Washington Insider Confirms Donald Trump Is Jewish And Then Gets Fired! More Proof That Donald Trump (Real Name Drumpf) Is Not A Christian. Let’s Review The Rat Lines. America: Do You Want To Know The Truth Or Get Sucked Into The Lies? Awesome Videos.
Washington Insider Confirms that Donald Trump is Jewish And Then Immediately Gets Fired!
Donald Trump is Jewish and is antiChrist and pretending to be your savior when he is really trying to kill all of you. Only Messiah Jesus can save you!
The Jews Have Rejected Yeshua / Jesus as the True Messiah And Will Crown Their Own Jewish Messiah which they call the Holy Serpent. The Jews have Two Messiahs called Messiah Ben Joseph who will be crowned first and be murdered. The second Jewish Messiah will be Messiah Ben David to avenge the murder of Messiah Ben Joseph. These two Jewish Messiahs will be against Jesus the True Messiah and as such will be anti-Christ. Jesus warned us that there will be many antiChrists in the end times.
1 John 2:18 speaks of the antiChrist: “Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.”
Donald Trump’s original family last name was Drumpf which is a prominent Bavarian Jewish name. This expains why Donald Drumpf now Trump is such a Grump!
Washington Insider Confirms That Donald Trump is a Jew and then quickly gets fired shortly thereafter.
It takes a minute to load as it is a 6 hour 22 minutes documentary. Try different browsers if it doesn’t work. Brave browser works well.
Note that at the 3:40:00 to 3:43:00 mark it discusses Trump’s Jewish connection and even refer to Trump as the first Jewish president. FDR was America’s first Jewish President, and there were many more Jewish Presidents such as Eisenhower, the Swedish Jew, The Buhes, Clinton, Barack Obama and last but not least, Donald Trump.
Brother Nathanel confims that Trump’s first wife Ivana was Jewish and all the Trump children are Jewish. The records for the Aaron priestline have all been destroyed so that the Edomite Jews cannot claim an Aaronic priestline. God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will smite anyone doing sacrifices on the Temple Mount.
Lorraine Day confirms Trump is Jewish and confirms the authenticity of the Rosenthal interview who bragged about how the Jews were going to kill all the Christians and the white race (the Tribes of Israel) (link below) in this video below.
Conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin called President Trump the nation’s “first Jewish President” during a Hanukkah party at the White House.
The Ashkenazi and Donald Trump — Let’s Review the Rat Lines
NUKE PRO: Exposing Truth Anti-Nuclear Information and Resources, and Disaster Preparation Planning: http://nukeprofessional.blogspot.com/ Someone on VOAT put this together.
So it was probably a Troll, since their intent was to show that Donald Trump is totally controlled by the Jews.
Note how many are simply “endorsers”
Trolly had some YouTube videos, which I embedded at the bottom.
Here are the Jews of the Trump cabal, in order of appearance. Some are very familiar, like his daughter and son-in-law. Others are billionaires who supported Trump’s campaign, and others yet are not so famous:
Michael Abboud (Sephardic Jew) – Communications Coordinator, Donald J. Trump for President
Paul Achleitner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank (Donald Trump’s largest lender)
Sheldon Adelson (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Elliott Broidy (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee
Michael Cohen (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Special Counsel, The Trump Organization
Gil Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – President, Trump Dezer Development
Michael Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Founder, Trump Dezer Development
Lewis Eisenberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Trump Victory Committee
Boris Epshteyn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President
Stephen Feinberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund
Alan Fishman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Ladder Capital (Donald Trump’s second largest lender)
David Friedman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump
Samuel Fox (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee
Alan Garten (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and General Counsel, The Trump Organization
Bruce Gelb (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Michael Glassner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Deputy Campaign Manager and Former National Political Director, Donald J. Trump for President
Lawrence Glick (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Strategic Development, The Trump Organization
Jason Greenblatt (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, The Trump Organization; Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump
Vincent Harris (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Digital Strategy Manager, Donald J. Trump for President
Carl Icahn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Peter Kalikow (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund
Daniel Kowalski (Ashkenazic Jew) – Deputy Policy Director, Donald J. Trump for President
Charles Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Jared Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Yael Kushner [née Ivanka Trump] (Orthodox Jewish convert) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization
Bennett LeBow (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund
Richard LeFrak (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund
Corey Lewandowski (Ashkenazic Jew/East European) – Former Campaign Manager, Donald J. Trump for President
Ronald Lieberman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Management & Development, The Trump Organization
Howard Lorber (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund
David Malpass (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council
Douglas Manchester (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Great Again PAC
Bernard Marcus (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Rebekah Mercer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Number One PAC
Robert Mercer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Number One PAC
Amanda Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice President of Marketing, The Trump Organization
Eli Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chief Operating Officer, Donald J. Trump for President
Jason Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Communications Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President
Stephen Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – National Policy Director, Donald J. Trump for President
Steven Mnuchin (Ashkenazic Jew) – National Finance Chairman, Donald J. Trump for President
Samuel Nunberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Policy Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President
David Orowitz (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Vice President of Acquisitions and Development, The Trump Organization
Geoffrey Palmer [né Weissinger] (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Rebuilding America Now PAC
John Paulson (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council
Stewart Rahr (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Richard Roberts (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump
George Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Senior Counsel, The Trump Organization
Wilbur Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Steven Roth (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund
Felix Sater (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Senior Adviser, The Trump Organization
Keith Schiller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Director of Security, The Trump Organization
Melvin Sembler (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee
Ivanka Kushner Trump [née Yunaska] (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Vanessa Trump [née Haydon] (Ashkenazic Jew/North European) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Ronald Weiser (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee
Andrew Weiss (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization
Allen Weisselberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, The Trump Organization
Lawrence Weitzner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President
Steven Witkoff (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund
Stephen Wynn [né Weinberg] (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Donald Trump Exposed!
Friday, July 17, 2015
Donald Trump: A Turd That Won’t Flush – Illuminati Jewish Bankers’ History of Manipulating U.S. Elections – Mother Israel Plays Trump Card – Jewish Attorney Michael Cohen Is Trump’s Political Handler – At Least 139 of the Forbes 400 Are Jewish – Trump’s Pseudo-Candidacy Is a Split-the-Ticket Ploy to Get Hillary Elected – U.S. Presidential Dog-and-Pony Show Is a Standing Joke Played on Gullible American Masses – Pathetic Political Theater – Israel Controls America – Every Single 2016 Presidential Candidate Is a Zionist
Zionists Use Donald Trump to Fix Another Election
July 15, 2015
Donald Trump makes the Masonic descendent triangle sign in this photo.
Donald Trump is an Illuminati agent tasked with getting Hillary Clinton elected.
by Henry Makow Ph.D. (henrymakow.com)
Like a turd that won’t flush, Donald Trump is back again to serve his Illuminati Jewish masters. This time around, his role is to win the GOP nomination and throw the election to Hillary Clinton, the Illuminati bankers’ preferred candidate.
If this seems farfetched, consider that Trump is allegedly leading the other GOP candidates by a large margin. He catapulted into the lead by pretending to champion ordinary Americans who are fed up with illegal immigration. Calling Mexicans “rapists” is a little extreme, but he needed to get attention fast.
The Illuminati Jewish bankers have a long history of manipulating US presidential elections. An obvious example is when they dusted off Theodore Roosevelt in 1912 to split the Republican vote, defeat President Taft, and elect their pawn Woodrow Wilson. (Wilson turned the entire government and banking over to the Illuminati)
In 1940, they got a Democrat, Wendell Willkie, to run for the Republicans, and ensured FDR’s reelection and US entry into World War Two.
In the 1992 election, they ‘elected’ Bill Clinton by running Ross Perot in order to split the Republican vote. If Perot hadn’t run, Bush Sr. would have been reelected. (Apparently, Bush had angered the Zionists by referring to their control of Capitol Hill.) Perot got 20 million votes. Clinton got 45 million and Bush got 39 million.
Trump was drafted to run in 2012, but they decided he wasn’t needed. Then, as now, Trump tailored his position to co-opt the opposition. He is “Christian, pro-life, anti-gay marriage, and for the death penalty – especially for terrorists”. (ALL BS to reel in the dumbed down ‘christians’, patriots’ and conservative votes.)
“I’m a Protestant, I’m a Presbyterian,” he told The Christian Post. “And you know I’ve had a good relationship with the church over the years. I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion.”
Trump – a convincing liar
He attends church “as much as I can. Always on Christmas. Always on Easter. Always when there’s a major occasion. And during the Sundays. I’m a Sunday church person. I’ll go when I can.” Now, there’s conviction.
His real loyalty is to Mother Israel. Recently he said, “There has never been a greater enemy to Israel than Barack Obama. It’s incredible the way he treats them, the way he’s speaking to them. I think he treats our known enemies much better.”
Other stories linked there provide the flavor of Trump’s relation to Israel:
Trump’s daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism in 2008 before marrying Jewish real estate developer Jared Kushner. Last year, Kushner was part of a group that bought Israeli insurer Phoenix for $500 million.
We can thank Brother Nathanael for alerting us in 2011 to the hokey nature of the Trump campaign, and the fact that his David Axelrod (aka “handler”) is another Illuminati Jew by the name of Michael Cohen. He is a Trump advisor again in 2015, saying Trump speaks for the “silent majority”
Donald Trump and political advisor Michael Cohen
Cohen supported Obama in 2008, but has “grown disappointed with the ‘president’, so much so that he now describes himself as ‘offended’ by the administration’s agenda. America, Cohen said, has become a ‘third-world nation,’ echoing words that have become a familiar refrain of Trump’s.”
Michael joined The Trump Organization in 2006, following a career as a private attorney and “personal advisor to some of the world’s wealthiest individuals”.
Last summer, Cohen rented a Hamptons mansion for one month for $150,000 without even looking at it. He then sued the owner for $500,000 because it was in disrepair.
Another Trump backer is Stewart Rahr, an Illuminati Jewish billionaire, who made his fortune as a pharmaceutical distributor. He is the 183rd richest man in America (139 of the top 400 are Jewish) and one of the 400 richest men in the world. (Trump isn’t in the top 400.)
If Americans think Trump and his backers are going to change anything, I have some real estate in Florida…. His role is to take a fall.
Politics is a charade put on by the Illuminati. Their mass media puts lipstick on this pig.
We don’t realize how we are totally manipulated. Our political, economic, and cultural lives are psy ops.
Another poll puts Trump in the lead
Famous Freemasons Exposed: http://www.scribd.com/doc/3289775/Famous-Freemasons-Exposed (Donald Trump, p. 76)
Yes, it’s former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani in drag having his “breasts” shamelessly violated by “Apprentice” tycoon Donald Trump (from 2006).
Comment by Glen:
Those of us who were “all in” for Ross Perot see this for what it is: another split-the-ticket ploy to get Hitlery elected. Truth be known, I doubt they even have to go through with this dog-and-pony show. With control of Diebold and electronic voting, any election can now be stolen with little or no problem. Personally, I think the “powers that shouldn’t be” pull this crap for their own entertainment. I’ll bet you could find them rolling on the floor in laughter at the gullibility of the American people. I find this quote says it all:
“You know, comrades,” says Stalin, “what I think in regard to this: I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this: who will count the votes, and how.”
The way I see it, it matters not who wins the next election, because whoever it is, you can bet they will serve Israel and the globalist agenda long before they serve America. As George Carlin notes, they will have been bought and paid for long ago. The only option for any change is for no one to show up for their sham election; or add the “none of the above” box to the ballot.
No matter who wins this next election, they will not serve you or work in the best interest of America. They will serve the global Zionists, just as they have always done.
Comment by Ted:
Trump`s German and Jewish ancestry: Friedrich Drumpf
In the Pacific Northwest, Fred ran sleazy and illegal operations, the White Horse Restaurant and Inn, and the New Arctic Restaurant and Hotel in Bennett, British Columbia. His business interests catered to the “deprived,” and shared space with opium dens and brothels.
Fred returned to Kallstadt, Germany and married his former neighbor, Elizabeth Christ. So, they said. However, it appears that Elizabeth (born 10/10/1880) was really the daughter of Christ Christ and Anna Maria Rathon. Christ Christ was Fred’s uncle, his father’s brother. Sleazy Freddy married his own NIECE.
Donald’s great-grandparents, Christian Johannes Drumpf and Katherina Kober, had sons, Christian Drumpf and Christ Chirst. Christian was Sleazy Freddy’s father. By his name, Christ Christ, may had converted to Judaism. Nevertheless, Donald’s great-grandmother, Kathernia Kober was a hooked nose Jew
Congratulations, “Americans”: you are officially colonized. You haven’t displayed the intelligence or guts to prosecute the perpetraitors of the 9/11 attacks. Enjoy your “election”, goyim. (Or stop making excuses for serial criminals – and take care of the problem, already!)
NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News
Source: http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2016/01/donald-trump-exposed.html
Doh! Donald Trump Is Jewish aka Real Name Donald Drumpf
[ZurichTimes] The web of mystery surrounding the true motivations and machinations of this 45th President seems to be getting more and more wild by the day.
Now we learn that in fact Donald Drumpf aka Donald Trump in fact has been Jewish and not Presbyterian all along. What a grand hoax! Read the full details below.
Looks Like Donald Trump May Well Be Jewish, That Would Explain A Great Deal…
[By Miles Mathis via Jim Kirwan 4-9-17]
In his biography The Art of the Deal, Trump lied about his grandfather’s country of origin, stating it was Sweden instead of Germany. So if you think these people wouldn’t lie about their ancestry, you need to explain that whopper.
Trump was brought up in Jamaica Estates, Queens, which has a large Jewish population. He went to Kew-Forest School, ditto. Its other notable alumni include Katherine Weber, Jewish, Gideon Yago, Jewish, and Hank Azaria, Jewish. Googling on “attended Kew-Forest” brings up mostly Jewish names. Trump’s father was on the Board of Trustees at Kew-Forest. By the way, it is very expensive.
His genealogy is a total mirage. I’ll show you where to look. First go to his mother at Geni.com
Family Tree & Family History at Geni.com
Create your family tree and invite relatives to share. Search 170 million profiles and discover new ancestors. Share photos, videos and more atGeni.com.
She is Mary Anne MacLeod. So they want you to think she is Scots. Then click on her father, Malcolm MacLeod. Then click on his mother, Anne MacLeod. She is the wife of Alexander MacLeod, so that is her married name. What is her maiden name? Whoops, it is also MacLeod, because her father is also named Alexander MacLeod. So both her father and her husband have the same first and last names? Did she marry her own father? Also, her birthyear is given as 1833. Note the 33. [Geni also fails to mention what we have to learn from the DailyMail: the name Trump was originally Drumpf.]
That can’t be right, can it? So let’s check the other genealogies. The second listed on a Google search is at About.com
The largest source for Expert content on the Internet that helps users answer questions, solve problems, learn something new or find inspiration.
But it has nothing to say about this. It stops just short of the Anne MacLeod problem.
But it does tell us something interesting: both Trump’s parents died at Long Island Jewish Medical Center. Wikitree matches Geni.
So let’s return to Friedrich Drumpf, Donald’s great-grandfather. Two of his sisters are listed as Elisabetha Freund and Syblia Schuster. Oi-vay! Those are both Jewish surnames.
We just saw the name Schuster in my paper on Engels published two days ago. I reminded you there that Max Schuster, founder of Simon&Schuster, is now admitted to be Jewish. The Schuster in the Socialism project with Engels was also shown to be almost certainly Jewish. As for Freund, see Michael Freund, Moshe Aryeh Freund, Wilhelm Freund, Yoav Freund, Leopold Freund, and too many others to mention. So at least two of Trump’s great-aunts married Jewish men. This reminds us that his daughter Ivanka married a Jewish man, Jared Kushner. We are told this is an anomaly, but it isn’t. What is an anomaly is that Kushner admits he is Jewish.
Friedrich Drumpf’s mother is named Katarina Kober. Not only is that possibly Jewish, but it lead to another suspicious scrubbing of the genealogy. Her father is given as Johann, but he has no parents. He is the only one in that generation whose parents are unknown. Even his wife’s parents are known. I suggest the name isn’t Kober, but Kolber. We have seen the genealogies being whitewashed this way again and again. Changing one letter is often the best way to do it. It is the most subtle, so it draws the least attention. Kolber is very often Jewish.
With more study, we find that Trump’s aunt Elizabeth married William O. Walter. That name is also possibly Jewish. We find a William Walter as Director of Jewish Family Services in York, PA. Also a William Walter just buried at Jewish Memorial Chapel of Long Island. Also a William O. Walter marrying a Cora Neuhauser in Lebanon, PA, in 1924. That name is also probably Jewish. And most curiously, a William Walter, Esq. listed in the Jewish Missionary Intelligence of June, 1896.
More research discovers his firm were the honorary stockbrokers of this London Jewish society in 1900. That is interesting because it directly ties to my previous paper on Friedrich Engels and Robert Owen. Owen’s brother in-law was James Haldane Stewart, who worked for the Jews’ Society in the 1830s and 40s, a precursor of this Jewish Missionary Intelligence. At any rate, this may be our William Walter or his father, given that date. His father is scrubbed at Geni. The names Walter and Walters were chosen by Jews entering the US, as a new name, as we see from Barbara Walters. Her father Louis Walters was original Louis Abrahams.
Both Trump and his father ran with top Jews in New York, including Samuel Lindenbaum and his father Abraham (Bunny), and Roy Cohn. These guys weren’t just their attorneys, they were their enablers. As the NYT says in the 2012 obituary of Samuel Lindenbaum:
Mr. Lindenbaum cultivated a scholar’s knowledge of the Zoning Resolution, the arcane document that governs development in New York. As a result, he was able to bend the resolution to his clients’ will without breaking it. And because his clients were major builders and landowners — among them Harry B. Helmsley, Harry Macklowe, Larry A. Silverstein, Jerry I. Speyer, Leonard Litwin, Steven Roth and Donald J. Trump; the Fishers and Tisches and Rudins and Roses. . .
Notice anything about that list? Everyone on it “except” Trump is admitted to be Jewish. Curious, no?
Ivana is also Jewish. Geni.com lists her father’s name as both Knavs and Zelnícek. I’ll give you a hint: drop the second “e”. You get Zelnick. It is Yiddish for haberdasher. Clothier. It’s Jewish, too. See Robert Zelnick, Strauss Zelnick, Bob Zelnick, etc. Robert was a fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford. Strauss was President of 20th Century Fox. Bob was ABC News producer. Also Friedrich Zelnik, silent film producer. Also David O. Selznick, whose name was originally Zeleznick, or, alternately, Zelnick. He and his father were major Hollywood producers.
Comment by Kirwan:
So he married a jew, that makes his children jews and his adult children have married jews, his aunt’s married jews, his great aunt’s married jews, yada, yada, yada.
See the complete, original article by Miles Mathis here
[ZurichTimes] Are you telling us that the whole Ivanka converted to Judaism and how cute is that yes that entire story was Fake and your whole Family Dear President Donald Drumpf has been Orthodox Jewish all along?
OY VEY indeed!
Since we are talking all Jewish all the time it would be prudent to now mention that Michael Savage is also Jewish and his real name is in fact Michael Alan Weiner and so is Steve Pieczenik and so is the wife of Alex Jones.
Who would tune in to listen to the Weiner Nation Radio show? Hence hiding in plain sight because if the Goyim ever figure out what is going on, someone will be in real trouble.
It is a full blown Matzoh Ball Festival and Amerika still cannot recognize who its real enemy is?
At least it is not as bad as Ukraine where a full 80% of the Parliament is known to be Jewish with a population base of just under 2%?
How do they do it country after country and yet we are the ones who are racists? OY VEY indeed!
OMG #PresidentDrumpf soon to be trending on Twitter; shut it down the Goyim know!
The Imposter Prophets
Note that I have already exposed Adam Green as a shill and a descendant of the Rothschild. Adam is pushing white supremacy to lay the foundation for when the Jews take over the world and the Jews will be supreme over all the non Jews. Adam is also preaching that America is Edom which is nonsense as Edom is modern Jewry. Edom is modern Jewry as per the 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia Ed., 5, Pg. 41. Adam is relaying all the Jewish propaganda as he is a Rothschild and his interests lie with the Zionist agenda of Jewish supremacy.
The Denoons, the two Jewish bafoons, are very chummy with Adam Green Rothschild, and all three are preaching a false message that the Jews are God’s chosen people.
Steve Banoon, the baffon and the lying Jewish loon is telling everyone that the Covid-19 vaccine is not the mark of the beast and that Messiah Jesus already gathered the Tribes of Israel in 30 AD which is ridiculous. James tells us in James 1:1 that all the Tribes of Israel were scattered prior to the Temple being destroyed in 70 AD. Jana Banoon is telling Christians that the prophecies in the Old Testament have all been fulflled which is totally false. There are many prophecies in the Old Testament that have not yet been fulfilled such as Jeremiah 50:2 where Bel and Marduk will be shattered in Babylon. This is a future prophecy for America as Trump (Markduk) and Bel (Pence) will be killed in America (Babylon).
“Declare and proclaim among the nations. Proclaim it and lift up a standard. Do not conceal it but say, ‘Babylon has been captured, Bel has been put to shame, Marduk has been shattered; Her images have been put to shame, her idols have been shattered.’ (Jeremiah 50:2 NASB77)
God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob tells us that He did not send these two imposter prophets, namely Trump and Pence.
I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. (Jeremiah 23:21 KJV)
Another future prophecy is that when Messiah Jesus returns to earth, he will destroy Edom and the nations who conspired against True Israel (the white Christian nations and Christians) as per the book of Obadiah and Isaiah 63:1. This prophecy in the Old Testament is a future prophecy.
Jesus tells us in John 8:44 that Jews do lie and not to believe in anything they say. You do not trust a Jew to sell you a used car so why would you trust a Jew to tell you how to save your soul as they will put you on the wrong bus.
We cannot believe in anything Trump says either as is a false Messiah and false Savior and his plans are to take down and destroy America. Trump is a big mouth with no substance just like all Jews and he is riding the first white horse of the apocalypse with a bow. Donald Trump does not carry a quiver or any arrows which means that he is just a wind bag and uses his negotiation skills to manouver himself out of a difficult situation.
Rev 11:7-12 The Assassination of Trump and Pence
Trump and Pence (the two prophets of Rev 11:10) will be assassinated, (when they have finished their testimony – Rev 11:7) or have been removed through the establishment of martial law. (The beast that comes up out of the abyss will kill them – Rev 11:7) or Barack Obama with assistance from the C.I.A. (And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which mystically is called Sodom and Egypt-Rev 11:8) Trump and Pence will be killed in the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington most likely just prior the Feast of Trumpets October 28, 2020. It can occur anytime before the Nov 3, 2020 election.
Is Donald Trump the Future King Of Satanic Rothschild Is-ra-hell and the Jewish Snake Messiah Ben Joseph?
After Trump is killed and resurrected he will be claimed the fake snake Jewish Messiah Ben Joseph. His son Barron will be declared the fake snake Jewish Messiah Ben David to avenge his father’s death.
The Red Dawn Invasion Of America Prophecy And Which Countries Will Be Doing The Invading? The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President Identified. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse Revealed.
Is Adam Green Related to David Rothschild? Great Video.
Project Blue Beam: The Fake Alien Invasion to Usher in the Antichrist – The Fake Holographic Asteroids Preparing for the Day of 1000 Stars and Asteroids – Awesome Videos!
The Second Wave Of Covid-19 Will Be Laced With Bubonic Plague And Probably Ebola. The Prophet Jeremiah Forewarned Us About The First Wave And The Coming Deadly Second Wave Of Covid-19. Who Is The Big Prick Going Around Sticking Needles Into Everyone And Won’t Even Vaccinate His Own Children? Great Videos.
The antiChrist Has Arrived! Great Video and the Calculation of the Number of the Beast Six Hundred Three Score and Six
Why did Trump refer to 9/11 as 7/11? Holy Bible Decode With Very Important Information on the Rapture for All Christians. Great Videos.
Texe Marrs: The Holy Serpent Of The Jews. This Book Came Under Fire and The Jews Forced Amazon To Remove the Book Worldwide. Find Out Who This Snake Messiah Is Who The Jews Worship And Who The Jews Are Expecting To Arrive Very Soon To Set Up Their New Jew World Order. Great Video!
See Dr. Luke Prophet’s Article on the Two Jewish Messiahs.
Will Donald and Barron Trump Be Declared the Two Messiahs for the Jews? Will Barack Obama Be Back And What Will His Role Be To Aggravate Us Further? Identifying Some of the False Messiahs in the End Times. Exposing The True Enemies of the Christians Today!
Jesus is the True Messiah and is King of Kings, Sovereign of Sovereigns and High Priest
Jesus as Mashiach ben David (Jesus son of David) will completely fulfill the Messianic Age when Jesus returns to earth in His second coming. He will come again to restore the Temple (lowered from heaven) and set up His kingdom upon the earth. Moreover, He will unite all the nations in peace, raise the dead, and set up his throne in Jerusalem. In that day, ‘the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God the Father of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, as the waters cover the sea’ (Hab. 2:14).
As Christians, we believe that Jesus is both Mashiach Ben Yosef (the suffering servant – at His first coming) and Mashiach Ben David (the reigning King – at His second coming) [see Isaiah 52:13-15; 53:12, Psalm 22]). He is also the Anointed Prophet, Priest, and King as foreshadowed by other meshichim (plural) or annointed ones. Like so many other prophecies given in the Holy Scriptures, the prophecies concerning the Messiah are “dual aspect” – with both a near and a far meaning, an “already but not-yet” fulfillment.
Jesus is our kinsman-redeemer and purchased us with the innocent blood that He shed for us on the cross. Jesus paid the fine for our sins and all we have to do is repent of our sins and be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to be born again and to be saved. (full immersion at an age of accountability). See video below.
David Pawson Baptism: How The Holy Scriptures Explain How Christians Are To Be Baptised Which Is One Of The Criteria For Being Saved. Great Videos That Explains How Baptism Should Be Performed.
The Law of Redemption
In ancient Israel, land wasn’t sold as simply as we are used to. Since God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob was the real landowner, Israel was simply a tenant under conditions of obedience. When land was “sold,” what the buyer received was only the use of the land, not clear title. There were conditions under which a kinsman of the seller could “redeem” the land back to the original family. These conditions were typically noted on the outside of the scroll defining the transaction. An example of this was when Jeremiah, despite the impending Babylonian captivity, was instructed to purchase land from the son of his uncle Hanameel. He, of course, would never benefit from this purchase. The deed was secreted in an earthen jar in anticipation when his heirs would return after the captivity and claim it (Jer 32:6–15).
The scroll in Revelation Chapter 5 was written “within and on the backside,” which identifies it as a deed subject to redemption. A Kinsman of Adam, in His role as a goel, a Kinsman-redeemer, is taking possession of what He had already purchased with His blood as the sacrificial Lamb. Jesus not only purchased the land; he also purchased a Bride.
Jacob told Joseph in Genesis 48:21 that Jesus, the Messiah will bring the Tribes of Israel and his remnant people back to the Promised Land of Israel.
Then Israel said to Joseph, “Behold, I am about to die, but God will be with you, and bring you back to the land of your fathers. (Genesis 48:21)
As Christians, we must wait for Jesus the Messiah to gather up the remnant of the Tribes of Israel from the four corners of the earth and bring us back into the land of Israel which he purchased for us at the cross. Greater Israel, without Khazars, Edomites and Palestinians, will be ours when Jesus our King returns and leads us out of Egypt to our promised land during the second Greater Exodus!
The War between Esau-Edom (Modern Jewry) and Jacob Surnamed Israel (the White Christians) Rages On
Esau has been at war with Jacob-Israel from the time he sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of lentils. Esau race mixed with the Edomites who today form Modern Jewry. The Edomites (the Jews) have been plotting to kill all of Jacob surnamed Israel (the Tribes) and they killed off hundreds of millions of Israelites (white Christians) in the contrived Rothschild banker wars to steal their assets and reduce their population including WW1 and WW2. Modern Jewry (the Edomites) are planning to slaughter all the Christians and the white Israelites in the upcoming WW3 in order to bring in the Fascist Edomite Jewish Stinking New World Odor.
When Jesus the Messiah touches down to earth, He will destroy Edom (Modern Jewry) and all the nation’s armies that are surrounding Jerusalem who conspired against True Jacob Surnamed Israel (the white Christians). Jesus will kill all the Edomites and clear out the Promised Land before He leads his flock of Jacob surnamed Israel home and all the non Israelite Christians grafted in.
Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? (Isaiah 63:1)
Jesus the Messiah and King of Kings, is first going to Bozrah (Petra Jordan area) when He touches down to earth with his myriad (millions) of Holy Angels to destroy all the armies surrounding Jerusalem including the Edomites (modern Jewry) which is why His clothes will be stained with blood. Only 1/6 of the armies surrounding Jerusalem will survive and be able to return to their home land according to Bible prophecy.
1Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: 2And I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee, and will cause thee to come up from the north parts, and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel: (Ezekiel 39:1-2 KJV)
The absorption of Edom/Idumea into Judea is recorded by Josephus and Strabo. See link below.
The Book of Obadiah is a future prophecy of Edom and Esau being destroyed for dealing treacherously with his brother Jacob surnamed Israel when Jesus the Messiah Touches down to earth.
Ezekiel records prophecies against Edom, using the name Mount Seir which is the area belonging to Esau’s descendants. Israel (the Tribes of Jacob-Israel) was forbidden from invading or capturing that territory except when Edom became a threat to Judah, God did allow Judah to attack (2 Chronicles 25).
The final mention of Mount Seir is a warning in Ezekiel 35:15: “Because you rejoiced when the inheritance of Israel (The Tribes of Jacob-Israel) became desolate, that is how I will treat you. You will be desolate, Mount Seir, you and all of Edom. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”
Today, Mount Seir (the mountainous region of Seir or the hill country of Seir) is in the country of Jordan. It is known in Arabic as Jibāl ash-Sharāh. The Jews are predominantly located in the USA and the Rothschild state of Is-ra-hell and will be destroyed accordingly to Bible Prophecy in two stages (Obadiah and Revelation 18:2-6 when Babylon (America) is destroyed).
Links to more articles:
Rosenthal tells us the Jewish plans to kill all Christians in this video. Dr. Lorraine Day in the above interview confirms the authenticity of the Rosenthal interview below.
Washington Insider Blows The Whistle On The Planned Agenda For the New World Order And What They Plan on Doing With The Caucasians And Christians Who Are The Real Tribes of Jacob Surnamed Israel. Insider Was Killed 30 Days After This Eye Opening Interview. Great Video.
Shlomo Sand Is The Israeli Author Of Groundbreaking Works On The History Of Zionism, Notably “The Invention Of The Jewish People“ And “The Invention Of The Land Of Israel”. Find Out What Shlomo Has Discovered About The Construction Of The Jewish People And Their Stealing The Land Of Palestine. Great Videos For Truthers.
“Christians Duped by the Unholiest Hoax in All History, by So-Called Jews – This Is Considered Their Most Effective Weapon,” Facts Are Facts, Jesus Was Not a Jew, Jesus Was the Lion of Judah From the Tribe of Judah and Was a Judean Who Lived in Judea – Great Videos That Explain the Truth and Unravels the Biggest Lie in History
The Tribulation Timeline and Where We Are Today in Events on God’s Timetable – What Event Triggered the Beginning of the Tribulation and When? We Are Currently Only Two Steps Away From the Great Tribulation Commonly Referred to as the Time of Jacob’s Trouble – Videos of the Event That Triggered the Tribulation.
Revealing The Satanic Serpent Race Based On A Book In Which The Author And His Entire His Family Were Killed For Exposing This Truth – Great Video
The Way of Cain Is The World Today. Find Out Who Is Cain Today And Whether You Are Following The Way Of Cain Or The Way Of Yahweh. Are You On The Road To Heaven Or To Hell? Great Videos By A Great Christian Warrior. Don’t Miss The Picture Of Obama Taken In A Chicago Bath House.
The Seed Line Of The Serpent Revealed. Great Videos By World’s Last Chance And Dr. William Pierce.
Daniel R. Walsh: Lost Tribes of Israel Found (Audio Book). The Tribes of Israel Tracked Through The Bible And History To The White Western European Nations. Greatly Informative Videos.
Fingerprints Of The Israelites: Are You An Israelite? Bertrand Comparet Provides An Excellent History Of The So Called Lost Tribes Of Israel And Their Identity Today. The Tribes Of Israel Are Not Lost. They Are The White European and British Commonwealth Nations Including America. (Great Video)
Europeans Are the “Lost” Tribes of Israel – A Rare Documentary That Traces the Origins of the Tribes of Jacob Surnamed Israel to Europe and America (Very Enlightening Videos)
See Book on the Pre Adamite, Or Who Temped Eve to show the different races here on earth and how we are not to race mix. The white race is the “holy seed” as per Ezra 9:2. The Serpent that Seduced Eve produced Cain and his descendants.
The Israelite Tribes of Jacob are the White Race:
Jesus Was the Lion of Judah From the Tribe of Judah, Jesus Was Not a Jew – Find Out Which Countries Make up the Tribe of Judah Today and How All the Kings of the Rulers of the Earth Are Descended From Judah as Prophesied – Find Out Which Tribe of Israel You Are From Based on Your Ancestry – Great Videos
The White Mummies Of Tarim Basin And The Actual Location Of Noah’s Ark. Find Out About Our Ancient Ancestors From Abraham, Isaac And Jacob That Historians Have Hidden From Us. The White Caucasians Are The True Descendants Of Shem. Very Informative Videos! Pastor JW Reveals The Truth!
Who Are The Kenites? Are They Here Now? Great Historical Informative Videos That Explains How God Uses The Kenites (Satan’s Serpent Seed) As The Negative Part Of His Plan For Redemption Of The Israelites.
100 Proofs of Who the True Israelites Are Today – Find Out Your True Identity Through Your Ancestral History! – Great Historical Videos With Scriptural References
The Jews Themselves Tell Us That They Are Edomites And Not Semites In Their Own Writings. Great Historical Information Telling Us That Judaism is Communism And That Judeo Christianity Is a Myth. Great Videos Revealing The Enemy Within Plotting The Demise of Christianity and All White People & All White Nations.
Dr. Chuck Missler Talks About Esau And The Edomites. Who Are They? And What Is To Come? Is There A Surprise Coming? Videos With Scriptural References.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have begun Their Gallop Towards War!
The Red Dawn Invasion Of America Prophecy And Which Countries Will Be Doing The Invading? The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President Identified. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse Revealed.
Explosive Interview Between a Pastor and a Rabbi Revealing the Truth as to What Is Going on Today and Why the Caucasians and Christians Are Being Targeted – Awesome Interview!
Rabbi Finkelstein stated in a radio interview, among many additional other jaw-dropping things, including the Zionist intention to kill off all of humanity other than Jews, that:
“we ARE god’s chosen people. Its just most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer.” – an open admission that Jews ARE NOT Israelites, because Israelites are the chosen people of the OTHER God – the Christian God – God the father.
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/O8EiJaCwu2AR
- http://antimatrix.org/Convert/Books
Trump Claims That He Is The Chosen One and The King of the Jews and the King of Israel
Donald Trump Time Traveler
Ice Age Farmer: Bio-Bots to Surveil Sewage, Monitor Your Diet & Drug Intake (for “COVID19 detection”..!), Agricultural Terror, Green Sabbath, Climate Lockdown, Food Shortages Coming and Diseased Super Pigs. Awesome Videos.
The Zionist Conspiracy Full Movie. Great Videos!
The Real Mafia That Controls The Entire World And Soon The New World Order! Excellent Video. Must See!!
The Drugging Of America And The West To Destroy Western Civilization And Usher In The New World Order! Great Video!
The Khazarian Mafia – The True Rulers Of The World (Documentary Video). Awesome Historical Information Of Major Past Events That Lead Us Up To Today!
The Mother Of All Harlots And Abominations ~Mystery Babylon~Revelation 17:5. Excellent Video!
Pope Francis is certainly the False Prophet of Revelation as everything coming out of his mouth is against Messiah Jesus and the work he did on the cross for us. Everyone involved in the Catholic Church should make an effort to leave the Church and get baptized, full immersion at an age of accountability, 8 years and over as soon as possible as Messiah Jesus will soon be return for His flock. The Catholic Church is Mystery Babylon in Revelation 17:5.
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. (Revelation 18:4 KJV)
Looks Like a Lamb, Speaks Like a Dragon [Prophecy Update] – Rock Harbour Church And The Superior Word! Great Videos On The Hypocrisy of False Prophet Francis!
Bombshell Evidence That Covid Is Testing Chromosome 8 Human DNA – Faulty PCR Test. Humans Are The Virus. Ground Breaking Videos Banned By YouTube Including The Latest With AMANDHA VOLLMER and David Icke and Dr. Andrew Kaufman. Awesome Videos.
5G Whistleblower: Coronavirus Test Spreading Virus! You Cannot Catch the Covid-19 Unless You Take the Covid-19 Test or a Vaccines! GROUNDBREAKING Claire Edwards Presentation! Must See Videos!
Save The Children Now – Putting A Laser Gun To The Head Destroys Your Pineal Gland In Both Children and Adults! Must See Videos!
Operation Radiation – 5G. Very Important Information About 5G Danger!!! Mark Of The Beast Revealed. Must See Videos!
New Heaven and The New Earth. The 12 Anisotropic Gems Used For Decoration Of The New Jerusalem. Awesome Video.
Evolution And Dinosaurs Debunked. Awesome Video For Truthseekers!
Creatures Do Change But It Is Not Evolution. Problems with Darwin’s theory of Evolution, Frog to Prince. Awesome Videos!
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (Full Movie). The American Academic Dictatorship Pushing The Darwinian Evolution Delusion And The Suppression Of Freedom Of Speech. Awesome Video!
Enviropig Prophesied in the Book of Isaiah. The Pig And Mouse Messianic Prophecy. Don’t Be Caught Eating Pork And Other Unclean Things When Messiah Jesus Returns! Great Videos!
World’s Most Endangered Species Documentary. Must See Video For The White Race! This Is Your Wake Up Call.
The Twelve Tribes Of Jacob Israel And Why They Are Prohibited Be Intermingling Their Seed With The Pre-Adamic Races Here On Earth And Polluting And Modifying Their DNA! Awesome Videos.
Redacted Official Documentary On Planned Takeover Of The World By Satan And His Children! Awesome Video!
Noah’s Flood Was a Regional Flood In the Tarim Basin and Only the White Race Descended From Noah and His Family. Just as in the Days of Noah, the White Race Is Polluting Their DNA by Race Mixing and Taking Vaccines That Change Their DNA – Awesome Videos.
Find Out Who Esau And Edom Are Today. Obadiah Tells They Will Be Ashes Under The Feet Of The House Of Jacob! Awesome Videos.
The Missing 425 Years Contained in the Apocrypha That Mysteriously Disappeared From Our Bibles in the 1800s. Find Out Why! Awesome Video.
What Does The Book Of Ezra Foretell About Donald Trump With The 3 Headed Eagle. The Federal Reserve Bank Has 3 Eagles On It. Is The Fed The Power Behind The Throne Controlling America? Is Donald Trump A Short Feather? Great Videos on the Book Of Ezra Prophecy For America.
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: Malachi 4:5 KJV
And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. Luke 1:17 KJV
The Book of Malachi: What Have We Done Wrong? Elijah Is Prophesied To Return Before The Dreadful Day Of The LORD. Great Video.
100 Proofs That The True Israelites Were White And Who They Are Today – Find Out Your True Identity Through Your Ancestral History! – Excellent Historical Videos With Holy Scriptural References!
Who Are The Real Hebrew Israelites? Rosette Delacroix Proves That The Only People That Fulfill All The Prophecies Of the Holy Scriptures Are The White European Nations. Black Hebrew Israelites Debunked. Excellent Video.
Exposing Ron Wyatt Who Claimed To Have Found The Ark Of The Covenant And Noah’s Ark. Awesome Videos.
The Real Noah’s Ark Of The Covenant Has Been Found In The Tarim Basin And Historians Have Kept It Hidden From Us As They Do Not Want Anyone To Discover That The White Race Are The True Tribes Of Jacob Surnamed Israel. See Link To My post below.
The White Mummies Of Tarim Basin And The Actual Noah’s Ark Found! Find Out About Our Ancient Ancestors From Abraham, Isaac And Jacob That Historians Have Hidden From Us In Order To Push The Vatican Agenda That We Are All One Race. Very Informative Videos!
Ancient Secrets In Russia Revealed And Evidence Of Ancient Giants In Russia. Awesome Videos.
“Other Losses” The Movie. Eisenhower The Butcher. The Morgenthau Plan ~ The Untold True Post WW2 German Holocaust [1945]. Must See Videos To Learn The Truth!
The Tribes of Jacob Surnamed Israel Found! Find Out Which Tribe of Israel You Are From Based on Your Ancestry. Find Out What Countries Make up the Tribe of Judah Today and How All the Kings of the Rulers of the Earth Are Descended From Judah as Prophesied. Awesome Videos.
The Greatest Hoax in History Is That the Jews Claim That They Are God;s Chosen People – Christians Duped by the Unholiest Hoax in All History, by Modern Jewry Who Say They Are Jews but Are Not but Do Lie – Awesome Videos That Reveal the Truth!
Pope Francis Screwing the Dutch Royal Family and the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult. Pope Francis Found Guilty of Child Trafficking, Rape and Murder! Excellent Videos
Billy Graham may well be the greatest deception that has ever been successfully pulled off on the protestant denominations. Billy “Frank” Graham and his son Franklin are puppets of the Jesuits whose main mission is to destroy Protestantism.
Billy Graham: New World Order Satanic Illuminati False Prophet Exposed! Great Videos.
Billy Graham was a Jew and his real name was Billy Frank and was spreading a false Satanic gospel teaching that Jesus was a Jew and that the Jews are God’s Chosen people and the Judea-Christian message which is antiChrist. The Jews are chosen by Lucifer who is their god.
Billy Graham’s family when they originally came over to this nation were of the Frank family which is related to Jakob Frank. After coming over to this nation, they changed their name to Graham which is a
Scottish name. Two groups of people who are over represented in the power structure over the last 200 years are Scots and cabalistic satanic “jews.” Obviously, not all Scotsmen nor jews are involved in
the NWO. Several other researchers independently discovered that Billy Graham’s heritage was the jewish Frank family.
Billy Graham was also a 33 degree freemason.
See link below for proof that Billy Graham was a Jew.
These two videos on the Tares Among the Wheat and Satan’s Biggest Decpetion also confirm that Billy Frank was a Jew descended from Jakob Frank.
Tares Among The Wheat – Banned On Youtube – Expose Documentary. End Times Prophecy For Us Today. Awesome Video!!
Satan’s Biggest Deception! Satan Raped Eve To Produce Cain And His Descendants, A Hybrid Race. Satan’s Kids Are Here On Earth And Are Trying To Exterminate The Holy Seed Of God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob. This Is The Real War Happening Today!. Must See Videos Before They Are Banned Again!!
Pastor Explains How Eve Was Seduced By The Serpent And Produced Cain And Introduced A Serpent Seedline Into The World. The Mystery Of The Serpent By BF Jackson Who Was Murdered As Well As His Family For Telling The Truth! Awesome Videos.
Cain’s Satanic Seed Line. Satan Has Literal Children Here On Earth Today! Great Videos.
Was Adam And Eve Thrown Out Of The Garden Due To Sexual Relations Or Eating Dessert? Genesis 3:15 Clearly Tells Us That There Is A Serpent Seed Here On Earth. Awesome Video!
The Enemies Of The White Race. The Psalm 91 Miracle That You Probably Never Heard Of. Awesome Videos!
The Eternal Enemy Of Humankind: Know Your Enemy. The Enemy Of All Christians Revealed! The Secret Holocaust You Were Never Taught In School! – Awesome Video!
In Order to Understand Revelation, We Have to Go Back to Genesis – There Were Two Creations of the White Race in Genesis Namely The Saints And The Elect – Great Video To Understand Revelation And The Harpazo Of The 144,000 Saints.
“MANY WILL SAY TO ME IN THAT DAY, LORD, LORD, HAVE WE NOT PROPHESIED IN YOUR NAME, CAST OUT DEMONS IN YOUR NAME, AND DONE MANY WONDERS IN YOUR NAME? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” Mt 7:22-23.
New Testament Baptism Criteria
Christians that have not yet been baptized by full immersion and at an age of accountability (8 years and up) to receive the gospel and accept Messiah Jesus as your personal savior, should get baptized before the end of the age of grace which will occur when the Holy Spirit is removed from the earth. I expect the Age of Grace to close soon so get baptized as soon as possible. Baptism is a sign of your allegiance to God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and His Son, Messiah Jesus, King of Kings and Sovereign of Sovereigns.
David Pawson explains the importance of Baptism and why it must be full immersion at an age of accountability.
David Pawson On Baptism: Christians Are Required To Be Baptised, Full Immersion At An Age Of Accountability, In Order To Be Saved. Great Videos That Explains How Baptism Should Be Performed Filtered Through The Lens Of The Holy Scriptures.
Judeo Christianity Is An Oxymoron And Is antiChrist
The Satanists paid Chuck Smith $8 million to infiltrate the church with Jesus Rock Music according to John Todd ex Illuminati. Over 90% of the Jesus Rock Music is controlled by the Illuminati. All regular rock music is satanic and creates a portal for demon possession.
Hal Lindsay, Chuck Smith and Chuck Missler were all leaders in coercing believers into supporting a false religion (Babylonian Talmudic Judaism), and a state of Rothschild (Israel) that oppresses and murders most of its citizens (Palestinians). Judeo-Christianity is an oxymoron as Christians believe in Messiah Jesus as the son of the living God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and the Jews are antiChrist. Judaism is Communism and is anti God. The Jews are Edomites and want to kill all Christians and the white race (the Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel).
“Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever?” (2 Corinthians 6:14-15)
Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. (1 John 2:22)
All Music in the World Has an Agenda. Excellent Video
The Rapture Date of November 1, 2020 (estimated) is included in this article.
The Simpsons Forecasted The Rise And Fall Of President Trump. Another Show Predicts The Fall of Pence. Is The Grim Reaper In Trump And Pence’s Immediate Future? Who Will Become The Führer Of The Fourth Reich In America? Excellent Videos And Decode!
Xi Jinping is the rider of the red horse and Vlad Putin is the rider on the black horse. Please see the following article for the invasion of America (Manasseh) from the North (Canada) and from the South (Mexico) and from within.
The Red Dawn Invasion Of America Prophecy And Which Countries Will Invade North America? The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President Identified. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse And Baphomet / Moloch Revealed.
The JFK Files: Who Killed JFK, Was There A Bait And Switch, And What Does It Mean For Us Today? Where Is JFK, Bobby Kennedy and 911 In Bible Prophecy? Great Videos To Understand The Real JFK Story.
Aaron Russo His Final Interview And His Documentary Entitled America: Freedom To Fascism Full Movie. Awesome Videos!
Trump’s Surprising Alaska-Canada Rail Announcement. Will There Be High Speed Express Trains To The FEMA Camps For The Christians On A One Way Trip? Great Videos To Provide You With The Real News.
See Dr. Luke Prophet’s full decode of the Prophet of Revelation unveiled.
The complete bible prophecy of the 6 prophets of Revelation 11, the Jewish Fake Snake Messiahs, the Trump Dynasty and Armageddon.
Who Are the 6 Prophets In Revelation 11? Messiah Jesus Is At The Door For His 144,000 Saints In The Harpazo. Who Did Messiah Jesus Tell Us Would Be Alive To See His Return To Earth And Who Are They Today?
The Red Dawn Invasion Of America Prophecy And Which Countries Will Invade North America? The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President Identified. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse And Baphomet / Moloch Revealed.
The Truth About Killer Gates and Dr. Fraudski. Are All The Nazis Back In Town To Set Up Their Fourth Reich? The Nazis Never Surrendered. Warning For All Christians As To What The Bible Foretells Will Be Coming To America.
The Red Dawn Invasion of America by the Blue Helmets – Find Out Who Is Going to Be Invading America Under the Deception of the Blue Helmets of the United Nations – Great Video
The Prophecy of the Psalm 83 War, The Prophecy Against Edom In The Book Of Obadiah, And The Prophecy For America (Manasseh) And The British Commonwealth (Ephraim)
The Rapture
The Rapture will occur 3 ½ days after the assassination of the two prophets (Trump and Pence) which is expected to occur in October 2020.
The Rapture will include the dead in Christ who will be raised first; then the 144,000 Saints created in the first creation will be Raptured (Revelation 7:4); then Israelite babies and toddlers belonging to the Elect or those created in the second creation and the disabled. Trump and Pence will also be raised at this time which should be a televised event so all eyes will see. Only the 144,000 Saints who have been baptized in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost will be Raptured. The Christian Elect who have been baptized in full immersion will be hidden from the fire and the flood during the Great Tribulation. Please see my article on the two Creation Events detailing the Saints and the Elect.
The True Tribes Of Israel Found! Have You Had Your True Identity Stolen? Who Are The 144,000 Saints Mentioned In Revelation Chapters 7 & 14? Who Will Be Raptured? The Two Creation Events In Genesis!
After the Rapture, men’s hearts will fail them for fear as God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will allow the gates of Hell itself to be opened on an unthankful and unbelieving humanity (Luke 21:26). Most Christians on the earth today are referred to as the Elect, and they will be left behind as their faith must be tested. The Christians left behind may be tested unto death by their not accepting the mark of the beast. Others may be tested in the hour of testing either in a flood or in the fire of nuclear war or both. Christians that are baptized (full immersion) and have the Holy Spirit that maintain their faith will be hidden and protected by Messiah Jesus during this time of trial during the Great Tribulation. Some Christians will by martyred or beheaded under the contrived Noahide Laws. Some of the Israelite Christian Elect who have babies and toddlers may find their babies missing after the Rapture occurs. These Israelite parents will be reunited later with your babies and toddlers who will not have aged during the Greater Exodus in Egypt when you are sent to Egypt in ships (Deut. 28:68) by God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob for the regathering of the remnant of the Israelites (Isaiah 49:20-21).
See article on how to get baptized by David Pawson as he is one of the few people I found preaching the full immersion baptism at an age of accountability in the New Testament.
Baptism: How The Holy Scriptures Explain How Christians Are To Be Baptised Which Is One Of The Criteria For Being Saved. Great Videos That Explains How Baptism Should Be Performed.
Evidence is Mounting For A Hallowe’en Harpazo. The Trump, Lincoln, I Pet Goat 2 Connection Solved. Awesome Videos And Analysis!
“Edomite Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860.” En Judaica 1971, Vol 10:23
“Esau-Edom is in modern Jewry.” 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. 5, p 41.
“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a “Jew” or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew” Jewish Almanac 1980 pg.3
Note all my pics with these Edomite definitions taken from Jewish sources as Modern Jewry are being whited out / deleted from all my previous articls so please copy and download my pics and articles before they are deleted. Share with our fellow Israelites, the real Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel and all Christians.
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Before It’s News® is a community of individuals who report on what’s going on around them, from all around the world. Anyone can join. Anyone can contribute. Anyone can become informed about their world. "United We Stand" Click Here To Create Your Personal Citizen Journalist Account Today, Be Sure To Invite Your Friends.
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I knew it was you again just by the title. You get priority placement on BIN, but you copy and paste this same BS every time. FEAR, FEAR, FEAR, this is a pattern with you. The world needs to be free of your disgusting articles which only promote FEAR FEAR FEAR.