THE SEPTEMBER-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R ECONOMIC RESET IS IMMINENT! Soon Many Of You Sleepyheaded Sheeple Will Know Why You Can't Wear White After Labor Day Without Getting Bloody, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING! The Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic DEMONCRATS Of The Sinister Dystopian NWO Are Not Actually Forgiving Your Debts But Instead It's Really About A Covert BIG ECONOMIC SWITCH Under Eminent Domain Credit-Debt Default Non-Payment Protocols Going Into Effect, GET READY FOR SEPTEMBER-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Because Ultra-Chaotic ECONOMIC RESET Is Imminent Sleepyheaded Sheeple!: Students Throughout The Godforesaken USA Are Ignorantly Happy About The So-Called Student Loan Debt Forgiveness But Have No Clue As To What It Really Means For MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT (Get Ready For A Pre-Planned Severe Economic Crash And The Covert BIG ECONOMIC SWITCH To The Short Lived NESARA/GESARA Gold Standard Economic Recovery System Protocols Cunningly Designed To Secure The Vast Assets Of The Sinisterly Rich Bankers-Major Stock Investors-Big Business Corporation Owners-Vile Slave Masters Evil Generational Children, But REMEMBER THE BOOK OF JAMES 5TH CH. JUDGEMENTS + THE REVELATION 18TH CH. JUDGEMENTS + THE 4 APOCALYPTIC HORSES OF JUDGEMENTS + THE ISAIAH 47TH CH. JUDGEMENTS + THE 1ST THESSALONIANS 5TH CH. JUDGEMENTS, Because Their So-Called Economic Safety Contingency Plan To Covertly Secure Their Vast Assets-Riches-Gold-Silver Won't Work Out For Them Very Long Because It Will All Suddenly Go Up In Profuse Smoke As Supernatural Pure Fire Ultra-Powerful Ultra-Inductive Ultra-Deep Penetrating Plasma Arc Lightning Bolts Coupled With Pure Elemental Sulphur Brimstone-Fiery Inextinguishable Hell Stones Torrential Rain Down Upon The Extremely Fraudulent Slave Trading-Buying-Selling Titanic US EAGLE Government Corporation NY Worldwide Stock Exchange Market Mercantile Economic System Headquarters In NY CITY Utterly Burning It All Down Including The Entire Sinisterly Evil Sodom And Gomorrah Like City Of Vile Abominations, Please REMEMBER GENE-SIS 19TH CH., Involving The Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Unavoidable Ultimate Fiery Hellish Wrathful Destruction Of The Wicked World Bully ROMAN EDOMITE US EAGLE GOVERNMENT Economic System Of Major Fraud, *GAME OVER*, REMEMBER That Russia And Its Remaining Strong Allies Won't Be The Ones Who Will Do This, But Instead Its The Supernaturally Controlled Judgements Of The MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL That Far Surpasses Any Nuclear Weapons Capabilities No Matter How Technologically Advanced These Sinister Fallen Angels' "Witty Inventions" May Be, So Don't Believe The Coming Big Lies Of Instigated Major False Blame That Russia, China, And Their Strong Allies Did It Because This Is Not True, REMEMBER That The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO Lower Powers That Be Want Instigated Full Scale Nuclear WW3 To Furiously Flare Up Against The Godforesaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Because The Head Indigenous Tribe Of Judah/Yudah Is Temporarily Within Its Vile Borders (But REMEMBER JEREMIAH 14TH CH.) And We Are Against Their Sinister Dystopian NWO And The Wicked World Bully Roman Edomite US EAGLE Government Of ESAU Also Temporarily Stands In Their Way Of The Sinister Establishment Of A Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO Small Kingdom Of Upoar Which Is Far More Wicked Than The Godforesaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great, But REMEMBER That All Evil Governments-Kings-Rulers-Kingdoms Of Extremely Sinful Rebellion Against THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL Will Be Horrifically Utterly Destroyed By HIM Working Through HIS Holy Creations And By Causing HIS Enemies To Fight Against Each Other While Gradually Destroying Themselves In The Extremely Bloody Process Of Their Extermination! Please Be Aware "THEY" Always Have A Ulterior Motives Of MASS DECEPTIONS-DELUSIONS-ILLUSIONS-LIES-FALSE FLAG ATTACKS And The So-Called Student Loan Debt Forgiveness Is No Exception Because It's Actually A Clever Disguise-Cryptic Code For An Imminent ECONOMIC RESET With Extremely Troublesome Effects For Most People Leading Due To The Coming Severe Economic Crash With The Loss Of All Foreign Credit-Debt Issuance From Primarily CHINA Which Is Owed Insane Amounts Including Other Foreign Creditors-Major Stock Investors-Slave Traders*Buyers*Sellers-Sinisterly Rich Bankers-Big Business Corporation Owners-Ect. Who Feel Like They Can Do Whatever To The Broke-Busted-Disgusted-Burdened People In Heavy Debt Under Them, REMEMBER The So-Called "$QUID GAME" And Many Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Duress Being Extremely Deep In Debt Unable To Pat It All Off Due To The USA's Imminent Major Economic Woes And Large Numbers Of Them Being Quickly Transported To "DEBTORS PRISONS"/GIANT FEMA CAMP CORRALS OF HIGHLY MUTATIVE DEATH INSIDE OF WHICH MANY SPIRITUALLY UNWISE-IGNORANT-GULLIBLE-FEEBLE MINDED WICKED HEARTED UNREPENTANT PARASITIC SLEEPYHEADED SHEEPLE-PEOPLE-CIVILIANS-LIVE SLAVE ECONOMIC ASSETS WILL BE SATANICALLY BRANDED/MARKED LIKE CATTLE UNDER THE SINISTER ROGUE UN NON-PEACEKEEPING WORLDWIDE MANDATED ENFORCED REQUIREMENT MANDATORY *ULTIMATE EUGENICS PROGRAM* OF HIGHLY MUTATIVE DEATH INVOLVING SATAN'S EXTREMELY DECEPTIVE IRREVERSIBLE LUCIFERASE-LUCIFERIN GLOWING VISIBLE IDENTIFICATION *INTERNAL + EXTERNAL* MARK OF THE BEAST-CHIMERA-VAMPIRE 666 TOTAL DNA CORRUPTION *GENETIC + MENTAL* REPROGRAMMING NEGATIVE CELLULAR IMMUNOTHERAPY BIOMETRIC EXTREME TRANSHUMANISM ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HBRIDIZATION NANOTECHNOLOGIES (EMERGENCY ECONOMIC RECOVERY SYSTEM) PROTOCOLS That Will Be Cunningly Fast Tracked-Pushed-Implemented-Administered As A Highly Deceptive So-Called *FAKE* Miracle Cure-All For All That Ails You, But Don't Fall For Satan's Strong Delusions That Will Horrifically Mutate-Evolve-Turn Many Foolish Unaware Evil People Into Monstrous Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeras Embedded With Satan's Vile Highly Mutative Retroviral MRNA GRAPHENE HYDROXIDE 666 *BLACK GOO* Nanoparticles Nanotechnologies, As Foretold In The CRITICAL WAR-NINGS OF REVELATION 13TH/22ND CHS. Concerning Many Unwise People Erroneously Willfully Taking Part In Extensive *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming While Losing All Humanity And Being Supernaturally CUT OFF From Our HEAVENLY FATHER THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL. So WAKE UP - TAKE HEED - PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE BECAUSE MANY Of EXTREMELY SEVERE SITUATIONS-EVENTS-TROUBLES WILL MANIFEST IN RAPID FIRE SUCCESSION WHICH WILL CATCH MOST PEOPLE TOTALLY OFF GUARD, BEWAR3 WAR-NING, REMEMBER THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION AHMAN. SELAH
THE SEPTEMBER-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R ECONOMIC RESET IS IMMINENT! Soon Many Of You Sleepyheaded Sheeple Will Know Why You Can’t Wear White After Labor Day Without Getting Bloody, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING! The Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic DEMONCRATS Of The Sinister Dystopian NWO Are Not Actually Forgiving Your Debts But Instead It’s Really About A Covert BIG ECONOMIC SWITCH Under Eminent Domain Credit-Debt Default Non-Payment Protocols Going Into Effect, GET READY FOR SEPTEMBER-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Because Ultra-Chaotic ECONOMIC RESET Is Imminent Sleepyheaded Sheeple!: Students Throughout The Godforesaken USA Are Ignorantly Happy About The So-Called Student Loan Debt Forgiveness But Have No Clue As To What It Really Means For MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT (Get Ready For A Pre-Planned Severe Economic Crash And The Covert BIG ECONOMIC SWITCH To The Short Lived NESARA/GESARA Gold Standard Economic Recovery System Protocols Cunningly Designed To Secure The Vast Assets Of The Sinisterly Rich Bankers-Major Stock Investors-Big Business Corporation Owners-Vile Slave Masters Evil Generational Children, But REMEMBER THE BOOK OF JAMES 5TH CH. JUDGEMENTS + THE REVELATION 18TH CH. JUDGEMENTS + THE 4 APOCALYPTIC HORSES OF JUDGEMENTS + THE ISAIAH 47TH CH. JUDGEMENTS + THE 1ST THESSALONIANS 5TH CH. JUDGEMENTS, Because Their So-Called Economic Safety Contingency Plan To Covertly Secure Their Vast Assets-Riches-Gold-Silver Won’t Work Out For Them Very Long Because It Will All Suddenly Go Up In Profuse Smoke As Supernatural Pure Fire Ultra-Powerful Ultra-Inductive Ultra-Deep Penetrating Plasma Arc Lightning Bolts Coupled With Pure Elemental Sulphur Brimstone-Fiery Inextinguishable Hell Stones Torrential Rain Down Upon The Extremely Fraudulent Slave Trading-Buying-Selling Titanic US EAGLE Government Corporation NY Worldwide Stock Exchange Market Mercantile Economic System Headquarters In NY CITY Utterly Burning It All Down Including The Entire Sinisterly Evil Sodom And Gomorrah Like City Of Vile Abominations, Please REMEMBER GENE-SIS 19TH CH., Involving The Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Unavoidable Ultimate Fiery Hellish Wrathful Destruction Of The Wicked World Bully ROMAN EDOMITE US EAGLE GOVERNMENT Economic System Of Major Fraud, *GAME OVER*, REMEMBER That Russia And Its Remaining Strong Allies Won’t Be The Ones Who Will Do This, But Instead Its The Supernaturally Controlled Judgements Of The MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL That Far Surpasses Any Nuclear Weapons Capabilities No Matter How Technologically Advanced These Sinister Fallen Angels’ “Witty Inventions” May Be, So Don’t Believe The Coming Big Lies Of Instigated Major False Blame That Russia, China, And Their Strong Allies Did It Because This Is Not True, REMEMBER That The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO Lower Powers That Be Want Instigated Full Scale Nuclear WW3 To Furiously Flare Up Against The Godforesaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Because The Head Indigenous Tribe Of Judah/Yudah Is Temporarily Within Its Vile Borders (But REMEMBER JEREMIAH 14TH CH.) And We Are Against Their Sinister Dystopian NWO And The Wicked World Bully Roman Edomite US EAGLE Government Of ESAU Also Temporarily Stands In Their Way Of The Sinister Establishment Of A Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO Small Kingdom Of Upoar Which Is Far More Wicked Than The Godforesaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great, But REMEMBER That All Evil Governments-Kings-Rulers-Kingdoms Of Extremely Sinful Rebellion Against THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL Will Be Horrifically Utterly Destroyed By HIM Working Through HIS Holy Creations And By Causing HIS Enemies To Fight Against Each Other While Gradually Destroying Themselves In The Extremely Bloody Process Of Their Extermination! Please Be Aware “THEY” Always Have A Ulterior Motives Of MASS DECEPTIONS-DELUSIONS-ILLUSIONS-LIES-FALSE FLAG ATTACKS And The So-Called Student Loan Debt Forgiveness Is No Exception Because It’s Actually A Clever Disguise-Cryptic Code For An Imminent ECONOMIC RESET With Extremely Troublesome Effects For Most People Leading Due To The Coming Severe Economic Crash With The Loss Of All Foreign Credit-Debt Issuance From Primarily CHINA Which Is Owed Insane Amounts Including Other Foreign Creditors-Major Stock Investors-Slave Traders*Buyers*Sellers-Sinisterly Rich Bankers-Big Business Corporation Owners-Ect. Who Feel Like They Can Do Whatever To The Broke-Busted-Disgusted-Burdened People In Heavy Debt Under Them, REMEMBER The So-Called “$QUID GAME” And Many Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Duress Being Extremely Deep In Debt Unable To Pat It All Off Due To The USA’s Imminent Major Economic Woes And Large Numbers Of Them Being Quickly Transported To “DEBTORS PRISONS”/GIANT FEMA CAMP CORRALS OF HIGHLY MUTATIVE DEATH INSIDE OF WHICH MANY SPIRITUALLY UNWISE-IGNORANT-GULLIBLE-FEEBLE MINDED WICKED HEARTED UNREPENTANT PARASITIC SLEEPYHEADED SHEEPLE-PEOPLE-CIVILIANS-LIVE SLAVE ECONOMIC ASSETS WILL BE SATANICALLY BRANDED/MARKED LIKE CATTLE UNDER THE SINISTER ROGUE UN NON-PEACEKEEPING WORLDWIDE MANDATED ENFORCED REQUIREMENT MANDATORY *ULTIMATE EUGENICS PROGRAM* OF HIGHLY MUTATIVE DEATH INVOLVING SATAN’S EXTREMELY DECEPTIVE IRREVERSIBLE LUCIFERASE-LUCIFERIN GLOWING VISIBLE IDENTIFICATION *INTERNAL + EXTERNAL* MARK OF THE BEAST-CHIMERA-VAMPIRE 666 TOTAL DNA CORRUPTION *GENETIC + MENTAL* REPROGRAMMING NEGATIVE CELLULAR IMMUNOTHERAPY BIOMETRIC EXTREME TRANSHUMANISM ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HBRIDIZATION NANOTECHNOLOGIES (EMERGENCY ECONOMIC RECOVERY SYSTEM) PROTOCOLS That Will Be Cunningly Fast Tracked-Pushed-Implemented-Administered As A Highly Deceptive So-Called *FAKE* Miracle Cure-All For All That Ails You, But Don’t Fall For Satan’s Strong Delusions That Will Horrifically Mutate-Evolve-Turn Many Foolish Unaware Evil People Into Monstrous Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeras Embedded With Satan’s Vile Highly Mutative Retroviral MRNA GRAPHENE HYDROXIDE 666 *BLACK GOO* Nanoparticles Nanotechnologies, As Foretold In The CRITICAL WAR-NINGS OF REVELATION 13TH/22ND CHS. Concerning Many Unwise People Erroneously Willfully Taking Part In Extensive *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming While Losing All Humanity And Being Supernaturally CUT OFF From Our HEAVENLY FATHER THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL. So WAKE UP – TAKE HEED – PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE BECAUSE MANY Of EXTREMELY SEVERE SITUATIONS-EVENTS-TROUBLES WILL MANIFEST IN RAPID FIRE SUCCESSION WHICH WILL CATCH MOST PEOPLE TOTALLY OFF GUARD, BEWAR3 WAR-NING, REMEMBER THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION AHMAN. SELAH
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Well at least you mention Trump is dead, also.
So many hold on to Juan’s tit.
He has proven he can be a psy op and people will still listen to him, like a baby needs a pacifier.
Some people’s time is not valuable, and that’s when you waste it on “mind control” gibberish.
I just observe and shake my head.
I remember when people followed Drake, even when they were told he was a psy op.
Now he’s a page in their history, but they spent years listening to his gibberish.
Those 4th of July fireworks never happeend.
Juan is just the ‘new guy’ doing the same thing, except he sells books and gets donations.
People must love those boots, but no one questions why there isn’t a single secret photo of the guy in the public.
Because someone is controlling this, and the tiddy babies need that pacify-er.