It's Time! You're Gonna Love How This Movie Ends- EBS- Executions Televised! - Video
Welcome To The Greatest Behind-The-Scenes Military Intelligence Sting Operation of All-Time! You Have a Front Row Seat! Every Scenario Was Planned For. Every Detail Was Accounted For. The Storm Has Finally Arrived! We’re in The Final Stage of The Plan! It’s Happening Now!
THE BATTLE BETWEEN GOOD VS. EVIL -The [Coup Attempt] Against President Trump Will Not Go Unpunished! And Treason Is Only The Beginning! No One Gets A Free Pass! President Trump and The Q Team Are Draining The Swamp! You’re Watching A Scripted Movie in Which Trump Is The Hero! The Corrupt Players And Their Propaganda Media Partners Will Have a Grand Finale Exit Soon! They Will Be Nowhere To Be Found! We’re Part of The Greatest Inteligence Operation That Involves All Major Countries Of The Earth.
The World Will Witness Arrests & Military Tribunals!
Like The Greatest Movies Of All Time From Steven Spielberg, James Cameron And Martin Scorsese, You Will See The Clintons, Bidens, Obamas, Soros, Fauci, Schiff, Pelosi, Bill Gates, etc. All End up in GITMO. They Will Be Tried and Executed For for High Treason, Sedition & Crimes Against Humanity! Trump And The Q Team Set A Trap! [They] Took The Bait! Trump Caught Them All! When Do You Play The Trump Card? At The End of The Game!
The Satanic NWO Deep State Criminal Cabal Has Partnered With Corrupt Politicians, The Propaganda Media, Big Tech, Big Corporations And The Hollywood And Entertainment Industries to Bring Us The Greatest Story Ever Told Where A Hero Rises From The Ushes Triumphant In The End!
What the hell is an “EBS execution”???
LOL! How many times have we seen this Qfraud headline? Instead of freedom, we got bioweapon clot shots pimped on us.
They are still pushing the Covid bioweapon death shots on the idiot box and you post this bullshit. You really are a very special kind of stupid. The Israeli lobby AIPAC 60 plus years later still hasn’t registered as foreign agents within the US and owns 90%of your Congress. They have given duel Citizenship to these same traitors so they can leave the Country when things get too hot. You remember like that time they took the pedophile murdering scumbag Epstein from his cell and set him free then told you that he was dead. When will you vomit out the Cool aid and start thinking for yourselves. The proof of these crimes has been in your face since the 1960s when the bullet hole in JFKs limo magically disappeared. Since that date the US gas been infiltrated at every level. When the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty in a blatant false flag attack killing and wounding over 300 US servicemen and nothing was done. That was the proof you all should of seen as to who has taken complete control of your Government. No Q will sabe you. The Communists in the former Soviet Union are thensame group that are calling the shots here. The Q psyop is a reimagined Bolshevik Operation Trust. Nothing new under the sun. They just recycle their psyops because you all have zero attention span and you have never read a history book. Fun fact under the communist rule in the former Soviet union hundred of millions died or simply vanished off of the face of the earth. Coming soon to you. The bird flu psyop will be the excuse they use to starve you.
Reveal posts sarcasm and exposes past lies.
Exactly. Thank you! It’s time people know what we’re up against.