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2011-09-15 - The Gift that Keeps on Giving - The 2012 Fad

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DATE: 2011-09-15




COPYRIGHT: © copyright 2011 • all rights reserved 


TITLE: The Gift that Keeps on Giving






Hello, and welcome again to


I will be your host for the evening, my name is Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we talked about “Order in a Jar”  – for the most part – a fairy tale. I cannot point you in an particular direction and say “put you hand on it. Hold it. Read it.”  This is a collection of my own personal experiences – real or imaged – I don’t know – but there is a sad consistency to all of this, so I guess we’d best chat about it, and see where all this goes.


Now we’ve chatted about how the Universe is electrical and generates so much energy we don’t know where it all goes.


Western Scientists – those poor beaten down sad folks who have to think inside of a very small box or loose their paychecks – we decided that 97% of the universe if missing.


They call it “dark matter – since we cannot see it – but if we live inside of a bubble – in fat the entire universe where you and I live is inside of a bubble – a soap bubble – how can anything go missing? There is no place to go?


But you and I do live in a sea of electrical energy – its all around us, and its inside of us.  You and I are electrical.  The cat is electrical.  Your fish dinner is electrical, and because the atoms in all of us, all of these things, vibrate at the same speed – at the same frequency – we can touch each other, hold each other, talk to each other, and not fall through the solid wood floor that we are walking on.


But what is electricity? Ask a scientist – an HONEST scientist – and you will discover that no one really knows – and how you and I just “might” be a laboratory experiment in a world that we could recognize, but could never understand.


And so tonight, I thought we would chat about “The Gift that Keeps on Giving


I was trying to figure out how I was reminded of the story – “My Mother the Reptile” – I could not recall what had triggered that particular memory.


I have spent most of my time on this Earth trying SO VERY HARD to forget the things that I had lived through, the things that I have seen, the things that had been done to me – and there are so many


Good memories?  Fingers of one hand – and the really good memories?  My cats and my dogs.


Old women abused me, broke my bones, arranged to have me ganged raped – I thought as a child that cruelty and hatred was “love” and that left me damaged me for 50 years, and caused me to never once have a real relationship with a woman – a real women – they were always nightmares – the only kind of woman that I knew.



But when I finally escaped my “keepers” the CIA street thugs – I was 28 years old – I go a REAL late start in life, and was a failure no matter how you looked at it.


From the CIA’s point of view, I was a failure as a weapon- I should have been raping and murdering by the age of 12.  As a human being, I was a whipped animal, I was beaten dog who did not really start to be myself until the age of 31 – a year late for my CIA mind control to trigger the kill order on myself.


I was 40 years old before I was myself for the very first time, just as the old witch had told me when I was 12 years old – she told me that my lie would actually get WORSE – and I would not start my real life until I was 40 years old – if I lived to be that old.


Well, she was right.  And she has been right every time she has “appeared” in my life, and it was not until I was 52 that she actually talked to me for the first time – talked to me, as opposed to barking orders at me like I was a dog, orders that always ended with “do it – don’t be stupid.”


I never really liked her.  I still don’t – but I understand her now.  She’s a general fighting in a war against true evil, and she just does not have the time to be polite.  And why waste “polite conversation” on tools – tools like me that might not even survive long enough to be of any use to her.


Maybe that is one of the many reasons I dislike being around drunks – drinking is the excuse they use for hurting everyone else – they are important – you and I are not.


I already know that the little daughter – five years old – will follow in the hatred of their mother.  I can see the set in her jaw when she looks at me – and DARES me to feel sorry for them.  They will – of course, side with their Mother, even as she beats them bloody.


I know that she beats them – I saw it today.  The old drunk was screaming at her oldest daughter – this went on all day – and she took a step towards her eldest daughter – and I watch as the elder daughter back away in terror, crouching down like a whipped dog, trying NOT to raise up her hands and her arms to defend herself against an attack.


Drunks – especially stupid, hateful old drunken women – HATE it when you defend yourself – I know.  I know from personal experience – and I was sick close to vomiting when I saw that.


No reason, to cause, no justification – just hatred and cruelty because she had THE RIGHT to hurt her own children – and NO ONE WILL SAY A WORD.


What can anyone say?  If any of use stand up for them, the children will side with their Mother – I had seen that too many times.


She had always been such a sweet little girl, and she became their leader.


I finally told her – you CANNOT call me again when you do this to yourself – I am powerless to help you if you keep going back to them  You KNOW what they will do to you, and its tearing my heart out – that I cannot help you – you are doing this to yourself.


And after that? When she no longer had me to use as a crutch?  She kept going back to them, I don’t know any of the details, but soon after she deposed her own Mother, and became the ruler of the clan.  And she was the worst of them all.


It was she who robbed me of my legal share of her families business when her father died – he – at least had some awareness of right and wrong – at least  near the end of his life.  But his daughter?  And his twin brother – the child raper, the cowardly monster?  They forged signatures, and put all my property under their name sin “joint tenacity” and US$ 500,000 disappear out of my hands.


And it was that sweet little girl, who could not bear to leave her family, to loose her family, no matter what they did to her.  And she became the worst of them.


Women do this more then men, maybe that is why the gift of hatred – the leadership of the clan, the tribe, the gang – passes down from Mother to daughter.


The leaders of the 13 ruling families of the Western World are all woman – and the two true leaders are both women 0 Queen Elizabeth of England and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands.


But when I finally fled my tormenters, I really truly thought, I BELIEVED that I would never see mindless hatred cruelty for the sake of cruelty ever again.


And once I was living full time in Hollywood, I saw it all the time, and everywhere, especially from Washington DC.  The hatred that I knew as a child was now openly ruling the country.  IT makes sense – slaves, the boot licker like my tormenters, my keepers were, always emulate their “betters” – their Masters.


And then I fled the United States for what was supposed to be a real home.  New Zealand.  I discovered that it was a million dollar a year marketing campaign designed as part of the country’s role of international money laundering, and we were just victims sacrifices – again, another ‘con’ and all cons need a fall guy.


So I fled again to Europe and the first women I met there – the same as those I fled from Hollywood, that I grew up with – where “hatred was love” but these were actually worse – and they hurt me in ways I did not believe possible – if I had ever considered that anyone would want to hurt me at all.


It still amazes me that people want to hurt me, and I am still trying to figure out why.  What did I do?  I don’t know, but if someone would just tell me, I will apologize and promise never to do it again.


But there it is, another old nasty, stupid cruel drunk – hurting her own children because she can.  Because she has the right.


And hatred will be passed down to yet another generation – another life destroyed.


So its not really surprising that our Masters hate us, they have had 8,000 years of hatred instilled in them by their own parents.


Hatred take son a life of its own, and now, we have nothing in common with our Masters at all – as if we ever did.


They are a totally different form of life then you or I, and they live in a reality that you and I can not even imagine.


They eat children.  Just saying those three words and your mind, and mine, shuts down, shut off.


They burn people e- burn children alive with phosphate[her bombs – phosphate cannot be put out with water, or dirt – anything – it actually has to burn right through your body – and that is the only way you can be free of it.


People who worship Satan – whether the devil is real or not – believe that by burning people alive they gain some kind of Black Magic Ritual power.


And killing children? The most power possible.


So, no, I do not think we can have a meeting of the minds with our Masters.


The gift that keeps on giving?  Hate.  It poisons the next generation, so they in turn can pass the gift down.


I realized that the creatures I grew up with – their own gift to this world, the only thing that they brig to this world – is hate.  And if they cannot pass that gift down to the next generations, continue the cycle of hatred, then they are failures – their lives have no meaning.


Hatred is the only gift they can give, and if no one will accept that gift, then they lived here for nothing.


No, there can be no meeting of the minds between us and our Masters.


Unless you want to accept the only gift that they can give you – hate.


May you live as long as you wish,

May you love as long as you live.



For, this is Charlie Bluehawk.



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