1/2 Dave Hodges & Celeste Solum (6/22/2020): Chilling Interview — Former FEMA Official Details the Step-by-Step Plan to Destroy America — PART 1
1/2 Dave Hodges & Celeste Solum (6/22/2020): Chilling Interview — Former FEMA Official Details the Step-by-Step Plan to Destroy America — Dave Did NOT Put This Up On Youtube For a Reason! — Must Listen! — PART 1
UPDATED 6/23/2020 to Include ”Dr. Evil” Video (Mentioned in First Video)
Submitted by Dave Hodges on Monday, June 22, 2020 – 11:51.
I recently interviewed former FEMA official, Celeste Solum. This was the first part of two interviews in which Celeste laid out in detail the plans for the powers-that-be to totally destroy the United States of America. How does Celeste know what is coming? She was part of planning the details, until her devotion to the Lord forced her to walk away. Celeste paid a heavy price for walking away and is still persecuted today. This is not an interview for the faint of heart and if anyone needed an excuse to get right with God, this is it!!!
“Thank you Dave and Celeste for bringing this important information to our attention. Celeste is very courageous to come forth and give an interview about FEMA and their tactics. forearmed in our case or at least as best as we can be forearmed. It is frightening to acknowledge our own government and people would perform such inhumane acts on us. Forewarned is forearmed.”
All That is Happening in America is Prophesied in the Bible: [Why America is Babylon]
The United Nations is the Fourth Beast Power of Daniel!
[The true gospel: the only way Jesus gave us was the strait gate/narrow way. Few will DO it. BE ONE!!].
MENTIONED ON ABOVE SHOW (Length 31:10): Celeste Solum – “Dr. Evil Returns… with Neuroweapons”
Be sure you are saved, and not just think you are. Do you have the right KIND of faith?
Matt 7:13-14:
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: (Matt 7:13)
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. (Matt 7:14)
→ Jesus Christ Said Few Would DO It — The True Gospel in Under Ten Minutes
→ 10-Minute Preaching: “Your Whole Entire Life Is Supposed to Get You Out of the Matrix”
→ Time is running out for mankind – even for the vast majority of Christians who think they are going to Heaven but are not – just as Jesus said. A DELUSION OF A SALVATION THAT DOES NOT EXIST.
→ The Bible is clear – only 1 in 1000 Christians is actually BORN AGAIN.
→ No Cross, No Death, No Judgment – No Crown of Eternal Life!!
→ The time is now getting so short to escape the Matrix, in truth!!
→ For more information, FREELY-download and study out (2Tim 2:15) while you can:
The Dark/Light Series will help you read your Bible FOR YOURSELF; and ye need not that any man teach you. (1John 2:27) Cast off the false prophets, teachers, and preachers!
→ DOWNLOAD: The Dark/Light Series (PDF) (1Cor 13:12) — A Guide to Authentic Salvation
→ Learn to read your Bible FOR YOURSELF, and need not that any man teach you. (1John 2:27)
→ “It is the best book I have ever read outside of the word of God itself.”
→ “Other than my Bible, it’s the best thing I ever read.”
→ See Other Stories Contributed by “Follows TheWay”
Previous Dave Hodges & Celeste Solum:
Dave Hodges & Celeste Solum (4/8/2020) — Mark of the Beast — ‘They Actually Want to Kill This Generation Off’
It’s A HUGE Clue When ALL Of Social Media Is Censoring Specific Information – So, Why Are They Playing ‘Thought Police’ To The ‘Great Culling Of 2020′? – More Evidence The Globalists Depopulation Is In Full Swing — 6/22/2020
Interesting in the “Dr Evil” video that COVID “testing” will be used to get your blood; and they will then be able to develop individual neuro-weaponizations against you, or against you as in a “group” (race, religion, etc.).
The REAL Reason Democrats & John Bolton Hate President Trump Should Be A Dire Alarm To All Patriotic Americans As The Left’s ‘War Upon America’ Turns To Mass Bloodshed Upon Each Other
Why would these powers allow this woman to tell us all of this….Hodges is a big fear porn master…probably at the end he’ll want to sell you something…
Debbie I think you’re right on!
TPTB sent her to the hospital recently. Look into it. Perhaps the Lord is keeping her?
But the only thing that REALLY matters is that we escape this evil, wicked world—in truth—via the strait gate and narrow way.
I put up a new post from Stewart Best yesterday. Christians ought to open their hearts to the truth. Prove it out. Prove it wrong if you can, Bible in hand. Pray the Lord to show you the truth.
Stewart Best (6/23/2020): Salvation by Faith or Salvation By Divine Revelation? — So How Does a Person Know Absolutely they are Saved or Not?
It’s ilegal to be a Christian in Virginia people are acting like
Celestum brainwashed woman. Stupid follow order girl.
If I were Trump……If I were Trump I would read all these so called fake news and have it investigated and proven to be true where enough evidence exists, and then act on it….This news is enough to declare Martial law and to make use of the Fema camps by rounding up all communists and anti american elements and to make use of the 30000 guillotines meant for us.
If they want change—LET them HAVE CHANGE.
Thank you for the information. I’m quite new to own investigation of what’s happening in the world
All this talk about FEMA coming for your food/ The Authorities coming for your guns/ Forced Vaccines is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you know it would take at MINIMUM 5 years and Billions of dollars to hire and train the 1 – 3 MILLION people to set out to try to accomplish this. Besides, America doesn’t live in a vacuum. There’s 194 other countries in the World U could move to while they are getting ready. This talk is REALLY REALLY RETARDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After the 1st dead UN Soldier – you can add another 50 Years for them to accomplish their goals. Seriously Dave, I love your knowledge and your information but this is so over the top I am speechless. Let’s deal with the reality of MATH!!!! COME ON!!!!
Here is the first exchange done by a guy who experienced a CONTACT TRACER knock on his door.
NEW Celeste:
Celeste Solum (7/13/2020): The BEAST is Here! — ‘You are Getting Dosed at the Time of Testing’ — Stunning Revelations re: MASKS