BLOODY BLACK SUNDAY UFOS/ALIENS INVASION - The Death Of Clint Eastwood (44 Magnum = Barack Hussein Obama 44th President Sniping With Fiery D.E.W.s) And The Satanic Tower Of Babel (The...
BLOODY BLACK SUNDAY UFOS/ALIENS INVASION – The Death Of Clint Eastwood “Dirty Harry” Republican NRA National Rifle Association Supporter (44 Magnum Code = Gay Barack Hussein Obama The 44th President Covertly Sniping Hit List Targets With Fiery D.E.W.s/Tuneable Directed Energy Weapons) And The Powering Up-Testing-Tuning-Activation Phases Of Modern Day Nimrod’s (Obama’s Diabolical Wizard Of Oz) Satanic Low Vibe Weaponized Microwaves Tower Of Babel Dimensional Intrusions TESLA Network System Technologies (Check Out “The Mist” Movie Which Is Cryptic Predictive Programming Illuminati Coding Of Real Life Events Involving The Covert Utilization Of Sinister Fallen Angels’ Highly Advanced Tunable TESLA Technologies Which Evil E.T.s Are Vainly Using To Try To Energetically Phone Home – But As Foretold In The Book Of Enoch These Vehemently Unmerciful Hateful Ancient GangStars Can’t Go Back Up To Their Higher Dimensional Heavenly Worlds Of Eternal Existence From Which Satan And His Vile Host Got Spiritually Cast Down From Including Many Sinister Ones Of The Antediluvian World That Sinfully Came Down From Heavenly Worlds To Erroneously Mingle Their Extremely Corrupt Evil Seed/Vile DNA/Sinful Spirit With The Ancient Snow White Leprous Cursed Mutative Recessive Genes Bearing Fair Skinned Wicked Hearted Women Of Monstrous-Beastly-Vampiric-Shapeshifting Cain Who Is The Chief Of Kenite Vampires The Head Member Of Satan’s Tares) – They Should Never Turn On The Tower Of Babel To Intrusively Try To Forcefully Break Through Heaven’s Gateway Door Portal Including Rosengate Bridge Shortcuts Via Trying To Wickedly JumpGate Through The Higher Dimensional Ultra-Bright Windows Wormholes Of Heaven (Upper Heaven StarGates Energetically Connected To The Earth) Which Will Be Supernaturally Opening Up While Suddenly Appearing As Spectacular Sequential Supernovas As The Glorious Sun Of Righteousness Is Beginning To Undergo It’s (Imminent) *Spiritually Powered* EARTH SHAKING Multiphase Solar Amplifications Which Cannot Be Stopped-Hindered-Blocked-Retarded-Suppressed Because Apocalyptic Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrathful Destruction Will Certainly Befall Them For Evilly Trying To Use The Modern Day Tower Of Babel (Don’t Forget About The Extremely Sinful Errors Of The Ancient First Tower Of Babel Attempt To Vainly Try To Escape Wrathful Judgements Involving The Flood Of Fire Which They Thought Was Going To Happen On The Anniversary Of Noah’s Worldwide Flood Cataclysm And This Foolishly Included Them Vainly Trying To Ascend Through The Heavenly Gates To Vainly Fight Against THE MOST HIGH ISHI – You Can’t Overcome THE HIGHEST SAVIOR OF YISRAEL – They Are Foolish Arrogant Dummies Involving Satan, The Sinister Fallen Angels, And Their Lemmings Like Stupid Cronies Who Are All ILL-FATED Doomed Dumb D.U.M.B.s That Will Vainly Try To Hide Out From THE MOST HIGH ISHI’S WRATHFUL VENGEANCE) REMEMBER Amos 9th Ch. Because There Is Absolutely No Escape For Them Evil D.U.M.B. Stupid Bastards, Ahman. Please Let’s All Righteously *REPENT* Before It’s Too Late (DON’T WAIT – WISE UP) And Also Get Ready Now To Apocalyptically WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN BECAUSE THE UNSTOPPABLE *SPIRITUALLY POWERED* EXTRAORDINARILY ENERGETIC EARTH SHAKING ULTRA-CATACLYSMIC FIERY HELLISH WRATHFUL GLORIOUS APOCALYPSE OF ISHI CHRIST IS CERTAINLY IMMINENT WHICH CANNOT BE DERAILED, SO PLEASE RIGHTEOUSLY SHOW TRUE LOVE TO EACH OTHER (Brothers And Sisters) AS WE ARE ALL FAITHFULLY COMMANDED TO DO IN MATTHEW 25TH CH. BECAUSE THIS IS HOW YOU LOVINGLY MAKE IT THROUGH THE APOCALYPSE – WE MUST ALWAYS WISELY STRIVE TO LIVE PERFECTLY OBEDIENT UNTO THE MOST HIGH ISHI’S HOLY LAWS AND COMMANDMENTS LIKE HIS HOLY FIRST BEGOTTEN SON ISHI CHRIST THE ANOINTED ONE OF YISRAEL WITH ETERNAL EMPOWERMENT THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF PURE LOVE, REMEMBER LOVE COVERS THE WHOLE LAW, AHMAN. SELAH
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Stephen King’s Dark Tower Easter Egg From The Mist Shared By Infamous Movie Poster Artist
Famous poster artist Drew Struzan shares the original painting he created for an amazing Dark Tower Easter egg featured in Stephen King’s The Mist.
- The Mist, a film adaptation of Stephen King’s novella, contains a Dark Tower Easter egg in the form of a painting created by the main protagonist.
- The painting, created by renowned artist Drew Struzan, features a Clint Eastwood-like gunslinger, a door, a rose, and a mysterious structure, referencing King’s Dark Tower series.
- Struzan’s contribution to The Mist goes beyond the poster art, as he also crafted the Dark Tower painting, making it a cool and significant Easter egg for King and movie fans.
A Dark Tower Easter egg from the Stephen King adaptation The Mist is shared by a famous poster artist. Played by Thomas Jane, the main protagonist of 2007’s highly-regarded King novella adaptation is an artist named David Drayton, who during the film’s opening titles sequence, is seen creating a painting of a Clint Eastwood-like gunslinger standing on a beach in front of a floating door, flanked by a rose and a mysterious structure. King fans immediately recognized this as an Easter egg referencing another of the author’s works, the sprawling multi-novel Dark Tower series, which is itself currently set to receive a new TV adaptation from horror master Mike Flanagan.
Now 16 years after the release of The Mist, the creator of the movie’s poster art Easter egg, noted artist Drew Struzan, has celebrated his contribution to the film by posting an image of his original painting. Check out the art in the space below:
While sharing his art, Struzen is compelled to admit that King fans picked up on the Easter egg immediately upon seeing it, making it one of the least-puzzling such plants in movie history.
Drew Struzan Is The Most Famous Movie Poster Artist Of All-Time
The list of film productions that made use of Struzen’s talents to craft memorable poster art is seemingly endless, and features such iconic titles as Blade Runner, The Thing, Back to the Future, E.T. – The Extra-Terrestrial, The Goonies and many more. But Struzen is of course most often associated with George Lucas, whose Star Wars and Indiana Jones series both boasted unforgettable posters designed by the artist. Struzen’s association with director Frank Darabontbegan when he designed the art for the King adaptation The Shawshank Redemption, and continued on Darabont’s King-based films The Green Mile and The Mist.
But Struzen’s contribution to Darabont’s work didn’t end with the poster art, as evidenced by his fun Dark Tower painting for The Mist. This particular Easter egg was already cool for referencing King’s sprawling epic of the Gunslinger Roland, and seemingly confirming that the author and his books exist in the world of The Mist. But it’s even cooler for having been crafted by the most celebrated and influential of all movie poster artists.
Source: Drew Struzan/Twitter
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Dan Zinski(3636 Articles Published)
Dan Zinski is a freelance scribe currently contributing to Screen Rant as a movie and TV news writer. He previously wrote for FanSided, The Viking Age and Lightly Buzzed.
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Political life of Clint Eastwood – Wikipedia
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As Clint Eastwood took the stage of the Tampa Bay Times Forum on the night of September 3, 2012, it became quickly apparent that his would not be a typical Republican National Convention speech. … stuart stevens Mitt Romney Clint Eastwood clint eastwoodconvention Republican Convention . LEAVE A COMMENT. Sam Stein. Senior Politics Editor … › fact-check › clint-eastwood-guns-quote
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