STRANGE OHIO - Train Derailments Are Just The Tip Of The Pyramid - You Would Be Shocked To Know What's Deep Below The Surface From Past Civilizations Of Highly Advanced...
STRANGE OHIO – Train Derailments Are Just The Tip Of The Pyramid – There’s Certainly More Than Meets The Eyes And Ears - Many Of You Would Be Shocked To Know What’s Deep Below The Surface From Past Civilizations Of Highly Advanced Technologies!: Please Be Aware That Ancient Antediluvian Resonant Elemental Crystalline Geometric Dimensional Energetic Infrastructures (PYRAMIDS) Are Located Throughout The Earth Especially Built Upon The Earth’s Vast Nervous System Communications Network Of Flowing Watery Elemental Ley Lines And Energy Vortexes (Supernatural Portals – Ancient Sacred Sites Of Energetic Electromagnetic Paranormal Activity – Phenomenon – Anomalies Embedded With Various GIANT CIRCUIT COMPONENTS Of Resonant Elemental Crystalline Vibratory Electromagnetic Geometric Scalar Soundwaves Shaping Tunable Infrastructures), And OHIO Is No Exception To These Pyramidal Structures And Many Other Strange Serpentine Energy Tone/S*TONE + Chryst-Els + Meta-Els + El-El-Ments Based Vibratory Resonators – Amplifiers – Capacitors – Resistors – Transistors – Energetic Influx Flow Gateways – Diodes – Voltage And Current Regulators – Toroidal Coils – Generators – Transmitters – Transceivers – Electromagnetic Scalar Soundwaves Tuners Ect., Hopefully You All Will Get The Picture Because Noah’s Worldwide Ultra-Cataclysmic Flood And The Tower Of Babel Catastrophe Plus The 500 Year Cyclical Zodiacal GEOSTORMS And Many Other Supernatural And Unnatural Disastrous Events Have Covered Up Many Ruinous Ancient Structures Which Our (Indigenous And Non-Indigenous) Very Intelligent Ancestors Skillfully Constructed As GIANT CIRCUIT COMPONENTS – But Many Time With Sinister Purposes Because Of Negative Influences By The Evil Fallen Spirits Of Satan, Other Vile Fallen Angels, Demons, And Their Diabolical Fleshly Cronies Who To This Day Still Evilly Construct Highly Advanced Resonant Elemental Metallic Black Goo Liquid Crystalline Technologies Known As “Witty Inventions” For Nefarious Purposes Including Vainly Trying To Permanently Alter The Harmonic Resonance Of Our Gradually Ascending Indigenous Earth Including Evilly Vainly Trying To Keep It In A Fallen Low Powered State Via Various Mega-Terraforming And Mega-GeoEngineering TESLA Technologies And More Ancient Highly Advanced Antediluvian Tunable Resonant Technologies, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because We Are About To Witness The Horrific Nightmarish Powering Up-Testing-Tuning-Activation Phases Of The Retro-Engineered Worldwide Interconnected Tower Of Babel *Demonic Netium Network* Dimensional Intrusions TESLA Infrastructures System Technologies Which Involves Satan’s Disharmonic Negatively Tuned Ancient Seven Note Musical Scale SCALAR SOUNDWAVES Modulated LOW VIBE Weaponized Electromagnetic Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Generators – Particle Colliders – Nuclear Accelerators – Electromagnetic Toroids – Skyscrapers – Towers – Tesla Antennas – Transmitters – Transceivers – Ect., Again I Hope You Get The Picture And Please REMEMBER Amos 9th Ch. + The Book Of Gene-Sis + The Book Of Enoch About The Sinister Fallen Angels Plight To Vainly Try To Forcefully Break Into The Higher Dimensional Heavenly Worlds Of Eternal Existence, But REMEMBER That All They Get Is A No Dial Tone Busy Signal – E.T. Can’t Phone Home! SELAH
United States
Any freshness › are-there-pyramids-in-ohioAre There Pyramids In Ohio? – CLJ
Serpent Mound is located on a high plateau overlooking Ohio Brush Creek in Adams County, Ohio, about 73 miles east of Cincinnati. It’s on the site of an ancient meteor impact dating to around 300 million years ago; the crater, measuring 8 to 14 km (5.0 miles to 8.7 miles) in diameter, is known as Serpent Mound crater. › map-of-giants-discovered-in-ohio-125…Map of Giants Discovered in Ohio: 125 Historical Accounts
Map of Giants Discovered in Ohio: 125 Historical Accounts OhioCounties Where Giant Human Skeletons Were Discovered: 125 Historical Accounts These are historical reports listed in “The Encyclopedia of Ancient Giants in North America” In many cases there were numerous giant human skeletons found at each site. › ancient-places-americas › great…The Great Serpent Mound of Ohio, the Largest Earthen … – Ancient Origins
The Great Serpent Mound of Ohio, the Largest Earthen Effigy in the World Read Later Print The Great Serpent Mound is a 1,300-foot long and 3-foot high prehistoric effigy mound located on a plateau of a crater along Ohio Brush Creek in Adams County, Ohio, and is the largest surviving prehistoric effigy mound in the world. › special-projects › giants › giants-of-ohio…Giants of Ohio and the Mound Builders – Barbara DeLong
In the Ohio River Valley, Indian Mounds abound. In 1872,Seneca Township, Noble County, Ohio, in what is now called ‘Bates’ Mound three skeletons were found. All three skeletons unearthed were at the very least eight feet tall in height with bone structure proportional to their height. › article › giant-skeletons-have-been-found…Giants in America: Ancient Skeletons Found Buried in Mounds – Gaia
The Cahokia and Monk’s mounds in Illinois and Missouri are two thought to have been built before the arrival of Columbus. The Cahokia mound is 100 feet tall with a 14-acre base, almost an entire acre larger than the pyramid at Giza. Monk’s Mound is just as tall with a 1,000-foot-wide base.
Images There’s An Ancient Giant Pyramid Under Ohio › the-mounds-and-mysteries-of-ancient…The Mounds and Mysteries of Ancient Ohio – Sailingstone Travel
Ohio’s mounds, in fact, were featured in the Smithsonian Institution’s first ever publication. Archaeologists Ephraim George Squier and Edwin Hamilton Davis extensively surveyed the mounds for years before releasing the large volume called Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley in 1848. › giant-human-skeleton-in-ohiogiant human skeleton uncovered in Ohio – Greater Ancestors
Giant Dug Up in Ohio- The skeleton of a prehistoric giant was exhumed near Bowling Green, Ohio, recently by a colored laborer. who, terrified by his find, ran breathless to the nearest farmhouse and notified the neighborhood. A large crowd › 2022 › 08 › forgotten-pyramid-under-the…Archeologist claims to discover a forgotten ancient pyramid under the …
Archeologist claims to discover a forgotten ancient pyramid under the sands of Sahara The archaeologist has been exploring the region for decades. His incredible discoveries were made public in a documentary on Channel 5, in early 2019. Nash El August 26, 2022 12:57 pm › blog › the-lost-egyptian-labyrinth…The ‘Lost Egyptian Labyrinth’ of Hawara: Is a 2,000-Year-Old Mystery …
Archaeologists uncovered what is believed to be the remains of a “lost labyrinth” below the sand of a famous pyramid site, in what was previously thought to be a mythical structure. Known also as the Labyrinth, the Pyramid of Hawara (built by Amenemhet III) was the most visited sites of the ancient World. Herodotus claimed to have counted three … › the-mystery-behind-the-18The Mystery behind the 18 Giant Skeletons found in the USA
“The celebrated mounds of Ohio and Indiana can bear no comparison, either in size, design or the skill displayed in their construction with these gigantic and mysterious monuments of the earth — erected we know not by whom, and for what purpose we can only conjecture,” said the Times.
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2 › ohio › archeological-sites-in-oh10 Ancient, Archeological Sites To Explore Ohio – OnlyInYourState
The following are 10 ancient sites in Ohio you need to explore in the Buckeye State. 1. Great Serpent Mound (Peebles) Roy Luck/Flickr The largest (and most strangely shaped) effigy mound in the world can be found right here in Ohio in Adams County. The 1,348 feet long uniquely shaped mound depicts a snake, with an oval shape at its head. › future › article › 20160812-the-giant-pyramid…The giant pyramid hidden inside a mountain – BBC Future
Beneath the tiny church, hiding under tufts of grass, trees and soil, is an ancient pyramid of truly gigantic proportions. Standing 450 metres wide and 66 metres tall, from end to end the… › 2020 › 11 › mysteries-and-giants-at-the…Mysteries and Giants at the Serpent Mound of Ohio – Mysterious Universe
Lying out in rural Adams County, Ohio, in the United States, upon a plateau overlooking Brush Creek, is a curious mound of earth jutting out of the land, winding about in the unmistakable image of a snake for a full 1348 feet and averaging 3.9 to 4.9 feet in height, and it comes complete with an open-mouthed head and coiled tail, earning it its nickname “The Serpent Mound.” › giants-of-ancient-egyptGiants Of Ancient Egypt: Were Ancient Builders of Pyramid Gigantic In Size?
At a later date, Qofṭarīm, another giant, “placed secrets in the pyramids of Dahshur and other pyramids, to imitate what had been done of old. He founded the city of Dendera.” Dashur consists of the Red Pyramidand Bent Pyramid was constructed during the reign of Pharaoh Sneferu (2613-2589 BC). › crimean-pyramids-among-oldestOldest pyramid ever found located in Crimea – Shift Frequency
The first pyramid is at the bottom of the sea nearby Foros, the second one is in Balaklava area, the third is near Fiolent cape, the fourth is underground near Sevastopol-Tovarniy station, the fifth is the very one which were found the first near Kamishovoe highway. › archeologists-found-hidden-corridor-great…Archeologists found a hidden corridor in the Great Pyramid at Giza by …
The Great Pyramid was built as a monumental tomb around 2560 BC, during the reign of the Pharaoh Khufu, or Cheops.It stands at a height of 146 meters (479 feet), the tallest structure built by… › remains-of-nine-foot-giants-in-ohioREMAINS OF NINE-FOOT GIANTS IN OHIO – Denver Michaels
MARION DAILY STAR, JULY 14, 1880. REMAINS OF NINE-FOOT GIANTS IN OHIO. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer, writing about the remains of a giant race found in Muskingum County, Ohio, says: The mound in which these remarkable discoveries were made was about sixty-four feet long and thirty-five feet wide top measurement and gently sloped … › ohio › unique-sculpture-park-ohThe Most Unique Park In Ohio: Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park – OnlyInYourState
From April – October, Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park is open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday – Friday and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park/Facebook. From November – March, it’s open daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park is located at 1763 Hamilton Cleves Rd., Hamilton, OH 45013. › 2020 › 06 › 29 › giant-egyptian-pyramids…Giant Egyptian Pyramids Hidden Beneath The Sand Dismissed By …
“There are about 120 pyramids all around Egypt. Pharaohs built pyramids here because Saqqara is exactly in front of the capital of Egypt, Memphis, “Dr. Dobrev said. Dr. Dobrev thinks a top of a flat plateau in the desert is the site where an ancient pyramid is hidden, but it’s unknown who built it. › 2020 › 02 › underground-pyramid-of-aThe great underground pyramid of Alaska! | Mysteriesrunsolved
According to Linda Moulton Howe, the pyramid is located around 80 kilometers southwest of Mount McKinley, and it has been said that the item is clearly very old, having been created and buried by a very advanced society that is unknown to us today.
3 › sciencetech › article-3666820Mysterious ‘giant pyramid’ spotted on the ocean floor
Marcelo Igazusta, a researcher in Argentina, was the first to lay eyes on the mysterious underwater structure, which was discovered last month. Using the coordinates 12 ° 8’1.49 ‘N 119 ° 35’26. … › … › titans-under-earth-009401Titans Under the Earth: Evidence for The Tall Ones … – Ancient Origins
“One of the most interesting reports that will go into the archives is that on the body of a giant, seven feet five inches tall. This titan was found on the fifth level of the clay mound where the bodies were sandwiched between 11 layers of sandstone. › the-long-now-foundation › the-26-000-year…The 26,000-Year Astronomical Monument Hidden in Plain Sight
Alexander Rose. 723 Followers. Executive director of The Long Now Foundation, founder of The Interval Bar, builder of combat and cocktail robots, and large flamethrowers. › largest-pyramid-worldThe World’s Largest Pyramid Is Hidden Under A Mountain In North America
The giant structure is remnants of an ancient Aztec temple. The Great Pyramid of Cholula is an impressive 216 feet tall, while the base of the structure covers more than 200,000 square feet – that’s four times the size of the Great Pyramid’s base in Giza, Egypt! To put it into perspective, the Business Insider video broke it down to this … › giant-egyptian-pyramids-hidden…Giant Egyptian Pyramids Hidden Beneath, buried by sands of time
Satellites have helped locate 17 pyramids and 3,000 ancientsettlements hidden underground in Egypt. More than 1,000 burial sites were also discovered thanks to infra-red technology capable of probing beneath the desert sands from 450 miles above the Earth. Astounded researchers on the ground have already confirmed that two of the pyramids … › an-egyptian-pyramid-in-australia…An Egyptian Pyramid in Australia? Archaeologists claim massive …
An archaeologist believes that there’s a MASSIVE 900-meter tall pyramid hidden in plain sight beneath thick layers of vegetation and soil in Australia. The structure is believed to date back some 5,000 years. Pyramids are scattered all across the globe. › 2014 › 08 › 11 › traces-of-a-9000-year-old…Traces Of A 9,000-Year-Old Lost Unknown Civilization … – Ancient Pages
rchaeologists exploring Lake Huron, one of the five Great Lakes of North America have found traces of an ancient lost civilization that is twice as old as Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Many ancient secrets are buried beneath the waters. We still know very little about submerged ancient civilizations that once existed in the distant past. › info › the-great-pyramid-in-giza-tomb-of…The Great Pyramid in Giza: Tomb of the Giants – Gregor Spörri
The Great Pyramid of Giza: Tomb of the GiantResearch Report by Gregor Spörri. According to historiography, the Great Pyramid was built 4600 years ago. However, there are no (more) records or plans or any other valid evidence for this. Possibly the documents were stolen, got lost, or they were destroyed together with the library of Alexandria. › pyramid-in-crimea-built-before-the…Pyramid In Crimea Built Before The Age Of The Dinosaurs: Is This The …
It remains unknown who build the pyramid. The unique building is the oldest on the planet, says Vitalii Goh. According to European Pyramids “there are said to exist 37 pyramids on the Crimean peninsula down southeast along the coast line. 7 underground pyramids – as claimed – were found by Dr.Gokh near Sebastopol. › post › pyramid-found-in…Pyramid Found in Crimea, Ukraine that’s Older than the Dinosaurs (W …
A scientist says he accidentally discovered a pyramid in Crimea, Ukraine. The pyramid is said to have been built before the time of the dinosaurs! The Crimean peninsula is a fascinating place in terms of ancient history and archaeology, and was invaded and inhabited by all sorts of tribes and nations, from Cimmerians, Greeks and Romans to the Genoese, Kumans and Osman Turks.
4 › story › news › technology › 2019 › 01 › 27 › …Archaeology: Were ancient writings, giants pulled from Ohio burial …
As if that weren’t amazing enough, he also claimed that the stone was buried alongside an 8-foot-tall skeleton. Old newspaper stories such as this are typical of the evidence offered to support … › here-are-3-north-american-pyramids-you…3 North American Pyramids You Probably Didn’t Know About
In fact, it is in North America where we find the largest pyramid on Earth, the Great Pyramid of Cholula. This massive structure was built with a total volume of 4.45 million cubic meters, which means it is even larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, which has a total volume of around 2.5 million cubic meters. › place › Great-PyramidGreat Pyramid of Giza | Description & Facts | Britannica
Great Pyramid of Giza, also called Great Pyramid and Great Pyramid of Khufu, ancient Egyptian pyramid that is the largest of the three Pyramids of Giza.It was built to honor Khufu, the second king of Egypt’s 4th dynasty, and was completed about 2560 BCE.. The Great Pyramid is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the World left standing today. As perhaps the largest single building ever … › underwater-pyramidsUnderwater Pyramids – pyramid under bermuda triangle
Submerged stone structures found just underwater off Yonaguni Jima are the ruins of Japan’s Atlantis, an ancient city sunk by an earthquake about 2,000 years ago. Approximately 40 feet below Grand Traverse Bay, researchers discovered stone structures with cave-like Juggernaut markings in the Great Lakes region. › watchOhio ~ Locating The Largest Stone Pyramid/Mound North Of Mexico
Licking County, Ohio. I am pretty sure I have located the site of the Reservoir Stone Mound (Great Stone Mound), which I thought was totally destroyed in 1… › blog › chinas-mysterious-pyramidsChina’s mysterious 8,000-year-old structure ‘guarded by the military …
China’s mysterious 8,000-year-old structure ‘guarded by the military could hold key secrets. June 22, 2022. More than 100km outside the ancient city of Xi’an, among the overgrown forests, rise scores of pyramid-shaped mounds that have been shrouded in mystery for thousands of years. The West learnt about them when Fred Meyer Schroder, an … › spotlight › ancient-egypt › pyramidThe Egyptian Pyramid | Smithsonian Institution
The largest and most famous of all the pyramids, the Great Pyramid at Giza, was built by Snefru’s son, Khufu, known also as Cheops, the later Greek form of his name. The pyramid’s base covered over 13 acres and its sides rose at an angle of 51 degrees 52 minutes and were over 755 feet long. It originally stood over 481 feet high; today it is … › encyclopedia › pyramidsPyramids – National Geographic Society
Archaeologist Zahi Hawass has been studying and preserving the Egyptian pyramids for decades. The area around the ancient capital city of Memphis, Egypt, located just south of modern-day Cairo along the Nile River, contains dozens of pyramids built as burial chambers for kings during the third and fourth dynasties. In 2017, Dr. Hawass was appointed to oversee the restoration of the oldest of … › 2023 › 02 › ancient-mural-paintings-of…Ancient Mural Paintings Of Nubian Pyramids Depict Giant Carrying Two …
City of Meroë And The Ancient Mural Painting of a Giant carrying two elephants . The city of Meroë is home to a remarkable number of pyramids, however, the majority of them are ruined. The pyramids of this city have the distinctive size and proportions of Nubian pyramids. Meroë came into the picture and to the knowledge of Europeans in 1821 … › cosmic-rays-reveal-corridor-hidden…Cosmic rays reveal corridor hidden in Egypt’s Great Pyramid of Giza
A nine-meter long hidden passageway was discovered inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Egyptian tourism and antiquities minister announced on Thursday. The function of corridor inside the…
5 › the-world-s-largest-pyramid-is-hidden…The World’s Largest Pyramid Is Hidden Under a Mountain in Mexico
Humans 25 August 2016. By Josh Hrala. (Hajor/WikiCommons) While Egypt’s Great Pyramid of Giza is by far the most talked-about pyramidin the world, it isn’t the biggest by a long shot. That title goes to the Great Pyramid of Cholula – an ancient Aztec temple in Puebla, Mexico with a base four times larger than Giza’s, and nearly twice the volume. › 2022 › 08 › 15 › hidden-history-giant-sphinxes…HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Giant Sphinxes, Pyramids In The … – RIELPOLITIK
The site of the ancient city — that includes several sphinxes and at least four giant pyramids plus other structures — amazingly sits within the boundries of the fabled Bermuda Triangle” Atlantis Found: GiantSphinxes, Pyramids In Bermuda Triangle. Perhaps eclipsing the discoveries of Troy and King Tut’s tomb is the discovery of Atlantis. › ohios-fascinating-indian-mounds-753018Ohio’s Fascinating Indian Mounds – TripSavvy
Fort Ancient/Flickr/CC BY 2.0. Fort Ancient is located in Warren County along the Little Miami River in southwest Ohio. The site, now a state park, features a series of Indian mounds, including the largest prehistoric hilltop enclosure in the United State (with 3 1/2 miles of walls and 60 gateways). The mounds are attributed to the Hopewell tribe. › sciencetech › article-3756914The world’s largest pyramid was found hiding under a tiny church
The pyramid hid under the earth until it was discovered in 1910, when workers were constructing an insane asylum at the base. When pavement was removed in 2013 to access the city’s drainage system … › watchIs There An Ancient Pyramid Buried Under Alaska? – YouTube
“What the geologists said they found under Alaska, was a pyramidbigger than the one in Egypt.”In this exclusive EMN video shot at Contact In The Desert, Jos… › giants.htmAncient Giants
In ancient times Jericho was known as the City of Giants because it was inhabited by giants known as Gibborim . The Gibborim giants inhabited ancient Jericho According To the O.T. Book of Joshua and were called “heroes of old, and men of renown” and mentioned in Genesis 6. They were not as tall and powerful as the alleged Nephilim, but were … › pyramids-spotted-in-antarctica…Pyramids Spotted In Antarctica – Real or Hoax?
Pyramids Spotted In Antarctica – Real or Hoax? February 23, 2023 Antarctica Journal. 3.3/5 – (64 votes) After an adventurous expedition a group of explorers have reportedly discovered several strange man-made ancient pyramids in Antarctica. For those who don’t already know, “when life first came onto the land, Antarctica was one of the … › ancient-chinese-pyramid-mysteryNew Research Shows Chinese Tombs Were Aligned To The Stars
This is a phenomenon is called the precession of the equinoxes. So at the time that the pyramids were created, there wasn’t a star that was aligned to the north celestial pole. To fix the issue, the ancient Chinese positioned their pyramids to align with the star to which the pole would be approached in the future, Polaris, aka the North Star.
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