Yuuge! Trump Believes Kushner is the Jewish "Messiah" (Moshiach) & Wants Jared as VP in 2020! Has POTUS Converted to Judiasm? (Shock Videos)
This actually makes sense once you really think about it! Many people have wondered if Jared is actually the antichrist that will make a peace covenant in the Middle East. Add the fact that POTUS has never asked Jesus for forgiveness, and a Christian is ‘known by his fruits’, one can not assume that he is Christian. —
Trump has reportedly told close senior White House associates that he wants Jared Kushner on the presidential ticket in 2020. Two senior sources said the President has expressed he would prefer Kushner as Vice President over Mike Pence, in part due to the fact Trump believes Kushner is the Jewish “Messiah” or Moshiach. The sources added that Trump said he generally likes the job Mike Pence has done, but that “things are moving so quickly with our plans in Israel, that we need Kushner closer to power.” The quote was provided by a source who said that Trump said this, verbatim, word for word. The source did not speculate on what the President meant by “plans in Israel” or why Kushner would need to be closer to power. —
Can these sources be trusted? Is Mr Trump a Jew? Is Jared Kushner the antichrist?
Did President Trump Secretly Convert to Judaism in 2017?
TruNews The entire program is as always, spectacular, but for the time constrained the Judeo-Trump begins at approx. 55:30 This is a MUST see and share!
Trump reportedly wants #JaredKushner as Vice President in 2020
David Goldberg
Trump: The first Jewish President of the United States
March 21, 2019 marked several big league junctures in American-Israeli relations. What some might call “yuge”. You might have picked up on a few phrases that are unmistakably attributed to the vernacular of a certain loud-mouthed executive. Yes, I am referring to Donald J. Trump, former reality TV show host who became a household name by famously pointing his finger at aspiring entrepreneurs and declaring “You’re fired!” But in his new position as Commander-in-Chief and President of the United States, Trump has allowed his actions to speak just as loudly as his inarticulate words (e.g. despite his catchphrase on “The Apprentice”, the US unemployment rate lingers around the natural rate of the economy, for reasons including corporate tax cuts and regulation slashing under Trump).
If there is one personality trait that people have unanimously ascribed to Trump, it has been his quickness to judgement. Interpretation of this characteristic has starkly divided the nation. Supporters have praised his instincts and ability to act quickly and decisively. Trump advised on Twitter in February 2013, “Develop your gut instincts and act on them.” On the other hand, critics have admonished the President for lacking a brain-to-mouth filter and speaking prematurely on matters that might require prolonged deliberation. No matter what your stance on this dichotomy, there is no denying that Trump has relied on his intuition to guide his administration’s approach to American-Israeli relations. In a 2016 speech during the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy conference, Trump stated, “I speak to you today as a lifelong supporter and true friend of Israel.”
FALSE FLAG UPDATE: Trump to be “FLUSHED DOWN TOILET” if no #Iran war
David Elias My White House insider informed me of a series of phone calls over the past 24 hours which led to today’s provocative (and misleading) Tweet by Trump about Iran. It is important to understand Trump is a Jew, and believes Jared Kushner is the ‘Messiah’ or ‘Moshiach’. However, Trump’s behavior is erratic, and it appears he may have ‘balked’ on the Iran prevarications due to the recent drop in his approval rating. My source told me Trump was “put in line” without issue, and he issued the Tweet today after being told directly he will be “flushed down the toilet” if he does not comply on the Iran war plans. It is the first time in Trump’s warm relationship with Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu that “tensions have risen” like this, I was told, but I was also told Trump rather “merrily complied” without any kind of negative response. This may be because Trump is tightly controlled by Israel due to either blackmail, his own relationship with Kushner and Jewish beliefs in him as the Messiah, or both. In any other circumstance, I was told Trump would “not respond well to that kind of language” but that this is unique.
#prophecy #war #israel #middleeast #falseflag #antichrist
The Bible tells us that every human has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God which is is a heart-penetrating truth. He has provided a way to cleanse us of our sins since we can never be “good enough” to cleanse ourselves. That avenue to God’s grace, mercy and forgiveness (the cleansing of our sins) is through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth Who is equally God.
Not one of us are guaranteed a “tomorrow”. Has your time run out? Will you continue to ignore the promptings of God the Holy Spirit or have you awakened to the essential need for God, risking eternal damnation?
God the Holy Father, God the Holy Son and God the Holy Spirit are One God, the true, living, uncreated God Who is ever-present, all knowing, all powerful and all loving. He desires that every single person be forgiven, saved and to live eternally with Him. He is our only real protection and His love for you is unchanging. Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, the true Messiah, today.
You can’t take your salvation for a test drive. You’re all-in or not.
Admit to Him that you are a sinner in need of forgiveness, that you are truly sorry for your sins. Acknowledge that He died for your sins, rose from the dead and lives forevermore. Invite Him into your life and to help you to turn from sin. Rejoice! You just became a Christian! Now trust in Him and get to know Him through the Bible which tells us everything we need to know and through prayer/talking to Him. He eagerly desires relationship with you. —-
well…. isn’t this just anti semitism
Well Semitic is the name given to a language group and Yiddish is not among them peoples.
I was wondering when this would happen..Kushner is the anti-Christ.
Isra-hell solely could have that war with Iran; no help; no FED Money. And we all watch; like Colosseum in old times, that is a more fair game.
First… 7 MINUTES ….of the following video relates to “israel”.
NARRATOR is completely and
as to the ashkeNAZI …VENAL…ORIGIN of “joo$”
Best Documentary Films JEWS ARE ALIENS, ‘Israel Will Be Wiped Off The Map’WORLD NEWS UPDATE
* * *
Rabbi Michael Laitman…..narrating……
@ 1:31 But, our mission is in fact…..We are not coming from here……We came from there….like this….
@ 5:59 So, FROM this entire planet…WE ARE ALIEN$…. We’RE COMING FROM A DIFFERENT GALAXY. …….
NOW we’re gathering as groups….$TARTING TO PREP our$ELVES…..TO CONQUER Earth.
@ 7:08 AND, thanks to that ORIGINAL NATURAL FORCE we have…WE WILL TAKE OVER.
* * *
Israeli Minister “We always use the anti-Semitism trick or bring up the Holocaust”
LE$$ than 2 MINUTES in length.
The jooWI$H…….ME$$ iah…is already here……It is Ray-EEL….”annointed” on 20th March 2019…..Purim
A Warning to Israel: Elijah Announces the Messiah
Thursday, April 18, 2019
MAYBE….someone has…..”GRASSED him up”….and….
The Indiana Department of Corrections has finally caught up with him.
Department Of Corrections
Active Warrants: 80
Updated: Wed Sep 02 2015
RAYmond Howard-LEAR
DOB: 6/9/1968
Race: White
Height: 5′ 10″
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Wanted For:
Warrant # P 06-2382
* *
Ray-El / Raymond Lear is a Fraud and Criminal
by The Clucker
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Where do you come up with this complete BS??? Lot of BIN people giving real Americans a bad name….Dummies must be Dems in disguise…!
This is a silly article. Who dreams up this stupid stuff at Before It’s News? Trump has NOT converted to Judaism, but he is treading on thin ice by using Kushner to negotiate a peace between Israel and the PLA because anyone who reads the Bible knows that there will be no true peace. Yes, there will be a coming 7 year peace plan but it won’t be until the Anti-Christ is in place and it will only last 3 1/2 years, then Jesus will return to upend the Anti-Christ and Jesus will rule for a thousand years.
What a shame. Used to like reading this contributor.
This is a bullsh*t article.
Who is Rick Wiles of True News? You might want to check him out before you blindly believe his videos. There’s no evidence for this article and video either.. just hearsay.
Second video – First Goldberg says Trump didn’t write that tweet – then he says he did. (Plus Goldberg’s voice sounds just like Netanyahu’s voice, for what that’s worth – maybe nothing.)
My point is that there’s a LOT of disinfo everywhere and people tend to believe whatever tickles their ears. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet or see on TV. Fact is, we’re all being had and we don’t know the extent of it. This is the age of deception.
Robert David Steele’s blog
Original Post: Helping Iran Make the Call
13th May 2019
Waste no time on the CLOWN PRINCE. His PEACE PLAN IS A TRAVESTY, the PALESTINIANS ARE CORRECT TO REJECT IT, and the sooner everyone makes it clear in public what they have made clear in private, that Kushner is widely regarded as the most ignorant inept person ever to claim to represent the President of the United States of America, the sooner we can move on to serious dialog.
Jared Kushner is going to jail. While I have no direct knowledge my careful reading of numerous sources, including the Mueller Report and the superb book, Kushner, Inc., make it clear to me that Jared Kushner is going to jail and WILL PROBABLY BE INDICTED immediately after President Donald Trump wins a landslide victory in 2020. Senior Democratic sources have told me directly that it is clearly understood that KU$HNER TOOK A BILLION DOLLAR BRIBE FROM QATAR, and that is on top of this he has ALSO VIOLATED MANY LAWS in fronting for HIS FATHER – A CONVICTED FELON prohibited from engaging in these matters – in the acquisition of 666 – the MARK OF the BEA$T BUILDING, A REAL LO$ER of a building. Hence HIS FATHER IS ALSO ELIGIBLE FOR INDICTMENT and A RETURN TO PRISON. The Kushner family is cursed. I pray for the princess and her children.
Iran should make the call.
I$RAEL (not the USA) I$ the GREAT $ATAN, Syria Will Triumph, Palestine is Palestinian
I hate to agree with Iran on anything, being a conservative who was brought up on the lies of the US educational and media systems controlled by the Zionists, but on this one not only is Iran right, but our President “gets” this. The USA, CAPTURED BY the ZIONI$T PARA$ITE, is soon to be free of that parasite. It is at any rate a good starting point for a dialog. Iran needs to know that our President understands the USS Liberty, 9/11, and the Zionist role in both most FAL$E FLAG OPERATION$ and IN the $ABOTAGE OF ENTIRE AIRLINER% FULL OF PEOPLE…U$ED A$ A COVERT MEANS TO MURDER ONE PARTICULAR PER$ON.
Iran should not underestimate our President’s understanding of the depth and BREADTH of ZIONI$T CRIMES against America the Beautiful specifically, and humanity generally.
I believe that Syria will resume control over the Golan Heights by 2022 at the latest, and that any attempt by Israel to contest this restoration, particularly by force, will accelerate the death of the Zionist genocidal apartheid criminal state of Israel.
Gandhi said “Palestine is to the Palestinians as France is to the French.” Henry Kissinger has predicted Israel’s demise by 2022. That tracks with what I believe will be the real solution in the Middle East: a Jewish enclave from Tel Aviv to the sea and north, the denuclearization of Israel, the restoration of Palestine to the Palestinians, and the broadening of a Middle Eastern dialog to include the Kurds and a regional water authority committed to unlimited free energy and unlimited desalinated water for all. China has created a new Jewish enclave in Manchuria, adjacent to the long-standing Russian Jewish enclave, and I believe the time has come to give decent Jews – most of whom reject Zionism – a choice: give up the state, keep the faith, live long and prosper everywhere.
Iran should make the call.
I$ ZIONI$T…….ME$$IAH……$INonyMu$$…..with………”rap-sheet”
This live channelling was given in Sacramento, California
March 25, 2018
To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Sometime information is even added or condensed. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Sacramento.
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The shift is occurring on this planet and is changing paradigms that you won’t expect. All aspects of your culture will eventually be affected. The questions some of you have asked are, “What can I do next? What is it that would have the most results?” The answer is what we all have been telling you: Expect change. Expect benevolent change and develop the intuition to work with it.
So let’s talk about an old paradigm that is prevalent and must change, and will change. I’m going to call it – are you ready? – fake news. [Laughter in the audience] This one is a bit different and it has many levels. Let’s speak about one in 3D, and then let’s go beyond that and talk about the esoteric ones. We speak about the news that you are given, that you believe and trust, that is completely and totally fake. Here you sit today, March 25. What is the big news? “You’re going be hit with an amazing geomagnetic storm from the sun. It’s an amazing coronal event and the hole produced is astonishing, and it will come slamming into this planet with all of its force, disrupting all communications and potentially knocking out satellites. It might even affect your health!” So, how do you like it so far? [Nothing had happened this day.] It was all over the news!
At the end of this channel, why don’t you try to find out what happened? Why the fuss? It’s so interesting that the news is so dramatic that it goes viral and, then, when the projected event doesn’t happen. there is no news at all about why. What happened?
Another event will come along and be presented in all its drama in the same way, and it won’t unfold in any dramatic way either. How many times have you been told the end of the earth is coming? When it does not, there is no one responsible for the fake news that got everyone fearful, is there?
Let me tell you what happened today, for it’s an example of the rest of what I wish to discuss. What happened today is, indeed, a sun anomaly, but something that has been seen before. It’s very large indeed, this coronal hole, with streams that go past the earth in spectacular ways that have been seen before. If you went to the office of the astronomer and you said to him or her, “What happened today?”, they would say, “It’s what’s happened before. The magnetic grid of this planet absorbed it and it wasn’t really that dangerous based on what we have seen before.” But why, you might ask, was this reported as a fearful event? They will say, “We made a mistake. We told the news about the storm and they are not astronomers or physicists. They’re reporters of drama.” So that is what this planet received, dear ones – fake news. If you want to do the research about what happened this weekend, you’ll find it was very normal and that it has happened before. It didn’t even move the instruments much that astronomers use for measuring these events.
So this is the example we wish to look at right now of fake news. Many things have been completely and totally distorted or taken out of context or actually designed to be false in order to get a reaction – from you. Perhaps it is done to sell products or perhaps to make you cower in fear? But it’s part of the current paradigm of your culture. So let’s take a look at some of the others.
What are you facing right now on this planet? That little voice inside is going to tell you: “Things are not going to turn out well. Here it is again. Look what’s happened in the past. We are overdue for a war.” This is completely and totally false. The old energy triggers of your consciousness are still stuck with old tapes playing because of old situational energies, not the one you’re in today. Your own mind plays the same tapes over and over because of things that might have happened in certain ways in the past. So this becomes fake news that you are giving to yourself! Profound, it is, if you think about. This propensity for self-deception is the very reason for the study of coherence in the Human, in order to settle those tapes. When you can eliminate the “doom chatter” you’ll be able to grasp a truth that is pure and beautiful. The truth that is pure and beautiful is that nothing that happened in the past needs to happen in the future. Reality is not designed that way in this new energy. This future has a completely and totally different paradigm
More Fake News: Your Abilities and Your Health
Here’s another one, a big one: This one doesn’t come from your own consciousness, but from others who give you information that becomes inbred in you and controls how you think. I speak of those who told you you can’t be something or you won’t be something. Perhaps they have said you can’t do this or you can’t do that or this will never work with you or that will never work. Perhaps they were in some authority? It’s “implanted fake news” – and you believed it.
A trusted medical doctor will tell you what’s going to happen to your aging body, based upon research and the scientific measurement of the day. In an old energy, it might even have been a death sentence! So after a series of tests, they say, “Here’s what’s going on with you.” They look at your brain, your heart, your systems and all the things important with your biology. Then your attitude sinks to a new low and you wonder how you’re going to survive! What’s going to happen next? Dear one, this is the oldest fake news in your culture. You see, there has been no test or credibility given to Human consciousness – the actual governor of the cells! This fake news wants you to believe that you have no control at all over your chemistry or your processes. You are a complete victim of life itself. Yet we have been telling you for years that your entire cellular structure gets its health from the “boss” – you!
Dear ones, the only thing that stops your cellular structure from taking the instructions you can give it is (ready?) fake news! If your body has already cognized the fake news of your culture, it’s very difficult to give your body any instructions. Why? Because you believe the fake news.
This is controversial because people will say, “Well, is the diagnostic correct or not? Is the science correct or not?” The answer is it is correct for the doctor, but not for you. The measurement is correct, but what comes next is often fake news. You believe the cultural fake news and it sinks in and then takes you to a new low level – a place that will enhance your already dysfunctional chemistry. In other words, the fake news makes you worse.
The new consciousness of this planet is one that can look right into the face of this kind of thing and say, “This is only a part of the story.” Imagine looking in the face of a disease and saying, “You haven’t got a chance, because I love you.” Some might say, “How can you say that to a disease?” The answer is because it’s alive and has energy rules of its own existence. If you do this, you can disseminate it and it’ll go away – actually dissolve. It’s an inappropriate energy in the new light. What you’re actually doing is to instruct your body: “I love myself too much to let this rule me or kill me or even make me sick.” Dear ones, this is a stretch of the imagination for some. But the fake news of your culture says you can’t do anything at all. Meanwhile, there is spontaneous remission and nobody seems to know why.
The only news that is true, dear ones, comes right from the creative source that some call God, Spirit, the center of all things. The news is that you are connected to this source in a way that you can sense and become one with. That’s your real baseline. That is your main truth, and it’s not new. The ancients knew it, and most of your ancestors practiced it. That’s the basic truth, not what you hear on the medical news, nor the diagnosis you hear from the doctor, or what your parents have told you, or even your profound teachers – the people who you trusted the most.
The Big One: Your Soul is Doomed
So let’s get to the highest level of fake news there is today. Are you ready for this one? The highest fake news there is today is that you were born dirty or that you don’t deserve to be here. There is a story that somehow, through some convoluted spiritual mythology, that the greatest love source in the Universe had a war. Some angelic being tried to take over and was cast from “heaven”. I will tell you again, dear ones, that God does not think like a Human, does not have a reality like a Human, doesn’t have Human nature, and does not have any of the attributes that would even begin to allow for such a low-energy Human-like event. This is the worst form of “humanizing God”, as we have discussed before. Like a children’s story, humanity has assigned the worst attributes of itself to the creator, and in doing so makes the most loving source in all creation dysfunctional for you.
Because of this fake news, you are told that the Human soul itself has been spoiled even before birth! Again, the darkest energies on this planet through history have inserted themselves into the most divine and spectacular relationship you could ever have, and have given you a dysfunctional God who loves you enough to send you and your children to suffer forever unless you somehow discover a hidden truth that is isolated among a portion of believers on the planet. To make it worse, there are groups of other isolated believers who have other mythology, creating spiritual wars over who has the most dysfunctional God!
So the biggest fake news of all starts at birth and tells you that you can’t get ahead. As you grow, your culture, your parents, your reality all tell you about that dysfunctional God and warn you to behave a certain way so you won’t be tortured every day when you die by this loving entity who created the heavens and the earth. Unfortunately, the story continues and there’s no way to do anything by yourself about this. You see, you were born dirty and you are doomed. Therefore, you are not worthy of that relationship that I teach you about. You are not even allowed to look. If you do, you are labeled as a “strange thinker” and cast out, like so many of you who are reading this.
Let me ask you this: When your child was old enough to understand your language and could look you in the eye and ask, “Mom, Dad, who am I really?”, what would you tell them? Perhaps from the depth of the greatest love you have as a mother or a father, would you look at them and say, “I’m sorry to tell you this, but you don’t have a chance. You are doomed.”? [Laughter from the audience] You’re laughing because it’s absurd! Yet humanity has put that attribute upon the greatest love in the Universe. Even the most basic child’s spiritual logic would tell you this is fake news. So again, I tell you that you are born magnificent with everything functioning in your perfect soul, and with free choice you can look for that piece of God inside.
Free choice is actually what developed fake news on this planet. The low consciousness of the planet is only working at about 35 percent of what is possible. In other words, although everything is there within you, the low energy of the past has dragged it down and beat it up so your amazing consciousness potential doesn’t function well. This is the reason for the absurdity of a race that continues to war for thousands of years, over hundreds of cultures, even though this has never solved even one issue.
Now you are in the shift, and suddenly you are in a newer, lighter consciousness, a new area, where eventually you will create peace on Earth. You’re functioning better than you ever have before. It’s in your news now and can’t be covered up.
Mother, father, psychologist: In today’s culture, you look in the eyes of a child and tell them they are worthy of being here and that they can go to the top of anything they can conceive. They are beautiful, honored and what they can achieve is unlimited. This is what you tell a child because now you understand what fake news can do to a young mind.
Where are you in the scenario of fake news today? What have you been told you cannot do? What does “modern” medicine say is going to happen to you in your society and at your age? This news is fake. The instruments measure your biology, but they can’t measure the magnificence of your consciousness or the healing power of it. How long are you supposed to live? Fake news will give you numbers based on a body without any divine, driving force. It will tell you that you’re supposed to “drug up” because you’re over a certain age. It’s fake news. We have told you this. If your media gives you these things, turn off your media. Find media that is more selective instead of media that targets your group. Go to a place where you can get a more consistent proof that includes alternate healing methods and testimonies from those like you. Dear ones, there are places being developed in your media that will someday include far more integrity and truth about what you can do for yourself and your health, without outside chemistry, and they include “instructing your body with your own consciousness”.
Some day there will come a generation that would never, ever tolerate what you see today as fake news. There’ll come a generation where those in leadership are going to be measured for how much they get done in their government. Today this is not even on the radar. There will come a day when business executives will have their current compensation hooked entirely to how well their corporation does in their market and how well they treat their employees. In other words, a higher standard of consciousness will be asked for in all leadership. Today, this is only on the horizon. The public will eventually see it and demand it.
Today in the political arena there is a very low consciousness that expects you to slaughter your opponents in public with harsh and untrue information, bringing them to their knees. This fake news should then allow a win for someone at any cost. This system actually keeps those in integrity from running for any office. The result is that you get low-energy leaders, over and over.
There’ll come a day when this is seen and immediately recognized as barbaric. Barbaric! The future will laugh at how ridiculous the behavior was of political campaigns in the past, just as today you look at how ridiculous some of your ads were 50 years ago with doctors recommending the bad habit of the day, for compensation. I want you to watch for the fake news and just laugh at it now. See it for what it is.
This is the message of Kryon and the one from many others in this new energy. You’re going to hear this information from so many other sources soon. This will eventually turn around and give you the best news you’ve ever heard about the potential of Humans on this beautiful earth. Old soul, you’re still doing the heavy lifting, but it won’t last forever. This is why we love humanity the way we do. Amazing!
And so it is.