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The Train Derailment Was a Diabolical False Flag Environmental Disaster Chemical Spill Smokescreen to Vainly Try to Obscure Near Future Underworld Portal Reactivations, but That's Not All

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Please Be Aware That Palestine Ohio Is Just One Of Many Paranormal Activity Locations That Have Supernatural Portals Connecting To The Underworld Which Is Populated By Strange Cryptid Creatures, Many Of Which Are Extremely Hostile Due To Sinister Fallen Angels Genetic Infiltrations Including Satan’s Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeran Murderous Bloodthirsty Son Cain Who Wickedly Mixed His Evil Seed With The Upright Walking Indigenous Beast Of The Field Humanoid Creatures That Were Created On The 6th Day Before Adam And Eve But Remember That Due To Their Sinful Fall Massive Widespread Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Corruption Of FLESHLY CELLULAR DNA/GENES Has Occurred Which Has Spawned A Multitude Of Extremely Corrupted Non-Indigenous EVIL SEED Bearing Genetically Hybridized Monstrously Mutated Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeras Many Of Which Have The Recessive Snow White Leprous Cursed Mark Of Cain That The Native Indigenous People Called Folk, Hence The Name FOLKLORE Concerning The Underworld Creatures Which Horrifically Nightmarishly Murderously Plagued Them. Please Remember That The Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncratic Diabolical M.A.D. Scientist Black-Ops Cronies Of Covert Paranormal Agencies Secretly Allied With Sinister Rogue UN Non-Peacekeeping “Project Muto” Cronies-Troops-Agents Under The Extremely Deceptive Disguise Of The E.P.A. (Actually The Environmental Destruction Agency) Have Been Cunningly Trying To Evilly Obscure-Hide-Coverup-Smokescreen-Fake News-Chemical Spills-Environmental Disasters-Cover Stories-Trick People Into Believing Their Diabolical Falsehoods About These Supernatural Paranormal Portal Hot Spots That Actually Have Dormant (Not For Much Longer) And Semi-Active Portals Involving Ancient Sacred Sites Of The Earth’s Vast Nervous System Energy Grid Of Ley Lines, Energy Vortexes, And Portals Which Are Gradually Becoming Fully Active Again, But That Also Means That Many Strange Weird Freaky Horrific Nightmarish Cryptid Creatures Will Start Crossing Over Into Our Dimension From The Underworld First, Then The 6 Other Plasma Domed Heavens Of The Earth, Then From Innerspace Above As The Earth Continues To Vigorously Power Back Up Involving The Unstoppable *Spiritually Powered* Supernatural Influx-Flow Of Extra-Solar Heavenly Celestial Cosmic Spiritual DNA-WORD Bearing Energy With Gradually Increasing Extraordinarily Powerful Ultra-Inductive Ultra-Deep Penetrating Ultra-High Frequency Ultra-High Amplitude UV Light Energy Radiation SHOCKWAVES With Dynamic Ultra-Cataclysmic Earth Shaking Effects Above And Below Concerning The Sudden Intensification Of Necessary Corrective Transformative Ultra-Cataclysmic Worldwide Extreme Climate Changes Above And Below, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Don’t Let Them Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncrats Bastards Of The E.P.A. And Other Evil Alphabet Agency Cronies Lie To You Because Our Indigenous Earth Is Spiritually Ascending While Gradually Increasing Its Inductive Harmonic Resonance Good Vibrations While Also Gradually Increasing It’s Vibratory Spiritual Power Influx-Flow Above And Below Because THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL FORETOLD IN HIS ENDTIME PROPHECIES THAT “ONCE AGAIN I WILL SHAKE THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH” Involving It Gradually Resetting – With Worldwide Upheavals – Back To It’s Original Uncorrupted Holy GENE-SIS Heavenly State Of Right Order Above And Below As We Righteously Go Back To The BASE-X Involving The Eternal Holy Crossing Of Heaven And Earth Which Is The APOCALYPTIC PURE GENEOUS OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL WHO WILL CERTAINLY MAKE THE INDIGENOUS EARTH FULL OF HIS ETERNAL SPIRIT CONCERNING EXTRAORDINARILY BRIGHT ETERNALLY PEACEFUL HEAVEN BEING GLORIOUSLY MANIFESTED ON EARTH ABOVE AND BELOW, PLEASE REMEMBER THE BOOK OF ENOCH + ISAIAH 30:26 + ISAIAH 60TH/61ST CHS. + THE ENTIRE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, AHMAN. SELAH › helltown-ohioWhy Helltown, Ohio More Than Lives Up To Its Name – All That’s Interesting

Helltown is actually just a nickname for a part of Boston Township in Summit County, Ohio. The residents of the area were indeed forced to abandon their homes by the federal government, but not because of a chemical spill or supernatural coverup. With national concerns about deforestation in full swing, in 1974 President Gerald Ford approved … › polluted-ghost-townsPolluted Ghost Towns Caused By Horrible Environmental Disasters

A fiery coal mine has caused acrid smoke to rise from the depths of Centralia, Pennsylvania for half a century. Since 1980, the town’s population fell from 1,000 citizens to just eight. As with so many struggling and all-but abandoned U.S. towns today, the coal business both made Centralia what it was and brought about its demise. › 10-of-the-worlds-most-dangeous-toxic-ghost…10 Of The World’s Most Dangerous Toxic Ghost Towns – Gizmodo

Fukushima Exclusion Zone: The tragic earthquake that rocked the Fukushima nuclear power plant in 2011 forced the evacuation of nearby towns, and Namie-machi remains a ghost town within the… › article › 24518 › toxic-towns-6-cases…Toxic Towns: 6 Cases of Polluted Places | Mental Floss

Copper mining in Montana went on for a hundred years before the Anaconda Mining Company began taking ore by the method of mountaintop removal in the 1950s. They shut down operations in 1983,… › connorrdunlap › paranormal-small-towns-that…15 Paranormal Small Towns That Will Freak You The Fuck Out – BuzzFeed

Athens, Ohio: This unnerving town was formerly the home to the Athens Lunatic Asylum. Via Flickr: sent from the past, Via Flickr: almost infamous The asylum was open for over 120 years before finally… › this-missouri-town-was-so-polluted-the-epa…This Missouri town was so polluted the EPA just bought it and … – Medium

EPA workers in hazmat suits test for dioxin in Times Beach, Missouri, after the flood of 1982. (AP Photo/James A. Finley) T he town of Times Beach was established in 1925 as part of a newspaper promotion. The St. Louis Star-Times offered a six-month subscription for buyers of a $67.50 plot of land (two such plots were needed to build a house). It was marketed as an escape for city folk from St … › 2017 › 06 › 16 › top-10-toxic-ghost-townsTop 10 Toxic Ghost Towns – Listverse

1 Centralia, Pennsylvania. In 1962, officials decided to burn a huge pile of trash at Centralia’s dump. Unfortunately, the town’s dump—and much of the town—was located on top of an abandoned coal mine. After the fire had consumed the trash, it ignited the leftover coal. The fire began to spread throughout the mines. › news › epa-earth-day-cleveland-cuyahoga-river…The Shocking River Fire That Fueled the Creation of the EPA

The Shocking River Fire That Fueled the Creation of the EPA When Cleveland’s Cuyahoga River burned, the nation noticed. Erin Blakemore Updated: Dec 1, 2020 Original: Apr 22, 2019 Alfred… › list › most-toxic-towns-in-the-us › erin-mccannThe 9 Most Toxic and Polluted US Towns That Are Dangerous To … – Ranker

The town of Picher, OK, incorporated in 1918, as zinc and lead deposits drew miners to the area. By the 1970s, the mines shut down due to the waning industry, and the abandoned underground tunnels filled with water. Minerals from the tunnels contaminated millions of tons of water, which seeped into the surrounding area. › file › 72045848 › answers-1pdfanswers 1.pdf – 10/6/2020 Print Print Question ID… – Course Hero

10/6/2020 Print … 2/2 Choice 06T13:22:17 x01_04_10_80663 A tornado strikes an above-ground magazine. Debris and hazardous substances from the ammo spread across a field and a nearby community. In addition to the NRC, who else do you contact to report the spill? Multiple Choice A Incorrect 00:01:14 2020-10-06T13:23:53 x01_04_02_80520 Which is an example of spill prevention at a training range?

2 › news › 7-deadly-environmental-disasters7 Deadly Environmental Disasters – HISTORY

In the predawn hours of December 3, 1984, a toxic cloud of methyl isocyanate gas escaped from the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, and quickly spread throughout the city. Vomiting… › 498968216 › chapter-10-assignment-review-flash-cardsChapter 10 assignment review Flashcards | Quizlet

Terms in this set (49) India has ______ of the 20 smoggiest cities in the world. 10. Despite high population growth and economic growth for the past 40 years in the United States, EPA regulations have ______. led to an overall improvement in air quality. Dominant sources of criteria pollutants are ______. cars and power plants. › changing-america › sustainability › environment › …EPA orders controversial oil refinery to shut down after multiple …

The Biden administration used its authority to shut down an oil refinery plant, revived by former President Trump, for at least 60 days. The U.S. Virgin Islands Limetree Bay refinery, which had … › wiki › List_of_environmental_disastersList of environmental disasters – Wikipedia

1983 Times Beach, Missouri the town was completely evacuated due to a dioxin contamination 1984 Bhopal disaster (December 3, 1984, India), leak of methyl isocyanate resulted in more than 22,000 deaths. 1986 Sandoz chemical spill into the Rhine river 1989 Phillips Disasters › trip-ideas › most-haunted-cities-in…10 Most Haunted Cities in America and the Ghosts That Call … – Travel

Here are 10 of the most haunted cities in America. 1. New Orleans, Louisiana. With dozens of reportedly haunted places, New Orleans is one of the country’s most haunted cities. By paranormal … › pichePicher, Oklahoma: The Story Behind America’s Creepiest Ghost Town

The school closed down, and businesses shut their doors for good. In 2009, the Environmental Protection Agency evacuated the town, deeming it unlivable. The Picher area’s population dropped from … › us-news › 2023 › feb › 21 › ohio-train…Ohio train derailment: EPA takes control of response and clean-up …

EPA orders Norfolk Southern to clean up site in East Palestine, Ohio, as residents demand answers about health risks Guardian staff and agencies Tue 21 Feb 2023 13.13 EST The US government on… › worst-environmental…Top 15 Worst Environmental Disasters Caused by Humans

In April 26, 1986, a reactor shutdown was experienced at the Chernobyl Nuclear Facility. A run-away nuclear reaction resulted in a horrific fire and explosion, claiming the lives of 50 personnel instantly and expelling more than 400 times the radiation released during the Hiroshima atom bomb. › wiki › Picher,_OklahomaPicher, Oklahoma – Wikipedia

Picher is a ghost town and former city in Ottawa County, northeastern Oklahoma, United States.It was a major national center of lead and zinc mining for more than 100 years in the heart of the Tri-State Mining District.. The decades of unrestricted subsurface excavation dangerously undermined most of Picher’s town buildings and left giant piles of toxic metal-contaminated mine tailings (known … › 164024001 › environmental-science-chapter-53…Environmental Science: Chapter 5.3: Ecological Communities: Quiz

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like an organism that can capture energy from the sun or from chemicals and store it; also called autotroph., the process by which primary producers use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugars, releasing oxygen., the process by which bacteria use energy stored in bonds of hydrogen sulfide to covert carbon dioxide and …

3 › 2019 › 11 › 27 › texas-plant-rocked…Port Neches plant rocked by explosions had been a high priority …

The second occurred Wednesday afternoon, prompting mandatory evacuations within a 4-mile radius of the plant in Port Neches, Groves, Nederland and northern Port Arthur. Online records show TCEQ has… › 2023 › 02 › 15 › 1157174863A hazardous spill near Tucson closes down I-10 and forces an evacuation …

Arizona Department of Public Safety via AP TUCSON, Ariz. — A portion of the main freeway that runs through the southern Arizona desert and links the state’s two largest cities remains closed… › streiff › 2023 › 02 › 18 › biden-epa-administrators…Biden EPA Administrator’s Advice to Chemical Poisoning Victims in East …

Biden EPA Administrator’s Advice to Chemical Poisoning Victims in East Palestine, OH, Sounds Like Cruel Parody … On February 3, a 141-car Norfolk Southern train derailed in the eastern Ohio town of East Palestine. About 50 of the rail cars were damaged, including five tank cars carrying toxic and carcinogenic vinyl chloride. … 13 days after … › environmental-racism-examples-united…Environmental Racism: Examples of It Across the United States – Insider

10 egregious examples of environmental racism in the US. Natalie Colarossi. Smoke billows from one of many chemical plants in the area October 12, 2013. ‘Cancer Alley’ is one of the most polluted areas of the United States and lies along the once pristine Mississippi River, effecting predominantly communities of color. Giles Clarke/Getty Images. › article › the-epa-administrator-visited…The EPA Administrator Visited Cancer-Causing Air Pollution Hot Spots …

ProPublica found more than 1,000 toxic air hot spots across the country, and determined Black residents were disproportionately at risk. Environmental experts called the EPA’s response to our … › emergency-responseEmergency Response | US EPA

Emergency Response EPA responds to oil spills, chemical, biological, radiological releases, and large-scale national emergencies. EPA also provides additional response assistance when state and local first responder capabilities have been exhausted or when additional support is requested. EPA and Emergency Response EPA’s Role in Emergency Response › news › 2017 › 01 › most_toxic_places_in…20 most toxic places in Upstate New York on the EPA’s hazard list

Site score: 48.54. Year listed: 1994. Contamination: Waste drainage into an on-site wetland spills into the Susquehanna River. A creosote spill from on-site storage tanks has contaminated nearby … › timeline › ecological-disastersTimeline: Major Environmental Disasters – Council on Foreign Relations

The leak of methyl is ocyanate gas from a chemical plant operated by U.S. company Union Carbide in Bhopal, India, kills at least four thousand people, sickens an estimated half million people, and… › article › toxmap-poison-in-the-airPoison in the Air — ProPublica

An 85-mile stretch of the Mississippi River in Louisiana that’s thronged with oil refineries and chemical plants has earned the nickname Cancer Alley. Many other such areas remain unknown, even … › cleanups › basic-information-about-cleanupsBasic Information about Cleanups | US EPA

The mission of EPA’s Federal Facilities Cleanups Program is to facilitate faster, more effective, and less costly cleanup of environmental contamination such as hazardous and radioactive wastes, munitions and explosives, or other toxic substances, and ready Federal Facility sites for reuse across the country.

4 › article › ohio-train-derailmentTrain Derailment in East Palestine, Ohio: What We Know – The New York Times

Around 9 p.m. on Feb. 3, a train derailed in East Palestine, a village of about 4,700 residents about 50 miles northwest of Pittsburgh. There were 150 cars on the route from Madison, Ill., to… › worst-modern-manmade-disasters-world…Deadliest Manmade Environmental Disasters in Past 50 Years – Insider

On April 26, 1986, a nuclear reactor in the town of Chernobyl, Ukraine, blew up, leaving nuclear remnants that affected people in a 200-mile radius for decades to come, Business Insider previously reported. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster forced 350,000 people to be evacuated over fears of radiation poisoning. › 2014 › 01 › 11 › us › west-virginia-chemical-spill…Thousands Without Water After Spill in West Virginia

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — As 300,000 people awoke on Friday to learn that their tap water was unsafe for brushing teeth, brewing coffee or showering, residents and businesses expressed a mix of anger and… › 4695109 › superfund-sites-toxic-waste-locationsSuperfund Sites: 1,317 US Spots Where Toxic Waste Was Dumped – Time

See 1,317 of the Most Polluted Spots in the U.S. Hazardous waste sites are scattered all across the country, from a Brooklyn canal once surrounded by chemical plants to a shuttered garbage … › Remember-Times-Beach-The-Dioxin-Disaster-30…Remember Times Beach: The Dioxin Disaster, 30 Years Later

The EPA received its own test results on December 23 and delivered a Christmas message to the citizens of Times Beach. The level of PCBs was low, not a major concern, but the dioxin was a problem. At the time, the EPA considered anything above 1 part per billion hazardous. In Times Beach, the dioxin level was more than 100 parts per billion. › environment › 2021 › nov › 29 › nurdles…Nurdles: the worst toxic waste you’ve probably never heard of

About 1,680 tonnes of nurdles were released into the ocean. It is the largest plastic spill in history, according to the UN report. Nurdles, the colloquial term for “pre-production plastic … › environmentalism › …“Environmental Crisis” in the Late 1960s · Exhibit · Give Earth a …

The 1953 event closed at least two airports, caused respiratory distress among many New York residents, and was later linked to the deaths of between 170 and 200 people, though at the time its severity was not known. Thirteen years later, a similar smog event occurred over Thanksgiving weekend, again linked to the deaths of about 200 people. › 2022 › 06 › 30 › politics › supreme-court-climate…Supreme Court curbs EPA’s ability to fight climate change – CNN

01:48. CNN —. The Supreme Court curbed the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to broadly regulate carbon emissions from existing power plants, a major defeat for the Biden … › disaster › declarationsDeclared Disasters |

Washington Severe Winter Storm, Straight-line Winds, Flooding, Landslides, and Mudslides (DR-4682-WA) Incident Period: November 3, 2022 – November 8, 2022. Major Disaster Declaration declared on January 12, 2023. › news › energy-environment › wp › 2017 › 12 › …EPA lists 21 toxic Superfund sites that need ‘immediate and intense …

The Environmental Protection Agency released a list of Superfund sites around the country Friday that it said regulators will target “for immediate and intense attention.”. The push is part of …

5 › exxon-valdez-oil-spill-history-and…The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: History and Impact – Treehugger

The Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989 was the largest oil spill in the U.S. (10.8 million gallons) and one of the largest in the world — until it was topped by the Deepwater Horizon spill in 2010 … › 2021 › 06 › 17 › politics › juneteenth-federal-holiday…What’s open and closed for Juneteenth? Info on schools, post … – CNN

Boston, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, and Portland, Oregon, have closed most offices for the day. San Francisco Mayor London Breed announced that Juneteenth would be observed Friday but “due to the … › environment › 2023-02-19 › risks-for-chemical…How to protect yourself during a chemical spill | WVXU

The authorities there maintain that the municipal water is safe to drink. Sass, with the NRDC, said Cozza’s instinct is the way to go: If your home is affected by a chemical spill, demand more … › sections › thetwo-way › 2015 › 08 › 10 › 431223703 › epa…EPA Says It Released 3 Million Gallons Of Contaminated Water Into … – NPR

In an event that has led to health warnings and turned a river orange, the Environmental Protection Agency says one of its safety teams accidentally released contaminated water from a mine into … › environmental-disasters.htmEnvironmental disasters – Lenntech

Note: The division in the top 10 is dependent upon death toll, injuries, (lasting) damage and media exposure of the environmental disasters in question. It does not imply that one specific disaster is worse than another. Anthropogenic environmental disasters. 1. Bhopal: the Union Carbide gas leak 2. Chernobyl: Russian nuclear power plant … › how-possible-government-shutdowns…The government has the power to shut down entire cities. But would that …

We saw a glimpse of the extent of government power right after 9/11 happened, when traffic into and out of Manhattan was suspended and skies were closed down for all aircraft, she said. › article › news › local › methodist-baytown-er…ExxonMobil worker with chemical exposure dies at Baytown hospital …

According to the Baytown Fire Department, the patient smelled of a “chemical odor” so they closed the ER as a precaution. It reopened Friday… › myths-legends-americas › navajo…The Cosmic Tales of Navajo Mythology: Portals to Evolving Worlds

With Portals to the Dead, Viking Homes Were Stranger Than Fiction They announced to the insect peoples that they were soon going to create humans who would look exactly like the gods themselves. According to the promise, the gods were to return in 12 days. The insect peoples prepared themselves and the gods returned. › 2021 › 05 › 29 › underground-world-of-cerra…Underground World Of Cerra Naztarny Where The Navajo … – Ancient Pages

As the legend tells, one day, the Navajos accidentally learned about the Upper World. Two dumb Navajo men were skilled at many things, especially music. One evening one of these men, the elder one was a talented flute player, was giving a performance. He was so excited when he played that he stood up and tilted the flute high up in the air. › native-american-legendsNative American Mythology & Legends – Legends of America

Native American Legends Various Tribes Legends and Myths: The Ark On Superstition Mountains Totem carving in Alaska Besieged By Starvation The Division of Two Tribes The Flood At Santa Fe The Hidden City of Death Valley Legend Of Crazy Woman’s Fork Legends of Indian Territory Little People of Wyoming & the Pedro Mountain Mummy The Lost Trail › unexplained-phenomena › ancestral…The Ancestral Myth of the Hollow Earth and Underground Civilizations

The Hollow Earth Theory and an Expedition to the Arctic The Hollow Earth theory states that the Earth is a hollow planet with ancient entrances to the subterranean world scattered throughout it, including near both polar caps. This theory has been reported since ancient times and scientists such as Edmund Halley have defended it throughout history. › category › native-american-myths…Native American Myths, Legends & Folklore – American Folklore

The Eagle’s Revenge Once a hunter in the mountains heard a noise at night like a rushing wind. He went outside his tepee, and found an eagle was sitting on the drying pole, feasting at the deer he had shot. So, he shot the eagle. The Man Who Shot a Ghost In the olden time, a man was traveling alone, and in a forest, he killed several rabbits.

Images Folklore Myths Legends Native American Stories About Portals To The Underworld

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See more images › cavesportals.htmCaves & Portals – Folklore, History & the Study of Myth

Portals to the Underworld Caves and rock fissures have long figured in folklore as entryways to other worlds—worlds of spirit beings, of different lands and different times. These entryways are portals to other existences. It was in a cave on Mount Mashu that Gilgamesh became the “opener of the way” and crossed the Sea of Death to find Paradise. › 2017 › 05 › strange-tales-of-portals-to…Strange Tales of Portals to Other Dimensions – Mysterious Universe

The legend says that this disk was found after it had fallen from the sky, and that at least one priest upon opening the portal went through it to never return. Interestingly, archeologists studying the gate have indeed found a depression in the solid stone that seems to be for the purpose of inserting a disc-shaped object. › FP-Html-Legends › ComingoftheHopiFromthe…Coming of the Hopi from the Underworld – A Hopi Legend. – First People

A Hopi Legend. A long time ago the people were living below. There were a great many of them, but they were often quarreling with one another. Some of them were very much depraved. They abused the women and the maidens, and that led to very many contentions. So the chiefs, who were worried and angry over this, had a council and concluded that … › legends-afterworld.htmNative American Afterlife Mythology – Native Languages

Matiguas (Abenaki Indian afterlife god) Mahwaew (Menominee Indian afterlife god) Sedna (Inuit underworld goddess) Native AmericanLegends about the Afterworld The Spirit Bride The Worm Pipe: NativeAmerican legends about grieving men who follow their wives to theafterworld. Blue Jay Visits Ghost Town Ioi and the Ghost World: › 2014 › 01 › 03 › 10-strange-tales-of-subterranean…10 Strange Tales Of Subterranean Civilization – Listverse

3 Derinkuyu. Stepping away from fiction for a moment is the curious case of the underground city known as Derinkuyu. Located 76 meters (250 ft) below the Earth’s surface, its earthwork walls and buildings descend deep into the ground and span 18 floors. While many modern edifices and structures can dig deep into the recesses of the Earth …

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New Monkey Werx SITREP 2.27.23 – Point of No Return

By Jeffery Pritchett on Mon, February 27, 2023, 11:35

The Sinister Dystopian NWO Democratic EPA (Actually THEY Should Be Called The Environmental Destruction Agency Of Diabolical Cover-Up Artists) Can’t Hide The Spiritual Awakening Of Our Indigenous Earth!: (REMEMBER That All So-Called National Parks Have Semi-Dormant And Dormant Earth Portals Which Are About To Fully Come Back Online With Extremely Paranormal Events, But Of Course Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncratic Government Cronies Covertly Under Barack Hussein Obama’s Diabolical Deceptive Commands Will Try To Cunningly SMOKESCREEN These Supernatural Paranormal Events Via Murderous False Flags Including Larger Scale Mixed 911s And TESLA Technologies Powered Unnatural Mega-Disasters Because They Don’t Want You To Know The *SPIRITUALLY POWERED* Supernatural Workings Of Our Indigenous Dynamic Multi-Cellular Living Earth That’s Gradually Ascending As We Indigenous People Spiritually Ascend Which Is Our Unstoppable Holy Destiny As Righteously Faithful Members Of CHRIST, AHMAN.), Please REMEMBER What Happened In “HELL-TOWN” Ohio Because What’s Happening In Palestine Ohio Is Beyond What Most People Understand. REMEMBER As The *Spiritually Powered* Harmonic Resonance Supernatural Metaphysical Bio-Rhythm Of Our Indigenous Earth Gradually Increases Once Dormant And Semi-Active Earth Portals Will Begin To Vigorously Reconnect To Many Other Dimensions Above And Below Involving The Earth’s Vast Nervous System Communications Network Of Watery Elemental Oscillating Ley Lines-Energy Vortexs-Deep Underground Giants Resonant Elemental Crystalline Relay Junctions-Energetic Intersection Points-Electromagnetic Axioms Beginning To Receive A Greater Influx-Flow Of Unstoppable Extraordinarily Induction Extra-Solar Heavenly Celestial Cosmic Spiritual DNA-WORD Bearing Energy With Greatly Increase Inductive UV Light Energy Radiation As Our Indigenous Earth Continues To Gradually Under Go Spiritual Ascension That Will Soon Be Supernaturally Amplified During The Completion Of HOLY GENE-SIS Fiery Ascension Resetting Back To It’s Uncorrupted Extraordinarily High Vibe Heavenly State Of Glory, Please REMEMBER Isaiah 30:26 Because We Are Gradually Nearing Soul-Ur/Solar Maximum As We Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED Bearing Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites Spiritually Awaken And Our Indigenous Earth As We Undergo Deep Spiritual Healing, Please REMEMBER Malachi 3rd/4th Chs. + Luke 21st Ch. + 2nd Esdras 15th/16th Chs. + 2nd Peter 3rd Ch. + The Book Of Enoch + The Indigenous Hopi Indian Prophecies About Portals Energetically Reconnecting To Many Other Dimensions Throughout The Indigenous Dynamic Multi-Cellular Living Earth + The Entire Apocalyptic Book Of Revelation Concerning Our Unstoppable Extraordinary Apocalyptic Supernatural Metaphysical Multistage Deep Spiritual Awakening-Rebirth-Healing-Repairing-Purging-Purifying-Refining-First Resurrection-Metamorphosis-Transformation-Completion Of The Holy GENE-SIS Fiery Ascension Process Including Our Indigenous Earth Which Is Also Gradually Ascending With Extraordinarily Energetic Ultra-Cataclysmic Worldwide Effects Involving Necessary Corrective Transformative Extreme Climate Changes Above And Below In Order To Gradually Manifest Extraordinarily Bright Eternally Peaceful Heaven On Earth As We Supernaturally Reset Back To The BASE-X Which Is The PURE GENEOUS OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL WHO Will Vigorously Burn Away The Parasitic Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic Fallen Veiled World Dimensional MATRIX Of Mass Deceptions-Delusions-Illusions-Falsehoods-Lies As HIS HOLY ETERNAL LIVING WORD OF LOVE-TRUTH-PEACE-CHRIST UNITY Is Gloriously Apocalyptically Spiritually Supernaturally Metaphysically Revealed Within Us And HIS GLORIOUS ETERNAL FLOWING SPIRIT VIGOROUSLY FILLS THE ENTIRE EARTH ABOVE AND BELOW – REMEMBER THAT HEAVEN WILL BE MANIFEST ON EARTH – HOLY ORIGINAL GENE-SIS RIGHT ORDER RESET BUT WITH SEVEN TIMES AMPLIFIED SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD BEARING ENERGY INFLUX-FLOW AS FORETOLD IN ISAIAH 30:26 + 2ND PETER 3RD CH. + THE BOOK OF ENOCH + ISAIAH 60TH/61ST CHS. + THE ENTIRE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, AHMAN. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Mon, February 27, 2023, 7:23

A 1/2 Box Of Saltine Crackers For $1.00?!?: Please Be Aware That The Extremely Deceptive Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncrats Covertly Under The Chief Antichrist Barack Hussein Obama’s And Matriarchal False Prophet White Witch Hillary ISIS-ISHTAR-LILITH Clinton’s Diabolical Commands Are Vainly Trying To Hide The Pre-Planned Devaluing Of The US Eagle Government’s Fiat Currency Monopoly Money Credit-Debt Federal Reserve Notes (Printed Paper-Linen *Credit-Debt* Spending Purchase Payment Notes With No More Chinese Foreign Credit Issuance Under Covertly Negotiated Eminent Domain Credit-Debt Default Non-Payment Protocols, REMEMBER That They Covertly Called In The Insanely Large Amount Of *Unpayable* Owed CREDIT-DEBT) Quickly Leading To The So-Called “$QUID GAME”/Extremely Large Debtors Prisons/Forceful Roundups Of The Debt Burdened-Bank Robbed-Broke-Busted-Angrily Disgusted-Poor Desperate Remaining Survivors Under Extreme Duress Including Suicidal Rich People Who Will Have To Strive With The Poor And Giant FEMA Imprisonment Reconditioning Camp Corrals Of Satan’s Diabolical Final Phase *BIOMETRIC* Nanotechnologies Embedded Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HYBRIDIZATION Ultimate Eugenics Program Mutative Deathly Vaxx, Please REMEMBER The Critical WAR-NINGS Of Revelation 13th/22nd Chs. Concerning Our HEAVENLY FATHER THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL Strongly Commanding Us Not To Unwisely Erroneously Wickedly Wilfully Take Part In Satan’s Extremely Deceptive Emergency Executive Order Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncratic Rogue UN Non-Peacekeeping Mandated Worldwide Mandatory Enforced Requirement *FAKE* So-Called “MOON-SHOT” Universal Miracle Cure-All For All That Ails You Modern Day Snake Oil Venom Elixir Involving Satan’s Diabolical Preeminent LUCIFERASE-LUCIFERIN Glowing Micro-Dot Needle Digital Tattoo BIOMETRIC VAXX ID Internal + External Extensive *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming Fully Vaxxed-Branded-Marked Status Emergency Economic Recovery System Protocols Of Pagan Idolatrous Worldly Consumerism Which Many Spiritually Unwise-Ignorant-Gullible-Feeble Minded-Sleepyheaded-Wicked Hearted-Unrepentant Cursed People Are Going To Fall Extremely Hard For To Their Horrific Nightmarish Fiery Hellish Wrathful Demises, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Please WAKE UP And TAKE HEED Because Extremely Hard Times Are Certainly Coming Very Soon Beginning During The *DARK WINTER* Season Quickly Leading To THE MAYAN APOCALYPTIC MONTH OF MAY-DAY MAY-DAY MAY-DAY….. FIERY HELLISH MAYHEM…..S.O.S., Please Righteously REPENT While You Still Can – Before It’s To Late – REMEMBER Jeremiah 11th Ch. + Hosea 2:16 + John 3:16 + 1st John 1:9 + Amos 9th Ch. And Righteously Get Ready To Apocalyptically Spiritually Supernaturally Metaphysically Vigorously Rise And Shine Up The Spiritual DNA-WORD Bearing Heavenly Ladder Of CHRIST Into Our Extraordinarily Bright Eternally Peaceful Heavenly State Of Glory Concerning The Pre-Destined Manifestation Of Our Glorified Indestructible Celestial LIGHT-SPIRIT-BODY Of Pure Love Unified As ONE With Our HEAVENLY FATHER As The New Yerusalem-The Holy Eternal Golden City Of Peace, Please REMEMBER Saint Luke 17th Ch. + Psalms 82:6 Be Aware That Our Low Powered Fallen State Of Spiritual Amnesia Is Only Temporary Because We Are Undergoing Holy GENE-SIS Fiery Ascension In Order To Gloriously Manifest CHRIST And THE HOLY SPIRITUAL KINGDOM OF HEAVEN From Deep Within Us At The Spiritual DNA-WORD Bearing Levels Involving Necessary Metaphysical Infusions Of THE APOCALYPTIC HOLY ETERNAL LIVING WORD OF LOVE-TRUTH-PEACE-CHRIST UNITY Into Our Inherited Eugenes-Good Genes Of The Holy Crossing Of Heaven And Earth, REMEMBER That Our HEAVENLY FATHER Freely Planted HIS ETERNAL HOLY SEED Within Us So That We Can Righteously Faithfully Manifest THE SPIRITUAL MANHOOD OF CHRIST Involving Fully Ascending Like HIM, Please Read The Acts Of John The Wisdom Of The Cross Apocrypha Texts And The Entire Apocalyptic Book Of Revelation, Ahman. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Mon, February 27, 2023, 5:22

 Crisis Alert! Massive Debate Now Erupting Across Right Wing Social Media! FL Maquis

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sun, February 26, 2023, 17:33

6 Prepping Goals – Only the Prepared Will Succeed – Be Ready!

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sun, February 26, 2023, 17:30

The Media Is Doing A Fantastic Job Brainwashing Us via An American Homestead

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sun, February 26, 2023, 17:22

Breaking: Another Trap Set (Will This One Work?) via The Poplar Report

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sun, February 26, 2023, 17:17

Something Is Happening In Egypt.. What Are They Hiding? (2023) via Anonymous

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sun, February 26, 2023, 17:11

Actor Woody Harrelson Goes Off Script on Saturday Night Live and Exposes the CONvid-19 Vaccine Crime – Feb 2023

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sun, February 26, 2023, 13:13

“NO FAITH AND NO CHINESE CREDIT”: Congress Is About To Covertly Make A M.A.D. Dash For The High Hills And High Mountains Reserved For Dumb D.U.M.B.S Who Erroneously Unwisely Wickedly Think That They Can Cunningly Deceptively Escape Supernaturally Controlled Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrathful Judgements Including Many Extremely Severe Plagues And Pestilences. Please REMEMBER That There Is Going To Be A Rapid Fire Succession Intensification Of Instigated Major Blame Game Wars Quickly Leading To Instigated Full Scale Nuclear WW3 That’s Going To Furiously Fire Up In The *DARK WINTER* Season That Actually Extends Into The MAYAN APOCALYPTIC MONTH OF MAY-DAY MAY-DAY MAY-DAY….. FIERY HELLISH MAYHEM…..S.O.S……BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Please Righteously REPENT While You Still Are Able To Do So. Please REMEMBER Jeremiah 11th Ch. + Hosea 2:16 + John 3:16 + 1st John 1:9 + Amos 9th Ch. And Righteously Get Ready To Apocalyptically Supernaturally Spiritually Metaphysically Vigorously Rise And Shine Up The Spiritual DNA-WORD Bearing Heavenly Ladder Into Our Extraordinarily Bright Eternally Peaceful Heavenly State Of Glory, Please WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN AHMAN. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Sun, February 26, 2023, 11:14

New Simon Parkes His Most Important Interview of His Life – Can We Save Humanity?

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sun, February 26, 2023, 2:32

New Benjamin Fulford & David Rodriguez: End the Charade – Time to Rise Up! Feb 2023

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sun, February 26, 2023, 2:30

Energy Weapon Attack Hits Child at School – Caught on Video

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sun, February 26, 2023, 1:06

New Derek Johnson Currents Event > The World is a Stage February

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sat, February 25, 2023, 23:54

Please Get Ready For Extremely Weird Faraday Flowers – Devil’s Fingers – Extremely Powerful Very Inductive Negatively Tuned LOW VIBE Weaponized Electromagnetic Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Amped Up Way Beyond 5G Bandwidth Power Output Levels With Horrific Nightmarish Freakishly Catastrophic TASER LIKE SHOCKING ATMOSPHERIC EFFECTS Involving Devastating Unnatural Thunderless Plasma Arc Lightning Bolts Of Satan’s (Zeus’s) Disharmonic Negatively Tuned Ancient Seven Note Musical Scale Weaponized SCALAR SOUNDWAVES Causing His Diabolical Upside-Down Lightning Bolts To Strike More That One Time In The Same Location As These LOW VIBE Weaponized Electromagnetic Microwave Energy Radiation Signals INDUCTIVELY WIRELESSLY Charge Up Various Buried Ancient Antediluvian Highly Advanced Weaponized Resonant Elemental Technologies Including Various (Golden Age – Atlantean – Lumerian – Before Noah’s Worldwide Flood Cataclysm) Rare Earth Elements Vibratory Weapons Systems Called “Arks Of The gods” Which Evil Governments Wickedly Think Will Give Them Heavily Armed Fighting Advantages During Imminent Instigated Full Scale Nuclear WW3, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because Various Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO Factions Cunningly Fighting For Vainly Attempted World Domination Are Are About To Pull Out The Big Guns So To Speak – Meaning That They Are Going To Evilly Utilize Sinister Fallen Angels’ Ancient Antediluvian Highly Advanced Weaponized “WITTY INVENTIONS” Resonant Elemental Electromagnetic FREE ENERGY (TESLA) Technologies With Devastating Effects, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Because The *DARK WINTER* Actually Extends Into The MAYAN APOCALYPTIC MONTH OF MAY-DAY MAY-DAY MAY-DAY – FIERY HELLISH MAYHEM – S.O.S.! SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Sat, February 25, 2023, 23:45

GET READY FOR FREAKISHLY TERRIFYING FARADAY FLOWERS – DEVIL’S FINGERS – EXTREMELY INDUCTIVE LOW VIBE WEAPONIZED ELECTROMAGNETIC MICROWAVE ENERGY RADIATION SIGNALS OF SATAN, But I Ain’t Afraid Of No Ghosts – Remember The Texas Desertron Demonic Cloverfield Paradox 4D Rift Paranormal “Real Halloween” Event Involving *Black Bloody Sunday*, But Watchout For Late Saturday False Flag Precursor Events And Don’t Forget About The Imminent Massive Widespread False Flag UFO/ALIENS Invasion Including The Sun Suddenly Strangely Going Dim And The Sky Weirdly Turning Dark In Broad Daylight As Foretold In Micah 3rd Ch. + Zechariah 5th/6th Chs. Involving The Sun, UFOS-ELECTROMAGNETIC FREE ENERGY FLYING GLOWING THOUGHT AMPLIFYING NAVIGATIONAL CRAFTS-USOS-UAPS-RETROENGINEERED LIGHT SHIPS! (Please Remember The Revelation 17th Ch. Judgements + The First Seal Opening White Horse Judgements) Get Ready For Diabolical Weaponized Scalar Soundwaves – Read It And Weep – Vulnerable Major Airlines Airplanes Will Suddenly Begin Malfunctioning, Nose Diving, And Horrifically Nightmarishly Crashing Initially Due To Satan’s Disharmonic Negatively Tuned Ancient Seven Note Musical Scale *Scalar Soundwaves* Modulated LOW VIBE Weaponized Electromagnetic Microwave Energy Radiation Signals *INDUCTIVELY* Broadcasted By Highly Advanced Resonant Elemental TESLA Infrastructures System Technologies Covertly Interconnected With The Diabolical Retro-Engineered Worldwide Tower Of Babel *Demonic Netium Network* + Dimensional Intrusions + Mega-Terraforming + Mega-GeoEngineering + “Dutch Boy” Geostorm Prevention Satellites-Networks-Systems + HAARP Weaponized Tesla Antenna Arrays + The Texas Desertron 54+ Mile Round Toroidal Donut-Ring Shaped LOW VIBE Weaponized Electromagnetic Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Generator-Particle Collider-Nuclear Accelerator-Tractor Beam + TESLA Telemetry *Fallen Angels Beam Down* System Technologies + The Hoover Dam Ultra-,Longrange Teleportation Jumpgate*Stargate Windows-Wormholes Intrusions TESLA Infrastructures System Technologies All Evilly Designed To Try To Forcefully Negatively Lower The Gradually Rising Harmonic Resonance Good Vibrations Of Our Ascending Indigenous Earth Which Is About To Experience The Shocking Taser Like Spasmodic LOW VIBE Extremely Inductive Energetic Effects Of The Aforementioned Sinister Fallen Angels’ TESLA Infrastructures System Technologies Networks-Satellites-Vile Elemental Resonators That Will Soon Be Covertly Powered Up-Tested-Tuned-Activated With Massive Widespread Mega-Disastrous *Extremely Disturbing* Dimensional Fabric Ripping DEMONIC CLOVERFIELD PARADOX PARANORMAL EFFECTS, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because It’s About To Get EXTREMELY FREAKY To Say The Least (Remember The Cryptic Predictive Programming Iluminati Movies Called “THE MIST” + “CLOVERFIELD” + “CLOVERFIELD PARADOX” + “THE GHOSTBUSTERS SERIES” + “DARK TOWER” + “KILL SWITCH” + “BIRD BOX” + “CELL” + “WORLD WAR Z”) As The Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncratic Diabolical Black-Ops M.A.D. Scientists Cronies Secretly Under Barack Hussein Obama’s Vile Commands Begin Covertly Shutting Down Certain Sectors Of The Vulnerable US Electrical Power Grid While Initially Causing Extremely Troublesome *BLACKOUTS* As Massive Widespread False Flags (Distractive Smokescreens – Horrific Nightmarish Larger Scale 911s) ISIS Related Mega-Terrorist Attacks And False Flag TESLA Technologies Powered Unnatural Mega-Disasters Evilly Take Place As Vulnerable Major Airlines Vulnerable Airplanes Plummet To The Earth Initially Due To The Aforementioned EXTREMELY INDUCTIVE Low Vibe Tunable Weaponized Electromagnetic Microwave Energy Radiation Signals SCALAR SOUNDWAVES Being Wickedly Broadcasted Way Beyond 5G Bandwidth Power Output Levels That Will Also Cause The Genetically Engineered Weaponized Ancient Anthrax VAXX PLAGUES Demonic So-Fi Mind Control Zombie Apocalypse PLANDEMICS To Suddenly Go Extremely Hot At The “Flip Of A Switch” WATCH OUT Sleepyheaded Sheeple Try To Stay Away From Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Infected People Who Have Been SATANICALLY VAXXED Because Massive Widespread Demonic Murderous Crime Waves Are Imminent, But Also Please Be Aware That Russia, China, North Korea, And Iran-Pakistan-The Ram Of Elam-The Peacock Will All Be Deceptively Falsely Blamed For These Imminent Horrific Nightmarish False Flag Attacks-Situations-Events-Things ACTUALLY Evilly Devised Against Us By The Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncrats Working Secretly Under Barack Hussein Obama’s Diabolical Murderous Commands To Forcefully Takedown-Breakdown-Isolate-Dismantle-Destroy The Cursed Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Which Is Already Doomed To Fall Extremely Hard Flat On It’s Vain Evil Face (SHATTERED UNION), BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because “They” Are Going To Strategically Systematically Utilize The Aforementioned Larger Scale Mixed 911s To Wickedly Make Way For The Evil Establishment Of The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO Small Kingdom Full Of Uproar Under Satan’s Highly Deception “MOON SHOT” Fast Tracked-Pushed-implemented-Administered *FAKE* So-Called Universal Miracle Cure-All For All That Ails You Modern Day Snake Oil Venom Elixir – Worldwide Mandatory Enforced Requirement – Emergency Executive Order *BIOMETRIC* Economic Recovery System Protocols With A Diabolical Mandate For All People (Including The Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Duress) To Be Fully Vaxxed-Branded-Marked As His *CAIN LIKE* Murderous Bloodthirsty Snow White Leprous Cursed Monstrous Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeran Followers Who Will Temporarily Continue To Vainly Evilly Buy And Sell As Doomed Pagan Idolatrous Worldly Extremely Sinful Consumers Who Will Use Their Vaxx Infected *BIOMETRIC* Nanotechnologies Embedded Highly Genetically Corrupted Hybridized Fallen Flesh Bodies-Vessels-Temples As Walking Dead Credit-Debit Cards (Remember That They Will Evilly Function As Satan’s Receptive Cellular Phones – Devil’s Towers) Which Will Be Sinisterly Tracked-Controlled-Scanned-Fiery Head Burn Self Destructed By Lucifer’s Disharmonic Negatively Tuned Ancient Seven Note Musical Scale Scalar Soundwaves Modulated LOW VIBE Weaponized Electromagnetic Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Of Highly Mutative Death, Please REMEMBER The Critical WAR-NINGS Of Revelation 13th/22nd Chs. Concerning Satan’s *FINAL PHASE* Highly Deceptive Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HYBRIDIZATION Ultimate Eugenics Program Extensive *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming Protocols Of Monstrously Mutative Death Including *Fiery Head Burn Mode* For Any Of His Fully Vaxxed Mutated Cursed People Who Try To Rebel Against Him But Don’t Forget About The Mass Beheadings Of People Who Completely Refuse To Be SATANICALLY Vaxxed, Please REMEMBER The Entire Apocalyptic Book Of Revelation Because We Are Certainly In The Prophetic Endtimes With Manifold Perils That Will Horrifically Nightmarishly Befall The Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens, So Please Righteously *REPENT* Before It’s Too Late – REMEMBER Jeremiah 11th Ch. + Hosea 2:16 + John 3:16 + 1st John 1:9 + Amos 9th Ch. And Righteously Get Ready To Apocalyptically Supernaturally Spiritually Metaphysically Vigorously WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, AHMAN. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Sat, February 25, 2023, 22:14


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