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2011-09-17 - Damaged Goods - The 2012 Fad

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DATE: 2011-09-17




COPYRIGHT: © copyright 2011 • all rights reserved 


TITLE: Damaged Goods






Hello, and welcome again to


I will be your host for the evening, my name is Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we talked about “The Gift that Keeps on Giving” – and of course that gift is the gift of hate.


I have seen with my own eyes what hate does to the innocent, the helpless, the hopeless, and the defenseless.


As a small child it was done to me.  Gang rape, beatings, broken bones, and a soul shattered – all as part of the standard CIA “project” to create slaves.


I saw it again the other day – besides in Washington DC or London, England, or Israeli – something that I never again every wanted to see with my own eyes – two little girls, bright and smart and beautiful and happy, being tormented, tortured, abused and beaten by their own mother – a drunk, one of the truly useless things that exist in our world – and something that we cannot even blame our masters for.


She – it – is an example of the 98% of the human race that is cattle – that is too stupid, too useless, too arrogant, and to mean to even bother with.


But she does have something of infinite value – her two beautiful little girls, and she will hold onto them like death – until death finally takes her – because she can- because she can do anything she wants to them.


Why?  Because in her mind, the mind of a drunk (or a drug addict) SHE is important – the rest of us are not.


And because GOD gave her these two bright, beautiful, precious little souls  – gave them into her keeping, she can do anything she wants to them – and so – of her own free will, she abuses them. She terrorizes them.  She torments them. She tortures them.


And like all arrogant and truly stupid people – stupid cattle – she thinks that no one can her screaming at these two terrified little children – that no one is in the same room as she reduces them to terrified tears – the arrogant exits only for themselves and live only in their own little world.


She considers – drunken or sober – that no one notices what she does to these two innocent little souls.


But she MUST pass along the gift of hatred to them – because hate is the only gift she has to give to this world, and unless one of these bright beautiful little girls takes the gift that keeps on giving – hatred – her miserable, useless, mean life has no meaning.


I grew up just as these two beautiful little girls are growing up – and I want to vomit.


Bad enough that our Masters treat us this way – but the fact that 98% of the human is no better then our Masters?  Why are we even bothering?


They do not just want us dead – they want us in horror – take back into the real world – to destroy us now and forever


You and I back the universe around us – so shred our souls – shred the universe


In the desert – shovel through my guts – was going to kill myself – take the pain back with me into the real world – and I would never be free of that



“You did nothing wrong” – criminals blame the victim – in New Zealand this is the greeting between foreigners

“I listen to what you say – I watch what you do”


It does not matter what we call them – it does not matter what they call themselves – what matters is that they hate us


And they do not just want us dead – they want us in terror, they want us in torment. They want us crushed.  They want us destroyed.


And not just destroyed – they want our souls shredded.  They want our souls raped out of our bodies, twisted, and ripped, and torn.


And they want us to die, and to that this terror, this horror, this pain back into the real world – whatever that is.  They want us to live this life, and the next life in mind numbing pain.


They want us, for all time, to be in pieces, on the floor, screaming.


I know – because they did this to me, and I know, because that is what they wanted from me.  From me, and all the others they have tortured.


I know understand why they tortured us – not to be slaves, but as laboratory experiments.  They – our Masters – wanted to know how best to destroy the human soul, to twist and rip and tear and gut us, so that we would take terror back into the real world with us when we go – and from there, to carry they “gift that gives on giving” – hatred – into the end of time itself.


To change the universe, by hating us.


So remember that, the next time to you look away.  The next time you choose not to see.  The next time you pull the covers up over your head so you cannot see the monster under the bed.


Because there is a monster under the bed, and this is what it will do to you.


And so tonight I thought we might chat about “Damaged Goods” and since our masters have been practicing on the innocent, the unborn children that they place into the bodies of women who are not our mothers, placing us in families that will torment us, hurt us, break our bones, rape our minds, and tear our souls to pieces – and for hundreds, thousands of years refining their art – you and I are nearing the end result.


Now, our Masters use these techniques against the entire world.


They poison our bodies so we cannot think.  Food additives, food flavorings, food colorings, food fillers – with only one purpose – to make our bodies sick and bloated, as the poisons from these things seep into our brains, keeping us drugged out of our minds from the foods we eat from the neighborhood grocery store.


This is why they outlaw growing our own food.  Why they have passed laws stating that we are not entitled – under the law – to have clean, healthy, nutritious food.  Because then, we could think for ourselves.  WE WOULD INSTANTLY SEE them for what they are – parasites.  Nothing.


Its why they selected NOT to educate us one hundred years ago.  With knowing the past, we have no foundation to build a future.  Its like waking up one day, finding that you are 30 years old, and wondering who you are.  How did you get here?  Where are you?  Where have you been? Where did you come from?  Who are your people?


Well, you and I wake up every day, and these are the questions we should be asking – why?  Because the truth is, we do not know WHO we are.  We do not know where we came from.  We do not know what has happened before.


And we wake up everyday, and every day, we still do not know.


And as the Black Magic Ritual date gets closer – and yes, its 2012.  Why? I have no idea.


The solar system where we live, the world we live on, is right now surrounded by cosmic junk.  Bits of rock are falling on us all over the planet – and all you and I know is that there are these massive BOOMING NOISES – the sounds that pieces of rock make as they fall out of the sky, and explode as they get so hot they have no other choice.


But soon, these little pieces of rocks will be followed by BIGGER pieces of rock.  And then by asteroids, which will become meteoroids as they fall out of the sky, and they will be too big to explode in the sky.  They will be so big that they will burst into flames, and in flames, they will hit the surface of the Earth.  Where you and I live.


And after that?  Planets.  Planets and a dead sun will pass between us and our sun.  


And our MASTERS worship Satan – the devil – and it does not matter if she exists or not – our Masters have built their entire lives around the belief that she DOES exist.  That Satan – Yahweh is real, and their Black Magic Rituals are all based on their belief that they can change the universe.  Destroyed God’s work – you and me – by destroying us – not our bodies, but our minds, our souls, our spirits.  


By destroying the essence of who each of us is.


Destroying our cities, our culture, our economy – that is just part of their method.  The goal is to destroy who we are, from the inside out.


Remember your physics – its simple science – quantum entanglement that thing that says if you can measure the space inside of a box on the other side of the universe, and duplicate the “telephone number” of that box in your own living room, you can step through that box like it was a door – because those two different places in space are now the SAME PLACE – and you can step across the universe with your own two feet.


Quantum Entanglement also means that if you hate someone, you give them power of you.  It means that when you hate someone, you become the thing that you hate.


And if our Masters can kill 6.5 billion of us, and leave only 500 million human beings alive AFTER the Event, and if they can convert, through poverty, fear, poison, torture, rape, terror, homelessness, starvation, — if they can get those last remaining humans, those 500 million souls who are left alive AFTER the Event to HATE THEM – the last humans on these world will BECOME THEM.




And the universe will change – forever.


Satan will win, and God – her mother, her girlfriend, her lover – will loose.


And everything will be undone.


The experiment will fail.  That would be you and me.  We will not pass our exams, and – god help us all- we will have to take this class all over again – or the 3D Holographic Universe – the picture of lights that is just a copy of the real universe will just reset – and start all over again – another repeat of your favorite TV show we will all have to relive all over again.


I don’t know.


What I do know is that hate exists.  I have seen it – too many times and in too many different forms, wearing too many different faces.


And I have seen the “joy of hatred” pass into the human population.  I have seen the joy of hate, of hurting in too many human faces, sadly most were women.


But that is how I grew up here.  Knowing only cruelty, and hatred, and the sheer joy of meanness.


I have met other ‘victims’ – not survivors – no one – me included, survived what the CIA, our Masters did to us.  We are all dead, but just too confused or just to stupid, or just too stubborn to admit it – and they could have been my brothers and sisters.


We all looked alike.  We were family – at least – the same genetic material was used to make all of us.


And before you roll your eyes and groan, and turn away, know that our Masters have been creating “people” artificially since the 1930’s.  They have the knowledge of civilizations that go back hundreds of thousands, millions? Of years.


Today they can grown super soldiers – deltas – meat robots – programmed killing machines in 48 hours.  Full grown killing machines grown in machines, complete with RNA – liquid memories from the original – ready to fight, ready to die, more then ready to kill anything and anyone or Masters want.


Of course, it’s tricky, expensive, and hard to do – otherwise our cities would be overrun with programmed meat robots today.


So – yes – lots of children were grown in Petri dishes in laboratories, and then, when the correct Black Magic Ritual days came along, unborn natural children were butchered alive inside the wombs of their mothers, and those artificial children were embedded in the scarps of flesh that were left – still inside their mothers wombs.


And we were incubated – born – into a pre-selected family.  The worse of the human race, those that would torment us, hate us, abuse us, – all part of the CIA plan to learn how to hurt people more effectively.


One of their rejects told me once that was why she was studying psychology – she wanted to learnt to hurt people more effectively.  And THAT is the goal of the CIA, of our Masters.


They want to change the universe, and it starts with us.


The other victims I have met over the years, but only in the United States, so that tells me that these experiments were confined to that country – could have been brothers and sisters.  I was the oldest brother, all the other I met with second, third, fourth generation children – experiments – each produced a different reaction – some were shorter – some taller – some with deeper skin tones – but the faces – the abilities, the knowledge – and the backgrounds were always the same.


All from military families – families they had nothing in common with – families that hated, that we the lowest forms of human life – the mean, the stupid, the cruel, the vicious, the mindless.


And none of the artificial children looked anything like the families we were placed with.  All white families, all from the white races – for the most part.


I can pass as white, but there are still so many questions.


I even had the experiences – over and over again, of people coming up to me and saying “hey!  I saw you in Sacramento, California last week!  I waved and you ignored me!


“Hey, I was in Colorado Springs Colorado yesterday and saw you crossing the street – I yelled but you ignored me!


“Hey!  Do you drive a Mustang convertible?  Because I just saw you an hour ago at the Circle K market – you had just bought a six-pack of beer, and had jumped into your convertible Mustang and drive away.  I yelled to you but you just ignored me!”


And there were two photographs.


One photograph was on a travel brochure for a trip to Europe – I was maybe 18 years old at the time and there was a photo of me, running up the side of a hill in Kitzbühel, Austria with the beautiful girl.  It was not me.


And just two years ago, In New Zealand my German friend and his wife invited over for Christmas diner, and he was very agitated, very nervous.  His mother had just sent him a copy of the Village Yearbook, – a collection of photos from all the families that live in his small village back in Germany.


“I need to show you something” and he opens the Village Yearbook and shows me a picture of – myself – working in my vegetable garden back in this small village in Germany.


“I don’t understand” he told me.  “That’s you.”  What could I say?  “No, that’s not me, and if I told you, if I explained it to you, you would be very unhappy.”


What this tells me is that the genetic materials our Masters used to create artificial children was used over and over again, and that those ‘victims’ that outlived their programmed self-destruct’ dates – we are programmed to kill ourselves at the age of 30 – must have traveled far and wide, the same as I did.


Sacramento, California,

On the street in Sacramento, California

On the street in Colorado Springs, Colorado

On a brochure in 1979 in Kitzbühel, Austria

A tiny village in Germany


There was even another artificial child, a ‘victim’ that out lived his expiration date living in Hollywood the same time I was.  A woman who knew HIM very well had been hired to fix up the guesthouse I had rented in South Pasadena, California. She was so stunned to see me that I thought she was going to faint.


So why were we created?  To learn how to hurt people – the human race – more effectively.


Its too cost intensive and time consuming to torture one human being at a time, and so they experimented on us to learn how to torment not hundreds not thousands, not hundreds of thousands, but hundreds of millions of people more effectively.


To make certain that whoever survives the event will know THEM – will now that our Masters exist and what they have done to all of us. 


And the survivors AFTER The Event will then have something to focus on – to focus all their HATE ON.


And once that is done, the experiment will be a success.  


Our MASTERS WANT US TO HATE THEM – because by hating them, we will become them.


Slaves bound up to our Masters by our own free will.


And that hatred will change the universe forever.


It’s your choice. It always has been.


May you live as long as you wish,

May you love as long as you live.


For, this is Charlie Bluehawk.



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