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By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain
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"I See A Bad Moon Rising, I See Trouble On The Way", REMEMBER That Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Horrific Nightmarish Ultra-Cataclysmic Events Begin Around A Full Moon Including The Deaths Of The First Born Of Modern Day Egypt/The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great. Please REMEMBER Psalms 91st Ch., Because The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL Will Faithfully "Stand By Me" With Supernatural Protection Of The Holy Angels Provided For Me And Others Of Our Indigenous People Who Are Righteous, Ahman.: Please Avoid The Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic Parasitic Vaccination Infestation: The Sinister NWO Powers That Be Are Cunningly Pushing Towards Everyone Left On Earth Being Infected By Satan's Highly Mutative Retroviral MRNA Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions Of Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HYBRIDIZATION Biometric Microwave Signals Responsive-Activated-Tracked-Monitored-Regulated-Modulated-Manipulated-Controlled Nanotechnologies, REMEMBER The CRITICAL WARNINGS Of Revelation 13th Ch., Concerning The FINAL Irreversible PHASE Of This Covert *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming Multiphase Process. SELAH

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“I See A Bad Moon Rising, I See Trouble On The Way”, REMEMBER That Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Horrific Nightmarish Ultra-Cataclysmic Events Begin Around A Full Moon Including The Deaths Of The First Born Of Modern Day Egypt/The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great. Please REMEMBER Psalms 91st Ch., Because The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL Will Faithfully “Stand By Me” With Supernatural Protection Of The Holy Angels Provided For Me And Others Of Our Indigenous People Who Are Righteous, Ahman.: Please Avoid The Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic Parasitic Vaccination Infestation: The Sinister NWO Powers That Be Are Cunningly Deceptively Pushing Towards Everyone Left On Earth Being Fully Infected/VAXXED By Satan’s Highly Mutative Retroviral MRNA Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions Of Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HYBRIDIZATION Biometric Microwave Signals Responsive-Activated-Tracked-Monitored-Regulated-Modulated-Manipulated-Controlled Nanotechnologies, REMEMBER The CRITICAL WARNINGS Of Revelation 13th Ch., Concerning The FINAL Irreversible PHASE Of This Covert *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming Multiphase Process. Please TAKE HEED – WAKE UP – REPENT -WISE UP – STAY SOBER Indigenous Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Israelites And Indigenous Gentiles-Our Humble Servants-Our Future Spiritual Children, We Must All PREPARE Our Families And Ourselves NOW Before It’s Too Late Because Time Is Definitely Growing Short, Please Let’s All REPENT, HOSEA 2:16. WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN! SELAH


I SEE A BAD MOON RISING (Please REMEMBER “The Real Halloween Event” Concerning Convert Multiple Attempted Dimensional Intrusion Events Involving The Retro-Engineered Worldwide Tower Of Babel Low Frequency Extremely Powerful Disharmonic Microwave Energy Radiation *Demonic Netium Network* Tesla Infrastructures *Portal Intrusion* Technologies Plus E.L.F. Extreme Low Frequency/U.L.F. Ultra-Low Frequency Negative BAD VIBES Mega-Geoengineering/Mega-Terraforming System Technologies Cunningly Desiged To Send Out Destructive Microwaves To Fight Against The Supernaturally Powered Rising Harmonic Resonance/GOOD VIBES Of The Earth Including The Covert Utilization Of The Hoover Dam Ultra-Longrange JumpGate*StarGate Tesla *Window-Wormhole Intrusion* Technologies Infrastructures System, All Being Tested-Tuned-Activated Right Under Your Stuffed Up Noses And Followed Shortly By The Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Horrific Nightmarish Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrathful Judgements Sent By The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL In Order To Stop Them From Trying To Break Into The Upper Heavenly Dimensional Worlds As Sinister Robbers And Thieves. Please REMEMBER Amos 9th Ch., Because They Can’t Avoid Or Escape Their Imminent Severe Punishments, Reserved For Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens. SELAH)

I see the bad moon a-rising
I see trouble on the way
I see earthquakes and lightnin’
I see bad times today

Don’t go around tonight
Well it’s bound to take your life
There’s a bad moon on the rise

I hear hurricanes a-blowing
I know the end is coming soon
I fear rivers over flowing
I hear the voice of rage and ruin

Well don’t go around tonight
Well it’s bound to take your life
There’s a bad moon on the rise, all right

Hope you got your things together
Hope you are quite prepared to die
Looks like we’re in for nasty weather
One eye is taken for an eye

Well don’t go around tonight
Well it’s bound to take your life
There’s a bad moon on the rise

Don’t come around tonight
Well it’s bound to take your life
There’s a bad moon on the rise

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: John C. Fogerty

Bad Moon Rising lyrics © Concord Music Publishing LLC


Weeping in the Promised Land

Song by John Fogerty




Main Results

Water in new well been poisoned with lie
Weeping in the Promised Land
Satan’s dark angels are falling from the sky
Weeping in the Promised Land
Children of God, he turns into stone
Sick and the weak, he dancing on their bones
Pharaoh shouting down the medicine man
Weeping in the Promised Land

Forked-tongued pharaoh, behold he comes to speak
Weeping in the Promised Land
Hissing and spewing, it’s power that he seeks
Weeping in the Promised Land
With dread in their eyes, all the nurses are crying
So much sorrow, so much dying
Pharaoh keep a-preaching but he never had a plan
Weeping in the Promised Land
Weeping in the Promised Land

You say, weeping, weeping
Weeping in the Promised Land
You say, weeping, weeping
Weeping in the Promised Land

Pharaoh’s army knocking on the door
Weeping in the Promised Land
Shoot you in your bed just like they done before
Weeping in the Promised Land
Out in the street, on your neck with a knee
All the people are crying your last words, “I can’t breathe”
And a white judge say, “There been no crime here today”
Weeping in the Promised Land
Weeping in the Promised Land

You say, weeping, weeping
Weeping in the Promised Land
You say, weeping, weeping
Weeping in the Promised Land

Well, we’re weeping, weeping
Weeping in the Promised Land
Yeah, weeping, weeping
Weeping in the Promised Land

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: John C Fogerty




“Stand By Me” lyrics

Ben E. King Lyrics


Play “Stand By Me”

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“Stand By Me”

When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we’ll see
No, I won’t be afraid
Oh, I won’t be afraid
Just as long as you stand
Stand by me

So darlin’, darlin’
Stand by me, oh, stand by me
Oh, stand, stand by me
Stand by me

If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
Or the mountain should crumble to the sea
I won’t cry, I won’t cry
No, I won’t shed a tear
Just as long as you stand
Stand by me

And darlin’, darlin’
Stand by me, oh, stand by me
Oh, stand now, stand by me
Stand by me

Darlin’, darlin’
Stand by me, oh, stand by me
Oh, stand now, stand by me
Stand by me
Whenever you’re in trouble
Won’t you stand by me?
Oh, stand by me
Won’t you stand now?
Oh, stand, stand by me


This Is Extremely DEEP Information That You Have To Have HOLY SPIRIT WISDOM-KNOWLEDGE-UNDERSTANDING-DISCERNMENT To Really Dig Into. It’s Not For The Majority Of Ignorant-Gullible-Feeble Minded People-Civilians-Sheeple That Wilfully Listen To Their Wicked Government Full Of Lies. CAN YOU DIG IT Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Israelites And Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Gentiles-Our Humble Servants-Our Future Spiritual Children?!? SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Tue, October 19, 2021, 1:14


SQUID GAME, Many People Will Turn On Each Other For Survival And The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic NWO Powers That Be Including Their Wicked Cronies Will Kill Millions Of People Who Don’t Wilfully Comply With Their Evil Highly Deceptive Demands To Get Fully VAXXED, REMEMBER Matthew 24th Ch. And The Book Of Revelation, Ahman. During This Ultra-Chaotic Time After The 3 Days Of Worldwide Complete Celestial Darkness The SUN Will Be Unleashing Ultra-Powerful Ultra-Inductive Ultra-Deep Penetrating GAMMA-RAY Radiation Energy As It Continues To Amplify, REMEMBER Malachi 4th Ch. + Isaiah 30:26 + The Book Of Revelation, Which Will Caused DNA/Genetic Activations Within All Living People As The GAMMA-RAY Radiation Energy Waves Vibrate All Forms-Types-Kinds Of DNA/Genes Into Action Including Dominant DNA – Dormant DNA – 12 Strand SPIRITUAL WORD Bearing ROOT DNA – Recessive DNA – SoCalled Junk DNA, Both Non-Mutative And Mutative Strands-Ladders-Branches-Segments Will Be Gradually Activated With The Supernatural Unlocking Of Spiritual-Mental-Metaphysical Powers, REMEMBER Psalms 82:6. So The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic NWO Powers That Be Are Desperately Trying To Stop-Hinder-Block Our Multistage Deep Spiritual Awakening-Rebirth-Resurrection-Metamorphosis-Ascension Process Via Satan’s Highly Mutative Retroviral MRNA Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions *Ultimate Eugenics Program* Designed To Fully Corrupt Your Vulnerable Cells So That They Can’t Communicate With The HOLY LIVING WORD/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing SIGNATURES Of Our HEAVENLY FATHER, Meaning That Once You Wilfully Totally Corrupt Your Vulnerable Flesh Cells They Will Become Unsalvageable And Can’t Be Fully Metaphysically Infused-Imprinted-Inscripted-Healed-Repaired By The HOLY LIVING WORD/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing SIGNATURES Of Our HEAVENLY FATHER, REMEMBER Revelation 22nd Ch. Concerning Unwisely Wilfully Allowing The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic NWO Powers That Be To Alter Your Vulnerable Flesh Cellular DNA Bearing Genes/The PRIMARY SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing *RECORD BOOK* Metaphysically Written Into Your Imprintable Cells At The Genetic Levels. Please Be Aware That We Will Gradually Become Immortals And This Is Why The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic NWO Powers That Be Have Computerized Automated Giant Industrial Strength Guillotines Covertly Set Up Within Their Giant FEMA Camp Corrals Of Death, Because REMEMBER That One Of The Easiest Ways To Kill An Immortal Being That Has Not Been Fully Activated Past The 6th Chakrah/Meaning Weak Or More Vulnerable At The Neck Area Of The Flesh Temple-Vessel-Body Is To Forcefully Behead Them, Thus There Will Be Mass Beheadings Taking Place Within The Sinister NWO UN Non-Peacekeeping Militarized FEMA Camp Corrals Of Death. REMEMBER The “Highlander” TV Show Series And The Statement “Off With Their Heads”, Taking Place First Under Oprah Winfrey And Then Under Hillary ISIS-Lilith-Ishtar Clinton And The Cloned Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeran Antichrist. Please Be Aware That The Righteous Indigenous Will Gradually Undergo Non-Mutative Transformations Of Their Flesh Temples-Vessels-Bodies Known As The WHEAT And The Unrighteous Non-Indigenous ManKind Races Of Heathens Will Gradually Undergo Mutative Monstrous Transformations Of Their Highly Genetically Corrupted Hybridized Flesh Vessels-Bodies Know As The TARES: REMEMBER That The Debtor Is Slave To The Lender-Creditor (CHINA Has Required That The Wicked World Bully US EAGLE Government Pay It’s Insane Credit/Debts Via Covertly Negotiated Eminent Domain Credit/Debt Default Non-Payment Protocols – Deadline October 18th – It Will Get Very Ugly Afterwards), REMEMBER Sheeple?!? You Will Be Forcefully Rounded Up By NWO UN Non-Peacekeeping Militarized Mind Controlled Troops And Quickly Transported To Giant FEMA Camp Corrals Of Death For MANDATORY ENFORCED Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions Of Satan’s Irreversible LUCIFERASE-LUCIFERIN Glowing Mark Of The Beast-Chimera-Vampire 666 Total *DNA + Genetic + Mental* Corruption Protocols Involving Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HYBRIDIZATION Biometric Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Activated-Tracked-Monitored-Regulated-Modulated-Manipulated-Controlled Nanotechnologies In Order For The Remaining Survivors Under Extreme Duress To Be Able To Buy And Sell As Highly Mutated Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly Vampiric Chimeran Cursed Consumers Within Satan’s NWO Dystopian Small Kingdom Full Of Uproar Under His Emergency Economic Recovery System Protocols, Foretold In Revelation 13th Ch., BeWAR3 $ WAR-Ning! Please WAKE UP, REMEMBER The CRITICAL WARNINGS Of Revelation 13th Ch., Because It’s Not A Game, TAKE HEED Ahman. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Mon, October 18, 2021, 22:08

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