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Tale of Two National Guard deployments (NY/TX)

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ATROCITY chapter outlining not only NAZI but Russian (even others') Genocide actions/mass-murders
and NOT just about foreign Terrorists, but USA FASCICRATS ( destroying us from within - and, yes, issue of ILLEGALS as Security risk/threat discussed therein
see too: <ISBN: 978-1-955043-66-3>
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Tale of Two National Guard deployments (NY/TX)
[© Mar. 8, 2024 BeforeItsNews, to re-post (via TLB): Mar. 23rd 2024]


All you need know about The Left (Fascicrats) vs The Right (Conservatives, ChristiTutionalists, GOP/Republicans) in the “Tale of Two National Guard deployments” comparison. A quasi follow-up/part-2 to last week’s “’Newcomers?’ (Left latest warp of terminology)” piece (well, will be follow-up on TLB when drops there on Mar. 23rd and ”Newcomers” piece dropping TLB Mar. 16th).

New York State Governor Kathy #JOKEhul (#Fascicrats Party) is deploying the Natl. Guard to the NY Subway system. Is she doing so to actually combat and capture/arrest/charge/prosecute Criminals? No, of course not, after The Left had decried the “Stop and Frisk” policy that kept the area much safer and that Law being carefully crafted to allow Law Enforcement (LEOs) to in limited circumstances to stop and frisk to check for weapons those “acting suspiciously” (in other words, a degree of “probable cause”) to be able to intercede and take “illegal guns” and those who “illegally carry them” off the streets and stopping that practice; now this.

Are #Fascicrats Party looking to return to taking “illegal Guns” and “Criminals” back off the streets? Course not. Are they looking to have Natl. Guard ride the Rails and help prevent a situation that had Daniel Penny (who, of course, the NY DA charged) and others intercede (which, of course, Left tries to make all about RACE, even though one of the others involved in taking down the would-be Subway attacker is Black) to protect fellow Subway-riders? Certainly not. INSTEAD, of course, they are engaging in a FEEL GOOD for show measure that will violate “due process” protections of the average and Law abiding NY City/State Citizens by having those rushing to catch their Train to make it to work (or whatever) on time – to check their Bags. Basically turning the Natl. Guard in NY into TSA (Thousands Standing Around agents, like at the Airport) focusing on Grandma’s, Grandpa’s, School-Kids with Backpacks, Gen-X’er Females in nice Work-day attire trying to get to their Job so they can pay Taxes to support all the Illegals The Left is giving money to in NY, etc.…

[image source:]


I’d already previously written “Should Be ‘DUH, Now I Get It’ Moment, But Won’t Be For The Left” article, and this will be yet another situation that should Red-Pill people as to the major differences in The Left and The Right. They still are NOT making any changes to their Sanctuary Status, that has more and more Illegals roaming NY City/State streets committing more Crime. Nor will they change their #DemocratsCoddleCriminals policies that keep letting repeat offenders back out to commit more Crimes – as always somewhat addressed in my prior TLB “Crime and Criminals: The Left’s Strained Credulity” piece.

VIDEO (30m 54s): How the Left fueled New York City’s violent crime wave | Midterms dispatch (The Telegraph):


This is all 100% PRETEND efforts to care about rampant Crime based upon their policies because the 2024 Election is rapidly approaching. Rather than change their policy, fix the mess they created, they just want to harass all New Yorkers with this “pretend show” (part of the Leftist Circus, not quite in the “Bread And Circus” attempts they deploy/employ).

Now, contrast that with actions to deploy Natl. Guard men/women (yep, real men/women, not “gender confused”) to STOP CRIME and actually help repel Criminals/Invaders at our Southern Border in Texas. To aid in the effort to uphold USA Laws, something the #BiDUMB administration refuses to do, to secure our Border (remember Joe’s “photo-op” trips to the Border, in lieu of any actual actions?).

VIDEO (42m 26s): CTP S1E39 “Newcomers?” Again Left warping/deflection of Terminology:     


It cannot be made any plainer and, IN YOUR FACE, than these examples of how, when, where, why, Natl. Guard is being deployed by The Left vs The Right. We on The Right care about upholding #RuleOfLaw and The Left engages in Election year convenient pretend “conversion” Circus Show act that will do very little. If The Left actually would Prosecute Criminals for Law-breaking, the major Blue-run-cities would not be the ever-climbing Crime infested Hell-holes they’ve become. And spare-us, idiots like Jessica #libTARDlov (of The Five) about “CRIME IS DOWN” arguments when you again just LIE. Crime Prosecutions and sentencing IS DOWN because you refuse to Prosecute and put away Criminals – NOT that Crime is down. Remember the saying “Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics?” FACT IS, when you look at Police Report data/filings, CRIMINAL ACTS ARE WAY UP, just (again) The Left refuses to put these Criminals away and plea-down or outright plea-away Charges so-as to just let these Criminals right back out on the streets to re-offend.

VIDEO (1m 45s): Kristi Noem (R SD) sends Guard Troops to Texas (CPAC):     


And, yes, of course, have to mention, The Left STRAWMAN about Immigration – we Republicans, Conservatives, ChristiTutionalists, have NO PROBLEM with Legal Immigrants. Some of the most Pro-American and Patriotic U.S. Citizens I know are those who “legally” Immigrated from Communist Hell-hole Nations. Those who do it the right-way to become Americans, want our Freedoms and OPPORTUNITY, not hand-outs Left promise those flooding our Borders making the Open-Border a magnet of attraction.


Just like the State Of The Union (#SOTU – No, was #LiesAboutTheUnion / #LATU) speech a few weeks ago. Did #BiDUMB lay out any plans to reverse his #BiDUMBnomics (see those pieces, part 1 and part 2)? No, course not, all we got was #Gaslighting about how things are great. Inflation is declining?!?! Yes, but still way up, only declining from the massive uptick that BiDUMB brought on for first time in many decades time – prices STILL climbing out-of-control. Wages climbing to Record levels?!?! Yes, of course, with #BIDENflation people are indeed getting Wage increases (and reality is, Wages under every POTUS, rise/climb) but what matters is basic Economics (that The Left doesn’t understand) and both sides of the Accounting Ledgers – your Income may have climbed but nowhere close to the increases on the outlay of expenses on the other side of the Ledger. YOU HAVE LESS BUYING POWER and loosing ground to #BIDENflation.

[image source: TLB-Talk (@JlenardDetroit post)]

I could go on and on rebutting/rebuking the #LATU (#LiesAboutTheUnion (#Gaslighting)) speech, but this piece is not ultimately about that (though related) so let me give one last obvious one… Have Gas prices dropped (again, all discussed in BiDUMBnomics part 1 and BiDUMBnomics part 2)? Yes, but still WAY UP due to BiDUMB destroying the Energy Independence policy and place that POTUS45 had us in, so again Gas (Oil related products costs) way up from when Trump was in Office. #FACTSmatter #CONTEXTmatters. The Left can never, ever, be HONEST about their policies.

VIDEO (17m 06s): U. S. Senator Katie Britt (R AL) response to #LATU address (FOX 5 Atlanta):       

[Great job Katie, your “One Generation” Story resonates just like Tim Scott’s “One Generation” Story he also mentioned in prior #SOTU response.]

[image source: Joseph M Lenard created via services, and as referenced in TLB “Brain-Dead” (part 1 and part 2) pieces.]
[NOTE: As I’ve discussed elsewhere, and in my ChristiTutionalist TM Politics book, I agree with Dennis Prager and I was wrong in saying “Liberals” in the meme, and it should say “Leftists” as there is a difference in “Classical Liberals” (especially those who at least remotely  Christian, and we can get them back into their Bible, full context not distortions of it like Biden and Piglosi try peddle) who can be reached (Red-Pill Strategy) as evidenced by the likes of Brandon Straka, Candace Owens, Tammy Bruce, Guy Benson, and so many others, where-as pure Leftist ideologues will never ever give up their FEEWINGS based Leftism and #VirtueSignaling Warriors WOKEtardism status.]


QUOTATIONS CTP Show officially drops tomorrow (Sat. Mar. 9th 2024) via buzzsprout (where it is Housed, and 9 times out of 10 you can also see “bonus material” in the buzzsprout Show Transcript of CTP Shows), iHeartRadio, PlayerFM, Spotify, more… see the BEHIND-THE-SCENES/SNEAK-PEEK at:


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An aside, Rick and I (of Maverick News, also) spoke on Elon’s Brain implants, potential for good and evil… Added thought I hadn’t considered before now (I texted him): I’m sitting at restaurant and now thinking about the chip implant thing cuz there’s part of me that would love to be able to have the chip implant because my mind always goes a million miles a minute and the minute I hit publish on a new article for days afterwards I think about things I’d like to reword or ADD and having the chip implant to be able to crack open the article and make updates for me anytime anyplace of the day or night would be a great thing – but of course I wouldn’t do it because I fear all the other negative downside parts 😂




S1EFebSpecial2 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Wed Feb 21 2024 and thereafter) at: )… 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EFebSpecial2) “Faith Engagement 2024 Event”
Recently convened “Faith Engagement 2024″ held in Las Vegas (can you think of anywhere more needing of “Faith Engagement” than “Sin-City?” LOL) Nevada (which featured Ralph Reed (Founder “Faith and Freedom Coalition”), David Barton (Historian, Founder of “Wallbuilders”), Dave Welch (“US Pastors Council”), others) discussed with organizers: Drew McKissick (SC, and my apologies as I kept having McCaskill of MO in my head and calling him Drew McKisscal incorrectly LOL) and Michigan’s Dr. Rob Steele (not Rob Lowe, joke in show, gotta keep a sense-of-humor), and also would have had Mike Mears but he had a Church Event and had to skip. Dichotomy of Those Biblical vs those mostly in and of the World (only about self and their own power or favor). “Salt and Light” “Shining City on the Hill” Yes, but too: Preaching THE FULL BIBLE (the Tough-Love parts). #VoteBiblically 
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of/for this Show for “Episode related additional information.”
Transcript Bonus: No Transcript Bonus this episode! No Official Transcript this episode.

Episode related pieces… 
- No corresponding TLB Article this coming Sat, see other related pieces… 
- /christian-news/2024/02/faith-engagement-recently-in-vegas-what-better-place-for-faith-need-than-sincity-2620583.html [article includes embed of BehindTheScenes Video version of this show, and a lot of related embedded images adding additional context as well as additional thoughts/comments/concepts of Faith often distorted/twisted that were not addressed in Show]
- /christian-news/2023/11/your-christitutionalist-politics-awakening-2619081.html  
- /christian-news/2024/01/christitutionalist-politics-2-2620304.html  
- (and chaos in DC and MI)  
- [small "c" community vs dictatorial large "C" Communism]  
- BehindTheScenes Video of Show:    
- [not forced redistribution (2 COR 9:7)]  
- [WAAM, Moment Of Clarity archives]  

“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP) 
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- TLB articles:  
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout:  
- CTP Official Coffee: (promocode: JOSEL20)  
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Transcription Services by: Converter.App  
- Joseph M Lenard –  ( /  


some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via…   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in.  




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    Total 4 comments
    • JLenardDetroit

      Also just dropped from me…
      Famous #Quotes
      Friday, March 8, 2024 17:45
      #QuotesOfTheDay #QuotesAboutLife #QuotesDaily

    • JLenardDetroit

      Change a few words in HR-2
      and bring it to #USHouse Floor for another Vote under different HR#.
      BiDUMB wants you to Pass a Bill, REpass HR2.
      Send to #USSenate and watch them choke on it!

      • JLenardDetroit

        #USSenate #RINO sellout! This #DeFacto #Amnesty. 350+ pages Bullshit HIDE 2 provisions codify #OpenBorders & make #ReplacementTheory into #ReplacementLAW & about granting #AMNESTY before #Trump can take Office again. Those 2 provisions…

        Grants AUTHORITY to #DHS #DeepState Leftist #AntiAmerican loons ability BYPASS #COURTS & GRANT IMMEDIATE #ASYLUM (99.9% wouldn’t qualify for, if go to Court) – they could literally stand at #Border & hand-out Green Cards to all Cross & them get #Citizenship very next yr.

        2nd allows #ILLEGALS flood to tune of 1.9M/year BEFORE POTUS “COULD” (not should or SHALL/REQUIRED) “could” in other words, Democrats NEVER WILL, Declare State of Emergency to STEM FLOW for about 180 days (THEN FULL FLOODGATES OPEN AGAIN).

        Other provisions of 350+ pages JUST FOR SHOW & DEFLECTION & also cover MONEY LAUNDERING to those who help Settle #ILLEGALS into #USA.

        #FACTSnotFeelings #NoAmnesty #democratLIESmatter


    • JLenardDetroit


      CTP S1E40 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Mar 23 2024 and thereafter) at: )…
      ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E40) “The Tale Of Two National-Guard Deployments (NY/TX)”
      The Tale Of Two National-Guard Deployments (NY/TX) lays out how this topic/example alone lays bare the dichotomoy of Leftist (imposition on Lawful, FASCICRATS style, and still excusing/coddling the Lawless (Election “for Show” gimmick, rather than address Sanctuary City, No-Bail, etc., failed Leftist policy)) and Right/GOP/Conservatives/ChristiTutionalist/Constitution based actions (to deal with things Left has broken, and refuse to address).
      See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of/for this Show for “Episode related additional information.”
      Transcript Bonus: ????

      Episode related pieces…
      - corresponding TLB Article this coming Sat drop TBD
      - TBD

      (CTP S1E40 Audio: XXm XXs, Sat Mar 23 2024)


      CTP S1E41 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Mar 30 2024 and thereafter) at: )…
      ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E41) “Bread and Circus (redux, and yes part 2 additions)”
      See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of/for this Show for “Episode related additional information.”
      Transcript Bonus: ????

      Episode related pieces…
      - corresponding TLB Article this coming Sat drop TBD
      - TBD

      (CTP S1E41 Audio: XXm XXs, Sat Mar 30 2024)


      CTP S1E42 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Apr 6 2024 and thereafter) at: )…
      ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E42) “Voter-ID (Devil is in the Details)”
      See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of/for this Show for “Episode related additional information.”
      Transcript Bonus: ??TBD??

      Episode related pieces…
      - corresponding TLB Article this coming Sat drop TBD
      - TBD

      (CTP S1E42 Audio: XXm XXs, Sat Apr 6 2024)

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