The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL Is Supernaturally Opening Up My Truth Seeking Righteous Faithful Soul-Heart*EYE-Mind To Many Extraordinary REVELATIONS Perceived Through HIS First Begotten SON CHRIST The ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH With Glorious Empowerment Through The HOLY SPIRIT Of LOVE-TRUTH, Even To Know The Sinister Devices Of Satan And His NWO Cronies Who Are Hatefully Against Us Rare AB+ Blood Type Original 12 Tribe Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing True Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites-Chlidren-Chosen GOLD-Elect WHEAT Of Our HEAVENLY FATHER. However, Please Don't Have Any Fearful Panic Stricken Worries About What The Wicked Ones Are Vainly Doing To Try To Destroy All Of Our People Because A HOLY REMNANT Will Definitely Be Supernaturally Preserved Alive Without Ever Experiencing Death, Please Righteously Stay Focused And REMEMBER Psalms 91st Ch. Concerning Our Supernatural Angelic Protection, AHMAN!: Please REMEMBER-UNDERSTAND That The Earth Is A Gargantuan EXTRAORDINARILY ENERGETIC ELECTROMAGNETIC HARMONIC RESONATOR-SPIRITUAL ENERGY TRANSCEIVER CELLULAR BIOSPHERE STRUCTURE With Many Other Extraordinarily High Efficiency Smaller Elemental Harmonic Resonators (Crystalline Double Pyramidal Shaped SOUNDWAVE BOOSTING STRUCTURES, The SEVEN MAIN IMPERVIOUS PERPETUAL MOUNTAINS Being The Centralized Largest One Called MOUNT MERU Antarctica + The Three Single Pyramidal Structures Stacked On Top Of Each Other In An *Apex To Base Formation* In The South Located Down Through The Earth's Elemental Foundational Layers Within The Extreme Paranormal Activity Bermuda Triangle Region + The Three Single Pyramidal Structures Stacked Upon Each Other Located In The Very High Paranormal Activity Dragon's Triangle Region Of The East - All Of Them Being Perpetually Embedded Down Through The Resonant 12 Elemental Foundational Layers Of The Earth - With These Ancient GENE-SIS World Perpetually Standing SEVEN Main Primary Elemental Crystalline Pyramidal Harmonic Resonator Structures Being Totally Indestructible, Including Many Other EXTREMELY INDUCTIVE Elemental Harmonic Resonance Pyramidal Shaped Soundwave Accumulation Structures With Their Focusing Apexes Pointed Away From The Joined Bases In An Extraordinarily Efficient Double Pyramidal Wave Forming Configuration Operating As Extra-Solar Heavenly Cosmic Energy Soundwave Shaping Containers That Fuction All Together As Heavenly Cosmic Energy Soundwave Tuners-Amplifiers-Collectors-Frequency Harmonizers-Stabilizers-Balancers-Amplitude Equalizers-Regulators-Relay Junctions-Inductive Vibratory Energy Channelers-Localized Portal Generators-Longrange Teleporters) Angelically Constructed - Stationed - Purposely Positioned Throughout The Earth's Vast Vibratory Harmonic Resonance Elemental Structure That Has An ETERNALLY SPIRITUALLY POWERED Extraordinarily High Frequency Electromagnetic Plasma Forcefield Around The Primarily Flat Layered Earth With The Supernaturally Sustained Impervious Crystalline *Unified Precious Stones* MAIN FIRMAMENT DOME Electromagnetically Clamped Down On The Top Portion Of The Earth Energetically Connected To Giant Alabaster Mountains That Line Its Outer Circumference Involving THE ENDS Of The EARTH Also Known As The Four Corners Of The Earth And The Other Half Of The SPIRITUALLY POWERED *UNIFIED* ELECTROMAGNETIC PLASMA ENERGY FORCE FIELD Containment Barrier Being Located Over-Surrounding The Underside Of The Earth Making The Whole Dynamic Living Cellular Earth Biosphere Containment System Inescapable By The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Lower Powers That Be Who Don't Have The HOLY SPIRITUAL WORD Bearing DNA KEY Of ISHI-ISHIAH For Righteously Authorized Ascension And Descension (Enabling Entering + Exiting) Through The Earth's Ancient Angelically Constructed Resonant Heavenly Gateways-Portals-Doors-Windows-Wormholes-Main Dimensional Energy Vortexes That THEY Are Despertately Trying To Vainly Forcefully Intrude Through Via Their Cunningly Designed - Wickedly Constructed - Earth Destabilizing - Dimesional Fabric Ripping Sinister Low Frequency Resonance Microwave Energy Radiation Vibratory (TESLA) Technologies Of Deathly Mutative *LOW VIBES*, ie. Please REMEMBER The Cryptic Predictive Programming Illuminati Movie Called "CLOVERFIELD PARADOX" Because Soon The Dystopian NWO Black-Ops Cronies Will Begin The Extremely Disharmonic Mega-Disastrous Covert Testing-Tuning-Activation Phases Of The Secretly Retro-Engineered Worldwide Tower Of Babel *Demonic Netium Network* Doorway-Gateway-Potral Intrusion TESLA Infrastructures System Technologies Plus The Hoover Dam Ultra-Longrange Teleportation JumpGate*StarGate Window-Wormhole Intrusion TESLA Infrastructures System Technologies Which Will All Quickly End In Unstoppable Unavoidable Supernaturally Controlled Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrathful Judgements (Don't Mess Mess Around With SPIRITUALLY POWERED Nature), As Foretold In The 1st Thessalonians 5th Ch. Judgements + The Isaiah 47th Ch. Judgements + The 2nd Seal Opening Fiery Hellish Red Horse Judgements + The Revelation 18th Ch. Judgements, AHMAN. I Boldy Say UTTERLY BURN DOWN All Of The Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO *LOW VIBE* TESLA Technology Infrastructures My HEAVENLY FATHER - Just Like What YOU Caused To Suddenly Befall The Doomed Evil Major Cities Of Extremely Sinful Sodom And Gomorrah Including The Extremely Wicked Cities Of The Plains Region Full Of Heathens Who Blatantly Refused To REPENT Which Quickly Lead To Their Own Inescapable Horrific Nightmarish Fiery Hellish Demises-Utter Destruction. Please Be Aware That Only The Righteous Faithful Few Who Obey The MOST HIGH POWER YISRAEL'S HOLY LAWS And COMMANDMENTS Will Make It Out Alive Like Lot And His Two Daughters. But Please Don't Look Back In Evil Desire Of The Old Sinful Vain Lifestyle Of DEATH Like His Evil Pagan Wife Of Disobedience Who Supernaturally Turned Into A Big Pillar Of Salt, AHMAN! Keep In Mind That Many Modern Day Extremely Wicked Major Cities Throughout The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Will Definitely BURN DOWN Because Of The People's Many Unrepentant Sins And Due To The Covertly Tested-Tuned-Activated Low Frequency Resonance Microwave Energy Radiation *Demonic Netium Network* TESLA Infrastructures System Technologies That Temporarily Make Up The City-Scape, ie. Resonant Elemental Skyscrapers-Towers-TESLA Antennas-Transceivers Including Hidden Deep Underground Toroidal Donut-Ring Shaped Electromagnetic Microwave Energy Radiation Generators/Particle Colliders/Nuclear Accelerators Which Will Ultra-Cataclysmically *BACKFIRE* On Them. Please Let's All REPENT My Precious Indigenous HOLY SEED Bearing Brothers And Sisters, READ JEREMIAH 11th Ch., AHMAN. Also REMEMBER HOSEA 2:16, John 3:16, 1st John 1:9, And AMOS 9th Ch. GET READY TO WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, AHMAN. SELAH
The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL Is Supernaturally Opening Up My Truth Seeking Righteous Faithful Soul-Heart*EYE-Mind To Many Extraordinary REVELATIONS Perceived Through HIS First Begotten SON CHRIST The ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH With Glorious Empowerment Through The HOLY SPIRIT Of LOVE-TRUTH, Even To Know The Sinister Devices Of Satan And His NWO Cronies Who Are Hatefully Against Us Rare AB+ Blood Type Original 12 Tribe Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing True Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites-Chlidren-Chosen GOLD-Elect WHEAT Of Our HEAVENLY FATHER. However, Please Don’t Have Any Fearful Panic Stricken Worries About What The Wicked Ones Are Vainly Doing To Try To Destroy All Of Our People Because A HOLY REMNANT Will Definitely Be Supernaturally Preserved Alive Without Ever Experiencing Death, Please Righteously Stay Focused And REMEMBER Psalms 91st Ch. Concerning Our Supernatural Angelic Protection, AHMAN!: Please REMEMBER-UNDERSTAND That The Earth Is A Gargantuan EXTRAORDINARILY ENERGETIC ELECTROMAGNETIC HARMONIC RESONATOR-SPIRITUAL ENERGY TRANSCEIVER CELLULAR BIOSPHERE STRUCTURE With Many Other Extraordinarily High Efficiency Smaller Elemental Harmonic Resonators (Crystalline Double Pyramidal Shaped SOUNDWAVE BOOSTING STRUCTURES, The SEVEN MAIN IMPERVIOUS PERPETUAL MOUNTAINS Being The Centralized Largest One Called MOUNT MERU Antarctica + The Three Single Pyramidal Structures Stacked On Top Of Each Other In An *Apex To Base Formation* In The South Located Down Through The Earth’s Elemental Foundational Layers Within The Extreme Paranormal Activity Bermuda Triangle Region + The Three Single Pyramidal Structures Stacked Upon Each Other Located In The Very High Paranormal Activity Dragon’s Triangle Region Of The East – All Of Them Being Perpetually Embedded Down Through The Resonant 12 Elemental Foundational Layers Of The Earth - With These Ancient GENE-SIS World Perpetually Standing SEVEN Main Primary Elemental Crystalline Pyramidal Harmonic Resonator Structures Being Totally Indestructible, Including Many Other EXTREMELY INDUCTIVE Elemental Harmonic Resonance Pyramidal Shaped Soundwave Accumulation Structures With Their Focusing Apexes Pointed Away From The Joined Bases In An Extraordinarily Efficient Double Pyramidal Wave Forming Configuration Operating As Extra-Solar Heavenly Cosmic Energy Soundwave Shaping Containers That Fuction All Together As Heavenly Cosmic Energy Soundwave Tuners-Amplifiers-Collectors-Frequency Harmonizers-Stabilizers-Balancers-Amplitude Equalizers-Regulators-Relay Junctions-Inductive Vibratory Energy Channelers-Localized Portal Generators-Longrange Teleporters) Angelically Constructed – Stationed – Purposely Positioned Throughout The Earth’s Vast Vibratory Harmonic Resonance Elemental Structure That Has An ETERNALLY SPIRITUALLY POWERED Extraordinarily High Frequency Electromagnetic Plasma Forcefield Around The Primarily Flat Layered Earth With The Supernaturally Sustained Impervious Crystalline *Unified Precious Stones* MAIN FIRMAMENT DOME Electromagnetically Clamped Down On The Top Portion Of The Earth Energetically Connected To Giant Alabaster Mountains That Line Its Outer Circumference Involving THE ENDS Of The EARTH Also Known As The Four Corners Of The Earth And The Other Half Of The SPIRITUALLY POWERED *UNIFIED* ELECTROMAGNETIC PLASMA ENERGY FORCE FIELD Containment Barrier Being Located Over-Surrounding The Underside Of The Earth Making The Whole Dynamic Living Cellular Earth Biosphere Containment System Inescapable By The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Lower Powers That Be Who Don’t Have The HOLY SPIRITUAL WORD Bearing DNA KEY Of ISHI-ISHIAH For Righteously Authorized Ascension And Descension (Enabling Entering + Exiting) Through The Earth’s Ancient Angelically Constructed Resonant Heavenly Gateways-Portals-Doors-Windows-Wormholes-Main Dimensional Energy Vortexes That THEY Are Despertately Trying To Vainly Forcefully Intrude Through Via Their Cunningly Designed – Wickedly Constructed – Earth Destabilizing – Dimesional Fabric Ripping Sinister Low Frequency Resonance Microwave Energy Radiation Vibratory (TESLA) Technologies Of Deathly Mutative *LOW VIBES*, ie. Please REMEMBER The Cryptic Predictive Programming Illuminati Movie Called ”CLOVERFIELD PARADOX” Because Soon The Dystopian NWO Black-Ops Cronies Will Begin The Extremely Disharmonic Mega-Disastrous Covert Testing-Tuning-Activation Phases Of The Secretly Retro-Engineered Worldwide Tower Of Babel *Demonic Netium Network* Doorway-Gateway-Potral Intrusion TESLA Infrastructures System Technologies Plus The Hoover Dam Ultra-Longrange Teleportation JumpGate*StarGate Window-Wormhole Intrusion TESLA Infrastructures System Technologies Which Will All Quickly End In Unstoppable Unavoidable Supernaturally Controlled Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrathful Judgements (Don’t Mess Mess Around With SPIRITUALLY POWERED Nature), As Foretold In The 1st Thessalonians 5th Ch. Judgements + The Isaiah 47th Ch. Judgements + The 2nd Seal Opening Fiery Hellish Red Horse Judgements + The Revelation 18th Ch. Judgements, AHMAN. I Boldy Say UTTERLY BURN DOWN All Of The Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO *LOW VIBE* TESLA Technology Infrastructures My HEAVENLY FATHER – Just Like What YOU Caused To Suddenly Befall The Doomed Evil Major Cities Of Extremely Sinful Sodom And Gomorrah Including The Extremely Wicked Cities Of The Plains Region Full Of Heathens Who Blatantly Refused To REPENT Which Quickly Lead To Their Own Inescapable Horrific Nightmarish Fiery Hellish Demises-Utter Destruction. Please Be Aware That Only The Righteous Faithful Few Who Obey The MOST HIGH POWER YISRAEL’S HOLY LAWS And COMMANDMENTS Will Make It Out Alive Like Lot And His Two Daughters. But Please Don’t Look Back In Evil Desire Of The Old Sinful Vain Lifestyle Of DEATH Like His Evil Pagan Wife Of Disobedience Who Supernaturally Turned Into A Big Pillar Of Salt, AHMAN! Keep In Mind That Many Modern Day Extremely Wicked Major Cities Throughout The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Will Definitely BURN DOWN Because Of The People’s Many Unrepentant Sins And Due To The Covertly Tested-Tuned-Activated Low Frequency Resonance Microwave Energy Radiation *Demonic Netium Network* TESLA Infrastructures System Technologies That Temporarily Make Up The City-Scape, ie. Resonant Elemental Skyscrapers-Towers-TESLA Antennas-Transceivers Including Hidden Deep Underground Toroidal Donut-Ring Shaped Electromagnetic Microwave Energy Radiation Generators/Particle Colliders/Nuclear Accelerators Which Will Ultra-Cataclysmically *BACKFIRE* On Them. Please Let’s All REPENT My Precious Indigenous HOLY SEED Bearing Brothers And Sisters, READ JEREMIAH 11th Ch., AHMAN. Also REMEMBER HOSEA 2:16, John 3:16, 1st John 1:9, And AMOS 9th Ch. GET READY TO WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, AHMAN. SELAH
The Nightmare Before the Outburst in Sirius – the Day Star …
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The Nightmare Before The Outburst In Sirius-The Day Star-The Blue Star Kachina’s Sudden Appearance-The Real Christmas Star Event: A Giant Steered/Controlled Asteroid Is Going To Strike The Pacific Ocean Very Soon! When The Moon Gets Struck And Knocked Off Of It’s Current Degrees Of Orbit, This Major Instability Is Going…
Comet P67 Wormwood: The Highly Poisonous… | Before It’s News
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Comet P67 also has plenty of formaldehyde, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen cyanide, sulphur dioxide, and carbon disulphide. So the odor of the comet is quite toxic with a resemblance to rotten eggs thanks to that hydrogen sulfide. This is made worse by the stinging odor of ammonia and formaldehyde.
Please Be Aware That An Epic Horrific Nightmarish 500 Year…
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Please Let’s All REPENT, READ JEREMIAH 11th Ch., Also REMEMBER HOSEA 2:16, John 3:16, 1st John 1:9, And AMOS 9th Ch. Get ready to wake-up-my-people-spirit-train, ahman.
The Mystery Of The Sablino Caves – Russian Version Of…
Dozens of people lived there in the catacombs, read philosophical works, pondered the idea of a new revolution…”, said Alexei It is because of this mysterious disappearance that the Sablino cave system is also likened to the Russian version of the Bermuda…
Also referred to as “Ethiopian Enoch” or “1 Enoch” › enoch › The-Book-of-Enoch-the-Ethiopian-Enoch.pdf
The Book of Enoch Also referred to as “Ethiopian Enoch” or “1 Enoch” Translated from the Ethiopic by Richard Laurence, London, 1883 CHAPTER 1 1The word of the blessing of Enoch, how he blessed the elect and the righteous, who were to exist in the time of trouble; reject-ing all the wicked and ungodly. Enoch, a righteous man, who was…
The Book of Enoch › ENOCH-McCracken2020.pdf
The Book of Enoch 1.1 The words of the blessing of Enoch, according to which he blessed the chosen and righteous, who must be present on the Day of Distress, which is appointed, for the removal of all the wicked and impious. 1.2 And Enoch took up his parable, and said: There was a righteous man, whose…
PDF BOOK OF ENOCH – › wp-content › uploads › The-book-of-Enoch.pdf
Book of Enoch was “handed down” to him from the time when he began to associate with superterrestrial beings.² The existence of such a Book ofEnoch, made certain from these numerous quotations, was the source of considerable perplexity and anxiety to Christian theologians, and numerous and curious were the…
PDF The Book of Enoch › images › BookOfEnoch.pdf
The Book of Enoch 3 Introduction I have based this book on Michael A. Knibb’s scholarly translation of the Ethiopian manuscripts, (The Ethiopic Bookof Enoch, Oxford University Press), which I believe to be the best translation currently available. I first heard about the Book of Enoch a few years ago, while I the….
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