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Doctors Astonished as New Product Peer Reviews Become Public, Can't Deny Health Benefits

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Many people are testifying that they can finally get off their prescription medications armed with this knowledge.

Although the primary targets or exact biochemical mechanisms of hydrogen are still not fully understood, the therapeutic effect in cells, tissues, humans, animals and even agricultural plants is becoming widely accepted due to the now over 500 peer reviewed articles and the 1,600 researchers working on the medical effects of hydrogen.

Here are some useful links to peer-reviewed scientific articles on molecular hydrogen, research collaboration and many educational articles on molecular hydrogen.

27 Health Benefits of Hydrogen Water

1). Hydrogen Water is an Antioxidant and Protects the Brain It was first shown that molecular hydrogen (H2) could protect from damage by reducing the most toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cells. Inhaled hydrogen also easily reached the brain to reduce injury in rats with stroke.

In the first pilot study of 38 stroke patients, a hydrogen solution (IV) was safe and had a mild antioxidant effect.

In a small study (DB-RCT) of 17 patients with Parkinson’s disease, those who drank hydrogen water had improved symptoms. Those who drank regular “placebo” water, however, experienced a worsening. There were also no adverse effects to drinking 1L of hydrogen water daily for almost one year.

No study so far has looked at the effect of hydrogen water alone on Parkinson’s Disease, though. In the completed studies, patients drank hydrogen water as an add-on to regular medications.

In rats, hydrogen water reduced oxidative stress and prevented Parkinson’s Disease. Curiously, hydrogen seems to achieve better results with lower doses. Rats who drank hydrogen water did better than those who constantly received higher amounts of hydrogen intravenously.

Hydrogen water prevented cognitive, learning, and memory problems in mice under stress by acting as an antioxidant. It also protected cells in the brain’s memory hub — the hippocampus — from the detrimental effects of stress.

Hydrogen water could potentially be used to prevent cognitive and stress-induced disorders with more research.

Antioxidant & Brain-Protective Effects – Infusing molecular hydrogen into water has been shown to act by reducing the most toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) which protects the cells from damage. A pilot study of 38 stroke patients showed that hydrogen water was safe and had a mild antioxidant effect.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2
• Scientific Report | 3

2). Hydrogen Water May Improve Mood Disorders Hydrogen water restored the natural growth of brain cells in mice. Since this also happens in people who overcome depression (with antidepressants or otherwise), hydrogen water has the potential for improving depression and other mood disorders.

Mood Disorders – Scientific research showed hydrogen water restored the natural growth of brain cells in mice. Since this also happens in people who overcome depression (with antidepressants or otherwise), hydrogen water has the potential for improving depression and other mood disorders.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2

3). Hydrogen Water Suppresses Inflammation In one pilot study, 20 patients with rheumatoid arthritis drank 0.5 L/day of hydrogen water for 4 weeks. By the end of the study, all patients with early rheumatoid arthritis achieved remission and 20% became symptom-free.

Molecular hydrogen (H2) also had anti-inflammatory effects in many animal studies.

Suppressing Inflammation – In one pilot study, 20 patients with rheumatoid arthritis drank 0.5 L/day of hydrogen water for 4 weeks. By the end of the study, all patients with early rheumatoid arthritis achieved remission and 20% became symptom-free. Molecular hydrogen (H2) also had anti-inflammatory effects in many animal studies.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2
• Scientific Report | 3


4). Hydrogen Water Reduces Muscle Fatigue and Weakness In an experiment with 10 young athletes (DB-CT), drinking hydrogen water reduced lactic acid build-up during heavy exercise and decreased muscle fatigue.

Drinking 2 L of hydrogen water daily helped 8 cyclists power through sprints with more energy and less exhaustion in one small 2-week study.

In a study on mice with a serious muscle-wasting disease (Duchenne muscular dystrophy), hydrogen water prevented abnormal body mass gain and increased the production of the antioxidant glutathione peroxidase. Hydrogen water could potentially improve muscular dystrophy in DMD patients .

Athletic & Muscle Performance – In an experiment with 10 young athletes (DB-CT), drinking hydrogen water reduced lactic acid build-up during heavy exercise and decreased muscle fatigue. Drinking 2 L of hydrogen water daily helped 8 cyclists power through sprints with more energy and less exhaustion in one small 2-week study. In a study on mice with a serious muscle-wasting disease (Duchenne muscular dystrophy), hydrogen water prevented abnormal body mass gain and increased the production of the antioxidant glutathione peroxidase. Hydrogen water could potentially improve muscular dystrophy in DMD patients.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2
• Scientific Report | 3

5). Hydrogen Water May Prevent Metabolic Syndrome Hydrogen water reduced fatty liver in mice with type 2 diabetes, obesity, and those fed a high-fat diet. It also boosted energy use and reduced levels of glucose, insulin, and triglycerides.

In rats, hydrogen water could prevent hardening of the arteries, atherosclerosis.

In a pilot study on patients prone to metabolic syndrome, drinking hydrogen water (1.5 – 2 L/day) for 8 weeks increased in HDL-cholesterol and decreased total cholesterol.

Protect the Liver – Research has shown hydrogen water also significantly improved liver function and reduced oxidative stress in patients with chronic hepatitis B.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2
• Scientific Report | 3


6). Hydrogen Water May Boost Weight Loss Long-term drinking of hydrogen water helped lose body fat and weight in rats. It boosted burning fats and sugars for energy, without any change in diet. In fact, drinking hydrogen water had similar effects in the body as calorie restriction.

Boosting Weight Loss – Studies have shown that long-term drinking of hydrogen water helped lose body fat and weight in rats. It boosted burning fats and sugars for energy, without any change in diet. In fact, drinking hydrogen water had similar effects on the body as did calorie restriction.

• Scientific Report | 1

7). Hydrogen Water Enhances Energy Metabolism Drinking hydrogen water protected the body’s energy powerhouse, the mitochondria, in several studies of 41 people with muscle diseases. They drank 0.5-1 L of hydrogen water per day.

Drinking hydrogen water also stimulated energy metabolism in mice.

• Scientific Report | 1

8). Hydrogen Water Helps Diabetes Drinking hydrogen water decreased cholesterol, improved glucose tolerance and insulin resistance in a study (DB-RCT) of 36 patients with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance). The patients drank 900 mL of hydrogen water daily for 8 weeks. This may be a safe and simple way to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in those at risk.

Diabetes Improvements Worth Knowing – Research has shown that drinking hydrogen water decreased cholesterol, improved glucose tolerance and insulin resistance in a study (DB-RCT) of 36 patients with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance). The patients drank 900 mL of hydrogen water daily for 8 weeks. Although it may be a safe way to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, drinking sufficient amounts of regular water alone may be helpful enough. Low water intake is linked to an increased risk of high blood sugar.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2

9). Hydrogen Water May Alkalize the Body Metabolic acidosis is when the blood drops and becomes more acidic, which can happen from intense exercise. Drinking 2 L of hydrogen water daily increased the blood pH before and after exercise after 2 weeks with no side effects in a study of 52 healthy, active men (DB-RCT). Hydrogen water was safe and had an alkalizing effect on the blood that can neutralize the post-exercise pH dip.

10). Hydrogen Water May Fight Cancer So far, only cellular studies point to the potential of hydrogen water for fighting cancer.

Hydrogen water combined with increased temperature (hyperthermia) had a strong cancer-killing effect in cells.

In human cancer cells, hydrogen water suppressed tumor growth by reducing oxidative stress.

Hydrogen water also blocked the creation of new blood vessels in human lung cancer cells, preventing cancer from spreading and growing.

11). Hydrogen Water May Reduce Side Effects of Chemotherapy and Radiation In one study (RCT) of 49 patients on radiation therapy for liver cancer, drinking hydrogen water (1.5 – 2 L/day) improved the patients’ quality of life and appetite. Hydrogen water could reduce oxidative stress and damage from radiation without compromising its cancer-killing effects.

In mice, drinking hydrogen water increased survival, reduced kidney damage and weight loss from a chemotherapy drug (cisplatin).

12). Hydrogen Water Boosts Skin Health Hydrogen water given through an IV solution safely improved skin health in 4 patients with skin redness and inflammation, and pain. The skin redness went away after a couple of days of treatment and did not come back.

Bathing in hydrogen water for 3 months noticeably reduced skin wrinkles in 6 people. Hydrogen water could also boost collagen production, reduce UV damage and act as an antioxidant in skin cells. Warm hydrogen-infused baths could be a pleasant, safe way to reverse skin aging.

Boosts Skin Health – Hydrogen water has been shown to help boost collagen production, reduce UV damage and act as an antioxidant in skin cells. This shows the potential of hydrogen water as a pleasant and safe way to reverse skin aging. The use of hydrogen water improved skin health in patients with skin redness and inflammation/pain.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2

13). Hydrogen Water Enhances Wound Healing Hydrogen water intake via tube feeding in elderly patients reduced the wound size of pressure ulcers and enhanced recovery.

14). Hydrogen Water May Improve Bladder Health In rats with a blockage in the bladder, drinking hydrogen water reduced bladder volume by neutralizing oxidative stress. It also improved the responsiveness of bladder muscles. As a strong antioxidant, hydrogen water could potentially help those with a bladder obstruction.

15). Hydrogen Water May Protect The Heart In diabetic mice, hydrogen water significantly improved heart health and prevented heart disease. It could become a nutritional intervention for preventing heart problems in people with diabetes.

Protect the Heart – In diabetic mice, hydrogen water significantly improved heart health and prevented heart disease. In the future, it could become a nutritional intervention for preventing heart problems in people with diabetes.

• Scientific Report | 1

16). Hydrogen Water May Protect the Eyes Hydrogen-loaded eye drops aided the recovery of eye injuries caused by high eye pressure in rats. It protected the nerves in the eye by its antioxidant action.

A hydrogen solution reduced detrimental blood vessel growth in mice with eye injuries from chemicals. Hydrogen solutions could be used as a first-aid eye rinse to prevent blindness from chemical burns.

Protect the Eyes – Research has shown hydrogen-loaded eye drops aided the recovery of eye injuries caused by high eye pressure in rats. This protection of the eye nerves resulted from the solution’s antioxidant action. This presents the future possibility that hydrogen solutions could be used as a first-aid eye rinse to prevent blindness from chemical burns.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2

17). Hydrogen Water May Prevent Hearing Loss Hearing loss often results from oxidative damage (due to aging, noise, or drugs). Molecular hydrogen protected the cells responsible for hearing from this damage and increased their survival.

In guinea pigs, hydrogen water prevented the death of cells responsible for hearing after noise exposure. Hydrogen water could potentially protect against hearing loss caused by noise or other types of oxidative stress.

Helps Hearing Loss – Hearing loss often results from oxidative damage (due to aging, noise, or drugs). Molecular hydrogen has been shown to protect the cells responsible for hearing from this damage and increase their survival. In guinea pigs, hydrogen water prevented the death of cells responsible for hearing after noise exposure. This research provides indications that hydrogen water could potentially protect against hearing loss caused by noise or other types of oxidative stress.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2
• Scientific Report | 3

18). Hydrogen Water May Combat Allergies Drinking hydrogen water stopped immediate-type allergic reactions in mice. These occur within a couple of minutes and are more characteristic of Th2 dominance. Hydrogen stopped the allergies not only by its antioxidant action but also by blocking the whole allergic pathway.

Hydrogen water is a promising potential remedy for people with allergic, inflammatory conditions like eczema as it seems to balance the immune response. In mice with eczema, hydrogen water improved symptoms by suppressing inflammation and balancing both Th1 and Th2 responses.

Help Combat Allergies – There is a potential benefit for those who suffer allergies when they use hydrogen water, which has been shown to help against allergies due to its antioxidant action. A study has shown the benefits of hydrogen water in balancing the immune response for the common inflammatory allergy condition, Eczema. In mice with eczema, hydrogen water improved symptoms by suppressing inflammation and balancing both Th1 and Th2 responses.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2

19). Hydrogen Water May Protect the Kidneys Hydrogen-rich water protected the kidneys from damage in rats. It could reduce oxidative stress, improve kidney blood flow and function (lowering creatinine and BUN).

Hydrogen added to the dialysis solution reduced inflammation and high blood pressure in 21 patients on dialysis because of kidney failure.

20). Hydrogen Water May Protect the Liver In 60 patients with Hepatitis B (RCT), drinking hydrogen water as an add-on to regular treatment was safe and reduced oxidative stress.

Drinking hydrogen water suppressed liver scarring in mice by protecting liver cells from free-radical damage.

Hydrogen water also significantly improved liver function and reduced oxidative stress in patients with chronic hepatitis B 

Protect the Liver – Research has shown hydrogen water also significantly improved liver function and reduced oxidative stress in patients with chronic hepatitis B.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2
• Scientific Report | 3

21). Hydrogen Water Could Promote Gut Health Hydrogen-rich water prevented damage to the stomach lining in rats by its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Hydrogen water could potentially protect healthy individuals from gut damage.

Improve gut health and digestive enzyme production

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2
• Scientific Report | 3
• Scientific Report | 4
• Scientific Report | 5

22). Hydrogen Water Could Protect the Lungs Rats who drank hydrogen water were protected against lung tissue injury. Hydrogen water reduced inflammation and oxidative stress (by reducing NF-κB).

23). Hydrogen Water May Protect From Radiation Molecular hydrogen has the potential to be used as a safe radioprotective remedy. Giving mice hydrogen water before radiation increased their survival rates and protected the heart from damage.

Hydrogen also increased the survival of white blood cells exposed to radiation .

24). Hydrogen Water May Relieve Pain Hydrogen water was not better than the placebo in one study (DB-RCT) of 30 patients with painful, inflamed bladder (cystitis). It did help reduce pain in 11% of the patients.

Drinking hydrogen water could reduce neuropathic pain in mice due to its well-known anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Clinical trials would need to confirm this success, but hydrogen water holds promise for safely improving otherwise hard-to-treat neuropathic pain.

25). Hydrogen Water May Increase Longevity The ability of molecular hydrogen to protect the DNA and the mitochondria from oxidative damage may have beneficial effects on chronic diseases and cancer. But perhaps it could help slow down or reverse the aging process itself. A couple of cellular studies give us some interesting clues .

It was already discovered that hydrogen can prolong the life of stem cells by reducing oxidative stress .

A hydrogen-rich environment reduced both oxidative stress and aging in cells. Some scientists think that drinking hydrogen water could increase longevity in humans.

26). Hydrogen Water May Kill Bacteria and Improve Oral Health Drinking hydrogen water 4-5 X daily improved gum health in 13 patients with inflamed gums after 8 weeks. It also boosted blood antioxidants and enhanced the effects of other gum disease treatments.

Hydrogen water could kill the bacteria that most commonly cause gum disease and cavities. It could be used to improve overall oral health.

27). Hydrogen Preserves Transplant Organs Hydrogen water could help preserve and reduce damage to transplant organs without any toxic effects. It reduced the inflammation and injury that usually happens when donated organs are stored, which could help save more lives.

What Is Hydrogen Water

Hydrogen water is simply water infused with hydrogen gases. Hydrogen gas acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and has antioxidant activity. These are the features that make it good for you.

Links To The Studies Below.

Prevention Is The Best Medicine. 

HNEX™ was developed by a group of world-renowned European scientists with a patented technology that has been scientifically tested and shown to signal the activation of genetic pathways which can lead to positive impacts to all areas of your health.

HNEX™ utilizes Silver Nano Particles as a base to attach a matrix of separate Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms. This delivers Oxygen to the cells and Hydrogen as a gas to the body’s immune systems. HNEX is a Direct Molecular Hydro & Oxygen Distribution Complex

Highly potent and effective, this Nano Silver anchor delivery method is Antiviral, Antifungal and Antibacterial throughout its transportational action of vital Oxygen to cells and Hydrogen throughout the body.

• Improve immune system health
• Modulate hormone balance to support vitality and wellness
• Help maintain a healthy inflammatory response
• Improve gut health and digestive enzyme production
• Help maintain cardiovascular health and support arterial elasticity

HNEX™ is the first supplement on the market that contains active hydro-oxygen Nano structured molecules, providing powerful cellular messengers that help protect, rejuvenate and restore cells.

Cell signaling in your body plays a key role in regulating gene expression. We are not talking eye color here — your genes do much more than dictate physical characteristics. Genes give life-sustaining instructions to cells, and cells carry out those instructions to keep you alive and healthy. As we age, cell communication breaks down, the signal weakens, and gene expression can be disrupted. Regulating gene activity with hydro-oxygen molecules keeps cellular
communication strong.

Hydrogen gas is the smallest molecule in our universe. Scientific studies have shown hydrogen gas and adequate hydration can support the availability of clean cellular energy which our body requires for the proper function of tissues and organs. Within the body’s tissues and organs, Nano hydrogen is small enough that it can penetrate deep into human cells where our metabolism transforms the food we eat into cellular energy. At this cellular level, hydrogen gas and purified water provide essential metabolic functions that power both our mind and physical performance.

The human body naturally receives hydrogen gas from the microbial flora that reside within each of us. These symbiotic microbes produce hydrogen gas as they help our bodies obtain nutrients from the food we eat. The microbial-produced hydrogen gas is then absorbed into our bloodstream where its biological benefits are carried throughout our body until we exhale this gas as we breathe. HNEX™ is an efficient way to directly deliver hydrogen gas into your body.

Many of us are unintentionally filling our body with chemicals, toxins and the wrong foods which lower our pH balance. This acidic pH results in oxygen deprivation at the cellular level. This is the beginning of degenerative disease.

Normal cells create energy via aerobic (with oxygen) respiration. Alkaline cells are able to absorb sufficient quantities of oxygen to support aerobic respiration. However, when cells become more acidic, less oxygen is absorbed, and the cells begin to ferment glucose in order to survive. This concept is essential to understand, because cancer cells thrive in an acidic, anaerobic environment and don’t do very well in an aerobic, alkaline environment.

Disease Prevention

Hydrogen water may contain antioxidants. Antioxidants help prevent oxidative stress. This type of stress comes from both normal body functions and external forces, including sun exposure and industrial chemicals. Oxidative stress may lead to cancer and other diseases.

These preliminary studies also suggest hydrogen water may be anti-inflammatory, a quality that may reduce the risk of heart disease and other life-threatening diseases.

Product Usage

How much HNEX™ should I drink daily?

For those with chronic health challenges – Morning – 1/2 oz. (1 Tbsp) concentrate – hold in mouth for as long as possible (up to 30 minutes), swallow. It is not like oil pulling, where you spit out the oil after holding in your mouth. You swallow the HNEX™, as any bacteria has been eliminated by HNEX™, and it continues working once you swallow. Repeat daily.

Daytime – add 1 oz. (2 Tbsp) concentrate to about 20 oz. of filtered water (not distilled water – it is acidic, not juice, not lemon water, etc.) Drink this mixture throughout the day, along with your intake of normal water. Repeat daily.

Evening – 1/2 oz. (1 Tbsp) concentrate – hold in mouth for as long as possible (up to 30 minutes), swallow. Repeat daily.

For maintenance: Morning – 1/2 oz. (1 TBSP) of HNEX™ concentrate, hold in the mouth for as long as possible (up to 30 minutes), swallow. (not distilled water – it is acidic, not juice, not lemon water, etc.) Drink this mixture throughout the day, along with your intake of normal water. Repeat daily.

NOTE: We recommend taking HNEX™ concentrate at least 30 minutes before or after eating any food, because if you have any fresh fruits or veggies that you haven’t cleaned all the bacteria from, HNEX™ will go to work on that bacteria first before entering the blood stream. This is not a requirement, but rather a suggestion.

Other Uses

HNEX™ may help minimize symptoms and reduce the duration of colds, flus and other viruses.

In an acute scenario like this, the protocol is different than the standard protocol of 1 or 2 ounces per day. The protocol is to sip the HNEX™ concentrate all day long. Do not dilute the concentrate. You can drink an entire liter in a day or two. This does not replace the fluids needed to support the system’s detoxification process, so continue to also drink as much clean, filtered water as you can.

Additionally, consider the action to nebulize the HNEX™ directly into the lungs and spraying the HNEX™ concentrate directly into the sinus pathways using a sinus spray bottle.

HNEX™ concentrate can be applied directly to the skin to help with burns, cuts, scraps, rashes, and wound recovery. Simply spray the HNEX™ concentrate directly on the affected area, allowing it to dry naturally. Do this a minimum of 4x per day.

It may also be beneficial to place a HNEX™ concentrate saturated cloth or paper towel, sized appropriately, and keep on the affected area. Keep moist by spraying concentrate on the cloth, or even wrap with plastic wrap to retain moisture.

HNEX™ can be used with a nebulizer, for direct delivery into the lungs.

Spraying HNEX™ in the nose and eyes can be helpful to hydrate these areas, as can adding a drop in the ear canal.

HNEX™ may also be used with an enema or douche bag.

What is the shelf life of NNEX Water?

12 Years

Scientific Recognition of Hydrogen

Although the primary targets or exact biochemical mechanisms of hydrogen are still not fully understood, the therapeutic effect in cells, tissues, humans, animals and even agricultural plants is becoming widely accepted due to the now over 500 peer reviewed articles and the 1,600 researchers working on the medical effects of hydrogen.

Here are some useful links to peer-reviewed scientific articles on molecular hydrogen, research collaboration and many educational articles on molecular hydrogen.

Improve immune system health

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2
• Scientific Report | 3
• Scientific Report | 4
• Scientific Report | 5

Modulate hormone balance to support vitality and wellness

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2
• Scientific Report | 3
• Scientific Report | 4
• Scientific Report | 5

Help maintain a healthy inflammatory response antioxidant

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2
• Scientific Report | 3
• Scientific Report | 4
• Scientific Report | 5

Improve gut health and digestive enzyme production

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2
• Scientific Report | 3
• Scientific Report | 4
• Scientific Report | 5

Help maintain cardiovascular health and support arterial elasticity

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2
• Scientific Report | 3
• Scientific Report | 4
• Scientific Report | 5

Protect the Liver – Research has shown hydrogen water also significantly improved liver function and reduced oxidative stress in patients with chronic hepatitis B.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2
• Scientific Report | 3

Protect the Heart – In diabetic mice, hydrogen water significantly improved heart health and prevented heart disease. In the future, it could become a nutritional intervention for preventing heart problems in people with diabetes.

• Scientific Report | 1

Helps Hearing Loss – Hearing loss often results from oxidative damage (due to aging, noise, or drugs). Molecular hydrogen has been shown to protect the cells responsible for hearing from this damage and increase their survival. In guinea pigs, hydrogen water prevented the death of cells responsible for hearing after noise exposure. This research provides indications that hydrogen water could potentially protect against hearing loss caused by noise or other types of oxidative stress.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2
• Scientific Report | 3

Protect the Eyes – Research has shown hydrogen-loaded eye drops aided the recovery of eye injuries caused by high eye pressure in rats. This protection of the eye nerves resulted from the solution’s antioxidant action. This presents the future possibility that hydrogen solutions could be used as a first-aid eye rinse to prevent blindness from chemical burns.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2

Help Combat Allergies – There is a potential benefit for those who suffer allergies when they use hydrogen water, which has been shown to help against allergies due to its antioxidant action. A study has shown the benefits of hydrogen water in balancing the immune response for the common inflammatory allergy condition, Eczema. In mice with eczema, hydrogen water improved symptoms by suppressing inflammation and balancing both Th1 and Th2 responses.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2

Boosts Skin Health – Hydrogen water has been shown to help boost collagen production, reduce UV damage and act as an antioxidant in skin cells. This shows the potential of hydrogen water as a pleasant and safe way to reverse skin aging. The use of hydrogen water improved skin health in patients with skin redness and inflammation/pain.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2

Diabetes Improvements Worth Knowing – Research has shown that drinking hydrogen water decreased cholesterol, improved glucose tolerance and insulin resistance in a study (DB-RCT) of 36 patients with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance). The patients drank 900 mL of hydrogen water daily for 8 weeks. Although it may be a safe way to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, drinking sufficient amounts of regular water alone may be helpful enough. Low water intake is linked to an increased risk of high blood sugar.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2

Boosting Weight Loss – Studies have shown that long-term drinking of hydrogen water helped lose body fat and weight in rats. It boosted burning fats and sugars for energy, without any change in diet. In fact, drinking hydrogen water had similar effects on the body as did calorie restriction.

• Scientific Report | 1

Athletic & Muscle Performance – In an experiment with 10 young athletes (DB-CT), drinking hydrogen water reduced lactic acid build-up during heavy exercise and decreased muscle fatigue. Drinking 2 L of hydrogen water daily helped 8 cyclists power through sprints with more energy and less exhaustion in one small 2-week study. In a study on mice with a serious muscle-wasting disease (Duchenne muscular dystrophy), hydrogen water prevented abnormal body mass gain and increased the production of the antioxidant glutathione peroxidase. Hydrogen water could potentially improve muscular dystrophy in DMD patients.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2
• Scientific Report | 3

Suppressing Inflammation – In one pilot study, 20 patients with rheumatoid arthritis drank 0.5 L/day of hydrogen water for 4 weeks. By the end of the study, all patients with early rheumatoid arthritis achieved remission and 20% became symptom-free. Molecular hydrogen (H2) also had anti-inflammatory effects in many animal studies.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2
• Scientific Report | 3

Mood Disorders – Scientific research showed hydrogen water restored the natural growth of brain cells in mice. Since this also happens in people who overcome depression (with antidepressants or otherwise), hydrogen water has the potential for improving depression and other mood disorders.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2

Antioxidant & Brain-Protective Effects – Infusing molecular hydrogen into water has been shown to act by reducing the most toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) which protects the cells from damage. A pilot study of 38 stroke patients showed that hydrogen water was safe and had a mild antioxidant effect.

• Scientific Report | 1
• Scientific Report | 2
• Scientific Report | 3

Hydrogen Water & Ionized Water w/Silver Particles, Research for You Immune System – 2021 the Year of Alternative Medicine.

Diabetes Improvements Worth Knowing. The Information Contained In This Article Can Help You Improve Your Quality Of Life!

Try HNEX Today By Clicking Here!

Hydrogen Water & Ionized Water w/Silver Particles, Research for You Immune System – 2021 the Year of Alternative Medicine.

Diabetes Improvements Worth Knowing. The Information Contained In This Article Can Help You Improve Your Quality Of Life!

Try HNEX Today By Clicking Here!

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    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 3 comments
    • raburgeson

      More damn lies from those easily bought? I am not impressed.

      • Justin Case

        The positive health effects are true, but exaggerated. And buying such a solution from any company is just stupid at those prices. You can buy pure food grade hydrogen peroxide for dollars a gallon. You mix it with your own water at like a 3% solution so a gallon will last you many years. Same effect, almost free.

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