Everything that was hidden from the American people has been leaked! Massive Data Dump has potential to destroy Shadow Government narrative!
First amendment rights: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
WikiLeaks Massive Data Dump has potential to destroy Shadow Government narrative:
BOOM Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online.
Everything from Hillary Clinton’s emails, McCains being guilty (also exposed in the following BIN post exposing McCain aware of election rigging), Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, Pedo Podesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO/ Plandemic.
Happy Digging! Here you go, Please read and pass it on…..
WikiLeaks Data Dumps:
ALSO: Project Veritas Obtains Recording Of Call Between Wikileaks Julian Assange & Lawyer In Clinton’s State Dept! – Must Video: /opinion-conservative/2020/12/project-veritas-obtains-recording-of-call-between-wikileaks-julian-assange-lawyer-in-clintons-state-dept-must-video-3557638.html Image linked to article! Link also posted below.
What you should be asking yourself? Why are those in so-called Government at War (Lawfare) with the American people? The following letter was sent to Trump via US Military alerting those loyal to the American people to the state of affairs described below and linking to certified government issued proofs of claim described in the letter. /new-world-order/2020/12/letter-to-trump-and-us-military-on-lawfare-mixed-war-color-of-lawauthorityoffice-constitutionally-banned-foreign-agents-fake-weaponized-courts-etc-time-to-take-back-america-from-the-parasites-9526.html
Please see the following hyper-link for the next three pages of the above letter…
About Patrick Henry and our Red Pill projects: Fascist-book: More Articles: +++ more links here Important articles have been uploaded to BIN on the ongoing CCP. Black Nobility.New World Order.RINO-Demon-rat.Socialist DC Crown US of DC, the ongoing New World Order Usurpation of America by enemies Domestic and Foreign, and the GOV-ID-1984-Great-Reset-Agenda21/2030-Depop-Plandemic. Articles available at this link: /v3/contributor/bio/?uid=713008 Video channel:
The focus of our work over the last 15 years has been to investigate the Legal and Governance systems operating in America at Federal, State, County, City etc.. Conclusion: the entire legal system in America has been usurped by 185,000+ foreign CROWN / VATICAN rooted corporations and is illegally operated by Constitutionally-banned foreign agents that unlawfully run America for foreign interests (example US Corp., [CANADA], STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ______ are NOT the original organic We the people Governments but counterfeits). Constitutionally-banned foreign agents run nearly every now Occupied counterfeit government Office in the nation. In America the leading faction of the 5th Column at war with the rest of us are BAR Attorneys (whether they know it or not)! See California Government Code 1027.5 to understand the silent War that has been going on for 150+ years. It is further concluded these Constitutional banned foreign agents have literally been engaged in a Mixed War against the American people, relying on lawfare while literally farming Americans to profit the International Bankers (aka Human Trafficking) and the CROWN / VATICAN system in a silent war with all Americans since the War of Independence.
See for more and proof that the original organic United States Constitution post 1819 was modified and orchestrated to bring America under a foreign Corporate Democracy [Socialistic Mob-rule] as a path to destroy the original organic we the people Governments and deprive the people of their guarantee of a Republican form of Government all so as to advance their Luciferian Roman Cult Talmudic New World Order Agenda.
“You want to talk about fraudulent elections? Let’s start with the very concept of democracy to begin with: other people voting on how much of my property to plunder.” – btw TuSA and organic states were created as a republic and guaranteed a republic form of governance – don’t let the CROWN Plantation managers have you thinking any of the physical states or Organic Federal states co-ordinating governance was created as a DEMONcracy! PJ
Please like this article/author and others if you find this document insightful or useful and do not forget to share… more by the author here:
This is why Assange is on Project Veritas on a phone call trying to warn an ex employee has everything ! And it’s already out they tried to alert Amerika for days and was ignored… In that time it was released… This is what George Bush meant about them swinging in the streets lynched by the citizens… FIND #FRAZZLEDRIP
See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again
for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.”
I’ve also been mentioning they dumped the file for nearly a week now trying to get someone to Notice and hopefully start searching faster than I can.. Also interested in the Abedin laptop I’m sure that can’t be far
I actually saw that saying on a meme years ago and I wondered exactly what he was meaning, And funnily enough I think very early on Alex jones seemed connected to all of it
Keep up the good Posts 🐨
Australians Only know freedom. Nothing else will survive but the way our country is… They have 0 chance the deluded psychopaths