Location Of Buried Giant Nephilim? From the Hillary Clinton Email..
In 12/13/2018, Denetra D Senigar sent an email with the following subject: “Requesting documents pertaining to the resurrection chamber of Gilgamesh, the location of his body and the location of the buried Nephilim.”
Why is Hillary Clinton so interested to the resurrection chamber of Gilgamesh?
What does she know about these giant?
What is she looking for?
You can read a possible answer to these questions at:
The Epic of Gilgamesh is, perhaps, the oldest written story on Earth. It comes to us from Ancient Sumeria, and was originally written on 12 clay tablets in cunieform script. It is about the adventures of the historical semi-mythic King Gilgamesh of Uruk (somewhere between 2750 and 2500 BCE).
More information on Gilgamesh here and here.
Link to foia.state.gov (secure) From the Hillary emails:
https://foia.state.gov/search/Results.aspx?searchText (collection=Clinton_Email)%20AND%20(nephilim
Status is Closed – Page 470.
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i read this the other day.
hillary is probably working on her genealogy
LOL! OK, Jiffy whatever.
Giants once walked the earth; they were the results of the genetic hybridization of demonic and human DNA.
Read the Book of Genesis and some of the Books of the Apocrypha.
Interesting, a lot of people seem to be misinterpreting what’s shown here. This isn’t an email about Gilgamesh.
It’s clear the person who made this search was intending to find instances of the word “nephilim” in the newly released emails that were on Hillary Clinton’s infamous E-mail server. Unfortunately, whoever did this search did not actually use the system correctly. In order to filter a search by a collection, the collection must be specified in the “collection” get parameter. (i.e., https://foia.state.gov/search/Results.aspx?searchText=nephilim&collection=Clinton_Email – this is the search that was originally intended, which yields no results.)
The original searcher’s actual search, as opposed to their intended search, shows results that contain similarities to the string of characters: “(collection=Clinton_Email) AND (nephilim)”. Like Google, the system attempts to pull up information related to the user’s search. The system found a document that contained the word “nephilim” and decided all others were not relevant enough to present to the user. We can see that with a search for simply just “nephilim” yields the exact same results. ( https://foia.state.gov/search/Results.aspx?searchText=nephilim ) The same document appears. In the end, the document only appeared to be correlated because the original searcher did not use the system correctly.
As for the document it’s self, it is simply a log of FOIA requests that the Department of State…
No the sons of God were not 6 fallen angels, the Sons of God WERE -Sons of God, they married daughters of God. Demons or fallen angels do not have a body, they are SPIRITS and will NEVER have a body. Lucifer and his fallen angels do not and never will have a body!!!!! They cannot mate with the daughters of men.
The Giants in the old testament or Nephilim are a little more complicated story which I don’t want to get into now, but I can assure you that several governments have direct knowledge of the Nephilim and know EXACTLY what they are and what they are all about.