Please READ Daniel 8th Ch. + Jeremiah 49th Ch. Because Soon The Middle Eastern PEACOCK-IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM Covertly Operating Under The Highly Technologically Advanced ANNUNAKI FALLEN ANGELS Who Have Giant Miles Round FLYING WHEELS Including An Even Larger Main UFO Ship-Craft That Louis Farrakhan Called The MOTHER PLANE Are Going To Be Utilized To Help Destroy The Godforsaken USA/Fallen Mystery Babylon The Great In The Near Future, But Between Now And Early April IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM-THE PEACOCK Will Be Severely Attacked In Order To Break Down Their Ability To "Bend The Bow" - Meaning The Destruction Of Their Highly Advanced Nuclear Missiles Launching Systems Given To Them By Their Strong Allies Russia And China That Are Designed To "Shoot Fiery Bright Arrows" But Will Be Disable Through Severe Retaliatory Strikes By The Wicked World Bully ROMAN EDOMITE US EAGLE Government Under Instigated False Blame, Deceptively Declaring That IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM-THE PEACOCK Severely Attacked Them Under ISIS Affiliation But This Is A Lie Because IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM-THE PEACOCK Knows That ISIS Is A NWO DEMONCRATIC Fabricated Worldwide Terrorist Group-Organization-Crime Syndicate Which Is Covertly Under Barack HUSSEIN Obama's Vile Commands Including His Wicked Partner In Crime Hillary ISIS-ISHTAR-LILITH Clinton Who Are Cunning Using Their 10 Prime Evil ROGUE UN Kings Foretold In REVELATION 17th Ch. + PSALMS 83rd Ch. + ZECHARIAH 12th Ch., Sneaky Smooth Talking Joe Biden - Obama's Sock Puppet Dummy, NWO Financier InFLUential Oprah Winfrey, And Their Vile Alphabet Agency Cronies To Do Much Evil Throughout The World In An Attempted Takeover For Establisment Of Their Form Of A Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO Primarily Under The Vile Murderous Fallen Angel Called NERGAL - ALLAH - The god Of War - The god Of Noonday Destruction - The god Of Pestilence - The god Over The Pantheon Of The Dead In Hell - The Fiery Stinging Scorpion-Locust King - Apollyon - Abaddon. WAKE UP Sleepyheaded Sheeple Also REMEMBER So-Called PRANK WARS Of The NWO Illuminati Agents Of Death And Destruction Will FIRE UP In RAPID FIRE Succession Under The Sinister Highly Deceptive NWO DEMONCRATS Who Are Cunningly Using The Wicked World Bully ROMAN EDOMITE US EAGLE Government's Heavily Militarized Far Reaching Policing Arm To Execute Severe Retaliatory Strikes On Their Enemies Initially Under The Highly Deceptive Smokescreen Of Their Murderous False Flag Major Blame Game Strategic War Tactics Cunningly Devised To Stir Up Major Wars Quickly Leading To Instigated Full Scale Nuclear WW3 Due To Occur Before The True GENE-SIS Summer-Cold-Seedtime Seasonal Transition Between Now And Late MAY-DAY MAY-DAY MAY-DAY/Mid June, BEWAR3 WAR-NING TAKE HEED - PREPARE NOW Before It's Too Late Sheeple, AHMAN. So Before The Summer Time The Curses Doomed Godforsaken USA/Already Fallen Mystery The Babylon The Great Will Be Horrifically Attacked By RUSSIA, CHINA, And Their Remaining STRONG ALLIES Who Together Will Shoot A Vast Barrage Of Nuclear Missiles At This Vile Extremely Sinful Nation Of Heathens In Order To Further Destroy It Including The ANNUNAKI FALLEN ANGELS' HIGHLY ADVANCED FLYING WHEELS PLUS THE GIANT MOTHER PLANE-SHIP UFO Fiery Attacks Of Their Middle Eastern Hybridized Genetic Hybrid MANKIND That Will Undergo Solar GAMMA-RAY Radiation Energy Triggering Of Ancient DNA Within These Particular Descendants Of IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM-THE PEACOCK That Will Supernaturally Remember Their True Inner Nature Involving The Annunaki Fallen Angels' DNA/Genes Coming Forth Within Them As They Furiously Fight Back (Who The Broken-Shattered-Fallen Wicked Bully ROMAN US EAGLE Government Of ESAU Erroneously Thought Were Down And Out For The Count But Surprise - Surprise - Surprise, They're Baaack) Gradually Leading To The Godforsaken USA's Final Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Unavoidable Fiery Hellish Wrathful Destruction Which Includes A Torrential Downpour Of Giant Ice Hail Stones Of 75lbs And Greater Plus The Major Land Deforming Diving Of This Extremely Evil Cursed Country That Will Be Made-Transformed Into An Inescapable Fiery Hellish Burning Profusely Smoking Plasma Dome Covered Containment Zone For Sinister Cast Down Fallen Angels/ANGRY Foul And Hated BIRDS Including Demons/Every Unclean And Evil Spirit, As Foretold In The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, GOOD RIDDANCE - AHMAN! SELAH
Please READ Daniel 8th Ch. + Jeremiah 49th Ch. Because Soon The Middle Eastern PEACOCK-IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM Covertly Operating Under The Highly Technologically Advanced ANNUNAKI FALLEN ANGELS Who Have Giant Miles Round FLYING WHEELS Including An Even Larger Main UFO Ship-Craft That Louis Farrakhan Called The MOTHER PLANE Are Going To Be Utilized To Help Destroy The Godforsaken USA/Fallen Mystery Babylon The Great In The Near Future, But Between Now And Early April IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM-THE PEACOCK Will Be Severely Attacked In Order To Break Down Their Ability To “Bend The Bow” – Meaning The Destruction Of Their Highly Advanced Nuclear Missiles Launching Systems Given To Them By Their Strong Allies Russia And China That Are Designed To “Shoot Fiery Bright Arrows” But Will Be Disable Through Severe Retaliatory Strikes By The Wicked World Bully ROMAN EDOMITE US EAGLE Government Under Instigated False Blame, Deceptively Declaring That IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM-THE PEACOCK Severely Attacked Them Under ISIS Affiliation But This Is A Lie Because IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM-THE PEACOCK Knows That ISIS Is A NWO DEMONCRATIC Fabricated Worldwide Terrorist Group-Organization-Crime Syndicate Which Is Covertly Under Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Vile Commands Including His Wicked Partner In Crime Hillary ISIS-ISHTAR-LILITH Clinton Who Are Cunning Using Their 10 Prime Evil ROGUE UN Kings Foretold In REVELATION 17th Ch. + PSALMS 83rd Ch. + ZECHARIAH 12th Ch., Sneaky Smooth Talking Joe Biden – Obama’s Sock Puppet Dummy, NWO Financier InFLUential Oprah Winfrey, And Their Vile Alphabet Agency Cronies To Do Much Evil Throughout The World In An Attempted Takeover For Establisment Of Their Form Of A Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO Primarily Under The Vile Murderous Fallen Angel Called NERGAL – ALLAH – The god Of War – The god Of Noonday Destruction – The god Of Pestilence – The god Over The Pantheon Of The Dead In Hell – The Fiery Stinging Scorpion-Locust King – Apollyon – Abaddon. WAKE UP Sleepyheaded Sheeple Also REMEMBER So-Called PRANK WARS Of The NWO Illuminati Agents Of Death And Destruction Will FIRE UP In RAPID FIRE Succession Under The Sinister Highly Deceptive NWO DEMONCRATS Who Are Cunningly Using The Wicked World Bully ROMAN EDOMITE US EAGLE Government’s Heavily Militarized Far Reaching Policing Arm To Execute Severe Retaliatory Strikes On Their Enemies Initially Under The Highly Deceptive Smokescreen Of Their Murderous False Flag Major Blame Game Strategic War Tactics Cunningly Devised To Stir Up Major Wars Quickly Leading To Instigated Full Scale Nuclear WW3 Due To Occur Before The True GENE-SIS Summer-Cold-Seedtime Seasonal Transition Between Now And Late MAY-DAY MAY-DAY MAY-DAY/Mid June, BEWAR3 WAR-NING TAKE HEED – PREPARE NOW Before It’s Too Late Sheeple, AHMAN. So Before The Summer Time The Curses Doomed Godforsaken USA/Already Fallen Mystery The Babylon The Great Will Be Horrifically Attacked By RUSSIA, CHINA, And Their Remaining STRONG ALLIES Who Together Will Shoot A Vast Barrage Of Nuclear Missiles At This Vile Extremely Sinful Nation Of Heathens In Order To Further Destroy It Including The ANNUNAKI FALLEN ANGELS’ HIGHLY ADVANCED FLYING WHEELS PLUS THE GIANT MOTHER PLANE-SHIP UFO Fiery Attacks Of Their Middle Eastern Hybridized Genetic Hybrid MANKIND That Will Undergo Solar GAMMA-RAY Radiation Energy Triggering Of Ancient DNA Within These Particular Descendants Of IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM-THE PEACOCK That Will Supernaturally Remember Their True Inner Nature Involving The Annunaki Fallen Angels’ DNA/Genes Coming Forth Within Them As They Furiously Fight Back (Who The Broken-Shattered-Fallen Wicked Bully ROMAN US EAGLE Government Of ESAU Erroneously Thought Were Down And Out For The Count But Surprise – Surprise – Surprise, They’re Baaack) Gradually Leading To The Godforsaken USA’s Final Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Unavoidable Fiery Hellish Wrathful Destruction Which Includes A Torrential Downpour Of Giant Ice Hail Stones Of 75lbs And Greater Plus The Major Land Deforming Diving Of This Extremely Evil Cursed Country That Will Be Made-Transformed Into An Inescapable Fiery Hellish Burning Profusely Smoking Plasma Dome Covered Containment Zone For Sinister Cast Down Fallen Angels/ANGRY Foul And Hated BIRDS Including Demons/Every Unclean And Evil Spirit, As Foretold In The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, GOOD RIDDANCE – AHMAN! SELAH
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The Anunnaki Fallen Angels In The Bible’s Old Testament › anunnaki-in-the-bible
Anunnaki Fallen Angels In Genesis. The Anunnaki Ancient Astronaut FallenAngels in the Bible’s Old Testament appear in Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 2:10-14 which refer to a conversation in which the Creator states that ‘Let us create man in our own image’ and that the Gold in the land of Eden was good. The Christian Bible and other similar …
The Annunaki In The Bible – Annunaki .org › the-annunaki-in-the-bible
According to these tablets, the Anunnaki, or Anannge, were angels. These were people that were technologically advanced and actually lived on earth around 8200 BC in the Middle East. Ninill and Enlil were at the center of the stories. Ninill was the goddess that ruled over the land, and Enlil was her husband.
Who are the Annunaki history? – Similar Answers › who-are-the-annunaki-history
The Sumerian Annunaki. The Sumerians called them “Annunaki” and the Book of Enoch called them Fallen Angels. Both accounts have many similarities from sexual manipulation, war, and having man worship them as Gods. There were dire consequences for man if any rules were broken including public murder. Are the Annunaki and the Nephilim the same?
These are the Bloodlines of the Anunnaki ‘Gods … › 2018 › 10 › these-are-the-bloodlines-of-the-anunnaki-gods
1) Caucasoid, or the WHITE races, descend from the Anunnaki, including the Elohiym godhead. And yes, the ancient Israelites, are actually descendants of the Elohiym royal family. 2) African or Negroid, the BLACK races, descend from the evolved Homosapiens and the hybrid created Adams; they are the EVES.
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Who Were the Nephilim? – Annunaki .org › who-were-the-nephilim
Were the Nephilim fallen angels? Were they the children of fallen angels? … Also, works such as Sitchen’s indicate the lost tribes of Israel were brought to south America from the middle east. Keep an eye on archeological discoveries in Atlantis aka Antarctica. … The Annunaki leadership tried to exterminate the result of Enki’s creation …
Fallen Angels | Circle of the Dolphins › category › fallen-angels
Because the grids were actually conditioned by then Annunaki and a way to say this is that this grid was being energized by the blood of human beings, through Blood Covenants and Blood Sacrifice. One of the major grid points of the Golden Eagle is actually in Iran and Iraq, the Middle East and portions of Egypt.
Anunnaki, Nephilim, Atlantis & Archons (Gods or Demons?) › annunaki-nephilim-atlantis-archons
After the scouting mission to Earth, many fleets of Nibiruans came to Earth to begin mining for gold. King Alalu Alalu, a former Anunnaki King, went to earth first and located the gold. Later, two brothers, Enki and Enlil – who happened to be the sons of the Current King and Queen, had the job of mining and sending the gold back to Nibiru.
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The story goes on and takes you to a time when the Annunaki began to intermarry with the new enhanced Adams and later to the time of a world wide flood, from which only a few survived. These Annunaki were considered gods to the Sumerians. ——————————————————————————– But who were they?
Is there a connection between the Anunnaki and the … – Quora › Is-there-a-connection-between-the-Anunnaki-and-the-Nephilim?share=1
The Anunnaki were a fully human tribe of man that grew unusually tall because of imperfect human genetics and organ functions, probably a congeal pituitary anomaly that allows for excessive growth. The Nephilim were hybrids, thus sterile, born to women from their materialized angelic partners. All Nephilim died in the global flood.
The Anunnaki in the Bible – Humans Be Free – Humans Are Free › 2017 › 08 › the-anunnaki-in-the-bible.html
According to these tablets, the Anunnaki, or Anannge, were angels. These were people that were technologically advanced and actually lived on earth around 8200 BC in the Middle East. Ninill and Enlil were at the center of the stories. Ninill was the goddess that ruled over the land, and Enlil was her husband.
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