UK Column Whistleblower reveals British Government is engaged in an ongoing Psychological Warfare Program against 65M Brits
About Patrick Henry and our Red Pill projects: Fascist-book: More Articles: +++ more links here Several important articles have been uploaded to BIN on the ongoing CCP. Demon-rat.Socialist party of DC and their Coup of America. All available at this link: /v3/contributor/bio/?uid=713008 Video channel:
The focus of our work over the last 15 years has been to investigate the Legal and Governance system operating in America at Federal, State, County, City etc.. Conclusion: the entire legal system in America is illegally operated by Constitutionally-banned foreign agents that run America for foreign interests. This means Constitutionally-banned foreign agents run nearly every now Occupied counterfeit government Office in the nation. It is further concluded these Constitutional banned foreign agents have literally been engaged in a Mixed War against the American people, relying on lawfare while farming Americans to pfofit the International Bankers (aka Human Trafficking) and the CROWN / VATICAN system in a silent war with America since the War of Indepence.
See for more and proof that the original organic United States Constitution post 1819 was modified and orchestrated to bring America under a foreign Corporate Democracy [Socialistic Mob-rule] as a path to destroy the Republic and the peoples guarantee of a Republican form of Government to advance the Luciferian Roman Cults Talmudic New World Order Agenda.
The following letter was sent to Trump via US Military alerting those loyal to the American people to this state of affairs with certified government proofs of claim. /new-world-order/2020/12/letter-to-trump-and-us-military-on-lawfare-mixed-war-color-of-lawauthorityoffice-constitutionally-banned-foreign-agents-fake-weaponized-courts-etc-time-to-take-back-america-from-the-parasites-9526.html
… whereby the COVID 19 [Certificate of Vaccination ID 19"84"] Plandemic False Flag is being used as a smokescreen to re-engineer British Society and Government in Britain.
“Whoever digs a pit will fall into it.” (Proverbs 26:27)
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” - George Santayana
It was Marcus Tullius Cicero that reportedly stated that:
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott of the UK Column News from Monday May 11th A.D. 2020:
It has been revealed by a UK Gov. Co., Whistleblower through UK Column that the British Government is now engaged in an ongoing Psychological Warfare Campaign against the British People which Operation is designed to allow Government to re-engineer Britain using the Certificate of Vaccination ID 1984 Plandemic - False Flag as cover for their no longer stealth operation.
The Certificate of Vaccination ID 1984 Plandemic - False Flag we must assume is being relied on by the Cabal to enable the British Government to bring forward a Totalitarian Police State. A Technocracy Police State System similar to that implemented in China is clearly being implemented around us, which appears to have been invented by unelected Ministerial Cabal and shadow Government. It should be noted that NO referendum was passed asking if the people of Britain would like the British Government to opt for all out Fascism!
The facts exposed in the Broadcast imply so called “Government” has clearly abandoned the notion that Government is of the people, by the people and for the people! Its actions over the Plandemic further imply abandonment of the English Common Law and that the people are now subject to the whims of an unelected Criminal Cabal.
The fact of the matter unknown to the people of Britain is that the Crown / Vatican Luciferian cult has long been controlling Britain. See links below for more information on this point. The cabal that controls Britain, also controlled Americas De Facto US Corp., that was until Trump. This cabal also controls nearly all nations on Earth.
It appears the cabal running this Global Human Talmudic Slavery Plantation system are now desperate to bring forward their latest One World Order Government Slavery System (that they have now tested out in China) in to the fore. Perhaps they have concluded its now or never.
The text below the following Video image is mirrored from UK Column Web site Show Page which broadcasts go out at 1.00 PM UK Time Monday, Wednesday and Friday! Their programs are well worth listening out for. Video @: (or click image), site at
I have provided my own additional commentary below the Video notes which is solely based on my own opinion about this important revelation:
Two Graphics from the Broadcast:
[ Pj comment: Note the entire UK COV 'ID' 19'84' Gov. Co. Plandemic False Flag tracks back to Gates - Fauci - Soros - Clintonistas - Obama! It should be noted that 32 of the 34 members of the UK Vaccine Council have received hand outs from Gates including the Actors, acting as Ministers front and center of the Plandemic Psychological Warfare Operation: See video here: /politics/2020/04/breaking-bill-gates-foundation-and-the-covid-19-vaccine-network-scandal-3183847.html ]
Following Notes directly imported from UKC Web page verbatim.
Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott with today’s UK Column News, bringing you the latest Coronavirus updates. START – CoronaVirus statistics update Boris’ big message to the nation: new 5-level CoronaVirus alert system Level 1 (no virus transmission): only possible with vaccination…? Why has the description changed…to maintain public confusion and lockup…? Scotland: Nicola Sturgeon completely confused by the numbers… Civil Service AI: UK Column whistleblower reveals real CoronaVirus plans Boris is now coercing UK public to accept CV house arrest and admitting it Bill Gates: mastermind behind the ‘pandemic’ and ultimate vaccination plan…? SAGE: using behavioral science to alter public perception and acceptance Government ‘persuasion’: level of threat to be increased amongst complacent public Government controlled ‘social disapproval’ and ‘enablement’ Rapidly produced report subject to ‘limited scrutiny and review’ – UK shutdown regardless A deeply sinister agenda lies behind this… UKC was warning about Applied Behavioral Psychology and Common Purpose in 2013 Thought control: David Cameron’s Big Society is the ultimate desired outcome Murder: malfeasance in public office resulting in thousands of deaths in UK Society, economy, government and constitution to be ‘repurposed’ Book recommendation: Edward Bernays – Propaganda (1928) Boris relaxes ‘rules’, rule-breakers face increased fines – rule definition confusing by design How far we have fallen: Sir Robert Peel’s Principles of Law Enforcement 1829 Cambridge Dictionary: Police State – when government uses police to limit people’s freedom 35:33 – Alternative View 11 conference update from last weekend – Ian R. Crane at home now Human Rights: a blank page…is the state taking on the position of the individual…? Policy Exchange: legislating for the relaxation of the lockdown Constant reversal of truth – black becomes white The oldest laws are usually the best, having been agreed on by countless generations Common Law: new articles to appear soon on UK Column website Lockdown Sceptics article: code review of Ferguson’s model (on CoronaVirus) Twitter fake accounts on the rise…77th Brigade working hard…? 52:19 – Scotland: VE Day celebration looks like North Korea The Times: army of civilians could fight viruses and hackers Article writer McDonald: clinging to 20th century idea of national security no longer tenable RUSI: the Modern Deterrence project – war and peace merge Mail Online: Queen quarantined indefinitely until a vaccine is found… GP Frontline magazine uses war imagery with Soviet undertones UK Column sign appears on roundabout near Inverness Unforeseen consequences: what are children learning while at home with their parents…?Program highlights:
START – The latest Coronavirus updates and Statistics update
Boris’ big message to the nation: new 5-level CoronaVirus alert system
Level 1 (no virus transmission): only possible with vaccination…?
Why has the description changed…to maintain public confusion and lockup…?
Scotland: Nicola Sturgeon completely confused by the numbers…
Civil Service AI: UK Column whistleblower reveals real CoronaVirus plans
Boris is now coercing UK public to accept CV house arrest and admitting it
Bill Gates: mastermind behind the ‘pandemic’ and ultimate vaccination plan…?
SAGE: using behavioural science to alter public perception and acceptance
Government ‘persuasion’: level of threat to be increased amongst complacent public
Government controlled ‘social disapproval’ and ‘enablement’
Rapidly produced report subject to ‘limited scrutiny and review’ – UK shutdown regardless
A deeply sinister agenda lies behind this…
UKC was warning about Applied Behavioural Psychology and Common Purpose in 2013
Thought control: David Cameron’s Big Society is the ultimate desired outcome
Murder: malfeasance in public office resulting in thousands of deaths in UK
Society, economy, government and constitution to be ‘repurposed’
Book recommendation: Edward Bernays – Propaganda (1928)
Boris relaxes ‘rules’, rule-breakers face increased fines – rule definition confusing by design
How far we have fallen: Sir Robert Peel’s Principles of Law Enforcement 1829
Cambridge Dictionary: Police State – when government uses police to limit people’s freedom
35:33 – Alternative View 11 conference update from last weekend – Ian R. Crane at home now
Human Rights: a blank page…is the state taking on the position of the individual…?
Policy Exchange: legislating for the relaxation of the lockdown
Constant reversal of truth – black becomes white
The oldest laws are usually the best, having been agreed on by countless generations
Common Law: new articles to appear soon on UK Column website
Lockdown Sceptics article: code review of Ferguson’s model (on CoronaVirus)
Twitter fake accounts on the rise…77th Brigade working hard…?
52:19 – Scotland: VE Day celebration looks like North Korea
The Times: army of civilians could fight viruses and hackers
Article writer McDonald: clinging to 20th century idea of national security no longer tenable
RUSI: the Modern Deterrence project – war and peace merge
Mail Online: Queen quarantined indefinitely until a vaccine is found…
GP Frontline magazine uses war imagery with Soviet undertones
UK Column sign appears on roundabout near Inverness
Unforeseen consequences: what are children learning while at home with their parents…?
Commentary by :paul james: UK Column exposes UK Gov. Co., ongoing Psychological Warfare Campaign against the British People under the COV ID 19 Globalist False Flag manufactured Plandemic.
It should be noted that the De facto UK Governmemt Corporation, like US Corp are both under control of the Crown / Vatican which are steered by the Black Nobility criminal cabal.
As you read on consider that Shadow Government De Facto controlled Corporations masquerading as We the people Governments across the World have been unable to sway the people to accept the New World Order agenda! England, France, Italy and other nations were openly turning on Globalists and their Green Agenda! So what did they do? They came up with another way to achieve their long term One World Government goals by manufacturing the Plandemic and forcing us in to Lockdown which is clearly a Smokescreen for other mischief which will likely rely on the need for 5G ROll out to cause a 2nd Wave Plandemic!
When people finally are allowed back to some kind of temporary normalcy I suspect a China Style Technocracy will be have already been imposed on us undo the pretense of keeping us safe. The entire Plandemic has allowed re-engineering of society with out our Would be Overlords ever asking us if we wanted their brave new world! Think about that as you review what their new World could look like:
Surveillance State – A look inside China
China Surveillance State:
China’s surveillance state: Explained
Exposing China’s Digital Dystopian Dictatorship | Foreign Correspondent
The evidence exposed in the UK Column News segment most certainly means that people on all nations are being subjected to a world-wide Psychological Warfare Campaign in the form of a staged Plandemic, 5G infrastructure being rapidly rolled out etc! This premise is further supported by the fact that the CROWN running Britain is in fact one crooked leg of the global Triumvirate criminal parasitic Global Deep State Control System as depicted in the image at the top of this page.
In the USA it should be noted that Pompeo slipped up several days ago and stated in front of Trump and on Camera, that we are in a “Live exercise” – we have never been told what that meant! Trump appeared to be unaware that COVID 19 was a “Live Exercise”. I am confident that we know what it meant! :
The evidence exposed in the broadcast is that the Plandemic is being used to CHANGE Government in to something that the people never voted for or were asked about! What appears as is being implemented is a Totalitarian Technocratic Human control system conceived by an an unelected criminal Cabal!
The information conveyed by the Whistleblower suggests GOVERNMENT wants to re-engineer Government as it sees fit. This implies that GOVERNMENT has abandoned even the illusion of a Government of, by and for the people, which means we have a Coup ongoing while Britons 65,000,000 people are told to sit on the Couch.
Government according to the Whistleblower is altering Government before our eyes and using the Police State to keep us in Lock Down While their agenda is being implemented without the peoples knowledge or consent! This event is strangely like the replacement of the founding father, we the people government for a Crown – Vatican Cabal controlled corporation in the late 1860′s and early 1870′s that took place in America without a word being said to the American people!
As they – “GOVERNMENT” skulk around behind our backs – the British Brainwashing Company et al., and the UK Corp. De facto Government Talking heads are telling us their is a plandemic going on and we should all be very very frightened!
While people sit on their couches GOVERNMENT is laying thousands of miles of Fiber to carry the Technocratic Human Slavery Control Grid signals to Gov Co Surveillance companies which data will be employed to provide Government with China style Deep State Human Farming control systems! They are even using the LOCKDOWN to implement TRACKING of the population under the guise that the Government needs to do so to keep us safe because of the FAKE Plandemic!
The agenda the government is chasing just so happens to be the one that the Luciferian Talmudic Cabal developed called One World Government, that took the reigns of Power in England in around 1815, America in the 1860′s and much of the World in the years following.
Their agenda is covered extensively here:
An early attempt to capture the cabals history can be found here:
And the most up to the minute research on this subject from an American perspective can be found here:
What is being exposed here is no different to what has been exposed in America! Seditionist and traitorous parasites clearly thought they could lie to the people about a Deep State created Plandemic and re-engineer our society as they saw fit! The OBAMAGATE coup merely scratches the surface of 150 + years of Shadow Government infiltration of so called Government in America!
The parasites behind this Global Coup are enemies of all people! They are openly using lies and Psychological Warfare to quite literally Genocide the British People. Deluded actors pretending to be We the people ”GOVERNMENT” are following orders which amount to the re-engineering of Britain, Genoicide of people and destruction of Family economies and livelihoods behind the Plandemic smokescreen. The truth is that Luciferian cabal controlled Governments of the world have been using Psychological Warfare tools to war on the People for Millennia! Virtually every war was manufactured using these same tired techniques!
Gov. Co. has manipulated We the people through Hegelian Dialectic Problem Reaction Solution Psycological programming techniques over decades to march us all toward the Luciferian Cabals New World Order slavery system which appears to be going up as I write this. One that the Plandemic is allowing to be installed across our World at a rapid rate while the people are confined under self imposed House Arrest!
The same tactics relied on by Crown – Vatican UK Corp. to betray the British people is also propelling NWO controlled American De Facto Gov. Co. controlled states across the USA (i.e. Commiefornia).
It does appear Trump is in the way of the Globalist Plan being executed in America and this will undo the entire Luciferian Cabal Plan across the World for the same reasons that America’s We the People Governance system was attacked under the Secret Treaty of Verona 1822! Figure that one out for yourself! America is the canary in the Coal Mine!
The UK Column News Report provides the proofs that so called Government, which is nothing more than a De facto Corporation masquerading as a We the people Government controlled by Jesuits, Zionists, Black Nobility - Luciferian Cabal (Crown / Vatican / Holy See) has totally turned on the British people and its agents are undeniably engaged in Sedition and Treason. If the people do not see through this fraud then we have a very big problem on our hands!
I am reminded of a document called the Bankers Manifesto 1892. I have highlighted the salient sentence.
Article from United States Bankers’ Magazine in 1892 – now known as “The Bankers Manifesto!”
Here is the full text of an article published in the United States Bankers’ Magazine in 1892. It was recently re-published in the New Era and in the Social Crediter, where we took it:
“We must go forward cautiously and consolidate each acquired position, because already the inferior social stratum of society is giving unceasing signs of agitation.
“Therefore, prudence dictates to us a line of conduct that seems to give in to the will of the people, until the execution of our plans be well-enough established for us to be able to declare our intentions without having to fear any organized resistance.
“Our confidence men shall have to closely watch the Farmers Alliance and the Knights of Work, and take steps immediately, either to control both associations in accordance with our interests, or to break them.
“Our men will have to attend the Convention that will be held in Omaha on the 4th of July, and be in charge of all activities. Otherwise, this Convention could muster such an antagonism to our plans that we would have to resort to force to overcome it.
Now, at the present time, using violence would be premature. We are not yet ready to confront such an assault. Money must first of all seek maximum protection in schemes and in legislation.
“Let us make use of the courts. Let us go forward as fast as possible at perceiving debts, at foreclosing (depriving of recourse to justice when a certain time limit has been transgressed) on debentures and mortgages.
“When, through the law’s intervention, the common people shall have lost their homes, they will be more easy to control and more easy to govern, and they shall not be able to resist the strong hand of the Government acting in accordance with the orders of the central power of imperial wealth, under the control of the leaders of finance.
“Our top leaders are perfectly aware of the truth. They are presently working at establishing an imperialism of the capital to rule the world. But while they are implementing this plan, they must keep the people busy with political antagonisms.
“We’ll therefore speed up the question of reform in the custom rates by the political organization called the Democratic Party; and we’ll put the spotlight on the question of protection and of the reciprocity by the Republican Party.
“By dividing the electorate this way, we’ll be able to have them spend their energies at struggling amongst themselves on questions that, for us, have no importance whatsoever, and on which we only touch upon as instructors of the common flock.
“It is thus that, through discreet acts, we can maintain what was so generously projected and executed with such a remarkable success.”
You will find the document at this link:
The Bankers Manifesto represents the sick minds behind the World Wide Plandemic that is being foisted on us right now.
In these leaked documents Government is admitting the Lockdown (Self Imposed House Arrest) is perpetuated on lies designed to instill fear in the populous that relies on the Media. The American people can safely assume the same thinking is empowering the states in America under lockdown!
The few words leaked already provide enough rope to hand Government actors for sedition and treason together with the Press!
At this point in time it appears Trump is aware that the Certificate Of Vaccination “ID” 2019 Plandemic is a Globalist New World Order Shadow Government attempt to collapse the Global Economy and his Presidency.
The Deep State in the USA is under the same cabal running the De facto “UK Corp.” which is the Crown / Rothschild / Holy See / Black Nobility!
People should consider how closely De facto controlled “Commiefornia” Corp. is tracking the policy of De facto controlled UK Corp. For the historical picture on how we got here please look to my earlier posts listed at the bottom of the page!
The above article or the following Memes are not associated with the UKC article. / Video Channel:
UK Column Whistle-Blower reveals British Government is engaged in an ongoing Psychological Warfare Program against 65M Brits6
To New World Order on Tuesday May 12 2020 19:19
COV “ID” 1984, a Worldwide Staged Luciferian Roman Cabal Controlled De Facto Gov. Co. – Shadow Government False Flag. Exposing the Luciferian Talmudic Roman Cabal attempt to take over the World, c. 1302 – 2020!1330
To New World Order on Saturday May 09 2020 08:12
YOU TUBE REMOVED PLADEMIC-MOVIE, find it here: – Judy Mikovits rightly burns Fauci and the New World Order Medical Cabal203
To Healthcare on Wednesday May 06 2020 10:49
Pastor Exposes New World Order Luciferian Cabal Take Over, please share with those still sleeping!206
To New World Order on Tuesday May 05 2020 08:11
Breaking News (updated): Busted – Documents Exposing that COVID-19’84′ Plandemic is a World Economic Forum, Rothschild’s UN/CIA/Mockingbird Media, Crown – Vatican – US Corporation De Facto Government Production Amounting to a Declaration of War on 7.8 Billion people… Message to Prime Minister John12580
To New World Order on Tuesday Apr 28 2020 19:57
Breaking News – Vaccine Update!3165
To Health on Saturday Apr 25 2020 04:26
Coronavirus… What If?324
To New World Order on Friday Apr 24 2020 18:59
NWO COV “ID” 1984 – 911 International Luciferian Cabal Psyop / A Global 911 Style False Flag.497
To U. S. Politics on Thursday Apr 23 2020 11:11
Red Alert Update – Apr. 14. 3.0: Gathering Evidence Suggests the New World Order Luciferian Roman Criminal Cabal have made their move to replace their Vatican / Crown Banking and Governance Slavery System for their Long Threatened Demonic One World Government Slavery System… What Are You Going to21122
To New World Order on Friday Apr 10 2020 22:31
Domain Name Registered in 2002: Used by WHO! Everything You Have Been Told by Government, CIA Crown-Zio-Corp. Mockingbird Media Is a Lie! Connecting 1860′s Coup of America, the Enslavement of the American People to the WHO-5G-Corona-Virus / Election-Cycle-Virus! This Revelation Begs4693
To New World Order on Saturday Feb 29 2020 02:58
UPDATED: WARNING: 5G Human Command & Control, THE TRUTH IS >>> The Coronavirus PlayBook Is already Written. Are we being subjected to fear- porn by the usual Military Psyop Professionals! See my earlier articles on this linked below1030
To New World Order on Thursday Feb 27 2020 22:47
Updated April 18th 2020: Warning – 5G & Hive Mind: Breaking: Q Is for the Queen’s Qinetiq? – NWO Global PSYOP – Coronavirus Patent; Unraveling the Talmudic Global Fascist Conspiracy: Who Is Behind the Coronavirus Patent? Connections Between Rothschild/Crown – Pirbright Institute; Queen’s Qinet4151
To New World Order on Thursday Feb 27 2020 13:51
Major Update: Do you get it yet? Exposing CROWN Corp. running Global Intelligence and weaponization of everything to control Humanity: Banned foreign agents have been running America since the 1860′s… The Swamp is the UNITED STATES Corp. and its fifty STATE OF STATES Sub. Corps. !1522
To New World Order on Wednesday Feb 26 2020 20:53
(Update from AVR. See end) America unlawfully under Military Government / Military Authority of the Crown / Vatican Old World Order Roman cult, 1863 – 2020: Are 300 Million+ Americans living under the spell of the Stockholm Syndrome [...& Billions of others]? What if the UNITED STATES had you l3855
To Power Elite on Saturday Feb 22 2020 01:51
Dear Mr. President, how to clean the Swamp out over night! Titles of Nobility Act (aka TONA) and Title 10 Section 253, Obstruction of State and Federal Law! Enforce already organic law / De Facto Law and take back the de jure Office!3297
To Banksters on Friday Jan 17 2020 20:07
Walter Burien, introduction to the Federal Reserve’s Annual Z.1.Report raw data table and the looting of the American people144
To U. S. Politics on Sunday Jan 12 2020 13:29
A 2.3 Trillion Lawsuit unveiled against Big Tech Giants like Google, FB, Deep Mind Inc, Tesla, Alphabet Inc, Zuckerberg, EMusk.are using AI that endangers the entire human race working along side China.445
To New World Order on Monday Dec 23 2019 23:58
Trump Signed Executive Order Showing Loyalties are to Rothschild created Israel and not America or American Foundational Principles Like Free Speech!11703
To New World Order on Saturday Dec 14 2019 19:49
Update with Video by AVR and RDS: Dear President Donald John Trump, our Nation Was Overthrown in the 1860′s by the Vatican/Crown! What are We Doing About It?5189
To Awakening? Start Here on Monday Nov 25 2019 05:49
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British Government IS an ongoing Psychological Warfare Program against 65M Brits.
And always has been. They run nothing.
They are there to fool the idiot voters into thinking they have a choice when in fact they have none.
Choosing the lesser of two evils is still a choice for evil.
It’s like all the fuss over Obama, who is really just another mid level gopher, and does need to face Justice.
However these are NOT the criminals that need arresting to make a lasting difference.
Bloodline families, Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Bankers, Mafia, Narco Terrorists, Intelligence Agency Assets, Queens, Kings, Princes, Police, Generals…. now that would be more like it.
Judges, Lawyers and Barristers. I’d hate to leave them out.
Scientists, Civil Servants, So called Professors… it’s becoming such a long list I uppose the best I can hope for is to see them held in contempt for all eternity.