PLEASE WATCHOUT For Yourselves And Others Especially After SUNSET Because IT'S CHOCO-TACO-TUESDAY (Primarily Black-Melanated-Chocolate People Of Color Are The Major Targets Of Vehemently Unmerciful Hatred By The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Dystopian NWO Lower Powers That Be/EVIL SPIRITS And Their Diabolical Fleshly Minions Who Know That We Are The Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED Bearing Children Of The MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL Who Spiritually Made Us AB+ Blood Type 12 Tribes Of HEBREWS-NEGROES-PRIESTS-KINGS-YISRAELITES The Rarest Most Precious Highest Classed People On Earth Called The GOLD With Our Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Gentiles Brothers And Sisters Being Classed As The Lower Ranking SILVER But Still Precious To Our HEAVENLY FATHER Who Will Also Supernaturally Heal Them As We Righteously Rise And Shine As Real gods, Please READ DEUTERONOMY 7TH CH. + 2ND ESDRAS 6TH CH. APOCRYPHA TEXTS + PSALMS 82:6 + THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, Who Are The Main Focus Of Many Vile Cursed Races Of EVIL SEED Bearing Non-Indigenous Highly Genetically Corrupted Snow White Leprous Cursed Mutated Hybrids/MANKIND Heathens/TARES-Including Evil White Men Cunningly Dipped In Chocolate Having Their EVIL SEED Carriers Coated In Lower Grade Genetically Passed On Melanin From Indigenous Women Who Were Raped In Large Numbers And Many Were To Unwise In Regards To Erroneously Birthing Forth The Evil White Men's Vile Mixed Seed Inferior Degraded Genetic Melanin Bearing Children As Evil Imposters Known As TARES That Satan Sinisterly Sowed Among The Indigenous Wheat. But REMEMBER That It' Hard To Visibly Tell The Difference By Appearance Between An Indigenous Wheat And A Non-Indigenous Tare. The Unnatural Tares Deceptively Look Like Us Real Indigenous Wheat People, But Are Still Actually EVIL SEEDS/Vile Mixed Hybrids/Doomed Races Of The Wicked Cursed White Men Who Satan's Economic System Is More Favorable To And A Major Reason Why Many Of Our Indigenous People Are Being Deceptively Lead Astray While Struggling Hard Against The Grain Waisting Time To Vainly Live Worldly Like Them Because They Don't Recognize Their Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Fleshly Enemies Staring Them Right In Their Faces As The Impostors Cunningly Hide Behind A Deceptive Mask Of Genetically Passed Down Melanin Which Can't Hide Their Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic EVIL SEED Recessive Mutative DNA/Genes From Our HEAVENLY FATHER Who Clearly Sees And Knows Who The TARES Really Are No Matter How Many Times They Have Deceptively Dipped Themselves Into Chocolate So To Speak, But You All Better Wake Up And Recognize Your Enemies Before It's Too Late), PREPARE NOW BECAUSE HORRIFIC NIGHTMARISH 911s ARE IMMINENT!: WAKE UP - TAKE HEED -Righteously Open Your EYEs Sheeple, Please Be Aware That 501-C3 Sinister Dystopian NWO Pagan Idolatrous So-Called Churches Are "DEATH TRAPS" And Covert FEMA ROUNDUP CENTERS That Are Going To Be Temporarily Full Of Fearful Panic Stricken Sleepyheaded Sheeple Who Will Be Quickly Destroyed Within These Vile Mega-Churches Sinisterly Headed By Many False Shepherds-False Prophets-Greedy Money Grubbers That Didn't Warn Them, Who Just Mainly Care About Themselves While Deceptively Doing Things Publically To Make It Seem Like They Are Good People But Are Actually Ministers Of Darkness. Also They Will Cunningly Lure Many Desperate People Into These Giant Corrals Leading To Large Numbers Of Them Being Forcefully Rounded Up In Mass From These Evil Unholy Places Of Unrighteousness Because Most Sheeple Unwisely Refuse To Wake Up, Clearly Recognize Their Enemies, And Truely Put All Of Their Trust In The MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL! PLEASE REMEMBER PSALMS 91ST CH., CONCERNING IMMINENT "TERRORS BY NIGHT" THAT WILL CAUSE MANY FEAR AND PANIC STRICKEN SHEEPLE TO UNWISELY RUSH INTO PAGAN IDOLATROUS SO-CALLED CHURCHES (Especially The Large Membership Vile Mega-Churches) UNDER 501-C3 GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS FOR FIERY "NOONDAY DESTRUCTION"! BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING SLEEPYHEADED SHEEPLE YOU NEED TO WAKE UP - TAKE HEED - REPENT- WISE UP - STAY SOBER - SHOW LOVE - PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT'S TO LATE, PLEASE REMEMBER THE REVELATION 17TH CH. JUDGEMENTS INVOLVING MASSIVE WIDESPREAD ISIS RELATED MEGA-TERRORIST ATTACKS INCLUDING SINISTER FALLEN ANGEL'S HIGHLY ADVANCED *LOW VIBE* TESLA TECHNOLOGIES POWERED UNNATURAL MEGA-DISASTERS PURPOSELY TARGETING THE HIGHLY VULNERABLE GODFORESAKEN USA/MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT COUPLED WITH THE FIRST SEAL OPENING WHITE HORSE JUDGEMENTS INVOLVING BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA-THE SINISTERLY GAY MUSLIM RIDER-CONQUEROR OF NATIONS CUNNINGLY MOUNTED UPON THE APOCALYPTIC WHITE HORSE WITH A MULTI-CAPABILITY WORLDWIDE NUCLEAR WEAPONS SYSTEMS LAUNCHING "BOW" IN HIS VILE MURDEROUS BLOODY HANDS, WORKING FEVERISHLY FOR THE SINISTER FALLEN ANGEL god Of WAR KNOWN AS NERGAL-ALLAH WHICH THROUGH HIS PUPPET BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA INCLUDING HIS WORLDWIDE CRIME SYNDICATE WILL HORRIFICALLY DESTROY THE GODFORESAKEN USA/MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT AND IT'S 12 STRONG ALLIES-WINGS-WATCHDOG SECTORS CAUSING THE WICKED WORLD BULLY ROMAN EDOMITE US EAGLE GOVERNMENT TO BE GREATLY INCAPACITATED AND UNABLE TO EFFECTIVELY FIGHT DURING INSTIGATED FULL SCALE NUCLEAR WW3 THAT IT WILL CERTAINLY LOSE AS PROPHESIED LONG AGO WHICH INCLUDES ITS COMPLETE SUPERNATURAL ULTRA-CATACLYSMIC FIERY HELLISH WRATHFUL UTTER DESTRUCTION THAT CAN'T BE PUT OFF! PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THE SO-CALLED AMERICAN DREAM (DOOMED ILL-FATED FANTASY WHICH MOST WORLDLY PEOPLE UNWISELY HAVE ENVISIONED IN THEIR FEEBLE WICKED MINDS OF INSANE PAGAN IDOLATRY) WILL QUICKLY BECOME A *LIVING DEAD* ZOMBIE INFESTED HORRIFIC NIGHTMARE WAY BEYOND THEIR WORST DREAMS! BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING SLEEPYHEADED SHEEPLE BECUASE YOUR FRAGILE VAIN LIVES ARE ABOUT TO CHANGE DRASTICALLY IN *RAPID FIRE* SUCCESSION, PLEASE REMEMBER THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, AHMAN. SELAH
PLEASE *WATCHOUT* For Yourselves And Others Especially After SUNSET Because IT’S CHOCO-TACO-TUESDAY (Primarily Black-Melanated-Chocolate People Of Color Are The Major Targets Of Vehemently Unmerciful Hatred By The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Dystopian NWO Lower Powers That Be/EVIL SPIRITS And Their Diabolical Fleshly Minions Who Know That We Are The Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED Bearing Children Of The MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL Who Spiritually Made Us AB+ Blood Type 12 Tribes Of HEBREWS-NEGROES-PRIESTS-KINGS-YISRAELITES The Rarest Most Precious Highest Classed People On Earth Called The GOLD With Our Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Gentiles Brothers And Sisters Being Classed As The Lower Ranking SILVER But Still Precious To Our HEAVENLY FATHER Who Will Also Supernaturally Heal Them As We Righteously Rise And Shine As Real gods, Please READ DEUTERONOMY 7TH CH. + 2ND ESDRAS 6TH CH. APOCRYPHA TEXTS + PSALMS 82:6 + THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, Who Are The Main Focus Of Many Vile Cursed Races Of EVIL SEED Bearing Non-Indigenous Highly Genetically Corrupted Snow White Leprous Cursed Mutated Hybrids/MANKIND Heathens/TARES-Including Evil White Men Cunningly Dipped In Chocolate Having Their EVIL SEED Carriers Coated In Lower Grade Genetically Passed On Melanin From Indigenous Women Who Were Raped In Large Numbers And Many Were To Unwise In Regards To Erroneously Birthing Forth The Evil White Men’s Vile Mixed Seed Inferior Degraded Genetic Melanin Bearing Children As Evil Imposters Known As TARES That Satan Sinisterly Sowed Among The Indigenous Wheat. But REMEMBER That It’ Hard To Visibly Tell The Difference By Appearance Between An Indigenous Wheat And A Non-Indigenous Tare. The Unnatural Tares Deceptively Look Like Us Real Indigenous Wheat People, But Are Still Actually EVIL SEEDS/Vile Mixed Hybrids/Doomed Races Of The Wicked Cursed White Men Who Satan’s Economic System Is More Favorable To And A Major Reason Why Many Of Our Indigenous People Are Being Deceptively Lead Astray While Struggling Hard Against The Grain Waisting Time To Vainly Live Worldly Like Them Because They Don’t Recognize Their Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Fleshly Enemies Staring Them Right In Their Faces As The Impostors Cunningly Hide Behind A Deceptive Mask Of Genetically Passed Down Melanin Which Can’t Hide Their Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic EVIL SEED Recessive Mutative DNA/Genes From Our HEAVENLY FATHER Who Clearly Sees And Knows Who The TARES Really Are No Matter How Many Times They Have Deceptively Dipped Themselves Into Chocolate So To Speak, But You All Better Wake Up And Recognize Your Enemies Before It’s Too Late), PREPARE NOW BECAUSE HORRIFIC NIGHTMARISH 911s ARE IMMINENT!: WAKE UP – TAKE HEED -Righteously Open Your EYEs Sheeple, Please Be Aware That 501-C3 Sinister Dystopian NWO Pagan Idolatrous So-Called Churches Are “DEATH TRAPS” And Covert FEMA ROUNDUP CENTERS That Are Going To Be Temporarily Full Of Fearful Panic Stricken Sleepyheaded Sheeple Who Will Be Quickly Destroyed Within These Vile Mega-Churches Sinisterly Headed By Many False Shepherds-False Prophets-Greedy Money Grubbers That Didn’t Warn Them, Who Just Mainly Care About Themselves While Deceptively Doing Things Publically To Make It Seem Like They Are Good People But Are Actually Ministers Of Darkness. Also They Will Cunningly Lure Many Desperate People Into These Giant Corrals Leading To Large Numbers Of Them Being Forcefully Rounded Up In Mass From These Evil Unholy Places Of Unrighteousness Because Most Sheeple Unwisely Refuse To Wake Up, Clearly Recognize Their Enemies, And Truely Put All Of Their Trust In The MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL! PLEASE REMEMBER PSALMS 91ST CH., CONCERNING IMMINENT “TERRORS BY NIGHT” THAT WILL CAUSE MANY FEAR AND PANIC STRICKEN SHEEPLE TO UNWISELY RUSH INTO PAGAN IDOLATROUS SO-CALLED CHURCHES (Especially The Large Membership Vile Mega-Churches) UNDER 501-C3 GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS FOR FIERY “NOONDAY DESTRUCTION”! BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING SLEEPYHEADED SHEEPLE YOU NEED TO WAKE UP – TAKE HEED – REPENT- WISE UP – STAY SOBER – SHOW LOVE – PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT’S TO LATE, PLEASE REMEMBER THE REVELATION 17TH CH. JUDGEMENTS INVOLVING MASSIVE WIDESPREAD ISIS RELATED MEGA-TERRORIST ATTACKS INCLUDING SINISTER FALLEN ANGEL’S HIGHLY ADVANCED *LOW VIBE* TESLA TECHNOLOGIES POWERED UNNATURAL MEGA-DISASTERS PURPOSELY TARGETING THE HIGHLY VULNERABLE GODFORESAKEN USA/MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT COUPLED WITH THE FIRST SEAL OPENING WHITE HORSE JUDGEMENTS INVOLVING BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA-THE SINISTERLY GAY MUSLIM RIDER-CONQUEROR OF NATIONS CUNNINGLY MOUNTED UPON THE APOCALYPTIC WHITE HORSE WITH A MULTI-CAPABILITY WORLDWIDE NUCLEAR WEAPONS SYSTEMS LAUNCHING “BOW” IN HIS VILE MURDEROUS BLOODY HANDS, WORKING FEVERISHLY FOR THE SINISTER FALLEN ANGEL god Of WAR KNOWN AS NERGAL-ALLAH WHICH THROUGH HIS PUPPET BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA INCLUDING HIS WORLDWIDE CRIME SYNDICATE WILL HORRIFICALLY DESTROY THE GODFORESAKEN USA/MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT AND IT’S 12 STRONG ALLIES-WINGS-WATCHDOG SECTORS CAUSING THE WICKED WORLD BULLY ROMAN EDOMITE US EAGLE GOVERNMENT TO BE GREATLY INCAPACITATED AND UNABLE TO EFFECTIVELY FIGHT DURING INSTIGATED FULL SCALE NUCLEAR WW3 THAT IT WILL CERTAINLY LOSE AS PROPHESIED LONG AGO WHICH INCLUDES ITS COMPLETE SUPERNATURAL ULTRA-CATACLYSMIC FIERY HELLISH WRATHFUL UTTER DESTRUCTION THAT CAN’T BE PUT OFF! PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THE SO-CALLED AMERICAN DREAM (DOOMED ILL-FATED FANTASY WHICH MOST WORLDLY PEOPLE UNWISELY HAVE ENVISIONED IN THEIR FEEBLE WICKED MINDS OF INSANE PAGAN IDOLATRY) WILL QUICKLY BECOME A *LIVING DEAD* ZOMBIE INFESTED HORRIFIC NIGHTMARE WAY BEYOND THEIR WORST DREAMS! BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING SLEEPYHEADED SHEEPLE BECUASE YOUR FRAGILE VAIN LIVES ARE ABOUT TO CHANGE DRASTICALLY IN *RAPID FIRE* SUCCESSION, PLEASE REMEMBER THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, AHMAN. SELAH
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