REALLY HOPE THAT THIS IS OUR TIME (ENDTIME PROPHETIC YEAR) TO GLORIOUSLY RISE AND SHINE, AHMAN!: Please WAKE UP - TAKE HEED - PREPARE NOW For The Rare Blood Red Full Moon *PASSOVER* Concerning The Commencement Of Our Supernatural 2nd Greater Exodus/Holy Redemption Event. Also Please READ MICAH 3RD CH. Which Is Describing Many Spiritually Unwise-Ignorant-Gullible-Feeble Minded People Fearfully Flocked Within So-Called Churches Of Blasphemous Pagan Idolatry While Not Getting The Explaining Words Of Comfort That They Are Desperately Seeking From Their Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Greedy Money Grubbing False Shepherds And Demonic False Prophets (Like Bishop T.D. FAKES And Many Others Who Wickedly Work Deceptively Under The Satanic Baalim Baal White Gay Jesus "So-Called Christianity" False Religion) During An Ultra-Cataclysmic Time Of War Falsely Instigated Against IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM Who Are Not Affiliated With Barack HUSSEIN Obama's Murderous Worldwide Terrorist Organization Called ISIS (As The Highly Deceptive Sinister Dystopian NWO DEMONCRATIC ROGUE UN AGENTS + Their VILE ALPHABET AGENCIES CRONIES Falsely Chant That There Will Be Peace But Instead There Will Be Major Instigated Blame Game Wars FIRING UP) Around The Ultra-Chaotic Time When The Sun Suddenly Goes Dim In Broad Daylight And The Sky Turns Dark Over Their Heads, PLEASE READ MICAH 3RD CH., AHMAN!: Please Be Aware That The Extraordinarily Energetic Ultra-Cataclysmic Opening Of The Metaphysical First Seal/1st Chakrah/The Earth's First Main Energy Vortex Is Imminent Including The Extraordinarily Energetic Ultra-Catastrophic Opening Of The Windows-Wormholes Of Heaven That's Directly Connected To The Unstoppable Sudden Increased Influx-Flow Of THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL'S HEAVENLY "SPIRIT TRAIN" That Will Vigorously Shake The Heavens Above And The Earth Below Causing The Sudden Amplification Of Necessary Corrective Transformative Worldwide Extreme Climate Changes Above And Below, Commencing With The "Beginning Of Sorrows/Spiritual Labor Pains" While The *SPIRITUALLY POWERED* Harmonic Resonance Of The Earth Amplifies At A Faster Rate As The Current Celestial Age Of Warring Pisces Ultra-Cataclysmically Transitions (With An Epic Record Shattering Cyclical 500 Year Zodiacal GEOSTORM As The Remaining Approximately 4 Years Close Out This Current 500 Year Zodiac Cycle With Corrective Re-Orientations Of The Heavenly Bodies As The Celestial*Cosmic Time Clock Above Changes) To The Extraordinarily Bright Eternally Peaceful Celestial Age Of Aquarius Concerning The Glorious Outpoured SPIRIT OF THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL Who Will Ultimately Cause Us Faithful Few Known As The HOLY WHEAT (We Are Also Called The Holy 1/3rd Remnant Including The Holy Chosen Elect Ones) To Manifest The Glorious Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth From Deep Within Us Righteous Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites (Because We Cleary Focused Ones Are The Main Metaphysically Opened *Spiritual EYE Projectors* Of HOLY HEAVENLY REALITY That Will Supernaturally Burn Away The Temporal Satanic Fallen World Dimensional "Veiled Matrix" Of Mass Deceptions-Delusions-Illusions-Lies Which Will Be Destroyed, As We Glorious Manifest The HOLY LIVING WORD OF LOVE-TRUTH That's Harmonically Resonating Within Us) Who Have Been Given The *SPIRITUAL POWER* To Become Holy Glorified Sons Of Our HEAVENLY FATHER Through HIS FIRST BEGOTTEN SON CHRIST THE ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH WITH ETERNAL EMPOWERMENT THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF LOVE-TRUTH, PLEASE REMEMBER PSALMS 82:6 + SAINT LUKE 17TH CH. + ISAIAH 60TH CH. + THE BOOK OF ENOCH + THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, AHMAN. SELAH
REALLY HOPE THAT THIS IS OUR TIME (ENDTIME PROPHETIC YEAR) TO GLORIOUSLY RISE AND SHINE, AHMAN!: Please WAKE UP – TAKE HEED - PREPARE NOW For The Rare Blood Red Full Moon *PASSOVER* Concerning The Commencement Of Our Supernatural 2nd Greater Exodus/Holy Redemption Event. Also Please READ MICAH 3RD CH. Which Is Describing Many Spiritually Unwise-Ignorant-Gullible-Feeble Minded People Fearfully Flocked Within So-Called Churches Of Blasphemous Pagan Idolatry While Not Getting The Explaining Words Of Comfort That They Are Desperately Seeking From Their Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Greedy Money Grubbing False Shepherds And Demonic False Prophets (Like Bishop T.D. FAKES And Many Others Who Wickedly Work Deceptively Under The Satanic Baalim Baal White Gay Jesus “So-Called Christianity” False Religion) During An Ultra-Cataclysmic Time Of War Falsely Instigated Against IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM Who Are Not Affiliated With Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Murderous Worldwide Terrorist Organization Called ISIS (As The Highly Deceptive Sinister Dystopian NWO DEMONCRATIC ROGUE UN AGENTS + Their VILE ALPHABET AGENCIES CRONIES Falsely Chant That There Will Be Peace But Instead There Will Be Major Instigated Blame Game Wars FIRING UP) Around The Ultra-Chaotic Time When The Sun Suddenly Goes Dim In Broad Daylight And The Sky Turns Dark Over Their Heads, PLEASE READ MICAH 3RD CH., AHMAN!: Please Be Aware That The Extraordinarily Energetic Ultra-Cataclysmic Opening Of The Metaphysical First Seal/1st Chakrah/The Earth’s First Main Energy Vortex Is Imminent Including The Extraordinarily Energetic Ultra-Catastrophic Opening Of The Windows-Wormholes Of Heaven That’s Directly Connected To The Unstoppable Sudden Increased Influx-Flow Of THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL’S HEAVENLY “SPIRIT TRAIN” That Will Vigorously Shake The Heavens Above And The Earth Below Causing The Sudden Amplification Of Necessary Corrective Transformative Worldwide Extreme Climate Changes Above And Below, Commencing With The “Beginning Of Sorrows/Spiritual Labor Pains” While The *SPIRITUALLY POWERED* Harmonic Resonance Of The Earth Amplifies At A Faster Rate As The Current Celestial Age Of Warring Pisces Ultra-Cataclysmically Transitions (With An Epic Record Shattering Cyclical 500 Year Zodiacal GEOSTORM As The Remaining Approximately 4 Years Close Out This Current 500 Year Zodiac Cycle With Corrective Re-Orientations Of The Heavenly Bodies As The Celestial*Cosmic Time Clock Above Changes) To The Extraordinarily Bright Eternally Peaceful Celestial Age Of Aquarius Concerning The Glorious Outpoured SPIRIT OF THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL Who Will Ultimately Cause Us Faithful Few Known As The HOLY WHEAT (We Are Also Called The Holy 1/3rd Remnant Including The Holy Chosen Elect Ones) To Manifest The Glorious Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth From Deep Within Us Righteous Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites (Because We Cleary Focused Ones Are The Main Metaphysically Opened *Spiritual EYE Projectors* Of HOLY HEAVENLY REALITY That Will Supernaturally Burn Away The Temporal Satanic Fallen World Dimensional “Veiled Matrix” Of Mass Deceptions-Delusions-Illusions-Lies Which Will Be Destroyed, As We Glorious Manifest The HOLY LIVING WORD OF LOVE-TRUTH That’s Harmonically Resonating Within Us) Who Have Been Given The *SPIRITUAL POWER* To Become Holy Glorified Sons Of Our HEAVENLY FATHER Through HIS FIRST BEGOTTEN SON CHRIST THE ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH WITH ETERNAL EMPOWERMENT THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF LOVE-TRUTH, PLEASE REMEMBER PSALMS 82:6 + SAINT LUKE 17TH CH. + ISAIAH 60TH CH. + THE BOOK OF ENOCH + THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, AHMAN. SELAH
Newest Stories
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I (for real) have countless times been abducted out of my physical body and taken onto their crafts by Alien Greys.
I (for real) have countless times been Militarily Abducted out of my body to military bases. Including my being fitted with an astral tracking chip implant. They wanted me dead.
I (for real) have battled alien greys on the Astral Realm.
I (for real) was warned that the Aliens are incoming on the physical.
No-one on Earth must trust the Aliens.
Do not comply with the Aliens commands.
Aliens are not your True Creators or Saviours.
Jesus Christ and Almighty God The One True Most High Father Original Source Uncreated Creator God are really real and are your True Saviour and True Creator.
August 1993: I had my own personal private “rapture” while conscious and walking to work.
My soul was taken up by Jesus Christ to Heaven to stand before HIM.
I was given a choice.
HE spoke telepathically asking if I wished to stay in Heaven or return to Earth.
I asked (and was allowed) to be returned to Earth to tell everyone that Heaven was real.
The only place left for me to go to was to HELL itself.
October 2003 – I successfully broke through into THE BLACK LIQUID GOO OF HELL – which I barely survived – and returned back again to Earth.
My TWIN FLAME (wife) and I instantly “merged” souls AS ONE with each other – and then we “merged” souls AS ONE with GOD HIMSELF – and then GOD “ASCENDED” copies of our souls across in a tsunami wave of elation to GODS GOLDEN REALM “HOME” of Timeless Infinite Orgasmic Love Bliss Peace Happiness Joy Glory Ecstasy Forever!
My wife and I today currently reside in TWO PLACES AT ONCE…
(1) WE are with THE ONE TRUE MOST HIGH GOD HIMSELF in HIS Paradise Kingdom.
(2) WE are here alive on Planet Earth.
WE will FULLY “ASCEND” to GOD at the very END!
True Story!
Take care all!
God bless all!
There are two gods…
(god #2) Satan The False god of this world.
(God #1) Almighty God The One True Most High Father Original Source Uncreated Creator God of Timeless Infinite Unconditional Love and Happiness, Forever.
(Almighty God keeps Satan the false god in line by kicking him occasionally).
Almighty God created “The False god Satan” to temporarily rule over this “Dark Matrix Prison Planet Earth” until Jesus Christ very soon returns to “rapture” everyone home to the next world, to the real world, to an almost identical earth-like world the “ASTRAL REALM (DREAM WORLD) AFTERLIFE REALM” where your loved ones, family, relatives, pets, friends, neighbours and EVERYONE who ever lived on Earth including JESUS CHRIST and ALMIGHTY FATHER GOD and ALMIGHTY MOTHER GOD SOPHIA already exist in their immortal human astral body forms and in their eternal spirit forms!
True story!
Take care all!
God bless all!
This world is a satanic dark matrix prison planet simulation.
Rapture by Jesus Christ and Ascension by Almighty Father God and by Almighty Mother God Sophia is very soon happening
You will wake up in the real world (which is an almost identical earthlike world existing in the “Astral realm dream world afterlife realm”) in your real immortal body.
You will be joyously reunited with your immortal loved ones, pets, family, relatives, friends and with everyone who ever lived.
A very small few will “merge” spiritually “As One” with Almighty God Himself and then they will spiritually “Ascend” to The One True Most High Father Original Source Uncreated Creator GOD to live in GODS PURE GOLDEN SPIRITUAL PARADISE KINGDOM HOME in Timeless Infinite Eternal Multidimensional Universe Shattering Orgasmic Unconditional Love Bliss Peace Power Joy Glory Ecstasy Happiness and Contentment Forever!
True story!
Take care all!
God bless all!
2021: I met and spoke with (a white guy with brown hair and beard and wearing a white robe) “Jesus Christ Himself” in the Astral Realm in His human astral body form.
I also met and spoke with “Almighty Father God Himself” in His human astral body form as a 100% male who held up His hand in the air showing me a tracking chip (which I knew that the “Satanic Deep State Swamp” had earlier placed in my neck).
His words to me were “THEY WANTED YOU DEAD!”
I then watched as GOD sat on the floor lowered His head and His features sagged and in just a couple of seconds He “shape-shifted” before my very eyes into His 100% female form of “Almighty Mother God Sophia Herself” a tanned topless dark haired girl in a black bikini.
Almighty Mother God Sophia also appeared and spoke to me in the Astral Realm in Her Own True Gorgeous Divine Female Voice And In Her True Female Spirit Form as a “Brilliant White Light”!
True story!
Take care!
God bless!