My Prophet readings have explained that Dead Baby Dead Child Traffickers who sex torture and murder people they capture through the Government system in human sacrifice sex torture rituals are a serial killer family who pretend they do in home investigations and in depth background reports on people, and they frame Targeted Individuals and rob them and capture them for their human sacrifice rituals.
Readings say they heard years ago that psychic crime tip jobs would be sent for Nancy Gail Fox, and they heard I would do a Son of God save life on earth mission as a reincarnated psychic medium clairvoyant spirit channeler and that many would get Son of God jobs and readings say they started telling people many could get a Son of God later on, and alot of money, and they started brain washing people to ruin my credibility as a psychic, and had some start stealing my channelng jobs when I was a child and lied to them they could be assigned to do a Son of God job, and that they could do it with them, and told them to take Nancy Gail Fox’s Son of God mail, and they stole money sent when the jobs were sent in 1970 and other years and lied the money sent for the Son of God was for a job they were assigned and doing instead by taking the mail sent and do this for 55 years and many deaths have occured due to them stealing my psychic crime tip spiritual geru jobs and money.
Readings say when I was 8 years old they started brain washing people by lying about me because they did not want people to believe my psychic crime tips about how they murder people, so they started brain washing many at Schools, and in neighborhoods in around 1968, and in 1970 readings say some stole Ouija Board channeling jobs sent for me, and a pack of teenagers conspired to lie they were their Son of God jobs, and stole them from mail or from the mail man, and lied to people she’s not the type to do a Son of God spiritual geru job while I sat there channeling on a Spirit Board in my bedroom at age 10 and 11, and while I was playing the guitar feeling so spiritual, and readings say a group of teenagers did fraud reports,and lied Nancy Fox is not the type to do a spiritual Son of God mission by the way she’s acting as she’s running around with long hair in a flower power backless top, and writing poems in a tree and she’s not the person described in the mail that we took that says she’s a kind graceful wise geru child, and so there I was writing sentimental poetry praying to Jesus at night, and playing Neil Young songs on the guitar with a POW bracelet on, President of the PIE busing movement in the 6th grade, reading Martin Luther King and Harriet Tubman books as an equal rights person, saying I hate prejudice people, as thats my personality, and readings a pack of sinners stole what was mine, and slandered me when I was a kid, and many have done this since 1970 with the serial killer family who wanted them to keep my psychic crime tip jobs and money away from me so I could not report his serial killer operation, and to rob my money sent to banks every time a psychic job is sent.
Readings he asked others to write slanderous framing reports to make me look bad, and they sent to Politicians since the late 1970′s and lie she’s not the Son of God named in mail they take, and readings say they word and explain everything wrong on purpose as they planned to steal my big Son of Gods and money, and did in July 2005 off our porch the readings have said, and readings say they send in fake background reports to make me look bad, and say nothing about the good things and my accomplishments, and they are phony mean sneaks doing this secretly to steal jobs and money, and the serial killer family told them years ago they could be assigned the Son of God job position secretly by taking the mail and that they could do a save life mission with them and take people underground and get their clitorises cut off and that would stop diseases and infections, so a bunch of mean greedy phony dishonest swindling and very stupid women agreed to this crookery and thievery and thought doing FGM to victims would save life on earth, and fell for the serial killer family’s lies when they told them woman who are passionate who have orgasms are very bad persons, and they were brain washed into believing this tall tales and they are dumb to think taking people underground and slicing off body parts is saving lives, and they agreed to be on doing slanderous framing fraud reports and postal crimes and I D Theft to lie they got important Son of God jobs. Readings in 1970 they stole Son of God psychic jobs sent for Nancy Gail Fox and money sent to banks, as readings say money is always sent when jobs are sent, and readings say they wrote reports that lied she’s not mature enough or ready to do Son of God work, as readings say they stole letters when I was a child that said hand Nancy Fox her spiritual geru psychic jobs when she’s mature enough and able to do the work and in 1979 they lied she’s not the type because she’s in New York City at a punk club dancing, and lied she’s a punk rocker when I was not, as I went to New York City on the way home from a feature film that I was the Costume Supervisor on on location in New York, and stopped in NYC on the way home from the movie shoot, and danced with people from the movie and I was 19 years old in New York City for a few days on my home to L A County, so readings they misword everything, explain things wrong on purpose and are told to write reports to make Nancy Fox look bad to keep her Son of God psychic jobs from her, and readings say they took more psychic jobs in the late 1980′s as I was sitting there sober in AA feeling spiritual reading The Prophet as I am spiritual and obviously thieves are not, as anyone stealing, and plotting and planning, and lying and sneaking around and conspiring is a sinner who’s not spiritual. Readings say they stole money in 1992 and in 1995 and in 1997 or 1998 and then started stealing again in 2005. Readings say the serial killer man stole my psychic angel board job Feb 05 from mail and the accomplishes stole my Angel Board jobs July 2005 and money sent that said on bank notes, This large deposit is for Nancy Gail Fox’s account, we suggest she pay her house off that she just bought and gate the driveway to keep away problem makers, and readings have said they saw the money on our street being sent for me in spy cams they put on the oak trees, and they redirected it to a bank in Encino and lied that money sent that says its Nancy Gail Foxs is for a Son of God job we got, and they had it to sent to their bank account someway, by Angel Board Son of God jobs they stole from mail, and readings they saw money sent in spy cams and heard about it in bugging etc. and they saw the bank note that said Nancy Fox we suggest you set up a Prophet camp and buy many mansions with your owned money sent, and they had the truck pull behind a market in an alley where the bank parking lot pod mall was and they text people and said go take money sent for the Son of God job we are setting up camp, so the money was stolen and many mansions were bought with it, and readings say the ones who got into doing FGM years ago pick out estates and houses and apartment buildings to buy, and flyers are sent to some of them, and they buy properties with stolen funds, and they say they are doing a secret mission and that is to run people out of house and home who they hate by master manipulation, by being sneaky and crafty, and by pretend in depth background reports their crews do who are paid stolen Son of God money, and they set nice parents up to take their babys children and youths away by framing them and by lying, and say they are doing the reverse of saving life on earth but tell authoritys they got have a big important Son of God job and they lie they have Son of God authority, and they send many authoritys all over the Country so called background reports to make them think good people are very bad persons to get people taken away by their crews parked all over the USA, and 10 of the authoritys they lie to from 80 areas were messaging them today and saying Don’t Worry, and they are sent framing background reports about me the readings say, and are told this is our Son of God In Depth Background Report and it lies Miss Nancy Fox had problems as a child, when I did not, and it says she was not ready to do any kind of big job as a kid at all because she was running around in a backless flower top with her hair flailing, and she took her jeans in in sewing class , we say she just thought of it and did not learn about it in sewing class but I did, and they are saying she had a crush on a guy as a teen when she was in 7th or 8th grade, who had a motorcycle and we say that was bad to like someone like this, and thats not a Son of God type, and I took figure skating lessons at Laurel Plaza Ice Skating Rink as a kid and when I got into Jr High people wanted me to hockey state and hang out at the ice skating rink and a guy liked me, and he showed up in front of my house on his motorcycle and said hello. and I never kissed him or went on a date went him,he just had a crush on me, and I was a shy teenager who was flattered this guy liked me, and he just showed up to say hello and there is nothing to tell about it, and the report may say, she had too much make up on in Jr High, and she did not pass Algebra so that means she’s not a genius like mail says. I am a psychic genius and I hated Algebra, I am a spiritual creative thinker who thinks outside the box and I am psychic my whole life and clairvoyant, and it would not have mattered what I was wearing as I could have sat channeling on my Spirit Board wearing anything, as in 2005 to 2009 I channeled on my Spirit Board in my pajamas for Christ’s Sake, the point would be for my psychic ability, and the liar reports may say she was not working hard enough as a realtor and said she was not worried about money, so that is not a spiritual person to them, when that is a spiritual saying I learned in AA in late 1980s and always said it in my life, and that is you do the foot work and turn it over to God and let God worry, and money flowed in my life with my spiritual money saying until the gang stalkers swarmed as readings say they stole 100 grand of my real estate commission money I made and my equity money I made from the bank from 05 to 09 and they stole 8 work calls a day bugging my phones, and readings say they lie she was not working hard enough in 07 because was sitting around dressed up and texting, and I was texting and showing my listings and showing buyers houses and estates, in essence I was working, and always made money working this way when I was a realtor, and readings say they dont like she went to Ohio for Thanksgiving in Nov 2007 because that is not what a good family person would do who have children, when my children who were 12 and 16 years old were in San Diego with their Father and his family for Thanksgiving, thats why I went to Ohio. It says they did not like she hung out with movie people and drank in the early 1980s and they always heard about this in reports then, and for 10 years in reports sent all over the Country when I have almost 40 Years of Sobriety, and they say they go by how she acted drinking from 17 on as that is what the information explains, and they do not care about her sobriety, and length of time she’s sober, they go by actions of hers in the past, and say 16 to 18 was partying, and 19 sober in AA for nearly 1 year or 8 months, and then sober in 1985, and since then, and they say they go by what reports said then, and they did not like she partied with movie people, and they think its bad she did that in her early 20s after what she experienced as a teenager, and they see that as a brief personality profile, and do not get the positive side of things in reports, which would be sober in AA since 2-9-1985 and ACA Coda 1987 to 1988 Alanon 1997 12 Step Workshops, Books, and I have interventions on people and helped them to get sober in AA, and they do not mention the good things in reports my readings say, and they say they thought it was wrong she got money from her Mom in 07 and reports lie it was not necessary or needed, when I needed it because they were robbing my money I made from banks and stealing my jobs and money from the mail box and my ups fed exes off the porch and my work calls by bugging my cell, and I needed it because I did not have people to help me who normally did to pick up my daughters and watch them, as their Dad and my Mom were not able to as they did, so in 2007 I had limited hours due to being a single Mom Realtor, and this was temporary as my older daughter started driving in 2009 when she turned 18 years old, and my Mom was going to move in with us and thats why I they devoted daughter bought a one story house in 2005, and that was for my Mom to live with us, and my Mom always said I take care of you and you take care of me, and we took care of each other, and she trusted me honest good for their word Nancy Fox, and all I did was good for my family, and readings say they do not see it that way , they think spending money fast to update the house again in Oct 07 was wrong, when I spent a couple thousand dollars updating the house in Oct 07 for an appraisal for a streamline refinance as the Mortgage Brokers told me to update the house some more for the appraisal, and this was done as a responsible parent, home owner, and daughter as my Mom was going to live in the one story house and that is why I bought it in 05 summer, for my family as a family orientated person, and I applied for a streamline refi in fall 07 to refi before the Global Financial Crisis happened where no one could get a loan in 08 so I was being smart and responsible, and readings say the reports word everything to make me look bad.
Readings say they are also lying Nancy Gail Fox is a very bad person who drove her Moms car without much needed permission in 2010 or 2011. When I owned the car, I bought it from my Mom, I paid for car insurance, and I registered it at the DMV and I got smog check that was needed, and I had all the proof in my glove compartment and I paid a fee in Traffic Court so its not on my record. Also, a Judge took my Prophet work as Community Service for a traffic misdeamor. None of this is on my record.
Readings say Gang Stalkers do reports on things that have been dealt with.
I have no record. I have done 3 background checks and fingerprint. In 1997 or 1988 for a Day Care Worker Liscense. In 1999 for a real estate liscense. In 2020 for an IHSS Provider Liscense.
Readings have said many stole the mail and lied Nancy Fox is not the type to do a spirtual Son of God job because of the way shes dressing, when I was wearing a Free People spiritual sweater. True Religions with a Budda patch, spirtual jeans etc, and they lied shes not the type because she did her house so fast with furnture that she bought so quick when I bought floor pillows and rod iron chairs and decorated the family room dining area with a spirtual earthy look in the spiritual house I bought with laden oaks and Church Bells chiming where I sat doing spiritual channeling on an Angel Board, and they lied shes not the type because shes running around at night to Malibu and to dances and to hear music when that was all spiritual, I was going to Spiritual AA meetings in Malibu and to Spiritual AA Conventions, Dances, and to hear music. Readings say they say they took her Son of God mail out of the mail box on a post in front of the house and from the post office and UPS Office and fed exes and ups deliverys from the porch, and by spying on them in security cameras when they were left in front of a office building, and they sent them to people who lie they got a Son of God job, who are the ones doing this since I was a child, and readings say they were told they were so much better suited for the job position because they dress conservative and that they could assign them the jobs, when they were sent for me the spiritual person to my name and address because I was doing spiriual channeling on my Angel Board at our house that felt so spiritual.
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