The "Black Knight" Satellite: A Fallen Angel Suspended Between Heaven And Earth As Punishment Within A Special Tomb.
FALLEN ANGEL: Shemhazai then did penance (for his sins of coming down from heaven and causing corruption among men & women before the Noah’s Flood Event). He suspended himself between heaven and earth (in a perpetual orbit on lock down), and in this position of a penitent sinner he hangs (floats in orbit) to this day. (this so called Black Knight Satellite Or Coffin/Tomb for this Fallen Angel is well known by the secret society circles. Nikola Tesla Made Devices/Technologies That Could Be Used To Communicate With This Fallen Angel That Was Locked Up And Entombed In This Special Space Structure And Others Locked Up On The Heavenly Bodies/Planets Like Saturn, ie. Satan & The Grigori which also sinned against the Most High. The Most High Don’t Play When It Comes To Sin And Rebellion Against His Order/WORD.)
How do you hang something between heaven and earth for thousands of years, would you not put it in orbit within a gravity field of suspension? I do believe that this particular fallen angel for a lesser punishment until the great fiery judgement was placed in orbit between heaven and earth for a form of punishment and placed within a special angelic tomb to keep him prisoner until the great day of fiery judgement, the great consummation at the end of the 1,000 year Reign Of Christ On Earth. Notice They Call It The “BLACK KNIGHT” What is a Knight And Why Black, black usually denotes something evil in today’s context right? Fallen Angels Descended to the earth from various star-planetary systems and became trapped on earth due to their sins against the Most High and could no longer ascend to the heavenly worlds/realms. Please wake up clues containing truth are all around us if we open our eye through the Holy Spirit, using spiritual discerment into these matters. Please preapare now because some of these fallen angels from the first rebellion under Satan will be cast down to the lower earth realm where people dwell, and they will try to govern things in a very hostile manner and come with strong delusion, remember many false messiahs and prophets will emerge working lying signs and wonders, ie. fallen angels in disguise. Choose The Most High Through ISHI The Messiah And Be Guided By The Holy Spirit With Love…REPENT…, John 3:16, Hosea 2:16, Saint Luke 17th Chapter. SELAH
Chapter IV: Noah
He suspended himself between heaven and earth, and in this position of a penitent …. until God appeared unto him, and said: “My son, have no fear of Samael. … It was from this book that Enoch drew his knowledge of nature, of the earth and …
Legends of the Jews [Chapter IV: Noah, Volume I] – Answering Islam
He suspended himself between heaven and earth, and in this position of a penitent …. until God appeared unto him, and said: “My son, have no fear of Samael. … It was from this book thatEnoch drew his knowledge of nature, of the earth and …
The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology
… he hangs upside down in the constellation Orion, suspended between heaven and Earth. In 1 Enoch, he is identified as the leader of the Watchers and is warned of … Serpent in the Bible Thebook of Genesis tells how a clever talking serpent … Every day Satan sits down with SAMAEL, prince of Rome, and Dubbiel, prince …
So thats where he is. All this time I thought he was the Man in the Moon.
If you haven’t read this jibberish yet then I wouldn’t bother wasting any time on it.