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Amerigeddon (2016) Movie - Is This a Foreshadowing of Things to Come?

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Film about the Deep State and UN doing an EMP attack on the electric grid to blackout the entire U.S., and begin an invasion disarming the populace.

It’s silly in execution and low on budget. Cameo appearance by Alex Jones.

Interesting how Texas breaks off from the rest of America.

There is some truth in this movie as the Russians and the Chinese will be invading America under the auspices of the U.N. The Mossad will be involved but not as soldiers on the ground.

Note if you don’t see the videos, try another browser.  Brave browser works well!

“Banned in Hollywood”: This Film Dares to Show Martial Law and Civil War Coming to America

Every summer, Hollywood seems to release another batch of disaster and hero films full of action and end of the world scenarios.

But this film hits much closer to home.

It’s the scenario that could happen here, but Hollywood won’t dare to get behind. Nevertheless, it came to (select) theaters.

Director Mike Norris, son of Chuck Norris, is bringing a drama to screen ripped from the headlines of America’s real-life looming catastrophes. In AmeriGEDDON, an EMP attack brings down the grid and initiates the danger scenario that preppers are all too familiar with: civil unrest and chaos as a result of the loss of food and services, followed by a heavy-handed attempt to impose martial law and confiscate the firearms of American patriots.

What follows is basically the beginning of the next civil war against the agents of world government and global control.

Here’s the preview:

Plot synopsis and details from the filmmakers:

AMERIGEDDON, coming to theaters nationwide May 13, 2016, has been described as “the movie the establishment doesn’t want you to see.” Showing what happens when a not-so-future U.S. government conspires with the United Nations to stage an attack on the energy grid, AMERIGEDDON depicts a country ruled by martial law in which citizens are stripped of their constitutional rights and their guns. A group of patriots fight back and rescue the country from slipping into irreversible chaos.

AMERIGEDDON’s release in an election year is not coincidental. The film illustrates a dystopian future all patriots must guard against and is a call to action to preserve the Second Amendment and stop executive rule by fiat. Director Mike Norris, son of Chuck Norris, asks for like-minded Americans to support the film.

“The fact that a recent poll showed a majority of Americans are enraged with the federal government points to a frenzy of unrest with the dictatorial way in which our country has been run,” said Norris. “My family has long been involved in protecting the rights of Americans. We are concerned about the future and and see this film as a call to action. We urge people to join us in theaters and show Hollywood and politicians that true patriots will fight for their rights and want to see their values represented on-screen.”

A collaboration between Norris and entrepreneur and writer Gary Heavin, AMERIGEDDON seizes on fact-based threats and asks the ultimate question, “What happens when government turns on the people it’s supposed to protect?”

Executive Producer Gary Heavin believes the film’s message warning is timely. “We made a movie that is fun to watch but it is based in reality. In AMERIGEDDON, survivors of an EMP attack on the United States must live in a state of martial law led by the United Nations. American soldiers must decide whom they serve, second amendment rights are curtailed and food, water and survival become our primary concerns—unfortunately, these are all likely scenarios resulting from a very real threat,” said Heavin.  “I believe if we can entertain while we inform, more people will wake up; and if we hope to restore our freedom we must share the truth with as many people as possible.”

Co-written by Norris and Heavin, the film features Marshall Teague (THE ROCK), Annalynn McCord (“Dallas”, “90210”), Dina Meyer (“Starship Troopers”), Spencer Neville (“Days of Our Lives”), Mike Norris (“Walker, Texas Ranger”), Diane Ladd (JOY) and India Eisley (“The Secret Life of the American Teenager”).

For more information, visit the film’s Facebook page:

This video goes into detail regarding the executive orders and preparations for martial law takeover, and the preemptive moves to nullify the rights of all Americans.

As many know, there is quite an extensive list of ways in which the federal government and the United Nations intend to assert control (and many ways you can stay off their radar and prepare to survive).

The Blueprint to Prepare For Anything, No Matter What

Ad Shows Army Prepping for Martial Law: “This Is Not Battle Training. This Is Riot Control”

The Pentagon’s Counter-Zombie Martial Law Plan: ‘Concentrate Firepower to the Head’

EMP Attack Would Destroy Civilization: “A Nightmare You’ll Never Wake Up From”

This article has been contributed by SHTF Plan. Visit for alternative news, commentary and preparedness info.


American’s Enemies And The Red Dawn Invasion

The US Government is trying to tell you that China is the enemy of America as the Jews always use a frontman for their dirty work.  Just look at 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden. Jeremiah 51:57 tells us that our enemies are Ararat (Russia), Minni (China) and Ashkenaz (Ashkenazi Jews).  The Bible tells us that it is the Ashkenazi Jews (Ashkenaz) who are the brains behind the takeover of America and the white western European nations and Russia and China are their pawns as well as the United Nations created by the Jews for the Jewish NWO.  Rottenchild and his children, the Jews, wants to destroy America (The Tribe of Manasseh) in order for The State of Israel to be the next super power to run the stinking Jew New World Odor!  The Jews used America to build up Russia during WW2 and built up China starting with Nixon to send all the manufacturing and oil refinery to China. 

In 1992, George H.W. Bush, a Jew, signed Executive Order 12803, which gave D.C. the authority to sell America’s infrastructure. See article below.

Germany (The Royal Tribe of Judah) was completely pillaged after WW1 and WW2 and the patents stolen and sent to Russia, Britain and America for the JNWO.  Judah is the battle axe for the Tribes of Jacob and completely decimated after WW2.  The Jews control America and is even in recorded in the Congressional record in 1957.

The so called Jews living today in Israel are not Semites.  They are Edomites according to their own Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 Edition, Volume 5, page 41. DNA analysis has also proved that the Jews living in Israel today are Khazars, a semi nomadic Turkic people that converted to Judaism centuries ago.  The Khazars or Ashkenazi Jews are a mixed mongrel race and do not consider themselves white. 

The white race are the true Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel and God’s Holy Seed and heirs to the covenant.  The Devil and his children (the Jews) are at war with God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and His son Yeshua Hamashiach (Messiah Jesus) and the white race.

See Major Jordan Diaries link below and Texe Marrs Die America Die on China link below this post to understand the transfer of America ‘s technology and riches to Russia and China respectively.   See Dr. Luke Prophet’s article on the Red Dawn Invasion of America to understand the Red Dawn Invasion of America that will likely occur at any time now.

God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob warns all of His people (the white race and Christians grafted in) to FLEE in Jeremiah 51:6.  Best places to Flee to is Egypt and Jordan (Daniel 11:41).  The Greater Second Exodus will originate in Egypt so it is preferable to go to Egypt.  Egypt is much cheaper to live.

The Red Dawn Invasion Of America In Bible Prophecy And Specifying Which Countries Will Be Invading North America. The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President Revealed. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse Identified! Video Interview.


Make No Mistake – America
Has Been SOLD By The NWO
Was America Sold?

By Nancy Levant

In 1992, George H.W. Bush signed Executive Order 12803, which gave D.C. the authority to sell America’s infrastructure. They called this authority “Infrastructure Privatization.” E.O. 12803 tells us this power cleared the way for the “disposition or transfer of an infrastructure “asset” such as by sale or by long-term lease from a State or local government to a private party.”

E.O. 12803 also lists examples of America’s saleable and/or lease-able infrastructure:

· Roads

· Tunnels

· Bridges

· Electricity supply facilities

· Mass transit

· Rail transportation

· Airports

· Ports

· Waterways

· Recycling/wastewater treatment facilities

· Solid waste disposal facilities

· Hospitals

· Prisons

· Schools

· Housing

E.O. 12803 tells us that this list represents infrastructure “examples.” Let us, therefore, assume that this is not the complete list of America’s saleable infrastructure. However, this list is a stunning confession.

Notice that all items listed in 12803 are the very same infrastructure items listed in all Martial Law Executive Orders (see here). Martial Law kicks in to power during declared states of emergency and with the single signature of the president. Strangely (and ignorantly), we currently have multiple declared states of emergency:

· Act of March 9, 1933, a declared state of emergency at the request of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. This state of emergency was never lifted.

· Global pandemic – Level 6

· Mortgage/housing crisis

· Banking/lending crisis

· Automobile industry crisis

· Insurance industry crisis

· Healthcare crisis

· Southwestern border crisis

· Black market drug crisis

· National education crisis

· Nature/global warming crisis

· Jobs/unemployment crisis

· On-going weather and forest fire crises

· Extreme and unread congressional legislation crisis due to on-going crises

What are the odds of complete and total social and “natural” crisis in every single facet of our lives and all at the same time? I will tell you how it was accomplished with simple math:

Federal Reserve System + Politicians + Tell-A-Vision = Assembly Line Crises. It is called the Hegelian Dialectic Show.

Everything in the country, including the current planet-sized medical emergency, is in crisis. So enters Martial Law.

Think of our president’s promises to “change” the country and to fix the economy (which the Federal Reserve and Congress destroyed) by rebuilding America’s infrastructure, including “21st Century schools” and by greening-up our living standards and conditions (International Code Council, Carbon Credits, Waxman-Markey Climate Bill, etc.) – minus, of course, privately owned land and homes (Agenda 21). In the last six months, consider the massive growth of the Federal Government, the national debt, and the powers of the Federal Reserve Central Banking System – all with stated intentions of fixing the economy that they single-handedly destroyed – and fixing it with “infrastructure” projects.

As Martial Law militarily guards all of E.O. 12803′s infrastructure as listed in the Order, and with homeland paramilitary armies holding practice drills with foreign armies, local law enforcement, and emergency responders all across the nation (and with a big drill planned July 27th through July 31st in FEMA Region 6),

And with all public schools, private schools, and universities forced to have “lock-down policies” and to be forced-used as quarantine holding tanks, and with all Americans having been repeatedly told to prepare for an emergency (meaning an emergency that will bring Martial Law into the full light of day, which the “drills” have clearly done),

AND the very same infrastructures listed in Executive Order 12803 are also listed in all Martial Law Executive Orders, and all these infrastructures having been for sale, lease-able, or having been sold during the last 17 years- including our children’s schools, our hospitals, and our homes – I suggest to you that you are witnessing Central Banking Debt Magic at its finest moment. Wouldn’t you love to know how much money has been made by selling our nation to the highest bidders?

Let us review:

1. The country’s infrastructure has been for sale for 17 years. Roads, tunnels, bridges, electricity supply facilities, mass transit, rail transportation, airports, ports, waterways, water supply facilities, recycling/wastewater facilities, solid waste facilities, prisons, hospitals, schools, and housing — this being of “examples” of saleable infrastructure and not the entire list of saleable items according to E.O. 12803–so the question begs: What exactly has been sold to “private parties in our nation? We would like to see the complete list. We know that many highway systems have been sold to foreign countries, but what of the other listed items? Have they been sold as well?

If so, who owns them, and more to the question, which D.C. department sold them and for how much? Did the Federal Reserve and Congress sell our nation? Where is the paperwork? Did they repay any of America’s debt that they purposefully created with their pyramid fiat money lending schemes? And why are they still raising our taxes if America is no longer America but belongs to foreign nations or “private parties?” Since the Federal Reserve is a “private” corporation, did the Fed buy any of America’s infrastructure “assets?”

As American “housing” is on 12803′s list, and since D.C. recently took over the mortgage industry, has the housing market been sold and/or leased to a “private party” like a foreign nation or the Federal Reserve Corporation? Are the American people tenants to unknown parties? Are American children occupying foreign-owned schools, and are our loved ones lying in foreign hospitals that are clearly chock-full of foreign doctors? Equally, who, exactly, is financing the building of 21st Century schools and classrooms complete with foreign curricula? The questions beg: who are the foreigners….the foreigners or the American people?

More to the point, who is dissolving, partitioning, and/or divvying up our nation? Is it Obama? Geithner? Bernacke? Bushes? Clintons? FDR? Wilson? American morons?

It would seem that we are preparing for the Big Transfer – the transfer of our nation to and beneath a new authority or several new authorities. It now makes a great deal of sense why foreign troops have been cross-training with our new paramilitary systems, and yes, there are foreign troops on American soil, which I fear may not be American soil at all. Equally, multiculturalism suddenly makes a great deal of sense. I believe we can call it “behavior modification” so that we the stupid people will behave and be obedient under the new rules of new and foreign leaders.

I ask you, has our nation been sold out from under us, and without our knowledge? Could there be any other possible explanation for selling the most critical components of our country, while at the same time creating new, multicultural and cross-trained armies; permanently bankrupting the nation and selling its debt to foreign countries, and having Martial Law orders written specifically to protect the sold “assets” of our nation–including our schools and homes? Are America’s new owners to be protected by new Martial Law armies, cross-trained with foreign armies, while our “traditional” military is spread all over the planet – except here with its nation’s people? Are we being transferred to new ownership as we speak?


Washington D.C. debts were sold to foreign nations.

· Washington D.C. = politicians

· Debts = Federal Reserve Central (Fiat) Banking

· Sold = Wall Street

Is it not realistic to think that big league politicians, bankers, and CEOs are loyal to no nation when they were massively enriched by internationalized banking, internationalized trade, absurd and illegal taxation, and by interest rates forced upon the people of this nation, while at the same time selling our nation to other central banks around the world and “private parties” – and for personal profit? Truth is, they sold the infrastructure first, and then they sold we the people as tax generators and life-long human resources to their global banking and business partners in crime.

What is the crime, you ask? The Federal Reserve, which is a piece of a global banking cartel, and their politicians and CEO partners who made counterfeiting and Ponzi/pyramid schemes legalized theft on continental scales. Your country is 1) not your country and, 2) not what you thought it was for at least 100 years. You are going to have to seek God’s grace to be relieved from the bitterness of that truth. Today, we don’t know under whose authority we live, but Washington, D.C. and the Federal Reserve do know.

Big, big changes are on the horizon. All I can tell you is to remember that freedom, granted to all by God, is first and foremost a state of mind. Pray for guidance. Prepare yourselves because Obama spoke the truth. It is all about “infrastructure.” The promised change has arrived. The question is this: who owns America? Who have the American people been committed to serving and beneath what form of government?

We can pretty much assume that Asia owns a very large chunk of America, as does Great Britain, India, Middle Eastern countries, and perhaps Mexico and Canada, as well. We can also assume that Martial Law armies will be guarding all the sold “assets” during what could be an extraordinary and massively tyrannical transfer of power. The love of money is the root of all evil. No truer words were ever spoken.


Major Jordan Wrote Down All The Explosive Deep State Secrets In His Diaries! – He Was Instrumental As A Witness To The Communist Theft And Acts Of Treason Of America Transferring Their Arms And Technology To The USSR During WWII. One Of The Best Whistleblower Videos Ever!


Wars Wars And Rumours Of Wars All Lead Back To The Rothschilds. Dr. Stan Monteith And Bill Cooper, Anthony Sutton &. Ambassador Smith. All Communist Revolutions All Lead Back To The Jewish Banksters On Wall St. And The 4th Floor Of The US State Department. Great Brother Of Darkness Video!



Rothschild Created Communist Red China. Find Out What Happened To The Oil In Iraq That Was Supposed To Pay For The US – Iraq War. Awesome Video By Christian Author!


The Chinese ghost cities in China will be used for slave labor camps where the remnant of The Tribes of Jacob-Israel (the white race from the Christian nations) will be sent.

Yet I will leave a remnant, for some of you will escape the sword when you are scattered among the nations and throughout the lands. (Ezekiel 6:8 Berean Study Bible)

to disperse their offspring among the nations and scatter them throughout the lands.  (Psalm 106:27 Berean Study Bible)


The plan to take down America and build up China has been in the works for quite some time.  Cheyney (a crypto Jew) made a secret oil deal that he refused to disclose it to Congress.  America has enough oil for all her needs but the oil companies locked up the rights so no one can drill very much in the USA in order to build up China.

Die America Die! Awesome Video Based On Book By A Christian Author! Texe Marrs


David Sassoon (Jew) The World’s Biggest Drug Dealer, And How He Destroyed China Using Opium. Find Out The Truth Not Taught In Your Communist Indoctrination Schools! The Sassoon FDR Connection! Awesome Video!


The Jews Tells Us That They Are Edomites In Their Own Writings

“Edomite Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860.” En Judaica 1971, Vol 10:23

“Esau-Edom is in modern Jewry.”  1925 Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. 5, p 41.

“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a “Jew” or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew” Jewish Almanac 1980 pg.3

The Pharisees, which are now the Ashkenazis, told Jesus the Messiah that they are of Abraham’s seed but were never in bondage, which can only mean one thing.  The Pharisees / Ashkenazis are descendants of Esau which mixed with other races and became known as the Edomites (John 8:33).

The so called Jews living today in Israel are not Semites. They are Edomites according to their own Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 Edition, Volume 5, page 41. DNA analysis has also proved that the Jews living in Israel today are Khazars, a semi nomadic Turkic people that converted to Judaism centuries ago. The Khazars or Ashkenazi Jews are a mixed mongrel race and do not consider themselves white.

The Jewish Almanac 1980 Pg.3 states Jews are not Israelites or Hebrews. The Pharisees, which are now the Ashkenazis, told Jesus the Messiah that they are of Abraham’s seed but were never in bondage, which can only mean one thing.  The Pharisees / Ashkenazis are descendants of Esau which mixed with other races and became known as the Edomites (John 8:33).

Benjamin Freedman:  Facts Are Facts, “The Jew.”

“..Now I don’t like to use the word “anti-Semitism” because it’s meaningless, but it means something to you still, so I’ll have to use it…”

“…Without any fear of contradiction based upon fact the most competent and best qualified authorities all agree today that Jesus Christ was not a so-called or self-styled “Jew.”


It is an incontestable fact that the word “Jew” did not come into existence until the year 1775. Prior to 1775 the word “Jew” did not exist in any language. The word “Jew” was introduced into English for the first time in the 18th century when Sheridan used it in his play “The Rivals”, II,i, “She shall have a skin like a mummy, and the beard of a Jew”. Prior to this use of the word “Jew” in the English language by Sheridan in 1775 the word “Jew” had not become a word in the English language.

When the word “Jew” was first introduced into the English language in the 18th century its one and only implication, inference and innuendo was “Judean.” However during the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries a well-organized and well-financed international “pressure group” created a so-called “secondary meaning” for the word “Jew” among the English speaking peoples of the world. This so-called “secondary meaning” for the word “Jew” bears no relation whatsoever to the 18th century original connotation of the word “Jew.” It is a misrepresentation…

There is not a person in the whole English-speaking world today who regards a “Jew” as a “Judean” in the literal sense of the Word. That was the correct and only meaning of the word in the 18th century . . . (Facts Are Facts, by Benjamin H. Freedman, p. 15-21).

The meaning of the word “Jew” in our Bible is not the same as the colloquial idiom. 

In the Bible the word “Jew” means a resident of the land of Judaea regardless of their tribe, race or religion just as an Australian or Englishman may in fact be a Chinese, Negro or an Eskimo, or perhaps a member of the tribe of Judah (Judahite). According to the Greek Lexicon in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance:

Jew: Greek word #2453 Ioudaios (ee-oo-dah’-yos); from #2448 (in the sense of #2455 as a country); Judaean, i.e. belonging to Jehudah ["Judah" in Hebrew language of Old Testament]: KJV Jew (-ess), of Judaea.

Greek word #2448 Iouda (ee-oo-dah’); of Hebrew origin [Hebrew word #3063 or perhaps #3194]; Judah (i.e. Jehudah or Juttah), a part of (or place in) Palestine: KJV Judah.

Greek word #2455 Ioudas (ee-oo-das’); of Hebrew origin [Hebrew #3063]; Judas (i.e. Jehudah), the name of ten Israelites; also of the posterity of one of them and its region: KJV Juda (-h, -s); Jude.

Per Ioudaios on wikipedia: 

In 2001, the third edition of the Bauer lexicon, one of the most highly respected dictionaries of Biblical Greek, supported translation of the term as “Judean”, writing:

Incalculable harm has been caused by simply glossing Ioudaios with ‘Jew,’ for many readers or auditors of Bible translations do not practice the historical judgment necessary to distinguish between circumstances and events of an ancient time and contemporary ethnic-religious-social realities, with the result that anti-Judaism in the modern sense of the term is needlessly fostered through biblical texts.

For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews [Strong’s #2453] or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. (1 Cor. 12:13)

Strong’s Greek 2453: From Iouda; Judaean, i.e. Belonging to Jehudah.  It does not mean Jew and the word Jew was added to the Bibles in the 18th century to deceive everyone.

Esau sold his birthright to Jacob but regretted it his entire life.  How does it feel to have your birthright stolen from you by the Jews?  I can tell you from my experience that I feel like I have been robbed.

14Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? (2 Corinthians 6:14-15 KJV)

Note all my pics with these Edomite definitions taken from Jewish sources that Edomites are Modern Jewry are being whited out / deleted from all my previous posts so please copy and download my pics and articles before they are deleted.  Share with our fellow Israelites, the real Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel and all Christians.

Benjamin Freedman Warned United States In 1961 How The Christians And The Caucasians Have Been Duped! The Biggest Hoax In History! Must Listen As It Explains How Most Of The World Has Been Deceived By The Serpent! Fabulous Videos!

The Greatest Hoax in History! Christians Duped by the Unholiest Hoax in All History, by Modern Jewry Who Say They Are Jews but Are Not but Do Lie! Awesome Videos That Reveal the Truth!


America Is Babylon the Great With Over a Hundred Scriptural Verses to Prove Without a Shadow of a Doubt Why the USA Is End Times Babylon – Awesome Videos – Britain Is Also Babylon the Great and Will Be Destroyed After America Is Obliterated!



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