What did you do when the New World Order Luciferian Roman Cult attempted to enslave humanity, take over the World and Democide the people in 2020?
About Patrick Henry and our Red Pill projects: Fascist-book: https://www.facebook.com/pauljamesCET/ More Articles: tinyurl.com/qno5k6e
LivingLawSociety.org +++ more links here 1776reloaded.org internallydisplacedpeople.org Several important articles have been uploaded to BIN on the ongoing CCP. Demon-rat.Socialist party of DC and their Coup of America. All available at this link: /v3/contributor/bio/?uid=713008 Video channel: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/1776reloaded
The focus of our work over the last 15 years has been to investigate the Legal and Governance system operating in America at Federal, State, County, City etc.. Conclusion: the entire legal system in America is illegally operated by Constitutionally-banned foreign agents that run America for foreign interests. This means Constitutionally-banned foreign agents run nearly every now Occupied counterfeit government Office in the nation. It is further concluded these Constitutional banned foreign agents have literally been engaged in a Mixed War against the American people, relying on lawfare while farming Americans to pfofit the International Bankers (aka Human Trafficking) and the CROWN / VATICAN system in a silent war with America since the War of Indepence.
See LivingLawSociety.org for more and proof that the original organic United States Constitution post 1819 was modified and orchestrated to bring America under a foreign Corporate Democracy [Socialistic Mob-rule] as a path to destroy the Republic and the peoples guarantee of a Republican form of Government to advance the Luciferian Roman Cults Talmudic New World Order Agenda.
The following letter was sent to Trump via US Military alerting those loyal to the American people to this state of affairs with certified government proofs of claim. /new-world-order/2020/12/letter-to-trump-and-us-military-on-lawfare-mixed-war-color-of-lawauthorityoffice-constitutionally-banned-foreign-agents-fake-weaponized-courts-etc-time-to-take-back-america-from-the-parasites-9526.html
Does the title sound ludicrous…?
To anyone exposing the Luciferian cabal; and their demonic agenda for more than a decade, I am sad to say… it will not sound absurd! Please unlearn and pass knowledge forward about the times that we are living in! We undo the plot by waking up the people.
Food for the awaking and a wake up call for those still sleeping!
Since our original organic American states compact Federal Government (which was only ever intended as an organic states co-ordinating Government and never as an overeaching all power Imperial Empire to take control of all aspects of life in America) was overthrown in the 1860′s by the Crown / Vatican Corporation agents (Rothschilds and Deep State Crown Actors) the following STAMP on the image of the Child below (same for American, British, Australian, NZ, SA etc children) should read “Luciferian Roman Cult claimed Property” (see: Meet your Strawman). The stamp indicates those that have been Human Traficked by the Luciferian so called Bankers which is ALL OF US (Please see Articles below for list of the so called Human Traffickers / money managers and here for names of who owns the money managers https://1776reloaded.org/joomla30/index.php/talmudic-global-governance/us-corp-shadow-gov ).
Again, the United states of America organic Governance and the FIFTY States organic Governments were overthrown (usurped) by foreign agents that have since established Crown / Vatican Corporations in place of the original organic Governance. These corporations have been Human Trafficking all Americans since March 9th 1933 at which time Americans were made an enemy of the State (Trading with the Enemy Act), Debtors to the CROWN / VATICAN US Corps/Sub Corps (Emergency Banking Relief Act)enabled via ongoing acts of fraud, sedition and treason by the Roosevelt Administration in vioaltion of International Law that banned Slavery.
As a result of these acts of Sedition, treason and fraud America is an Occupied Nation operated by Judus Goats and Lawfully banned (pursuant to TONA) foreign agents!
This information should help people see why America is OPENLY ruled by CRIMINALS and why they are tolerated and allowed to accumulate Millions by looting the American people! Obviously these criminals are all covering each others backs! Since US Corp. is a criminal enterpirse so is everything else created by it! This includes ALL DE FACTO Agencies! Is this not being evidenced in AltMedia right now with exposes of corrupt so called Judges, the DOJ, FBI etc! All these entities are a creation of the Coup of our nation and not Constitutional Governance!
Proofs (see images below): I: Act of 1871 that created the first UNITED STATES Corp. Imposter, Its successors ever since expanded their reach over America and Federalized the states and the people in violation of the organic laws of the nation and with out authorization of we the people that still have no idea that these acts of Sedition and Treason occured!
II: Titles of Nobilty Act that banned all foreign agents from Governance! ALL foreign agents in Government including the 1.3M CROWN Franchised BAR Attorneys in Ameirca operating in violation of TONA which is enacted Organic Law! This should help you see we are being ruled by LAW BREAKERS! Law breakers can not undo Organic laws, Make law applying to the people or the phsical states or Judge others on the law! All these things are done with impunity through fraud, sedition and treason.
III: The third doc evidences the creation of the DOJ, NOT by any constitutional Act but by the USurped Con-gress act detailed! DOJ, FBI etc is a product of the Counterfeit UNITED STATES Corp and not a product of the Organic Constitutions! It was created to protect the Coup and shut up those exposing it / or the ongoing occupation. It clearly is at War upon the people! Here is an example: Doctor exposing FAUCI, NIH, CDC fraud was set on by the FBI / DOJ to shut here up – Cage here / destroy her – when all she was trying to do was warn the people about POSIONED vaccines and MEDICAL GENOCIDE (AIDS) now in the open:
It is my hope that Trump was aided in to office to destroy this 150 + year coruption / Occupation but I am not holding my breath! My main concern is that he is surounded himself by Zionists and Financial Criminals. Regardless of what Trump does or does not do, the people must Rise up and take back America from the parasites while ignoring Actors pretending to be Government!
This video following should help you understand what kinds of Criminal Clans run America:
This following example is from Commiefornia and exposes the California Mafia!
Read at the linked Articles and sites to understand how we got in to this mess!
If you do not understand the significance of the following images then you do not understand what happened to America and what is going on with the COV (Certification of Vaccine ID) ID 1984 New World Order False Flag Operation which is teh largest False Flag Operation every carried out (ignoring the FED, CENTRAL BANKING, Fake law systems impossed on America, Overthrow of our nations for Crown / Vatican Corporations, Military Debt Usury Slavery Money Systems, Pharma-Medical Industrial Complex lies etc)!
It is essential that you understand the truth about what happened to American Governance since the 1860s so that you can be a part of the solution to take back our country and way of life! Remember everything we have been told all of our lives by Government and its institutions is a lie!
We have been under De Facto Government control since the 1860′s (DC United States) and on the states increasingly since 1934. All States Were incorporated under foreign control by 1954 and then everything else was incorporated!
To Understand all stated herein PLEASE read this article: 2500. Sheriffs and Sheriffs http://annavonreitz.com/sheriffsandsheriffs.pdf
It is time to wake up America and help everyone you know do the same! We must organize our communities to defy Tyrants and Despots under the thumb of the Luciferian Cabal!
You have absolutly no reason to be following any COVID acts of tyranny!
AGAIN! What has been masquerading as Government in DC since the 1860s and on the States since 1934 – 1954 depending which state you live on is a FOREIGN Corporation masquerading as We the people Government!
Those that Own these Corporations wants you enslaved and / or Dead! The Depulation prediction for North America by Degel.com is – 81% of current numbers by 2025! See also Georgia Guidestone (Search Georgia Guidestones + Vigilant Citizen).
Remember, these foreign Corporations have no lawful Authority to be operating in America or placing Americans under Rothschilds / Crown / Vatican foreign rule (i.e. Occupation)!
One of the main Canarys in the Coal Mine to the fraud implemented over America since the early 1800′s is the existece of the Titles of Nobility Amendment of 1810 which was the Lawful Amenment XIII to the Organic States Constitution that banned foreign agents from all Government!
If Government is ran by banned foreign agents it is NOT an American Governance! We can therefore conslude by looking at American Governace that we are occupied! More on this at the link below!
More here: https://1776reloaded.org/joomla30/index.php/unlearn/t-o-n-a
COV ID 1984 is a move by New World Order Globalists to take over America and impose on the people a One World Order Government!
What is being done to run up more Debt (6T) under the premise of the COV ID Plandemic fake threat is repeat of a similar fraud that occured in the 1930′s. The Crown / Vatican Luciferian controlled US Corp was Bankrupted as a prelude to enslaving all Americans under Debt ran up by Shadow Government! They have been doing the same every since! Note our Original We the people Trust was never Bankrupted! It is the credit that funds the cabal system! Much more at Anna Von Reitz can on this (link below).
This statement by Edward Mandel House explains how we were enlaved:
America, you are living in the Matrix of lies! America was overthrown in the 1860s’s by the Black Nobility Luciferian Cabal.
You have been totally enslaved, made an enemy of the STATE!
If you do not wake up and help others make government Tyrants Obsolete you may well be terminated through one of a growing number of Genocide technologies including 5G, Poison in the form of Vaccines, State Police following Tyranical Orders…. 1776 is here again just as the framers warned! The Tyrants did not go away!
How bad does it have to get before you wake up and for you to wake up your community and warn then what is coming down the tracks! COV ID 1984 is a New World End Game. If they do not succeed this time they will try again and again! We either permanently neutralize this threat or face the iminent possibility of global Genoicide of the Human Population by would be Talmudic – Jesuitical Luciferian Roman Cult!
Unlearn, Pass forward!
Suggested Sources for your research:
BeforeItsNews.com, https://www.amazingpolly.net/, HighImpactFlix, Aim4Truth.org, AnnaVonReitz.com, 1776Reloaded.org, InternallyDisplacedPeople.org, Brighteon.com / my channel: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/1776reloaded Fascist Book:https://www.facebook.com/pauljamesCET
Bio: Article links: /v3/contributor/bio/?uid=713008
Will Americans, the British etc… listen to the Whistleblowers now? COV “ID” 1984 NWO End Game, Judus Goats, Black Nobility / Rothschilds (UN) Agenda 21 / 2030 and the farming of Americans since the 1860′s.360
To New World Order on Monday May 18 2020 19:10
The Problem With Wall Street24
To New World Order on Sunday May 17 2020 05:49
May 15th update: 5G Circuit Board labelled COV-19, Coincidence… this is a reminder that we have good reason to look harder at 5G and how it could be used by those that just took the World down on FAKE Media, lies, crooked science and quite literally caused Genocide that may end up getting worse if1078
To Healthcare on Thursday May 14 2020 08:12
Doctors Standing up: Riverside California Dr. Addresses Crowd: Dr. Jeff Barkey, slams Handling of COVID Plandemic; Yvette Lozano from Dallas, talks to crowd at Get Back to Work rally about MEDIA FEAR PORN, MEDICAL SYSTEM FRAUD, FAKE PLANDEMIC NUMBERS and HCQ Experiences!156
To Healthcare on Thursday May 14 2020 07:17
Doctors Standing up: Riverside California Dr. Addresses Crowd: Dr. Jeff Barkey, slams Handling of COVID Plandemic; Yvette Lozano from Dallas, talks to crowd at Get Back to Work rally about MEDIA FEAR PORN, MEDICAL SYSTEM FRAUD, FAKE PLANDEMIC NUMBERS and HCQ Experiences!113
To Healthcare on Wednesday May 13 2020 19:32
UK Column Whistleblower reveals British Government is engaged in an ongoing Psychological Warfare Program against 65M Brits413
To New World Order on Tuesday May 12 2020 19:19
COV “ID” 1984, a Worldwide Staged Luciferian Roman Cabal Controlled De Facto Gov. Co. – Shadow Government False Flag. Exposing the Luciferian Talmudic Roman Cabal attempt to take over the World, c. 1302 – 2020!1442
To New World Order on Saturday May 09 2020 08:12
YOU TUBE REMOVED PLADEMIC-MOVIE, find it here: https://plandemicmovie.com/ – Judy Mikovits rightly burns Fauci and the New World Order Medical Cabal215
To Healthcare on Wednesday May 06 2020 10:49
Pastor Exposes New World Order Luciferian Cabal Take Over, please share with those still sleeping!212
To New World Order on Tuesday May 05 2020 08:11
Breaking News (updated): Busted – Documents Exposing that COVID-19’84′ Plandemic is a World Economic Forum, Rothschild’s UN/CIA/Mockingbird Media, Crown – Vatican – US Corporation De Facto Government Production Amounting to a Declaration of War on 7.8 Billion people… Message to Prime Minister John12697
To New World Order on Tuesday Apr 28 2020 19:57
Breaking News – Vaccine Update!3357
To Health on Saturday Apr 25 2020 04:26
Coronavirus… What If?344
To New World Order on Friday Apr 24 2020 18:59
NWO COV “ID” 1984 – 911 International Luciferian Cabal Psyop / A Global 911 Style False Flag.521
To U. S. Politics on Thursday Apr 23 2020 11:11
Red Alert Update – Apr. 14. 3.0: Gathering Evidence Suggests the New World Order Luciferian Roman Criminal Cabal have made their move to replace their Vatican / Crown Banking and Governance Slavery System for their Long Threatened Demonic One World Government Slavery System… What Are You Going to21150
To New World Order on Friday Apr 10 2020 22:31
Domain Name Coronavirus.com Registered in 2002: Used by WHO! Everything You Have Been Told by Government, CIA Crown-Zio-Corp. Mockingbird Media Is a Lie! Connecting 1860′s Coup of America, the Enslavement of the American People to the WHO-5G-Corona-Virus / Election-Cycle-Virus! This Revelation Begs4701
To New World Order on Saturday Feb 29 2020 02:58
UPDATED: WARNING: 5G Human Command & Control, THE TRUTH IS >>> The Coronavirus PlayBook Is already Written. Are we being subjected to fear- porn by the usual Military Psyop Professionals! See my earlier articles on this linked below1030
To New World Order on Thursday Feb 27 2020 22:47
Updated April 18th 2020: Warning – 5G & Hive Mind: Breaking: Q Is for the Queen’s Qinetiq? – NWO Global PSYOP – Coronavirus Patent; Unraveling the Talmudic Global Fascist Conspiracy: Who Is Behind the Coronavirus Patent? Connections Between Rothschild/Crown – Pirbright Institute; Queen’s Qinet4205
To New World Order on Thursday Feb 27 2020 13:51
Major Update: Do you get it yet? Exposing CROWN Corp. running Global Intelligence and weaponization of everything to control Humanity: Banned foreign agents have been running America since the 1860′s… The Swamp is the UNITED STATES Corp. and its fifty STATE OF STATES Sub. Corps. !1525
To New World Order on Wednesday Feb 26 2020 20:53
(Update from AVR. See end) America unlawfully under Military Government / Military Authority of the Crown / Vatican Old World Order Roman cult, 1863 – 2020: Are 300 Million+ Americans living under the spell of the Stockholm Syndrome [...& Billions of others]? What if the UNITED STATES had you l3863
To Power Elite on Saturday Feb 22 2020 01:51
Dear Mr. President, how to clean the Swamp out over night! Titles of Nobility Act (aka TONA) and Title 10 Section 253, Obstruction of State and Federal Law! Enforce already organic law / De Facto Law and take back the de jure Office!3307
To Banksters on Friday Jan 17 2020 20:07
Walter Burien, introduction to the Federal Reserve’s Annual Z.1.Report raw data table and the looting of the American people147
To U. S. Politics on Sunday Jan 12 2020 13:29
A 2.3 Trillion Lawsuit unveiled against Big Tech Giants like Google, FB, Deep Mind Inc, Tesla, Alphabet Inc, Zuckerberg, EMusk.are using AI that endangers the entire human race working along side China.447
To New World Order on Monday Dec 23 2019 23:58
Trump Signed Executive Order Showing Loyalties are to Rothschild created Israel and not America or American Foundational Principles Like Free Speech!11717
To New World Order on Saturday Dec 14 2019 19:49
Update with Video by AVR and RDS: Dear President Donald John Trump, our Nation Was Overthrown in the 1860′s by the Vatican/Crown! What are We Doing About It?5190
To Awakening? Start Here on Monday Nov 25 2019 05:49
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Before It’s News® is a community of individuals who report on what’s going on around them, from all around the world. Anyone can join. Anyone can contribute. Anyone can become informed about their world. "United We Stand" Click Here To Create Your Personal Citizen Journalist Account Today, Be Sure To Invite Your Friends.
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They want to destroy the sovereign man or destroy his sovereign country. One of the first things he did was create phony taxes. Or payments to him and you obliged.
You took the lazy way out which leads to the path of the slaughterhouses of theirs. In another word, you PAID them to KILL you. Quite Hillaryous and malevolent of them.
They just grin ear-to-ear but you’ll have it no other way.
That won’t be asked. My kids might ask about life before the tribulation, or during the tribulation, or during the great tribulation, but probably not, because kids care more about the future than the past.