Qiao L, Zhong L, Ye X, Zhou Z.(PubMed)
(583) Differential inhibition of human cancer cell proliferation by citrus limonoids by Tian Q1, Miller EG, Ahmad H, Tang L, Patil BS.(PubMed)
(585) Chen pi(Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(586) Encyclopedic Reference of Traditional Chinese Medicine edited by Yang Xinrong, page 542
(587) Ban xia(Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(588) Effect of Pinellia ternata tuber on the efferent activity of the gastric vagus nerve in the rat.
Niijima A1, Okui Y, Kubo M, Higuchi M, Taguchi H, Mitsuhashi H, Maruno M.(PubMed)
(589) Chinese medicine formula “Weikang Keli” induces autophagic cell death on human gastric cancer cell line SGC-7901 by Huo J1, Qin F, Cai X, Ju J, Hu C, Wang Z, Lu W, Wang X, Cao P.(PubMed)
(590) [Effects of ethanol extract of Rhizome Pinelliae Preparata on intracellular pH value of human gastric adenocarcinoma cells].[Article in Chinese]by Zhang CA1, Wu F, Mao ZJ, Wei Z, Li YJ, Wei PK.(PubMed)
(591) Anti-diabetic effect of Wen-pi-tang-Hab-Wu-ling-san extract in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats by Hyo Won Jung, Jin Ki Jung,1Mahesh Ramalingam, Cheol-Ho Yoon,2 Hyo Sang Bae,2 and Yong-Ki Park (PubMed)
(592) Effects of chai ling tang on proteinuria in rat models by Li P1, Fujio S.(PubMed)
(593) [Effect of jinshui-liujun decoction on chronic bronchitis in rats].[Article in Chinese] by Shen Y1, Lü X, Jiang J, Guo S, Zhao C, Meng H, Li S, Hu X(PubMed)
(594) Sedative, hypnotic and anticonvulsant activities of the ethanol fraction from Rhizoma Pinelliae Praeparatum by Xiang-yang Wu, Jiang-li Zhao, Min Zhang, Fang Li, Ting Zhao, Liu-qing Yang [accessed Mar 22, 2015](Researchgate)
(595) 2008 VOLUME 3 ISSUE 1Australian Journalof Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine25Modern Applications ofModifiedBan Xia Xie Xin Tangand Their Development by Hong Xu, PhD and Wen Xuan Zhang, PhD
(596) Pinelloside, an antimicrobial cerebroside from Pinellia ternata byChen JH1, Cui GY, Liu JY, Tan RX.(PubMed)
(597) [Optimized treatment program for unstable angina by integrative medicine based on partially observable Markov decision process].[Article in Chinese]by Feng Y1, Xu H, Liu K, Zhou XZ, Chen KJ.(PubMed)
(598) Anti-obesity effect of Pinellia ternata extract in Zucker rats by Kim YJ1, Shin YO, Ha YW, Lee S, Oh JK, Kim YS.(PubMed)
(599) Sha ren(Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(600) Gastroprotective effect of cardamom, Elettaria cardamomum Maton. fruits in rats by Jamal A1, Javed K, Aslam M, Jafri MA.(PubMed)
(601) Evaluation of the gastric antiulcerogenic effect of large cardamom(fruits of Amomum subulatum Roxb). by Jafri MA1, Farah, Javed K, Singh S.(PubMed)
(602) Anti-fungal activity of cold and hot water extracts of spices against fungal pathogens of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) in vitro by Touba EP1, Zakaria M, Tahereh E.(PubMed)
(603) Herbal Formulas II Dr. Li, Dongcheng
(604) Foundations for Integrative Musculoskeletal Medicine: An East-west Approach By Alon Marcus, page 104
(605) Mu xiang(Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(606) Antibiotic principle of Eupatorium capillifolium by Rao KV, Alvarez FM.(PubMed)
(607)Normo-glycemic and hypolipidemic effect of costunolide isolated from Costus speciosus (Koen ex. Retz.)Sm. in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats by Eliza J1, Daisy P, Ignacimuthu S, Duraipandiyan V.(PubMed)
(608) [Effect of costus root oil in murine tumors].[Article in Japanese] by Takanami I, Ikeda Y, Nakayama H.(PubMed)
(609) [Cutaneous delayed hypersensitivity to costus root oil in lung cancer].[Article in Japanese] by Takanami I, Ishihara T, Yanai N(PubMed)
(610) [Observation of the curative effect of qingchang huashi recipe for treating active ulcerative colitis of inner-accumulation of damp-heat syndrome].[Article in Chinese] by He HH1, Shen H, Zheng K.(PubMed)
(611) [Study of the effect of exceed critical extracts from RadixAucklandiae on experimental gastric ulcer model].[Article in Chinese] by Han J1, Lin H, Zhong Z, Rong X.(PubMed)
(612) Authentication of Radix Aucklandiae and its substitutes by GC-MS and hierarchical clustering analysis by Shum KC1, Chen F, Li SL, Wang J, But PP, Shaw PC.(PubMed)
(613) Radix Aucklandiae, TCM Wiki
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