The New Urban War on Women
The Black War on White Women
The New TikTok Phenomenon
That much maligned social barometer, TikTok, has recently been flooded with a tsunami of reports describing young White women being attacked on the streets of New York City, as well as other major cities around America. What elevates these crimes from out of the ordinary is that these attacks are utterly senseless. These are not your petty robberies or muggings. Rather, in nearly every case, the reports describe a Black man (or to be more politically correct, a “male person of color”) approaching a young White woman, punching her squarely in the mouth, and then casually walking away, usually with a big smirking grin on their face.
Sucker-Punching for Sport
Sucker-punching young White women, especially if they happen to be blonde, is now the new Black “sport” in New York and other large metropolitan areas, along with organized shop lifting, outright theft, “wilding”, and pushing unsuspecting victims directly in front of speeding subway trains. In the two most recent subway incidents in New York City, one person had both legs severed; in the other, the person died instantly from a head-on collision as they lay helpless on the tracks when they were hit by the train.
Legacy Media Reports Only White Racism
Of course, without that terrible Chinese-spy vehicle, TikTok, we may have never even heard about these attacks. For some reason, the American legacy lame/stream Media prefers not to publicize any item that goes against the prevailing narrative. That narrative is utterly simple in its Black versus White perspective: White People Be Bad Racial Supremacists and Oppressors — while Black People Be Victims.
Black Crime Does Not Fit “The Narrative”
That is why, for instance, neither CNN nor MSNBC saw fit to publicize the bus stop drive by shooting of eight young teenagers by four Black thugs this past week. Eight people were shot. One of them nine times. But not a ripple in the Legacy lame/stream media. However, if the colors were reversed, and the perps were White and shot 8 Black people at a bus stop — for sport — it would have been plastered all over the Major Media. You could also lay money on the odds that Joe and Kamala would be clamoring to get rid of all firearms once again rather than the dead silence emanating from the White House about this hushed up incident.
The New Black Sport
Curiously, we find that in nearly every instance of unprovoked physical violence, male persons of “color”, almost universally of the Black race, performed the honors, daring authorities to catch them, incarcerate them or punish them in any way. Of course, having a racist Black Mayor like Eric Adams of New York, who routinely tells “his people” how he deals with “crackers” on a daily basis, does little to engender respect for the authority of the police among the general public, or permeate the broader morality one would hope to be prevalent in a civilized society.
Two Cultures, Two Value Systems
The problem, of course, is that we now have not one culture, but two in our major urban areas. One culture, the White culture, established the laws and cultural norms based upon Christianity and a common respect for the one Universal Truth: “Do Unto Others as You Would Have Others Do Unto You.” Black “Culture”, such as it has devolved under the Democrat welfare state, is apparently based on the hard-bitten poverty of the ghetto, wherein the overarching narrative is “Do Unto Others Before They Do Unto You.”
Sadistic Joy
However, even this low standard of morality is usurped whenever a Black man, for no other reason than the pure, sadistic joy of causing another, weaker human being harm, walks up to a White woman, punches her squarely in the face (often causing black eyes, detached retinas, broken noses, missing teeth, and even concussions) then gingerly struts down the street, so very proud of the pain and suffering he has unexpectedly inflicted on another human being who just “happens” to be White.
The Definition of a “Hate” Crime
There is no doubt that this kind of assault is a racial attack, a genuine “hate crime” (to throw a bone to the thought police) and that the racial component, above all, is the main motivator for these cretins.
Asian Females Also Fair Game
But the new Black “culture” no longer limits their attacks to just White females, even though they count for a preponderance of these crimes. Asian females, especially if they are old and frail, are even jollier “sport” for young African American males, raised without a father or a conscience.
There have also been numerous instances of older Asian females being attacked and pulverized by Black males. During these attacks, the perpetrators are often not satisfied limiting themselves to delivering a punch in the face to their unsuspecting victims. Rather, they take true joy in punching, kicking, and crippling old Asian ladies, much like the twisted pleasure a psychopath would get from stomping a cat.
The Black Male Propensity for Violence
Even when young Black males are not punching, kicking, looting, or shooting each other, they often carry concealed weapons which they draw and wield at the strangest times. How many people remember the young Black man who threatened an entire fast food restaurant in New York City when he whipped out a hatchet and began chopping up the furniture while threatening anyone who got in his way because his French fries were taking too long? What about the young Black thug who threatened an entire subway passenger train full of innocent bystanders with death, until a brave ex-Marine named Daniel Penny subdued him? Yes, the thug died as a result of Mr. Penney’s defense of the rest of humanity on that subway train. Would it have been better had the thug attacked and killed one or more passengers before Mr. Penney decided to act in order to thwart the Black perp’s stated threat to kill multiple passengers?
No Other “People of Color”
For some reason, I do not ever remember seeing or hearing of any sneak sucker punch attack of a random female by an Asian male, a Hispanic male, an Indian male, or any other person of “color”, other than a Black male. Have you? Whenever I hear stories of outbreaks of violence in a fast food restaurant, a food court, a school, or an amusement park, I am almost certain that the perpetrators are Black, and usually Black males. And the vast majority of the time, I am correct in my pre-judgement. It’s simply a matter of probability.
Skewed Liberal Statistics
Progressive Liberals, for decades, have bemoaned that America’s criminal justice system was racist. To prove their thesis, they would bring up the disparate numbers of Black men incarcerated for crime which were way out of proportion to the general population of a given area. In their Ivy League minds, if Blacks represented 13% of the population, then one would expect that an “equitable” number of Black inmates would also be 13% of the jail population. Since Black males accounted for far more jailbirds than 13%, to the Liberal hive mind, that disparity proved that our justice system was “racist.”
Six Times the Crime
These equivalent numbers never materialized in the real world, of course, for the simple reason that Black males commit about six times the amount of crime, including homicide, than any other racial group. As for other crimes, like rape, robbery, burglary, and vandalism, Black statistics are way out of proportion to their percentage of the population. The reason for this, other than “racism” we are told, is “poverty.”
A Different Kind of “Poverty”
I can accept that reason, to a point. Except that the poverty I posit is not financial poverty, but poverty of the mind and poverty of the Spirit. Asians, Indians and Hispanics do not commit anywhere near the amount of crime that is simply an accepted “given”, and considered an immutable reality, which one finds today in the Black community.
The Root Cause: Lack of Family Structure
Inevitably, one can trace the the roots of this criminality back to the lack of a family structure of mother and father. Whereas Asian, Hispanic and Indian communities are bound together by the roots of their family structure, consisting of an intact households with a mother and father, the Black culture has now devolved, thanks to the machinations of the Federal Government and their Democrat plantation owners, into a predictable and predominant pattern of the single parent household, often with no male present to provide any guidance or correction, to serve as a male role model.
A Solitary Black Phenomenon
Consider your own social media experience: when was the last time you saw a group of hooded Asians breaking into a high end New York clothes store? Or a group of Hispanics invading Chicago’s “Miracle Mile”? Or a group of Indians breaking into a jewelry store on Rodeo Drive in Los Angeles? Nothing comes to mind. But it takes hardly any effort to recall all Black perpetrators doing all of these things, based on numerous recordings providing irrefutable video evidence.
Destroy What You Cannot Have
Black male aggression in the form of an unprovoked attack on any female, especially a young blonde White woman, is the epitomized opposite of the Black male dream of sexual conquest. It is the social equivalent of someone vandalizing a nice car because they cannot have it and they want to cause pain to the owner out of jealousy and spite. It is a twisted form of “social reparations” for that golden ring on the merry-go-round of life that a sick minority of Black males find forever out of their reach.
Reverse Racism and Sexism
There is an obvious psycho-sexual motivation behind these attacks. It does not make me “racist” because I dare to state it, and accurately reflect the sexual psychology behind these heinous acts. I am simply calling a spade, a spade. Undoubtedly it is easier to decry the messenger for “racism” than it is to deal with the truth of what has been laid out, in Black and White, as clearly as certain Black males have “laid out” more than a few White women. If you disagree, then pray tell what is your explanation for this Black male behavior that would exclude Black racism?
Ignoring Reality is Truly Racist
However, it would really and truly be “racist” if I ignored the actual statistics and blamed the disproportionate amount of Black criminality and violence exclusively on poverty and racial prejudice, rather than it’s real root cause: the lack of father-mother family structure.
Eric Holder’s Challenge on Race
On February 18, 2009, Black Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, Barack Obama’s famous “WingMan”, in remarks made during a speech to honor Black History Month, said: “Though race-related issues continue to occupy a significant portion of our political discussion, and though there remain many unresolved racial issues in this nation, we, average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about things racial. We have always been, and we, I believe, continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards,” Holder said at the Justice Department in Washington, D.C.”
Addressing Holder’s Challenge
Writing this piece is an attempt to address this issue which Eric Holder offered as food for thought over a decade ago. The reality is that little has changed since that time. American society, in general, is loathe to identify ANY racial component in crime statistics, even when those statistics are staring us square in the face. Unfortunately, as our society has evolved, so has technology. And now with cell phone cameras and security cameras nearly ubiquitous throughout our cities, it is easy to spot and identify the race of the many perpetrators of these senseless crimes. As uncomfortable as these statistics may be for the minds of doctrinaire Liberals to “process” and “assimilate”, these crimes of unprovoked violence are nearly exclusively a Black male phenomenon. Prove me wrong!
A Small Percentage Causes Nearly All the Crime
Of course, I am not saying that ALL Black men are this way. On the contrary, the vast majority Black males are not. There are many decent Black men and women, just as there are professional Black men and women, and honest Black men and women. But what I AM saying is that there is nearly an exclusive, unmistakeable preponderance of unprovoked Black male violence against White women and now Asian woman as well. Since this psychopathy is nearly exclusive to males in the Black “culture” we are remiss — and truly racist — if we refuse to examine the psycho-sexual reasons behind its emergence into the light of our social/video culture.
The Welfare State Created the Fatherless Household
Ironically, this sort of randomized violence and White hatred has not always existed in the Black Community. Rather, it was cultivated and nurtured into fruition by a combination of “well meaning” guilty White Liberal Ivy League types in combination with the socialist/communist operatives who had burrowed into the Democrat Party and manifested in Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society.”
No Father, No Role Model
The establishment of the American welfare state, as we see it today, with payment to “fatherless” households to women for every child born out of wedlock resulted in huge families of single female parental households. The resultant lack of a male parental authority figure to impose discipline and provide guidance has, over generations, degenerated into the feral, savage behavior that has now been unleashed on the streets of our major urban centers throughout America.
Democrat Welfare Created the New Plantation
Consider these statistics: In the 1960’s, 40% of Black people owned their own business and 87% of Black families had two parents. Today, 7% of Blacks own their own businesses and only 25% have a household with both parents. What was the predicate for these monumental changes in the Black family structure? The Democrat Party, the party of slavery, Jim Crow, the Ku Klux Klan, and their united opposition to all Civil Rights legislation.
What Do We Do Now?
Now, at this present time in America, exactly what can White women, and to a lesser extent, Asian women, do to combat such unprovoked attacks? The simple answer is not to go out in public, I suppose, but that solution is rather unrealistic. Since it is a safe bet that the police will not be around when a Black “perp” decides to attack one of them, the safest thing to do is… Well, I will let you “fill in” that blank!
What Should Women Do?
Just what advice would you recommend to your daughter or young wife or grand mother to protect herself? What would you tell a woman you loved and cared for as to the precautions she must now exercise when she had to go out in public and mix in our wonderful “multi-cultural” paradise? An American social environment where we “celebrate” the blessings of “diversity” by pretending that a culture which produces fatherless males, a “culture” that has almost no regard for human life — theirs or others — is somehow “owed” more leniency under the law than anyone else for their crimes?
Only One Standard of Behavior
It is time we held the Black community to the same standards of behavior that a civilized nation expects from every other culture except the Black race. The “tyranny of low expectations” — mainly inflicted upon Blacks by well meaning but very stupid guilty White liberals — has produced a culture that bears and accepts no responsibility for their anti-social actions, and definitely no remorse for violating all norms and laws of that civilization.
Lowering Standards Produces Violence
By lowering our standards to try to accommodate Black mis-behavior, we not only tolerate these atrocities, we enable them. After all, standard implies ONE LAW. NOT different interpretations and applications based on skin color. After all, would not such “Justice” be the most “racist” kind imaginable?
Answer: Public Punishment Plus Incarceration
I therefore offer for contemplation the radical concept that any perpetrator of any race committing an unprovoked attack and assault on anyone, male or female, of any race, be punished and shamed PUBLICLY. I personally favor public whipping in stocks on an elevated stage at night under Klieg lights in the public square, much like Singapore canes their criminals, with the spectacle made available LIVE on cable television and social media. The punishment must really hurt, (think of the pain and suffering they caused their victims!); it must be unforgettable, and it must be public to deter repetition of this criminality by their friends and associates.
Jail Is Not Sufficient
After the physical punishment and shame, the perpetrator must then also be INCARCERATED for a period of time commensurate with the damage he has inflicted upon his innocent victim. However, their must be an element of corporal punishment and public humiliation as well. Why? Because incarceration is not enough. Doing jail time is now considered a rite of passage to manhood in the urban Black community, a way for young men to “get their stripes.” That’s why the ghetto fashion of wearing pants down to the butt crack has gained such currency, as it mimics prison garb and dress. The “look” proves to other onlookers that this thug has gained his “bona fides” and is now to be taken seriously.
Jail Alone Does Not Deter Behavioral Repetition
I can hear the wail of the Snowflake brigade and the torrent of their liberal tears as they bemoan my barbaric remedy. However, simply locking up these perps — if they are even caught or sentenced — has done nothing to stop this onslaught against innocent, helpless victims. It is time to try something “new” with roots in our historic past. The concept is called “Equivalent Justice.”
A Barbaric Attack Demands a Barbaric Punishment
A barbaric, unprovoked attack upon an innocent human being demands a barbaric, yet commensurate response. Furthermore, if society really wants to be creative, the number of lashes could be determined by public internet vote on social media. Just text a “Whip-O-Gram” to the public prosecutors office as the facts of the case are displayed on everyone’s cell phone for judgment and justice. There is nothing like “group participation” to enhance cohesion and enforce morality when social norms are so blatantly violated.
Time to End the Madness
Whatever the penalty may be, one thing is certain: It is time to put an end to the War on White women and ALL women in general. It is time to punish the perpetrators who attack and assault innocent strangers without guilt or remorse. We must, as a society, mete out Justice based upon each miscreant’s own behavior, their anti-social behavior, that has brought about their deserved punishment, for there is never any possible excuse for the unprovoked physical assault upon another human being “for sport!”
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