2024 ChristiTutionalist TM Politics Show Special Guest Appearances (Wed drops) Aug-Dec preview
Hey everyone, yes this is going to be a short and quick bit of text. I just wanted to pass along a sneak-peek at some upcoming guests on my ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics podcast…. I will include Transcript, but mainly presenting in hopes that you’ll give a quick watch of the following:
Hello again all. This is going to be another quasi B4IN CHEAT (JLenardDetroit / Joseph M Lenard) article, taking a bit of a short-cut. CTP Shows dropping between Aug-Dec 2024 peeks video (I just recorded) therefore, “cheating” rather than writing a piece completely from scratch I will include the Show Video and the Show Transcript (and FYI, I use a FREE online Transcription Service (you get what you pay for, right?) therefore the Transcript is likely to have potentially bad sentence structure, some wrong words, mis-spellings, etc.; as AI is pretty good, I know well as a former IT guy that I am, but not perfect at grasping overall Context in order to interpret the correct verbiage vocalized translated (plus we sometimes are not “clear” in our speaking and pronunciation of terms/words for the Machinery to distinguish it) to text; but it is GREAT at being able to share a Conversation in print and therefore sharing (as is, well, not entirely true, I do indeed make some changes, additions, etc.) below…
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP) recurring links…
- CTP: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- CTP long-form description: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast
- TLB articles: thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: tinyurl.com/SubscribeToCTP
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter: tinyurl.com/FaithCasterNewsletterSignup
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest): tinyurl.com/FaithCasterConnections
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout: tinyurl.com/BuzzsproutSignup
- CTP Official Coffee: tinyurl.com/BlackOutCoffees (promocode: JOSEL20)
- CTP Official playlist: tinyurl.com/CTPMusicPlaylist
- Transcription Services by: Converter.App
- Joseph M Lenard – linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit
(JosephMLenard.us / TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from May 11th) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes (Regular Sat. Monologue episodes drops)…
May 11 – S1E47: Continued Left-wing Violence
May 18 – S1E48: Let Left Keep Pushing, Generational Shift Occurring
May 25 – S1E49: Mother’s Day retrospective (Ex Post Facto piece, just as last year’s Memorial Day and 4th-Of-July pieces were)
June 1 – S1E50: Slaves To State
June 8 – S1E51: Is Prayer Alone Enough?
June 15 – S1E52: Rising Tides Lift All Boats
June 22 – S2E53: TLB-Talk relaunch
June 29 – S2E54: Speculations and What Ifs
July 6 – S2E55: In The News
July 13 – S2E56: Hard and Fast Economic Facts
July 20 – S2E57: USA, then, now, future
July 27 – S2E58: Self-Sufficiency?
Aug. 3 – S2E59: Who is Baby-Sitting Whom?
Aug. 10 – S2E60: #PrinciplesNotPersonalities
Aug. 17 – S2E61: HATE
Aug. 24 – S2E62: Finding the Sweet-Spot
Aug. 31 – S2E63: Neighborliness
Sep. 7 – S2E64: Charity (Neighborliness, part 2)
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via…
YouTube: youtube.com/@jlenarddetroit1082/videos
Rumble: rumble.com/user/JLenardDetroit
JLenardDetroit channel also on BitChute and Brighteon
In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout (tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist)) for addl bonus material there-in.
IF you have a Show and looking for Guests, or an “expert” or “Speaker” on a given or set of subjects, you too can likely make use of Podcast Guests List like I do, though some that I have on CTP may have connected via another Service called MatchMaker.FM, PGL is where I connect with majority of my CTP Show Guests and make arrangements for their appearing on my/the ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics Show – see (my Profile there, by way of example): https://podcastguests.com/expert/jlenarddetroit/
Also FYI for those who do not know Joseph M Lenard is #JokesterJoe on #SavagedUnfiltered podcast.
Brief mention of other pieces dropped this last several days by me here on B4IN:
2024 ChristiTutionalist TM Politics Show Special Guest Appearances (Wed drops) Aug-Dec preview
Media | Aug 17 2024 23:22
Hadassah Treu – “Draw Near: How Painful Experiences Become the Birthplace of Blessings”
Books | Aug 17 2024 19:44
Charity (Community (Voluntary) and Biblical vs Communism (Forced) of the World (warped Scriptures miss-applications))
Economics and Politics | Aug 17 2024 13:24
The Fascicrats (claim to be about Democracy) now turn LAWFARE on RFK Jr to keep him off Ballots.
U. S. Politics | Aug 15 2024 23:29
Ukrainian Push finally came…
War and Conflict | Aug 15 2024 23:24
Health | Aug 14 2024 10:49
Neighborliness?? Voluntary Community vs Forced Communism — there are big differences!
Awakening? Start Here | Aug 11 2024 17:14
Transcription Services below from: https://converter.app/ (Converter.app is a FREE online Transcribing service; and indeed the old saying “you get what you pay for” so yes there will be some “errors” but presented “as-is” from the service
This is a special tack on segment for a couple of shows to let you know about
from August, September, October potentially out into November shows. If
you’re looking behind the scenes you can see I’ve got my I remember never
forget 9-11 shirt on and the 9-11 background since we’re going to be
talking about things that will drop over September, October this being
August when I’m recording and Hadassah Treu (Troy) will be on and she talks about how
painful experiences become the first place of blessings. That’s her book. How
does Brooks not Brooks Garth, Garth Brooks, I’m getting dyslexic with his name
how does Garth Brooks unanswered prayers song relate hope you’ll tune in to find
out as well as Star Trek 5 the movie how does that relate I hope these little
teases mean you’ll tune in when it drops or depending on where this
additional segment gets tacked on may have already dropped in August so please
check it out. Other another I should say August drop will be David Shine
holding up the note there. David Shine is the best-selling author of Bad Deal
for America and the decline of America 100 years of leadership failures.
I’ll be tying to the politics part of the
Christitutionalist Politics podcast show and in September or going forward
loosely planned for September October timeframe M.H. Elrich comes on and we
talk also not another movie of reference in there but I hope you’ll check in to
find out how the discussion with her brings up CS Lewis but Star Trek again
right like like two episodes in the role or an episode apart this time Star Trek
the original series a episode and episode called parallel spoiler alert if you
haven’t seen the old series they go to a planet and they worship the Sun they
assume it’s as you end the Sun above but as you get to the end you find out it is
Christ having visited another planet the Son of God on another planet which is
really kind of blows my mind knowing that Jane Roddenberry was an atheist that
such an episode would have even been remotely allowed and considered but you
know I want to give them credit there were a wide variety of topics covered by
that show so please tune in to the M.H. Ulrich episode to find out how that Star Trek
episode factors in if you recall if you’ve been with me a long time last year 9-11 I
had on my friend from Wham Radio your American Heritage Show Ed Bonderanka I
plan for now that the episode again will drop a new one not a repeat a new one on 9-11
with Ed Bonderanka but it is not what will touch on that somber of number
one day it is not a show dedicated to that but I just thought that was a
logical day timeframe to have him back on since he was on last night all of them
Leslie Hall now think Leslie Nielsen by Leslie we’re talking in mail here
Leslie Hall and a great conversation with him and we talk MLK in there and we talk
about addiction so that’s an important show I hope you’ll tune in we need a
youth perspective so I’ve got a couple coming up Christopher Armstrong
Stevenson a young man a high schooler will be on so that we could talk a
youth perspective a zoomer to boomer I use that more term advisedly you’ll see
why a little later Eddie you know man man with two ends though but you know me I
can’t pass the lane pun so I call him Eddie Yuda man will be on he’s a Christian
music singer songwriter gonna have a few of them on so I hope you tune in for
that William our Douglas I’m holding up to the camera my notes from that the
sum of all our anger Civil War 2.0 book cover you could see if you’re looking
behind the scenes obviously with all that’s going on and my friend Michael
Gardner aka Savage who wrote the book America’s political battle a current
Civil War in terms of a cold Civil War we’re we’re in a battle we’re in a civil
war it’s just not shooting at each other yet whereas William his book goes into
the what if it turns hot over the next few years his like my chair strikes book
is historical fiction there is some fact some fiction that lends credence to the
fact that these issues boil over mainly to a hot Civil War another singer songwriter
Richard Lynch will be on we will be mentioning a very gibt Conway Twitty
tune in to find how they factor into that episode Christine Spasato hey we’re both
Italiano so we joke Italian desserts but seriously you’ve heard me talk about
conservatives being censored on school campuses and she indeed created a group
student voices silence calm so we will talk further about that another singer
songwriter Robert Ross will be on if you don’t have to like country you
shouldn’t have to like country to tune in but if you are a country fan obviously
you really want to tune in to find out how and why Freddy Fender David Allen
Cole get mentioned in the episode as well as I lost my place looking looking
Conway Twitty again George Jones and Vern Gosden he brought that name up that
was a name I hadn’t heard in a long time so please tune in for that Robert Boog
ever since I was in high school we heard the rumor and conspiracy theory that
William Shakespeare didn’t write his stuff I venture into that discussion with
Robert Boog James Gebhardt is on and in who is babysitting whom we’ve talked
about honor your mother and father right who is the parent the left wants your
children to be warms of the state this is why they hate and want to destroy
Christianity that honor your mother and father part is in the way of their
turning all children of the nation into warms of the fascistic state remember
I’ve talked before hitlery and the warping of the takes of village which is
biblical not hitlery’s it takes the fascistic state what version of it
Michelle Jewsbury if you remember I had Trent Brock on the past he has a chapter
in a book about survivors hardships in life Michelle Jewsbury has got a volume
one out volume two three four will be coming collections of survivors of
hardships so people know they are not alone and indeed there may be hopefully
is they’re not alone there is help there can be light at the end of the tunnel or
around the corner I mentioned zoomers to boomers if you see behind the scene
there you see a little logo there zoomers to boomer Roger Landry of the
Liberty Beacon project again night right for the Liberty Beacon calm I am on TLB
talk that’s all part of the TLB project he’s founder of that he has a show with a
young lady not gonna turn 18 soon but not yet so a young lady
hence zoomers to boomers they have a show together so again we get that youth
perspective here that’s much needed and lastly I’m gonna mention Luam hunt
another singer songwriter if you’re at all a pasty Klein fan or your parents or
your grandparents were a patchy Klein fan you want to turn into the edge to
turn I cannot talk you want to tune into that show to see how patchy Klein has
factored into Luam hunt’s life and patchy Klein kind of lives on now through
Luam hunt thank you all just wanted to give you a brief sneak peek at coming
midweek Wednesday guest appearance drops take care God bless
Transcription Services above from: https://converter.app/ (Converter.app is a FREE online Transcribing service; and indeed the old saying “you get what you pay for” so yes there will be some “errors” but presented “as-is” from the service (with some minor updates/revisions for/to the intro/outro sections)
LOOK BACK and SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows (Regular Sat. Monologue episodes drops)(planned going forward from May 11th – September 7th) already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
- May 11 – S1E47: Continued Left-wing Violence
- May 18 – S1E48: Let Them Keep Pushing, Generational Shift Occurring
- May 25 – S1E49: Mother’s Day retrospective (Ex Post Facto piece, just as last year’s Memorial Day and 4th-Of-July pieces were)
- June 1 – S1E50: Slaves To State
- June 8 – S1E51: Is Prayer Alone Enough? [also note: CTP2 dropped]
- June 15 – S1E52: Rising Tides Lift All Boats
- June 22 – S2E53: TLB-Talk relaunch
- June 29 – S2E54: Speculations and What Ifs
- July 6 – S2E55: In The News
- July 13 – S2E56: Hard and Fast Economic Facts
- July 20 – S2E57: USA, then, now, future
- July 27 – S2E58: Self-Sufficiency? [previously shared on BeforeItsNews]
- Aug. 3 – S2E59: Who is Baby-Sitting Whom?
- Aug. 10 – S2E60: #PrinciplesNotPersonalities
- Aug. 17 – S2E61: HATE
- Aug. 24 – S2E62: Finding the Sweet-Spot
- Aug. 31 – S2E63: Neighborliness
- Sep. 7 – S2E64: Charity (Neighborliness, part 2)
JLD B4IN pieces: https://tinyurl.com/JLDArticles
JLD TLB pieces: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
Joseph M Lenard books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Joseph-M-Lenard/author/B09WFSY5KN
How am I bringing back the LITTLE WILLIE JOHN “FEVER” Song?
see: /sports/2024/06/will-wnba-actually-put-female-pro-sports-really-on-the-map-or-die-to-dei-correctness-hate-2785791.html
Going further back….
A response I made to someone (SMS Texts, back and forth) in regard to their saying a recent CTP Show “BrainDead (well that’s a harsh title LOL) part 1″ (https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/14431880-christitutionalist-politics-s1e33-brain-dead-folks-part-1-well-this-is-a-harsh-show-title-lol) was/is “thoughtful”…
Thx for the feedback on BrainDead1 episode (he will be on my Show soon for an already “Listener Feedback” mini-episode in next several weeks (end of February or early March 2024) when he wanted to react and talk about S1E13 “Censorship” Show) I indeed go for “thoughtful” (always, logic and reason and facts) though I have addressed that sometimes I may indeed get HOT/ANIMATED and sound more like raving lunatic (Leftist) at times (while “spirited” in “tone” and action – still using logic/reason/strategy but just a bit more “passionately” delivered (see related https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bc5yiLorRF0 1m YouTube Short on that))! LOL Thankfully those number of Shows are the exceptions and not the Rule. I am always going for “not the same ole talking-point takes of the usual suspect talking-head parrots” (there is Hannity and a million others for the same-ole bs parrot responses (though, not to say, sometimes a particular talking-point oft heard is not worth repeating too, but parroting cannot be one’s ONE TRICK (and sadly too many are just parrots (or One-Trick-Pony, if you prefer) with never any originality — AT ALL, EVER (at least if delivering the same basic “topics” have some reasonable different approach or other “angle” of delivery than same mono-tone talking-head resting face and voice))).
Rick Walker joined me on my Show awhile back – see:
2023 in review…
[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...
"(CTP S1E28) SneakPeek/BTS "Can One 'Generalize' About Women Voters?" (Audio Show drops 20231230)"
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6mb9cu63HA
or Rumble: https://rumble.com/v43n19c-ctp-s1e28-sneakpeekbts-can-one-generalize-about-women-voters-audio-show-dro.html
"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfn0ZRqO2Ro
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v3z8mij-ctp-btssp-s1edecspecial-midweek-12623-drop-dating-in-this-woke-day-and-age.html
"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC3UBv1FFhU
"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeDqy-vIL8A
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v3zxj5a-ctp-s1e25-btssp-video-year-in-review-part-1-20231209-audio-podcast-drop.html
"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_meLOD8yKg
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v40yiix-ctp-btssp-video-s1e26-year-in-review-part-2.html
These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see: https://vimeo.com/jlenardwyandotte
Take these, and of course ANY of the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episodes on the Road (or whatever/where-ever) with you via Buzzsprout or any of the 14 other podcast platforms it is available. ]
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